《Aftermarriage》Plot introduction of all episodes

  • Auth:Hungry Wolf
  • Mar 18, 2024

Recently, "The Aftermath" has been very much discussed. Every update can make the audience discuss it for a long time, and the various developments in the play also affect everyone's hearts. "The Aftermath" - full episode plot introductionThis is one of them. Below is the organized content brought by the editor. Come and take a look.

《After Marriage》The TV series is about love and marriage. Each episode is limited to one or two narrators. By switching narrators, narrative perspectives, and time and space, it constantly overturns and repositions the understanding of characters and events.This highlights that the world of love has always been Rashomon, each has its own version, and the authorities are obsessed with it.The whole play is divided into four parts: divorce, infidelity, wrongful love and repair, exploring situations or questions that everyone has experienced: What is love?Why get married?Why cheat?Why divorce?Why revenge?How to let go?How to recover?How to stay together till old age?Perhaps, only by daring to look directly at the ugliness, darkness, and brokenness of human nature can we have a chance to mend the rift in a relationship.

《Aftermarriage》Plot introduction of all episodes

Episode 1

Around 2016 or 2017, Zhang Mingxin filed a divorce lawsuit against her husband Pan Shanren, but Shanren tried hard to save the divorce to no avail.Shan Ren works as a part-time lecturer in different tertiary colleges and is looked down upon. His father Pan Liang is his financial burden.In order to fight for the custody of his ten-year-old daughter Pan Yue, Shan Yan accepted funding from his friend Gan Chengjun and hired a barrister to fight.Before the lawsuit, Shanren had been enduring Mingxin's manipulation, denial, and even emotional abuse. However, he could not bear to have Mingxin face difficulties in court, and his plea for peace was in vain. Mingxin even threatened that the cost of divorce is not money, but being ruthless enough to tear her apart.fall out.It turns out that Shanren once had an extramarital affair, and for this reason he privately wrote a novel titled - After Marriage...

Episode 2

Mingxin is the proprietress of a foreign employment center and a cooking KOL. She is a strong woman and a perfect wife. She has made sacrifices for many years because of her character shortcomings.Mingxin once wanted to forgive Shanren for cheating, but after the marriage, she discovered that Shanren still loved the person he cheated on, so she decided to divorce, and to fight for Pan Yue's custody, she falsely accused Shanren of domestic violence in court.However, Pan Yue has always been kind-hearted, so Mingxin made a desperate move, using soft and hard tactics to order her best friend Lu Jinglin to disclose the post-marriage affairs on the Internet on her behalf, creating online public opinion and putting Shanren on trial... After the scandal of Shanren was exposed, Pan Yue showed her complete devotion.Mingxin.Mingxin hurts others and hurts himself, but he puts them to death and lives later.

Episode 3

Chengjun is the king of tutoring, and his girlfriend Lu Jinglin is his right-hand man. She secretly attacks his opponents for Chengjun, and is also good at handling romantic affairs for Chengjun, which makes Chengjun very satisfied.Chengjun originally complied with his family's request and prepared for the marriage with Jinglin. During this period, he recalled the marriage relationship between Shanren and Mingxin. Chengjun seemed to be afraid of marriage, so he proposed to postpone the marriage, but Jinglin had no choice but to accept.Not long after, Chengjun discovered that Jinglin was secretly doing good things for Mingxin. Chengjun was furious, but Jinglin revealed that he had always been secretly in love with Mingxin... Chengjun secretly expressed his feelings to Mingxin, and wanted Mingxin to stop.Core refused.Shi Jinglin plans to leave Chengjun, but Chengjun admits that Jinglin is the woman he wants...

Episode 4

Pan Yue tried her best to be a good child, hoping to reunite her family, but she learned from Mingxin that her parents were divorcing.Pan Yue tried to delay the lawsuit, but was later shocked to hear that Shanren had posted something about her marriage on the Internet and was being bullied by the Internet.Pan Yue was pursued by reporters and her life was in chaos. She still wanted to see a kind side and find out what was going on, so she arranged for her parents to meet, but she witnessed their parents' ugly dispute.On the other hand, Shanren knew that he would lose the custody of Pan Yue, so he kidnapped Pan Yue in despair and wanted to run away. However, when father and daughter were alone, Shanren realized that Pan Yue was the person who was hurt the most, and finally made a decision....Pan Yue failed to understand her parents' intentions and could not forgive her parents for their divorce.

