《A little grass a little field》Ep Intro

The play focuses on three generations of a family surnamed Ji. It tells the story of delivery boy Ji Xiaohe (played by Deng Chaoyuan) and energetic girl Miao Qingqing (played by Sun Rui) who unexpectedly came to the 1980s and returned to their birthplace of Jixiang Village, where they met Ji Xiaohe.He's father Ji Rongguang (played by Zhang Xinyao) when he was young.

In the early 1980s, Ji Rongguang's life was in a mess. He owed a large sum of money to fellow villagers due to his mother's illness.In order to help his father pay off his debts and to reform Ji Rongguang, Ji Xiaohe took him to the town to do business.With ideas that were ahead of his time, Ji Xiaohe was victorious in every battle. He not only helped Ji Rongguang pay off his debts, but also successfully helped Ji Rongguang catch up with his mother Gao Daxia (played by Song Rui).

Later, he helped Ji Rongguang make contributions while working at Nanfan Base, and was appreciated by Mr. Li, the father of China's compact hybrid corn.Subsequently, Ji Xiaohe helped Professor Wu, a melon breeding expert, solve problems and lead the villagers on the road to wealth.By going back to the past, I experienced my father's feelings for the land, and I also loved the land and my father's generation even more.

《A little grass a little field》E1Plot

Accidentally traveled to the 1980s

When Ji Xiaohe was in college, he came to a big city and accepted the impact of internationalization. He determined his life ideal of staying in a big city for the rest of his life. He would rather deliver food in a big city than return to his hometown to inherit the family business.The father, Ji Rongguang, who has been rooted in the countryside all his life, strongly urged his son to return to his hometown, so the father and son had a dispute.

Ji Rongguang saw that his persuasion was ineffective, so he designed a trap to coax Ji Xiaohe to go home. For this reason, Ji Xiaohe's order was delayed. It happened to be an urgent order placed by the girl Miao Qingqing for her grandfather Miao Yan'an when he was dying. The anxious Ji RongguangThe two collided head-on and fell to the ground unconscious.Ji Xiaohe woke up again and found himself in the 1980s, and saw Ji Rongguang when he was young.

《A little grass a little field》E2Plot

Xiaohe travels through time and takes his father to make money

Ji Xiaohe thought this was his chance to change his destiny.In the 1980s, Ji Rongguang relied on farming and conditions were tight. Ji Xiaohe decided to use modern ideas to help Ji Rongguang make money.Nanfan breeding expert Li Denghai took a fancy to Ji Rongguang's breeding technology and planned to invite him to work at the Nanfan base. Ji Xiaohe turned around and rejected the job offered to Ji Rongguang, prompting Ji Rongguang to draw a clear line with the Nanfan base in time.It can change the fate of future generations of farmers.Ji Xiaohe promised to help Ji Rongguang make money, and the two sold popcorn at the town market and started a business partnership with A Dong.Unexpectedly, Miao Qingqing suddenly appeared in the market with unkempt hair.

《A little grass a little field》E3Plot

Ji Xiaohe's business encounters obstacles

Taking three generations of the Ji family as the main line, it tells the touching story of Wu Mingzhu, a meritorious agricultural scientist and melon breeding expert, and Li Denghai, the father of China's compact hybrid corn, who participated in the cause of southern propagation.A story about scientists influencing each other, their fates intertwined, and their passion burning together.

《A little grass a little field》E4Plot

Xiaohe travels through 80 to engage in business war

Ji Xiaohe explained to Miao Qingqing that the two traveled to the 1980s together and could not find a way to return to modern times for the time being. The two modern people had to rely on each other.Ji Xiaohe is determined to seize the upsurge of reform and opening up and change the fate of his father's farming generation.

Actionist Ji Xiaohe quickly opened a new rental and sales book stall in the market, which was very popular. His competitor A Dong was not to be outdone, and the two were tit for tat.Ji Xiaohe won a great victory with his avant-garde business acumen and paid off the money owed by Ji Rongguang in just two weeks.Li Denghai's corn promotion has just started, but he is jealous of the bad guys in the village.

