What short plays has Li Shengxuan starred in?

  • Auth:Holy Son
  • Oct 14, 2024

Li Shengxuan is a very beautiful young lady. She has a very good appearance. She has appeared in many male short dramas. The quality of these short dramas is very high and they are quite popular. The editor has compiled them here. If you are interestedYou can come and take a look!

What short plays has Li Shengxuan starred in?

1. Forgive him 99 times

2. Mr. Li, Secretary Jiang resigned

3. You are my ex-wife

4. Come ashore!mermaid

5. Fall in love with your heart

6. The Fat Wife’s Counterattack: The Cold Factory Director Chases Me Crazy

7. At the beginning, the empress focused on my betrothal gift.

8. After reaching 3000 levels of Qi refining, accept the Empress as your disciple at the beginning.

9. After ten years of protecting the country, he is still a dad after returning home

10. The temperature of marriage

11. Proud of the world

12. Youth is immortal and always victorious.

The above is all the information about the short dramas that Li Shengxuan has appeared in.If you want to learn more about this film and television work, we sincerely invite you to continue paying attention to the line class.Next, we will provide you with more detailed and rich content, including plot analysis, character introduction, filming locations and other aspects.

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