+5 plot analysis of the American TV series - Nightmare - Season 3, Episode 3, is Tabitha actually Victor's sister?

  • Auth:Little Butterfly
  • Oct 10, 2024

The recently released movie - The Last Night - has become a sensation since it was aired and has quickly won the favor of many viewers. Many people can't live without this plot even for a period of time.Today, the editor will give a +5 analysis of the plot of Season 3, Episode 3 of the American TV series - Nightmare: Is Tabitha actually Victor's sister?The Lord has prepared an article for you to discuss, let us find out together.

Everyone came back to this hut because they needed food, and here because Jade saw the vision of the man drinking blood and discovered the red stone, it felt like a series of things that were destined to happen: ❶ Jade is hereHere we see phantom fear again⇒ ❷Christie was injured by a trap⇒ ❸Jed took off the amulet's figure (this is equivalent to destroying the function of the amulet)⇒ ❹Such a series of results means that they have to stay in an incomplete place at nightOf course, it can be expected that it will not be that easy to collect food in the place protected by the amulet, because it is obvious that they cannot go back and forth between the town and here in the same day. In other words, their food problem will be even greater in the future.

So the meaning behind the “trap clip” here is that those endless crops are like “cheese🧀” that lures them to go again, and that “trap clip” is “capture”, so these are herePeople are “rats”. I don’t know what you will think when you see this. Someone is probably going to die here, because we discussed it in the finale of the second season of Nightmare Town. This place seems toIf someone dies, someone new will come in, not to mention - Nightmare Town - the ending of the third episode really gave me goosebumps, because there are new people in the ambulance who will join this place, if we want to fill in the shoes of Kenny's motherThe number of dead people means that the number of people who died in the cabin that night will be exactly the number of newcomers left in the ambulance. (Of course, I am also a little worried about Boyd going out to catch monsters by himself, so afraid of what will happen to him.ah!).In addition to the hut, we discussed the map that Victor saw in the cave tunnel in the previous episode. We can probably know their geographical location, but - Nightmare Town - in the third episode, JeddoI discovered the big red stone thing here. In the second episode, my thought was that the talismans were the red human figures on the map. But this time Jade discovered the big red stone further away. I was thinking that it might be possible.This red stone is one of the corners of the huge red thing in the middle.

+5 plot analysis of the American TV series - Nightmare - Season 3, Episode 3, is Tabitha actually Victor's sister?

Generally speaking - Nightmare Town - Boyd has no important storyline in the third episode, but in the next episode the storyline of him catching a monster should be the focus. Boyd will want to catch a monster.The reason?“Because we still don’t know what we are facing, what they are, and where they come from?We need to understand them and let them speak. Christie said that these monsters used to be humans!And Boyd told Randall that he wanted to change~ So I think the storyline of Boyd catching monsters will be a big breakthrough, because he still doesn't want to pay attention to what the deceased priest said: ”Boyd, you even readNot being clear about what's right in front of you, what's trying to break you, means they're trying to change you, you know?You may want to step down from your own cross once in a while.

Boyd would want to take the initiative to catch monsters to study and understand them. I think it echoes what we discussed in the first episode of the third season. The setting of these monsters is to trap these people and escape.The existence of the monster is to allow the town to return to its original track, destroy the remaining hope of the people who want to resist and leave the town, and make them choose to stay here because of fear and panic. What this place wants is“Compromise”, let them realize that they are hopeless here, so《Nightmare Town》in the second episode, the monster chose to let Boyd live in the barn, letting Boyd know that he hadHope is wrong, and that's how Boyd's faith is shattered!It means: “You give up”.The dead priest said: "I died because I was trying to help others. Kenny's mother died because she was trying to help others. Do you know how arrogant it is to downplay this sacrifice into something about yourself?"“Probably this is where Boyd was persuaded and scolded through the priest's mouth, hoping that Boyd would no longer be obsessed with this responsibility of finding his way home~ Of course, the screenwriter is designing Boyd'sThe portrayal of persistence is not bad, because the persuasion to Boyd through the character of the deceased priest is less convincing, but in this episode Ethan also becomes the real character who has given up. Boyd said: "If there is a wayIf there's a way here, there's a way home ”, Ethan: “ You don't know that, You just hope there is.” EthanSuch a reply is like even a child who should be the most innocent and hopeful is desperate. Boyd's hope is like deceiving himself so that he can make up for the sin of not being able to save others.

