《Hush, the king is hibernating》the ending of the novel

  • Auth:Hungry Wolf
  • Feb 23, 2024

Recently - Hush, The King Is Hibernating - has been getting a lot of attention, and it's been a huge hit since it aired.I believe that when you use social platforms on a daily basis, you must have seen a lot of information and plot analysis related to this drama.Therefore, in order to give everyone a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of this drama, today we specially compiled the following content on the topic of - Hush, the King is Hibernating - the ending of the novel.

《Hush, the king is hibernating》The ending of the novel

《Hush, the king is hibernating》The ending was during a collecting trip to Beishan Snow Resort, where I met coach Shan Chong. The two pursued their love together and finally realized their dreams.

《Hush, the king is hibernating》the ending of the novel

Excerpts from the novel

The snow season is coming to an end as the month approaches, the ice and snow melt, and professional players will return to the dry snow air mattresses in major cities to continue their training.

Summer training will also include physical fitness, core, trampoline and other training content. Strictly speaking, it is no easier than winter.

“There is no way, there is still the Beijing Winter Olympics... Who dares not to go to the competition at home?”

The voice coming from the phone was lazy and hoarse, as if he would never wake up.

The ballpoint pen in her hand made a rustling sound as she wrote on the paper. Holding her mobile phone between her shoulders and arms, the girl lowered her eyes and wrote down the answer to the final question of the mathematics test of a certain year's college entrance examination on the test paper. The pen tip paused.

Lift your head.

There was a rustling sound on the side of the station, and after he finished speaking about his fear of summer training in a complaining tone, the boy seemed to have long been accustomed to thinking that the people on the side of Chang Dian were absent-minded in writing questions. He didn’t expect to get much response. This would fill the room in public.The kids are running around doing their own thing...

I don’t know when I developed this habit and method of making phone calls.

No one feels wrong.

"Do you want to go to the Beijing Winter Olympics?"

Shan Shan put down his pen, propped his chin with one hand, and looked out the window.

“Ah...are you listening?”The voice on the phone was getting closer and closer, “I thought I wasn’t listening. I want to go. Isn’t this the reason for returning to China?I haven’t caught up with Pyeongchang’s nationality waiting list, can I still be absent after this damn year?”

Shan Shan was still a little dazed while listening to the electric horn. You may notice that Dai Duo's current intonation and modal particles are not at all the same as when he first came back from abroad...

Or how can we say that pollution in Northeast China is extremely strong?

Facing the phone screen, she smiled silently: - What are you doing?“

”What are you doing, checking the post?“

he asked casually.

She blushed casually.

The people next to me naturally continued to take over their own”

“I just had my meal and am ready to change my clothes and continue training in the afternoon. One thing is better than the other in the snow season, so you have to cherish it...?Didn't go home at noon?”

This is 12:15 noon.

“Didn’t reply. He would lie down on the table and take a nap.”

“Oh, remember to eat.”

《Woolen cloth?“

"Changing clothes, training... I just said that six seconds ago, and my brain was gnawed by a donkey?"

”My brother is going?“

”Can he not go?“

”Don't call him around again.“

”It’s good that he doesn’t order me around...it’s not a waste of time.“

There was the sound of tinkering with Velcro on snowshoes. Shan Shan listened for a while, said a few words, and hung up.

I took a nap in a daze, but I still didn't feel energetic enough for the first class in the afternoon.

The first period in the afternoon was chemistry class. It was about 3:10. Shan Shan was yawning and doing balance work. At this time, the head teacher came in a hurry and was at the door of the classroom.

She raised her head and glanced, then looked back without interest.

Until the chemist called her name, when she raised her head, her eyes were unfocused, confused and panicked, and asked, "What's wrong?"

”When a senior high school student is in class, it is usually not a good thing to be called to the classroom suddenly.

Shan Shan watched the head teacher's mouth open and close, his brain as slow as ever, as if it was difficult to understand what she meant.

Shan Shan is one of the smartest students in this school.

But she’s just an ordinary high school girl“

She had taken many questions but could not answer the questions about the illness and death of her loved ones.

”My brother, “she asked a question that sounded simple and rude and even a bit awkward, ”Is he still alive?“

Forgive her for not being able to think, so she could only go straight to the most important topic.

Normally, her pair of dark eyes were staring at the teacher in front of her, as if she wanted to see the doctor's diagnosis through her eyes. In the desperate struggle, the atmosphere was depressed to the lowest level.

