What level of drama is Pearl Curtain and Jade Curtain?

  • Auth:Little Diu
  • Oct 07, 2024

“What kind of drama is Pearl Curtain and Jade Curtain?” is a topic that drama fans are paying close attention to recently, because the drama has recently become popular on various short video APPs. I believe that my friends have also seen a lot of clips. Everyone is interested in it.There is also a very enthusiastic discussion on the question of what level of drama is Pearl Curtain and Jade Curtain in the play. Let’s take a look together.

What level of drama is Pearl Curtain and Jade Curtain

What level of drama is Pearl Curtain and Jade Curtain?

《Pearl Curtain and Jade Curtain》: A dazzling masterpiece in costume drama

Today, as the craze for costume dramas intensifies, Pearl Curtain and Jade Curtain - with its S+ level production quality and unique storyline, has become the focus of audience expectations.The play is adapted from the novel - Kunshan Jade - starring powerful actors Zhao Lusi and Liu Yuning, and is destined to create a craze on the small screen.

It is reported that - Pearl Curtain Jade Curtain - is expected to be available to everyone at the end of October or after November, and will be broadcast exclusively on the Youku platform.This news undoubtedly excited many fans of the drama, who can't wait to see this beautiful costume drama.

The story revolves around the growth process of the pearl diver Dragon Boat Festival, showing her legendary journey from an ordinary girl to a generation of jewelry businesswoman.In the play, Duan Wu, played by Zhao Lusi, is full of youthful vitality and perseverance. She not only has excellent business acumen, but also shows tenacious willpower in the face of various tests in life.As the plot develops, Duan Wu will gradually grow into the later Su Muzhe. This transformation is not only the sublimation of the character, but also the enrichment and maturity of her inner world.

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