《Boiling Mountains》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

  • Auth:Enchanting Ice
  • Jul 03, 2024

Recently, a TV series called - Boiling Mountains - has attracted widespread attention.The updates of each episode aroused heated discussions among the audience, and the various plots and character developments in this drama also deeply touched the hearts of the audience.Among them, "Boiling Mountains" - the episode introduction of the complete plot is a topic that has attracted much attention.

《Boiling Mountains》 Episode 1 plot introduction

《Boiling Mountains》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

The winter of 2008 was an unforgettable season for southern China.A rare low-temperature rain, snow and freezing disaster swept through most of the south, bringing a huge impact to Zhoushan District.Due to long-term and large-scale low-temperature rain, snow and ice, Zhoushan District, which was already in economic difficulties due to resource depletion, encountered a series of problems such as traffic congestion, power outages, and water supply difficulties, which seriously affected people's livelihood.

It happened that at this time, laid-off workers from the mercury mine headed by Zhang Changsheng went to the city to petition collectively.In order to deal with this emergency, the director of the administration, Zhou Bencai, had to dispatch a bus to take them back.However, the icy road caused the wheels to slip, so Zhou Bencai got out of the car himself and braved the wind and snow to lay straw for the wheels.Upon seeing this, Zhang Changsheng wanted to help, but was stopped by Huang Dayue.Fortunately, with the help of the straw's push, the bus successfully started and continued moving forward.

Knowing that these workers were about to return, Deputy District Chief Feng Baiyang personally led Xiao Tang to greet them, and he almost fell down during the process.Due to road blockage, grain and oil merchants were unable to purchase goods for business. They reported this situation to Feng Baiyang, and Feng Baiyang promised to find a way to transport the goods within three days.

Just after solving the grain and oil dealer's troubles, Feng Baiyang received another call from Zhou Benzai and asked him to sort out the situation of the petitioning workers and select a few representatives to come to the District People's Government.At this time, Commissioner Chen conveyed important instructions from the provincial party committee to the district party committee secretary, requiring them to properly handle the historical issues left behind by the mercury mining plant that had been bankrupt for seven years.This news made the district mayor and secretary feel unprecedented pressure.

Feng Baiyang was responsible for receiving everyone and asking everyone's demands one by one.The first was Zhang Changsheng. At that time, he led people to discuss growing mushrooms with Mr. Feng, the mine manager. However, due to market problems, the mushrooms were unsaleable and his family was in financial difficulties, so he chose to petition for help.Now, under the explanation of Feng Baiyang and Zhou Benzai, Zhang Changsheng realized that he was wronged first and decided to go home first to wait for the news. As a result, his wife Zhao Lihua was dissatisfied and the two had a fierce quarrel.

In contrast, Huang Dayue's reasons for petitioning made Feng Baiyang dumbfounded.It turns out that Huang Dayue was once a worker in a mercury mine, but he bought out his seniority in a lump sum early and received more than 30,000 yuan, and quickly spent all the money due to laziness and squandering.Although he was arranged to participate in re-employment training, learn car repair skills and find a job, he was eventually fired by his boss because of his poor skills.

As a result, Feng Baiyang suggested that Huang Dayue find the cause within himself and told him that he could not support his family by living passively.Huang Dayue was speechless by Feng Baiyang's words and looked pitiful. Feng Baiyang couldn't bear to see this and asked Zhou Bencai to find him a job related to a chef.Huang Dayue immediately agreed and promised to study hard and work hard.

By the time Liu Yingxiang arrived, a sudden large-scale failure occurred in the power supply, plunging the entire area into darkness.Feng Baiyang immediately called Lao Pan in the duty room of the Electric Power Bureau to learn the details of the power outage.Liu Yingxiang ran out before she finished speaking because she was worried about her children at home.

Considering that Liu Yingxiang's home is located in a work shed area and her safety may be threatened, Feng Baiyang and Zhou Benzai discussed solving the problem of her family placement first.However, it is easier said than done. In order to solve the hidden dangers of Liu Yingxiang's house, Zhou Bencai personally went to Zhang Changsheng to discuss the work shed area.

At the same time, the Danshan District Government quickly launched disaster relief measures, organized rescue teams to clear snow on the roads, and made every effort to repair damaged facilities to ensure the basic living needs of residents.Electrical maintenance personnel worked hard to repair the fault point, but due to the bad weather, they could only carry the equipment forward with difficulty. Some people even suggested hiking up the mountain after the weather improved.

That night, the storm and snow became more violent, and no one on the trees or roofs was spared.Liu Yingxiang's house was drafty from all sides, but efforts to remedy the problem were of no avail. As a result, the roof collapsed, injuring both her mother and her children.Fortunately, Zhou Benzai and Zhang Changsheng arrived in time and sent the grandfather and grandson to the staff hospital, and they were all fine for the time being.

《Boiling Mountains》 Episode 2 plot introduction

《Boiling Mountains》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Due to the extremely serious damage to the tower base and the fact that the circuit fault points were far apart, coupled with the slippery mountain roads and bad weather, the repair crews faced great operational difficulties.Feng Baiyang personally went to each fault point to check and inquire about the specific progress of repairs. However, many roads are currently covered by thick snow, making it impossible to drive on the highway. Rescue supplies cannot be delivered in time. Captain Wang is not sure when it will be repaired.

Faced with this situation, Feng Baiyang promised Captain Wang that he would personally solve the material problem and hoped that everyone would work harder.Subsequently, Feng Baiyang went to the Electric Power Bureau in person, but Lao Pan also failed to give an exact time for restoring power to the entire district.He said that if the smooth flow of materials and supplies can be ensured, it will take about half a month to restore power to the people in the entire region.

In this regard, Feng Baiyang felt deeply powerless and sincerely requested the Electricity Bureau to restore power supply as soon as possible. Even if the weather is freezing, people's hearts must not be cold.Immediately afterwards, Feng Baiyang actively communicated with the Transportation Bureau and other departments, and proposed the proposal of joint patrols by various police stations to fill the service vacancies, ensure full coverage of patrol areas and time, and ensure the safety of the people.

Just as Feng Baiyang was struggling with the power repair problem, the laid-off workers in the work shed area once again went to the district government to petition collectively.After Zhou Bencai learned about this, he had to rush over immediately.The employees were agitated and unwilling to leave, insisting on asking for an explanation. Zhou Bencai had to explain the situation to the district mayor and secretary on their behalf.

Zhou Bencai is well aware that this matter involves the people's livelihood of Zhoushan Special Administrative Region and is not a trivial matter. He believes that this is caused by long-term historical issues. Only by solving the root cause can the public sentiment be calmed down.However, the district mayor and secretary did not adopt Zhou Benzai's views. Instead, they believed that his work was ineffective and decided to remove him from the post of director of the administration.Zhou Benzai didn't care about this, and before leaving, he suggested that the district chief personally come forward to give everyone an explanation.

Soon after, Feng Baiyang came to the hospital to visit Liu Yingxiang's family, expressed his apology to her, and sent people to reinforce and repair the roof of Liu Yingxiang's house.Seeing that people were still gathering downstairs, the secretary asked the district chief to call Feng Baiyang and asked him to personally solve the problem of laid-off workers in the work shed area.

Feng Baiyang came to discuss a solution with the district chief, but the district chief insisted on removing Zhou Benzai, so Feng Baiyang could only let everyone express whether the removal was useful.Eventually, the secretary and district chief reflected on themselves and stepped in to reassure the masses, promising to solve the problem and eliminate all safety hazards.

On his way home for the New Year, Guo Xingdong was stopped by a car accident. He happened to meet Lin Fangfei, who came to Zhoushan to serve as the deputy district chief, and Fang Bing who was traveling with him.The three of them are all old acquaintances of Feng Baiyang. After some greetings, the traffic department has come to deal with the car accident, but according to the current situation, they may have to wait until dark before they can go home.

In view of the shortage of water resources, Old Mine Manager Feng specially prepared a pot of water to send to Old Li Tou, who was preparing to repair damaged houses in the work shed area.Seeing Lao Li carrying tools on his back, mine manager Feng quickly stopped him and told him that the district government had arranged a solution and he didn't need to worry anymore.

During the morning meal, old mine manager Feng told his son Feng Baiyang that as a district leader, he should truly think about the people and do something beneficial to them.On the other hand, Guo Xingdong ran into an acquaintance Zhang Changsheng at a mutton soup stall.Seeing Guo Xingdong's successful career, Zhang Changsheng felt envious and regretted not following him in his career. He complained to Guo Xingdong that prices were soaring, wages were meager, and life was under great pressure.

As supplies began to arrive, the district government held a meeting to discuss personnel arrangements for distributing supplies.Feng Baiyang decided to go to the most remote Huangdao Township to check the disaster situation. Lin Fangfei, who learned about the incident, offered to go with him.Before leaving, Feng Baiyang carried out mobilization and emphasized that the fire department must stay in the area to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

《Boiling Mountains》 Episode 3 plot introduction

Nowadays, people's lives have been plunged into despair due to this natural disaster.They originally had a meager income, but they were even more stretched in these windy and snowy days.Daily necessities such as rice, white flour, and even cooking oil have become scarce treasures, and soaring prices have made many families prohibitive.

Guo Xingdong came to Chen Changsheng's house as a guest and brought several hundred dollars. Zhao Lihua immediately smiled when she saw this.Chen Changsheng told Guo Xingdong that he had opened a shop, set up a breeding farm, and now grows mushrooms over the years, but unfortunately none of them were satisfactory.In this way, Chen Changsheng realized that he seemed to only be able to mine. Seeing that he was in a low mood, Guo Xingdong asked him to accompany him for a walk.

Feng Baiyang led his team members to go to the countryside for rescue. Due to bad weather and slippery roads, they could only walk on foot carrying supplies.By chance, Guo Xingdong and Chen Changsheng met them on the road.After the two sides greeted each other, Feng Baiyang and others set off again.In order to prevent wrestling, Feng Baiyang carefully asked everyone to tie their shoes with straw, and paid special attention to Lin Fangfei, showing his meticulous concern.

Feng's mother Huang Qiufeng met Lin Fangfei's mother by chance at the vegetable market. When she learned that Lin Fangfei was going to the countryside with Feng Baiyang, she intended to promote their marriage and urged her husband to visit the Lin family.On the other side, Guo Xingdong took Chen Changsheng back to their childhood cave, which evoked memories of the past.Everyone misses the mercury mines and is eager to get back to work.

Guo Xingdong suddenly proposed that he had a way to rejuvenate the factory.As soon as these words came out, Chen Changsheng was quite surprised.Guo Xingdong shared his experience in mineral-related import and export foreign trade in Guangdong and found that many countries have a demand for mercury minerals.However, mercury mines are non-renewable resources, and long-term mining in the Danshan area has led to resource depletion and the closure of the factory.Although from the perspective of smelting and purification, mercury resources no longer exist, Guo Xingdong believes that from a technical perspective, mercury waste residues can be reused without pollution.Only by refining mercury slag can employment opportunities be increased.

Feng Baiyang and others quickly rushed to the village committee and were surprised to find that Secretary Duan and others were warming up by the fire in the house and did not visit house to house as required.In response, Feng Baiyang was furious and strongly condemned their dereliction of duty.At Feng Baiyang's insistence, Secretary Duan hurriedly led them to Danyang Village.He explained that one of the three needy families lived halfway up the mountain and could not visit in person due to bad weather.

However, Feng Baiyang believed that this was not a reason to give up visiting, and emphasized that if any casualties occurred in these families, Secretary Duan would bear full responsibility.After consideration, Feng Baiyang decided to personally lead Lin Fangfei up the mountain, and ordered Secretary Duan to quickly organize manpower and carry supplies to the bottom of the Yelang Village Canyon. No matter how difficult the front is, he must face the difficulties and ensure that every affected person is paid attention to..

In the early morning of the next day, Feng Baiyang, Lin Fangfei and others climbed up the mountain with difficulty in the wind and snow.Faced with such a harsh environment, Lin Fangfei understood the reason why Secretary Duan gave up, but Feng Baiyang firmly believed that this was an excuse for weakness and incompetence, and that he was very unqualified as a cadre.Listening to Feng Baiyang's words, Lin Fangfei admired him even more. As a result, Xiao Tang slipped and the three of them slid down the hillside. In desperation, they grabbed each other and continued to get up and move forward.

Later, Guo Xingdong took Chen Changsheng to find Lin Fangfei's father, Lin Chuanyi, and expressed his willingness to refine the slag.Although Lin Chunyi recognized Guo Xingdong's talent, he declined politely, admitting that refining mercury ore was extremely difficult.Guo Xingdong was willing to provide funds and space to hire Lin Chunyi, but Lin Chunyi still did not agree.

After the unremitting efforts of Feng Baiyang and the others, they finally arrived at the house on the mountainside.At present, only the grandfather and grandson depend on each other in the family, and food is extremely scarce, which makes Feng Baiyang feel heartbroken.Faced with this situation, Feng Baiyang tried to move his grandfather and grandson away, otherwise they would not be able to survive for too long.

《Boiling Mountains》 Episode 4 plot introduction

In the evening, the wind was howling, and ice and snow covered every corner, impenetrable to light.Under such extreme weather, Feng Baiyang quickly arranged for the township government to organize a rescue team and conduct group operations.One part of the team was responsible for evacuating the affected people, while the other part vacated the government conference room to accommodate everyone.

Feng Baiyang personally led the team into the most dangerous places to help the grandfather and grandson with limited mobility evacuate safely.During this period, he and Xiao Tang worked together to lay quilts on the way down the mountain to ensure the safety of the old woman; while Lin Fangfei held the little girl in her arms and sat sliding down the hillside.

There is not much diesel left in the township government's inventory now. Counting other fuel materials, the power generation equipment can barely survive tonight.In order to save heating materials, Feng Baiyang decided to remove the charcoal fires in the tents of young people and prioritize the needs of the elderly and children.Gu Hanxiao from the health team was so busy that he was unable to enjoy hot meals all day long and was always concerned about the physical condition of the elderly.Due to the signal interruption in the township, Feng Baiyang personally wrote a letter to Mayor Sun, asking him to send the letter to the district government as soon as possible to apply for emergency relief supplies.

Chen Changsheng was troubled by Lin Xuyi's refusal to refine the mercury slag, but Guo Xingdong didn't take it seriously and ate leisurely in the restaurant.At the same time, Zhao Xingwang came to Chen Changsheng to ask for money for the medicine. After waiting for a day and seeing no one, he walked back full of doubts and suddenly saw Chen Changsheng, and went over to ask for money without saying a word.

Chen Changsheng was penniless and unable to repay.After Guo Xingdong learned about the situation, he took the initiative to repay Chen Changsheng's debt of 10,000 yuan.Chen Changsheng felt deeply guilty for this, but Guo Xingdong comforted him that he would be able to work and make money when the factory resumed operations in the future.In addition, Guo Xingdong asked Chen Changsheng to find some reliable old workers to make preliminary preparations.

Mayor Sun rushed to the district government overnight and waited alone on the stairs for the staff to go to work.Subsequently, the staff forwarded Feng Baiyang's letter of distress to the commissioner.Feng Baiyang stated in the letter that Huangdao Township has been without water, electricity and communications for many days, and various reserve materials have been basically exhausted, posing a serious threat to the local people.