《A little grass a little field》E5Plot

Beat up Gao Daxia's sweetheart

Ji Xiaohe took the opportunity to persuade Ji Rongguang to develop outside, and after careful consideration, Ji Rongguang agreed to leave Jixiang Village.But in that era of scarce supplies and ferry tickets, Ji Xiaohe had no choice but to ask Li Denghai for help.At this time, the promotion of the corn "Yedan No. 2" that Li Denghai had been developing for many years was blocked. Li Denghai was in great distress. After Ji Xiaohe got the ticket, he decided to help Li Denghai promote high-yield corn planting.

After investigation, Ji Xiaohe and others found that villager Chen Biandan had been obstructing the promotion of corn. This person was Gao Daxia's romantic partner. Ji Xiaohe beat Chen Biandan violently. For his own future, Ji Xiaohe planned to help Ji RongguangChase Gao Daxia and take the two of them out of Jixiang Village.

《A little grass a little field》E6Plot

Xiaohe helps Rongguang pursue Daxia

Ji Xiaohe designed a perfect pursuit plan for Ji Rongguang.Strategies such as heroes saving beauties, romantic love letters, and appearing saints in front of others all failed for the straight man Ji Rongguang. Ji Rongguang and Ji Xiaohe were a little discouraged, but Miao Qingqing then brought good news.​

Ji Xiaohe helped Li Denghai design a new promotion plan. After the villagers saw the high-yielding corn with their own eyes, they planned to try planting corn seeds from the Southern Propagation Base.Village elder Huang also saw the hope of producing 1,000 kilograms per mu and encouraged the whole village to support Li Denghai. Li Denghai had worked hard for many years and saw the slightest hope.When the experimental fields were planted in large areas, problems with corn seeds and water pumps frequently occurred. Ji Xiaohe analyzed that there was an insider inside the Nanfan Base.

《A little grass a little field》E7Plot

Ji Xiaohe resolves water dispute between two villages

Ji Rongguang fought with villagers in a neighboring village over water for watering the fields and was detained at the police station. The police negotiated and understood the ins and outs of the matter. Ji Xiaohe gave suggestions and solved the water problem in the two villages.

At the same time, Gao Daxia learned that Chen Biandan was the insider of the Nanfan Base who hindered the expansion of planting in the experimental field. Gao Daxia did not believe that Chen Biandan would do such a dirty thing. Ji Xiaohe knew that Ji Rongguang's opportunity had come.Ji Xiaohe made Gao Daxia see the merits of Ji Rongguang's diligence through comparison.

《A little grass a little field》E8Plot

Xiaohe teaches glory and pursues Daxia

Ji Xiaohe's provocation method was very effective. Chen Biandan took advantage of the night to wreak havoc in the experimental field and was caught by Gao Daxia, Ji Xiaohe and others. Gao Daxia was extremely disappointed with him.Chen Biandan was kicked out of Nanfan base, but he refused to give up and was determined to take revenge.In order to allow Ji Rongguang to pursue Gao Daxia before the corn harvest, Ji Xiaohe will take them with him and personally teach Ji Xiaohe to pursue Gao Daxia.At the time of harvest, the yield per mu reached more than 1,600 kilograms. The whole village enjoyed the joy of the harvest. During the celebration, Gao DaShang panicked and brought news of the accident at the Nanfan base.

《A little grass a little field》E9Plot

Witness the glorious summer wedding

The Nanfan base caught fire, and Li Denghai risked his life to rescue materials. Fortunately, there were no casualties. Li Denghai described the difficulties of breeding: He came to the Nanfan base to breed hybrid corn with 20 seeds. It was because of his unwillingness to admit defeat that he was able to persevere. He didn’t want toLet your hard work go down the drain.In the harvest season, Ji Rongguang's efforts also bore fruit, and he married Gao Daxia.It was time for Ji Xiaohe and others to set off, but before leaving, the ticket expired, so they had to ask Li Denghai for help again.At this time, the international director Dynasty visited Jixiang Village.

《A little grass a little field》E10Plot

Xiaohe solves experimental field problem

“Yedan No. 2” high-yielding corn was recognized by the villagers, but no one bought Li Denghai's new improved corn variety for planting.After pleading hard, Ji Xiaohe decided to help Li Denghai again. This time Ji Xiaohe used the director dynasty to make the villagers believe in the reliability of improved corn by increasing the exposure of corn.

The villagers planted the seeds with suspicion, and they grew well. Li Denghai was full of praise for Ji Xiaohe.Dynasty noticed the diligent Ji Rongguang and said that this was the model he was looking for and wanted to take a set of photos for Ji Rongguang.Ji Xiaohe also successfully got the ticket to leave at this time.A foreigner colluded with Chen Biandan in an attempt to steal Li Denghai's corn research data.

