《malposition》Ep Intro

When detectives Jiang Guangming (played by Ma Yili) and Shi Luo (played by Gao Zhiting) were investigating a case, they accidentally discovered that the crime scene described in the novel by writer Gu Jiming (played by Tong Dawei) strangely overlapped with the crime scene they were investigating., fiction and reality intersect, is everything really just a coincidence?The emergence of the novel also provided a new direction for the two men's investigation, but at the same time it also led them into a deeper mystery... A case within a case, a mystery within a mystery, and the murderer hidden behind the scenes.Who is it?

The play is adapted from the novel of the same name by Matsumoto Seicho.


Episode 1

On June 18, 2018, there was heavy rain and lightning and thunder on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival.In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Qing was murdered at her home in a village in the city, and Li Fei was arrested as a suspect.In court, Li Fei only admitted robbery and rape, firmly denied murder, and asked the police to continue investigating.A year later, the case returned to police attention.The director decided to hand over the case to Jiang Guangming, the household registration policeman at the police station.At the same time, newcomer Shi Luo was discovered by the director while reading a novel in the office and was asked to write a review. His offer was also declined by the director.

On the other side, Gu Jiming's new book - Black Rain - was a huge success in the market, making him a well-known writer.At a sharing meeting, he revealed his girlfriend Su Zhenzhen, a disabled woman in a wheelchair.Su Zhenzhen has a strong desire to control Gu Jiming, but the two have a deep relationship.Gu Jiming had a drinking party with people from the publishing house in the evening. Although Su Zhenzhen did not go, she sent Xiao Wang to follow.When Gu Jiming left the hotel, Su Zhenzhen suddenly felt uneasy and asked Xiao Wang to go to the hotel to investigate immediately.

When Xiao Wang arrived at the hotel private room, he found that there was no one there. Su Zhenzhen was shocked.Then, Gu Jiming suddenly appeared next to her and explained that he had canceled the drinking party.In order to appease Su Zhenzhen, he proposed to her, and Su Zhenzhen readily agreed.Jiang Guangming shared the news with her husband that she had rejoined the criminal police team to investigate the case. Although her husband was somewhat dissatisfied with her decision, he ultimately expressed support and reminded her to pay attention to her safety.

When Shi Luo attended a reading sharing meeting, he discovered that the description in "Black Rain" was strikingly similar to the circumstances in which Zhang Qing was killed.He proposed this discovery to Jiang Guangming and other team members, and suspected that Gu Jiming might be related to the case.However, Jiang Guangming and others did not immediately adopt his guess, but decided to continue their in-depth investigation.


Episode 2

Shi Luo's suspicion of Gu Jiming became stronger and he decided to go to Fang Hai to investigate in person.He cleverly used illness as an excuse to take two days off.Although Jiang Guangming cared about him, he was unaware of his true purpose.In Fang Hai, Shi Luo first contacted Liu Qiang and asked him to help inquire about Gu Jiming's whereabouts.At the same time, Jiang Guangming and Xiaoqiang were looking for clues at the crime scene. They found a pet shop that Zhang Qing frequented and speculated that the dog rope might be related to the case.

During a speech in Fanghai City, Gu Jiming unexpectedly welcomed the arrival of Shi Luo.Although Shi Luo was dissatisfied with Gu Jiming's denial, he did not give up the investigation.He returned to the team and shared his findings with Jiang Guangming and Liu Qiang.Jiang Guangming became alert to Gu Jiming's suspicion and decided to personally look for the puppy that might be related to the case.

At the same time, Jiang Guangming's family problems became more and more serious.She found out that her husband was cheating on her husband and she was so upset that she even refused to go home.Gu Jiming, on the other hand, was reflecting on the problem of Shi Luo at home, and began to wonder if he had left any clues in his past.


