《The love letter from that year》Plot introduction

  • Auth:Big Stuffy Head
  • Oct 10, 2024

《The Love Letter of That Year》 is a short drama that will be released soon. Part of the preview content of this short drama has been released. It has a very nostalgic style and makes people dream back to the past along with the protagonist. The editor has brought it to youWonderful plot introduction, come and watch it together!

《The love letter from that year》Plot introduction

That year's Love Letter short drama was scheduled to be released on October 15. The short drama mainly tells a love story that spans time and space.It revolves around the love between the protagonists Cheng Jing and Wu Jianxuan.Cheng Jing discovered that her fiancé was cheating on her on the eve of her wedding, so she decided to break her life plan and go to Taipei to work.In Taipei, she unexpectedly reunited with Wu Jianxuan, her lover from many years ago, and the two rekindled their love, but differences in personality and life plans eventually intensified their conflicts.Cheng Jing left Taipei, and Wu Jianxuan felt lost. He finally decided to go to Tokyo and try to start over, but the rift in the past was difficult to mend.

Introduction to the main characters of Love Letter of That Year

Cheng Jing (played by Li Ruoqi): The heroine went to Taipei to work because her fiancé cheated on her.

Wu Jianxuan (played by Zuo Ming): The male protagonist, Cheng Jing’s old love, went to Tokyo in order to save his love.

Other characters: Such as Wu Jianxuan's mother, she played an important role in the conflict between the two.

The short play explores the themes of love, trust and life planning through the love story of Cheng Jing and Wu Jianxuan.The love between Cheng Jing and Wu Jianxuan went through many tests and eventually separated due to different personalities and life plans.Through their stories, the short play shows the contradictions and struggles in love, as well as personal choices and sacrifices in love and life.

The above is the entire content of the plot introduction about--The Love Letter of That Year.If you want to know more, we sincerely invite you to continue paying attention to the line class.We will provide more detailed and rich plot analysis, character introductions, filming locations, etc. in the future.

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