Korean Drama《No Secrets》Full Episodes 1-12 (Including Ending)

  • Auth:Hungry Wolf
  • Jun 18, 2024

——Korean drama《no secrets》episodes 1-12 (including the ending)--is a topic of great concern to drama fans recently, because the drama has recently become popular on various short video APPs. I believe that my friends will alsoI have seen a lot of clips, and everyone is very enthusiastic about the Korean drama - No Secrets - Episodes 1-12 (including the ending). Let's take a look.

The Korean drama - No Secrets - tells the story of a respected anchor who suddenly loses his self-restraint during a broadcast, which attracts the attention of a TV station writer who invites him to appear on his variety show.

Korean Drama《No Secrets》Full Episodes 1-12 (Including Ending)

Korean Drama《No Secrets》Episode 1 Episode Plot

The protagonist of the story is Song Kibaek, a hard-working news anchor who has a gentle personality and always swallows his anger.He was taken advantage of by his boss and colleagues, and was even forced to take care of his boss's children on a work experience day.

Colleagues sympathized with him but also accused him of not standing up for his own rights.Ji Bai aspires to be the chief anchor and does not want to offend his boss.It is only a matter of time before most colleagues think that he is eloquent, has a good image and is competent.

During the midday news broadcast, Kibaek's co-star Hye Heon received a piece of news that disturbed her, causing her to be visibly distracted during the show.

On the other hand, variety show writer Oh Woo-joo was on a blind date, but she was distracted by her cell phone.She told her date that screenwriters like her have no time for romance because of their busy schedules.Sure enough, she gets a call and has to rush off to deal with a work emergency.

The emergency was that her show guest Kim Sung Hoon refused to participate in the filming.His girlfriend ordered him not to have contact with any women.Woo-joo asks to talk to his girlfriend to convince her to allow Sung-hoon to work with the female guest.However, he refuses to reveal who he is dating, which makes Woo-joo even more frustrated.

Back in the studio, Hye Heon's husband was furious because of her extramarital affair with Sung Hoon. He rushed into the studio and openly confronted his wife.Kibai found himself caught in the middle of a couple's argument, being grabbed and pushed around by her husband.Despite this, Kibaek still tried his best to continue hosting the show.

Things got even more chaotic, with studio staff scrambling to cut the signal.Sadly, when they finally cut off the signal, Kibai had become an internet meme.On the other hand, Sung Hoon avoids Woo Joo after learning that his extramarital affair was made public.The camera also cuts to the scene where Kibaek apologizes to his boss.The boss asked him to write a letter of apology, and Jibai humbly agreed.

Meanwhile, Woo-joo protests before accepting any responsibility.Woo-joo's boss plans to cancel the show if she can't find up-and-coming tarot singer Jung-heon for their show before her competitors do.Woo-joo refuses to accept it and takes it as a challenge to prove that the show can maintain its ratings.In these two scenes, we see the difference between her and Kibai.She speaks out and refuses to be discriminated against.

As for Kibai, the boss talked about his dream of becoming the chief anchor.Kibai is happy that his boss submitted his name, but the boss is worried that the recent scandal will affect Kibai's chances.It's a 50-50 risk, depending on whether the board sees Jibai's sudden rise in popularity as a good thing or a bad thing.

After meeting with his boss, Kibaek meets a co-worker and asks about a show he refused to participate in.Kibaek was happy to let his colleagues take his place.Through a conversation with his friend Ji-hoo, we learn that Ki-baek has a bad relationship with his family.

A stressful afternoon caused Kibai to start experiencing flatulence and discomfort.Unfortunately, when the technician was about to start a maintenance inspection, he and Woo-joo accidentally got into the elevator together.Unable to control his discomfort, Ki-baek starts farting and Woo-joo tries to open the elevator and escape.After a lot of trouble, a maintenance man finally rescued them.

Later, Kibaek hears his colleagues say that they will help select the chief anchor and tries to please them.He agrees to help a troubled colleague by hosting a radio show in which he lovingly recites poetry.As for Woo-joo, her team failed to find Jung-heon, who performed brilliantly on a rival show.

So Woo-joo and her team worked through the night trying to find new buddies to participate in their show.After hearing Ki-baek's recitation on the radio, Woo-joo decides to make him the new star of their show.Although everyone knows that Ki Baek doesn't participate in variety shows and wants to maintain a serious image, Woo Joo is determined to get him.

The next day, Kibai gets bad news from his boss.Obviously, the big bosses think that Jibai is not suitable to be the chief anchor.The scandal had a negative impact on him and he needed to quickly change public perception.

The boss introduces Ki Baek to Woo Joo and they drink coffee together.Kibai politely turned her down, but she persisted.He was forced to lie and say he injured his ankle, but she immediately saw through his lie.For the rest of the day, Kibai kept writing letters of apology and trying to complete the work his colleagues had imposed on him.

At night, he meets Zhihou, who advises him to stand up for himself.Finally, Kibai received a message from his boss.The boss agreed without permission to let him participate in the show.

The next morning, Kibai arrived at the filming location.Meanwhile, PN, a famous idol, greeted his fans on his way to the filming location.In front of his fans, he acted like a sweetheart, but behind the scenes, he was intimidating the staff.Kibaek overhears him belittling other stars but does not confront him.

The shoot started off well, with the two teams playing indoor dodgeball.With Kibaek and PN on opposing teams, the game became intense.The two attacked each other, and PN kept losing.The director and screenwriter ask for a break, and Woo-joo calls Ki-baek aside to talk.She scolds him for going after PN because he is their biggest star.She said his fans provided food and drinks at every shoot, which is why he was always front and center in any shoot.

Kibai denied that he was an amateur, and when he explained, he sneezed and grabbed the wall to steady himself.Unfortunately, he caught an exposed wire and was electrocuted.The whole building loses power and Woo-joo checks to see if Ki-baek is okay.He said he was fine, but that was a lie.