《A little grass a little field》E11Plot

Villagers were poisoned and caused trouble at the base

A large number of villagers suffered from food poisoning. They suspected that there was something wrong with Li Denghai's corn, and they came to ask for an explanation. In order to refute the rumors, Li Denghai decided to test the seeds to prove his innocence.At this time, a foreign reporter who claimed to be an international agricultural expert sent a telegram to Jixiang Village, saying that he would soon go to Jixiang Village to report on high-yield corn seeds.

When everyone was worried about the language barrier, Ji Xiaohe said that the translation work would be done by Ji Rongguang. Ji Rongguang couldn't refuse repeatedly, so he had to bite the bullet and agreed to memorize the manuscript.Chen Biandan took the reporter to Jixiang Village in advance, and the foreigners tried to guide the villagers to speak out words that distorted the facts.

《A little grass a little field》E12Plot

Xiaohe solves poisoning crisis

On the day of the interview, foreign reporters exposed the fact that Ji Rongguang could not speak English and did not admit the fact that Li Denghai had a high yield of corn.Ji Xiaohe explained the facts irrefutably, and at the same time, Li Denghai's technology has been applied for a patent.

Ji Xiaohe had long sensed that something was fishy, ​​and sent Gao Dashang to secretly investigate the details of the corn poisoning, and found that Chen Biandan had been instructed by foreign reporters to have tampered with the villagers' food.When the foreign reporters took advantage of the chaos to leave, the villagers worked together to catch him, and Chen Biandan also received due treatment.Ji Xiaohe, who lives in the 1980s, has a physical reaction that is gradually disappearing, and he seems to be waking up in a modern hospital bed.

《A little grass a little field》E13Plot

Xiaohe Qingqing traveled to the 1970s

The corn seedlings grew gratifyingly, and Ji Rongguang also found his ideal in life during the planting process. He decided to stay in Jixiang Village. Ji Xiaohe also understood Ji Rongguang in the process of getting along and believed that his life trajectory should be respected.Time soon came to leave. After saying goodbye one by one, Ji Xiaohe and Miao Qingqing stepped onto the departure ship.

Because of the bumps, Miao Qingqingji Xiaohe accidentally fell into the water.After waking up, the two were in the 1970s, and Ji Xiaohe met his grandfather Ji Zhongguo.Miao Qingqing analyzed that the reason why the two traveled through time was because of the obsession of their relatives. In the 1980s, Ji Xiaohe solved the problem of her father Ji Rongguang. Now it is her turn to fulfill the wish of her grandfather Miao Yanan when he was seriously ill.

《A little grass a little field》E14Plot

Wu Mingzhu solves food shortage

Ji China was injured at the entrance of the village, and everyone rushed over. While treating the wound, Ji China lamented that sugar cane could no longer be sold at a good price. At this time, Ji Xiaohe mentioned Miao Yan'an, a doctor on the side of the village, but Ji China had never heard of this person.Ji Xiaohe solved the problem of not being able to sell sugar cane in time by pressing sugar cane juice into sugar paintings, and was welcomed by the locals.

At this time, Miao Qingqing was still looking for clues about her grandfather. They searched for clues and came to Nanfan Base, but found nothing. When the two were worried about not being able to find clues, the village elder Huang called everyone to gather...

《A little grass a little field》E15Plot

Wu Mingzhu solves food shortage

The rice harvest in Jixiang Village was not good. Village elder Huang believed that the Dragon King was angry and led the villagers to worship their ancestors in the form of a rice god sacrifice to bless the next good rice harvest.Ji Xiaohe approached Wu Mingzhu and wanted to use scientific methods to help Jixiang Village and Ji China overcome the difficulties. Wu Mingzhu said that the heavy metals in the fields only exceeded the standard, and it was not the so-called Dragon King who was angry. The villagers could plant red heart crisp melons to survive the land recovery period.

In this way, the land problem was solved, and the planting of Wu Mingzhu's red-heart crisp melons was also promoted. The melon seeds have adapted to the climate of southern Guangxi and are growing well.At this time, Wu Mingzhu suddenly felt dizzy and vomited.