Episode 5

After the divorce was settled, Mingxin was busy working and taking care of Pan Yue. She seemed to be recovering, but in fact she had insomnia every night and needed to drink or take medicine to fall asleep. She always dreamed of Shanren appearing at home.Mingxin received advice from a psychologist and tried to pack away her old things and truly face her old feelings, but her longing for her was out of control.On the other side, Shanren tries to start a new life and works in a tutoring center owned by Chengjun. He realizes that he is being made difficult by Jinglin, but he begins to realize that Chengjun has never been just a good friend to Mingxin... Mingxin invites Shanren to return to his old residence to retrieve his old things.Shan Ren was defeated by Ming Xin who repeatedly hinted at her inner attachment to him. After a night of romance, Shan Ren thought it was a turning point, but unexpectedly...

Episode 6

Lu Jinghai is a freelance screenwriter and the host of an online love show. She is also the partner of Shan Ren's extramarital affair.Jinghai was dragged down by the Internet violence after her marriage, and her grandmother Hua Po was even injured as a result.In order to rescue Shan Yan, Jing Hai followed Cheng Jun's instructions and took temporary refuge in Saigon.After Shanren's divorce was finalized, Jinghai wanted to return to her hometown, but Jinglin told her to leave Hong Kong.Jinghai confronts Mingxin, so she reads "After Marriage" for the first time, and is shocked to see that she is a slutty woman who deliberately seduces him in Yu Shanren's novel.Jinghai collapsed because she asked Shanren to be self-controlled and self-restrained without asking for anything in return. It was pure, transcendent, and sacred true love. She confronted Shanren...

Episode 7

When Shanren learned that his father Pan Liang had cancer, he was devastated. Mingxin was not understanding, and the couple often quarreled.Jinghai has spiritual communication with Shanren, and she seems to be tempting Shanren all the time, and Shanren tries his best to suppress his desires.Shanren finally had to be alone with Jinghai one night when his wife and daughter were traveling... Mingxin caught Shanren staying out all night, and Shanren had no way to defend himself and admitted to cheating.For Pan Yue, Mingxin promised to start over, but actually slept in separate beds with Shanren, and the relationship between husband and wife was frozen.Shanren felt that his sin was unforgivable, so he wrote "After the Marriage" to vent his inner pain, which later became the trigger for divorce.Returning to the present, Jinghai comes to confront Shanren about matters after the marriage...

Episode 8

Jinghai's good friend Cheng Tianhui is a director who works hard for his ideals. He doesn't fall in love and only has sex through mobile dating apps on weekdays.Tianhui has always been Jinghai's support, because the two have known each other since college and joined the same industry. They support, take in, help each other, and witness each other's affairs.Shi Tianhui was delighted to see Jing Hai planning to put Shan Ren down, but he and Jing Hai bumped into Shan Ren in a nightclub.Seeing that Jinghai is still attached to Shanren, Tianhui feels a twinge in his heart, but he still excuses himself because he blames Jinghai for focusing on sex and neglecting friends.Tianhui asked himself that he could not afford to offend the love maniac Jinghai. Even if he had a moment of reverie, he would put it aside immediately, but long live friendship.

Episode 9

Mingxin forced Pan Yue to work hard, which made mother and daughter suffer equally.Mingxin saw that Shanren was doing better than her, and she blamed Shanren for making her have to raise children alone.Pan Yue resists Mingxin, and Chengjun tells Mingxin to stop striving for perfect dedication, forcing others to accept it, and then feeling like the only victim in the relationship.Mingxin learns to let go... Jinglin becomes more and more intolerable that Chengjun has Mingxin in his heart. The more generous and considerate Chengjun is, the more Jinglin feels that he is doing it out of guilt.Jinglin hoped to live in Japan with Chengjun and start over, but she found that the business that Chengjun asked her to open in Japan turned out to be... Jinglin was heartbroken and decided to leave Chengjun.

Episode 10

Since Chengjun took Shanren in to teach in the tutoring center, he felt that Shanren was alienating him to avoid suspicion.Chengjun persuades Shanren to drink with rich people so that he can sell the copyright of "After Marriage". However, Shanren and Chengjun get into a fight during the dinner.Chengjun suddenly realized that Shanren had known that he was interested in Mingxin.On the other hand, Chengjun tried to compensate Jinglin, but unexpectedly found clues. Looking back on the past, he was shocked to realize that Jinglin had always been painful around him.Chengjun saw through that Jinglin wanted to leave, so he cruelly and compassionately released her.Chengjun finally understands that there is still humanity and compassion, so there is no qualification for disloyalty.At the same time, Chengjun was unwilling to be looked down upon by Shanren and decided to try his best to be loyal and pursue Mingxin.