You see, when he was shocked, it changed his brain chemicals.He can't control his thoughts and feelings like he used to.The shooting was moved outdoors and the PN's attitude worsened.He called Kibaek a loser and beat up a staff member in an attempt to appease him.Kibai lost his patience, grabbed PN's collar, and scolded him.

When he's about to teach the young idol a lesson, Woo-joo tackles him to the ground.She asked him if he was crazy and he started screaming.The episode ends with Kibaek writhing on the ground, angrily shouting that this is all a lie.

Korean Drama《No Secrets》Episode 2 Episode Plot

Won Joo stopped Kibaek from physically attacking PN.Cut to Kibaek cooling off in the bathhouse.He is shocked by his behavior and tries to understand why he snapped because it was not like his usual style.

On the other hand, Won Joo talks to Chae Yoon and they are worried that the show will be cancelled.Won Joo has been apologizing to everyone and trying to contact PN, but he has been avoiding her.

At the studio, Kibaek is also hiding from his boss, Mr. Kim.He told Ji Hoo that he didn't know what was wrong with him.He has been outspoken to his colleagues and refused to do any work favors for them.Zhihou was worried and asked him to keep a low profile to avoid causing more trouble.Kibaek fans can't wait to catch him.Meanwhile, Won Joo wants him to accompany her to apologize to PN, but he refuses.He doesn't lie anymore, so he can't sincerely apologize.He accused Yuen Zhou of allowing PN to continue to intimidate employees.

Since he couldn't hide from Mr. Kim forever, he finally got up the courage to meet him.Mr. Kim scolds him sternly, and Kibaek tries to block out Mr. Kim's words by singing in his head.Luckily it worked and he left without talking back.However, his problems still bothered him.PN fans waited at his office and outside his home, forcing him to go to his parents' house to escape them.

Unfortunately, he couldn't find peace at his parents' house either.His parents and siblings were surprised to see him, and naturally, they had a lot of questions.Kibek hasn't been here for many years.He usually just sends money and avoids meeting them.For most of his life, his family treated him like a cash machine.Kibaek tried to ignore them with tape taped over his mouth, but they refused to leave him.Kibek and his brother got into an argument, and their mother stepped in to try to calm them down.In anger and frustration, Kibek stormed out.

He received a call from Yuan Zhou and asked to meet.They meet in the park, and a drunken Won-joo admits that she's glad someone stood up to PN.She also said she had always felt sorry for her employees but was afraid to do anything about it.She soon passed out and Kibek called the police to take her home.

The next day, Yuan Zhou's show was officially cancelled.Jung Heon heard the news while passing by the studio.He seems to care about Yuan Zhou, but we don't know why.

Meanwhile, Mr. Kim decided to give Kibaek a break before hosting a small awards ceremony and called him in for a meeting.During the meeting, Kibaek lost control, telling Mr. Kim that his feet stinky and asking what the point of resting was if he still had to work.Fortunately, Won Joo intervenes in time, and Ki Baek quickly apologizes and leaves.Mr. Kim was stunned by Kibaek’s change in behavior and blamed Won Joo’s show for causing it.

Won Joo catches up with Ki Baek and asks him if he went to the hospital for a checkup after the electric shock incident.Kibek explained that he couldn't go because he might be recognized.Yuan Zhou forced him to see a doctor and do some tests.Fortunately, the blind date she meets in the first episode is a neurologist who is willing to see Kibaek on short notice.

After a tiring day, Kibek returns home and begins his vacation.He began to believe that he was okay.Soon, the day of the awards ceremony arrived, and Kibek prepared happily.He trusts himself to perform well and does not speak his mind without thinking.

Meanwhile, Jung Heon turned down multiple offers to appear on different shows.He is only interested in working with Won Joo and wants information on her new show.Even though Won-joo's chances of getting another show were slim, Jung-heon chose to wait.He asked his agent to investigate Won-joo's next project and report back to him.Unfortunately, Won-joo was going through a difficult time, and the studio even kicked her team out of the office.They were only given a little space to work next to the toilet.Still, Yuan Zhou remains hopeful that things will improve.She is preparing to attend the awards ceremony to socialize.

There, she meets Jung Heon, but she is cold to him.What happened between them?Ji Hoo, on the other hand, is happy to see Jung Heon and asks for a photo.Although Jihou is taking care of his sick daughter in the hospital, he is always cheerful.

The awards ceremony finally began, and Kibek started excitedly.However, things turned sour when he couldn't control his thoughts about the winner.He realized he was in trouble and tried to leave during the first break.Unfortunately, the producers and Won-joo insisted that he finish the show.By the end of the show, everyone was stunned by Kibaek's remarks.The climax came when he presented the Best Actor award to Lee Jung-eun.

Kibaek referenced Jong-eun's past drug scandal and its similarities to his character, which ultimately earned him the award.Kibaek declares that Jong-eun is the real poison king of our time.Everyone was stunned when Jung-eun walked to the podium.At the same time, the ribbon cannon exploded in Kibaek's face, and he stumbled and fell.Jung-eun walked up to Kibaek, helped him stand up, and then punched him like Will Smith.He delivers a blow to Kibek, causing the announcer to begin hallucinating.

In the hallucination, he saw Mr. Kim first trying to help him and then getting angry at him.He then saw his family and they asked him to continue lying so they could continue to use him to make money.He began to imagine people's reactions when they found out he came from a poor family.The camera cuts to Kibaek in the bathhouse, where he sees a shark and suddenly turns into Won Joo.

Next, Kibaek wakes up in his house.He checked his phone and saw 44 notifications.He opens his work notice and sees that he has been punished for his behavior at the award ceremony.What worries him even more is that the real owner of his house called and asked him to move out immediately.He also received a call from his doctor telling him he had disinhibition, which causes emotional outbursts and behavioral changes.

