《A girls' school in the mountains》Ep Intro

Zhang Guimei (Song Jia)Zhang Guimei is an ordinary female middle school teacher in the mountainous area of ​​western China. Over the years, she has witnessed her female students drop out of school due to family poverty, get married and have children, or go out to work when they are 15 or 16 years old. This makes Zhang Guimei extremely sad.and regret.

She is determined to run a free high school for girls so that these girls in the mountains can have the opportunity to receive an education, go to college, get out of the mountains, and completely change their destiny.In 2008, the only all-free girls' high school in China was established. Under the difficult situation of no teachers, no students, no funds, and no experience, Zhang Guimei led the teachers and students of the girls' high school to complete the impossible task: making the learning foundation extremely backward.All female high school students have been admitted to university.

This girls' high school has allowed batches of girls to come out of the mountains and change their destiny.However, as the school develops, more and more poor girls from the mountains come to apply for the exam, and new problems and difficulties also arise...

《A girls' school in the mountains》E1Plot

Episode 1

In 2007, in the vast plains of Huaping County, Lijiang City, Yunnan Province, Fang Qiong was riding an electric donkey carrying Zhang Guimei to the home of female student Guyu. Suddenly she felt a stomachache and had to find a roadside toilet for convenience..Zhang Guimei was anxious about Guyu dropping out of school, so she first rode an electric donkey staggering all the way to her home to look for him.

Due to local poverty and bad social customs, with strong preference for sons over daughters, women live without dignity. From birth to a certain age, they are forced to marry and work as cows and horses. Some even give birth to five or six children, and they live in a single day.If a boy is not born, the parents-in-law and husband will force them to continue having children until the son who will continue the family line is born.Gu Laosan, Gu Yu's father, is a drunkard and his family is extremely poor. Gu Yu, a fourteen-year-old girl, takes care of the house and home, feeding pigs, working and taking care of her younger brother.

Although she was born in this kind of family, she is still full of love for learning, her grades are among the top in the school, and she is fully capable of being admitted to a key high school.Just as Zhang Guimei was persuading Gu Yu to go back to school, she suddenly heard the sound of gongs and drums in the distance. The procession stopped outside Gu Yu's house from far away.Through the conversation with the matchmaker, Zhang Guimei learned that Gu Yu was married off by her father for only 30,000 yuan. She was shocked and angry. She threatened on the spot that she was here today and no one would come to rob her.

After the secretary Ma Yongqiang received the call, he hurried over and asked the bride to be discharged from the army first. Then there was a crazy woman next to her, one bride at a time, which made people feel very uncomfortable.Zhang Guimei really can't understand why Guyu sold herself for 30,000 yuan. However, the local custom is indeed to marry early and have children early. Girls are not as good as animals. Marrying is the only destination. Most people hold a banquet first and then get the certificate. During the 14th Five-Year PlanIt is difficult to change this situation instantly by getting married or having a baby.

Zhang Guimei hated Guyu for a long time, so she made a calculation for her and told her that if she went to college and went to work, 30,000 yuan would be less than three years' salary.Although Gu Yu understands what Zhang Guimei means, she has no extra money to support tuition and living expenses. Her father, Gu Laosan, is an alcoholic and idles around all day long. Her younger brother needs more support at a young age.

However, Zhang Guimei disagreed and expressed that she would provide money to support Gu Yu. Before leaving, she told Gu Yu that she would not give up and continue to persuade her, and left some money for her on the wall.Gu Laosan woke up in a daze and saw the money. He secretly took the money and went to the canteen to buy wine. His behavior made Gu Yu feel desperate. Looking at the fate of the crazy woman in the distance, he seemed to see himself in the future, and secretly made a decision in his heart..

After returning to her residence, Zhang Guimei angrily complained to Fang Qiong that the adults in the family were irresponsible. Fang Qiong lamented that the current situation in the mountains was like this. Men would buy wine as soon as they had money, and women could only cook some potatoes at home. Some andA little bit of moldy rice, gradually numbing the habit, generation after generation.It is precisely because of this that Zhang Guimei wants to change the status quo, even if it is very difficult.

So Zhang Guimei finished her breakfast and looked through the pages of a book that recorded the names of students. How many girls dropped out of school because they got married. Unable to wait any longer, she cycled to Gu Yu's house again.At this time, Gu Yu and Gu Laosan expressed their wish to go to school, but Gu Laosan was caught and beaten up in the woodshed. Fortunately, Zhang Guimei came to the rescue in time and took Gu Yu away on a bicycle, leaving the family she hated most..

That night, Zhang Guimei took Gu Yu back to the children's home and went to Zhou Shanqun alone to inquire about the progress of the free female high school.Zhou Shanqun said that running a school requires a long-term plan, especially for the government to cover all the expenses for a girls' high school. Major projects such as site selection, laying foundations and building houses have already strained the government's financial resources.Early the next morning, Guyu got up in the morning light and saw many children playing in the yard, which was lively and warm.Sun Qing, a girl of the same age, came over to say hello enthusiastically, but Zhao Xiaolei, who spoke straightforwardly, asked her who died in her family. Sun Qing immediately helped explain that many of the children who came here had no one at home, and then took her to have breakfast nearby..

《A girls' school in the mountains》E2Plot

Episode 2

Gu Laosan was unwilling to let his duck fly. He came to the school smelling of alcohol to settle the score with Zhang Guimei, and he would not give up unless she compensated him 30,000 yuan.In order to prevent Gu Yu from being entangled by Gu Laosan, Zhang Guimei agreed to use the money to buy out his relationship with Gu Yu. However, considering that she would not be able to come up with 30,000 yuan for a while, she simply wrote an IOU to Gu Laosan, promising to pay it in installments within five years.Full payment, just to save a girl's life.When Zhang Guimei returned to the children's home at night, she saw Gu Yu sitting at the door waiting for a long time.