Feng Baiyang particularly emphasized that Huangdao Township is located in a remote and alpine area. Many young laborers go out to work, leaving behind the elderly, young, sick and disabled. Now it is difficult to guarantee even basic living conditions for warmth. He implored superiors to give full consideration to and give strong support to Huangdao Township.After the news reached Director Pan's office, the other party responded quickly and restored the power supply to Huangdao Township as a priority. Maintenance personnel also worked overtime to make emergency repairs.

In order to appease the emotions of the people affected by the disaster, Feng Baiyang personally repaired the cauldron receiver, and the old TV finally had a picture.When everyone saw the news that the national leader personally inspected the mountainous area, they were moved to tears. Then the lights around them turned on and the children ran out of the house happily.In the face of this rare ice and snow disaster, it was the strong leadership of the party and the government, the collaborative spirit of support from all parties, and the huge power of the military and civilian unity to fight the disaster that made Danshan finally achieve victory in the anti-coagulation disaster relief and reconstruction work.

Feng Baiyang looked back on the process of fighting ice and snow disasters in meditation and felt that there were many valuable experiences worth summarizing.Secretary Li Shuhua and District Chief Wu Qingsong were removed from their posts for their dereliction of duty and inaction during the anticoagulation and disaster relief period, and Feng Baiyang was promoted to District Chief.He always reminds himself that this position means heavier responsibilities and more work to be completed.

Guo Xingdong visited Lin Chuanyi again, and his firm attitude finally moved Lin Chuanyi. With the help of his friends, he found an abandoned factory.Although it is located far away from the city, Guo Xingdong believes that it meets his requirements and firmly believes that it will become a new starting point for the dreams of Danshan people.

After Ma Shouzheng was transferred to the district government as secretary, he carefully reviewed all the information about Danshan District and talked with Feng Baiyang alone.He expressed strong dissatisfaction with the current development situation of Danshan, and at the same time proposed two key tasks to Feng Baiyang: first, to quickly solve the legacy problems of the mercury mine; second, to promote transformation and development and find a road suitable for Danshan according to local conditions.development path.

In view of Feng Baiyang's long-term work experience in Danshan, Ma Shouzheng hopes that he can take the lead in formulating a short-term and mid- to long-term development plan, and then invite experts from all provinces and regions to review and guide the plan.Feng Baiyang returned to the office and began to check relevant information. Recalling Ma Shouzheng's words, he secretly made up his mind to work on changing the current situation of Danshan's economic backwardness.He asked Xiao Tang to discuss how to create attractive attractions, but unfortunately, Xiao Tang failed to give much useful advice.

《Boiling Mountains》 Episode 5 plot introduction

After coming out of the government building, Lin Fangfei told Feng Baiyang that Guo Xingdong had approached his father to discuss cooperation. Feng Baiyang was a little surprised and planned to understand the situation with Guo Xing personally.That night, Feng Baiyang approached Guo Xingdong and asked him what he wanted from Lin Xuanyi. Guo Xingdong told the truth, saying that his father suffered from Alzheimer's disease and that he had always wanted to return to his hometown to start a business and was very optimistic about the prospects of mercury catalyst products.

Lin Fangfei ate with her family and talked about work matters, mentioning Guo Xingdong by the way. However, Lin's mother noticed this especially and was worried that her daughter, a civil servant, would like the self-employed Guo Xingdong.After dinner, Lin Fangbing called Lin Fangfei into the yard and asked her if she liked Guo Xingdong. Lin Fangfei quickly denied it, saying that they were just friends.

After Feng Baiyang understood that Guo Xingdong returned to his hometown, on the one hand, he wanted to develop mercury-related industries, and on the other hand, it could also help his father restore his memory, so he immediately expressed his support.Unfortunately, Lin Chunyi is still on the sidelines, so Guo Xingdong asked Feng Baiyang to persuade Lin Chunyi to come out.

In this way, Feng Baiyang revealed to Lin Fangfei Guo Xingdong's idea of ​​​​refining mercury waste residue, and believed that she could give it a try. He hoped that she could do a good job in Lin Chunyi's ideological work when she returned.Later, Lin Fangfei communicated with her father, but Lin Huangyi was no longer as insistent as before under her daughter's persuasion.

Xiao Tang spent a lot of effort to find the information Feng Baiyang wanted. After Feng Baiyang saw the photo, he was instantly inspired.On the other side, Lin Chunyi and Guo Xingdong met and presented some experimental data they had done, saying that this project was indeed very good, but very difficult.But during the conversation with Guo Xingdong, Lin Huangyi also recognized his idea and was willing to join his team.

Feng Baiyang returned to the government building and saw Lin Fangfei walking out with her bag on her back. When he asked, he found out that she was going to Zhonghua Mountain Village for research.Guo Xingdong happened to be passing by and gave her a ride, but he suddenly stopped halfway to look at the scenery.Lin Fangfei asked Guo Xingdong about his idea of ​​setting up a factory and starting a business. Guo Xingdong said that he really wanted to do it. I'm afraid Lin Chuanyi would have to work hard for a while in the future.

On the other hand, Feng Baiyang took Ma Shouzheng to visit the former mercury mine. Although it was overgrown with grass, Feng Baiyang wanted to use this immersive method and proposed that the Soviet Union Building here could be developed as a tourism resource.Can drive local economic development.The two came to the nearby mountains again and looked at the beautiful scenery around them.Ma Shouzheng very much approved of Feng Baiyang's proposal, but the district really couldn't afford such a large amount of development costs, so it had to think of other ways.

Within the Zhonghuashan Village Committee, the director found that there were still many abandoned fields in the village, which made him very angry.Subordinates particularly reported that several families were unable to farm due to various reasons, and the director had no choice but to entertain the district leaders first.Guo Xingdong accompanied Lin Fangfei to Zhonghua Mountain Village for inspection, and unexpectedly discovered that the village director was Zhao Xingwang, who had asked Chen Changsheng for a debt last time. Zhao Xingwang was also very grateful to Guo Xingdong for helping advance the land transfer fee, otherwise he would not be able to live well as the director.Year.

Lin Fangfei didn't delay any longer and immediately asked to go to the village to have a look. Guo Xingdong noticed that Director Zhao Xingwang looked embarrassed and suspected that there was something wrong inside.Sure enough, the two found that the mushroom cultivation base had long been abandoned. Director Zhao Xingwang had no choice but to tell the actual situation. Lin Fangfei said that he would make emergency plans based on the situation.

Feng Baiyang took Ma Shouzheng to visit the mountain forest tunnels, intending to turn it into a mercury mine geopark, and told about the local high-quality resources, such as the long history of mining cinnabar, as well as the unique scenery and legendary stories of Chinese mountain villages, until todayThere are also a large number of ruins preserved on the top of the mountain, which can completely attract tourists to experience the local culture.

《Boiling Mountains》 Episode 6 plot introduction

Lin Chuanyi repeatedly deliberated on the design plan. Due to staying up late for many days in a row, his body was already a little overwhelmed. Upon seeing this, Chen Changsheng persuaded Lin Chuanyi not to rush for a while, and taking good care of his body was the most important thing.As a result, Lin Xuanyi fainted in the next second. Chen Changsheng quickly called Guo Xingdong for help. However, the signal was interrupted and he had to be sent to the hospital first.

At this moment, Feng Baiyang and Ma Shougang were planning how to develop the abandoned mining area. Suddenly they felt a violent shaking. When they ran out of the mine, they found that the surrounding foundation was solid and no one was injured.However, this sudden earthquake made the entire Danshan residents panic. Feng Baiyang and Ma Shouzheng received calls one after another and learned that rumors of the collapse of Danshan City were spreading outside.The matter was urgent, Ma Shouzheng arranged for Feng Baiyang to immediately go to the goaf and shanty towns to take a look, while he would go back to the area to make arrangements first, and contact him in time if there were any problems.

Everyone ran to the square to gather, and the scene was chaotic.Feng Baiyang went to check the condition of the houses and the safety of the people. Everyone was worried that there would be another earthquake.Feng Baiyang told them not to go home yet, but to wait in an open area for the time being. The district government would then organize personnel to provide subsidies.Ma Shouzheng reported to the commissioner immediately, and specially notified the following towns and asked them to conduct safety inspections in each village.

As for the hospital, Lin Chuanyi's condition has been stabilized, but his family has been unable to be contacted for a long time.Chen Changsheng finally contacted Lin Fangfei, but before he could say a few words, the signal was interrupted again.Doctor Gu Hanxiao heard the content of Chen Changsheng's call and confirmed with her whether Lin Fangfei was the patient's daughter. Apparently the two had known each other before.

Lin Fangfei was unable to learn about her father's condition and had to ask Feng Baiyang to take a look for her. Feng Baiyang comforted Lin Fangfei not to worry and decided to go to the hospital in person.Fortunately, Lin Xuanyi had woken up and was fine. Feng Baiyang learned through Gu Hanxiao that it was excessive fatigue and low blood sugar that caused him to fall into a coma.

Just as Lin Fangfei and Guo Xingdong were driving to the hospital, they suddenly received a call from Ma Shouzheng and had to turn back to Danshan City.Ma Shouzheng felt very heavy when he saw the online report of the Wenchuan earthquake. He called everyone to a meeting overnight and said that the rumors spread so widely this time because of the unstable current situation in Danshan. The source of the rumors was in everyone's hearts.

That night, Feng Baiyang returned home and briefly told his father about the situation in Danshan.Feng Jianguo reminded Feng Baiyang to pay more attention to his old workers. Under the current circumstances, as the district chief, he must visit more closely to truly comfort everyone.Early the next morning, the district organized cadres to make donations to the disaster-stricken areas to meet material needs as soon as possible. If one party was in difficulty, all parties would support it.While everyone was moving supplies, Liu Yingxiang gave Zhou Benzai a few hundred dollars, hoping to donate it to the disaster area. Despite his objections, Liu Yingxiang insisted on handing over the money to Zhou Benzai.

After a while, the refining failed again. Lin Xuanyi was in a low mood and thought it was still the problem with the mercury furnace.Guo Xingdong invested a lot of money in mercury slag refining, but has yet to see a return. Now he has very little savings left, and he is also under great pressure, but he still has to support Lin Huangyi's follow-up work.

Feng Baiyang told Ma Shouzheng that the donated materials did not cost any money. They were all old materials that had been stored in the Administration. Although they were old materials, their quality was worth ensuring.Chen Changsheng saw that Guo Xingdong was under a lot of pressure. In order to help him get through this difficult period, he stated that he would not want salary in the future, but Guo Xingdong refused.

Zhao Lihua felt that Guo Xingdong's factory was not developing, so she persuaded Chen Changsheng to find another job. However, Chen Changsheng remembered that the other party had helped him, and he could not be ungrateful.Zhao Lihua was very angry because of Chen Changsheng's attitude. Chen Changsheng hoped that his wife could understand him and never break up with Guo Xingdong at this time.

《Boiling Mountains》 Episode 7 plot introduction

When Lin Chunyi returned home from the hospital, he told Lin Fangfei about the difficulties Guo Xingdong encountered. He felt that this chemical formula could theoretically be prepared through technology, but he could not find the key steps yet.Lin Fangfei wanted to know how sure Lin Xuanyi was. Lin Xuanyi admitted that his self-confidence was about to be exhausted, not to mention that Guo Xingdong's company might not be able to sustain it.

Guo Xingdong was waiting for him outside Feng Baiyang's house in the middle of the night. Feng Baiyang saw Guo Xingdong frowning and guessed that it was related to his mercury recycling company.Guo Xingdong is facing financial difficulties, and Feng Baiyang also has many problems with economic development and people's livelihood projects. The two brothers each have their own difficulties and blame each other.

In order to solve the broken capital chain, Guo Xingdong looked for help everywhere, but unfortunately there was no substantial progress. After learning about his situation, friends and customers he knew before made various excuses or refused to answer the phone.When Guo Xingdong was at a loss, Chen Changsheng came to him and said that he had discussed with his coworkers and decided to give up wages first to help him survive the crisis.

The construction of the resettlement community in Danshan Special Zone has begun. Feng Baiyang and Zhou Benzai personally visited the site and found that all aspects were being built in an orderly manner.During the conversation, Feng Baiyang revealed that Ma Shouzheng had talked to him about the future planning and development of Danshan. He felt that the other party had unique insights in many aspects, which made him realize that he needed to improve.

The construction party introduced the construction status to Feng Baiyang and others, and it is expected that the acceptance will be completed in no later than October.Although the construction side also faced many difficulties, such as insufficient transportation capacity and a shortage of construction personnel, they said they were able to overcome the difficulties, maintain quality and quantity, and complete the construction progress.

After returning to the district government, Feng Baiyang reminded Zhou Benzai's administration to immediately come up with a list of the original employees of the mercury mine, as well as the current specific situation. Who is still living in the work shantytown and who is?After moving from the goaf area to resettlement housing, the laid-off workers' length of service, family size, and income will also be used as the evaluation criteria for allocating resettlement housing.

Since the first batch of resettlement funds only built more than 800 units, but there are already thousands of laid-off workers, Feng Baiyang believes that when it comes to allocating housing, we must be cautious and follow the three principles of fairness, openness and justice., the evaluation standard plan must be publicly announced, Zhou Bencai assured Feng Baiyang that he would fulfill his duties.

On the other side, the old workers stayed at Feng's house chatting with the old mine manager. Unexpectedly, Huang Dayue suddenly came over and complained politely about the large number of people and the lack of room.Sure enough, Liu Yingxiang and others were worried about not being able to get a house, so they told Feng Jianguo about their family situation, hoping that he could ask Feng Baiyang for the list of house allocations for everyone.After everyone left, Huang Dayue diligently gave him a bottle of liquor and lied that he had lost ten years of service. However, after Feng Jianguo checked the information, he found that he wanted to cheat and rely on his seniority to get a resettlement house, so he was so angry that he drove him away..

When Lin Fangfei came home in the evening, she saw Guo Xingdong just coming out of the house and guessed that he and his father were discussing work-related matters.Originally, Guo Xingdong planned to invite Lin Fangfei to have a late-night snack, but Lin Fangfei still had a report to write, so she rejected his invitation.Early the next morning, Lin Chunyi took the initiative to come to Guo Xingdong and said that this project had immeasurable social value and economic prospects. It would be a pity if it was terminated due to funding problems, so he donated his own money to help Guo Xingdong.

Feng Baiyang took the initiative to come to Ma Shouzheng and mentioned to him the list of resource-depleted cities issued by the National Development and Reform Commission. Twelve cities across the country were included. Once the State Council implements the list, the central government will transfer financial resources to these cities.support.Although Danshan was not selected for this list, Feng Baiyang believed that Danshan could apply for the second batch of lists. Ma Shouzheng saw that Feng Baiyang had a lot of preparation work and agreed that he should go ahead and do it.