Episode 3

Gu Jiming met with someone in private to discuss the sensitive topic of hiring a ghostwriter to write books. He repeatedly emphasized that the matter must be kept strictly confidential.After the meeting, Mr. Chen called Su Zhenzhen. It turned out that Su Zhenzhen secretly helped Gu Jiming find a ghostwriter, but out of concern for his self-esteem, she did not tell him directly.As best-selling books continue to emerge on the market, if Gu Jiming does not launch a new work as soon as possible, it may be difficult to maintain the current popularity. This is also the original intention of Su Zhenzhen's move.Gu Jiming cooked several dishes in the kitchen, among which he especially recommended the braised pork he carefully made, but Su Zhenzhen only took a bite of the lean meat. Although he verbally praised the deliciousness, his chopsticks had already turned to other dishes.

Su Zhenzhen became very interested in opening a ceramics shop. The agent found a suitable shop for her and called her to notify her.Gu Jiming expressed his willingness to accompany her to check, but Su Zhenzhen asked him to do it first.However, as soon as Gu Jiming arrived at the scene, he immediately expressed that it was inappropriate and asked the agent not to recommend stores in this area anymore.At the same time, Jiang Guangming came home from work with a fish in his hand. His mother told her that Xiao Xu had been here and brought something, but her mother did not accept it.The mother has always had a good impression of Xiao Xu and believes that his cheating may be just a temporary loss. She hopes that her daughter can reconsider the relationship between the two.At this time, his mother's dance partner, Uncle Wang, arrived unexpectedly, so Jiang Guangming decided not to eat at home.

Shi Luo returned to work after the holiday, and Jiang Guangming was waiting for his arrival on the rooftop.Shi Luo truthfully reported the results of his investigation in Fanghai City. Jiang Guangming was not angry, because when investigating a case, multiple directions coexisted, and it was common to deviate from the direction sometimes.The two visited Zhang Qing's home again and learned from an uncle that before the incident, a man in his fifties often fed dogs here, but he never appeared again after the incident.Shi Luo immediately called Jiang Guangming and asked in detail about the person's appearance and other information. Based on the uncle's description, Jiang Guangming instructed Shi Luo to go to a nearby hotel to investigate.

With the technical support of Liu Qiang and Xiaozhang, they printed out photos of people staying in the hotel. Shi Luo quickly took these photos to find the uncle for identification.After identification, the uncle recognized the person.Shi Luo continued his in-depth investigation and found that this person's name was Tang Xun and he was a writer.There was originally a book signing on the day of the incident, but it was canceled due to physical discomfort.In the early morning of the 19th, Tang Xun went through the check-out procedures.Unable to contact Jiang Guangming, Shi Luo went directly to her home to report the investigation results.Shi Luo didn't know about the problems between Jiang Guangming and his wife, and Jiang Guangming didn't have an attack, so he could only stay with him to eat together.After Shi Luo left, Jiang Guangming finally had the opportunity to have a showdown with her husband. She asked him to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to apply for divorce tomorrow afternoon.After checking the Ruili Hotel's surveillance, they found that Tang Xun's behavior that night was very suspicious, and Zhang Qing's puppy appeared outside the hotel.At this time, they learned that Tang Xun had died of illness and his wife lived in Jinzhou.Jiang Guangming quickly reported the situation to Bureau Wang and decided to go to Jinzhou in the afternoon.But before going to Jinzhou, she went to the Civil Affairs Bureau, but her husband delayed the divorce on the grounds of a meeting.Shi Luo noticed something unusual about Jiang Guangming after he went to the Civil Affairs Bureau, and began to realize that there might be problems between the couple.


Episode 4

At the moment Jiang Guangming decided to go to Fanghai City for in-depth investigation, her husband mistakenly thought that they were going to separate, so he hurriedly stopped it.However, this dispute did not change Jiang Guangming's determination, and she packed her luggage firmly.On the train, Jiang Guangming and Shi Luo reviewed the details of the case together, trying to connect all the clues in their minds to find a breakthrough in the case.After arriving in Fanghai City, they visited Gu Jiming, but Gu Jiming seemed unusually calm about their arrival, claiming that the content on the postcard was just a dream of his.Although they failed to obtain valuable clues from Gu Jiming, when leaving, they accidentally rescued Su Zhenzhen in an out-of-control wheelchair.