Gu Yu felt guilty and felt that she had caused Zhang Guimei to suffer, but Zhang Guimei told her that it was nothing as long as money could solve it, and comforted her not to feel sad anymore.Later, Guyu told how her mother died in childbirth while giving birth to her younger brother. On the other hand, someone in the village next door gave birth to a girl who was born in childbirth. The girl was given away as a nemesis and wondered why men and women were treated differently.Listening to Gu Yu's words, Zhang Guimei also felt uncomfortable. The situation of favoring boys over girls has always existed. There is a big difference between the north and the south, especially in some places.

Zhang Guimei told Guyu that her family also valued boys over girls and was originally going to be given away. Fortunately, her sisters insisted on keeping her and fed her with rice soup and pancakes. How many women suffered from the feudal pedantry of the older generation.So growing up in this environment, both Zhang Guimei and Gu Yu developed the determination to resist and not surrender. They have too many similarities, and they hope to help more women get rid of this situation.

Zhang Guimei told Gu Yu that hope is achieved by oneself. Girls can do the same or even better than boys.Gu Yu's mood gradually improved, and she secretly vowed to get into a key high school and university to get ahead.The next day, the principal informed Zhang Guimei to go to the county government as soon as possible and revealed that the county had just appointed a deputy county magistrate. However, Zhang Guimei did not expect that Ma Yongqiang was the deputy county magistrate in charge of education.

Ma Yongqiang informed Zhang Guimei that she had been selected as an outstanding teacher in the province and became a party representative at the 17th National Congress, and that she would go to the Great Hall of the People in Beijing to attend the meeting in person.The county gave Zhang Guimei 7,000 yuan in clothing expenses to dress her up, but Zhang Guimei used the money to buy computers for her children to learn knowledge. She even used the remaining money to buy 20 pounds of cured pork ribs for extra meals at the children's home.

All the children ate like they were celebrating the New Year. The little girl Luo Yiyi ate too much and had a stomach attack and was sent to the hospital, which made Zhang Guimei feel extremely guilty.The female doctor thought Zhang Guimei was the little girl's mother and angrily accused her of being irresponsible. She believed that among the various national exams, there was no exam for parenthood.Zhang Guimei did not choose to defend herself. Fang Qiong told the female doctor the true situation of Zhang Guimei's adoption of the child, which attracted the female doctor's attention. She suddenly felt guilty and looked at the back of Zhang Guimei leaving with the children, and felt warm in her heart.

On the plane flying to Beijing, Zhang Guimei accidentally met her seatmate Jiang Dabao. When she learned that he was the chairman of Wuse Fengma Group, the honorary president of Yunnan Business Association, and the vice president of Kunming Private Enterprise Federation, she couldn't wait to make love to him.She introduced herself and explained the free female high school in detail, hoping that he could also sponsor some, which almost made the other party regard her as a liar.As the 17th People's Congress convened, the children in the children's home watched the Great Hall of the People on TV and were deeply shocked.

Gu Yu returned to the room in a low mood to recite the textbook, worried that if he failed to pass the high school, he would live up to Zhang Guimei's expectations. Fang Qiong hoped that Gu Yu would not put too much pressure on himself. It is good to have knowledge and progress, but also to have confidence. The only way is to break the boat and move forward courageously.Only then can we overcome all difficulties and dangers.At the meeting, Zhang Guimei spoke as a representative of Lijiang. She should have talked about the country's economic and people's livelihood issues like all the representatives, but she felt that those girls who were forced to drop out of school and go out or even lost their lives still deserved attention.

Zhang Guimei said that behind every girl who dropped out of school, there was often a bad patriarchal family. Feudal and pedantic ideas caused tragic incidents to occur in the local area every year. Zhang Guimei had seen too many tragic truths behind them and called on everyone to pay attention to them.Change the fate of girls.After the meeting ended, the hall was filled with reporters interviewing the representatives.

Wearing a pair of ripped jeans, Zhang Guimei told reporters that most of the sacrifices in local families were girls. Whenever the family had some conditions, it was for boys to go to school, so her only dream in life was to create a free girls' high school that would allow girls to go to school.They go to school. Only educated women can interrupt the intergenerational transmission of poverty, no longer become a vine dependent on others, and change the destiny of three generations.The female reporter's sensitive and professional professionalism accurately captured the message Zhang Guimei wanted to convey and conducted an exclusive interview for her. Once the publication was released, it attracted attention from all walks of life.Jiang Dabao saw the newspaper and immediately contacted his assistant to contact Huaping to donate 50,000 yuan to Zhang Guimei.

《A girls' school in the mountains》E3Plot

Episode 3

On the return flight, Zhang Guimei met a distinguished man. He specially adjusted her seat for her and expressed his admiration for her commitment to the cause of educational equity and justice.The man praised her feat of establishing a free girls' high school, which is both contemporary and beneficial to the future. At the same time, he also realized that this was a challenging and innovative initiative.Later, in the name of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, the man firmly stated that he would fully support Zhang Guimei's vision and would spare no effort to provide help, whether in terms of funds or resources.Zhang Guimei was surprised by this, and it was not until later that she learned that the generous man was actually Liu Qingyong, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee.