《A little grass a little field》E16Plot

Wu Mingzhu's symptoms of threatened abortion

Wu Mingzhu came to the infirmary, and Miao Qingqing met the new branch doctor Miao Yanan, her young grandfather.After examination, Wu Mingzhu was pregnant, but she did not dare to relax at this critical time for the growth of melons.While working in the melon shed, Wu Mingzhu suddenly fainted and was bleeding due to placenta previa and was rushed to the hospital. She needed bed rest. However, she was worried about the fruit-bearing melons and insisted on returning to the base.

Wu Mingzhu's stubbornness put everyone in trouble. Miao Yan'an sent a telegram to Wu Mingzhu's husband Yang Qiyou, and Yang Qiyou hurried back to see his wife.Yang Qiyou was worried about Wu Mingzhu's physical condition and wanted Wu Mingzhu to go home to raise her baby. While the two were arguing, Wu Mingzhu suddenly suffered from abdominal pain.

《A little grass a little field》E17Plot

A bumper harvest of crispy red heart melons

Wu Mingzhu's health is not serious, and Yang Qiyou has taken leave to devote himself to his wife.In the blink of an eye, the melon harvest was ushered in, and the villagers were in high spirits. Thanks to Wu Mingzhu's efforts, the villagers had a good harvest. At this time, the melon-eating competition organized by Ji Xiaohe was also in full swing...

While immersed in the joy of the harvest, the melon sales also encountered difficulties. The villagers were troubled by this. At this time, Ji Xiaohe proposed that they could try exporting and go to the Canton Fair to sell high-quality melons.

《A little grass a little field》E18Plot

Xiaohe Qingqing sells melons at the Canton Fair

Ji Zhongguo, Ji Xiaohe, and Miao Qingqing participated in the Canton Fair. The three people tried their best to promote the Canton Fair. A Hong Kong businessman placed a large order for melons because of their delicious taste and good quality. Everyone wanted to order melons. At this time, MiaoQingqing had an idea and started a melon auction. The supply of melons exceeded the demand. Wu Mingzhu, who was far away in Jixiang Village, was very happy to learn that the melons were so popular. Village elder Huang also beat the gong to notify the villagers to count the quantity.

A Japanese businessman at the Canton Fair wanted to obtain the cultivation technology of red-heart crisp melons, but was rejected by Ji Xiaohe. At this time, Miao Qingqing had already pre-sold all the melons for the next season. Ji Zhongguo looked at the deposit in his hand and smiled.flowers.

《A little grass a little field》E19Plot

Foreigners eyeing melon patents

The supply of melons exceeds the demand and the only option is to expand planting. Lao Huang encouraged Xingfu Village to plant red-heart crisp melons together.At this time, Lao Wang, the person in charge of the northern international import trade, approached Wu Mingzhu and wanted to license the patent for melons to promote their cultivation in poor rural areas in the north. When the contract was signed, Miao Xiaohe suddenly remembered that the Lao Wang in front of him was the Canton Fair.They met the assistants of the Japanese businessmen, who had evil intentions and hurriedly stopped Wu Mingzhu from signing the contract. When Wu Mingzhu learned the truth, he became furious and tore up the contract.Lao Wang returned to the office at night and wanted to steal the planting technology of red-heart crisp melons, but was caught by Yang Qiyou. Lao Wang kidnapped Wu Mingzhu when he escaped.

《A little grass a little field》E20Plot

Time travel reveals everything is perfect

Everyone caught Lao Wang and took back the patent information. On the way back to the village, Wu Mingzhu showed signs of miscarriage.Miao Yan'an decided to give birth on the spot. Miao Yan'an, Ji Zhongguo, and Ji Xiaohe went into the mountains to look for anti-fetal herbs. Ji Zhongguo died trying to save Miao Yan'an, and everyone was extremely sad.At this time, Wu Mingzhu tried her best to give birth to a baby boy.

Miao Qingqing found her grandfather's savior, fulfilled her dying instructions, and put an end to her family's obsession.Miao Qingqing and Ji Xiaohe, who had been comatose for a long time, woke up in the hospital bed.At this moment, he learned about the life of his father and grandfather one after another. He also learned the spirit of responsibility and selfless dedication from the Nanfan people, and also understood the profound meaning of family affection and inheritance.

A little grass a little field

A little grass a little field

Total 20 Episodes Jul 10, 2024 C-Drama Comedy