Lin Fangfei saw Feng Baiyang's face beaming with joy, guessing that something good was going on, and she also had ideas that needed to be communicated.The two planned to transfer the land of laid-off workers in the mercury mine to engage in primary industry and establish an agricultural cooperative, which not only solved the problem of idle land but also solved the employment problem of laid-off workers.Feng Baiyang went to Chen Changsheng personally and asked him if he still had any ideas about the mushroom planting project. Chen Changsheng admitted that he really did not want to give up.

《Boiling Mountains》Episode 8 plot introduction

Yuan Jingjing is the sister of Guo Xingdong's partner and also his admirer, and she traveled thousands of miles to come to Danshan. After Guo Xingdong learned about it, he immediately went to the station to pick her up and went to see Lin Fangfei.For this reason, Yuan Jingjing was a little jealous and almost regarded Lin Fangfei as her love rival, and her tone was inevitably a bit yin and yang.

Feng Baiyang understood the loan policy in agriculture, so he introduced the benefits of loans to Chen Changsheng and encouraged him to continue growing mushrooms. As long as he was willing, the government would come forward to help coordinate.Chen Changsheng was very happy when he heard the news and agreed to contact him in a few days.

In order to thank Gu Hanxiao for taking care of her father, Lin Fangfei decided to treat her to dinner in person, along with Feng Baiyang, Guo Xingdong and Yuan Jingjing.At the dinner, Yuan Jingjing showed her affection for Guo Xingdong and did not hide her affectionate names for him. People present laughed after hearing this, which made Guo Xingdong very embarrassed.

After dinner, Guo Xingdong went shopping with Yuan Jingjing, and Feng Baiyang sent Gu Hanxiao home.When Lin Fangbing saw her sister coming back alone, she was curious that Feng Baiyang was not accompanying her. However, Lin Fangfei believed that dinner tonight was to thank Gu Hanxiao and had nothing to do with other things.At the same time, Feng Baiyang talked to Gu Hanxiao about the friendship between several people, and Gu Hanxiao talked about his schooling, and the two chatted happily.

The next morning, Ma Shouzheng came to Feng Baiyang and said that the national geological park he proposed had been submitted to the prefectural committee and administrative office, but had not been approved.In fact, when Feng Baiyang had this idea, Ma Shouzheng felt that it was a bit too hasty. After all, this was a large-scale project involving tourism development, but Danshan's infrastructure was not perfect.

And in Ma Shouzheng's view, Danshan's current reputation and image are not very good. As long as people mention Danshan, the first thing they think of is a declining, depressed, and dilapidated industrial city, which is far from a tourist city. If people hereUnder such circumstances, forcing a hasty launch may have the opposite effect.

Ma Shouzheng told Feng Baiyang that there is still a big gap between their Danshan Special Zone and the developed counties in eastern Guizhou, let alone compared with places like the Pearl River Delta. Under such circumstances, if investment is attracted by large foreign companies,When merchants see the scale of local infrastructure and understand the government's capital investment, they will definitely have concerns about future investments.Therefore, Ma Shouzheng believes that the focus of the next work is still on declaring resource-exhausted cities. As long as they can be included in the list, they will receive a lot of national policy and financial support, and then they can make drastic adjustments, which will be beneficial to the future development of Danshan.harmless.

Guo Xingdong took Yuan Jingjing to eat noodles at a roadside stall. The simple environment made Yuan Jingjing feel uncomfortable.Yuan Jingjing came here mainly for two things. The first was to ask Guo Xingdong about the project on behalf of her brother; the second was to persuade Guo Xingdong to return to the big city with her.Yuan Jingjing's words were full of disdain for Danshan, but Guo Xingdong felt that this was his home, and one day he would return to his roots.

Lin Chunyi came to the district government in person to find Feng Baiyang, told him about Guo Xingdong's company, and advised him to recommend talents to help solve Guo Xingdong's financial problems.Because Guo Xingdong was in line with the policy, and because of the significance of his project, Feng Baiyang promised to convene some department leaders to meet and discuss with Guo Xingdong these days.

Just when Guo Xingdong was under pressure from Yuan Jingjing and fell into confusion, Feng Jianguo, Li Weiguo and other older generation mercury mine workers came to help, and things turned around.The relevant person in charge of the Investment Promotion Bureau understood Xingdong Mercury Industry from many aspects and believed that mercury catalyst technology is essentially a good thing that can turn waste into treasure, so they decided to include it in the scope of investment promotion.In addition, several mercury recycling plants in Danshan are in the preparatory stage, and Feng Baiyang asked them to treat them equally and provide support.

Lin Fangfei and Feng Baiyang took the opportunity to visit the elderly people affected by the disaster in Huangdao Township. Feng Baiyang planned to introduce agricultural enterprises to promote the development of agriculture in Danshan and solve the current problems of farmers.The big boss Mr. Zhong suddenly came to visit and planned to invest 10 billion to vigorously develop Danshan tourism, which surprised Ma Shouzheng.

《Boiling Mountains》Episode 9 plot introduction

Feng Baiyang and Zhao Xingwang took Mr. Zhong to visit Zhonghua Mountain and happened to see the gong performance of the local Dong villagers. They told Mr. Zhong that every major festival or harvest time would be celebrated in this way to seek health and safety., the weather is good.Mr. Zhong was infected by the atmosphere at the scene and couldn't help but join the crowd and dance along.

After Lin Chuanyi rested at home for two days, he returned to work and started researching again. After seeing this, Guo Xingdong advised him to take care of his health first, but he believed that now he should work harder and work harder to come up with the design plan as soon as possible.Seeing that Lin Chuanyi insisted on this, Guo Xingdong did not persuade him anymore, but shared the good news with Lin Chuanyi that the company was listed as an investment attraction project, guessing that this matter must be related to Xiao Baiyang.

In fact, Guo Xingdong had many concerns, mainly because he was afraid that his status as a businessman would conflict with Feng Baiyang's status as an official, so he rarely met with him. He was afraid that if he moved around too much, some gossip would embarrass him.After all, the two are very good friends, and Guo Xingdong naturally hopes that his career will go smoothly.

Mr. Zhong then visited the nearby cinnabar ruins and told the history he knew without reservation.Mr. Zhong was very interested in this piece of history when he saw it, and now he is even more emotional when he sees the ruins.Because of this, Feng Baiyang introduced dansha and Taoist culture to Mr. Zhong, which made Mr. Zhong very interested. This strengthened Mr. Zhong’s confidence in coming to Danshan to invest and said that he would convene a board meeting as soon as possible after returning to come up with a project plan., then the stone monuments and temples will be built to restore it to its former glory.

After Mr. Zhong left, Feng Baiyang criticized Zhao Xingwang and his team for not doing a good job in sanitation. The roads in the village were dirty and littered everywhere. He suggested that the two village committees have time to go to Yuqing County in Zunyi City to learn from others' practices.The appearance of the village.However, Zhao Xingwang felt that the mountains and rivers in Yuqing County were average and not as beautiful as Jinjiang County in eastern Guizhou.

Because of Zhao Xingwang's attitude, Feng Baiyang was very angry and said that it would be better to go on an on-site inspection in person than to say too much.At this time, Feng Baiyang received a call from Ma Shouzheng, and told Zhao Xingwang to pay more attention to Chen Changsheng. Their family was not easy after all, and to help them solve the problem as much as possible.

When Lin Fangfei came home from get off work, she saw her father playing the piano and singing in a good mood.Lin Chuanyi couldn't wait to show Guo Xingdong's information to Lin Fangfei, and learned through him that Yuan Jingjing liked Guo Xingdong.Lin Fangbing quickly called his sister out and urged him to consider marriage. Since neither Guo Xingdong nor Feng Baiyang expressed their interest, she should take the initiative.

Because Mr. Zhong's nonsense and investment ideas made Feng Baiyang suspicious, Feng Baiyang returned to the district government to report to Ma Shouzheng and raised his doubts.Ma Shouzheng expressed the head count and revealed that the working group will soon come to Danshan for investigation. Their top priority is to focus on this and put the rest aside for now.

Chen Changsheng followed Zhou Bencai to pay back the money to Feng Jianguo. By the way, he talked about the land transfer and bluntly stated that he wanted to expand the scale of production.After hearing this, Feng Jianguo directly asked him to take the money back, saying that he was not in a hurry to pay back the money.Before leaving, Chen Changsheng asked Feng Jianguo about Mr. Zhong’s investment. If the tourism industry can really be built, it will definitely benefit the masses.

On the other side, Mr. Zhong brought people with audio equipment to the district government. His exaggerated report induced Ma Shouzheng's illness. Feng Baiyang rushed him to the hospital upon seeing this.Gu Hanxiao checked the report and found that Ma Shouzheng had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage five years ago, but the amount of bleeding was very slight, so conservative treatment was used during treatment at Qiandong District People's Hospital.

Because the amount of bleeding was very large, Gu Hanxiao suggested a craniotomy, and other hospital leaders agreed.But even so, Ma Shouzheng's chance of being cured was very slim, and there was a high probability that it would lead to hemiplegia or hemiplegia. Lin Fangfei wanted to transfer Ma Shouzheng to a larger hospital, but Gu Hanxiao refused.

《Boiling Mountains》 Episode 10 plot introduction

Xingdong Mercury Industry is constantly innovating to find a way out and seek development. It works intensively in the field of mercury catalysts and continues to develop and innovate. Not only has it successfully developed such products, it has also been highly recognized by major experts in the industry.Soon, Xingdong Mercury Industry was listed as an investment attraction project by the Danshan District Committee and District Government, and received strong support from the government.

Since Ma Shouzheng was physically unable to continue working, Minister Zhang personally brought Tang Yulin to Danshan to serve as the new secretary. Feng Baiyang greeted him at the door.Minister Zhang introduced Feng Baiyang to Tang Yulin. Surprisingly, Tang Yulin knew Feng Baiyang very well and had heard about Feng Baiyang for a long time.

Now that the Xingdong factory is opening in full swing, Guo Xingdong is very excited, thinking that if everything goes well, it will be put into formal production immediately, and there will be a lot of things to do later.For so many days, Lin Chunyi and Chen Changsheng had rarely seen Guo Xingdong so happy. Chen Changsheng felt that without Lin Chunyi, the current results would not have been achieved.

However, since the product has not yet been officially produced, and the salary and benefits are not at normal levels, it will be difficult to hire people, so Chen Changsheng decided to help him personally.Originally, Guo Xingdong wanted to take Chen Changsheng on a business trip to discuss cooperation, but considering that Chen Changsheng couldn't get away, he went to other places alone.

Tang Yulin convened a meeting with everyone and said that since they have declared a resource-depleted city, they must focus all their attention on it. Next, the State Council will send an expert team to Danshan District for review and evaluation. He hopes that everyone will take a serious attitude and pay close attention.Opportunities and taking this work seriously can allow Danshan District to be successfully selected and strive for a development strategy in which primary, secondary and tertiary industries go hand in hand.

Huang Dayue, who had just lost his job, discovered Feng Baiyang and Guo Xingdong when leaving the hotel, and he suddenly had an idea.On the other hand, Gu Hanxiao met Feng Baiyang when he was having dinner with his friends. He took the initiative to say hello, asked for his mobile phone number on the pretext of caring about his health, and told him that he had to come to the hospital for a physical examination on Monday.Guo Xingdong next to him looked between Gu Hanxiao and Feng Baiyang, smiling with a gossipy face.After Gu Hanxiao left, Guo Xingdong asked Feng Baiyang if he liked Lin Fangfei and how he would choose between her and Gu Hanxiao.

When the Lin family was having dinner in the evening, Lin's mother said that everyone in the family had their own busy schedules and often left early and came back late, making the house much deserted.Lin Fangbing took advantage of the situation and highlighted Lin Fangfei's life events, saying that if there were one or two more people in the family, such as multiple brothers-in-law or nephews, the family would definitely be very lively.In fact, her parents also have this idea, especially Lin's mother, who thinks that if Lin Fangfei is looking for a partner, it is best to know the basics, otherwise, a stranger suddenly appears in the family, and they will not be comfortable getting along with each other.

Feng Baiyang and Guo Xingdong had just left the hotel after dinner. Huang Dayue came up to greet him and asked Guo Xingdong to give him a job as a gatekeeper.Faced with Huang Dayue's stalking, Guo Xingdong agreed for Feng Baiyang's sake.At the same time, Lin Fangfei analyzed the factory business for her father and suggested that salesmen go on business trips to various areas and cast a net everywhere, but Lin Chunyi felt it was completely unrealistic.

The next day, Tang Yulin asked Feng Baiyang about Mr. Zhong's project, pointed out some of its problems, and was not optimistic about the prospects.But even so, Tang Yulin suggested that Feng Baiyang should follow up on the project, and maybe there would be some opportunities for him to meet with the other party and test the other party's attitude.

Chen Changsheng learned that Guo Xingdong hired Huang Dayue and had a very bad opinion of him. However, Guo Xingdong felt that since he had agreed to the job, he simply let him come to the factory to give it a try.Guo Xingdong then told Chen Changsheng to go out with him on a sales trip and leave the management to him when he came back.

There was a problem with Zhao Lihua's agricultural cooperation, and she went home angry, leaving Feng Baiyang confused.At the same time, Mr. Zhong came to the district government to meet with Feng Baiyang and asked some questions, but the other party's answers were still vague. He clearly asked what they should do if something unexpected happened during the cooperation process, such as a break in the capital chain that forced the project to be terminated.How to do it.However, Mr. Zhong was full of confidence and said that such a thing would not happen, but failed to provide a proper solution. Feng Baiyang hoped that both parties could take responsibility and fulfill their respective obligations.

《Boiling Mountains》Episode 11 plot introduction

Through this conversation with Mr. Zhong, Feng Baiyang was a little disappointed with the failure of the investment. Tang Yulin enlightened Feng Baiyang and told him that Danshan would make great strides forward in the future, which also meant that in this development process, there may be variousproject opportunities and business opportunities, you will definitely meet many such people.

Tang Yulin asked Feng Baiyang to express his opinion on the profit distribution of Zhonghua Mountain Village. Feng Baiyang bluntly said that this plan needs to be based on the entire production chain having been completed and having a certain production scale. Currently, Zhonghua Mountain Village does not have this scale at all.Therefore, Feng Baiyang believes that in order to implement the plan, the government needs to provide strong financial support. Only by solving the problem of lack of money can the work be carried out better.

When Zhao Lihua returned home, she became more and more angry and decided to withdraw her shares, which shocked Chen Changsheng.Facing Chen Changsheng's questioning, Zhao Lihua revealed that because she was a woman, she was always looked down upon by those people and felt that women were not as powerful as men at work.Chen Changsheng was a little depressed when he found out, and planned to call Feng Baiyang to tell him about it.

At this moment, Feng Baiyang reported to Tang Yulin that he was considering whether to introduce a large leading agricultural enterprise from other places.And Feng Baiyang believes that they must first break through this conceptual limitation. Don't always think that we are a mountainous area with little arable land and difficulty in planting. However, this does not mean that they cannot develop agriculture.

In the evening of that day, Tang Yulin and his assistant visited houses to inspect the people's livelihood in the nearby streets. They found that there were still many dirty and messy places. He thought it was due to their negligence in their work and decided to improve medical insurance reimbursement, pension payment, re-employment and children's welfare as soon as possible.In terms of education, the relocation work also needs to be implemented as soon as possible.