However, despite clear support from senior leaders, the project was met with pushback from middle-level bureaucrats.The Planning Bureau, Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and other departments have raised questions, and the county's financial difficulties have become an excuse for them to shirk their responsibilities.Faced with these obstacles, Zhang Guimei felt helpless, but Zhou Shanqun, her right-hand assistant, put forward practical suggestions: first borrow the classroom resources of Nanzhong Middle School or explore the possibility of merger as a transition, and then gradually promote independent construction.school plan.

By chance, Zhang Guimei discovered an idle space near Nanzhong while relaxing on the top of the mountain, which happened to become their new hope for building a school.Reporter Fang Qiong confirmed through investigation that although the land has been abandoned for a long time, it is educational land and is very suitable for building a girls' high school.Therefore, Zhang Guimei and Fang Qiong carefully planned a performance, invited Deputy County Magistrate Ma Yongqiang and Zhou Shanqun to participate, and directly proposed the idea of ​​building a school on this vacant land.At first, Ma Yongqiang was hesitant due to various difficulties and follow-up issues, but after Zhang Guimei's sincere persuasion and the touch of a dropout girl in the restaurant, he finally impulsively agreed to the request.

Afterwards, although Ma Yongqiang regretted his impulsive decision, as the deputy county magistrate, he had to keep his promise.With Zhou Shanqun's preparation, the construction permit was successfully obtained, and the empty land quickly turned into a bustling construction site.Zhang Guimei visited the site in person and implored the villagers to supervise the quality of the project and ensure the safety of the children.Faced with the workers' doubts and misunderstandings, she won their trust and support with her firm belief and practical actions.

At the same time, Zhang Guimei's kind deeds also quietly changed the fate of Master Cai's family.After learning about Zhang Guimei's sincerity, Master Cai not only apologized to Zhang Guimei for his previous misunderstanding, but also took the initiative to mention his daughter Cai Guizhi, who dropped out of school due to poverty.Zhang Guimei immediately promised that as long as Cai Guizhi comes to Huaping Girls' High School with excellent transcripts, she will be responsible for all her tuition fees.However, Cai Guizhi was unable to accept the help immediately due to family reasons, but the fire in her heart had been ignited.

A few months later, as the school's preparations entered a critical stage, Zhang Guimei and Zhou Shanqun discussed the issue of teacher recruitment.She insisted that to ensure the quality of teaching, sufficient teaching staff must be provided.With the joint efforts of both parties, a team of passionate and dedicated teachers has gradually taken shape, laying a solid foundation for the future of Huaping Girls' High School.

《A girls' school in the mountains》E4Plot

Episode 4

Zhou Shanqun explained to Zhang Guimei that the Education Bureau follows established procedures for recruiting teachers, and job information must be announced uniformly. Applicants must meet the conditions and pass the written examination before they are eligible to choose a school.However, Zhang Guimei was anxious and unwilling to wait. She decided to go to the recruitment site in person and set the condition that she would only recruit men with one degree and reject men.

Unfortunately, the ideal is full and the reality is skinny.Although Zhang Guimei worked hard to publicize her job at the recruitment site, few people took notice. Most young people yearned for the generous treatment in big cities.Seeing the attractive benefits offered by other schools, Zhang Guimei quickly returned to the Education Bureau, discussed with Zhou Shanqun, and decided to increase teachers' salaries by 300 yuan to attract talents.

In addition, she also cleverly used Zhou Shanqun's status as the director of education to make him a living signature of Huaping Girls' High School at the job fair.However, as time passed, there were still very few applicants. Only Yan Li finally chose Huaping Girls' High School due to her low self-esteem and lack of outstanding resume, which made Zhang Guimei very happy.Later, the addition of two young women, Cai Hong and Hu Juan, added a bit of confidence because of Zhou Shanqun's presence. They took the initiative to submit their resumes, allowing Zhang Guimei to recruit three teachers in one day.

Zhou Shanqun witnessed Zhang Guimei's hard work. Although he tried to dissuade her, he saw that she was focused on recruitment.In desperation, he contacted his old classmates for help. After hearing about Zhang Guimei's deeds, Ding Xiaoxiao was moved by his spirit and decided to go to the job fair to find out.On the way, she met Wei Tingyun and Yao Xiaoshan, and the three of them talked about Zhang Guimei's feats. Wei Tingyun and Yao Xiaoshan then decided to join Huaping Girls' High School.Although Zhang Guimei was initially concerned about Ding Xiaoxiao's luxurious dress, her sincerity and talent eventually won her recognition.As for Yao Xiaoshan, his excellent educational background made Zhang Guimei accept the male teacher as an exception, and encouraged him when he hesitated, and successfully signed the contract.

As the twelve teachers were assembled, they embarked on a journey to Huaping County, with Zhou Shanqun driving the car himself.On the way, Zhang Guimei's mobilization speech was slightly noisy due to equipment problems, but his enthusiasm and determination could not be concealed.Ding Xiaoxiao's family was very dissatisfied when they learned of his decision, while Zhang Guimei watched all this silently.

After arriving at the new location of Huaping Women's High School, the teachers were surprised by the harsh environment. The dormitories were extremely shabby. Yao Xiaoshan even discovered that his “single room” was actually a utility room.Faced with the problem of insufficient student enrollment, Zhang Guimei quickly deployed and divided teachers into two teams, one responsible for enrollment and one responsible for campus organization.Ding Xiaoxiao, Wei Tingyun and Yao Xiaoshan actively asked Ying to participate in the enrollment, while Zhou Shanqun, at Zhang Guimei's insistence, recommended Chen Sihai, a right-hand man, as the office director to deal with sudden personnel vacancies.