During a leisurely walk near their home, Won-joo expresses her concerns about Kibaek to Chae-yoon.During the conversation, they discovered Zheng Xian.Won-joo tells Chae-yoon to leave with the kids they have together, and Jung-heon tries to make small talk with her, but she chases him away.In a flashback, we learn that Jung-heon and Won-joo dated when they were both new; he was an actor and she was a screenwriter.Unfortunately, due to some issues, they broke up.Now, the main question is whether they ever had children.Who was the child that Yuan Zhou sent to his grandmother's house?

We return to Kibaek, who is going fishing with his good friend Ji Hoo.Ji-hoo is curious about Ki-baek's strange behavior, but says he'll wait until his friend is ready to open up.Kibek offered to buy them some drinks and took his leave.While Ki Baek goes to the convenience store, Ji Hoo gets a call from the hospital about his daughter and leaves quickly.Meanwhile, Kibek took a long detour, climbed a cliff, and shouted his frustration.As he shouts, he attracts the attention of Won-joo, who is nearby scouting a filming location for her next show.

Yuan Zhou misunderstood his behavior and thought he wanted to commit suicide.She hurriedly approached him and tried to stop him.Unfortunately, Chibaek is frightened by her sudden appearance and they begin to argue.During the argument, Qibek keeps backing away, and when she tries to save him, they fall off a cliff together.

Finally, Chibaek talks to a boy in the bathhouse.He explained that as people get older, they become less afraid of the sharks their mothers warn them about in the water.Instead, what really scares them is the unpredictability and challenges in life.

Korean Drama《No Secrets》Episode 3 Episode Plot

Kibaek and Woo-soo accidentally fell into the water. Fortunately, Woo-soo rescued them in time, and Kibaek was able to escape.However, after waking up, Kibaek complained about Woo-soo, blaming him for causing him to fall off the cliff. He confessed his illness and begged Woo-soo to stay away.Although Woo-soo feels lost inside, she still sympathizes with Ki-baek's situation.

Later, Ki Baek returned to the fishing spot and found that Ji Hoo had left. In desperation, he had to ask Woo Soo to take him back to the city.Woo-soo agreed, but put forward the condition that both of them need to change their clothes to avoid soiling her beloved new car.Ji Bai had to compromise and put on a slightly funny swimsuit.On the way home, although Woo-soo looked tired, he insisted that he was fine.However, Kibaek noticed something strange and ordered Woo-soo to stop the car and rest. Unexpectedly, Woo-soo fainted on the steering wheel.

Kibaek quickly sent Woo-soo to the hospital for treatment. The doctor diagnosed that Woo-soo was suffering from hypothermia and overexertion.Kibaek decided to stay by Woo-soo's side until she wakes up.While in the hospital, he noticed that a young boy with a sick brother was being ignored by doctors because he had no guardian with him.Jibai felt pity and took the initiative to teach the little boy how to lie cleverly to attract the doctor's attention.

At the same time, Woo-soo wakes up and learns of Ki-baek's kindness and is grateful.Although she wanted to leave the hospital, she stayed until the treatment was completed at Ji Bai's insistence.Later, Kibaek personally escorted Woo-soo back home.At this time, the audience knew that the child who appeared in the previous episode was actually Woo-soo's son, and the identity of the child's biological father Zhengheon also became a mystery in the hearts of the audience.Woo-soo returns home to a warm welcome from her son, but her mother warns her because she figures out that Ki-baek could disrupt her life.The audience speculated that the "he" here refers to Kibaek, because he was the man who spent time with Woo-soo that night.

A few days later, Woo-soo devoted himself to the preparation of the next project.She plans to launch a reality show where several celebrities will live in the same house.However, her creativity was questioned by her boss, and she even asked her former rival Ha Ying to help her.Ha Young and Woo Soo were both interns, and they have a close relationship.Woo-soo once carefully guided Ha-young and helped her grow.However, Ha Young uses what he has learned to surpass Woo Soo and find a good job overseas.Now, Ha Young has returned, and although Woo Soo tries to stay calm, his inner dilemma is hard to hide.

At the same time, Ji Bai is also trying to adjust his living conditions.He continued to practice and organized his personal belongings.Although his parents occasionally visited and left food as a show of love, his life was still full of challenges.His reputation was damaged and he was at home on vacation. He began to reflect on his behavior and found that he could lie easily when getting along with Woo-soo.He couldn't help but call Woo-soo's phone to ask about his current situation.

Woo-soo explained to Ki-baek that he was busy preparing projects at his agency, trying to recruit celebrities to participate.However, her efforts were repeatedly rejected.During an attempt to persuade Mr. Guo, she was met with a cold reception. It was not until Zhengxian's appearance that the situation was reversed.Mr. Guo's attitude suddenly changed and he expressed his willingness to sign the contract.Although Woo-soo agreed to call back, he turned a blind eye to Jung-heon's overtures.

The two met by chance on the street, and Kibaek tried to explain to Woo-soo what he was feeling, calling her his—switch.However, Woo-soo was confused by this.At this time, Zheng Xian also appeared, trying to attract Yu Zhu's attention.The screenwriter was surprised to find that Jung Heon and Ki Baek met in the same high school.Faced with the entanglement between the two men, Yu Zhu chose to leave them behind and hurried home.

At home, Woo-soo faced the mountain of dirty clothes alone. Her hands were scrubbing to vent her inner anger, trying to find some peace in the washing.The floodgates of memories slowly opened, and the past with Zhengxian came to mind like a tide.Zheng Xian once tried to make her put aside her pride and return to his arms in the name of the show.He said lightly that he had no interest in the show itself and just wanted to rekindle his relationship with her.However, Woo-soo knew that this was just a lie, and his real purpose was to save her and save her precarious career.