The next morning, Tang Yulin informed Feng Baiyang that they were going to the Administrative Office for a meeting next Monday. It seemed that the previous proposal to apply for Danshan New District was coming to fruition.Feng Baiyang was very happy when he learned about it and asked what he needed to prepare. Tang Yulin smiled and told him to have confidence and there was no need to prepare anything.

Now Liu Yingxiang also wants to withdraw her shares, and the workers are making a fuss over the withdrawal.Zhao Lihua took the initiative to call Feng Jianguo. Since she could not discuss a solution to withdraw her shares, she had to ask the other party to handle it.While Zhao Lihua was arguing with her male coworker, Feng Jianguo suddenly came over to negotiate and resolve the conflict, with Chen Changsheng echoing beside him.

Seeing everyone going on strike, Feng Jianguo was very angry. He mentioned that Zhou Bencai had paid a lot for them and reminded them that they all had bank loans. If they wanted to break up the partnership, how would they repay the bank loans and principal.Feng Jianguo repeatedly reminded them that the reason for engaging in agriculture is because there is no job. Since they understand the seriousness and difficulty of the employment situation, they should cherish this good opportunity. Although there will be many problems and troubles during the entrepreneurial process, as long as they think differently, they will definitely be able to overcome the difficulties..

Danshan was preparing to apply to become the second batch of national resource-exhausted cities, but due to limitations in urban area and population, it had to apply for a new district first.At the meeting, someone pointed out that the establishment of a new district requires a large amount of funds, and it will be in vain if they are not selected in the future.

Feng Baiyang responded to this person’s question, saying that their application to establish a new district was not only to prepare for applying for a national resource-exhausted city, but more importantly for the next strategic plan, so they proposed the idea of ​​engaging in characteristic agriculture..The city appreciates Feng Baiyang's application ideas and determination, but application is a systematic project, and it is still a problem where to start the work.

Chen Changsheng personally saw Feng Jianguo out, and Feng Jianguo asked him about his business with Guo Xingdong.However, Zhao Lihua still didn't feel like solving the problem and didn't take Feng Jianguo's words to heart at all. She even lost her temper with Chen Changsheng and accidentally broke the cup.

Feng Bai then walked alone by the river, thinking about the future development of Danshan, and met Gu Hanxiao by chance, and the two chatted while swimming around the lake.Lin Fangfei took the information on the introduction of agricultural enterprises home to study. After Lin Chuanyi saw the results, he strongly disagreed with their idea of ​​developing agriculture. The most important thing at the moment was to revitalize industry.

《Boiling Mountains》 Episode 12 plot introduction

Lin Fangfei and her father discussed the revitalization of industry in Danshan, and their voices inevitably got louder. Lin's mother came back from outside with Lin Fangbing and teased them for being workaholics.Lin's mother felt that her daughter was too old and couldn't help but urge the marriage again. After hearing this, Lin Fangfei went back to her room first on the pretext of work.

On the other side, Huang Qiufeng is dissatisfied that her husband has retired and is still busy with other people's affairs every day.When Feng Baiyang came home and found his mother sulking, he comforted her and asked his father about the situation.Although Feng Jianguo seemed to have successfully mediated, the actual fundamental problem had not been resolved. Similar problems would cause greater trouble in the future, so he was prepared to find a solution for his father.

Early in the morning, Guo Xingdong drove to pick up Zhang Changsheng for his business trip.Zhang Changsheng was wearing a suit and leather shoes, and looked particularly energetic when looking at him. Zhao Lihua was rarely happy, and her vanity was slightly satisfied.While driving to other places, Guo Xingdong felt very uneasy. He didn't know what kind of things he would encounter on this business trip, and he might even encounter big rocks.

After Zhang Changsheng heard this, he felt that Guo Xingdong was too pessimistic and should not damage his morale before he took action.Moreover, in Zhang Changsheng's opinion, there is no problem with the quality of their products, and he encouraged Guo Xingdong to have confidence and believe that he can overcome any difficulties he encounters.

Then Zhao Lihua took the initiative to come to Zhou Bencai and proposed to withdraw her shares. Zhou Bencai persuaded her. However, Liu Yingchun suddenly appeared and overheard her conversation with Zhou Bencai.After Zhao Lihua left, Liu Yingxiang struggled for a long time and finally said that she wanted to withdraw her shares, which made Zhou Benzai feel at a loss.

At this moment, Feng Baiyang and Lin Fangfei were discussing current problems and wanted to use the Chinese Mountain Village as a pilot project.Lin Fangfei thought that there were many migrant workers in Zhonghua Mountain Village and few people left behind, so she considered gathering all these people to set up a rural cooperative, which gained Feng Baiyang's support.

Liu Yingxiang knew that Zhao Lihua was still angry. After meeting Zhou Benzai, she went to her to explain some things. She also felt that everyone was unhappy because of her, so she felt very guilty for this.Zhao Lihua knew about the situation at Liu Yingxiang's family, and it wasn't that she had a problem with her, but the atmosphere around those men.

Listening to Liu Yingxiang's words, Zhao Lihua gradually lost her temper, but when she learned that Liu Yingxiang had withdrawn her shares, she couldn't help but feel a little anxious and hurriedly took her back to the house to have a good talk.Zhao Lihua then accompanied Liu Yingxiang to look for work everywhere. However, each store did not need manpower, and Liu Yingxiang's work would not be solved for a while.

The city sent Commissioner Chen to inspect the Danshan shanty town, and happened to see a quarrel between neighbors, so he personally stepped forward to mediate.After Feng Baiyang received the call from the secretary, he immediately came to see Commissioner Chen and took her to visit every place. Commissioner Chen was very satisfied and gave strong support to Danshan's declaration work.

On the same day, Feng Baiyang, Lin Fangfei and others went to the mushroom base. Unexpectedly, the villagers did not plant the mushrooms seriously at all and just threw the mushrooms into a pile.The relationship between Zhao Lihua and her co-workers became even more irreconcilable. Feng Baiyang realized the seriousness of the matter, called everyone to a meeting, and gave careful guidance.Lin Fangfei told everyone in detail about the 622 model and solved conflicts with scientific profit distribution.Sure enough, everyone present understood what Lin Fangfei meant and expressed their support one after another. Even Zhao Lihua felt that this was a good thing for the people.

Nowadays, primary agriculture has improved, but secondary industry, mercury industry, is still in a difficult stage.Guo Xingdong and Zhang Changsheng visited various technology companies one after another. Unfortunately, the process of promoting the products encountered many setbacks. The attitude of the other bosses was extremely perfunctory and they had no intention of understanding.Tang Yulin waited anxiously in the office. In the end, he couldn't sit still and sent someone to notify Feng Baiyang to come back.

《Boiling Mountains》 Episode 13 plot introduction

Guo Xingdong was frustrated when he ran into the market. Fortunately, Lin Xuanyi suddenly called and reminded him that he should learn from Guo's father's methods. He said that various enterprises and factories in the northwest region had a huge demand for mercury catalysts and they should seize it.Only with the characteristics of your own products can you find the right market.Lin Chuanyi's words completely inspired Guo Xingdong. He couldn't wait to return to the hotel to tell Chen Changsheng the good news, and was about to turn his head to the northwest because he firmly believed that the success rate of sales would be higher after going to the northwest. Chen Changsheng returned to Danshan first to replace him.Be optimistic about the factory.

At the same time, Tang Yulin, Feng Baiyang, and Lin Fangfei also faced great difficulties and were unable to deal with the strict standards of application conditions.Nowadays, the local population of Danshan is severely lost, and the tax revenue is far behind. The level of culture, education, medical care and other aspects is far behind that of neighboring areas.

Because Feng Baiyang felt that this declaration condition was unfair to them, he suggested that superior leaders should visit the local area to understand.Tang Yulin supports Feng Baiyang’s idea and must make the application work meticulous and solid, and go all out to be selected. He believes that the country will not forget Danshan’s contribution to construction.

Soon, Tang Yulin announced the good news from Commissioner Chen. After repeated discussions and research, the superiors decided to hold the next Tourism Development Conference in their eastern Guizhou region, with the Danshan Conference as a branch venue.Lin Fangfei was very happy when she learned about it. Both she and Feng Baiyang firmly believed that the tourism industry had great potential and embarked on the road of attracting investment for agricultural upgrading.

However, the director of the Tourism Bureau, You Xunhua, not only did not want to develop, but showed a miserable expression when encountering the slightest difficulty and pressure. Such a negative attitude made Feng Baiyang very angry.Just as Lin Fangfei was looking for Xiao Tang to arrange work, she suddenly heard Feng Baiyang's angry and critical voice coming from the office. Feng Baiyang said that they could not give up development because Danshan's tourism foundation was weak.After You Xunhua left dejectedly, Lin Fangfei came over to comfort Feng Baiyang and set a time with him to visit and study at Jiding Industrial Park.

Because the factory currently only pays half the wages, Huang Dayue is very dissatisfied. He went back to his room to sleep and put a dog at the door.For this reason, Chen Changsheng accused Huang Dayue of being irresponsible in his work. Huang Dayue was not willing to be outdone and contradicted him, believing that sooner or later the factory would collapse like an industrial and mining factory.

Gu Hanxiao passed by the district government after returning from a medical visit, and happened to meet Feng Baiyang who was out, so he took the initiative to invite him to drink coffee.Listening to Feng Baiyang talking about his commitment to developing Danshan, getting rid of poverty and backwardness, and leading the people to live a good life, Gu Hanxiao admired him and cared about him taking good care of his health after work.

Later, Feng Baiyang and Lin Fangfei went on a business trip to Jiding Industrial Park. When they saw the luxurious hotel they booked, they asked Xiao Tang to book a cheap hotel alone.On the other side, Feng Jianguo took the initiative to come to Lin Bingyi. He felt that Feng Baiyang and Lin Fangfei had been childhood sweethearts since they were young. They had a very good relationship since they were young, and neither of them had a boyfriend or girlfriend now, so he wanted to match up the two children. However, Lin Bingyi felt that Feng Baiyang and Lin Fangfei had a good relationship.Fangfei is not suitable.

Lin Xuanyi went home and told his wife about the incident. He thought that if two children work in the same unit, work-related topics must be discussed every day, and they may even quarrel frequently.After this period of time, he felt that Guo Xingdong was very good, courageous and responsible, and he hoped that he could become his son-in-law.

On the other hand, Feng Jianguo complained to his wife that Lin Chuanyi was getting older and his temper was getting weirder. In order to make this marriage happen, he decided to ask his son to pursue Lin Fangfei actively.As everyone knows, Feng Baiyang and Gu Hanxiao are chatting happily on the phone at this moment. The two communicate more and more frequently, and Gu Hanxiao rarely shows the shyness of his little daughter.

《Boiling Mountains》 Episode 14 plot introduction

After visiting Jiding Industrial Park, Feng Baiyang and others were greatly shocked. Not only did they have a clear understanding of the development model and potential of the industrial park, but they also realized the importance of agricultural development and believed that this was an area that could promote agricultural modernization and improve agriculture.An effective way to achieve productivity.However, during this process, Mr. Zhuang did not show up and showed no intention to discuss cooperation.Lin Fangfei was worried that the other party felt that geographical conditions were not what they wanted to cooperate with, but Feng Baiyang regarded it as a test and decided to continue waiting, thus facing the unknown challenge with sincerity.

Early in the morning, Chen Changsheng was standing at the door brushing his teeth. Suddenly he saw Guo Xingdong driving back with a happy face, and he immediately guessed that he had negotiated a cooperation.Huang Dayue learned that Guo Xingdong had brought a big order back to the factory, and hurriedly ran to guard the door. He was respectful and heard Chen Changsheng deliberately mention the matter of raising a dog to guard the door, so he found an excuse to stop him.With Feng Baiyang's persistence, Mr. Zhuang personally organized a dinner and brought senior management from relevant departments of the company.At the dinner table, Mr. Zhuang was worried about the fact that Yu Danshan was an old industrial city. After all, industrial cities will cause certain damage to the natural environment, and agriculture often relies on the natural ecological environment of soil, water sources and weather. Can it develop efficiently?Agriculture is questionable.

After hearing the question raised by Mr. Zhuang, Feng Baiyang said that the natural environment of Danshan is not as serious as imagined, and is even better than that of many cities. Precisely because Danshan has long-term transportation inconvenience and few connections with the outside world, Danshan’sThe mountains and rivers have not been artificially destroyed, nor have they been over-exploited, retaining their most primitive and pure aspects.In Feng Baiyang's view, if Mr. Zhuang and the others have doubts, they can go to the site for inspection in person and hire a qualified third-party testing agency for evaluation.

This time Guo Xingdong successfully negotiated a large order of five million tons and appointed Chen Changsheng as deputy director of production.In addition, Guo Xingdong reported the good news to Lin Chuanyi and planned to hold a ceremony before officially going into production and invite Lin Chunyi to attend.Seeing that her husband valued Guo Xingdong so much, and that Guo Xingdong himself was also relatively outstanding, Lin's mother considered bringing him and his daughter Lin Fangfei together, and suggested that Lin Chunyi talk to Guo Xingdong first.Since Chen Changsheng became the deputy director of the factory, Zhao Lihua complained less and less and became extremely considerate and gentle. She believed that her husband would become a full-time factory director sooner or later.On the other side, Feng Baiyang took Lin Fangfei and Xiao Tang to conduct research in Jiding Industrial Park, visiting factory employees to learn about their welfare and work conditions.

Feng Baiyang's enterprising spirit was recognized, and Mr. Zhuang notified all middle-level and above-level managers to hold a meeting for discussion. However, there were different opinions within the group on investing in Danshan. On the one hand, they felt that Danshan's geography, environment, and economy were not suitable for investment development; on the other hand, they felt that Feng BaiyangBai Yang is full of sincerity, and as a young and promising district chief, he will achieve greater success in the future, so cooperation is extremely beneficial.For this reason, Mr. Zhuang approached Feng Baiyang and others and directly stated that Danshan, as an industrial city, was not suitable for their project expansion in all aspects.After hearing the results given by Mr. Zhuang, Feng Baiyang still wanted to fight for it again, so he told how their fathers, in response to the country's call, gathered in Danshan from all over the world to invest in the construction of mercury mines, overcame various difficulties and hardships, and dedicated their youth.Even life.

In the past few decades, mercury mineral resources were once considered inexhaustible. This rich resource has generated a large amount of money for the country, paid off foreign debts, and solved national crises.However, as time went by, the mining of mercury resources led to a decrease in its reserves. Since there were no mines to explore and no wells to drill, many companies moved away, resulting in a bleak life for the people of Danshan. Feng Baiyang knew his responsibility and vowed to findThe hope of changing everyone's destiny.

Because of this, Mr. Zhuang felt Feng Baiyang's urgent desire to seek development, and also felt the unity of Danshan people, which moved him very much.Mr. Zhuang changed his decision and stated that he would convene a meeting of all members of the board of directors as soon as possible to conduct a special study on the issue of Danshan investment and development, promising to give him an accurate answer.After thorough preparations in the early stage, Danshan seized the opportunity and carried out the application process for a resource-depleted city.In March 2009, Danshan was listed by the State Council as one of the second batch of 44 resource-exhausted cities in the country, promoting the local comprehensive transformation of resource-exhausted cities and ushering in new development opportunities.