《A girls' school in the mountains》E5Plot

Episode 5

After obtaining Chen Sihai's contact information, Zhang Guimei eagerly dialed his phone and sincerely invited him to serve as the office director of Huaping Girls' High School.Chen Sihai has served as the deputy director of the county girls' high school for many years and has been diligent and conscientious. He expected to be promoted to director this year, but unexpectedly, he was cut off by someone close to the principal, which made him feel disappointed and helpless.After some hard work, he finally convinced his wife and decided to accept this new challenge and work at a women's high school.

The next day, Chen Sihai arrived at the gate of the female high school with his luggage fully loaded. It happened that Zhang Guimei was leading the teachers to prepare to go to the mountain to recruit students. This scene made him mistakenly think that everyone was here to welcome him, and he couldn't help but feel a warm current in his heart.Zhang Guimei entrusted the management of the women's high school to Chen Sihai and personally handed a bunch of heavy keys into his hands. Chen Sihai was excited and prepared to face new challenges with high ambitions.

As the convoy went deep into the mountainous area, Cai Hong vomited because she was not used to the rugged mountain roads. Fortunately, Zhang Guimei checked in time and confirmed that she was fine.Afterwards, everyone began to distribute student information, each responsible for five households, with the aim of persuading the villagers to agree to enroll their children in school.However, Cai Hong and Hu Juan encountered a cold reception during their search. When Zhang Guimei's name was mentioned, the villagers avoided talking about it.They finally found the home of female student Wen Yan, but were turned away ruthlessly.

On the other side, Wei Tingyun visited the two sisters Li Hua and Li Zelan alone, and was puzzled that they gave up their studies.It turns out that the two sisters dropped out of school to help their family make money by making rice noodles.Li Zelan, in particular, had outstanding Chinese talent, but was forced to interrupt her studies after only reaching the fifth grade. This made Wei Tingyun deeply regretful.She encouraged the two sisters to go out of the mountains and see the outside world, but her sister Li Hua believed that there were still mountains outside the mountains and was full of confusion about the future.

At the same time, Yao Xiaoshan also encountered difficulties in searching for Ning Hua.He tried to persuade Ninghua's grandparents to let her return to school, but the elderly people had limited knowledge of education and even mistook him for a human trafficker.In the end, Yao Xiaoshan showed his work ID to prove his identity.Ning Hua originally had no interest in going to school, but when she learned that studying could also earn living expenses to support her family, she decided to attend Huaping Girls' High School in order to raise medical expenses.

Ding Xiaoxiao searched for Liu Xiying all over the mountains and plains, trying to persuade her to pick up the book again.Unlike other children who are unable to study due to family reasons, Liu Xiying gave up her studies because of her lack of motivation.She dreams of marrying into a good family, and Ding Xiaoxiao tells her that she can have a broader future by studying.Although Liu Xiying was dubious about this, Ding Xiaoxiao's persistence still touched her.

During dinner, everyone shared their experiences and feelings about the day.Zhang Guimei pointed out that in some families, girls are seen as a burden rather than a hope, and their growth is often ignored.Cai Hong expressed dissatisfaction with the current difficult conditions and believed that it was far from the promise during recruitment.However, Zhang Guimei didn't say much and just silently led everyone to move on.

Under the leadership of Zhang Guimei, the admissions team overcame numerous difficulties and worked unremittingly.Chen Sihai, on the other hand, showed his talents inside the school. He carefully prepared materials, arranged the school buildings, and tidied up the environment, giving the school a completely new look.When Zhang Guimei and others returned, the sight in front of them made them feel happy.

Although enrollment still faces huge challenges, Zhang Guimei has not given up hope.She always pays attention to the developments of every potential student and personally goes to Cai Guizhi's home to persuade her.Faced with Cai Guizhi's resistance and concerns, Zhang Guimei listened patiently and carefully enlightened her, and finally won her trust and understanding.At the same time, she also severely criticized Master Cai for his violent behavior towards his daughter and warned him that he would bear full responsibility if he continued to prevent his daughter from going to school.

In the intense and orderly work, Huaping Girls' High School gradually ushered in new vitality and hope.The joint efforts of Zhang Guimei, Chen Sihai and others not only changed the face of the school but also lit up the future of countless girls.

《A girls' school in the mountains》E6Plot

Episode 6

When Zhang Guimei walked quickly, Zhou Shanqun's mood became heavier.He first handed over a pack of Harbin red sausage from his hometown, and then explained his purpose of coming, admitting that Zhang Guimei might not be destined to become the principal of Huaping Girls' High School.According to convention, the position of principal is usually held by a cadre at the subject level, and Zhang Guimei is just an ordinary female junior high school teacher with no experience in high school management.

Zhou Shanqun implored Zhang Guimei to understand and suggested that she serve as the vice principal, so that she could continue to contribute to the women's high school and have support when facing challenges. In fact, it was a kind of protection for her.However, Zhang Guimei did not accept this proposal and turned around and left after tasting the red sausage in silence, leaving Zhou Shanqun helpless.

That night, after Fang Qiong learned about the incident, she made a special trip to the school rooftop to find Zhang Guimei.She felt deeply unjust about what happened to Zhang Guimei and believed that some people in the county intended to take away the fruits of her hard work.Looking back on Zhang Guimei's hard work for the establishment and development of Huaping Girls' High School, from nothing to the rise of high-rise buildings, from teacher recruitment to student recruitment, every step is condensed with her sweat and tears.Fang Qiong decided to write a report to speak out for Zhang Guimei.

Faced with Fang Qiong's excitement, Zhang Guimei comforted her.She was well aware of Fang Qiong's righteous speech, and the deep friendship between the two made Zhang Guimei feel warmer.She stood on the edge of the rooftop, looked into the distance, and hummed softly - Praise of Red Plum Blossoms -, and her optimism infected Fang Qiong.