After returning home, Su Zhenzhen did not mention the chance encounter with Jiang Guangming and Shi Luo, but she keenly noticed the two extra cups on the table.Faced with her inquiry, Gu Jiming said in an understatement that it was a friend from the literary club who was visiting.However, Jiang Guangming felt that Gu Jiming might have recognized Shi Luo, but deliberately pretended not to know him, which made her deeply puzzled.

They then continued to investigate the postcard and learned that it was sent through the mailbox.At the seaside hotel, they learned of the unusual circumstances when Tang Xun checked in, and learned that a cleaning employee named Jiang Na might be related to the case.However, Jiang Na has resigned, and the contact information she left behind has become empty.

Time goes back to June 21, 2018, the day Tang Xun checked into the seaside hotel.Jiang Na recognized him from reading his novels and noticed that the brown travel bag he carried probably contained a large amount of cash.On April 5, 2019, Gu Jiming secretly deleted all submission records in the magazine in an attempt to cover up the truth.When Su Zhenzhen woke up in the middle of the night and was not around, he tried to maintain a normal appearance, but secretly worried that his secret would be discovered.Finally, he invited Jiang Guangming and Shi Luo to the beach and tried to extract information, but Jiang Guangming's wit interrupted him.


Episode 5

A year ago, Jiang Na carefully prepared manuscript paper for Tang Xun. In return, Tang Xun gave her an autographed novel.After that, Jiang Na not only kept Tang Xun's pet dog secret, but also often helped walk the dog during breaks, and the two established a deep friendship.Now, Liu Qiang reported to Jiang Guangming that one of Zhang Qing's college friends had asked her for information before the incident, but because the person did not have a fixed residence or job, his whereabouts had not yet been found.Recently, Jiang Guangming has frequently felt tired, but her busy work schedule has left her with no time to take care of it.

When Xiao Zhang was feeding stray cats near the hotel, Jiang Guangming learned that Jiang Na had been keen on feeding small animals and even got into a financial dispute over a stray dog.Jiang Guangming didn't pay attention at first, but after returning to the room, she decided to check it out.When they went with Shi Luo, they found that the dog Jiang Na was walking was very similar to Zhang Qing's lost dog, even the dog leash matched.Jiang Guangming learned more about the situation from Xiao Zhang and saw the items left by Jiang Na, including a novel by Tang Xun.

In Jiang Na's diary, Jiang Guangming found an IOU, which was the money Jiang Na borrowed from Xiao Zhang for feeding stray dogs.Later, Jiang Na paid off the loan after paying her salary.Shi Luo compared Tang Xun's postcard with Jiang Na's handwriting and found that 100% of the characters were the same.They speculated that Jiang Na's dog-walking friend was Tang Xun, but they didn't understand why Tang Xun would bring Qin Jiang's dog to Fang Hai.Tang Xun's wife Yang Hui said that Tang Xun did not bring the dog with him when he returned home, so only Jiang Na knew the whereabouts of the dog and the dog leash.

Gu Jiming's new novel was highly praised by the publishing house's president, Wang, but Gu Jiming discovered that Mr. Wang had not actually read his work.Gu Jiming was dissatisfied and asked to postpone the publication of the novel because of his damaged self-esteem.Xiao Zhang told Jiang Guangming that He Peng, the manager of the group buying website, had inquired about Jiang Na from the hotel.Shi Luo contacted Liu Qiang and found He Peng's contact information and address.The two found He Peng and discovered that he and Gu Jiming had a past intersection, and took a group photo together.