The head teacher breathed a sigh of relief at her answer. She shook her head and said that it was not life-threatening.

Then he saw the girl in front of him let out a sigh of relief, and her tense back and shoulders collapsed. Her whole figure seemed to suddenly shrink in size and huddled back into the wheelchair, and she was stunned for ten seconds.


She took the mobile phone from the pocket of her school uniform. It was already warm, but her hand seemed stiff because it was too cold”


There was nothing on the phone, except for a few missed calls from Dai Duo and a private message from his mother, which contained just a few words: I went to the hospital.

She originally thought her body was cold enough, but at this moment her mind was buzzing, as if she had completely fallen into an ice cellar, and her whole body jolted awake, reminding her that this was not some nightmare that she couldn't wake up from.

... What was it like when she was lying on the cold operating table while her brother rushed to the hospital?

I really know how to joke”

Even if brother and sister are connected, she doesn't have to experience the same feeling again, right?

She doesn't want this kind of fairness.

People always say that the walls of hospitals have heard more prayers than the gods and Buddhas in temples and churches.

The lights in the operating room are too harsh.

Shan Shan is sitting in a wheelchair. Not far away are her parents. On the chairs opposite are Shan Chong's head coach Wang Xin and Dai Duo...

The whole family almost filled all the chairs outside the operating room.

From the beginning of the operation, there was an endless stream of people around. Occasionally, he chatted with Wang Xin and asked about something. He said - ah - and looked at the operating room, then turned his head and looked at Shan Shan -

But even in a place like the hospital, where he is used to seeing life and death, pain and illness, at this moment, no one could say anything sorry that it was not easy for this family. He just took a look, and then fell into silence kindly.

An unknown aunt brought Shan Shan a box of milk in the middle of the night.

She was indeed thirsty and hungry.

She had the habit of breaking open the milk, and when she punctured the plastic packaging with the straw, she felt that she had probably made an unnecessary action“

For example, when she was sitting just now, she was very nice and well-behaved and didn't cry.

But the moment she pinched the straw, the pain all over her body seemed to be activated.

Heart pounded.

The whole body froze.

I have no regrets in my mind. I didn’t fail the competition in Shan Chong. I comforted him and told him it didn’t matter. Take your time. There will be many better Winter Olympics after Pyeongchang. He is still the biggest snowboard jumper in China.One of my hopes is that he can still compete for many more years and he is still the best brother in the world...

She didn't have time to say anything.

The straw in her hand snapped. Her eyes were sore, and the light in front of her - during the operation - became blurry.


The milk and straw in his hand were taken away.

Although he often came to his house for meals, the boy who rarely interacted with her in front of her parents was standing next to her at this moment, inserting the milk straw that had broken into pieces, holding the milk in his hand., passed it to her lips.

She sniffed.

The sip of the straw lightly touched her dry lips.

”Shan Shan, go back and rest.“

The good mother looked over and said in a softer voice than usual, almost numb, - Mom and Dad are waiting for my brother here, the doctor said, everything will be fine.”

Shan Shan didn't want to, so he just raised his hand and rubbed his eyes. His eyes were red and he shook his head.

“I have been waiting for so long, ”she said, “I have been waiting for my brother to come.”

Shan Chong's surgery took longer than expected.

By the time the others were pushed over, it was already the next morning.

There was no shortage of people outside the operating room, and even some people came from behind, including his teammates and the leaders of the national team...

When everyone arrived, they didn't just say hello, they just asked - "Why haven't you come yet" - and then sat down one by one in silence.

The operating door opened, and a group of people stood up with a roar. The orthopedic surgeon who was taking off his mask and walking out was shocked. He probably had never seen such a huge crowd outside the operating room in the early morning in his life.

Shan Chong was pushed into the observation ward, where only two family members were allowed to stay. Shan's father and Wang Xin stayed. The man was strong and could take care of anything.

The single mother left and went back to the hotel to rest. When she left, she was not as calm as she looked -

Because she even forgot to call Shan Shan.

Shan Shan went to the bathroom to wash his face. When he came, there was only Dai Duo waiting by the wall in the corridor with his pockets inserted.

Hearing the movement, he turned his head and glanced at her.

The wheelchair she was moving forward stopped like this“

Empty hospital corridors in the early morning.

The pale and powerless incandescent light.

Sitting in a wheelchair, the girl's figure was stretched very long.

”Dai Duo.“

She called his name.

Then he heard her say—

”Let’s go.“

The young man did not move, but raised his eyebrows slightly.