Tang Yulin emphasized at the meeting that this selection is a new level for them, and it is also a greater challenge.After the meeting, Tang Yulin asked Feng Baiyang about the situation of Jiding Industrial Park and comforted him not to be discouraged.At this moment, Feng Baiyang received a call and learned that Mr. Zhuang was coming to Danshan. He was very excited about this and had already prepared the places to show him.On the other hand, Guo Xingdong achieved a market breakthrough, and Xingdong Mercury Industry officially went into production.At the opening ceremony, Zhou Benzai, as the director of the Mercury Mine Community Management Bureau, first thanked Xingdong Mercury Industry and promised to fully cooperate with their work and do everything possible to help.After that, Feng Jianguo and Lin Xuyi spoke one after another, which inspired all the workers present and worked together to create good products.

《Boiling Mountains》 Episode 15 plot introduction

Later, Lin Chuanyi came to talk to Guo Xingdong alone, taking the opportunity to mediate for his daughter, which flattered Guo Xingdong.Just when Guo Xingdong wanted to explain that feelings should be allowed to take their own course, Yuan Jingjing suddenly appeared and hugged Guo Xingdong happily. This scene caught Lin Chunyi off guard, and he suddenly realized that he had made a mistake, and now it seemed to be an embarrassing misunderstanding.After Lin Chuanyi left, Yuan Jingjing offered to take care of Guo's father and would often come to visit him. Guo Xingdong was very grateful, but he was also conflicted.At this moment, Chen Changsheng came over and revealed that Lin Xuanyi looked bad when he left. Guo Xingdong glanced at Yuan Jingjing and understood instantly.

Regarding the last transfer of shares, Guo Xingdong specifically thanked Yuan Jingjing. Without her help, he would not have completed it so smoothly.Yuan Jingjing thought this was a trivial matter, not worth mentioning, but it was a pity that the shares he transferred were very valuable.But Guo Xingdong said that if he was just for money, he would not return to Danshan to start a business and open a factory.Feng Baiyang told Lin Fangfei that Mr. Zhuang wanted to inspect Danshan, and planned to hold a meeting to ask the Bureau of Land and Resources and the Environmental Protection Bureau to conduct a soil test in the entire Danshan area, and leave it to Lin Fangfei to personally take charge and follow up the entire process., striving for the smooth implementation of Jiding's project.

When Lin Xuanyi got home, his wife asked him about the progress of the matchmaking. He couldn't tell the situation directly, so he could only find an excuse to deal with it.That night, Feng Baiyang called his father to tell him that he had invited friends to eat out and asked them not to wait for him.Based on her female intuition and her understanding of her son, Huang Qiufeng felt that something was wrong with Feng Baiyang, and he must be having a girlfriend outside without telling his family. Both Feng and Lin families were worried about their children's marriage.On the other side, Gu Hanxiao changed to a restaurant with a better environment and asked Feng Baiyang to eat hot pot together.During the meal, Gu Hanxiao revealed that the medical system was going to carry out medical services to the countryside, so she would be very busy in the future. Feng Baiyang was very supportive after hearing this, believing that it would be beneficial for health workers to go to the countryside to support rural health organizations and train rural medical personnel.A great thing for the people of the area.

Lin Fangfei was busy until late and was getting ready to get off work. She went to a nearby store to buy things and accidentally saw Feng Baiyang and Gu Hanxiao talking and laughing, so she had to leave silently.Lin Chunyi inquired about the situation of Jiding Industrial Park. He always believed that Danshan was an old industrial city with a strong foundation. It would be a pity to give up the old city easily. Lin Fangfei reluctantly said that the project he was responsible for was related to mercury mines, so he let himCompletely relieved.Huang Qiufeng insisted on waiting for her son to come home, and Feng Jianguo had no choice but to stay with her until Feng Baiyang came back from outside.Under Huang Qiufeng's questioning, Feng Baiyang took the initiative to reveal Gu Hanxiao's identity, but Huang Qiufeng regarded her as his son's girlfriend. No matter how Feng Baiyang explained, she decided to find an opportunity to invite Gu Hanxiao to her home for dinner.

The next day, Huang Qiufeng quietly went to the hospital to visit Gu Hanxiao. She was very satisfied with her future daughter-in-law. In order to bring the two of them together, she deliberately lied to her son that Feng Jianguo was sick.Since Feng Baiyang was out of town, he had to ask Gu Hanxiao to take care of him. Gu Hanxiao personally visited his home after get off work and found that the old couple had cooked a table full of food.Originally, Gu Hanxiao was about to leave after taking Feng Jianguo's blood pressure, but Huang Qiufeng once again lied that Feng Baiyang had specifically told her to stay at home for dinner.Soon, Feng Baiyang returned home from abroad and was a little surprised by Gu Hanxiao's appearance. Huang Qiufeng urged him to sit down quickly and warmly greeted Gu Hanxiao to eat more.

Chen Changsheng learned from the newspaper that Danshan was going to build an economic development zone, and hurriedly went to Guo Xingdong to discuss it. He felt that many similar industries would be settled by then, which would bring great competitive pressure to Xingdong Mercury Industry.For this reason, Chen Changsheng wanted to ask Feng Baiyang for help, but was rejected by Guo Xingdong, who did not want Feng Baiyang to favor his own interests.Moreover, Guo Xingdong believes that competition will lead to development. Having a patent means they have an advantage. In this market, whoever has an advantage will have an advantage.

《Boiling Mountains》 Episode 16 plot introduction

After getting along this time, Huang Qiufeng had a deep understanding of Gu Hanxiao's family situation and was very satisfied with her child.Similarly, the relationship between Gu Hanxiao and Feng Baiyang also heated up rapidly.Before leaving, Gu Hanxiao specially invited Feng Baiyang to visit his home, and Feng Baiyang readily agreed, which made Gu Hanxiao feel even more delighted.

Soon, Danshan welcomed an important VIP, Mr. Zhuang, and Feng Baiyang went to greet him personally. He originally planned to arrange a hotel rest for Mr. Zhuang, but Mr. Zhuang requested to visit directly.To this end, Feng Baiyang took Mr. Zhuang to Tarpadong Village, known as the longevity village, to appreciate its unique charm. Then he took him to know the four pits of the Danshan mercury mine and introduced Danshan in detail.Mining conditions of mountain mercury mines.

Although the villagers' residences are close to the four pits of the mercury mine, the ecological environment has not been affected in any way.Lin Fangfei showed the soil testing report of the entire district, which was recognized by Mr. Zhuang.After visiting Tarpatong Village, Feng Baiyang was preparing to accompany Mr. Zhuang to leave when he unexpectedly ran into Gu Hanxiao who was going to the countryside.The two exchanged brief greetings and then went back to their work.

Due to the surge in production, all employees in the factory are working overtime to catch up.During the inspection, Lin Xueyi was keenly aware of an abnormality in the machine and immediately instructed Chen Changsheng to shut down the machine urgently.As a result, Lin Chunyi was very worried. Considering that Guo Xingdong was away from Danshan now, he decided to wait until he returned to discuss it.

Soon after, Guo Xingdong returned to the factory and heard that there was a problem with the equipment. He immediately asked Lin Chunyi for details.Lin Xueyi emphasized that machines need rest and maintenance just like people, otherwise it is easy to cause safety accidents.However, Guo Xingdong looked embarrassed, saying that the current backlog of orders was serious and there was an urgent need to rush work to seize the market, otherwise it would be difficult to get off the ground.

But even so, Lin Xueyi still solemnly expounded the importance of safe production, and emphasized that every rule and system of safe production was obtained with blood and painful lessons. If a serious safety accident occurs, the price will be high.get bigger.Listening to Lin Chuanyi's warning, Guo Xingdong agreed to stop the faulty machine for inspection first to ensure production safety.

After several days of visits, Mr. Zhuang had a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of Dandong’s agricultural natural conditions and decided to invest in it.But before investing, he put forward a strict condition to the district government: within 24 hours after the signing of the contract between the two parties, the district government must deposit 15 million as a deposit into the account of Jiding Group, and within two monthsMeet all conditions for project commencement.Otherwise, the funds will be treated as liquidated damages.

Mr. Zhuang’s move was not unreasonable, but he had encountered similar situations in the past. The cooperation seemed sincere at the beginning, but problems occurred frequently after the contract was signed, such as policy commitments not being fulfilled, approvals being blocked, etc., which caused the investment of Jiding Group to come to naught., and had two dangerous experiences of broken capital chains, which almost made him bankrupt.

In view of the huge amount of the deposit, Tang Yulin said that discussions need to be held with the government first.Feng Baiyang has been in contact with Mr. Zhuang for some time and believes that he is not the kind of businessman who is only interested in profit. However, considering that there are few promises for money, he predicts that tomorrow's meeting will be full of various voices and opinions.

Although the equipment of Xingdong Mercury Industry was overloaded, Guo Xingdong had to bear the pressure and continue to operate the equipment in the face of urgent urging from his partners.In Danshan District, the topic of 15 million deposits aroused widespread discussion and discussion, touching the sensitive nerves of Feng Jianguo and Lin Bingyi.

Lin Chunyi believed that the introduction of Jiding Company to develop agriculture was a rare opportunity for Danshan, but Lin Fangfei noticed that her father had something on his mind.At the same time, Feng Jianguo told Feng Baiyang about the past when he was cheated when paying deposits. Feng Baiyang felt that Mr. Zhuang was completely different from his previous partners.At the meeting on the second day, Feng Baiyang actively lobbied everyone and urged the adoption of the investment agreement.

《Boiling Mountains》 Episode 17 plot introduction

With Feng Baiyang's active promotion, this meeting achieved successful results.All members unanimously approved the cooperation with Jiding Group and agreed to pay a deposit of 15 million.After learning the news, Lin Huangyi couldn't wait to ask for details and was full of praise for Feng Baiyang's outstanding performance.Lin Fangfei felt that she also played a key role in this cooperation and complained that her father rarely praised her, which made Lin Huangyi dumbfounded.

Due to the overload operation of the Xingdong mercury mine, the pressure relief valve exploded. Chen Changsheng was injured and was rushed to the hospital for rescue.Feng Baiyang and Guo Xingdong received the news and rushed to the hospital quickly. Zhao Lihua had already been waiting outside the operating room in grief, which made Guo Xingdong feel guilty and uneasy.

Huang Dayue knew that this incident would have a major impact on the factory, which would inevitably face closure and rectification, and he was worried about the impact on Guo Xingdong.But under the current circumstances, Guo Xingdong believes that the safety of employees is the most important thing and cannot care about anything else.Lin Fangfei told Lin Chuanyi about the incident and was angry that Guo Xingdong was irresponsible and took the initiative to call to inquire about the situation. Guo Xingdong implored Lin Fangfei to apologize to Lin Chunyi on his behalf.

Lin Chunyi understood Guo Xingdong's difficulties, but he also had his own oversights.He told Lin Fangfei about the difficult journey of industry in Danshan District, emphasizing Guo Xingdong's contribution to the mercury mine and his determination to come back from afar to invest in development.Especially at this critical moment, Lin Huangyi believes that Guo Xingdong should be supported and encouraged to retain him in Danshan to continue to contribute to industrial development.

Feng Baiyang and Guo Xingdong waited anxiously outside the hospital, and finally received the good news that Chen Changsheng was out of danger.Subsequently, the Xingdong mercury mine was shut down urgently for inspection. Guo Xingdong assured everyone that the factory would only need to be shut down for one month for rectification, wages would be paid normally, and you could return to work after the rectification.Huang Dayue decided to use this month to go to sales and do his part for the factory, which made Guo Xingdong deeply gratified.

Later, Guo Xingdong visited Chen Changsheng at his home with a condolence gift and handed this month's salary to him personally.Taking this opportunity, Guo Xingdong plans to upgrade the equipment in the factory to improve production efficiency.Immediately afterwards, he talked to Feng Baiyang and mentioned the establishment of a development zone.Feng Baiyang clearly assured that the establishment of the development zone would not affect the support policies for private enterprises, thus allaying Guo Xingdong's doubts.

Since 2008, the socio-economic development of eastern Guizhou has made remarkable achievements.In November 2011, the State Council approved the abolition of the Qiandong region and the county-level Danshan Special Zone and the establishment of the prefecture-level Danshan District of Qiandong City.This change made Danshan the main urban area of ​​Qiandong City, deeply integrated into the Greater Qiandong Economic Circle, and opened a new chapter of rapid development.

When Tang Yulin was about to be transferred, Feng Baiyang was asked to continue to lead the party and maintain a trend of steady development.Zhou Benzai told Feng Baiyang that the region's GDP had increased sevenfold in the past three years, which made people lament the rapid development of Danshan.Feng Baiyang reported work to Secretary Jiang, who emphasized the need to steadily promote various tasks in the Mercury Mine Economic Development Zone and increase investment promotion efforts.

With the renovation of the old city, Liu Yingxiang's family moved into a resettlement house. They were full of emotion and grateful for the country's help.Since Liu Yingxiang's husband died young, her mother-in-law felt sorry for her daughter-in-law's hard work, so she asked Zhou Bencai to help find a suitable marriage partner.Liu Yingxiang insisted on remarrying with her mother-in-law and said she would not leave Danshan District.

On the other side, the news that the mercury mine compound is facing demolition has attracted widespread attention, and rumors have spread for a while.Li Weiguo, Lin Xuyi and other old mercury mine workers felt deeply reluctant to leave.Lin Huangyi expressed doubts about the authenticity of the news and suggested that Li Weiguo first find out from Feng Jianguo.That night, Li Jianguo came to Feng's house and his face became very heavy after hearing the news that the work shed area might be demolished.

《Boiling Mountains》 Episode 18 plot introduction

Li Weiguo caught a glimpse of the photo of his old friend Liu at Feng's house, and felt mixed emotions in his heart. He then left after saying a few puzzling words, leaving Feng Jianguo confused.Similarly, Lin Chuanyi played the piano and sang at home, and the tune revealed his mood at the moment. Lin's mother knew that her husband must have something on his mind.

With the gradual growth of Danshan's primary and secondary industries, the construction of Danshan New District is also in full swing.Now, Feng Baiyang has taken office as the new secretary, and the responsibilities on his shoulders are even heavier.For the further development of the industrial park, he plans to transform it into a comprehensive park integrating agricultural production and tourism.

Secretary Jiang and other leaders visited the Danshan Economic Development Zone in person. Feng Baiyang introduced them in detail to the early stages of development of some enterprises, including Weizhong Electronics Factory, and elaborated on his own plans, gaining Secretary Jiang's support.Feng Baiyang told Secretary Jiang that based on Danshan’s resources and original advantages, they mainly focused on green recycling industries and high-tech industries during the investment process, and also focused on cultivating and introducing leading enterprises, aiming to create a prosperous industry and talent gathering.land.

