Go! Beach Volleyball Girls

《Go! Beach Volleyball Girls》

Go! Beach Volleyball Girls
  • Reg:
  • No. Ep:
    Total 36 Episodes
  • Ep Duration:
  • Premiere:
    Jul 27, 2024
  • Genre:
  • Plat:
  • Update:
    Starting from July 27, members will get 2 episodes updated at 12:00 noon every day, and the first update will be 6 episodes!
  • Synopsis:
    Li Guoduo, who loves sand volleyball, was abandoned by his partner Tu Lingling before taking the sand volleyball recruitment test at Ocean University. With the help of his crush Sh ...

《Go! Beach Volleyball Girls》 Summ

Li Guoduo, who loves sand volleyball, was abandoned by his partner Tu Lingling before taking the sand volleyball recruitment test at Ocean University. With the help of his crush Shao Nian, he was admitted to Xingang University, where he met Li Guoduo, who gave up volleyball because he failed to be selected for the national youth team.Genius girl Chen Weilan.However, Xingang University's sand volleyball team declined. In order to regain its glory, Li Guoduo continued to work hard with the goal of ranking first in the college league, established the women's sand volleyball team, and persuaded Chen Weilan and other teammates to join the team.

Unexpectedly, Chen Weilan and the sand volleyball god Gao Ge dislike each other. In addition, the perfunctory and paddling of junior seniors Yan Xiaojing and Mo Xixi, and the inability of rookie player Yang Jingxuan to keep up, etc., make the training of sand volleyball team difficult.Heavy.Fortunately, the teammates did not give up. Under the leadership of Li Guoduo, after a year of training, the Sha Que team went from being scattered to a tacit understanding. Li Guoduo and Chen Weilan jointly led the team to finally stand on the field of the college league.Start their journey of youth!

《Go! Beach Volleyball Girls》Stills

《Go! Beach Volleyball Girls》Ep Summ

《Go! Beach Volleyball Girls》Airtime

Starting from July 27, members will get 2 episodes updated at 12:00 noon every day, and the first update will be 6 episodes!

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