As the investigation deepens, the case becomes more complicated and confusing, and more and more characters are involved.Gu Jiming originally planned to stay in Changle due to illness, but Su Zhenzhen went to attend the wedding alone.He Peng and Gu Jiming met for dinner and talked about the police investigation into Gu Jiming.Gu Jiming was sent home by He Peng after drinking. Su Zhenzhen discovered Gu Jiming's lies when she rushed back, but she was not angry.Xiao Zhang found Jiang Na's belongings while cleaning the storage room, and Jiang Guangming took them back.After careful inspection, Jiang Guangming was shocked to find that the words left on the manuscript paper were surprisingly similar to the beginning of "Black Rain". This sudden discovery made her faint to the ground.


Episode 6

Jiang Guangming, who was in a coma, was rushed to the hospital. The doctor diagnosed her as being overworked and pregnant.This surprised Shi Luo, and what made him even more embarrassed was that the doctor mistakenly identified him as Jiang Guangming's husband.After Jiang Guangming woke up, he specifically told Shi Luo not to reveal the news of her pregnancy, and asked eagerly about the important manuscript paper.Although Shi Luo remembered that the manuscript paper was left on the ground, he was unable to retrieve it in time because he was eager to send Jiang Guangming to medical treatment.Jiang Guangming seriously asked Shi Luo to retrieve the manuscript paper. Shi Luo hurried back to the hotel, only to be told that the manuscript paper had been treated as garbage.He urgently contacted Officer Zhang, tracked the garbage truck, and finally found the manuscript paper with the help of the police officer, but unfortunately the handwriting on it was no longer legible.

When Jiang Guangming checked Jiang Na's diary, she learned about Jiang Na's tragic life experience, which made her feel the same.At the same time, Shi Luo investigated and learned that Gu Jiming was involved in a traffic accident last year, but he was not the perpetrator, but saved Su Zhenzhen.In the hospital, Jiang Guangming met Su Zhenzhen by chance. The two had a pleasant conversation and exchanged contact information.Su Zhenzhen fell down because she was eager to regain her ability to walk, and was furious at Gu Jiming's unintentional remarks.She recalled the car accident last year, which turned her from a dancer into a disabled person and caused great psychological trauma to her.


Episode 7

The opening ceremony of Su Zhenzhen's pottery shop was very lively, with a lot of guests, including Shang Lei, who had a baby date with the Su family.In the past, Shang Lei dismissed Su Zhenzhen lying on the hospital bed, but today is different. Su Zhenzhen confidently introduced his fiancé Gu Jiming, a well-known writer.Gu Jiming also understood the past between the two, and specifically expressed his deep affection for Su Zhenzhen in front of Shang Lei, which made Su Zhenzhen feel very pleased.Jiang Guangming and Shi Luo came to give opening gifts. After leaving in a hurry, Gu Jiming was responsible for seeing them off.Jiang Guangming deliberately mentioned Jiang Na, but Gu Jiming's reaction was very cold, saying that he did not know this person.

However, Jiang Guangming had doubts about this.After returning to the hotel, Xu Kang cooked a bowl of soup for Jiang Guangming and invited Shi Luo to enjoy it together.While drinking soup, Shi Luo accidentally discovered a magazine called Nanliu, which was published by the magazine where Gu Jiming once worked.The two quickly asked the front desk and learned that the magazine was not ordered by the hotel, but Jiang Na's.An article in the magazine - Maisui - caught their attention. This was the work of Jiang Na, whose pen name was Jiang Yinlu.

They further went to the magazine to investigate, but found that the submission records had disappeared.The editor-in-chief gave the article to other editors for review, and one editor recalled that the article was not accepted.After comparison, they found that only page 35 of the magazine was different from the other magazine.Based on the existing clues, Jiang Guangming and Shi Luo concluded that there was some connection between Gu Jiming and Jiang Na.Recalling the cocktail party a year ago, Gu Jiming was disappointed because of rejection and humiliation, but he accidentally discovered Su Zhenzhen who had been in a car accident on the mountain road and rescued her in time.Su Zhenzhen was disabled due to a car accident, and Gu Jiming's reappearance rekindled her hope.


