《I was a knight in Paris》Plot introduction

  • Auth:Core Water
  • Oct 10, 2024

《I Was a Knight in Paris》is a super interesting online short drama launched by CCTV. It tells a very touching story with the Paris Olympics as the background. The editor brings you《I was a Knight in Paris.》Plot introduction, come and watch it together!

《I was a knight in Paris》Plot introduction

Starring: Grandpa Sanxi, Xie Yuwang

The short drama shot online by CCTV was shot during the real-life Paris Olympics.Shocked.It's the first drama shot abroad.

Plot synopsis: - I was a knight in Paris - tells the story of French Chinese Guoxing who unexpectedly met Grandpa Sanxi who had separated from his granddaughter and had memory impairment on the streets of Paris. In order to help him find his relatives, he took advantage of the hot spots of the Paris Olympics to live broadcast,A large number of videos were recorded of Grandpa Sanxi, Chinese martial arts cross-dressing, and cheering for Chinese athletes.As the two get along, the sleeping memories of Grandpa Sanxi are gradually awakened, and he remembers the hometown where he lives and his granddaughter Xiaomi, who depends on him for life.Finally, with the help of Guoxing, Grandpa Sanxi and Xiaomi, a reporter, reunited.

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