《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

  • Auth:Enchanting Ice
  • Sep 19, 2024

The recently popular film and television drama called Croceus croceus has a strong cast, not only good looks, but also superb acting skills, and the plot is also very attractive.Therefore, the play has attracted a large number of viewers, and the discussion about Croceus croceus - the episode introduction of the complete plot is particularly lively.The audience also hopes to discuss this issue in depth, so today I will talk with you.

《Croceus croceus》Episode 1 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

In a corner of the ancient city of Wuzhou, Wu Xie runs an antique shop. Most of the collections in the store come from family inheritance from generation to generation.Hidden in his heart is the mystery of Zhang Qiling, a partner whose identity is a mystery and whose whereabouts are elusive.After Zhang Qiling went deep into the ancient building of the Zhang family, there was no news. Wu Xie and Fatty Wang resolutely embarked on a journey to find their friends.Zhang Family Ancient Building, this once glorious but now abandoned secret realm, made Fatty Wang excited from the moment he rappelled down the rope, as if he had stepped into a legendary forbidden land.In the white dust all around, a string of clear footprints guided them forward, and Wu Xie concluded that they were the traces of Zhang Qiling and others.He carefully reminded Fatty Wang about the legend about the dense tower in the ancient building. Unexpectedly, the words came true and a monster appeared. Fortunately, the two of them worked together to subdue it.While exploring in depth, Wu Xie found a strange trace. Fatty Wang used a flare to illuminate the entire ancient building. While shocking, it also foreshadowed more unknown challenges.The unexpected fire almost caused a catastrophe, but luckily it was extinguished in time.The appearance of a corpse made them realize that there were more secrets about Zhang Qiling hidden in the ancient building.Finally, in the depths strewn with corpses, they found a weak Zhang Qiling. It turned out that he had already sensed the crisis and resorted to self-harm to avoid disaster.Zhang Qiling's departure and mission made Wu Xie determined to uncover the mystery of his life experience.A string of moonstone beads became the key to solving the mystery. After identification by Jie Yuchen and Huo Xiuxiu, they found that the carvings on them were actually secret messages, pointing to an unknown direction.The appearance of Jin Wantang, carrying clues to the bead trade, added another layer of complexity. Wu Xie was drawn into a deeper whirlpool, and at the same time, he also embarked on an unknown journey to Ma'an Village.

《Croceus croceus》Episode 2 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

The vision after the Ma family moved their graves shocked everyone. The death of the surrounding mountains and forests and the strange blackening of the ground, especially the scorpion-like pattern, made Ma Pingchuan anxious.Zhang Qiling's appearance brought even more shocking news. He proposed to dig the tomb, but after digging deeply, he found nothing.While Ma Pingchuan was astonished, Zhang Qiling revealed the truth: there were actually scorpion-shaped ruins hidden here, and the move of the ancestral tombs inadvertently triggered the toxins in them, causing ecological destruction.Faced with Ma Pingchuan's doubts, Zhang Qiling firmly pointed out that the ancestral tomb has been attracted to the outer wall by the strange power in the ruins, and the spread of the poison will endanger hundreds of lives.Ma Pingchuan was dubious and wanted to fight with force, but was instantly resolved by Zhang Qiling.Afterwards, Zhang Qiling listed a series of things he needed, decided to go deep into the ruins, and left a suicide note in case something unexpected happened.Seven days passed and Zhang Qiling did not return. Ma Pingchuan sent the letter to Zhang Qiling's hometown as promised, but found that it had become a deserted place and the clues were interrupted.

Many years later, Wu Xie traced Zhang Qiling's whereabouts and learned that the Ma family had moved to the vicinity of the Mosang Snow Mountain.When he arrived at the place, he found that the Ma family had disappeared, but he learned from the local businessmen the whereabouts of the things left by the Ma family.In Mo Sang, Wu Xie not only purchased items, but also accidentally discovered Zhang Qiling's portrait on the wall of the post office. The clues of the man in the painting led him to Chen Xuehan in the practice field.Through Chen Xuehan's guidance, Wu Xie stepped into the forbidden area of ​​the practice field and met Yu Da, who knew Zhang Qiling's past.Yu Da recalled the scene when Zhang Qiling came here to search for lost things many years ago, as well as his deep friendship with Deren.It turns out that every generation of Deren here carries the mission of inheritance, and Zhang Qiling came here to find relics related to Deren.

《Croceus croceus》Episode 3 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Zhang Qiling once mentioned his original intention of going deep into the mountains and vowed to bring back a shocking secret, but predicted that he would forget the details, so he entrusted Deren to record everything before his memory faded.Unfortunately, when Zhang Qiling returned, Deren had passed away, and this important responsibility was handed over to Yu Dajing.Wu Xie was full of curiosity about what Da had written down, but Yu Da laughed and said that the memory had been locked in Zhang Qi's tomb, waiting for Wu Xie to reveal it personally.Stepping into Zhang Qiling's room, Wu Xie was shocked by the information in the room. Most of the contents were like heavenly scriptures to him, but there were fragments of Zhang Qiling's childhood mixed in, which gave him a glimpse of the Zhang family's strict family rules-the adult trial, that is,“Release the Wild”, aiming to punish evil and promote good, and find magic weapons to show the family's status.Zhang Qiling traveled with Zhang Haike and others. They encountered contempt on the way, but used wisdom to guide everyone to the old site of Zhangjiabao, where countless institutions and treasures are hidden, but it is also full of dangers.After some exploration, they found a secret room. Zhang Qiling used his keen observation to unlock the mechanism. They went deep into the tunnel, but were blocked by a stone wall. Zhang Haixing ventured into the cave and accidentally touched a remains and a pocket watch engraved with the Zhang family totem, hinting thatThe tragedy of the past.Faced with the dilemma, Zhang Haike decided to break through the wall and enter, and the story ends here.In order to find out the follow-up, Wu Xie asked Yu Da. Yu Da was also confused and promised to share the clues as soon as he had them.Faced with obscure pictures and texts, Yu Da laughed and talked. When the time comes, he will suddenly become enlightened.

《Croceus croceus》Episode 4 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Going back ten years, on a rainy night, the ancient house of the Wu family was immersed in heavy sadness. Old Mrs. Wu was dying and bedridden.Wu Xie's father knelt in front of the bed and asked softly what his father's last wish was.The old man pointed tremblingly at the pair of antiques on the table, indicating that they should be divided equally between the two brothers. Then, he ordered in an unquestionable tone: Once he passes away, he must be cremated within two hours, and no one is allowed within thirty meters of the cremation site.There are no people around, let alone peeking into the furnace.The young Wu Xie witnessed all this, and a seed about the secret was planted in his heart. Although the years passed and the mystery remained unsolved, the curiosity followed him like a shadow, occasionally emerging in his dreams.

At this moment, Wu Xie was temporarily staying in the ancient temple. When the morning light first broke, he stepped out of the Zen room. He was attracted by a strange scene - a figure sitting quietly, staring at the distant mountains, motionless. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the stone statue of Zhang Qiling, which was said to have been erected.Decades.Wu Xie wrote endlessly in reverie, imagining that Zhang Qiling used stone as paper and Qi as pen, and finally completed this work with his unique ingenuity.During the meal, the restaurant was extremely lively and there were many traveling friends. Different from usual, it seemed that their arrival was not just for sightseeing. Wu Xie became alarmed and called Fatty for help.The fat man revealed the mystery with one word, suggesting that all this may have been carefully planned, and Wu Xie suddenly felt that he was entering an unknown chess game.

In the following days, Wu Xie acted as if nothing had happened, but in fact he was observing secretly.He cleverly laid traps, tested the movements of people around him, and found that everything was under surveillance and was inseparable from the Ma family.He followed the fat man's plan and remained calm. Instead, he took advantage of the situation and looked for an opportunity to get out of trouble.One day, Fatty sneaked in using the art of cross-dressing, contacted Wu Xie through a secret code, and informed him that he was being followed by many forces, including foreigners, and that his home was also bugged.The two decided to work together, one overtly and the other secretly, to gradually reveal the truth.

The next day, Wu Xie went to the old gentleman's place for an appointment, and unexpectedly encountered his "self-mirror" - a person whose face, voice and even demeanor were exactly the same, and it was impossible to tell whether he was real or fake.In the chaos, armed men broke in and fiercely questioned the two people, trying to distinguish the authenticity.A woman made a surprising hypothesis, believing that “fake” may have been wearing a mask for 20 years and it has become integrated with her skin.In the room, two “Wu Xie” were confronting each other, while the outside world was filled with chaos and suspicion.

《Croceus croceus》 Episode 5 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Zhang Haixing helped Wu Xie up. She was the woman who had interacted with Wu Xie before.The truth was revealed. They did not kill Wu Xie, but injected a paralyzing agent into his neck, disguised with pig blood, to scare the temptation.Zhang Haike took off his disguise and admitted that they were descendants of the Zhang family living overseas. This action was intended to test Wu Xie.As for those horrific heads, they are just the product of their bad taste and are not real things.The test results showed that although Wu Xie had superior intelligence, his physical fitness was mediocre, with a total score of only 19 points out of 400 points.Zhang Haike claimed that this trip was entrusted by Zhang Qiling. Wu Xie was dubious about this, thinking that Zhang Qiling had locked the bronze door for more than five years, so how could he control it remotely.Zhang Haike played a video in which Zhang Qiling mentioned that a companion would solve the matter, and specifically pointed out that this person was Wu Xie.

Wu Xie tried to escape with absurd remarks, but failed, and was chased back by Zhang Haixing.Zhang Haike made a formal request, hoping that Wu Xie could assist the Zhang family in completing a mission, which was also the task assigned to him by Zhang Qiling.They showed the portrait of the Night King eating the sky, and told an ancient legend about the Snow Mountain Hidden Shaluo tribe and the Night King, as well as Zhang Qiling's feat of sealing the Night King eighty years ago.Faced with the challenge, Wu Xie insisted that he did not believe that Zhang Qiling would let him fight against the Night King.