Regarding the character of Fatima, of course, it is a continuation of the story line in the second episode. In the second episode of "Nightmare Town", we discussed that Fatima is likely to be transforming into a monster, or else she is pregnant with a monster baby., especially Elgin has always had the feeling of precognitive dreams, and I have always felt that the woman Elgin dreamed about really looked like Fatima, so if this is a precognitive dream, then Fatima really has it.There is a high probability that she is transforming into a monster, or else she is pregnant with a monster baby.

As for the third episode when Tilly was helping Fatima count tarot cards, an out-of-control crow suddenly appeared. When Tilly was about to turn over the cards, the crow suddenly crashed in and flew around and died. This scene can beSeveral interpretations: ➊Tarot cards are actually a kind of mysterious power. People say that tarot cards are what people with mysterious powers call card spirits. Therefore, Tilly’s tarot card prediction is likely to be.It was accurate and felt by the crow, so it came in to interrupt the tarot card prediction. ❷After the crow flew in, it was a tragedy and was killed. Therefore, this scene seems to imply that the baby Fatima may be scary or...The embodiment of darkness, or a hint of tragedy to come.➌In addition, I also think crows are like a kind of “surveillance”, because at the beginning of the first season, when Jim’s family saw the fallen tree on the road, crows were also seen in the sky!

“dad?I'm Thomas, why did you let mom go?Why do you want her dead?Is it because you don't love her anymore?”It makes sense that Jim would say that the voice on the phone was not his son, because I remember Tabitha said that Thomas fell off the crib while changing a diaper, so I speculate that Thomas was still a child who could not tell the complete story at that time.The child's age in the sentence, and this Thomas on the phone also said “ because you don't love her anymore?”This echoes when Jim's family first came here. I have the impression that the two of them were actually talking about divorce, mainly because of the lost child.I can indeed understand why Jim didn't tell Boyd about this phone call, because Thomas is also Jim's inner demon, so if this phone call is brought up to discuss with Boyd, this is something Jim doesn't want to face. In other wordsIt is said that Jim was led to escape by this phone call, and this town is trying to defeat Boyd, then I think this place is also gradually defeating Jim's inner strength.

Does Tabitha have more places like that?This place is torturing me and punishing me, right?“In the third episode, Tabitha and Miranda have too many things in common: ➊They are both ”chosen people“, ❷They both have a song ”blues% with their husbands, ❸They both make the same braceletsFor the husband, ➍They both have children who have seen the tower.According to my own interpretation, the world Tabitha is in now is also virtual, but it is also connected to the town (this has been confirmed), so Miranda started watching it after she said she was getting high with Henry again.When I heard and saw the child asking for help, I felt that it was the tree in the park that took Miranda and the child to another town, where they disappeared, so the two virtual worlds are interconnected and connected., This can actually be known from Henry's reaction, because when Henry saw Victor's lunch and dinner, he only asked if Victor was still alive?But Henry never asked where his wife and daughter were and if they were still alive.This seems to imply that Henry's character has also been set~ Also, in the ending of the third episode of "Nightmare Town", you can see that the license plate number of the ambulance is actually from the beginning of the first season.That ambulance!So in the town where Tabitha and Henry came to, could Tabitha be Victor's sister after all?In this way, the flavor of time paradox (science fiction) comes out!And Tabitha would make the same bracelet as Miranda, probably because she saw her mother make one when she was a child, so she also made the same bracelet for Jim!So in the town, it was because Miranda had been here before, so she left this bracelet, and Tabitha thought it was the one she made for Jim~

This work has attracted the attention of fans with its excellent production. I believe everyone has already understood the +5 plot analysis of the American TV series - Nightmare Town - Season 3 Episode 3. Is Tabitha actually Victor's sister?, and we will continue to pay attention to more exciting content line classes in the future. If you are following the drama, don’t miss the line classes.

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