Episode 11

Shanren decided to sell the copyright of "After Marriage" in order to leave the tutoring center, clear up the relationship with Chengjun, and achieve Mingxin's happiness.Due to investors' hype, Shanren and Jinghai meet again, and Shanren can no longer refuse Jinghai's love.When Tianhui learned that Jinghai and Shanren were dating, his heart hurt, but he still followed the news and helped Jinghai organize a new house to live with Shanren. In the end, Tianhui couldn't bear it and became jealous, only to realize that he had always loved Jinghai.Pan Yue finally forgives Shanren, and Shanren fulfills his family duties, making Jinghai a spare tire.Pan Liang's cancer relapsed and became terminal. Shanren knew that he had too many burdens to repay Jinghai's love.

Episode 12

Mingxin didn't want Pan Yue to be influenced by Gu Lan and reject his father's love, so he tried his best to win over the father and daughter to repair their relationship.Mingxin enjoys being single, but Gu Lan keeps putting pressure on her. Chengjun pursues Mingxin, and Gu Lan adds fuel to the fire.Mingxin refuses love, and Gu Lan advises her not to choose to live alone.Ming Xin went to a nightclub to hang out and was pestered by Cheng Jun. She threatened that she didn't want a serious relationship and just wanted to make an exception for a moment so that she could put aside her identity and baggage... Shan Ren left her job and Cheng Jun said goodbye, knowing that they would go their separate ways from now on.Mingxin is afraid that her relationship with Chengjun will be exposed. Chengjun knows that she cares about kindness and is jealous.Chengjun helps Mingxin resolve the conflict with Pan Yue, and suddenly realizes the depth of his love...

Episode 13

Shanren became depressed because of Pan Liang's illness, and Jinghai tried hard to relieve her but to no avail.Shi Jinghai came into contact with Mingxin because of Shanren and Pan Yue's meeting, and Mingxin generously advised Jinghai not to try to change Shanren.Jinghai was worried about gain and loss, so she tried even harder to please Shanren, but found that Shanren didn't want her to interfere with Pan Liang's affairs at all, and he didn't even want her to love him so hard.On the other hand, Shanren and Mingxin thought that Jinghai had taught Pan Yue bad, and Shanren proposed to move away. Jinghai complained out of control, but still humbly begged Shanren for forgiveness.Shanren decided to leave, Jinghai was heartbroken, and even discovered the real reason why Shanren liked her in the first place...

Episode 14

After Tianhui realized that he was in love with Jinghai, he deliberately avoided it, but knowing that Jinghai wanted to raise Pan Liang's medical expenses for Shanren, he still tried his best to help.Jinghai and Shanren are on the verge of breaking up and abandoning themselves. Tianhui urges Jinghai to love herself. The two even argue and fight over this.Tianhui deeply feels that Jinghai's enthusiasm for love is just like his own enthusiasm for dreams. Only this kind of enthusiasm can make people live a life worth living. He finally decided to find Jinghai to express his love... After Jinghai and Shanren officially broke up, Pan Liang was dying, ShanrenMentally and physically exhausted, the pain became more and more severe. Only Mingxin and her daughter could make his pain stop.After Pan Liang died, Shanren vomited blood and fainted at home...

Episode 15

Around 2019, Pan Yue, who was about 12 years old, hated her parents' new relationship and became more and more rebellious.Mingxin struggles with whether he should immigrate with his daughter, and Pan Yue resists fiercely. Mingxin understands that Chengjun can never compare with Shanren when it comes to sharing parental duties.On the other hand, Chengjun became increasingly jealous of Mingxin and Shanren's entanglement, so he suggested that Mingxin immigrate.Later, Chengjun believed that Shanren framed him, and even witnessed Shanren confessing his love to Mingxin. He beat Shanren angrily, and later lost his temper in class, putting his career in crisis.Mingxin consciously is torn between love, happiness and family responsibility, but Chengjun believes that she is dealing with two men and runs away alone...