Zhang Haike used the authenticity of the relationship between Wu Xie and Zhang Qiling as a bargaining chip, implying that if he did not comply, what Wu Xie wanted would be in vain.He also revealed clues about the mysterious weapon left by Zhang Qiling, which was hidden in his words. Wu Xie speculated that it was a stick and was confused.Later, Wu Xie asked for help, and Zhang Haixing proposed test conditions.After some twists and turns, Fatty Wang passed the test with a clever disguise and reunited with Wu Xie.At this time, a foreign businessman named Feng appeared and extended an invitation to cooperate, attempting to use Wu Xie and others to fight against the Night King to advance his biological research.Faced with the choice, Wu Xie refused to join Feng's camp, and the sudden stop of gunfire from outside seemed to indicate that Wu Xie had no way out.

《Croceus croceus》Episode 6 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

While Wu Xie and Fatty were talking in the quiet room, a sudden movement outside the door broke the tranquility.The two quickly cooperated tacitly and subdued the uninvited guest.After uncovering his mask, Wu Xie was shocked to find that this person was actually a guide he met by chance at the practice site during the day.This discovery cast a shadow over their minds, making them even more confused about the true situation of the practice field.

After temporarily settling the questioner, the two looked around and saw that the practice field was as empty as a field, and the noise and crowds during the day seemed to have never existed.This strange emptiness made the two of them shudder. Although the fat man tried to resolve the tension with humor, he could not hide his uneasiness in his words.

At this moment, the questioner in the sack wakes up and declares in horror that the fall of night means that death is approaching.Despite their doubts, Wu Xie and Fatty had to choose to believe in the unexplainable phenomenon in front of them, and made a fire to keep warm in order to protect themselves.

However, the crisis has not been resolved.There was a sudden sound of wind outside the door, followed by a flood of insects. They attacked everything crazily, even the solid door panels were not spared.Wu Xie and Fatty struggled in despair, and finally had no choice but to seek refuge in Zhang Qiling's statue.The statue seemed to have some mysterious power that prevented the insects from approaching it, but the two of them were trapped, with their lives hanging by a thread.

At the critical moment of life and death, Wu Xie broke away from the shackles of the illusion with his amazing willpower, and found that he had been lying in the house, while Zhang Haike and Zhang Haixing were trying to test his will through an ancient bell.Turns out, it's all about testing whether he's the right person to take on an unknown threat.

Later, the foreigners showed the horror video of the expedition, revealing the tragedy of five years ago when an elite team encountered an unknown creature, the Night King, and was completely annihilated.At the same time, they also revealed their interest in Zhang Qiling's staff and their intention to cooperate - to jointly find the last key to fight against the threat of the Night King.

Faced with this series of mysteries and challenges, Wu Xie knew that he could no longer stay out of it.He is determined to work with his partners to uncover the truth about the Night King and protect the peace of the world.And it all started from that seemingly ordinary night and that extraordinary practice field.

《Croceus croceus》Episode 7 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Wu Xie and Fatty showed great wisdom and flexibility when facing the entangled interests of Denaxi and Zhang Haike.De Naxi's financial temptation did not shake Wu Xie's desire for the truth about Zhang Qiling's past, while Fatty assisted Wu Xie in planning his escape with humor and wit.When the two sides reached a deadlock over the handling of the Night King, Wu Xie cleverly proposed a compromise plan that not only satisfied De Naxi's desire for scientific and technological research, but also took into account Zhang Haike's pursuit of family peace, thus temporarily quelling the conflict.

However, the real purpose of Wu Xie and Fatty was always to explore Zhang Qiling's secret rather than to get involved in this dispute of interests.They took advantage of the opportunity to pretend to cooperate, cleverly deceived everyone, and finally succeeded in escaping from their pursuers.Yu Da's timely appearance not only provided them with a place of refuge, but also revealed important clues about Zhang Qiling's memory. This was undoubtedly the biggest gain of Wu Xie's trip.

Faced with the decision of whether to continue exploring in depth, Wu Xie's persistence and perseverance finally defeated the temptation to leave.He knew that this opportunity was rare. If he missed it, he might never be able to uncover the mystery of Zhang Qiling's past.As Wu Xie's loyal partner, Fatty did not hesitate to support his decision, and the two returned to the practice field together to face unknown challenges again.

The scrolls left by Zhang Qiling not only revealed the tragic history of Zhangjiabao (Sifang City), but also mentioned the mudslide that led to the destruction of the entire city, as well as the disappearance of the key relic of the Heavenly Staff.This information not only deepened Wu Xie's understanding of Zhang Qiling's life experience, but also made him realize that the reason why Zhang Qiling chose to go alone was because he shouldered a mission and responsibility that transcended ordinary people.This understanding strengthened Wu Xie's determination to follow Zhang Qiling's footsteps, and also paved the way for subsequent adventures.

《Croceus croceus》Episode 8 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Zhang Haike and his party followed Zhang Qiling's footsteps and came to a small hole, witnessing him sneaking in using the bone shrinking technique dexterously.Unfortunately, no one had this skill, so they had to find another way and go deep into the wide hole on the side.Zhang Nian was puzzled, confused and dissatisfied that Zhang Qiling did not respond to the call of the bat whistle.While traveling, Zhang Haixing accidentally discovered the remains of Zhang family members. A comparison of the maps revealed that they had gone astray and parted ways with Zhang Qiling.What is even more worrying is that everyone's body suddenly itches, and black veins appear on the skin. It is speculated that it is caused by insects hidden in the water.

Zhang Haike was in a hurry and decided to use explosives to make a loud noise, not only to seek help from Zhang Qiling, but also to shock Sifang City and force him to show up.He arranged for Zhang Haixing to stay behind just in case, and explained the rotation system. This time it was her turn.Explosives roared and poisonous mist filled the air. Zhang Qiling rushed after hearing the news and used blood to detoxify and save Zhang Haixing and Zhang Jiuri from danger.Later, facing the dual crisis of Zhang Haike and Zhang Nian, Zhang Qiling showed extraordinary skills and rescued the two men one after another, resolving the difficult life and death decision.Everyone united and followed Zhang Qiling to explore, avoiding many traps, and finally reached the patriarch's ship where the heavenly staff was hidden.Faced with a complex layout, Zhang Jiuri accidentally triggered the mechanism, but thanks to Zhang Qiling's guidance, he was safe.The Heavenly Scepter is close at hand, and everyone is determined to face the difficulties together and seize the treasure.

《Croceus croceus》Episode 9 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Zhang Qiling cleverly placed a steel ball on the top of the box. If it is still and does not roll, it is a sign of balance.He asked everyone to maintain this state, evacuate one by one, and embark on a journey to find the Heavenly Staff alone.Unexpectedly, Zhang Nian accidentally triggered the mechanism, and arrows rained down.After Zhang Qiling heard the news, he resolutely returned to the rescue. He worked with everyone to repel the rain of arrows and evacuated safely with Zhang Nian.Concluding that the boat was a bait and the real thing was hidden somewhere else, everyone went deep into the secret place under the boat and found a box wall.Zhang Qi's dexterous hand broke through the barrier, and there were countless remains of the Zhang family's ancestors hidden in the box.Faced with this situation, Zhang Qiling proposed to disperse the exploration. Zhang Haike felt uneasy and suggested to follow the example of his predecessors and block the retreat to prevent accidents.Everyone acted according to the plan. On the 9th, Zhang encountered the body of the team leader on the way. When he was about to take the heavenly staff, he was shocked to realize that the shadow in front of him was unusual, it was a swarm of insects.Flames flew everywhere, and Zhang Jiuri struggled to resist the insect attack. At the same time, Zhang Haixing and others were also surrounded by insects. Fortunately, Zhang Qiling rushed to the rescue in time.There is a secret hidden under the heavenly staff. Zhang Qiling carefully retrieved it without triggering the mechanism.On the way back, Zhang Haike suddenly realized that the purpose of blocking the road was to prevent insects from escaping.Facing the surging insect tide, Zhang Qiling died alone and used kerosene to burn the insects to ensure that everyone could safely cross the pond defense line.Zhang Qiling wanted to return alone, saying that the road ahead was unknown and did not want to drag anyone down. However, Zhang Haixing firmly refused and vowed to advance and retreat together with his companions.Wu Xie studied the records and became convinced that Zhang Haike and Zhang Qiling had an old acquaintance, and thought deeply about the ambition of their clan leader.It's late at night, the bells are ringing melodiously, the sun is dying, and night is approaching.Zhang Haike deployed a night attack and gave Wu Xie a night to think about it.Fatty interacted with Feng and discovered the shocking inside story. Feng actually intended to harm Wu Xie.In the trial of the hexagonal bell, the fat man mistakenly fell into an illusion, but was fortunately awakened by Wu Xie.Wu Xie set up a trap to test everyone. Feng and others were caught off guard and everyone escaped.

《Croceus croceus》Episode 10 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Zhang Qiling and the others returned to the clan, and Zhang Haike and the others found the place decorated with lights and colorful decorations, but they didn't know what was going on.Someone was waiting for Zhang Qiling and the others here, asking Zhang Qiling to follow them.Zhang Haike and others also wanted to follow. This person said that Zhang Qiling had obtained the Heavenly Scepter and was going to perform the ceremony to succeed the clan leader. Only Zhang Qiling went there alone.The acting clan leader said that according to the regulations, Zhang Qiling will become the next clan leader after getting the Heavenly Scepter, becoming Zhang Qiling. He will enter the Zhang family ancient building, complete the ceremony of succeeding the clan leader, and set everyone in the Zhang family free.To become Zhang Qiling, you will become a person without past and future.Zhang Qiling wants to know his life experience.

The acting patriarch said that Zhang Qiling will know everything after entering the ancient Zhang family building.Everyone gathered outside, and the acting patriarch poured Zhang Qiling a glass of something.The acting clan leader talked about this matter with the people around him. Their clan members wanted to be free, but because of God's decree, there was no way to leave here. Only by drinking the water here can you be safe. If you leave, you will lose your memory and die, so only someone can enter.Bring the antidote to them at the ancient building of the Zhang family, but this person will die.This family was once prosperous, but now it has declined. It is like a lingering beast that has deceived a scapegoat.Zhang Haike rushed over and told him not to drink, he would die.Zhang Qiling drank it.Zhang Qiling fainted and was put into the coffin.Zhang Qiling woke up and found that he was at the ancient Zhang family building.Everyone gathered around the well water, wondering if Zhang Qiling could get the antidote and let the antidote come out of the well water.Zhang Qiling inserted the heavenly staff and tattoos appeared on his body.

