Movie《Monsanto》Plot introduction

  • Auth:Little Diu
  • May 09, 2024

Recently, a TV series called Monsanto has attracted widespread attention.The updates of each episode have aroused heated discussions among the audience, and the various plots and character developments in this drama have also deeply touched the hearts of the audience.Among them, the plot introduction of the movie Monsanto is a topic that has attracted much attention.

The movie - Monsanto - (Monsanto‎) focuses on the famous American agricultural biotechnology company Monsanto's alleged product poisoning incident. It is directed by John Lee Hancock (《Weakness》《The Big Dreamer》) and directed by Adam MaiProduced by Kay et al.Glen Powell, Anthony Mackie, and Laura Dern will star.

Movie《Monsanto》Plot introduction

Tells the true story of a little guy challenging a big organization: Brent Wisner (Powell), a fledgling young lawyer, took on a case - representing Dwayne Lee Johnson (McKay) against American Chemical CompanyGiant Monsanto has launched a seemingly insurmountable lawsuit.

Johnson, who used Monsanto's best-known and financially successful herbicide Roundup while working as a high school playground superintendent, became sick himself.During the trial, Monsanto's chief toxicologist Dr. Melinda Rogers (Dunn) testified with great conviction that Roundup was safe.

These are all the content about the plot introduction of the movie - Monsanto. If you think it is good, you are very welcome to follow our line class. We will bring you more exciting article content and provide more vivid and detailed plot content.The description allows everyone to experience the wonderful world brought by the film more deeply.Therefore, let us explore and discover more exciting content contained in the movie, integrate into these stories, and feel the infinite reverie and thinking that each plot and character brings to us.

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