《Step into your time》Classic lines

  • Auth:Overlord
  • Sep 11, 2023

Recently, a much-anticipated film and television work appeared in the audience's sight, called - Entering Your Time - it received a lot of attention and praise during the promotion stage, making people full of expectations, and has continued toThe audience was not disappointed.Especially recently, people have been very interested in the classic line "Into Your Time" and want to know more about it.

1. [Han Junxi: Don’t laugh like that... Goo Yeonjun: Are you hoping that the reason why I fell in love with you is that you look like the girl in that photo?Because if that's the case, can you let me go?You are looking for a reason to forget me.Han Junxi: Yes, that’s right. I want to find evidence to prove that your love for me is not sincere, so that I can forget you. If I don’t do this, how can I let you go? I still can’t accept that you are gone.But everyone keeps telling me to let go, but if you say you love me forever, how can I let you go? If you want to treat me like this, then you shouldn’t have entered my life in the first place...]

2. [No one is alone, and I am not alone either. Even if I stand alone under the sky, at least the sky...]

3. [Kwon Minjoo: Do ​​you know what I wish for when I blow out the candles?I hope to become a girl that you will like, so that one day, you will also like me. I know that you will not like me now. After a long time, if I really become a girl that you will like... Minami Tokion: II will never have that kind of liking for you. I regard you as a friend and never as a girl]

4. [Every time I see his bright smile, I can’t help but hold my breath. His smile seems to be contagious. Every time I look at him, I can’t help but laugh. Why do my eyesWhy can't you always live without Minami Tokion?Every time I look at him, I feel so small. The more I like him, the more miserable I feel.】

5. [Kwon Min-joo: I don’t want to be alone anymore. I really hope someone can understand me. I really hope someone can...accept me for who I am instead of treating me as a freak.Jung In-gyu: I wanted to tell you at that time that I can also understand what it feels like to be excluded and alone]

6.【Since you left, everyone has been very careful with me and kept asking me if I am okay?But actually I'm really okay. I go to work every day and talk and laugh with everyone. But I don't know why. I can't sleep every night. I have to fall asleep to see you in my dreams. Yanzhun, youCan you come to me in my dream?】

7. [Han Junxi: Why do you like time-travel dramas so much?Goo Yeon-jun: It’s interesting, you can go back in time and change the future.Han Junxi: If you had the ability to travel through time and space, and could travel to the past or the future, where would you go?Goo Yeonjun: I don’t need to know the future, because no matter what happens, I will be by your side]

8. [Han Junxi: When do you want to go back to the past?Goo Yeon-jun: Anytime is good. I want to go back to before I met you. There are some things I want to tell myself before I meet you again. Whether it is the day before I meet you, or the month before, or the year before, II just want to see myself before I meet you, and then tell him: "You will meet this girl, you will love her very much, very much. After meeting her, hold her hand tightly, don'tLet go" I would tell the me who had not met you in the past like this"

9. [Han Junxi: If I go back to the past, I will go back to get to know you, I will find you, and then tell you that I will be the only person you like and love deeply in your life!】

10. [You don’t have to tell me, even if you don’t tell me, I will recognize you. No matter where or how we meet, I will know you as soon as I see you, just like I have in this life]

11. [I saw you crying, and I felt very strange. It seemed that a part of my heart was hurting. It was the same when I was in the hospital. When you just woke up, you grabbed me and started crying. I sawWhen you cry, it also makes me feel like crying. No matter what I do, I always think of you crying. It drives me crazy. Please tell me why I cry.]

12. [What I want to tell you is that I like you very much. I have been pretending that I don’t. I can’t pretend that I don’t like you anymore. No matter how I restrain myself, there is no way to make my feelings disappear. I will not regret it.Let me tell you, you are no longer just my friend.】

13. [Don’t say things like that again. I’m not Si Heon. Don’t talk in front of me as if you are not the Kwon Minjoo you used to be. You may have been different from others before, but I like you like that, Kwon Minjoo., I like your true appearance, but you are like this now, turning yourself into someone Shi Xian will like, you are you]

14. [The 27 Club refers to those artists who passed away at the age of 27, which is the allusion to the name of the store." Because these people all died young, "Although they are long gone, their music is still with us forever."It also symbolizes the sentiment throughout the play: "Even if some people are no longer with us, they will always be with us."