Everyone was very happy when they saw the well water emerging, saying that Zhang Qiling succeeded and they were free.Zhang Qiling saw himself when he was a child. Everyone said that he was a child without a father and a mother, and no one wanted to play with him.Zhang Haike asked Zhang Qiling if he missed his mother, but Zhang Qiling ignored him.Wu Xie read the scroll and knew what was going on. Zhang Qiling had found his life experience, but he would continue to lose his memory and could not remember it.Wu Xie thought it didn't matter. When he found it, he and Fatty would go there.At that time, Wu Xie hinted to Feng and others that someone had mysteriously disappeared, and used a hexagonal bell on them, so Feng and others entered the hallucination.Zhang Haike said that he was at the base where he was going to participate. There was a man named Wang Jinyuan there. He kept Zhang Qiling's memory of the key, but when others asked him where the key was, he refused to tell him.Zhang Haike brought Wu Xie and the others to the town. Zhang Haike said that it was quite chaotic here and asked Wu Xie and the others to be careful.

Zhang Haike brought Wu Xie and the others to the Zhang family base. Zhang Haike said that they had returned to ordinary life before, but some villagers were not used to such a life, so they slowly gathered here.Xiao Guo came over, dressed like Zhang Qiling. Xiao Guo said that she wanted to be like Zhang Qiling and go to fight the Night King with Zhang Qiling.Xiaoguo learned that Wu Xie was the person designated by Zhang Qiling to fight the Night King, and wanted to become Wu Xie's disciple.Wu Xie did not agree.Zhang Haike took Wu Xie to the room where Zhang Qiling had lived before, saying that Wang Jinyuan would come over in a moment.Wu Xie saw a tape recorder here, and when he opened it, there was a song inside.Wang Jinyuan came over and said that he had promised before. Unless the patriarch came back, he would not be able to tell the secret of the key.

《Croceus croceus》Episode 11 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Wang Jinyuan asked Wu Xie to answer his three questions. If Wu Xie answered to his satisfaction, he would give him the key clues to prove that Wu Xie was Zhang Qiling's person.Wang Jinyuan felt that the clan leader had not come back for so long. Are these memories really so important to him?Wu Xie didn't know whether these things were important to him. If he said they weren't important, he wouldn't believe it himself. If he said they were important, why would he let him do them?Wang Jinyuan asked Wu Xie what he saw, and Wu Xie said he saw himself decades later.Wang Jinyuan showed a painting to Wu Xie, and this is where the key is.

Wu Xie couldn't understand it, but Wang Jinyuan said that Wu Xie would understand it when he arrived.Wang Jinyuan said that his time had come and passed away suddenly.Zhang Haike and the others are here to see Wang Jinyuan off. Zhang Haixing said that after death, only a wisp of smoke remains.Zhang Haike said that he didn't know if he would be the same after he died. Zhang Haixing said that he only knew the end of the living.Zhang Haike found a painting on Wang Jinyuan, which was different from Wu Xie's painting.Zhang Haike said that Wang Jinyuan was afraid of being snatched away by others, so many of his paintings were fake, but only Wu Xie's was real.Wu Xie saw the place on the other side of the mountain, and Zhang Haike said that was also where the Zhang family lived.Wu Xie wanted to take a look, maybe he could get some clues about his little brother.Zhang Haike said that they are very exclusive and only allow people they recognize to enter, otherwise they will die.

Zhang Haike came to a bar in Wu Xie and said that this was the place where Zhang Qiling had been.Wu Xie saw the marks made by Zhang Qiling here. Zhang Qiling no longer remembered many things, so he would mark the places he visited to show that he had been there.Fatty took a photo, developed it and wrote his last words. Wu Xie also wrote one.Zhang Haixing and others did not write, saying that they had no one to send to.Zhang Haike said that the patriarch judged that he was suffering from the Heavenly Scepter, so he hid the Heavenly Scepter underground in Niles. This place was prone to frequent earthquakes, the geological structure was very unstable, and there were many cavities. Someone lived there before, and it was calledIn the old city, even Zhang Qiling had not reached the deepest point.Zhang Haike and others entered through the sewer. There were many statues of gods and people worshiping them.Zhang Haike showed that local people believe that a statue represents a name, so they come here to worship their family members.Wu Xie and the others discovered the mark left by Zhang Qiling and followed it.Something fell behind, and Wu Xie thought it might be the wind.

What they didn't see was that there was a snake following them.Walking to the front is a wall with many signs indicating danger to the Zhang family.Wu Xie saw a mark left by his brother on the other side, which meant moving forward.Wu Xie found that this place was the same as the picture, and the key should be at the back.Wu Xie and the others cleaned up the stones and walked in.Zhang Nian was undergoing surgery when his cell phone rang. Zhang Nian turned it on and found photos of Wu Xie and the others.Zhang Nian asked others to perform surgery on him and came to find Zhang Jiuri.Zhang Nian said that he had found a way to kill Zhang Qiling. Wu Xie and the others were going to find the Night King. He didn’t need to say anything about the Night King’s abilities. He could definitely kill Zhang Qiling.Zhang Nian said that if it weren't for Zhang Qiling, it wouldn't be like this, and asked Zhang Jiuri not to forget to seek revenge from Zhang Qiling.Zhang Jiuri said that whether he wants to take revenge or not is his own business.There are many forked roads here. Zhang Haike and Wu Xie chose one, and Wu Xie chose the previous one.There are many puppets here, one of which I have seen before.Wu Xie was also surprised. Could these puppets move?

《Croceus croceus》Episode 12 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Wu Xie asked others if they had seen the puppet when they came in before. Zhang Haike said that the puppet was not there before.This time Fatty Wang chose a path, and Wu Xie marked the exit.Unexpectedly, when they walked along the exit, they found that it was still the same place just now, and even the exit signs were the same.Fatty Wang thought they would blow this place up, but Wu Xie said no, the rock structure here was very unstable and would collapse if they tried to blow it up.Zhang Haike said that he had to choose this time and chose a path with a compass. Unexpectedly, he still walked back.Zhang Haixing checked the instrument and found that all the values ​​were normal.Zhang Haike thought this was probably a puppet show mechanism. If they accidentally touched the mechanism, the puppets would move accordingly.

Wu Xie had drawn the entire path he had taken, but now there was no way to see what was going on.There are still four exits left that have not been tried. It is a waste of energy to go to the test bench one by one. Wu Xie said that he would go and take a look first.Wu Xie walked along this road and noticed something was wrong. When he turned around, he found that the big puppet from before was following them.Wu Xie had poured kerosene here and ignited it. The puppet was burned, and several snakes came out of it. There were snake corpses in the ashes.Only then did Wu Xie realize that the people behind the scene were controlled by snakes, so he followed them.Wu Xie heard Fatty Wang's voice and realized that it was Fatty Wang who was worried and came over to take a look.Wu Xie asked Fatty Wang to continue talking, trying to find Fatty Wang's location through his voice, but he never found anyone.

Wu Xie felt that the surrounding material was a bit strange. It should be similar to an echo wall. The sound would go through several refractions here, and the person was not in the direction of the sound.Wu Xie asked Fatty Wang to continue talking, not to move around, and to go find him by himself. Fatty Wang's mouth went dry as he spoke, and he finally saw Wu Xie coming over.Wu Xie asked Fatty Wang where the others had gone. Fatty Wang said that Zhang Haike and the others were still where they were. He saw that Wu Xie had not come back, so he came to look for them.Wu Xie and the others met with Zhang Haike and the others and continued to move forward.Fatty Wang saw a lamp here and lit it up. Unexpectedly, the entire wall was a screen, displaying the things on the lamp. It turned out that there were many snakes here. The king used snakes in the performance, butLater, there were more and more snakes, which led to their annihilation.

Wu Xie asked everyone to put on puppet clothes and continue moving forward.Wu Xie drew the structure here. In fact, the passage they walked was not a straight line, but had a slight arc, but because the passage was too long, it was difficult to see. This whole structure is a lotus structure, and each passage is a petal..Wu Xie calculated the arc, and they had to change the angle every 100 meters so that they could walk out.Wu Xie and the others came out successfully. Fatty Wang said that Wu Xie had not learned architecture in vain for four years.There are no more puppets here. Zhang Haixing has pulled a net here. Feng and the others should have arrived now. Zhang Haixing has to wait here and look for opportunities to get Feng's key.Wu Xie felt that the opponent had so many people and well-equipped weapons, so he expressed that he was not sure that Zhang Haixing would not take the initiative to attack.Zhang Haike told Zhang Haixing not to make meaningless attacks and to think clearly before doing it.Zhang Haixing said that she never does anything meaningless.Fatty Wang felt that his family really cared about them, and they were still telling him these things at such an old age.

《Croceus croceus》Episode 13 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Feng had already prepared and brought people in. His subordinates felt that this matter was quite strange. Could it be that Zhang Haike and others deliberately released this news.Feng said that they had no choice. Even if Zhang Haike and the others did it on purpose, he could only take people there to take a look first.Feng and the others arrived at the place where there were puppets and saw many puppets here, as well as the marks left by Wu Xie and others.Feng said that it seemed that Wu Xie and the others were lost, so they were divided into several groups, with four people in each group, walking around from different passages.Wu Xie and the others could see the mark left by his brother all the way out, but when they arrived at this place, they could no longer see the mark.Hehe searched carefully and saw the little brother's mark in the corner. Zhang Haike wondered if Zhang Qiling had taught Wu Xie how to find the mark.Wu Xie said no.This mark means that the danger here is 10 times more severe than before. Zhang Haike asked everyone to be careful.There was a hollow here. Wu Xie threw a fluorescent stick down and found that it was about 20 meters deep.Zhang Haike said that earthquakes often occur here, and it is normal for there to be cavities underneath.The three of them went down and saw the murals here.What this mural says is that the people here were dealing with something, and many people died. The remaining people pointed at a place with arrows, and the thing they were dealing with was blank.