On the other hand, the news that the mercury mine compound is about to be demolished has sparked widespread discussion.Li Weiguo and Lin Xuyi visited the Feng family again and discussed in depth the dismantling of the mercury mine compound with Feng Jianguo.Feng Jianguo believes that if the mercury mine compound really needs to be demolished, there is nothing they can do. The most important thing at the moment is to verify the authenticity of the news before making further decisions.

The three did not reach a consensus, and Li Weiguo and Lin Xuanyi left with dissatisfaction.Huang Qiufeng believed that Feng Jianguo's handling of the matter today was inappropriate. As an old neighbor and old worker, she could give him an answer first to appease his emotions.But Feng Jianguo felt that once he agreed, he would be in trouble in the future.

Later, Li Weiguo and Lin Xuyi led old mercury mine workers to the district government to protest, firmly opposing the demolition of the mercury mine compound that the older generation had built with their sweat and youth.Although Feng Baiyang explained that the district government was renovating and upgrading the old city, Li Weiguo thought it all meant the same thing.For them, the Mercury Mine Compound is not only a sheltered home, but also a place of great significance.

In the view of Li Weiguo and Lin Xuyi, this place has witnessed the dedication and efforts of several generations of Chinese mercury miners, and carries the long history of Chinese civilization in the research and utilization of mercury industry for thousands of years.Once demolished, the people of the old mercury mine will feel like they have lost their souls and their memories.Feng Baiyang and Zhou Benzai were deeply touched after hearing this and promised to reconsider the reform plan.

Lin Fangfei has been working in a difficult environment at the grassroots level for several years. Her younger brother Lin Fangbing came specially to visit and was always concerned about her marriage problems.At first, both Feng Baiyang and Guo Xingdong were single, and Lin Fangbing suggested that his sister choose between them. But now that they are ready to get married, Lin Fangfei is still single.In addition, Lin Fangbing revealed that his father had been in a bad mood recently, and Lin Fangfei speculated that it was related to the reconstruction of the mercury mine.

Feng Jianguo went to Liu Yingxiang's house as a guest, and Chen Changsheng and his wife also came to help.At the dinner table, Liu Yingxiang shared their life in the work shantytown and thanked the leaders for their concern and care for them and for rekindling their hope in life.At the same time, she also thanked Chen Changsheng and Zhao Lihua for leading everyone to grow shiitake mushrooms, which gradually improved their lives.

Since Lin Fangfei was about to return to the provincial capital to report on her work, Feng Baiyang, Guo Xingdong, Lin Fangbing, Gu Hanxiao and others came to see her off.Although Lin Fangfei said that the transportation is convenient and she can come back at any time, she still feels a little reluctant to leave.Everyone recalled the past with deep emotion and raised their glasses to wish their friendship would last forever.

《Boiling Mountains》 Episode 19 plot introduction

The 18th National Congress concluded successfully. Feng Baiyang emphasized that every grassroots cadre should thoroughly study and resolutely implement the spirit of its conference to ensure that the spirit is implemented in every detail of the work.At the same time, Lin Fangfei successfully obtained Secretary He's approval and will lead the poverty alleviation team to return to her hometown to promote the agricultural development of Danshan.

As the mercury mine compound demolition issue continued to receive no feedback, Feng Jianguo conveyed public opinions to Feng Baiyang.After Feng Baiyang learned about it, he quickly summoned the heads of the Urban Construction Bureau and the Planning Bureau for interviews. He found that the old city reconstruction plan had problems that were out of touch with reality, and he was very dissatisfied with it.

Just as Zhao Xingwang was about to report the problems he encountered to Zhou Benzai, Zhou Benzai suddenly received a call.Then let him wait in the office for a while.Zhou Bencai criticized the heads of the Urban Construction Bureau and the Planning Bureau, and explained them to Feng Baiyang. However, Feng Baiyang believed that they were essentially backward in thinking and failed to conduct in-depth research on the transformation of resource-depleted cities, nor did they truly undertake the transformation of resource-depleted cities.It is from the perspective of the public that such mistakes occur.

After Zhou Bencai returned to the office, Zhao Xingwang continued the previous topic.It turns out that Zhonghuashan Village saw the development prospects of high-tech agriculture and decided to follow suit. However, due to the limited cultural level of local farmers, the results were not good after investing funds, so the farmers blamed the village committee.Regarding this situation, Zhou Benzai promised that the Poverty Alleviation Office would contact agricultural technicians as soon as possible to provide agricultural technical guidance to the village.

Gu Hanxiao learned that Feng Baiyang had difficulties with the renovation project, so he took him to visit the ancient city, which inspired him to have a new understanding of the upgrading of the old city.In contrast, when technicians teach farmers, the farmers are confused due to the large amount of professional knowledge involved, and the classroom results are not good, which makes Zhao Xingwang feel even more stressed.

Xiao Tang has followed Feng Baiyang for five years, and now it is time to go deep into grassroots training.Feng Baiyang reminded him to face the complexity and triviality of grassroots work, and encouraged him to think more and solve practical problems for the masses.After get off work, Feng Baiyang found that his home was filled with dishes and birthday cakes, and then he realized that it was his mother Huang Qiufeng's birthday.

Fortunately, Gu Hanxiao remembered this and bought the necklace as a gift in advance, and lied that he and Feng Baiyang purchased it together.However, Huang Qiufeng saw through her good intentions. Since the two had been dating for some time, he proposed to get married today and gave Gu Hanxiao a jade bracelet, treating her as his daughter-in-law.Feng Jianguo believes that children still need to focus on their careers and believes that they will make their own arrangements.

Lin Xuanyi received a call and learned that his daughter was going home and asked his wife not to nag in front of her daughter.Lin Fangbing went home and told his parents that his sister might stay in his hometown for a few years.Both the Lin family and his son understood that Lin Fangfei took the initiative to apply to return to her hometown.At the same time, Lin Fangfei reported to Feng Baiyang and submitted relevant information about energy vehicle manufacturing companies, intending to introduce this company.

Later, Lin Fangfei visited impoverished areas and found that many families had to go out to work due to a single industry, resulting in abandoned farmland.She understands the villagers' choice. Secretary He also considers imitating Jiding Company's agricultural development model, but limited funds have become a problem.Lin Fangfei promised to solve agricultural technical problems and suggested that Secretary He report the situation to Feng Baiyang and seek more help.

Zhao Xingwang reported the villagers' learning situation to Zhou Benzai and made corresponding adjustments when he returned to his hometown based on Zhou Benzai's suggestions.Zhou Benzai was inspired and discussed with Feng Baiyang to open agricultural technology workshops throughout the region, aiming to fundamentally solve the problem through long-term systematic learning.For this reason, Feng Baiyang and Zhou Benzai immediately approached Lin Fangfei to discuss specific matters regarding the implementation of the agricultural technology training center.

《Boiling Mountains》 Episode 20 plot introduction

In the days that followed, Feng Baiyang and Zhou Benzai vigorously promoted the agricultural technology workshop in order to improve farmers' planting and breeding techniques, make use of Danshan's local resources and advantages, and try their best to help farmers find a way out of poverty and become rich.All in all, in the next one or two years, they will set up as many agricultural technology workshops as there are natural administrative villages in the Danshan area.

Since Yuan Jingjing came to Danshan last time and found that the local tea varieties are good, she has considered setting up a matcha processing plant. This time she came specifically to inspect the project.Since Guo Xingdong couldn't spare time, he asked Chen Changsheng to accompany him, and he took Yuan Jingjing to Zhonghua Mountain Village to have a good look.

Then Guo Xingdong took the initiative to contact Lin Fangfei and decided to apply to join the Chunhui Operation to support agriculture.Lin Fangfei naturally supported Guo Xingdong's decision and reminded him to be mentally prepared. She has always been right about things and people. If there are conflicting opinions after the work is carried out in the future, she hopes Guo Xingdong will not take it too seriously.

After a period of dating, Gu Hanxiao and Feng Baiyang finally received a marriage certificate.Feng Baiyang immediately called his father to report the news. The old couple were very happy and actively purchased things for them.On the other side, Gu Hanxiao followed Feng Baiyang to eat in a western restaurant. By the way, she mentioned that she wanted to go to the countryside to be the first secretary. Feng Baiyang strongly supported her and told her that if she encountered any difficulties at work, remember to ask Lin Fangfei for advice at any time.

Over the years, Lin Fangfei has been sticking to the front line of poverty alleviation, traveling through mountains and rivers, working tirelessly, and leading the villagers to develop various industries. Now that the poverty alleviation campaign is underway in Danshan District, she has led the staff to start the screening of poor households., insisting on carefully checking each house in person.

However, through understanding, Lin Fangfei discovered that some villagers lied about their poverty. Even though they had motorcycles and livestock at home, they still complained endlessly, claiming that they had no food to eat and that their ideas were incorrect.Secondly, the villagers have no confidence in village cadres. In the past, poverty alleviation was provided directly with money, but now it is unrealistic for them to exchange money for goods and resources.

Secretary Jiang came to talk to Feng Baiyang and asked about the progress of their township's screening of targeted poor households. Feng Baiyang said that it is still in progress, mainly because the number of people is large and complex, coupled with the very remote geographical location, scattered distribution, and inconvenient transportation.Therefore, it takes a long time to conduct precise poverty alleviation screening.

Because of this, Secretary Jiang told Feng Baiyang to focus on more industries, but also to have the determination, strength and wisdom to overcome difficulties.Feng Baiyang reported that the primary and secondary industries in Danshan have begun to take shape, and how to develop the tertiary industry next is still the top priority of their district-wide work.

On the other hand, Guo Xingdong saw that the Environmental Protection Law has introduced new regulations, which shows that the country has attached great importance to the ecological environment, and these regulations will become more and more stringent for the environmental standards of their mercury mining plants. In the future, the discharge of waste water, waste gas, and waste residues will definitelyRestricted.For this reason, Guo Xingdong came to Lin Xuanyi for discussion and wanted to hear his opinion.

Lin Chunyi believes that the top priority is to rectify and update as soon as possible.When he originally designed this equipment, the designed emissions were only conditioned on meeting basic standards. To meet the requirements of the new regulations of the Environmental Protection Law, not only equipment upgrades but also technology upgrades were required, which would cost a lot of money.money.

But even so, Lin Chunyi emphasized that upgrading would bring more benefits than disadvantages to Guo Xingdong, because several current mercury companies do not meet the standards of the Environmental Protection Law. If he can stand up at this time, he will be the first to respond to the country's call., not only will it not be affected in the sales of goods, but it can even play a leading role in the mercury industry.Listening to Lin Chuanyi's analysis, Chen Changsheng looked solemn, but Guo Xingdong thought it made sense and planned to start the work immediately.

Lin Fangfei returned from going to the countryside and reported the situation to Feng Baiyang, including the problems she faced. Feng Baiyang could understand the farmers' thoughts, so he needed to provide reasonable guidance, not only to alleviate poverty, but also to implement support for aspirations and intelligence.At the same time, a group of farmers were very dissatisfied because they were not identified as poor households. They went to the township government to demand an explanation and insisted on meeting Lin Fangfei.

《Boiling Mountains》 Episode 21 plot introduction

When Lin Fangfei learned that the villagers wanted to meet with her, she immediately rushed back to the township government to listen to their thoughts on poverty alleviation work.Some villagers felt that they had not been identified as poor households and could no longer receive money. However, the township leaders found out that they were financially sound and did not meet the standards of poor households at all.In addition, some people reported that they were very dissatisfied that some people occupied the quota for poor households.

Lin Fangfei patiently listened to the villagers' appeals, personally interpreted the policies and targeted poverty alleviation work, and corrected their wrong ideas.Taking into account the special characteristics of some families, Lin Fangfei asked people to re-screen. As for the situation of other families, she already had a general understanding. She said that targeted poverty alleviation mainly lies in precision, ensuring fairness for everyone, and relying on their own efforts to live a better life.Good times.

Because Lin Fangfei was only thinking about work, she even forgot about her birthday.After finishing their work, Xiao Tang and others personally cooked her a bowl of noodles to celebrate her birthday.Lin Fangfei was curious about how everyone knew her birthday. Xiao Tang said that Feng Baiyang had already sent them a message and hoped that Lin Fangfei would pay attention to her health while working.

Originally, the family prepared meals and birthday cakes for Lin Fangfei, but Lin Fangfei really couldn't leave.Lin Fangbing and Lin Fangfei are twin siblings, so Lin Fangfei did not go home. Lin Fangbing felt that celebrating his birthday alone was boring. He was about to call the other party, but Lin Chunyi stopped him and stopped disturbing Lin Fangfei's work.

After listening to Lin Xuanyi's suggestion, Guo Xingdong decided to shut down the factory and upgrade the equipment. At the same time, he called his partners to explain the situation and ensured that after the equipment was upgraded, the quality of the products produced would be better and better.But even so, Guo Xingdong and Chen Changsheng still felt a little uncomfortable, but they quickly found reasons to comfort themselves.

Early in the morning, when Lin Fangfei was going out, she met Feng Baiyang and found out that he had something to see his younger brother Lin Fangbing.It turns out that Feng Baiyang wanted to use the advantages of big data to integrate data on poverty alleviation work and improve work efficiency.It happened to match Lin Fangbing's major, so Feng Baiyang took him to visit the mountain villages. Lin Fangbing finally understood how difficult his sister's job was.

On the other side, Lin Fangfei went from village to village to upgrade agriculture in Danshan. However, grassroots rural work was difficult to advance. Through field inspections, she found that a piece of land that was to be converted into agriculture had already been occupied by graves. Therefore, the implementation of agriculture encountered relocation problems.Tomb problem.Although relocating the grave is unacceptable to local villagers and the process is very difficult, Lin Fangfei still does not give up.

Most of the day passed, and Lin Fangbing had a sore back and back from walking, but Zhou Benzai and Feng Baiyang told him that Lin Fangfei had to walk more than 40 miles every day for screening work, which was equivalent to twice the distance of Lin Fangbing.Zhou Benzai said that in the past, when the two village committees held a meeting, all personnel needed to be mobilized and every household should be notified three days in advance, otherwise it would be too late.

Feng Baiyang believes that the villagers are too dispersed. The situation of many poor households is different and the causes of poverty are different. Often the working method of grassroots cadres is one-on-one, which is very inefficient. If a cadre is replaced, the previous work will be lost.You have to do it all over again. If you want to solve the problem, you have to rely on technology. The key is to ask Lin Fangbing for help.Lin Fangbing also revealed that his province has been trying to overcome difficulties through science and technology since last year and promised to do its best to complete it.

Lin Fangfei then convened a meeting with all the villagers to discuss. They planned to develop the connection between Danyang, Baiwu and Huangxi villages into a high-standard agricultural industrial base to develop high-tech agriculture.But if this is the case, it means that the graves must be moved. The ancestral graves of many people present are on this land, which naturally makes it difficult for them to accept.

Fan Wupi, secretary of the village party committee, was delayed by matters in the village, which prevented him from catching up with the meeting. When he learned that Lin Fangfei announced the relocation of the grave, he felt a little worried.In order to carry out the work of relocating the tombs, Lin Fangfei arranged for grassroots cadres to go door-to-door to do ideological research, and then arranged for some highly respected elderly people to visit Jiding Industrial Park in batches, striving to make them see what they saw and what they knew.

