Flash married ascetic male god

《Flash married ascetic male god》

Flash married ascetic male god
  • Reg:
  • No. Ep:
    Total 101 Episodes
  • Ep Duration:
  • Premiere:
    Mar 20, 2024
  • Genre:
  • Synopsis:
    In the great wheel of life, everyone may encounter storms. Some people choose to face them bravely, while others choose to escape.Su Li, a girl who was once full of energy and drea ...

《Flash married ascetic male god》 Summ

In the great wheel of life, everyone may encounter storms. Some people choose to face them bravely, while others choose to escape.Su Li, a girl who was once full of energy and dreams, lost her memory for five years after a suicide attempt.This sudden change not only changed the trajectory of her life, but also made Lu Jingchuan, who had been silently guarding her, experience the insatiable love.

Su Li was once a cheerful, optimistic girl with a passion for life.However, an accident five years ago plunged her into deep despair.She chose to commit suicide, but fortunately, she was discovered in time and saved.However, this life-and-death struggle caused her to lose five years of memory.After waking up, Su Li seemed to be in a brand new world, knowing nothing about the past.

In the past five years, Lu Jingchuan has been silently by Su Li's side.He witnessed Su Li's struggle out of despair, and also witnessed her helplessness and confusion after losing her memory.He used his actions and care to warm Su Li's heart and help her adapt to the world again.

Su Li, who lost her memory, was full of dependence and trust on Lu Jingchuan.She didn't know their past, but she could feel Lu Jingchuan's deep love for her.This love made Su Li feel at ease and gradually restored her confidence in life.

However, as time passed, Su Li began to gradually recall fragments of the past.She discovered that she once loved someone deeply, and that person was Lu Jingchuan.This sudden memory made Su Li fall into entanglement and struggle.She didn't know how to face this relationship, nor how to respond to Lu Jingchuan's love.

Faced with Su Li's entanglement and struggle, Lu Jingchuan chose to wait patiently.He knew that Su Li needed time to adapt to all this, and also needed time to deal with her emotions.He is willing to use his love and patience to wait for Su Li's response.

During this time, Lu Jingchuan's love became deeper and more passionate.He used his actions to tell Su Li that no matter whether she remembered the past or not, he would always love her and protect her.This love made Su Li feel extremely warm and at ease.

In the end, after some struggle and entanglement, Su Li chose to face her feelings bravely.She told Lu Jingchuan that she was willing to walk through the years to come with him and face the ups and downs of life together.

For Lu Jingchuan, this is undoubtedly the best response.He knew that his love was not wrongly paid, and he also knew that the relationship between him and Su Li was real and profound.He is willing to use all his strength to protect this relationship and let Su Li feel his love and care.

In the process, Su Li also gradually recovered her lost memory.She thought of the past between herself and Lu Jingchuan, and also recalled every bit of what they had experienced together.These memories made Su Li more determined in her choice and cherished the happiness in front of her even more.

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