Wu Xie felt that the Night King was often referred to as a blank space, and the blank thing on this mural was probably the Night King.Wu Xie carefully checked below and found that it was probably a house, and it was a suspended house. He didn't know why the house was made like this.Wu Xie discovered that the carving on this house was probably the Night King, which was the monster box that Wang Jinyuan mentioned before. He didn't know that the monster was the Night King, so he said this. No wonder he said he would know it when he saw it.Feng and the others met the snake inside the puppet here and quickly called everyone back.Zhang Nian came over and said that they had cooperated before. He had said it when he helped Feng get the first key, and he would also participate in subsequent actions.

Feng expressed that he was very grateful to him for helping him find the first key, but the cooperation was not pleasant at the time and he felt that there was no need to continue the cooperation.Zhang Nian said that the enemy of an enemy is a friend and they can continue to cooperate.Zhang Jiuri found Zhang Haixing and started fighting with Zhang Haixing.Zhang Haixing didn't expect that Zhang Jiuri would become like this and come here, and thought of what happened before.Zhang Jiuri found an opportunity and knocked Zhang Haixing unconscious, saying that Zhang Haixing was emotional and his current speed was second only to Zhang Qiling, but Zhang Haixing dared to be distracted.Wu Xie and the others checked the box and found that it was a sealed box.Zhang Haike said that there is indeed such a thing in the Zhang family, which is sealed with a mortise and tenon structure. What is sealed is very dangerous and cannot be opened.Wu Xie felt that it was very possible that the Night King was sealed here.

Wu Xie and the others climbed to the top. Wu Xie found a scratch here and used steel balls to find the sloping place. He searched carefully nearby and found the mechanism to open the house.Wu Xie said that he saw scratches, which meant that the house had probably been opened.If there must be a delicate mechanism inside, that place will be heavier. I used steel balls to find the heaviest place, and I felt the mechanism nearby.Several people entered the box and found that there were many murals inside, all of which were painted with the image of the Night King.

《Croceus croceus》Episode 14 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Wuxie and Fatty approached the Night King's house. They were both excited and nervous. The legendary evil Night King, now that they had found the palace, they just needed to find the mechanism and get the key!Fatty and Wuxie carefully observed every detail of the entire palace, trying to find the mechanism. After groping for a long time, they still could not find the key.Fortunately, Fatty had done physical training, otherwise he would have been unbearable after walking all day. Now they were lying on it one by one, looking for something that looked like a switch button. Fatty was pressed by a cover and couldn't move. Although Wuxie touched it,When I reached the mechanism, it kept sliding and there was no sign of it being opened. In order to give Wu Xie more time, Fatty kept pushing up the cover with all his strength. Fatty concentrated on trying to open the mechanism. Fatty gritted his teeth with all his strength and warned at the same time.Wuxie try to hurry up.

At this time, Zhang Jiuri came. When he saw Wuxie, Fatty and the others, he deliberately fired a cold shot at this time.The fat man tried his best to dodge, but his arm was still shot. Despite this, he still carried it.Zhang Haike turned over, groped for the person who fired the gun, and then took his gun. Their eyes met, and they were very familiar with each other. Zhang Haike asked Zhang Jiuri why he shot at them. The two started fighting, but the fat man was still struggling to hold on, helpless.In order to open the box as quickly as possible, Xie took off his gloves and touched the mechanism with his bare hands.Finally, the house-like door opened, and Fatty and Wuxie hurriedly got in to avoid the bullets.Zhang Jiuri placed some explosives near the house and prepared to blow a crack, but a snake bit him and prevented him from igniting the explosives.Zhang Haike bandaged Fatty's injured arm. Fatty had been desperately supporting the splint just now and didn't know the pain. Now he saw a lot of blood on his arm, but after discovering that Fatty's finger was scratched, he hurriedly bandaged Wuxie without thinking.

After a short rest, the fat man discovered that there was a large ball hanging in the air in the palace, hanging high like a silkworm cocoon. Such a large ball-shaped cocoon made people feel frightened. He innocently guessed that the key must be inside. The fat man asked them if they were ready.Unprepared, once the cocoon is opened, I really don’t know what will happen, but they come and they use daggers to cut open the cocoon.The spherical cocoon was opened, accompanied by a green poisonous gas and endless dust. Fatty and Wuxie saw countless keys hanging on it. These keys were hanging up and down without any pattern at all.Fatty and Zhang Haike felt their spines tingle. How could they find the real one with so many keys? Wuxie carefully studied the overall streamline diagram of the key and found that it was in the shape of a mountain range. In a picture Wang Jinyuan once gave him, it was the shape of this mountain range.Wuxie opened the map and after careful calculation, finally found the target key.The fat man acted as a human ladder for Wuxie, trying hard to reach the key on top. He finally reached it, but as soon as he got the key, he found that the ground beneath his feet was shaking, and there was a burst of thick smoke, and Wuxie fell into a hole.

《Croceus croceus》Episode 15 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Wu Xie moved forward unswervingly, and finally arrived at the “Mysterious Magic Box” and “Mound Cave” mentioned by his predecessors.He walked step by step, focusing his eyes on the top of the larger mound in the center. A key was clearly in front of him, it was the last key he had been looking for for a long time.Just as he was about to reach out to pick it up, a gunshot rang out behind him, and then a shell roared and exploded beside him. The bright light and impact made him lose consciousness instantly.

Time passed like fine sand passing through the fingertips. Wu Xie woke up in a haze. The last thing he remembered was the anxious call of the fat man and the urgency of the invasion of foreigners.He eagerly asked the medical staff beside him, but learned that it was Zhang Haike who bought the three of them lives at the cost of the key.The foreigners have marched towards the snow-capped mountains with their keys, but a new flame ignited in Wu Xie's heart - he vowed to end the Night King's threat with his own hands.During the long days in the hospital, he not only waited for the fat man to wake up, but also strengthened his determination to go deep into the snow-capped mountains.

It was dark at night, and Wu Xie walked into Fatty's ward to say goodbye. Unexpectedly, the lights in the room suddenly went out, and the surroundings fell into chaos. He seemed to be sucked into another time and space.There, Zhang Qiling appeared, affirmed his courage with approving eyes, and gave him another key. The two keys combined to open up new hope.However, this was just a dream. Wu Xie woke up and found himself in a secret room, holding the magical key in his hand.On the way forward, he came across seven headless corpses. Thinking of the test mentioned by Zhang Haike, he became filled with doubts.The appearance of the fat man broke his meditation, and it turned out that his previous experiences were all illusions.

Faced with Zhang Haike's silence, Wu Xie used explosives to force him to demand the truth.Zhang Haike finally revealed that behind this lies the deep hatred between Zhang Nian and Zhang Qiling, as well as Zhang Nian's persistent pursuit of the dream of immortality.That disastrous laboratory showdown not only destroyed Zhang Nian's research, but also took away the life of his beloved. Since then, Zhang Nian has been filled with endless hatred for Zhang Qiling and his goals.

《Croceus croceus》 Episode 16 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Wuxie asked Zhang Qiling whether the root of Zhang Nian's obsession with the elixir of life stemmed from his deep affection for his deceased wife.Zhang Qiling nodded gently, confirming the complex emotions of love and hate.As deep as Zhang Nian's love for his wife was, so was his hatred for Zhang Qiling.As for why Zhang Nian is obsessed with the Heavenly Staff, Zhang Qiling explained that it is the only weapon that can restrain the Night King.Speaking of Wang Jinyuan, he once leaked clues to the key to Zhang Nian. However, Zhang Nian sneaked into the secret room seven times, but failed because of Wang Jinyuan's tricks.Zhang Nian mistakenly believed that copying Wu Xie's identity could solve the mystery, but unexpectedly Wang Jinyuan had already seen through it, leading them to a dead end.As a result, his men died, but Zhang Nian passed the blame on him. Everyone in his men was in danger, and finally chose to join forces with Zhang Qiling to conspire to stop Zhang Nian's crazy behavior.

Based on the genealogy, Zhang Qiling concluded that Wu Xie was the destined savior, so he searched for him at all costs to jointly fight against the Night King.At this moment, three people and one dog (referring to Wu Xie, Fatty, Zhang Haixing and Zhang Qiling) are facing an urgent situation of escape from the escape room. Fortunately, they have two keys, and the third one is hidden in the hands of the foreigner Lao Feng.Zhang Haixing used his superb skills to sneak back secretly and successfully regain the key.Holding the three keys, they are eager to find a way out and get rid of Lao Feng's pursuit.However, the exit is blocked and dangers abound, until they encounter a strange array of puppets.Fatty was accidentally captured, and Zhang Jiuri showed up and offered to let him go on condition that he answered questions about Zhang Qiling.This turn of events shocked Wu Xie, but it also revealed Zhang Jiuri's blind worship and loss of Zhang Qiling in the past.After a battle of wits, everyone finally got out of trouble.

《Croceus croceus》Episode 17 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

When the tranquility of Zhangjiacun was torn apart by a sudden storm, Wuxie struggled to wake up from a coma. The pain of the wound and the tragedy before her eyes intertwined into an unspeakable grief.He staggered to his feet. Wherever he looked, there was blood and remains of his own people. The place where laughter and laughter used to be was instantly turned into a silent purgatory.His innocent heart was like a knife, and self-blame came like a tide. He knew that all this was due to his own negligence.On the edge of despair and anger, he seemed to hear Zhang Qiling's silent reproach and condolences. The complex emotions contained in the silence became a light deep in his heart, guiding him forward.

Realizing that he could not save the situation by himself, Wuxie decided to turn to the purest blood of the Zhang family for help.Zhang Haike's old words echoed in his ears, mentioning the Degas and Zhang family, there may be hope to fight against Zhang Nian.With persistence in life and desire for justice, Wuxie endured the pain and embarked on the journey again, returning to Niles, vowing to find Degas' Zhang family, jointly uncover the secret of the Night King, and save the lives of Zhangjia Village.The dead seek justice.