At the same time, Ji Bai unexpectedly met his attending doctor in an inconspicuous laundry.He eagerly explained his theory to doctors, hoping to find the root cause of his condition.After hearing this, the doctor pondered for a moment and said that Jibai's illness may be caused by many factors, and there may be a key - mental switch - among them.However, it will take more time and research to truly unravel this mystery.

The next day, Ji Bai returned to work with an exhausted body, only to find that he had become the target of public criticism.Colleagues derided his return and dismissed him as a nonentity.Their attention was all focused on Mr. Cui, who had just returned from overseas, as if Jibaek's existence was just a dispensable foil.Despite the difficulties, Ji Bai still worked hard to persevere and try to find a glimmer of value in his work.

During lunch break, Woo-soo accidentally bumped into Ki-baek who was alone.She stepped forward and tried to give him some encouragement.She told Jibai that she should not let herself indulge in depression and learn to protect her heart.She curiously asked Kibai what this job meant to him.Although Jibai had the answer in his heart, he did not tell it directly.He just told Woo Soo calmly that he had been trying hard to hide the truth his whole life, and that's how he got to where he is today.He reluctantly expressed that no one cares about his thoughts and truth anymore, and he is worried that this disease will completely take away everything from him.After hearing this, Woo-soo felt deep sympathy and felt heartbroken for Ki-baek's struggle.

Soon after, Mr. Jin suddenly notified Kibaek to attend an interview as a news anchor.However, Jibai knew very well that this interview was just a farce after the senior management had already selected Mr. Cui, and he was just a foil.Ji Hoo also persuaded him to give up the interview, but Ki Baek insisted on seizing this opportunity to turn the situation around.

On the day of the interview, as soon as Jibai walked into the conference room, he felt ridicule and comments from all directions.However, he chose to ignore these negative voices and walked firmly towards his position.As he was about to start the interview, he suddenly felt a strong desire to sneeze.At that moment, a switch in his heart seemed to be triggered, and he began to work hard to overcome the discomfort and prepare to start his interview.

Just then, Woo-soo suddenly appears at the door, cheering Ki-baek on.She noticed something was wrong with Ji Bai and quickly stepped forward to encourage him.With Woo-soo's support, Ki-baek finally overcame his inner fear and anxiety and performed well in the interview.His eloquence and adaptability surprised everyone present, and they even began to feel sorry that Mr. Cui had already decided.

After the interview, Ki-baek recalls answering Woo-soo’s question about the meaning of a newscaster’s job.He admitted that the news studio was the only place where he felt safe, because only there he could tell the truth without being laughed at.He had dreamed of becoming a newscaster ever since he visited a newsroom in high school.

Korean Drama《No Secrets》Episode 4 Episode Plot

After quitting his job, Kibai fell into serious financial difficulties and urgently needed to find new job opportunities to make ends meet.At the same time, he was deeply concerned and felt confused and helpless about how to control his incontinence.

Woo-soo felt extremely heavy after get off work.She was frustrated to learn that Ha Ying's salary was much higher than hers; Zheng Xian's presence made her even more irritated.What makes her even more sad is the predicament Jibai is currently facing.When she returned home exhausted, she was surprised to find that Jibai and his parents had moved in next door to her house.Although they were a little at a loss at first, they soon let down their guard and sat together, sipping ice-cold coffee, sharing their own snacks, and telling their own troubles.They comforted each other and looked up at the bright starry sky, as if they had found the long-lost tranquility and warmth.

The next morning, Woo-soo wakes up hopeful, while Ki-baek struggles to adjust to being around his brothers.However, this relationship is full of embarrassment and misunderstanding.At work, Woo-soo had to deal with Jung-heon's various demands.They sipped coffee together and politely discussed their expectations of him.Zheng Xian tried to mention various good memories from the past, but Yu Zhu decisively interrupted him.She bluntly points out that Jung Heon only cares about his own interests and that she has now seen his true colors.

Subsequently, a fierce conflict broke out between Woo-soo and Mr. Guo.Mr. Guo was dissatisfied with not being selected for the cast and was extremely emotional.Although Woo-soo has the ability to handle such problems, Jung-heon unexpectedly comes to her rescue.However, his actions annoy Woo-soo even more as he insists on taking the group out for a meal.At the dinner table, Woo-soo made her position clear and hoped that Jung-heon would give her enough space to work.Meanwhile, Ha-young curiously asks how Woo-soo convinced Jung-heon to join the cast.

Elsewhere, Kibaek is conflicted as he searches for a new job opportunity.By chance, he met Woo-soo's son Goo-won and patiently taught him how to ride a bicycle.Afterwards, Ji Hoo takes Ki Baek to visit his former idol Hyuk Jin.Hyukjin was once a well-known figure in JTBC, but now he can only make ends meet by hosting.Seeing that Hezhen seems to be happier in his new job, Kibaek can't help but feel disappointed.He believes that Hyuk Jin has strayed from his former dreams and admits that he no longer views him as an idol.Ki Baek was even more angry when He Jin gave him some pocket money.

After a long day, Kibaek and Woo-soo meet unexpectedly on their way home.Woo-soo was walking absent-mindedly and was almost hit by a vehicle. Fortunately, Ki-baek came to the rescue in time.The two decided to have a drink in a nearby park and enjoy the spicy food.Woo-soo believes that the spicy taste can dispel her fatigue from the day.However, Kibai was worried that she was working too hard and eating irregularly.When Woo-soo helps Ki-baek clean up his stained T-shirt, the atmosphere between the two becomes awkward.In order to alleviate this embarrassment, Kibaek gave one of his old notebooks to Woo-soo, hoping that it would bring her creative inspiration.

The next day, Woo-soo went all out to find a suitable shooting location, while Ha-young and other colleagues were talking behind their backs.Even though Woo-soo overhears their conversation, she tries to stay calm.Colleagues generally believe that this drama lacks novelty and is destined to fail, and are full of expectations for Woo-soo to fail again.

