《Give her half the city》Plot introduction

  • Auth:Overlord
  • Oct 08, 2024

《Give her half the city》Who is the leading actor in the short drama? This is a short drama with a rather silly plot. It is cruel first and then sweet. The editor has brought you an introduction to the leading actors and the plot line-up. If you like this kind of short dramaFriends who are interested in the subject are welcome to come here and take a look!

《Give her half the city》Plot introduction

Who is the starring role?

Duan Meiyang, Shi Xuejing

Plot introduction

Ying Xia met Lu Jincheng when she was in the orphanage. Lu Jincheng rescued her, and Ying Xia gave him a red rope as a souvenir.Many years later, Ying Xia met Lu Jinchuan, recognized him as Lu Jincheng and married him.After Zhao Ruyi became pregnant, the two divorced.Later, Ying Xia found out that Zhao Ruyi had nothing to do with Lu Jinchuan, and the child in her belly was Lu Jincheng.

The above content is the editor's personal interpretation of the plot introduction of "Give Her Half the City". Friends who have read this article and feel that it is helpful to you, you are welcome to continue to pay attention to the line class. In the future, we will also provideThe latest and most detailed plot interpretation and character analysis.

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