15.【I like you!My feelings for you have nothing to do with how long we have known each other. I have known you a long time ago, long before I met you. Junxi, I went through a lot of twists and turns before I finally met you again, so I don’t want to waste any more time.Yes, I like you Junxi]

16. [Maybe she is not exaggerating, she may be really in pain, so she sends out a distress signal. If you see it but still miss it, what if you end up losing the other person forever?Just go and stay with her and listen to her, after all, the other person is really uncomfortable]

17. [When something bad happens to someone we love, the rest of us will always choose to blame ourselves, but I hope you don’t, Yanzhun, if you feel sad thinking about that friend, just tell me,I will listen to you]

18. [If my senior never has a boyfriend, then I will never have a girlfriend. You are the only girl I want to date. I’m not kidding]

19. [Koo Yeon-jun: Every time I hear this song, I feel like I have gone back to a certain moment in the past. It might be the first time someone smiled at me, or that person waved to me.Sooner.Han Junxi: It must be your first love.Ju Yeonjun: I’m talking about you, senior. I’m just waiting for you to accept. My feelings for you are true. If you accept my feelings, I will never leave your side]

20. [Before getting on the plane, I realized that no matter how hard I struggled, what was supposed to happen would eventually happen, and the result of me leaving your side cannot be changed]

《Step into your time》Classic lines

21. [From the moment I met Han Junxi as Gu Yanzhun, there was no other way to go. I had to die so that we could meet for the first time and fall in love with each other. This is our destiny. If Junxi is like thisIn my fate, then I must accept this fate]

22. [You said death is my destiny, but you are wrong. I boarded this plane and died. This is not my destiny, but my personal choice and will. I did this so that Junxi could come with me.Meet, no matter what my fate is, I will definitely meet Junxi, and then I will love her!】

23. [After I have experienced all the choices and emotions as Yanzhun, I know that we are all changing our destiny through our own choices and personal will, no matter how small the change is]

24. [Wu Canrong: If you make it into a specimen, you can completely own her, just like collecting butterflies, make it into a specimen when she is most beautiful, so that she will belong to you forever.Wu Canying: You can’t do this. People are not insects. If you like someone, you should cherish them instead of hurting them. You must not hurt the other person or do that kind of thing]

25. [When I got up in the morning and walked out of the house, I saw his smile when he came to pick me up, and her warm cheek touching my lips just now. These are all things I can enjoy by myself. I am no longer alone.This is the first time in my life that I have a companion. Can I hold on to hope and expectation in this world?】

26. [You have to return to my body, so that Shi Xian will continue to like Kwon Min Joo. Without Han Jun Xi, Shi Xian will not like me. Everything is going according to my plan. Are you not reading in the diary?Have you come back to that sentence? And Shixian likes me as Han Junxi. As long as Shixian continues to like me, I don’t mind pretending to be you for the rest of my life]

27. [Inkyu: Minjoo wants to become the girl you like, so she works hard to be Han Junxi. She works so hard, what else can I say to her? I choose to pretend to believe Minjoo’s lies, so the three of usOnly then can we get along with each other comfortably. She may pretend to be Han Junxi but not pretend to be different. You can just turn a blind eye.Shiheon: Minjoo was really Han Junxi before, not pretending to be Han Junxi.In Gyu: How can you be sure? You just want to believe it.Shi Xian: I can tell from the way she looks at me, she is Han Junxi from head to toe]

28. [Because you were not interested in me before, I created a person you might like, called Han Junxi, and then pretended to be her, the lively and charming Han Junxi from 2023, and her boyfriend who she couldn’t let go of.Goo Yeon Joon, these are all fictitious stories I made up, so you will never see Han Jun Hee again until you die, because it was a lie from the beginning.】