Meanwhile, Kibaek continues to struggle living with his parents.Although the situation has improved from before, he still tries to avoid too much contact with them.During a conversation with his mother, he unexpectedly discovered that he had regained control of the lying switch.Soon after, he received an offer to work as a tutor, and although he tried to turn it down, the client offered him three times the original price.However, this job became his nightmare.Because the student he teaches is a rude and over-indulged rich kid.During a teaching session, Kibai lost control due to sneezing, which made him deeply aware of how incontinence problems are triggered.In order to find a solution, he urgently contacted doctor Zhu Hao and arranged a meeting.Zhu Hao said that he needed to see the process of turning on and off the switch with his own eyes to determine whether his guess was correct.

As night falls, Woo-soo is still immersed in his work, working overtime to search for new ideas.She opened the notebook given to her by Jibai, and those words seemed to light up a lamp for her, drawing endless inspiration from them.She couldn't wait to rush out of the office, hoping to share the excitement and joy with Ji Bai.And Kibaek also realized at this moment that Woo-soo was the only one who could turn on and off the mysterious switch for him, so he ran to her without hesitation, eager to share his discovery with her.

The two met on the roof of the building, and the evening breeze blew gently, taking away their tiredness from the day.They started talking, pouring out their inner thoughts and feelings to each other.When Woo-soo half-jokingly asks Ki-baek if he plans to stay home all day, Ki-baek feels a hint of displeasure.He feels his efforts have been misunderstood, and the two begin an argument over whose life is more unfair.

However, at this moment, the building suddenly lost power and the surrounding area fell into darkness.This sudden change made both of them stunned for a moment, and then they looked for each other's hand in the darkness.Kibaek stretched out his hand, gently took Woo-soo's hand, and guided her to his side.He put her hand on his shoulder and said softly: - You are my switch.“

This sentence made a warm current surge in Yu Zhu's heart.She felt Jibai's sincerity and courage, and also understood her importance in his heart.She nodded slightly and expressed her willingness to give them a chance to face the challenges and difficulties in the future together.

As power was restored, the building's lights returned.Woo-soo and Ki-baek also ended their conversation and returned to their own lives.However, a deep concern and expectation were left in their hearts.

Woo-soo anxiously waited for Ki-baek to appear at the shooting scene. She stood in front of the camera and stared at the entrance.The moment she saw Ji Bai walking in, a bright smile appeared on her face.Zhengxian, on the other hand, was silently observing all this, with a hint of jealousy and unwillingness in his eyes.

Korean Drama《No Secrets》Episode 5-6 Episodes

The variety show planned by Woo-soo has officially started filming, and a new cast of characters has been unveiled.At the heart of the show is competition and love, but Kibaek, the news anchor, seems awkward and like an outsider.Whether his truth can impress other actors, audiences, and especially the show’s writers is a matter of suspense.

Woo-soo finally revealed the true format of the show - a dating reality show.Even though it's not an original concept, she seems enthusiastic about it, especially seeing the tension between two high school classmates, Jung Heon and Kibaek, that she plans to make a big deal about in front of the cameras.In order to convince Kibaek to participate, she promises to be his - a switch flipper - and help him make his debut in the variety show industry.Kibai's doctor friend reluctantly witnesses the transaction.

The show started filming, and the guests stayed in the B&B according to the script.In addition to Kibaek and Zhengxian, there are two male guests, a French chef and a menswear designer.Together they pursue three women: a former swimmer TV presenter, a graphic designer and a lawyer.However, the imbalance in the number of people made Jibai seem out of place from the beginning.He is straightforward and unabashed, and although Woo-soo believes that his authenticity will bring freshness to the audience, the fact that he is unemployed makes him inferior in the dating market, especially compared with the much-loved Jung-heon.

Other men not only have stable jobs but are also good at performing in front of the camera.Woo-soo gives Ki-baek a crash course on how to win the hearts of ladies and viewers alike, and the secret lies in three traits: winning, loyalty, and — yutori — (flexible personality or light-heartedness).Keeping this in mind, Kibai participated in the first challenge - a mud wrestling match.Although the game was not original, it inspired men to win.When the numbers dwindle and competition turns to protectiveness, Kibai forms an alliance with Ms. Ex-Swimmer, working together not out of instinct but because she is experiencing emotional frustration.

This cooperation allows Kibaek to show his loyalty, but his real loyalty is to Woo-soo.When he hears speculation about his relationship with Woo-soo from the crew, he defends her by pretending they are just friends to protect her reputation.Although Woo-soo is unaware of Ki-baek's behavior, he begins to develop feelings for him, feeling both sympathy and jealousy.In the editing room, her attention to him was even noticed by her colleagues.

Woo-soo has always denied her feelings for Ki-baek, but in the latest social event, when Ki-baek got lost, she couldn't calm down.She rushes into the woods to find him and confesses to him in a heart-pounding rush, only to quickly take it back for fear of jeopardizing her show and her career.At this point, she knew the show was the top priority.

Since the show began filming, the cast has been speculating on what the male team - the boys - have in common.Through the challenge winner's hint, Jung Heon was the first to guess the answer: all the male guests have the same first love - Min.The addition of Min immediately changed the atmosphere of the show. The female guests felt threatened, while Kibaek and Zhengheon were not enthusiastic towards her due to their high school love triangle.

When Min arranges a date with Jung-heon, she unexpectedly chooses Ki-baek as the third participant.Woo-soo feels guilty about this because she knows it's taking advantage of Ki-baek's personal life.During a date at a theme park, the situation gets out of hand and Woo-soo loses control of the safety railing. Ki-baek comes to the rescue in time.Jung-heon was surrounded by fans and fell into panic. Ki-baek came to the rescue again.

Kibaek confesses to Woo-soo how he feels about being taken advantage of, but he also understands that he provided his personal diary as inspiration for the show.His performance at the theme park won Min's love, and they even coincided with the same birthday.However, Ki-baek chooses to celebrate her birthday with Woo-soo and prepares a surprise party for her.Although they love each other, they don't confess it to avoid detracting from the show and instead share a night of spicy food and fireworks.