《Croceus croceus》 Episode 18 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Wuxie held the ancient jar tightly, thinking silently about the Zhang family's secrets and mission.Just as he was about to step into the flaming secret room, the surroundings suddenly burst into flames, as hot as purgatory.He knew full well that this might be a test of illusion, but he resolutely rushed into the sea of ​​fire. The severe pain on his face made him temporarily lose consciousness. When the fire light dissipated, the jar was gone.He tried repeatedly, but failed every time, as if there was an invisible force blocking him.

On the edge of confusion and clarity, Wu Xie felt a force dragging him in a trance. Was it an illusion?Or is there someone else?He had no time to think about it, only the jar could guide him to meet the Zhang family compatriots.This time, he rushed into the sea of ​​fire desperately with determination, silently remembering the Zhang family's beliefs in his heart.In the illusion, he seemed to be fighting countless phantoms. When he finally woke up, he found that he was outside the secret room and the jar was safe and sound.

The words of the patriarch echoed in his ears, and the choice between sacrifice and freedom strengthened his belief.He put on Zhang Qiling's mask and lit fireworks on the top of the mountain. At that moment, the sky was illuminated by brilliant light. The sound of firecrackers was the response of the Zhang family. They gathered from all directions to add strength to Wu Xie's journey.

On the other side, Zhang Nian and Zhang Jiuri noticed something strange. Zhang Nian used the black shadow in the surveillance to set up a trap, while Zhang Jiuri went with his sword in full expectation.However, Wu Xie was already prepared. The illusion of the hexagonal bell put Zhang Jiuri into trouble, and Zhang Nian's conspiracy made the situation even worse.Amidst the roar of the bomb, Zhang Jiuri fell down, but Zhang Nian's grin could not last long. Wuxie activated the bell again, causing Zhang Nian to step into the abyss of illusion.

《Croceus croceus》 Episode 19 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

In Zhang Nian's distorted consciousness, Zhang Qiling became a nightmare that he could not escape. In the hallucination, he shot everywhere wildly, and each target turned into Zhang Qiling's figure, while the other party was as indifferent as a ghost.Zhang Nian ran away in despair, the dark shadow behind him following him like a shadow, unable to escape.In the end, he escaped to the place where Zhang Haike was imprisoned, and threatened Zhang Qiling with all his strength, using the bomb as a bargaining chip, but found that he was in a desperate situation.

Faced with the impending rescue of his family, Zhang Nian chose to die together in despair and activated the poison gas device.Wu Xie and Zhang Haike were on the line between life and death. Regardless of his own safety, Wu Xie struggled to rescue Zhang Haike, but he was seriously injured and was crumbling in the poisonous gas.At the critical moment, Zhang Jiuri stepped forward and brought Wuxie to a safe area, but unfortunately encountered a mountain collapse. He protected his friends with his own body until the last moment of his life.

After waking up, Wu Xie faced the life and death separation between the patriarch and Zhang Jiuri, and his heart was filled with complicated emotions.Zhang Nian's escape and Zhang Jiuri's sacrifice made him deeply realize the impermanence and cruelty of fate.At the same time, foreigner Feng's proposal is like a double-edged sword, bringing a glimmer of hope but also threatening family secrets.Before entering the mountain, Wuxie and Zhang Haike held a solemn cremation ceremony for Zhang Jiuri to commemorate this warrior who stuck to the bottom line.

Embarking on a journey to the snowy mountains, Wuxie's heart was filled with memories and understanding of Zhang Qiling.He imagined Zhang Qiling's loneliness and sacrifice, willing to endure the pain of “defeat” for the survival of his people.Zhang Qiling's memory fragments pieced together a picture in Wu Xie's heart, which included both longing for life experience and struggle with pain.Wuxie knew very well that this pain and confusion was exactly the burden that Zhang Qiling shouldered as the patriarch.

《Croceus croceus》Episode 20 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

The foreigner Feng treated Zhang Qiling with sincerity. He not only returned his horses, but also gave the little rabbit food, and implored Zhang Qiling to lead them forward.At first, the journey was sunny and windy, but halfway through, a sudden snowstorm broke the tranquility.Feng and others wanted to turn back, worried that going deeper would only worsen the cold and exhaustion, but Zhang Qiling firmly opposed it. He pointed into the distance and warned: There will also be wind and snow on the way back, and they may become dead souls under the snow and be forgotten many years later.

The wind and snow were raging, and the Denaxi people were walking hard. They secretly regretted their decision to follow Zhang Qiling and feared that it would be difficult to return home again.However, in despair, a beam of light fell from the sky, warmth quickly spread, and the snowstorm miraculously stopped.Everyone was shocked to realize that it was Zhang Qiling who saved them with extraordinary power.

While exploring the rock formations, Wu Xie was deeply attracted by the legend of Zhang Qiling and decided to return to the training ground, hoping to uncover the mystery of his life experience.Not long after entering the practice site, I was given a precious scroll that Teacher Yuda found while cleaning.After studying the scroll, Wu Xie learned that Zhang Qiling had gained insight into the hidden secrets of the Zhang family on a snowy night, and met Dong Can who was embedded in the rock wall. His appearance was tragic and he seemed to hold more secrets.Zhang Qiling therefore embarked on a journey to follow Dong Can's footsteps and also came to the practice field.

At Dong Can's residence, Zhang Qiling found a painting depicting a quiet lake and towering mountain peaks. He yearned for it and vowed to visit that secret place in person.He spent a lot of money to hire a guide. Despite the dissuasion of others, Zhang Qiling still insisted on going his own way.The guides only took Zhang Qiling to the middle of the mountain, but then refused to go forward due to fear of strange things in the mountain. They mentioned not only the wind and snow, but also the strange low temperature and unknown fear.

Zhang Qiling was keenly aware of the mutual distrust between the guides, and even discovered the hidden dagger, decisively eliminating the hidden danger.On the way, they met the frozen Denaxi officers who were the people they saved in the past. The diaries found on them recorded the mysterious legend about the Night King.Faced with an increasingly precarious road ahead, Zhang Qiling generously gave the guide money to retreat and embarked on a journey alone to find the landscape in the painting.Finally, he came to a solemn temple. Although the temple was full of incense, it was empty.Zhang Qiling searched carefully and found the handwriting on the wall that aroused people's imagination and seemed to be closely connected with the mystery of the Night King.

《Croceus croceus》Episode 21 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

In the freezing cold wind, the group arrived at the edge of the glacial lake. The sight in front of them was heart-stopping: the remains of an antelope, white and flawless, but with no tooth marks to be found, indicating the secrets hidden under the water.Faced with the persistence of the foreigner Feng, although Wuxie was worried, he could only divide his forces into two groups.He led Fatty and Zhang Haike to climb the steep mountain road, while Feng's team chose to face the challenge of the ice lake.

Just when Team Feng was about to touch the other side, something unexpected happened. The team members seemed to be controlled by invisible magic hands. They were in agony, their clothes were flying, and they felt like they were in a sea of ​​fire, with no way to survive.Zhang Haike was so anxious that he tried to save his sister Zhang Haixing, but he also fell into a trap and fell into a coma.At this time of life and death, Wuxie relied on his extraordinary wisdom and courage to quickly formulate a rescue plan.Alone, holding a rope, he bravely stepped onto the ice, shuttled between life and death like a warrior, and finally rescued Zhang Haike's brothers and sisters one by one and escaped from the illusion.

《Croceus croceus》Episode 22 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

After Wuxie successfully rescued Zhang Haixing and Zhang Haike, when they regained consciousness, they were still frightened.Wuxie told them that during the rescue, they noticed a hexagonal bell looming under the glacier, and speculated that the hallucination they encountered earlier was caused by the bell powder spreading through the ice cracks.Zhang Haixing recalled his own experience and concluded that the bell powder was not an ordinary bell powder, but specially made by the Zhang family to protect Yinshaluo, implying a deep connection between the two families.

Arriving at the edge of Hidden Sandfall, there were only ruins in front of us, with no signs of life. Several Denaxi bodies were scattered beside the ruins.Wu Xie found a diary in a piece of clothing, recording that the scientific expedition team encountered a strange sphere a year ago. The sphere swallowed everyone in an instant and no one was spared.It is mentioned in the diary that looking directly at the spherical sarcoma can temporarily avoid its harm, but blinking will cause death. These phenomena are puzzling.Zhang Haike agreed with this theory and pointed out that the spherical object was indeed found in the image data of Denaxi.

To take precautions, Wu Xie decided to split up and lead two separate teams with Fatty, taking care of each other, being flexible, and maintaining intercom contact.On the way, Wuxie discovered an array of flags, partially hidden in the snow, which matched what his brother painted on the scroll.As night fell, the Denasi prepared to set up camp.

Whenever Zhang Haike visits a new place, he uses mirrors to reflect sunlight as a secret signal. This time he tried repeatedly but failed to attract the attention of the fat man.Zhang Haike urgently warned not to blink. The fat man was shocked to see the spherical tumor approaching, which was the terrifying thing in legend.

The fat man remembered the strategy of not closing his eyes. He saw the sphere expand, the tentacles stretched like a flower blooming, and the pink tentacles in the center were frightening.At the same time, the detector alarm at Innocence blared, the Night King was coming, the army collapsed and suffered heavy casualties.Wu Xie called out to the fat man urgently. Unexpectedly, the fat man had been frozen for a long time and did not dare to blink in order to save his life.

The Denasi army suffered heavy casualties, and Wu Xie guided everyone to avoid the cave.Faced with the threat of the Night King, Wu Xie recalled that smoke bombs could slow down his attack, so Zhang Haixing threw the smoke and saw that the Night King's pace slowed down.Wuxie was concerned about the fat man outside the cave, so he ventured out to search, and encountered a sphere on the way. Fortunately, he smelled something strange and escaped.