Episode 8

Gu Jiming brought a pot of meat to Su Zhenzhen's ward. Although Su Zhenzhen still had a hot temper and even shouted the word "get out" mercilessly to Gu Jiming, Gu Jiming didn't care.He silently put down the succulents and left, but his persistence never changed. He delivered a pot of succulents every day until the window of the ward was filled with all kinds of succulents.Such days lasted for half a month, and Su Zhenzhen had become accustomed to Gu Jinming's arrival.One day, Gu Jiming suddenly didn't come. When he came back the next day, Su Zhenzhen couldn't help but curiously asked why he was absent yesterday.Gu Jiming explained that he was on a business trip, but Su Zhenzhen felt that he did it on purpose, trying to make her guess his whereabouts.

However, with the passage of time, Su Zhenzhen's wariness towards Gu Jiming gradually disappeared.One day, she asked Gu Jiming to take her out to relax for the first time.Gu Jiming used his own experience as an example to try to enlighten Su Zhenzhen and make her look down on some things.Although Su Zhenzhen did not show any obvious reaction, she allowed Gu Jiming to directly call her by her name - Su Zhenzhen, instead of Miss Su.

On April 12, 2019, Shi Luo and Jiang Guangming were eating in a restaurant. In order to avoid conflict with Jiang Guangming, Xu Kang deliberately chose to sit at another table.Under Shi Luo's persuasion, Jiang Guangming invited Xu Kang to come over to sit at the same table, but Xu Kang declined her kindness.Soon after, Xu Kang almost caused a conflict by reminding people at the next table not to smoke. Fortunately, Shi Luo showed his police ID in time to calm the dispute.Afterwards, Jiang Guangming expressed dissatisfaction with Xu Kang's reckless behavior, but at this moment, she received a call from Liu Qiang and learned that Zhang Qing's case had made significant progress and Sun Bin had become the main suspect.

Sun Bin was Zhang Qing's college classmate and was expelled from school for harassing Zhang Qing.Later, he was caught in a fire while working in a platemaking factory and his face was severely burned.Based on the clues, Jiang Guangming and Shi Luo squatted near Sun Bin's mother's house, and finally succeeded in capturing Sun Bin in the Internet cafe.After interrogation, Sun Bin admitted the fact that he killed Zhang Qing.He claimed that he took action because he thought Zhang Qing deserved to die.It turned out that on the summer solstice on June 21, 2012, Sun Bin confessed his love to Zhang Qing, but was rejected by Zhang Qing and attacked by him.Therefore, he held a grudge and sneaked into Zhang Qing's home on the day of the incident in 2018 and killed her.During the escape, he also tried to silence the witnesses, but was pushed into the water by the other party.After identifying the photos, Sun Bin confirmed that the person who pushed him into the water was Tang Xun.

As the case gradually became clearer, Tang Xun's psychological pressure of not daring to call the police because he mistakenly believed that he had killed Sun Bin gradually increased.Coupled with his own cancer, this huge psychological pressure and fear accelerated the deterioration of his condition.Although the case was eventually solved, Shi Luo felt empty inside.

After Gu Jiming learned the news, he suddenly decided to sell the film and television adaptation rights of his novel - Black Rain.At the same time, Jiang Guangming decided to put the divorce on hold after talking to his mother and communicated with Xu Kang.After the vacation, Jiang Guangming and Shi Luo were both concerned about Jiang Na's whereabouts.Jiang Guangming kept pestering Wang Ju to ask him to agree to go to Fanghai City to investigate the case.Tang Xun's wife Yang Hui also noticed something was wrong after learning the news that the case was solved. She dug out the file bag left by Tang Xun, which contained his manuscripts and a book titled - Black Rain.-- book.