29. [Min Joo: What was Min Joo like in the past?Am I annoying?Classmate: I wouldn’t say you are annoying, it’s just that it’s not that easy to make friends with you. Even if we try to talk to you, you still keep to yourself, as if you don’t want anyone to get close to you, but we like you very much.Your current personality, so you can’t go back to the Kwon Min-joo you were before!】

30. [Brother Min Zhou: You used to have an expressionless face, as if you would disappear into a black hole at any time. You had no energy and were always depressed. I have just adapted to this new you now. Don’t go back to the Kwon Min Zhou you were before!】

31. [You didn’t do anything wrong. I should be grateful to you. Thanks to you entering my body, even if it was just for a while, I became very popular and could live and be loved as Han Junxi... But from now on.When I woke up from a sweet dream, I felt the pain was even worse.If I committed suicide, other students might say, "Oh, I feel so sorry for Kwon Min-joo, but I knew she would do such a thing. It's so sad.""They will probably talk like this for a day or two, and then they will gradually forget about me, as if I have never existed, and they will continue to live as usual.】

32. [But if I am murdered, I will not be easily forgotten, and others will not say that I am pathetic, because this will be a sensational murder, and people will discuss me for a long, long time. You also know that in the newspapersOr on TV, murder victims are always described as people who have lived a serious life. Maybe people will remember me like this. Only after death can I be the Jiquan Minju I always wanted to be.]

33. [Minzhou: I don’t want to live the miserable life of Kwon Minzhou. I just hate myself and don’t deserve to live.Inkyu: Please calm down and listen to me. I know you are in pain, but you are not alone. Many people care about you more than you think.Minju: Without this kind of person by my side, I would really be completely lonely!】

34. [Junxi: Minzhou, believe me again and try harder to hold on longer...Minju: In the end, you just want me to work harder?You can make friends without working hard, and Shi Xian likes you too. How can you understand how I feel? Do you think I am like this because I don't work hard enough?No one knows how much pain I am in]

35. [I know, I know exactly how you got through it. Minzhou, there is something you don’t know. I really like you. Every time you look at Shixian, I feel heartbroken. But if I canTo make you happy, I think I should be patient. Min Zhou gives me another chance. This time I will let you know how much I like you. I can make you feel loved every day.】

36. [Kwon Min-joo: People always tell me, Min-joo, why do you have such a bitter face? Min-joo, you should smile more, Min-joo, you can’t go back to the Kwon Min-joo you were before…..Really don’t say it anymore.Inkyu: What should I do to make you believe me?What I like is you the way you are. I really don’t care if you change or not.Minzhou: I'm really suffocating. This life is so miserable. People like me should never have been born in the first place.Inkyu: No, you are a very precious person to me. I have been listening to you.Minjoo: I think it’s time to wake up from this nightmare (falling from the building)]

37.【You are very dazzling, shining so brightly that it dazzles me. I want to catch your gaze for a short time, even just for a moment.】

38. [After everything returns to its original state, you may want to escape from this world again. You are right, you have worked very hard. Minzhou, I want to tell you one thing. You are struggling very much and want to give up.It’s not that you are weak or melancholy, but because you are full of hope and expectations for this world. The fact is that you are full of hope and you work harder than anyone else in the world. I’m sorry that I misunderstood you like this before. Until now, I didn’t understand.Finally I understand you better.】

39. [Joon Hee: This is not the end. We will not be separated forever. If you are the Shi Xian I think you are, then you will find me no matter what, right?Shixian: I promise, I will definitely find you. No matter when and where you are, we will definitely meet again. I will definitely come to you and walk into your time!】

40. [I have always felt that I am miserable, and I feel that I am very lonely in this world, but I met another me in my dream. She told me that the reason why I am struggling so much is because I still have a lot to learn about this world.Expectation, that’s why it’s so hard. After I heard this, I cried in my dream for a long time. I feel much calmer now. I thought I was lonely, but in fact I wasn’t. I didn’t pay close attention to my surroundings and didn’t realizeI can see clearly who is next to me now.】

That’s all for today on some plot analysis of the classic lines of - Entering Your Time. If it’s helpful, friends, you can continue to pay attention to our website and our follow-up articles.

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