The foreigner Feng Yu left the cave in search of innocence, but was dissuaded by his general, so Zhang Haixing asked for a tassel to go with him.Wu Xie finally found Fatty. On his way back, the entrance to the cave was blown up by the Denasi to stop the Night King. Anyone who failed to enter the cave suffered misfortune, and the scene was tragic.

《Croceus croceus》Episode 23 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

The entrance to the cave has been firmly sealed, and the Night King cannot invade for the time being. The Denaxi tribe began to count the casualties and found that the losses were heavy. More than half of the tribe members had unfortunately died. The atmosphere was extremely heavy. Wu Xie and Fatty also felt the same.At this time, the foreigner Feng (Lao Feng) reminded everyone not to forget the original intention of this trip.The Denaxi quickly sent the clues collected during the day and some of the Night King's muscle tissue for examination, and began data analysis.

An unprecedented sense of helplessness arose in Wu Xie's heart. He recalled the past hardships he had experienced with the fat man and the little brother. He was always the wise man and took the responsibility, but now that the little brother was gone, he was helpless.The fat man reassured him that Zhang Qiling's choice must have deep meaning, but the time had not come yet and the idea was not clear.

The test results surprised the Denaxi and Lao Feng. The tissues were not the Night King's eyeballs, but actually strange insect bodies with no medicinal value.Lao Feng was secretly shocked, and his assistant was even more furious. Unable to accept that such sacrifices resulted in empty joy, he ordered the scientific research team to recheck the data.

Lao Feng found Wu Xie in private and admitted that he was only the project manager and his responsibility was to ensure the completion of the task. However, the casualties were heavy and the samples obtained were useless. The Night King was hot on his heels and wanted to persuade Wu Xie to give up in order to save everyone's lives..Naive but determined, he vows to eradicate the Night King, because the scroll predicts that the Night King will appear when the sun falls, and he must not be allowed to wreak havoc again.

Lao Feng had the intention of quitting and wanted to disband the team and return home to collect salary and save his life, but his leader Hans objected.Hans lost an arm in the fight against the Night King and returned empty-handed with no chance of receiving the reward, so he firmly opposed retreat.In order to force Lao Feng to submit, he even forced him with a gun.

Fatty accidentally discovered a windy cave, and after investigating with Wuxie, they confirmed that there was a secret exit, which was suspected to be the entrance to the Night King's palace.Seeing that the Denasi were exhausted, the three decided to climb the cliff alone.The Denaxi people realized they had been abandoned and fired in anger. Thanks to Zhang Haixing's skill, the three of them successfully evaded and continued climbing.After going through hardships, they finally arrived at the giant door they had seen in Yunding Heavenly Palace, and tried to open it with the Heavenly Staff but failed.

The fat man suggested using explosives. Fortunately, he had borrowed one from the Denasi before, which came in handy at this time.After the explosion, a large amount of turbid mud poured out from behind the door, and the three people were knocked to the ground.When the mud subsided, Wuxie lifted up the fat man whose face was covered with mud, thankful that it had not been corroded.

Although the palace door was broken, it was extremely quiet inside. Wu Xie wondered why the Night King didn't respond at all, and why such a loud noise did not disturb him at all.

《Croceus croceus》Episode 24 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Fatty, Wuxie and Zhang Haixing mustered up the courage to step into the palace, only to find that the interior was empty but without a trace of life.Wuxie looked carefully at the four walls and saw that they were covered with complicated and orderly patterns, which were both dense and orderly.The fat man looked at the dozens of meters high bronze wall, which was covered with carvings, and couldn't help but marvel at this uncanny workmanship.

The fat man tried to look for clues on the wall, but was surprised to find that there was no gap in the thousands of square meters of wall, which was obviously cast from a single piece of bronze.At this time, Zhang Haixing made a new discovery. She pointed to the center of the palace and saw an iron chain as thick as the mouth of a bowl, restraining a petrified corpse wrapped in mud.Zhang Haixing was bold and careful, and peeled off the surface mud, revealing that the man was completely filled with mud before his death.Fatty speculated that this person might be a victim used in the Night King's sacrifice.

Wu Xie noticed that the pattern on the wall looked like a strange font. He tried using water as ink and poured it on the ground. The water quickly gathered into the shape of an alpaca, but due to the limited amount of water, he could not show the full picture.Later, Wuxie resolutely cut his palm and dripped blood on the pattern. The blood spread along the pattern, and the pattern changed accordingly. Unexpectedly, Wuxie fainted because of it.When the fat man saw this, he hurriedly helped Wu Xie up and scolded him for putting himself in danger. He then cut his own palm to bleed and continued trying.

Zhang Haixing took the opportunity to drive away the fat man, but his true colors were revealed and Nao Xian was seriously injured.Faced with Zhang Haixing's ridicule and betrayal, Wu Xie was shocked. It turned out that Zhang Haixing and Zhang Haike were not the real Zhang family, and they also had unknown purposes.Zhang Haixing was eager to find the Night King, so he inflicted more damage on Wuxie and hung him upside down on the wall. As the blood flowed, the patterns on the wall became more and more complicated.Zhang Haixing stared at the wall, the pattern was changing unpredictably, she seemed to see something, and suddenly shot at a hidden figure.

Wuxie witnesses the shadow fleeing and realizes that the Night King can become invisible.Zhang Haixing was in a panic at this time. Although he restrained Wu Xie, he was unable to defeat the invisible Night King.Wu Xie's hands and feet were tied and he was in a critical situation. Fortunately, Fatty returned in time.Fatty accidentally found a strange object outside. Although he was in danger of an unexpected incident, he succeeded in saving himself with his strong body and quickly returned to rescue Wuxie.

Fatty untied Wu Xie's restraints and simply bandaged his wounds. Wu Xie hurriedly reminded him to look for the tools in his backpack.Fatty knew that the Night King might be good at invisibility, so he lit the glow stick and threw it. After locating the location of the backpack, he bravely stepped forward to retrieve the items.Unexpectedly, the fat man was suddenly restrained by something unknown, he was lifted high and his neck was strangled.Seeing this, Wu Xie quickly threw a bomb. The Night King seemed to be afraid of this thing and finally threw the fat man away.Fatty took the opportunity to take out the smoke bomb, and the two of them escaped from the palace under the cover of thick smoke.

《Croceus croceus》Episode 25 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Originally, Wu Xie and Fatty were planning how to deal with the Night King, but unexpectedly, another variable was added - the addition of Zhang Haixing, whose strength was extraordinary, and they were no match for them together.Fortunately, the two of them had a perfect tacit understanding. While Zhang Haixing was distracted, Fatty took action decisively and knocked him out.

Before Zhang Haixing regained consciousness, Wuxie urgently relayed the previous conversation to Fatty. The two quickly analyzed that Zhang Haike and Zhang Haixing might have betrayed the Zhang family long ago. There must be a hidden agenda, and the whole incident might even be a carefully laid out plot by them.Wuxie broke into a cold sweat, recalling that they had always believed in Zhang Haike. Even the gift of the hexagonal bell seemed to have a hidden secret, intended to test whether Wuxie had a sensitive constitution and could escape from the illusion.Now, the clues to find my brother have suddenly been interrupted, which is confusing.

Wu Xie forced himself to calm down and decided to use the Night King's weakness to lure him out.He recalled the records about bone incense in the scroll. Zhang Qiling once mentioned that a woman fell in the hidden sand and would lose control after smelling the incense made from bone powder.So, they decided to collect bone meal.Wu Xie suddenly realized that teeth are highly concentrated protein and can replace bone meal.The two reluctantly took a tooth each and acted quickly.

Soon, the Night King was lured out by the scent of bones. Wuxie and Fatty stared at the exit, and suddenly realized that the reason why the Night King was invisible in the palace was because the patterns on his body blended into the wall, and the dim light made it difficult to detect.

In order to lure the enemy into the trap, the two acted separately, but the Night King's power was amazing, and Wu Xie was almost in danger.The fat man suddenly thought out of his wits and detonated the explosive. Although Wu Xie was blown away and escaped, the Night King fell into the cliff.The fat man recognized that the Night King was actually Mizhaduo whom he had seen many years ago, and wondered why he was here, and he seemed to have undergone mutation.

Just when the two were thankful that the crisis was temporarily resolved, Zhang Haixing forced them into a secret passage and mistakenly entered a secret room.Skeletons and corpses are scattered throughout the room, as well as metal armor and giant claw equipment, revealing that the Night King is actually in disguise, and someone is using this to control the situation.The fat man was furious, and the Zhang family's conspiracy and deception were completely exposed.

Faced with numerous fogs and dangers, Wu Xie and Fatty had no time to think about anything else but to find a way out.They came to a wind outlet, and there was hot lava under their feet. If they were not careful, they would be shattered into pieces.At the critical moment of life and death, escaping from here became their only goal.

《Croceus croceus》Episode 26 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Wuxie discovered many nests next to the lava. The shape of these nests was strikingly similar to the spherical material that had previously swallowed the foreigner Feng's team. So he and Fatty deduced that these nests were most likely the residence of those strange insects.While the two were cautiously searching for a way out, they accidentally discovered the mark left by Zhang Qiling on the cliff.It turns out that Zhang Qiling had witnessed the existence of these golden balls many years ago and carved a horrifying scene on the cliff depicting golden balls devouring humans.At that time, many warriors tried heroically to destroy these golden balls, but none of them succeeded, and instead paid a heavy price.

Wu Xie realizes that the dangers of Golden Coccidia have been known for a long time but have not yet been eradicated, which leads him to speculate that the Zhang family may have also been involved in the fight against Golden Coccidia.Not only that, in addition to golden coccidia, venomous snakes are also one of the threats.The records on the cliff reveal a kingdom that was destroyed by golden ballworms and poisonous snakes. The disappearance of the Yinshaluo people is likely related to this, and it even hints that they are the descendants of Kumuri.

Observing further, Wuxie also discovered a special kind of flower in the mural. The golden coccidia would lay its eggs on this flower and use the flower to provide energy.Wu Xie guessed that the reason why Zhang Haike took advantage of them was because of his special physique - his blood could open the mysterious door, and the Heavenly Staff was the key to opening it.Now that the Heavenly Scepter has fallen to the bottom, Wuxie decides to take back the Heavenly Scepter while Zhang Haixing is still awake.