Episode 9

Shi Luo and Jiang Guangming once again came to Fanghai City to handle the case, and still chose the Seaside Hotel as their destination, and the room number remained unchanged.One day, Jiang Guangming was on the phone with Xu Kang and was overheard by Shi Luo. Shi Luo immediately noticed that there seemed to be reconciliation between the two.He guessed that the previous conflict might be related to the child, and Jiang Guangming was slightly taken aback by this.

Shi Luo suddenly received a notice that the investigation procedures for Jiang Na had been approved. He quickly went to the Public Security Bureau to learn about the situation and temporarily stored his luggage with Jiang Guangming.At the same time, Jiang Guangming took Jiang Na's diary and got on the bus that Jiang Na often took, as if following the records in the diary and immersing himself in Jiang Na's life.

An investigation by the Fanghai City Police showed that Jiang Na did not report missing, nor did she have any long-distance or entry-exit records.However, a strange clue caught their attention: from May to mid-August last year, Jiang Na frequently checked in at the Red Star Hotel on Pedestrian Street.Jiang Guangming followed the clues in the diary and came to the Zhuoyu Bookstore near the Red Star Hotel, but found that the bookstore was closed and there was a rental notice posted above.Shi Luo informed Jiang Guangming of this abnormal situation, and the two discovered that Zhuoyu Bookstore was located next to the Red Star Hotel.

Shi Luo quickly rushed to the pedestrian street and went to the front desk of the hotel with Jiang Guangming to learn about the situation.The staff confirmed that Jiang Na did stay here frequently last year, always in the same room.Jiang Guangming noticed the surveillance camera above his head and asked about it and learned that surveillance videos are generally kept for three months.Another staff member revealed that Jiang Na checks in personally every time, but there is another man who often appears with her.Shi Luo took out a photo of Gu Jiming for the other party to identify, and the other party said that the man looked a lot like Gu Jiming.

Recalling the past, Gu Jiming was depressed because Maisui was not selected on May 5, 2018. After meeting Jiang Na, the two gradually became familiar with each other.The editor-in-chief forbids the editor to fall in love with the author, but Gu Jiming and Jiang Na walked hand in hand while walking on the beach.By chance, when Gu Jiming was dating Jiang Na in a hotel room, he accidentally learned that Tang Xun was writing a suspense novel in retreat at a seaside hotel.Jiang Na once secretly read Tang Xun's novel, and Gu Jiming asked her to find a way to read it herself.

At another drinking party, Gu Jiming shamelessly handed his work to Su Zhe, but was called back to his original position by the editor.Su Zhe did not take away his novel, so Gu Jiming was ridiculed by the editor-in-chief and his confidence was severely hit.When he was dating Jiang Na in the hotel room, he mentioned Tang Xun's novel again, and the two became closer.

Jiang Guangming and Shi Luo found Gu Jiming and asked him again about his relationship with Jiang Na.Gu Jiming still denied knowing Jiang Na, but at this time Jiang Na's call records had been sent.Jiang Guangming read out in detail the time and duration of the call between Gu Jiming and Jiang Na, and warned him that if he continued to deny it, the nature of the matter would become different.


Episode 10

Gu Jiming drove to the pottery shop and waited for Su Zhenzhen to get off work.Su Zhenzhen was very happy about his arrival and even promised to give him a special reward in the evening.During the chat, Su Zhenzhen accidentally mentioned that Jiang Guangming was visiting Fang Hai and planned to meet her at the pottery shop.After Gu Jiming hesitated for a while, he chose to confess to Su Zhenzhen his complicated relationship with Jiang Guangming and Jiang Na.It turned out that Gu Jiming had been dating Jiang Na and Su Zhenzhen at the same time, until he broke up with Jiang Na and the two broke off contact.Although Gu Jinming's confession confused Jiang Guangming, Su Zhenzhen was moved by his honesty and chose to forgive him.