On the night of Woo-soo's birthday, the show took a new turn.When the former swimmer lady unexpectedly quits, Woo-soo has to join as a substitute and becomes one of the female contestants on the show.This change adds new uncertainty to the upcoming plot.

Korean Drama《No Secrets》Episodes 7-8 Episodes

It has long been known behind the scenes of the reality show that everything is carefully planned.When the cast of the dating show learned that new member Woo-soo was coming on board, they weren't surprised because it was just part of the script.Woo-soo suddenly appeared and announced that he had become a new member of Lovers' Paradise. Those seemingly surprised faces were just the effect of the performance.In fact, Jung-heon proposed that Woo-soo join the show in place of the missing《former swimming lady》and only after she reluctantly agreed did he inform the other cast members and ask for their opinions.

The actors were curious about Woo-soo's inclusion and wondered why he was chosen.Jung-heon revealed that he and Woo-soo had been in a relationship, which led to the other cast members quickly accepting Woo-soo's identity as Jung-heon's ex-girlfriend and seeing her role in the show as fitting the theme.After everyone expressed their willingness to continue participating, filming resumed as if the former Miss Swimming had never existed.However, how to explain her sudden disappearance to the audience remains an unsolved problem.

The next morning, the filming started with challenges.As a screenwriter, Woo-soo seemed at a loss when facing the camera for the first time. Her stiffness and instinctive reaction made the scene awkward.However, Kibaek and Zhengheon show their chivalry and resolve the embarrassment for her.During this process, a new love triangle quietly sprouted in the lovers' paradise.

After breakfast, the male guests decided on their matching partners by selecting the items belonging to the female guests.Jung-heon mistakenly thought that Woo-soo's key chain belonged to another female guest and chose the wrong item, but Ki-baek knew it.The next competition was an ATV racing race on the beach. Woo-soo participated enthusiastically. Ki-baek took the initiative to give up the driving right and chose to sit behind her and hug her tightly.Their chemistry and enthusiasm won them the contest and the right to date together.

Although Kibaek is unwilling to date Woo-soo, Woo-soo insists on following the script.She understands that Kibaek would rather date another female guest, which makes her feel hurt.However, Kibai has no romantic feelings for the female guest, he just wants to take this opportunity to ask her why she forced - the former swimming lady - to leave.

Min always hides her true motives on the grounds that she - a former swimming lady - has a boyfriend, but Kibaek cannot tolerate her behavior.Min mistakenly believes that Kibaek is angry because the former swimming lady is his crush, but Kibaek denies this, leading Min to mistakenly believe that Woo-soo is the third party in the love triangle.Min plays a complex character in the play. Her true motivations are confusing, but she is eager to successfully pair up with Kibaek.Ki-baek seems willing to cooperate with her plan, but off camera, his heart is occupied by Woo-soo.

On the last day of filming, Ki-baek chooses Min, and the camera instead focuses on Woo-soo's choice.However, the plot suddenly jumps to one month later, - Couple's Paradise - the day the pilot episode premiered.Kibaek and Jung-heon waited anxiously for Woo-soo to appear, but in the end, Jung-heon was disappointed.Surprisingly, Woo-soo shows up on the rooftop to watch the pilot episode with his family and Ki-baek's family.This doesn't mean she chose Kibaek on the show, in fact, she didn't choose anyone.

After filming ended, Woo-soo and Ki-baek's real-life relationship became a matter of suspense.Woo-soo uses work as an excuse to avoid Ki-baek, but her appearance and flashbacks reveal the complicated emotions between them.Now, Kibaek is also confused as to what their relationship is like.Over the past month, Woo-soo has deliberately kept his distance, and their reunion ended with an unsolved mystery.

After filming ended, the real-life relationship between Woo-soo and Ki-baek became confusing.Woo-soo deliberately keeps his distance, but Ki-baek is confused by this.Their reunion begins with a kiss, but their relationship remains elusive.After the program is broadcast, they need to avoid excessive exposure so that the audience will not detect the falsehood.

Woo-soo's participation in the reality show had a profound impact on her career, as television networks preferred to invite her as a guest on variety shows rather than as a writer, causing her to temporarily leave the writing team.During this period, she was assigned to the writing team of the food program, but the host was absent due to emergency surgery, which provided Jibai with a replacement opportunity.In the show, Ji Bai commented on the restaurant he often visited in college, but found that it had changed drastically, his aunt had become irritable, and the food no longer tasted like he remembered.He commented candidly that his aunt was inspired to take over the kitchen again.The director was satisfied with Ki-baek's revelation and wanted him to become the resident host, but Ki-baek declined unless Woo-soo became the resident screenwriter, but Woo-soo said it was impossible.

The two need to handle public interactions carefully to maintain the authenticity of the couple's paradise.However, when the actors were filming a promotional video, Kibaek's jealousy over Woo-soo's photo with Jung-heon nearly spilled off the screen.After the filming, they carpooled home, and Kibaek was upset because he didn't take a picture with Woo-soo.Woo-soo decides to take a photo with Ki-baek at the photo booth, despite the risks.This move made Jibai's emotions rise. Their intimate move was caught by Jibai's father. Although he pretended not to see it, his eyes revealed his heart.

Jung Heon loves Woo Soo deeply, but his past mistakes have plunged him into despair.He once lied to his family that Woo-soo was the daughter of a teacher, when in fact she was raised by a single mother.Woo-soo mistakenly believed that Jung-heon was ashamed of her and her mother, which led to the breakup.Now, Jung Heon apologizes to Baek Joo Hee, explaining that he lied to protect Woo Soo from being unfairly judged.Woo-soo overhears the conversation, accepts the apology and is relieved, but unwilling to start a relationship again.