Guo Xingdong was planning to invest in a cattle ranch in the countryside and asked Lin Fangfei and the others to find out the situation in person.The grassroots cadres recommended Fan Wupi to Guo Xingdong and told how extraordinary this man was. At that time, the village was short of money, but he got 30,000 yuan from the city to alleviate the urgent need. Guo Xingdong was immediately interested and wanted to meet him.This person.

《Boiling Mountains》 Episode 22 plot introduction

For Lin Fangfei, the top priority is to lift Danyang and Baiwu villages out of poverty as soon as possible and establish a high-standard agricultural industrial base, which must meet basic standards.Guo Xingdong believed that if the tombs were to be moved, the ideological work of the local people must be done well. Lin Fangfei suggested that Lin Fangfei first mobilize the village party secretary Fan Wupi, because Fan Wupi has high prestige. If he can support the work, he will surely mobilize the villagers to agree to move the tombs..

Lin Fangfei then led everyone to visit and study at Jiding Industrial Park, striving to make everyone see what they see and what they know in their mind.The villagers were fresh and surprised to see so many green organic vegetables and learn a lot of planting techniques. Even Fan Wupi couldn't help but take out a small notebook and write them down.

On the other hand, Li Weiguo took the initiative to come to Feng Baiyang and said angrily that he had failed to change the real estate certificate three times in a row, and pointed out to him the difficulty in getting things done at the Government Service Center.Feng Baiyang came to the general ins and outs and personally took Zhou Benzai to the government service center to check. He found that the staff were arrogant and did not serve the people, and the entire service center was in chaos.

Feng Baiyang asked for the director of the Government Service Center, but he didn't know that the director hadn't come yet. He waited for a long time before he showed up.Because the quality of the staff was uneven, they gave the public a very bad impression and evaluation. Feng Baiyang severely criticized the director and staff. He was even more angry that Zhou Bencai did not do this well and ordered him, the deputy district chief, to make rectifications in a timely manner..

After returning to the village, Lin Fangfei and others once again persuaded Fan Wupi to agree to move the grave, hoping that he could look at the problem from a development perspective.However, Fan Wupi hesitated many times, and later simply stated that relocating the tombs was the village's top priority. If everyone knew that industrial development would come at the expense of their ancestors' tombs, no one would agree.

What's more, in Fan Wupi's view, the industrial park they introduced is very likely to have problems. Once they lose money, everyone will have to lose their wives and lose their troops. It is not just as simple as pointing at him and scolding him.Lin Fangfei appeased Fan Wupi, saying that there must be many difficulties in the early stage of work, but similarly the villagers' scoldings are only temporary and can be regarded as their voices for the time being. She firmly believes that with the introduction of Jiding Industrial Park, when everyone makes money, the scoldings will stop.It will turn into laughter.Although moving graves is indeed a difficult task, only by moving the graves and establishing a high-standard industrial base can we truly become wealthy.

On the way back by car, Feng Baiyang recalled Secretary Jiang's words and deeply felt what it meant to overcome difficulties.Zhou himself felt that since Danshan resisted the disaster, the local development had been obvious to everyone. However, Feng Baiyang, faced with Zhou Benzai's pride and complacency, encouraged him to not forget his original intention, to make the silent green hills of Danshan boil again, and to vigorously rectify Danshan's government affairs.

Before getting off the bus, Feng Baiyang conveyed a few words to Zhou Bencai, saying that during this period, some cadres had developed a laziness mentality. They felt that Danshan's development was gradually increasing and they could be lazy. If they were in their positions and did not plan their policies, inaction would be equivalent to lazy administration.Negligence is a disguised form of corruption.Therefore, in response to this phenomenon, Feng Baiyang decided to try out a management system among cadres where cadres are labeled and displayed. If someone is inactive and does not change his state of mind, he can be replaced directly, and long-term efforts must be made to overcome difficulties.Difficult determination.

That night, after careful consideration and inner struggle, Fan Wupi went to his parents' graves with burning paper to pay homage. He said a lot of words and decided to take the lead in moving the graves for the sake of the happy future of the villagers.The next morning, Fan Wupi called the whole village to the village committee through a loudspeaker and encouraged everyone to move the grave. Everyone present responded.

Feng Baiyang held a special seminar on management system - labeling and displaying the brand, and spoke on the stage. He repeatedly emphasized that the key to labeling and displaying the brand is to have a vigorous and resolute style; the spirit of daring to take responsibility; seeking truth and pragmatismAttitude and implementation.On the other side, Guo Xingdong was full of praise for Fan Wupi. Secretary Duan was going back to his hometown, so he asked Fan Wupi to discuss cattle raising with Guo Xingdong and implement it as soon as possible.

Soon, news came from Luyuan that they were planning to come to Danshan for inspection today.Feng Baiyang was very happy. He personally took Mr. Zhu from Luyuan Company to visit the first phase of the economic development zone and introduced him to the development plan direction of the district government. He promised to achieve unified planning, overall deployment and resource utilization, so that Mr. Zhu could listen to it.Very satisfied.

《Boiling Mountains》 Episode 23 plot introduction

Today, Lin Fangfei is still on the front line of poverty alleviation, teaching fruit farmers to prune grapefruit trees step by step.Feng Baiyang attracted investment and hoped that Mr. Zhu’s Automobile City would be located in the Danshan Economic Development Zone. However, Mr. Zhu learned that the problem of opening Danshan to traffic had not yet been resolved and was not very satisfied with the local conditions, so he ended the conversation hastily.

Lin Fangfei then took people to visit her grandparents and grandson halfway up the mountain, and gave them some daily necessities.Knowing that her grandma's son and daughter-in-law had returned, Lin Fangfei felt a little relieved and told them the good news about poverty alleviation. They could move into the city in the future. Xiaohua was very happy after hearing this.

Fan Wupi told Guo Xingdong that their local area was not suitable for raising cattle at all. He had had similar experience in raising cattle before, and a boss also came to invest. However, the investment failed not long after raising cattle, resulting in serious losses.Guo Xingdong was a little curious about this and asked the boss how he invested in raising cattle. Fan Wupi said frankly that the other party raised Simmental cattle, mainly using a three-way co-raising model of companies, cooperatives and retail investors, but retail investors and cooperatives raised cattle for the company., and there are two more modes.

Although both models sounded fine, money losses still existed, so Fan Wupi took Guo Xingdong to the place where cattle had been raised. The real failure was that young people went out to work, while most old people stayed behind and simply did not have enough energy to raise cattle.In addition, Fan Wupi feels that Simenta cattle are not as smart as local cattle. In addition, the places where cattle are raised are relatively steep, so it is difficult to raise cattle in most cases.

Because the new community that Danshan relocated to was full of problems, Feng Baiyang came to check it out in person and found that some people were not used to the new community.It turned out that they thought the buildings in the city looked good, but they couldn't grow vegetables and raise chickens. Rather than living in a building, they felt more like being locked in a birdcage. After thinking about it, they felt that it was not as good as their original home. Packing thingsJust ready to move back.

After this incident, Feng Baiyang felt that the key was to solve the employment problem and at least ensure that every household had a labor force.Zhou himself believes that the solution to employment is aimed at young adults. On the other hand, the elderly still have various demands. Feng Baiyang plans to open an elderly activity center to carry out more activities, culture and entertainment, sports and fitness, and regular door-to-door physical examinations for the elderly., let them experience security and a sense of belonging as early as possible.

Because Xingdong Mercury Industry is located in the newly planned tourist area of ​​Danshan, the factory needs to be relocated. However, Guo Xingdong is very resistant to the tight relocation time of the new factory and hopes to wait until some orders are processed before relocating.Feng Baiyang considered that three months was too long and could not make up his mind for a while, so he arranged for Zhou Bencai to go to Xingdong Mercury Industry in person.

Mr. Zhu sent someone to find traffic information in Danshan District and listened to his assistant's suggestions. He had to admit that the infrastructure was too poor and even a good attitude could not change the situation.At the same time, Guo Xingdong was angry with Zhou Benzai and the others for not understanding the difficulties of the factory. However, Zhou Benzai said that the current development needs of Danshan District meant that the factory must be moved to the development zone. If he did not move, it would affect the implementation of the entire plan.

Now Guo Xingdong and Zhou Bencai cannot convince each other, and Zhou Bencai can only agree to report to the district as soon as possible to solve his problem.For this reason, Guo Xingdong went to Lin Fangfei personally to talk about his affairs. Lin Fangfei suggested that he talk to Feng Baiyang.The next day, Guo Xingdong looked for Feng Baiyang, but was told that Feng Baiyang had gone out.

On the other side, Mr. Zhu happened to meet the old squad leader Li Weiguo and became interested in the tourism value of the mercury mine compound.The two walked and chatted, reminiscing about the past. Li Weiguo took Mr. Zhu home to sit there, and showed him the photo albums of his old comrades in arms, reflecting on his experiences in those years.

《Boiling Mountains》 Episode 24 plot introduction

Looking at their comrade Lao Liu in the photo, Li Weiguo and Mr. Zhu were caught up in the past of the mining disaster, and they were very sad.Mr. Zhu guessed that Li Weiguo had lived here for many years just to miss everyone. He respected Li Weiguo and took the initiative to salute him, and Li Weiguo returned the salute.

Guo Xingdong took the initiative to come to Feng Baiyang and questioned him. He had promised to protect high-quality companies, but now that Xingdong Mercury Industry is encountering difficulties, he hoped that Feng Baiyang would not say one thing and do another.Although Feng Baiyang agreed to visit the factory, he clearly told Guo Xingdong that he could not compromise with anyone when it came to the development of the entire Danshan District. He hoped that Guo Xingdong would understand.After confirming Feng Baiyang's attitude, Guo Xingdong showed a pleased smile and stated that he would support the construction of Danshan with the mercury industry, and the two completely cleared up their past feud.

Later, Zhou Bencai took Mr. Zhu to visit some important sites, which made Mr. Zhu marvel and lament that it was not easy for the workers who worked here back then.Zhou Bencai said that Feng Baiyang had planned to use mercury mines and other unique resources to build a mercury mine heritage park to develop tourism, but he was forced to shelve it due to poor conditions.​

After Mr. Zhu learned about the specific situation, he believed that the waves behind the Yangtze River would push the waves ahead, and young people like them would have a better solution sooner or later.Because of this, Mr. Zhu went back and told Li Weiguo about Danshan's tourism plan, but Li Weiguo thought it was not practical, but Mr. Zhu agreed more with Feng Baiyang's idea.

Although Mr. Zhu rejected the car city's landing in Danshan, he gave Feng Baiyang a big surprise, that is, he was very interested in the tourism value of the mercury mine compound.Mr. Zhu told Li Weiguo that it was totally unacceptable to be conservative and that only development was the best protection. After careful consideration, he decided to invest in the construction of a mercury mine heritage park.

Seeing that Mr. Zhu insisted on investing, Li Weiguo asked him why he chose Danshan.Mr. Zhu said that Danshan has rich traditional culture, and there is much to write about the thousands of years of mining history. There are also preserved buildings from the 1950s to the 1980s. These buildings record the lives of the mercury miners and alsoIt bears the hard work of the Danshan mercury mine people and is very meaningful.Therefore, Mr. Zhu is planning to build various tourist attractions around the theme and create the country's first mining, leisure and nostalgic town with the theme of mountain industrial civilization. This is the huge business opportunity he sees.

After listening to Zhu Weiqing's description, Li Weiguo smiled happily and praised him for being really smart.Feng Baiyang came to Zhu Weiqing again and admitted that Danshan's transportation and infrastructure were relatively backward, but their determination to develop the economic development zone was huge and their attitude was very sincere. They also hoped that the car project would be implemented. How did they know that Zhu Weiqing rejected the car project?, instead decided to build a mercury mine park with them, which surprised Feng Baiyang.

Soon, the construction of the Mercury Mine Park began. Feng Baiyang was very excited and wanted to build this place into a modern landscape garden city integrating various comprehensive functions.On the other hand, Danshan's high-efficiency agriculture has also achieved fruitful results thanks to Lin Fangfei's efforts. The villagers of Zhonghuashan Village are expected to get rid of poverty, and Zhao Lihua and the others are also on the road to becoming rich and well-off.

Just when everyone was happy, Fan Wupi and others were restless.Since the last discussion, they have been waiting for Guo Xingdong's call every day, but there is no news from Guo Xingdong.Just when everyone was disappointed and felt that cooperation was hopeless, Guo Xingdong arrived in time and decided to help the Danshan breeding industry. However, the prerequisite was that Simmental cattle could not be raised, so Lin Fangfei suggested raising small cattle.At first, Fan Wupi felt that the small scalpers did not have much prospects. Lin Fangfei calculated an account for everyone and ensured that each person's annual output value was at least 40,000 yuan. Fan Wupi and others were overjoyed.

《Boiling Mountains》 Episode 25 plot introduction

Soon, Yuan Jingjing took Guo Xingdong's father back to Danshan, which surprised Guo Xingdong.On the way home by car, Guo's father saw Lin Xuanyi's home and hurriedly asked his son to park the car and couldn't wait to go inside to meet his old friend.However, during the conversation, Lin Xuyi discovered that Guo's father's memory was seriously declining. He caught a glimpse of Guo Xingdong's look and became convinced.In order to welcome old friends, Lin Chunyi found Li Weiguo and Feng Jianguo, and the three of them tacitly agreed with Guo's father and recalled the past with him.

Because some shop owners were dissatisfied with the relocation plan to the new district, they wrote letters to the municipal party committee to report the situation.Although the urban off-site transformation has positive significance for Danshan, the work progress of Feng Baiyang and others has been greatly hindered due to the incomprehension of the villagers.

On the other hand, Lin Fangfei emphasized to rural cadres that poverty alleviation and development need to focus on six targets and five batches. This is their most basic requirement and approach.Regarding the poverty alleviation work of relocation, Lin Fangfei believes that it is not only necessary to ensure that the villagers can move smoothly and live in new homes, but also to ensure that they can live stably and become rich in the new environment.

Lin Fangfei has been working hard on the front line all year round and her body is overwhelmed, but she still perseveres, hoping to promote the expansion of the poverty alleviation team's work.While hiking up the mountain, Lin Fangfei almost fell down and had to sit on a nearby stone to rest for a while. She felt better before continuing her journey. She discussed the resettlement work with grassroots cadres and was determined to eliminate the concerns of the villagers.

At the meeting, Feng Baiyang elaborated on the two transformation strategic positionings and used data to support the planning of the district committee and district government.However, due to the demolition, Danshan was downgraded to a town. This news triggered concerns among traders, who complained that the downgrade would devalue the properties they purchased.

In order to reassure everyone, Feng Baiyang solemnly promised that even if the district committee and district government are relocated, the renovation work in the old city will continue to ensure that the old city becomes as beautiful, livable and convenient as the new city.In addition, he also announced that he would vigorously attract investment to transform the mercury mine site in Danshan and strive to turn it into a new tourist attraction to promote the development of local tourism.

Lin Fangfei personally went to the mountain to visit poor families, but her owner Shan Wazi showed strong resistance to the relocation for various reasons.After some understanding, Lin Fangfei patiently answered all Shan Wazi's questions and concerns, and finally succeeded in convincing him to agree to move.