Zhang Haike paid a lot of money to buy De Naxi's troops, and they moved forward cautiously.Zhang Haixing is also looking for the mysterious door. Wuxie has used blood to unlock the pattern on the wall. At this moment, he only needs a gentle push.Zhang Haixing dragged his injured leg into the palace, hoping for Zhang Haike's help.She inserted the heavenly staff into the mechanism, and the door slowly opened.

Just as Zhang Haixing was preparing to look for Zanghaihua, footsteps came from behind.She was pleasantly surprised to think that Zhang Haike had arrived, but she didn't expect that this was just an illusion created by Wu Xie using hexagonal bell powder.Wuxie took the opportunity to grab the Heavenly Staff and walked forward quickly.The fat man pretended to be Mizhaduo and followed Zhang Haixing.Due to his leg injury, Zhang Haixing was quickly caught up.Wuxie cleverly arranged a rescue and won Zhang Haixing's trust.

Zhang Haixing saw Wuxie being injured while saving her, and felt grateful and told him all the secrets.It turned out that the purpose of their trip was to find the legendary "Tibetan Sea Flower", which is the secret of the Zhang family's longevity.Zhang Qiling used this flower to rescue the Zhang family, but then disappeared, and the Zhang family returned to ordinary life.Zhang Haixing and Zhang Haike left home to study. Zhang Haike fell in love with a woman named Niyatta, but Zhang Qiling's sudden return broke everything. He not only seriously injured Zhang Haike, but also killed Niyatta.

《Croceus croceus》Episode 27 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Zhang Haixing revealed to Fatty that Zhang Haike witnessed Zhang Qiling unfortunately ending the life of his new wife. This hatred was buried deep in his heart and he vowed to seek justice.While taking care of Niyatta's funeral, a mysterious letter came out claiming that Niyatta could be reborn, provided that Zhang Haike needed to find the Hidden Sea Flower.

Zhang Haike was so worried that he immediately turned to the former head of the Zhang family for help, but was told that he was no longer the former master, and that the Tibetan Sea Flower could only temporarily extend the life of the injured. Once it was detached, it withered and was ineffective against the deceased.However, Zhang Haike has a deep obsession and is unwilling to give up even if there is a glimmer of hope, vowing to save his beloved.

Wuxie heard Zhang Haixing's narration and felt deeply misunderstood. She believed that Niyatta's death was actually a carefully planned murder. Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that someone induced them to search for the Hidden Sea Flower just after she passed away?There must be a conspiracy behind all this.

Zhang Haixing recalled the past with Zhang Qiling. They had experienced life and death together. Instead of taking advantage of others' danger, Zhang Qiling saved him with his own blood.She firmly believed that Zhang Qiling would not kill an innocent woman and there must be a secret behind it.

Despite Zhang Haixing's doubts, finding the Hidden Sea Flower has been Zhang Haike's obsession for many years. The love between brother and sister is so deep that she is willing to go through fire and water for her brother.Zhang Haixing also revealed that the Tibetan Sea Flower reappears every eighty years, and the eggs of Chrysophyton are parasitized on it. If allowed to multiply, the consequences would be disastrous.The Zhang family once sent Mizartuo to manage the flower fields, but due to poor management, Mizartuo was also infected and mutated. This may be the source of the disaster in Yinshaluo. The legendary Night King may also be a mutated Mizartuo.

Wu Xie realized that if Zhang Qiling really had a mission, it would be to destroy the Zanghai flower fields to prevent the golden coccidia from spreading and endangering mankind.It turns out that Wu Xie and Fatty were not really dead, but played a trick on Zhang Haixing.

After the goal was clear, Wu Xie and Fatty went straight to the Tibetan Sea Flower Field. Facing the sea of ​​​​beautiful but hidden murderous flowers, they felt chilled.In order to eradicate the scourge, the two decided to use the Zhang family head's token - the Heavenly Staff and the Key to uncover the secret mechanism deep in the flower field.

Wuxie glimpsed the location of the mechanism through the keyhole, and was about to take action when Zhang Haike led the crowd.Fatty cleverly used dumb thunder to attract attention, while Wuxie took the opportunity to activate the mechanism.With the insertion of the heavenly staff, the flower field boiled, the golden coccidia eggs were stripped off and died quickly, and the Zanghai flower field withered instantly.

The mission is accomplished, life and death are no longer a concern.Zhang Haike finally found relief when he saw the Tibetan Flower withering and his beloved wife having no hope of resurrection.Wuxie comforted him that there are still countless beautiful things in the world worth cherishing, so he should let go of his obsession and love all sentient beings.Zhang Haike was able to resolve the knot he had suffered for many years and move towards a new life with his sister.

《Croceus croceus》 Episode 28 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

The Zanghai flower field was in ruins. Wuxie and Fatty couldn't help but sigh together. Life and death had been hanging by a thread for many days, and they finally felt relieved after completing their mission.However, there was still a trace of doubt in Wu Xie's heart, and he could not completely feel at ease without seeing the Golden Ball Insect.The fat man urged him to leave quickly. After all, the mission was completed and he was eager to return home.

Hans was unwilling to return empty-handed. Although the foreigner Feng tried to persuade him not to persist, Hans insisted on going his own way and ordered his men to search for any remaining Tibetan Sea Flowers.At this moment, the soldiers exclaimed that there was something strange under the ice, and the eggs of the golden coccidia were about to move, intending to break through the ice.Greed blinded Hans's sanity, and in order to obtain more samples, he actually threw grenades into the ice.

Wuxie and Fatty screamed to stop them, but they were unable to save themselves.The grenade detonated, the ice broke, the clear sky suddenly changed, dark clouds gathered, a whirlwind suddenly rose, and huge waves and swarms of golden ball bugs came surging.Although Hans shot wildly, he could not escape the poisonous hands of the golden coccidia and died.The rest of the people fled in all directions and were in chaos.

When Wuxie woke up again, he found himself in a warm hut and was rescued by a man from Yinshaluo.Knowing that they had been properly placed on the other side of the mountain by Zhang Qiling, Wu Xie hurriedly looked for Fatty. Fortunately, Fatty was also under the same roof. Although his legs and neck were injured, his life was safe.Wuxie was eager to contact the outside world, but found that there was no signal and communication was interrupted.He asked the elders of Yinshaluo for help and asked him to lead his people to evacuate to avoid the coming storm.

The elder's face was calm, and he seemed to be accustomed to disasters, showing a strong sense of fatalism.The elder was a little relieved to learn that Wuxie was Zhang Qiling's friend. The aloof Zhang Qiling actually had a friend by his side.The elders urged Wuxie to go down the mountain quickly to avoid the disaster of the storm, but Wuxie insisted on staying and wanted to take responsibility for the disaster of the storm.

Wuxie returned to the house and wanted to persuade the fat man to go down the mountain with him. However, the fat man had a deep sense of loyalty and vowed to share the difficulties with his brothers.In an accident, Wu Xie met Zhang Haixing outside the tent. She also chose to stay and persuaded Wu Xie to leave.

Wuxie turned to science professor Lao Feng to discuss countermeasures to deal with the storm.Lao Feng proposed a plan to take advantage of the eye of the storm to break the wind with bombs.Wuxie and Fatty carefully calculated and reduced the original twenty-man death squad to seventeen.

Wu Xie and Fatty were deeply moved by the bravery and fearlessness of Yin Sha Luo Ren. Faced with the disaster, they were not afraid and asked to join the death squad one after another.The next day, an emergency report came from the front. The exploration team had not returned yet. The storm was approaching. Wuxie made a prompt decision and summoned the death squad to take action in advance.

《Croceus croceus》Episode 29 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

The death squads led by Wu Xie, Zhang Haixing and Fatty are about to embark on a journey. On the eve of their departure, Yinsha Luoren specially held a solemn farewell ceremony for them, honoring them as brave warriors.Nanny asked Wuxie with concern if there was anyone he cared about, and told him to act within his capabilities regardless of whether the mission was successful or not. Yinshaluo Ren would understand and accept all results.After getting along with each other for this period of time, Mammy suddenly realized why Zhang Qiling chose to let Wuxie inherit his legacy, because the eyes of the two contained the same determination and persistence.

Wu Xie's heart was filled with exploration and longing for Zhang Qiling's past. He couldn't help but ask his grandma if this was an obsession that was difficult to let go of.Mammy gave him a profound answer on the grounds that life cannot go backwards and every experience is destined.

In the dead of night, Wuxie stood alone outside the tent, staring at Zhang Qiling's portrait, silently thinking about the unknown and possibilities of tomorrow's battle, and even had a premonition that this might be a farewell to Zhang Qiling.However, when he looked up at the wall, he accidentally discovered the mysterious mark left by Zhang Qiling. This was not only graffiti, but also a key diagram to decipher the coming storm crisis.It turned out that the Zhang family had already foreseen the hurricane disaster that would be caused by the breakup of the ice. Zhang Qiling drew a map based on the structure of the bronze factory, revealing the huge energy source hidden at the bottom of the factory. As long as the mechanism is found and activated, the storm can be calmed.

Wu Xie excitedly told Nanny and others about this discovery. At first they were surprised and doubtful, but when they saw Wu Xie's firm eyes, they chose to trust him.The team decided that Wuxie would be responsible for finding and activating the mechanism, while Zhang Haixing and Fatty were on standby in the rear.On the way, Yindan, the warrior of Yinshaluo, took the initiative to ask Ying to join, using his familiarity with the terrain to help Wu Xie.

After some difficult exploration, Wuxie finally found the location of the mechanism, but the ignition device frequently malfunctioned due to disrepair.Faced with the dilemma of tight time, Wuxie resolutely decided to risk his own life and blocked the fire hatch door with his body, allowing Yin Dan to try to unlock it.However, Yin Dan was unable to unlock it, and was ultimately operated by Wu Xie.As the torch was thrown in, an explosion sounded, and the powerful heat activated the device. However, Yin Dan died heroically in the explosion, and his blood dyed the snow red.