Episode 16

Tianhui stayed away that day, waiting for Jinghai to strengthen himself and complete the adaptation of the web drama - After Marriage - before he confessed his love to Jinghai.Tianhui believed that the two would love each other and pursue their dreams together. Soon after they fell in love, they proposed to get married. Not long after, Jinghai became pregnant.By 2025, Tianhui has become a mediocre middle-aged man, and feels that no matter how hard he works, Jinghai is like a resentful woman or a mad woman.On the other hand, Jinghai initially believed that he and Tianhui could have a long-term relationship.After Hua Po passed away, Tianhui was willing to be Jinghai's support. However, due to the uneven division of labor between the couple in career and family since they were married for more than 6 years, coupled with the parenting style and problems between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, Jinghai was unable to love anymore...

Episode 17

Around 2025, Shanren was diagnosed with osteosarcoma and had to consider amputation to prevent the cancer from spreading.Shanren recalled how he got back together with Mingxin more than 6 years ago.On that day, Shanren didn't want Mingxin to get back together with him because of temporary frustration or because of Pan Yue.Mingxin was angry at Shanren for rejecting him, but Shanren learned to seize the moment... Returning to the present, Mingxin took good care of Shanren, fearing to put pressure on Shanren, so he suppressed his sadness and worry.But Shanren seemed to be avoiding treatment. He indulged in fun and even proposed to write a novel of more than 100,000 words before undergoing amputation surgery.Mingxin couldn't bear it anymore, the two had a big fight, and Shanren decided to move away...

Episode 18

Chengjun returned to Hong Kong after being away for more than 6 years. He is now a happy man and has settled the old feud with Shanren.Chengjun plays with Shanren and regains his youth and enthusiasm. However, he vents his anger like a desperate man and even intentionally causes himself to be injured and bleed. In the end, it is exposed by Mingxin that Chengjun has actually been divorced.Chengjun learned that his ex-wife Jinglin was in Hong Kong and rushed to find her, but Jinglin refused to leave.During the separation between Jinghai and Tianhui, Jinglin broke into Jinghai's house and helped her take care of her son. The sisters reconciled, and Jinglin gradually unblocked her, revealing the tragedy.It turns out that Chengjun and Jinglin reunited, got married, and had children in a different place back then, but... Shi Jinglin suddenly received the news that Chengjun was seriously injured and unconscious.

Episode 19

Pan Yue's colorful college life was interrupted by the sad news that Shanren was suffering from cancer.Shanren hoped that Pan Yue would leave some space for him. Pan Yue complied with his wishes, but was scolded by Mingxin and the mother and daughter quarreled.Kindness and benevolence can push people away thousands of miles away, and even if Pan Yue wants to care about him, there is no way to start.Pan Yue wanted to forget her troubles with love, but she didn't expect that her first love turned out to be a scumbag... Pan Yue used the scumbag to gain traffic for herself, and took the initiative to find Shanren, hoping that Shanren would accept and let her go with her.Chengjun defended Pan Yue from the scumbag's entanglement, but the scumbag found someone to beat Chengjun until he was seriously injured and fell into the sea and fell into a coma.Pan Yue consciously caused a big disaster, and when Shanren collapsed due to illness, father and daughter learned a lesson together...

Episode 20

Chengjun fell into a coma, and Jinglin realized that he had never forgotten his son's face.Shanren and Mingxin agreed to appreciate each other from a moderate distance from now on, without possessing, manipulating or forcing each other.Tianhui and Jinghai are separated. Because of the distance, Tianhui can finally see the harm he has done to Jinghai from Jinghai's perspective, and Jinghai also looks back on Tianhui's love and dedication.Jinglin found the relics of her son that Chengjun had kept, and finally understood... After Shanren completed the operation, he and Mingxin re-adapted to every detail of life... Tianhui and Jinghai co-created and understood that love stories do not have a happy ending. After marriage,Things are a lifelong practice, starting over and over again... (Grand Finale)

The editor has brought a series of detailed interpretations of the plot introduction of the complete episodes of "After Marriage", and discussed the topic in depth from multiple angles. I believe it will be very inspiring and helpful to readers.If you have more questions and needs about film and television, please continue to pay attention to the line class. We will continue to bring you more interesting and practical film and television news and information.

Happy Ever After?

Happy Ever After?

Total 20 Episodes Feb 26, 2024 C-Drama Urban/Rom

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