Watching her turn the wheelchair, she didn't have much strength since she hadn't eaten, so her movements became a bit slow and laborious... The hands hanging on both sides of her body moved, but he didn't help her as usual.

Standing not far away, looking at her.

Seeing her turn around, she moved towards the wall with her back to him. Then, as if she had completely lost her strength, she parked her wheelchair in the corner of the corridor and lowered her head.

The fallen hair cast a shadow that obscured half of her face.

”I don’t want to blame him. After all, I can’t really take good care of him for anyone.“

Her voice had a strong nasal tone.

”But who can I blame?“

Like talking to oneself.

Staring in the direction of her non-existent toes, she faced the corner of the hospital. In front of her was the pale wall and faded green paint. In the ward across the wall, the sound of the monitoring equipment was regular and cold.

was the only response to her.

Standing not far from Shan Shan, Dai Duo heard her whisper "I'm sorry."

I didn't know who I was talking to, but I just raised my head and saw her huddled in the corner, as if she was about to disappear into the shadow of the corner.

Weak and useless.

Cross your hands, interlocking your fingers, and place them on the stumps of your thighs, your knuckles turning pale from too much exertion.

”Blame it on me, it’s better to blame me.“She said, ”I shouldn’t ask for any prosthetic limbs. It seems that the misfortune started from the moment I asked for it. What was good originally was not good“”

She gasped.

A tear fell and fell on the nails of her folded thumbs.

“Maybe I am a plague god?”

She choked and said, -So, you should stay away from me.“

The person behind is approaching.

The shadow cast behind her wheelchair engulfed her.

In the quiet corridor of the ward, the young man stood in the corner, listening to the sobs in the wheelchair. His usual irritability was gone, and he became unprecedentedly patient and calm.

He raised his hand and dropped the wheelchair on the spot with varying degrees of strength. The person sitting in the wheelchair raised his head, with broken hair stuck to his wet cheeks, looking a little embarrassed”

She was probably out of her mind.

Staring at him with straight eyes, he just repeated one sentence in his mouth: Otherwise, stay away from me.

She doesn't want a prosthetic leg anymore.

I just want a complete brother who can chase his dreams on the competition stage.

She could be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

What does it matter?

The tears that I had finally suppressed in front of the operating room finally collapsed under the calm gaze of the boy I liked. No one saw it except him...

Although she was originally a crybaby.

Raising his hand to wipe her tears twice, Dai Duo thought a little distractedly that her face was too small, as big as a palm. He held her chin with one hand, and his palm could cover most of her face.

The slightly rough fingertips brushed her cheek not gently“

”The doctor said that Shan Chong’s surgery was done well, and there is a high probability that he can walk regularly or even return to the competition stage.“

Dai Duo's voice seemed a little strangely hoarse after being silent all night, - why are you crying?”

She raised her hand and pushed away his hand that was wet with her tears with the back of her hand.

He slapped her hand away expressionlessly.

He hesitated.

His fingers slid away from her cheek, and his fingertips tentatively touched the hairline next to her ear, and then, the second after touching her hair”

It was probably an accident of God.

His five fingers were inserted into her hair, his broad palms held the entire back of her head, and he pulled her into his arms.

》It doesn't matter.“

Dai Duo heard himself say, - Regardless of whether Shan Chong can continue to compete, get bonuses, and save money... I was the one who suggested the prosthetic limb, so I will do the next thing.”

He felt the head pressed in his arms struggle and raised his head.

Looking up at him, their eyes met.

“Money, no matter how much it is, I will help you save it.”


Take a look.

The walls of hospitals have indeed heard more prayers than the gods and Buddhas in temples and churches...

But at the same time, before the death gate of life, death, illness, and death, it has listened to many oaths that are the most sincere and have the highest probability of not being broken.

The incandescent lights in the ward corridor were still pale.

However, there seemed to be tree shadows swaying outside the window, the rustling wind was blowing, and amidst the suffocation caused by the cruel night, some people were trying to survive and find a glimmer of hope.

The moon is bright and aloof, hanging high, as if it never has any temperature.

Cold and unkind.

But who would have thought?

There is something.

There was a moment when I was caught off guard.

The moonlight penetrated the clouds, only shining gently on her body.

That's all about the ending of the novel - Hush, The King Is Hibernating - Our goal is to provide the most comprehensive entertainment information to the majority of movie fans, so that you can enjoy the unique charm of movies and TV in your busy life.Thank you for supporting our line classes!

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