Early the next morning, Zhang Guimei took the initiative to go to the county government and submitted her resignation to Ma Yongqiang, expressing her desire to return to her hometown in Northeast China to spend her remaining years.At the same time, she handed over two work notebooks, which recorded in detail the situation of each student and the use of social donations. She hoped that these information would be helpful to the new principal.

After Ma Yongqiang learned about this, he returned to the office angrily and was furious with Zhou Shanqun, believing that Zhang Guimei's move was a challenge to his authority.But Zhou Shanqun also felt sorry for Zhang Guimei and believed that without her, Huaping Girls' High School would not be able to achieve the glory it has today.He recalled Zhang Guimei's journey from proposing the establishment of a women's high school to turning it into reality, and praised her as a person with extraordinary perseverance and ability.

Zhou Shanqun also expressed dissatisfaction with the resolution of the special class group, believing that the red-headed document restricted their ability to act, and that only Zhang Guimei could truly promote the development of the school.He compared Zhang Guimei to the Foolish Old Man in "The Foolish Old Man Moves the Mountains" who overcame numerous difficulties with unparalleled enthusiasm and perseverance.

Ma Yongqiang was deeply touched after hearing this. He flipped through Zhang Guimei's notebook and his expression became more solemn.He immediately convened a special team to hold a second meeting, conveyed Zhou Shanqun's opinions, and invited Gu Yu to speak out.In the end, with everyone's move and approval, Zhang Guimei was approved by a show of hands to serve as the principal of the Girls' High School.Zhang Guimei was moved to tears when the news came, and Fang Qiong was also sincerely happy for her friend.

In August 2008, Huaping Girls' High School welcomed the registration day for new students. However, heavy rain poured down and the mountain roads were muddy, making it difficult for many students to arrive on time.Zhang Guimei was so distraught that she immediately called Ma Yongqiang to ask for help.At the same time, Zhou Shanqun was also anxiously urging.Although Ma Yongqiang was dissatisfied, he still acted quickly to coordinate all forces to ensure that students arrived at school safely.In the heavy rain, teachers and students worked together to bring the students back to Huaping Girls' High School one by one, ensuring a smooth start to the new semester.

《A girls' school in the mountains》E7Plot

Episode 7

While everyone was busy arranging for students to register in an orderly manner and receive daily necessities such as school supplies, Master Cai and his wife brought their daughter Cai Guizhi to the school and solemnly promised that there would never be any domestic violence in the future. This made Zhang Guimei deeply gratified.During this process, Guyu paid special attention to Cai Guizhi and took the initiative to talk to her. Unexpectedly, he discovered that the two were roommates in the same dormitory. However, Cai Guizhi seemed withdrawn and unwilling to talk much.On the other side, Liu Xiying suddenly visited and claimed that her house was destroyed by rainwater, hoping to live in school temporarily and maybe fall in love with studying.

After everyone settled in the dormitory, Zhang Guimei announced that they would gather for the hair cutting ceremony in half an hour.As night fell, girls such as Gu Yu, Ning Hua, Cai Guizhi, Liu Xiying, etc. were in the same room and began to share their stories with each other.After Ning Hua learned that Liu Xiying was from the Lisu tribe, he invited her to sing for fun, but unexpectedly her singing was interrupted by the dormitory's lights-out order.

Since Yao Xiaoshan was the only male teacher in the school, Zhang Guimei not only gave him teaching tasks, but also required him to be additionally responsible for the safety of the girls, including accompanying them to the toilet at night.This resulted in Yao Xiaoshan having to get up frequently and not getting enough rest until dawn.

Early the next morning, Zhang Guimei organized all the girls to recite the oath in the square. In the middle of the ceremony, the speaker in charge of Yao Xiaoshan accidentally played the national anthem, and everyone immediately switched to singing the national anthem. The scene was solemn.Later, the girls took their first exam. Faced with the challenge of basic knowledge in junior high school, they generally felt difficult, especially their English scores.

In response to this situation, Zhang Guimei had an in-depth discussion with the teachers.Yao Xiaoshan proposed the idea of ​​dividing students into fast and slow classes to ensure the learning quality of some students, but this proposal was firmly opposed by Zhang Guimei.She emphasized that under her leadership, there will never be a distinction between fast and slow classes, and every child is someone she will never give up.

In the dormitory, the girls were also discussing their test results privately.Ning Hua won the title of “Hua Ge” with her optimistic attitude and straightforward character; Gu Yu's grades were average; Cai Guizhi's grades dropped due to not studying for a year, ranking 20th in the class; Liu Xiying ranked at the bottom, but she wasAs a minority, I feel proud that I can read Chinese characters.

Since the Huaping Women's High School Building has just been built and the cafeteria has not yet been put into use, the girls need to share the cafeteria with the students of Nanjing Middle School.This leads to the problem that girls often miss meals because they arrive late.Zhang Guimei actively communicated with the principal of Nanjing Middle School, but the problem has not been effectively resolved.As a result, she began to strictly manage the girls' work and rest time, striving to shorten the time consumption of daily activities, and formulated a new norm that “ study depends on hard work and eating ” depends on grabbing.

Zhang Guimei also adjusted the class schedule, moving the wake-up time to five o'clock, and required students to complete various tasks efficiently in a short period of time, such as eating, which must be completed within fifteen minutes.On the first day of the implementation of the new system, the girls were in a hurry, especially Liu Xiying, who often hindered Ninghua due to her slow movements, and the two of them failed to eat in time.