Soon, Gu Jiming returned to his residence and accidentally discovered that He Peng's computer desktop was a photo of Jiang Na.At this time, Jiang Na was sending the content of Tang Xunxin's novel she had transcribed to Gu Jiming via text message.Tang Xun decided to stop writing novels, leave Fang Hai, and asked Jiang Na to help adopt a puppy named Huajiao.Gu Jiming and Jiang Na met at the Red Star Hotel, and Jiang Na gave him Tang Xun's six-page novel to read.Gu Jiming did not think highly of the novel and believed that Tang Xun was more suitable for realistic themes.During the conversation with Jiang Na, Gu Jiming noticed that He Peng had a crush on Jiang Na, but he did not dare to reveal his relationship with Jiang Na because he was worried about the editor's warning.

Jiang Na personally made sea stone flowers for Gu Jiming and sent them downstairs to the magazine.Gu Jiming then gave this gift to Su Zhenzhen, which reminded her of her mother and improved her mood.During the subsequent date, Gu Jiming confessed to Jiang Na his dilemma in borrowing money from Su Zhenzhen for his father's surgery.Not only was Jiang Na not angry, but she expressed understanding and was willing to continue making sea stone flowers for Su Zhenzhen.Gu Jiming was extremely grateful, and at the same time he was running around to raise money for the surgery.In the end, with Su Zhenzhen's help, Gu's father's operation went smoothly.On the way back to Fang Hai, Gu Jiming learned about the death of the great writer Tang Xun.


Episode 13

Su Zhenzhen is well aware of the fact that Gu Jiming plagiarized, so does she also know the secret about Jiang Na?According to what Jiang Guangming told Shi Luo, even if Su Zhenzhen knew it in his heart, he would not reveal anything.

It was late at night, but Su Zhenzhen had trouble falling asleep.She stood up quietly, her eyes falling on the knives in the kitchen, as if she was deep in thought, but no one knew what she was thinking in her heart.


Episode 14

Su Zhenzhen is well aware of the fact that Gu Jiming plagiarized, so does she also know the secret about Jiang Na?According to what Jiang Guangming told Shi Luo, even if Su Zhenzhen knew it in his heart, he would not reveal anything.

It was late at night, but Su Zhenzhen had trouble falling asleep.She stood up quietly, her eyes falling on the knives in the kitchen, as if she was deep in thought, but no one knew what she was thinking in her heart.


Episode 15

Su Zhenzhen is well aware of the fact that Gu Jiming plagiarized, so does she also know the secret about Jiang Na?According to what Jiang Guangming told Shi Luo, even if Su Zhenzhen knew it in his heart, he would not reveal anything.

It was late at night, but Su Zhenzhen had trouble falling asleep.She stood up quietly, her eyes falling on the knives in the kitchen, as if she was deep in thought, but no one knew what she was thinking in her heart.


Episode 11

Gu Jiming was sitting at home, his eyes attracted by the fish in the fish tank.These fish appear to be happily swimming freely in the clear water.But Gu Jiming realized that this kind of “freedom” was relative. They were confined in this small glass box and could not escape.Their lives seem to be just to satisfy people's curiosity and aesthetic needs.

Suddenly, a strange phone call broke the tranquility.The woman on the other end of the phone spoke firmly. She directly pointed out that there was plagiarism in Gu Jiming's works. This made Gu Jiming unable to avoid the problem. He had to face his own mistakes.


Episode 12

Su Zhenzhen is well aware of the fact that Gu Jiming plagiarized, so does she also know the secret about Jiang Na?According to what Jiang Guangming told Shi Luo, even if Su Zhenzhen knew it in his heart, he would not reveal anything.

It was late at night, but Su Zhenzhen had trouble falling asleep.She stood up quietly, her eyes falling on the knives in the kitchen, as if she was deep in thought, but no one knew what she was thinking in her heart.



Total 15 Episodes C-Drama Myst/Urban Actor: Gao Zhiting Tong Dawei Lan Yingying Ma Yili