Wuxie endured his grief and concentrated on operating the mechanism. After countless attempts, he finally successfully activated it, and the storm was effectively controlled.The sky was blue again, and the people in Yinshaxiao cheered to celebrate this historic victory.Wuxie struggled to return with the injured Yindan on his back. At the last moment of his life, Yindan finally got his wish, looked up at the clear sky he had dreamed of, and passed away with a smile.

Yinshaluo held a solemn funeral for Yindan, and the villagers cherished the hard-won peace and tranquility.Mammy expressed her sincere gratitude to Wu Xie for his bravery and wisdom.Beside the bonfire, Zhang Haixing gave Wuxie a precious scroll, which recorded Zhang Qiling's most precious memories and stories.

《Croceus croceus》Episode 30 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

The scroll details the memory fragments of the younger brother Zhang Qiling's first trip back to his childhood after receiving the gifted ability.In the dream, he witnessed a young woman holding a baby in her arms. The baby was crying. Others called the woman Baima.Zhang Qiling could clearly recall the face of this young mother, especially the small black mole on her neck.

Zhang Qiling then expressed to the patriarch his desire to meet a woman named “Baima”, which surprised the patriarch.It turned out that they had met Baima before, when she came to the practice field alone and begged the Zhang family to release Zhang Qiling.Baima knew that the Zhang family abducted Zhang Qiling for hiding the sea flower. She firmly opposed it, believing that the Zhang family's life was not a happy place for Zhang Qiling.Baima even offered to be buried among the flowers of the Tibetan Sea, so that when Zhang Qiling searches for her in the future, she can feel that her mother is still there despite her death.She believed that when Zhang Qiling felt unhappy in the Zhang family, he would definitely explore his life experience and thus have the opportunity to see% her instead of her cold body.

Although the clan members were initially reluctant to use the Hidden Sea Flower, Pema's persistence and affection finally impressed the clan leader of the practice field.She knelt and worshiped outside the ashram for three days and three nights, and finally received permission.After Baima took the Tibetan Sea Flower, she was placed in an ice coffin and buried deep underground.

After Zhang Qiling learned about her mother's story at the practice site, she was filled with longing to meet her.Although the patriarch reminded him that Pema might be like a sleeping stone and difficult to wake up, he still allowed him to carve a portrait of Pema according to the image in his heart.Zhang Qiling then settled down at the practice site and worked tirelessly day after day, from winter to summer, until the clan leader was moved by his affection and exhumed Baima's body.According to the agreement, although Baima's senses are dull, he can sense Zhang Qiling's existence.

When they reunited, Baima's face was peaceful, just as Zhang Qiling had seen in his dream.Although the two of them didn't speak, they had the same mind. Pema had a smile on her lips, and Zhang Qiling held his hand tightly. In the dream, they walked hand in hand in the snowy field, relying on each other in silence, which was extremely beautiful.However, Baima eventually passed away. After Zhang Qiling buried her mother in tears, she picked up the chisel again, but was unable to continue because of the grief in her heart. She finally put down the tool, curled up and missed her deeply.

After completing the statue of his mother, Zhang Qiling quietly left the practice ground, his whereabouts a mystery.Putting away the scroll with care and innocence, this is not only Zhang Qiling's precious memory, but also a rare and tender moment in his life.Sitting around the campfire, Wuxie told the people in Yinshaluo about his encounter with Zhang Qiling.While Zhang Qiling endured the suffering of God, he still did not forget to save people in danger.By chance, the two met and had similar temperaments.However, because of Zhang Qiling's extraordinary abilities, he was coveted by an organization composed of nine families, who wanted to use him to complete dangerous tasks.

Wu Xie was also involved in an adventure and was fortunately rescued by Zhang Qiling.Zhang Qiling once advised Wu Xie to stay away from right and wrong, but the young Wu Xie was full of curiosity about the unknown and failed to understand the deeper meaning.When asked about Zhang Qiling's future plans, he calmly mentioned continuing Wang Zanghai's unfinished business.Later, Wuxie reunited with Zhang Qiling in the south who had completed his mission, and learned that he was about to go to the Three Holy Snow Mountains to guard the Bronze Gate, which rotates every ten years. As the last patriarch of the Zhang family, Zhang Qiling consciously shouldered this responsibility.Although the Zhang family wanted to hand over the guardianship to Wu Xie, Zhang Qiling was worried about his safety and decided to take the responsibility alone.This deep friendship remains in Wuxie’s heart to this day.

《Croceus croceus》Episode 31 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

As night fell, Wuxie repeatedly reviewed the video clips left by Zhang Qiling and realized that he might have misunderstood something.It turned out that the task of destroying the Zanghai flower field and eradicating the golden coccidia was not assigned directly to him, but because Zhang Qiling often lost his memory after receiving the gift from heaven.The Tibetan Sea Flower Field is reborn every eighty years. Zhang Qiling recorded this video just as a self-reminder to ensure that the unfinished mission is not forgotten.

Deciding to let go of the past, Wuxie embarked on the journey of a new life.Before leaving, he stepped into the practice field again. He wanted to say goodbye, but was accidentally attracted by the newly discovered scroll in Yu Hai's hand.In the scroll, Zhang Qiling's early records reveal more secrets: He once quelled the chaos in the Zanghai Flower Fields, and was worried that he might miss the eighty-year promise due to amnesia in the future, so he recorded the past in detail on the scroll, including the mystery of the origin of the Zhang family.——The mysterious power comes from meteorite copper. Blue and red genes flow in the Zhang family. Blue gives strength but also confuses the mind, while red symbolizes reason.This blue substance has a similar composition to that of Chrysococcus, which may be why the Zhang family is less infested by Chrysococcus. The red gene can awaken their sanity at critical moments.

After reading the scroll, Wuxie and Fatty bid farewell to the master of the practice field in the sea.Yu Haicheng invited him to stay as Deren, promising a monthly salary of 30,000, but required lifelong service.Fatty keenly caught the travel brochure next to Yu Hai and teased him about his desire to retire and travel.Although Yu Hai declined to admit it on the grounds of spiritual practice, Wu Xie declined the offer, stating that he had a more important mission to complete.The fat man bluntly said that sacrificing freedom for a meager salary is not a wise move.

Zhang Haike visited the ashram, feeling guilty and seeking redemption for his past deceptions and obsessions.Yu Hai encouraged him to learn to let go and asked him if he wanted to stay and become “Deren”. Zhang Haike nodded in agreement.Zhang Haixing saw that his brother had put on his Deren hat and was cleaning the courtyard with a broom, and asked him about his determination.Zhang Haike sincerely apologized, and Zhang Haixing expressed his understanding and support, believing that his brother's choice was voluntary, not forced.Zhang Haike said frankly that the practice field can help him calm down and sort out his troubled thoughts.Upon seeing this, Zhang Haixing said goodbye with peace of mind and continued to pursue his dream.

Back in the south, Wuxie and Fatty told Zhang Qiling's story and family secrets in writing. At the same time, they deeply felt that there was an invisible force secretly peeping and instigating rebellion against the Zhang family.For this reason, Wu Xie was determined to investigate in depth, vowing to expose this evil force, and carefully planned a series of actions, named “Sand Sea Project”.

《Croceus croceus》 Episode 32 plot introduction

《Croceus croceus》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

The Shahai Project finally came to a successful conclusion, and the disputes between the Zhang family and their descendants were also settled.Wu Xie and Fatty went to the cemetery to remember their close friend Pan Zi who had fought together.The ten-year agreement came as scheduled, and the two decided to go to the Bronze Gate to welcome Zhang Qiling's return.

On the way, Wu Xie felt nervous and expectant in his heart. He was eager to meet again, but also worried about the unknown.He imagined the scene of meeting Zhang Qiling again, whether he still remembered this agreement, and what their first words would be.Fatty supported Wu Xie as always. After the two arrived at the Bronze Gate, they called several times but received no response, so they decided to wait for what happened.

While waiting, the two chatted about the future, and Fatty asked Wu Xie about his plans for retirement.Wu Xie recalled a paradise-like village he encountered while exploring. It was surrounded by nine waterfalls, with dense water vapor and fresh air, just like a fairyland.He specifically mentioned a magical fruit that is said to be able to restore or even awaken memories of past lives. He hoped that Zhang Qiling could also taste this wonder.

Just as the two were lost in conversation, the bronze door slowly opened and Zhang Qiling appeared.He lamented Wu Xie's changes, and the two looked at each other with complicated emotions.When the fat man saw this, he rushed forward excitedly.

Afterwards, the three of them drove to the mist-shrouded village and began a peaceful pastoral life.They work at sunrise and rest at sunset, enjoying the fun of planting and the joy of harvest.This village not only has a beautiful environment, but has also become their spiritual destination.

Wu Xie often reflects on his first half of life. Although it was full of ups and downs, every adventure brought novel experiences.Zhang Qiling likes to walk alone in the mountains and forests, while Fatty and Wu Xie gradually adapt to and enjoy this lifestyle.Occasionally, Zhang Qiling will invite them to explore the mysteries of nature.

One day, they met a persistent old fisherman who kept fishing with a thin fishing rod and a bomb hook, just to find the big fish that took away his son's life.The old man's story moved the three of them with emotion, and the fat man commented on the old man's persistence with an optimistic attitude.

In a blink of an eye, the Spring Festival is approaching.Wu Xie carefully decorated his home to prepare for the arrival of the New Year.Zhang Qiling offered to kill a chicken to celebrate, but accidentally killed his neighbor's chicken, causing an episode.Fortunately, the neighbors were generous and not only forgave their faults, but also gave them wine and bacon, which made the holiday atmosphere even stronger.

When the New Year's bell rang and firecrackers sounded one after another, Wu Xie, Fatty and Zhang Qiling sat around and toasted together.They realize that both the passion for adventure and the mundane happiness are an integral part of life.As long as you cherish the present and dance with your destiny, you can find your own happiness and meaning.

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C-Drama Myst Actor: Zhang Luyi Zhang Kangle

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