In the evening, Ning Hua was dissatisfied with Liu Xiying's slowness in the dormitory, and Liu Xiying also felt aggrieved.At this time, academic tycoon Cai Guizhi proposed the “Staggered Peak Action” plan, which detailed how to avoid peak periods for daily activities such as washing and going to the toilet.This plan received the response of all girls and was successfully implemented.The orderly actions of the female high school students not only solved their own problem of having difficulty eating, but also won the attention and admiration of the Nanjing Middle School students.However, this also indirectly led to the situation that some students in South Middle School were unable to get meals.

《A girls' school in the mountains》E8Plot

Episode 8

Principal Huang came to the cafeteria and found that all the students from Huaping Girls' High School were sitting and eating in the cafeteria, while his own students looked pitifully and had no food to eat. Principal Huang was unhappy and asked Zhang Guimei to question him. He wanted Zhang Guimei to understand.Whose territory is this? Nanzhong originally agreed to help the female high school, but now the female high school has really taken away Nanzhong's job.Zhang Guimei explained with a smile on her face that Principal Huang said last time that girls were slow, so she taught them to increase their speed. This time they ate a little too much because they were not full the last few times, so they must pay attention next time.

Principal Huang still looked dissatisfied, but the girls all came out to bow to Principal Huang and thank him. Principal Huang had no choice but to hide his dissatisfaction and greet them with a smile on his face.After returning to the dormitory, the girls who had never had enough to eat were very satisfied and were willing to live like this forever. They also specially thanked Cai Guizhi. If she hadn't come up with the good idea of ​​staggered peak operation, how could everyone be like this?It's comfortable.

After hearing everyone's praise, Cai Guizhi couldn't help but smile.The teachers were still sleeping in the office. Cai Hong couldn't stand it anymore at first. She complained to her colleagues, feeling that her life here was a waste and a black hole. She didn't know when such days would end.At this time, Zhang Guimei came over and called everyone, saying that a student suddenly had appendicitis and was sent to the hospital. The teachers had to work night shift to guard the hospital tonight.

Cai Hong's head was pounding upon hearing this, while Ding Xiaoxiao and Wei Tingyun followed Zhang Guimei to the hospital immediately.The bell rang and the students all went to the cafeteria to eat, but Ning Hua sat in his seat and couldn't get up.When Cai Hong was in class, she saw that Ning Hua was absent-minded, so she came over and ordered her to stand up. When she saw that she had a math textbook in her politics class, she angrily grabbed her and Ning Hua answered listlessly that her body wasUncomfortable, Cai Hong continued to scold Ning Hua relentlessly, and finally told Ning Hua to get out of here. Ning Hua, whose self-esteem was hurt, turned around and rushed out of the classroom.

The classmates saw the note left by Ning Hua in the dormitory. She said that she had a terminal illness and was going to die soon, so she wanted to go back and stay with her grandfather.Zhang Guimei came to the dormitory to check and find out what happened to Ning Hua. Everyone talked about Ning Hua's performance. Zhang Guimei suddenly realized that it turned out that Ning Hua was on her menstrual period, but because she usually thought of herself as a boy, she felt so embarrassed that she often used white cloth to wrap her breasts to hide her feminine features.

Zhang Guimei came to Ning Hua's house to look for her. Grandpa Ning Hua and the neighbors in the village angrily thought Zhang Guimei was a liar. They even made Ning Hua seriously ill because they refused to tell her where Ning Hua was.Zhang Guimei, who was worried about Ning Hua's safety, had to search all over the mountains and fields. Tired and out of breath, Zhang Guimei finally found Ning Hua on the mountain and explained to her that menstruation is a phenomenon that every girl will have and there is nothing to be ashamed of.Yes, although her patriarchal grandfather raised her as a boy since she was a child, the fact that she is a girl cannot be changed. She must be confident and not feel inferior just because she is a girl.

After listening to Zhang Guimei's explanation and teachings, Ning Hua took the initiative to return to school. Her classmates warmly welcomed her, and Ning Hua felt extremely warm in her heart.Zhang Guimei was deeply moved by Ning Hua's incident. She taught teachers not to treat girls of this age simply and roughly. They are sensitive and have low self-esteem. Teachers should pay more attention to educating people while teaching, and must not hurt them with words.When they saw Caihong's unconvinced look, Zhang Guimei criticized her for telling Ning Hua to go away.

Cai Hong couldn't stand it as soon as she heard it. She stood up and yelled, thinking that Zhang Guimei was a liar and that she had no need to contribute voluntarily here. Zhang Guimei suppressed her inner dissatisfaction and asked the teacher who had the same idea as Cai HongThey can raise their hands. Since they have decided to leave, he will no longer try to persuade them to stay. He will ask them to go to Director Chen to complete the resignation procedures, and then they can leave.Chen Sihai came to tell Zhang Guimei that the funds had been used up. Zhang Guimei asked him to recruit teachers first and figure out the rest by himself.

Seeing a teacher leaving with a suitcase, the students' hearts were filled with excitement. Everyone felt that they were too stupid, which was why the teacher lost confidence.At this moment, the teaching building suddenly became dark. It turned out that Chen Sihai had no money to pay the electricity bill when he left. The electricity was cut off. Zhang Guimei was so furious that she fainted and fell to the ground.Zhou Shanqun came to the hospital to see her and sent her back to school after her infusion. He also used money from the Education Bureau to help her pay the electricity bill first.Hearing the students reciting Mao Zedong's poems, Zhang Guimei smiled on her face.