Under Yuan Jingjing's careful preparation, Danshan's tea factory was successfully established, which won high praise from Guo Xingdong.Similarly, Fan Wupi introduced the crops in the greenhouse to Lin Fangfei and others. Lin Fangfei expressed satisfaction with this and suggested that Fan Wupi go to the workshop to teach farmers planting techniques, and Fan Wupi readily agreed.

Since Zhonghua Mountain Village is a demonstration site for the five-reform, one-standardization and one-dimensional model project, relevant leaders will strictly inspect the implementation of various tasks.However, Zhao Lihua and the others do not understand this at all. They only feel that once they move, the good things outweigh the bad things, but the existence of bad things cannot be ignored.

At this moment, Long Xianfeng suddenly appeared, and Zhao Lihua, as a representative of the villagers, raised the villagers' concerns with him.She first pointed out the dangers of converting kitchens to use biogas. She believed that biogas is a toxic gas that is dangerous and expensive. She also mentioned that converting toilet flushing would cost water bills.

After Long Xianfeng patiently listened to Zhao Lihua's statement, he began to explain the importance of the five reforms.He emphasized that biogas may indeed be dangerous in a closed and oxygen-free environment, but it is very safe under normal circumstances.In addition, he knew that people did not like the smell and unhygienic problems of dry toilets, so the purpose of modifying the toilets was to solve these problems.Regarding water bills, Long Xianfeng suggests using bath water or waste water to flush the toilet, which is environmentally friendly and saves money.

It was precisely because Long Xianfeng's explanation was well-founded and everyone returned home satisfied that Danshan's urban and rural construction and poverty alleviation work also achieved historic achievements.That night, Long Xianfeng assigned tasks to rural cadres, focusing on ensuring that every household can be kept clean and strive to set a benchmark for the entire district.

《Boiling Mountains》 Episode 26 plot introduction

Early in the morning, Zhou Benzai and Fan Wupi began to visit door to door, delivering supplies to poor families and gaining an in-depth understanding of their living conditions.In view of the fact that Long Xianfeng's work in Aozhai Township was recognized by the District Committee and District Government and his achievements were remarkable, Feng Baiyang decided to transfer him to Huangdao Township to undertake the important task of poverty alleviation.Long Xianfeng knew that the task was arduous and time was tight, and he promised not to let down the trust of his superiors.

The mercury mine compound has been given a new look after upgrading, and the industrial heritage tourism is unique.After ten months, Cinnabar Ancient Town was finally completed. Feng Baiyang and Zhou Bencai went to inspect it in person and expressed great satisfaction with the design of the glass plank road.At the same time, Lin Huangyi ran into Feng Jianguo in the supermarket and asked him if he had been back to the mercury mine compound.Although Feng Jianguo has not returned yet, he learned from Feng Baiyang that the basic construction of the park has been completed and will be ready for trial operation.

The former underground artificial mining tunnels of Danshan Mercury Mine have been transformed into an underground maze thanks to the ingenuity of designers.Feng Baiyang looked around the mine with emotion in his heart. He was very familiar with this place, so he could describe the area and tunnels of each mine in detail.

Feng Baiyang recalled the scene when he accompanied Secretary Ma Shouzheng to inspect this place. It was at that time that they came up with the idea of ​​transforming the mercury mine and developing tourism, but they never thought that the place would present such a colorful scene today.Surprised and deeply relieved.

Then the guide led Feng Baiyang and others to visit the viewing pool and garden courtyard. Standing on a high place, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the mountains.This situation made Feng Baiyang think a lot. He mentioned that a mining army of 50,000 people was gathered here, and it was all boiling. Now, Danshan has been silent for so many years, and finally ushered in a new turning point.

Over the years, under the careful management of Feng Baiyang and others, Danshan District has flourished efficient agriculture, and the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries have advanced hand in hand. The entire district is fully engaged in the final battle against poverty.It is through years of reform and innovation that they have been able to achieve industrial upgrading and transformation, transforming green waters and green mountains into mountains of gold and silver, allowing the people to prosper and the ecology to be beautiful, to integrate and develop together.

Fan Wupi was eager to report the work progress to Long Xianfeng and looked forward to the other party's praise.But during the reporting process, Fan Wupi was severely criticized by Long Xianfeng because of vague data.Long Xianfeng required him to provide detailed and accurate data, and falsification was strictly prohibited, otherwise he would face serious consequences of being dismissed from office.

Feng Baiyang held a meeting and conveyed Secretary Jiang's instructions: the entire region must mobilize the power of the entire region to decisively fight poverty and achieve a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.In addition, Mayor Huang also emphasized that the district committee needs to regard poverty alleviation as a political responsibility and launch a general attack on poverty within the district.Feng Baiyang believes that today's meeting is not only an ideological oath, but also the specific deployment of work and the implementation of actions.

Due to the slow progress of emerging industries, Feng Baiyang and Zhou Benzai discussed in depth how to attract talents.Afterwards, Feng Baiyang visited Huangdao Township again, and Long Xianfeng reminded Fan Wupi to be careful in his words and deeds.However, Fan Wupi couldn't stop the car for a moment. He praised Long Xianfeng in front of Feng Baiyang, and then forced himself to report some work and deal with it for the time being.

Zhu Weiqing was quite satisfied with the operation of Zhusha Ancient Town, so he planned to promote the automobile city project and say goodbye to Zhou Benzai and others in person.Zhou Benzai took the opportunity to express the hope that Zhu Weiqing could settle the project in Danshan and promised to provide preferential policies that matched the other party's expectations.

In order to convince Zhu Weiqing, Zhou Bencai introduced the advantages of Danshan in detail: Danshan District will provide three connections and one level of infrastructure, rent will be exempted for the first two years, and it will enjoy preferential tax policies.In addition, Danshan District is actively introducing and developing big data, and high-speed rail has passed through Danshan Station, which has significantly improved Danshan's economy and technology.After listening to Zhou Benzai's words, Zhu Weiqing became interested and agreed to go back and hold a board meeting to discuss the matter.

《Boiling Mountains》 Episode 27 plot introduction

Long Xianfeng reported to Feng Baiyang that so far 257 households have been assisted in relocation, and more than 300 households have undergone housing upgrade projects. For this reason, Fan Wupi can’t wait to share that the villagers can live a well-off life., smiling every day, and Aunt Liu often sings songs, thus reflecting everyone's true psychology.In addition, Longxianfeng ensures safe drinking water and appoints a number of village water stewards to provide convenience to the people.

The first secretaries headed by Gu Hanxiao are about to go to the countryside and participate in the great battle against poverty in the best years of human history.Feng Baiyang came to the stage to speak in person, and they were all carefully selected from cadres of various public institutions and units and sent to the grassroots. Their first task was to help the grassroots accelerate development.

Before that, many village secretaries and cadres were sent to the lower levels, and a very small number of them said it was for training, but in fact they were just going around and showing off, so Feng Baiyang emphasized that the first secretary should do the three musts and the three don'ts., sincerely sink in, don’t cheat.In the end, under the leadership of Feng Baiyang, everyone read the declaration, remembering their mission and living up to the times and the people.

Fan Wupi and others took Lin Fangfei to visit the agricultural industry and picked pomelo for her. They reported that the current annual output of the village's agricultural industry exceeds one million kilograms, with an output value of more than 4 million yuan. This achievement has driven the surrounding 50Four people have been working here for a long time.Lin Fangfei was very pleased to hear this and accepted the pomelo from Fan Wupi.

Although Danshan is booming, Feng Baiyang and Zhou Benzai have differences over the introduction of high-end talents.Zhou Bencai could understand Feng Baiyang’s vision of developing the e-commerce industry, but he believed that Danshan’s conditions were not yet mature in all aspects and could not afford the cost of recruiting senior e-commerce talents with an annual salary of one million yuan.

Then Feng Baiyang took Zhou Bencai to the Scenario Big Data Center to discuss this issue in detail based on the development and changes in Danshan District in recent years. He believed that if he wanted to promote it efficiently across the country and even the world, and then develop related industries in Dandong District, it mustTo build its own brand and strengthen local iconic products, only by hiring senior talents to establish a core team and revitalizing the e-commerce market can it truly occupy the market.

Secretary Zhao came to pick up the first secretary in person, but he didn't expect that the other party was Gu Hanxiao.Lin Fangfei and Gu Hanxiao exchanged greetings, but Gu Hanxiao saw that Lin Fangfei didn't look well and persuaded her to go to the hospital for a check-up early.Although Lin Fangfei smiled and agreed, she was busy with work and couldn't spare any time, causing her health to get worse and worse.

In the big data industrial park, Feng Baiyang listened to Zhou Benzai's introduction and analyzed the current situation to him, pointing out that the occupancy rate of the entire e-commerce eco-city is only 50%, and that this data has continued to decline in the past two or three months., and at the same time, it may lead to a reduction in the number of businesses in the park, further weakening the overall competitiveness and attractiveness of the park.

That evening, Lin Fangfei convened a small meeting with villagers at the village committee to talk about the formation of the 622 distribution model and the results it has brought.During this period, Lin Fangfei endured her heart discomfort and insisted on explaining the development of the agricultural industry to everyone, and emphasized the need to conscientiously study and learn from the good practices of various brother districts and counties, combined with the promotion experience of the village committee cooperatives and poor households, inOn this basis, we vigorously develop tourism.

Seeing that it was a bit late, Lin Fangfei asked everyone to go home and rest first, and wait for a courtyard meeting in the yard tomorrow morning.Gu Hanxiao paid attention to Lin Fangfei's strangeness throughout the whole process and was a little worried about it, but Lin Fangfei optimistically said that everything was fine, and returned to the dormitory and continued to work until late at night, until the severe pain in her body became more and more serious, and she had to go back to bed and lie down to read documents.

Early the next morning, the courtyard party was about to begin. Everyone arrived one after another, but Lin Fangfei was missing.Gu Hanxiao recalled the scene last night and suddenly realized that something was wrong. He hurriedly led people to Lin Fangfei's dormitory, only to find that the door was closed and no one answered the knock.Everyone immediately opened the door and found Lin Fangfei lying motionless on the bed.

Gu Hanxiao immediately stepped forward to check. After being stunned for a moment, he told everyone with tears in his eyes that Lin Fangfei had left.Everyone present was shocked when they heard it. Later, they were so sad that they burst into tears and couldn't believe the fact.Soon, Lin Chunyi and Feng Baiyang received the news of Lin Fangfei's death, and they were extremely sad.

《Boiling Mountains》 Episode 28 plot introduction

At the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the first car of Danren Motors to roll off the assembly line, Feng Baiyang looked at the colorful flowers in the sky, as if he had returned to his childhood, recalling every bit of his past with Guo Xingdong and Lin Fangfei, as if he was saying goodbye to Lin Fangfei.Lin Xuanyi played the piano at home and missed his daughter. His singing was so sad and melodious that it made people cry.Guo Xingdong stood silently outside the house and saw Lin Chunyi and his wife holding each other's arms and crying. He couldn't bear to disturb them. The past events came to mind so vividly that he felt extremely uncomfortable.

On the day of the memorial meeting, villagers came one after another to send flowers and pomelo to him.In China's great practice of poverty alleviation, two sets of data are shocking. In the past few decades, China has reduced poverty by more than 850 million people, contributing more than 70% to global poverty reduction.Since the launch of poverty alleviation, a total of 255,000 work teams have been dispatched to villages across the country, and a total of more than 2.9 million first secretaries or village cadres have been assigned to work at the grassroots level. So far, there are 570 working teams nationwide.Poverty alleviation cadres sacrificed their lives and rested in the land they dedicated to.

Soon, the battle against poverty in Danshan District achieved a comprehensive victory. The primary, secondary and tertiary industries entered a new level, and the people's happiness index entered a new level.Long Xianfeng, Fan Wupi and others were very happy that Huangdao Township successfully removed its label as a poverty-stricken township. Although Fan Wupi boasted, Long Xianfeng admitted that everyone had made great contributions to the eradication of poverty.

Later, Feng Baiyang and Zhou Benzai visited the car workshop to learn about the specific situation of new energy vehicles and welcome the Danshan digital economy.Now Liu Yingxiang has become the deputy director of the community, enthusiastically visiting new residents, and accompanying Zhou Benzai to visit some families with elderly people at home to provide care and condolences.

Gu Hanxiao was transferred to Zhonghua Mountain Village in Aozhai Township as secretary, and Zhao Xingwang reported to her on the current situation in the mountain village. So far, the village has 1,200 acres of greenhouse vegetables, more than 5 million barrels of edible fungi, and has created 200 jobs.More than seventy people.Although Zhonghua Mountain Village passed the inspection today, Gu Hanxiao believes that the next step is to track the poor households to ensure that no return to poverty occurs.At this time, Zhao Lihua brought some supper to Gu Hanxiao. She was very happy to learn that the mountain village had been cleared, and everyone celebrated with water instead of wine.

Poverty in various villages has been eliminated one after another. Feng Baiyang ushered in this exciting moment. He lamented that today's achievements were hard-won and have played a good leading role in the province. He told everyone to continue working hard and not to slack off in the future. We mustCheck again and again to ensure a satisfactory answer.

The construction of the Danshan District e-commerce ecological field has been completed, and a large number of e-commerce anchors have been introduced to carry out live broadcasts and promote local agricultural and sideline products.The management reported to Feng Baiyang that the local specialties of Zhonghuashan Village and Danyang Village were very popular.Zhao Lihua, Zhang Changsheng, and Gu Hanxiao became the trendsetters of the digital economy, and the mercury mine compound took on a new lease of life.

After Guo Xingdong attended the expo, he planned to go to some brother counties to learn from experience. Before leaving, he asked Chen Changsheng to look after the factory for him, saying that he could now take charge of his own business.Over the years, Huang Dayue accumulated a lot of experience in sales outside, and took the initiative to suggest to Chen Changsheng that the company be listed, thus gaining Guo Xingdong's support.

Under Zhao Lihua's creative live broadcast, Xiangyou became a popular Internet celebrity product on the entire Internet. Lin Fangbing managed the backend data information and did it in a stylish way, which made Feng Baiyang very satisfied.Gu Hanxiao led everyone to choose a location to rent a store. Zhao Xingwang was worried that the rent would be expensive, but they believed that the village's green income would get better and better.

As the tourism industry in Zhusha Ancient Town develops better and better, attracting tourists from all over the country, it is extremely popular. Lin Xuanyi, Li Weiguo, Feng Jianguo and others decided to volunteer as guides, believing that no matter which tour guide they were, they were the most knowledgeable about the mercury mine.Understand that they know better about the humanities and history of Danshan.

Feng Baiyang spoke at the conference, calling on everyone to mobilize the masses, lead the masses, and continue to move in a better direction.In this well-off city that has successfully transformed into a moderately prosperous city, grassroots cadres led by Feng Baiyang and Zhou Benzai lived up to the times and the people, and wrote a picture of Danshan District’s rebirth and rebirth.

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Boiling mountains

Boiling mountains

Total 28 Episodes Jul 02, 2024 C-Drama Plot

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