Jung-heon still couldn't help but ask Woo-soo: - Is Ki-baek the person in your heart now?”The camera turned to Kibaek who was about to confess his love, but saw him misunderstanding Woo-soo hugging Jung-heon.To us, it was just a hug showing sympathy and rejection, but the misunderstanding between Woo-soo and Ki-baek took time to clear up.Next week, we'll find out when they resolve this misunderstanding, and the suspense will be high.

As the plot develops, the romantic elements of the story become increasingly addictive, despite departing from the original setting of a truth-telling news anchor.We look forward to the clarification of their relationship and how they resolve their misunderstandings...

Korean Drama《No Secrets》Episode 9-10 Episodes

Woo-soo firmly rejects Jung-heon's advances and confesses his feelings for Ki-baek to him.Although Zhengxian felt disappointed, he was also relieved to a certain extent.However, fate seemed not to be kind to this persistent actor.Since the completion of "Lovers' Paradise", he was exhausted due to overwork and eventually lost consciousness in Woo-soo's arms.

Woo-soo panicked and looked around for help, but Ki-baek was not far away, frowning.She hurriedly called Kibaek, and the two of them worked together to take Jung Heon to a nearby hospital.In the ward, they waited silently until the infusion was over and Zhengxian slowly woke up.During this period, Kibaek felt Woo-soo's deep concern for Jung-heon's condition, and he couldn't help but have a complex emotion in his heart - he worried whether this concern still contained Woo-soo's nostalgia for the past.However, he knows that Woo-soo's heart already belongs to him, and this concern is more out of friendship and sympathy.

After Zheng Xian woke up, he showed his generosity and kindness.He did not take advantage of Kibaek's uneasiness to drive a wedge between Woo-soo and Kibaek, but instead told Kibaek frankly about Woo-soo's feelings.This made Kibaek feel more gratified and made him more determined to go on with Woo-soo.

Later, Kibaek sent a text message to Woo-soo, expressing his desire to formalize his relationship with her.Woo-soo replied: - I thought we were already a couple.——This simple sentence made Ji Bai feel surprised and warm at the same time.The relationship between them has long transcended the boundaries of friends and has become an indispensable presence in each other's lives.

After the last episode of "Lovers' Paradise" was aired, the ratings were gratifying, reaching double digits.Both Woo-soo and Ki-baek are very excited about this and believe that the success of this drama will open a new chapter in their careers.

In terms of career, Jibai ushered in new opportunities.He and Zheng Xian's agency decided to continue their cooperation and jointly star in new works.Although the two often made jokes during the filming process, these happy times also became their precious memories.However, as Gay White's popularity soared, he also began to face new challenges.During a supermarket commercial shoot, he was recognized by enthusiastic fans, causing quite a commotion.This got him thinking about how to better manage his relationship with fans.

Meanwhile, Woo-soo faces challenges of his own.As one of the leading actors in "Lovers' Paradise", she received more attention and love, but she also suffered a lot of pressure.She needs to constantly adjust her mentality and state to cope with various challenges and expectations.

During the filming process of "Couple's Paradise", Kibaek was always concerned about Woo-soo's emotional changes.He longs to understand her inner troubles, but Woo-soo deftly avoids his inquiries.Although Kibaek felt disappointed, he respected Woo-soo's choice and did not force her to share her feelings.When Woo-soo finally opens up about her professional and personal troubles, Ki-baek gently comforts her and tells her not to be afraid even if she faces difficulties.

However, the warm atmosphere did not last long.During a community service event, Min's sudden action broke the peace between Woo-soo and Ki-baek.Min's fans began to question Kibaek's absence in Min's videos, and the internet celebrity, who is good at creating topics, decided to write an exposé about a couple's paradise.This article is more absurd than any reality show, and it caused a lot of trouble to Woo-soo and Ki-baek.They had to face this sudden challenge while trying to maintain the stability of their relationships and careers.

To cover up her previous lies, Min made up more stories, claiming that Woo-soo had been dating Ki-baek before the show even started, and even forced the former swimmer to quit the show out of jealousy.After posting the video, Min chose to flee to France in an attempt to escape the turmoil and avoid being found or forced to tell the truth.

As a result, Woo-soo and Ki-baek became the focus of public opinion and suffered groundless accusations.What is distressing is that these accusations did not stem from Woo-soo's rejection of Jung-heon in the show, but from more brutal acts of violence in real life.Bo-ja's window was smashed with bricks, and Woo-soo was even attacked by Maracas.Fortunately, Kibaek and Jung-heon arrived in time and saved Woo-soo.At the police station, Zhengxian was shocked to find that the woman who attacked Woo-soo was one of his fans. This discovery made him deeply understand the tremendous pressure he endured as a public figure.

Faced with this dilemma, Kibaek was deeply disturbed and decided to hold a press conference to clarify the romance rumors with Woo-soo.However, fate seemed to play a trick on him, and his - let's be honest - switch accidentally stayed on.In front of the camera, he frankly admitted his relationship with Woo-soo and firmly denied the rumors spread by Min.At the critical moment, Woo-soo appeared, provided strong evidence, and brought a key witness to jointly reveal the truth about Min blackmailing the former swimmer and forcing him to quit the show.

As the truth comes to light, the world seems to have returned to peace.But Yu-soo's heart is still full of entanglements. She feels that meeting her biological mother will not change anything, but she is also troubled by an indescribable emotion.At this time, Jibai became her solid backing and encouraged her to express her inner thoughts.He gently told Woo-soo that escaping may temporarily relieve the pain, but facing it bravely may find the answer in his heart.

While Kibaek does a great job playing the role of the boyfriend, he also realizes that he's hurting his family in his pursuit of the truth.To make amends, he planned an elaborate family vacation.This was the first time he had arranged a trip for his family, so he cherished it very much.However, because he owed his friend Zhihou a favor, he had to postpone meeting his family for a day.So, while his family was busy preparing to leave, he started a challenging variety show journey with Jihou and the reformed idol star.