《A girls' school in the mountains》E9Plot

Episode 9

Zhang Guimei returned to school and saw candlelight in every classroom, and heard the students reciting Mao Zedong's poem - Qinyuan Chunxue - in unison. She felt extremely excited. These children are so good..At this time, a call happened to come in, and the whole teaching building lit up. It turned out that Zhou Shanqun used funds from the bureau to temporarily help the female high school student pay the electricity bill.Zhang Guimei excitedly punched Zhou Shanqun and said that she was not wrong about him.

The next day, Zhang Guimei gathered the teachers together and solemnly bowed and apologized to them. The words Cai Hong said before leaving pierced her heart. She had been too selfish before and just wanted to keep the teacher at the women's high school., but did not consider the problem from their standpoint.Teachers Hu and Teachers Zhang have already submitted their resignations. Today, I approved their departure from the school.​

Seeing the two teachers pulling their suitcases to leave, all the students who were in class poured out of the teaching building. They shouted in unison for the teachers to stay, and then expressed their determination to study hard and achieve excellent results.Repay the teacher.The two teachers stopped hesitantly, and the students headed by Gu Yu loudly recited the code of women's high school: I am a mountain, not a stream. I want to look down at the mediocre ravines from the top of the mountains....

The two teachers burst into tears when they heard this. They turned towards the students and hugged them tightly.The new semester began. Zhang Guimei gathered the teachers together and gave a unique party class. She was pleasantly surprised to find that among the remaining teachers, there were actually six Communist Party members. In the war years, even if there was only one Party member left,The position will not be lost, so with so many party members here, Huaping Girls' High School will not fall.​

Zhang Guimei encouraged everyone that women's high schools are indeed facing many difficulties now. The students' background is poor, the school conditions are difficult, and the funds are insufficient. However, compared with the Red Army climbing snow-capped mountains and crossing grasslands, it is nothing at all. As long as everyone works together, there will be no difficulty.The hurdle.In order to inspire teachers and students in the school, Zhang Guimei led everyone to sing red songs and watch red movies, using this educational method to concentrate and concentrate.

Principal Huang next door was also deeply attracted when he heard about the changes in the female high school. As an educator, he had to look at Zhang Guimei with admiration and wait and see her educational achievements.Although the female high school students are spiritually unique, the biggest problem currently is lack of money.For this reason, Zhang Guimei made a special trip to Kunming.Zhang Guimei gnawed dry food and waited for Jiang Dabao. When they met, she praised him extremely and gave him a banner to praise his generous donation.

Jiang Dabao couldn't stand Zhang Guimei's praise and immediately waved his hand to donate another 50,000 yuan to the women's high school.Knowing that Jiang Dabao was going to have dinner with several bosses at night, Zhang Guimei asked him to take her with him.At the dinner table, Jiang Dabao introduced Zhang Guimei's deeds to the bosses sitting there. Several bosses were inspired and infected, and they all expressed their gratitude by donating money. After the meal, Zhang Guimei raised another 150,000 yuan.

Guyu knew that Zhang Guimei was going to raise funds for everyone. She felt huge pressure because she was seriously partial to subjects, so she worked day and night to make up for her shortcomings in mathematics, physics and chemistry.Wei Tingyun saw her anxiety and comforted her not to be impatient. Only by seeing her own strengths can she build up self-confidence. She should not belittle herself and put too much pressure on herself, which would be more than worth the gain.For such a big female high school girl, Zhang Guimei's help is just a drop in the bucket. Director Zhou Shanqun sees it in his eyes and is anxious in his heart, but he is just an ordinary normal graduate who has been lying in this remote small county town with no resources or connections.connections.

So he went to County Magistrate Ma and asked him to find a way to help Zhang Guimei no matter what.County Magistrate Ma didn't believe that Zhang Guimei could raise funds at all, and was racking his brains to think of his own method. Suddenly he remembered that he had trained with Deputy Secretary Liu Qingyong's secretary, so he found the phone and called him. The other party had already forgotten who he was. It was official.The official office asked him to make a report for approval first.Zhou Shanqun teased that he might have been his classmate in the last century.

《A girls' school in the mountains》E10Plot

Episode 10

Although Zhang Guimei actively solicited donations, the promises made at the dinner were empty words, and no funds had been received a week later.Distraught, she quickly packed her bags and vowed to recover the money.Guyu saw Zhang Guimei working hard for school and felt mixed emotions in her heart. Zhang Guimei gently encouraged her to focus on her studies and not worry too much.

Soon, Gu Laosan broke into the school drunk, accused Zhang Guimei of not paying fees on time, and asked Gu Yu to either marry or make money to support the family.At the critical moment, Chen Sihai stepped forward and patiently persuaded Gu Laosan to leave temporarily. This protected the peace of the school, but made Gu Yu feel embarrassed in front of everyone.

Due to a shortage of funds, the Nanzhong cafeteria has closed its services to the school unless meal fees are paid back.Zhang Guimei encountered many obstacles and brought a banner to visit Mr. Guo, but was blocked by the front desk and failed to do so.Frustrated, she returned to her usual food stall, where a bowl of bean curd became her comfort.Seeing that it was not easy, the boss lady silently added an extra portion of bean curd to convey her warmth.

Later, Zhang Guimei visited Mr. Kang in person. Unexpectedly, he turned his back on Mr. Kang after he sobered up and refused, citing the company's difficulties.After running around for several days, she visited various companies, but was misunderstood repeatedly, regarded as a liar, and received no money. She was deeply aware of the harshness of the world.

