《The Empress in the Mirror (I Have a Historical Mirror)》Plot introduction

  • Auth:Little Butterfly
  • Dec 31, 2024

A drama - The Empress in the Mirror (I Have a Historical Mirror) - was released recently. This drama has been frequently searched for just a few days after it was aired. There is also a lot of content about it on the Internet, among which - In the MirrorThe Empress (I Have a Historical Mirror) - The plot introduction is one of the most discussed topics among the audience. Here are some contents collected by the editor for you.

《The Empress in the Mirror (I Have a Historical Mirror)》Plot introduction

Publisher: Xingyi

Release time: 10:00 on December 31

Category: Fantasy

Starring: Zhang Zilin & Pi Desheng

Introduction: After Jiang Fei was cheated, he accidentally discovered that his bronze mirror connected the past and present. So he took advantage of the time difference and pretended to be a god to deliver supplies to help the empress repel the Huns. At the same time, he sold the antique jade articles presented by the empress!From then on, the ancient merchants rose to the top of the clouds!

The above is the introduction of the plot of "The Empress in the Mirror (I Have a Historical Mirror)". I don't know if you understand it. If it is helpful, you can continue to pay attention to the line class, and I will continue to provide you with it in the future.Bring more content.

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