The theme of this variety show is for B-list stars to spend time with an eccentric nature guru.Although the natural master refuses to live without Wi-Fi, his existence is like a walking contradiction, which adds a lot of interest to the show.Jibai and his companions quickly adapted to this strange atmosphere and showed their charm in front of the camera.Ji Hoo also strives to play a funny role. He is willing to do anything for his sick daughter, including asking the director to cut touching scenes about his daughter to respect his daughter's privacy.

The peaceful environment in the program inspired the guests to think deeply about life.A tree struck by lightning became the focus of their discussion, which led to an in-depth exchange on the theme of how suffering breeds resilience.Kibai also found resonance in this discussion, realizing that his uncontrollable ability to speak the truth actually made him stronger and happier.He learned to enjoy every moment, because whether it is joy or difficulty, it is a precious experience given by life.

Korean Drama《No Secrets》Episode 11-12 Episodes

Fortunately, Jibai's father and brothers were unharmed in the accident, but his mother suffered most of the impact due to a turn at a critical moment, and was lying unconscious on the hospital bed at the moment.The doctor sternly warned Kibai to be mentally prepared for the worst case scenario.However, Jibai firmly told his family that his mother would be fine.etc!There is a doubt here. The last time we saw Jibai, his truth-telling function was still turned on.Could he be lying this time?Unless there are some special circumstances that allow him to make an exception, such as deep down he really, really believes that his mother will be fine, or he really needs to comfort himself and his family.However, the truth has yet to be revealed.

The story seems to have entered a period of calm as Kibai becomes the breadwinner of the family.The father is still in shock and the two brothers have not taken on the responsibility of providing for the family.As a result, Jibai began to frequently participate in variety shows, hoping to raise enough funds to pay for his mother's medical expenses and maintain family expenses.He even got an advance payment for his next performance.When his agent secretly took away one of his news anchor job opportunities, he just suffered in silence.

However, Jibai's heart is not as strong as he appears on the surface.Although he always tells Woo-soo with a smile - everything is fine -, this is not the case.Although Woo-soo felt that Ki-baek might still be in truth-telling mode, she still felt something was wrong.There seemed to be a lack of sincerity in his smile, and according to her experience and intuition, people in Jibai's situation would never really - be okay - in this situation.

However, before Woo-soo can provide emotional support and comfort to Ki-baek, she still needs to resolve her own dispute with her biological mother.With the encouragement of Aunt Fuzi, she finally plucked up the courage to call her biological mother.The two met in the park, and the biological mother explained why she left Woo-soo in the orphanage, and why she only watched her grow up from a distance without recognizing her.Although the biological mother did not explain clearly the reason why she abandoned Woo-soo in the first place, Woo-soo seemed to get some clues from the scars on her hands - maybe her father or stepfather had a bad past.However, it now seems that those dark days are far away from the biological mother's life, because she chose this time to reconnect with Woo-soo and tell her that she was about to move overseas with her son and family.

Woo-soo reacted surprisingly calmly to her biological mother's story - not even showing much surprise at the news that she had a brother.She just listened quietly and then thanked her biological mother when she finished.Perhaps in Woo-soo's view, if she had not been abandoned by her biological mother, she would not have met Aunt Fuzi and would not be who she is today.This optimistic attitude may be a kind of self-comfort and acceptance of past experiences.But at the same time, such a solution also seems too simple and hasty.Is Woo-soo's feelings for his biological mother really just a faint yearning?Or did the writers deliberately ignore this level of digging in order to keep up with the schedule?

In any case, the dispute between Woo-soo and his biological mother finally came to an end.Now she has learned to open up to others and express her feelings.It's her turn to become Jibai's spiritual support.After discovering Kibaek's lies, he freely admits that his lying ability has returned.According to his doctor—a character who seems to exist solely to provide pseudoscientific explanations whenever Kibaek’s ability to tell the truth changes—Kibak is able to lie again because he needs to stay at home while his mother is in the hospital, and at home.Lies are used to protect family members in difficult times.

Woo-soo keeps waiting for Ki-baek to be ready to receive her comfort and support.When she scolds Kibaek for always keeping his emotions bottled up inside, he finally reaches out and hugs her.He tells her that he loves her, and while she doesn't express her feelings outright - but the affection is evident in her tone - she scolds him for hiding his true emotions from the one he loves.She told him that they should rely on each other and face difficult times together.

The men of the Jibai family are really united this time and put aside their differences!It's a pity that dad messed up again and handed over all his belongings to a friend who seemed reliable but was actually unreliable.After this friend got the goods, he ran away in a puff of smoke and didn't even dare to answer his father's call!Jibai and his family had no choice but to sneak into the warehouse secretly to get the goods back.But who knew, he would be caught on the spot accidentally, and he could only have a scuffle with that friend's men.

Speaking of which, my father was a famous Beethoven boxer when he was young - because his fists were so hard that it made people deaf!This time was no exception. Dad took down most of the thugs with one move.Not to be outdone, Jibai and his brothers worked together to subdue a thug.But then again, it seems that all those Taekwondo lessons they learned when they were young were in vain!

The police suddenly raided the warehouse, and Jibai and the others hid quickly and did not dare to come out until it was safe.After they calmed down, the old conflicts at home resurfaced.But this time it was different. Dad finally apologized for his incompetence and failure.Over the years, his family's life has become increasingly difficult due to wrong financial decisions.It's no wonder that Ji Bai behaves so rebelliously in school. In fact, he is escaping from the pressure of family reality.After his father apologized, Kibaek also frankly admitted his mistakes and how he had hurt his family's relationship because of his own insecurities.

The above is everything about the Korean drama - No Secrets - Episodes 1-12 (including the ending).If you want to learn more about this film and television series, you may wish to pay attention to our website.We will continue to bring you exciting content related to this film and television series.

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