The school results were announced and Gu Yu's grades were poor. Gu Laosan attacked again, but Gu Yu responded bravely.At the same time, Zhang Guimei kept calling for help at the bean curd stall, but was repeatedly hung up on.Although the proprietress was weak, she still expressed her support with a meager 30 yuan, which moved Zhang Guimei deeply.

In order to raise funds, Zhang Guimei carefully planned to show up with a banner on the opening day of Mr. Kang's real estate, thanked the public in public and announced that he had donated 50,000 yuan, forcing Mr. Kang to agree because of his face.

Ma Yongqiang and Zhou Shanqun had not heard from Zhang Guimei for a long time. They were worried about the plight of the female high school student and urgently called her back.Zhang Guimei failed to buy a ticket, so she finally took a pig truck and returned after hardships.On the way, he wanted to notify Chen Sihai, but failed because his mobile phone was out of battery.

On the other side, Liu Qingyong inspected highway construction and cared about the workers.Ma Yongqiang and Zhou Shanqun wanted to meet, but their secretary Wu Zhiyong blocked them on the grounds of procedure.Master Cai accidentally learned of the plight of the female high school students and took the opportunity to report it to Liu Qingyong, which touched his heart.Liu Qingyong immediately decided to give up lunch and go straight to Huaping Girls' High School.

Zhang Guimei returned to school after a long journey. Before she could rest, she saw Ma Yongqiang and Zhou Shanqun waiting.She urgently asked where “Big Fish” was. In the blink of an eye, Liu Qingyong's figure appeared in the office, bringing new hope to the school.

《A girls' school in the mountains》E11Plot

Episode 11

Chen Sihai knew nothing about Liu Qingyong's true identity. He only knew that there would be visitors to the school and mistakenly thought they were people from the business community coming to donate.Therefore, he enthusiastically led the group to visit the classrooms of the women's high school and the simple learning environment of the students, including the simple dormitories.At noon, Liu Qingyong saw female high school students rushing to the Nanzhong cafeteria to get food. The food was clear and watery, with only a few pieces of rapeseed. It was in sharp contrast to the rich food at the school next door. It was obvious that they had been treated unfairly.What is even more sad is that female high school students even have to share toilets with other schools. This scene deeply touched Liu Qingyong's heart.

After this experience, Liu Qingyong paid unprecedented attention to Huaping Women's High School.He checked the account books and found that the two million funds allocated earlier by the province had been exhausted. These funds were used in many aspects such as the construction of teaching buildings, the purchase of teaching facilities, the payment of teacher salaries, and the purchase of students' daily necessities. Some of the funds also relied onDue to the various financing efforts of Principal Zhang Guimei.

Zhang Guimei revealed to Liu Qingyong that the average tuition and miscellaneous fees for each student in a women's high school is as high as 20,000 yuan per year, and this does not include other expenses.She further estimated that the school’s overall annual operating expenses are about three million yuan.Due to the businessman's dishonest behavior, Zhang Guimei is still worried about financial problems.After fully understanding the situation, Liu Qingyong decided without hesitation to allocate 8.6 million yuan to the women's high school. This move made Zhang Guimei and others so excited that they even shed tears on the spot.

On the other hand, Chen Sihai was so surprised that he almost fainted after learning that he had unintentionally obtained such a huge amount of funds for the school.After he recovered, he was hailed as a hero of the school by Zhang Guimei, and the two of them cheered.However, the joy was instantly shrouded in gloom, and Chen Sihai told Zhang Guimei solemnly: Guyu was missing.

It turns out that in order to avoid Gu Laosan's unreasonable entanglement with Zhang Guimei, Gu Yu chose to leave without saying goodbye and go out to work to repay the debt.Unfortunately, while working in the foot-washing room, she was harassed and molested by a male customer. In desperation, she hit him with an object.It was now July 2010, one year since Gu Yu left school.She was taken away by the police and required a guardian to accompany her because she was a minor.

Girls' high school students are about to take the college entrance examination, but their results are still not satisfactory. Zhou Shanqun is pessimistic about this, but Zhang Guimei firmly believes that as long as they work hard for one more year, they will be able to get into college.While the two were discussing, Zhang Guimei received a call from the police and immediately took a truck to the Lijiang Police Station overnight.She met with Guyu in person and after understanding what happened, she firmly believed that Guyu's behavior was legitimate defense.However, the police had reservations about this and suggested that Zhang Guimei take Guyu to apologize to the victim and bear the medical expenses.

Zhang Guimei insisted that Gu Yu was innocent, so she went to the foot washing room alone to learn about the situation from other employees.Although these employees did not dare to say anything for fear of offending their boss, Zhang Guimei's persistence finally moved a kind-hearted foot-washing girl, who revealed the truth of the incident and pointed out that conclusive evidence could be obtained by checking the surveillance video.Zhang Guimei quickly contacted the police to obtain the video, which clearly recorded the inappropriate behavior of the male guest.However, despite the solid evidence, the police still tried to reconcile and finally persuaded the male guest to withdraw the case, exempting Guyu from liability for compensation.

When leaving the police station, Zhang Guimei gave a strong response to the police station cleaning staff's doubts that female high schools only recruit girls. She pointed out the social prejudice against female employment and the phenomenon of girls being forced to drop out of school due to family reasons, which made the police and cleaning staff present helpless.Be true to your word.Afterwards, Zhang Guimei left with Gu Yu. Although she was angry with her for leaving without saying goodbye, she still left a sum of money as support.Gu Yu sadly returned to the foot washing room and asked the boss to settle her wages and return her luggage. Although she was scolded, she still insisted on standing outside the shop until the boss compromised.

A girls' school in the mountains

A girls' school in the mountains

Total 20 Episodes Sep 10, 2024 C-Drama Plot