《thr happy seven in changan》Ep Intro

Xie Quanjia, a small-town farm girl who came to Changle City to look for her father, became rich overnight and became the only daughter of Changle millionaire Li Tiandi. However, she did not expect that what she inherited was not a fortune but millions of debts.Shangguan Furuchuan, the noble son who came to collect debts when he was at a loss, Fan Zhongju, a scholar who came to Beijing to take the exam and find a place to live, and Liu Lang, a young hero who came to repay Li Tiandi's kindness, gathered in Li Mansion.

His father ran away and the debt was not repaid. Faced with the pressure of his creditors, Xie Quanjia asked everyone to settle down in the house, while renting the vacant wing to the master and servant of the princess of the Western Regions who escaped from marriage and the shopkeeper Guo Dong who worked in the restaurant.Fences ease debt pressure.

From then on, each of them who lived together put all their energy into how to make a career in Changle.While chasing his dreams like crazy, while dealing with visitors from all walks of life, he lived an uneasy but happy life.

《thr happy seven in changan》E1Plot

Episode 1: A peasant girl searches for her father and runs into debt

Xie Quanjia, who grew up in a farm family, was still unmarried in her late teens.After her mother's death, she followed her last wish and went to the city to find her father. The father and daughter, who had never met, only used a jade pendant to confirm their identities. Xie Quanjia suddenly became the only daughter of a wealthy family.Looking at the large banquet held in the mansion today and the large number of guests, Xie Quanjia thought that her mother's body was still cold, so she angrily picked up the memorial tablet and followed Li Tiandi out to meet the guests.

Whenever a guest mentions the word “grandmother”, Xie Quanjia will cry at the top of her lungs.At this time, there was a sound of "Her husband arriving", and Shangguan Furukawa suddenly appeared.The Shangguan family was a large businessman in Jiangnan, and their status was equivalent to that of the Li family.The elders of the two families had arranged a marriage for their children.Therefore, Shangguan Furuchuan is Xie Quanjia's unmarried husband.

However, Shangguan Furuchuan was arrogant by nature and believed that his future wife should have outstanding appearance and talent.When he carefully looked at Li Tiandi's appearance, he had the idea of ​​​​breaking off the engagement or divorcing his wife.Xie Quanjia was extremely angry and laughed back, refuting the wishful thinking of Shang Guchuan. Even Xiu had to divorce her husband.

Li Tiandi wanted to resolve the conflict, so he asked Shangguan Furuchuan to stay overnight, which made Xie Quanjia very dissatisfied and packed up his things and ran away from home.For this reason, Li Tiandi persuaded Xie Quanjia with his earnest words and promised good food and clothing, so he gave up the idea for the time being.Unexpectedly, Shangguan Furuchuan handed over an IOU to collect debts. Li Tiandi promised to pay back the money and pay off all the debts, and promised Xie Quanjia that she would not have any worries again.

Early the next morning, Li Tiandi summoned all creditors to gather at Li Mansion.Fan Zhongju, a scholar who came to Beijing to take the exam, came to Li Tiandi with a token to help him recall the favor he received from Master Fan.Li Tiandi suddenly realized this and immediately arranged for him to stay in Li Mansion and waived his room and board expenses until he passed the exam.

While he was talking, a carriage came slowly dragging two large boxes.Li Tiandi announced with joy that he would open the box to pay off his debts. However, when he opened the box, he found it was empty and the gold was gone.The escorts from the Chengfeng Escort told the truth that the gold had been robbed, and the two boxes of gold were insured for a maximum of five hundred guan. Excluding the funeral expenses of the escorts, Li Tiandi had no money and owed the escort twelve guan.

The escort was kind-hearted and volunteered to bear the extra twelve guans, which was equivalent to taking advantage of Li Tiandi and selling out favors, leaving Li Tiandi with tens of millions of debts to embarrass Li Tiandi.Li Tiandi was so angry that he fainted on the spot. The creditors still refused to give up and shouted for repayment. At Shangguan Furuchuan's suggestion, they frantically ransacked Li's house and looted everything.

In just one day, Xie Quanjia went from being prepared to inherit a fortune to a poor man saddled with tens of millions of debts.Shangguan Furuchuan urged Xie Quanjia to sell his house to repay his 3,000 yuan, but Xie Quanjia refused to admit it at all, saying that there was a wronged person and a debtor, and there was no need to take her as the culprit.

Because Li Tiandi was unconscious, everyone racked their brains to wake him up. They took turns using all kinds of martial arts and stimulated bloodletting treatments. However, it did not work, which was a bit discouraging.Xie Quanjia was cooking noodles in the kitchen and chatting about these things to her mother's funeral, hesitating between staying to pay off her debts or running away directly.

Liu Lang, a young hero from the Tang clan, appeared and appeared like a ghost. Xie Quanjia was so frightened that she thought her mother-in-law had appeared and couldn't help but scream.Shangguan Furuchuan and Fan Zhongju came over after hearing the sound. They were powerless and no match for Liu Lang.Fortunately, Liu Lang had no ill intentions and revealed his identity to explain his purpose. As long as he repaid Li Tiandi's kindness, he could go back and succeed him as the leader.

Since Li Tiandi is a big benefactor, Xie Quanjia is naturally a small benefactor, and she took advantage of having such a martial arts master by her side to threaten Shangguan Furuchuan in disguise to give up the idea of ​​selling the house.Liu Lang had never practiced medicine and didn't know how to save people, so he had to go to a doctor at a nearby medical center.During this period, Fan Zhongju saw that Li Tiandi had woken up and fell into coma in the blink of an eye. After several repetitions, both Xie Quanjia and Shangguan Furuchuan felt that he was hallucinating.

The doctor arrived late, but he happened to be Li Tiandi's creditor. Seeing that he was pretending to be comatose, he simply forced him to hand over the two remaining jade fingers, claiming that his medical skills were incompetent.As night fell, Liu Lang sat on the roof, enjoying the moon and playing the flute, leisurely and contented; Shangguan Guchuan was obsessed with the mountains and rivers, as if he was immersed in it; Fan Zhongju buried his head in reading, and the loud sound made Xie Quanjia drowsy, completely unaware that Li Tiandi had quietly slipped away, waiting for himWhen she woke up, she saw a letter leaving her, and her whereabouts were unknown.

《thr happy seven in changan》E2Plot

The princess who escaped from marriage stayed in Li's Mansion

The officers and soldiers posted a notice to apprehend the seventeenth princess, but the portrait predicted that the princess would disguise herself as a bearded man. The princess and her maid decided to continue traveling around the world in this appearance. Unfortunately, the officers and soldiers posted a portrait of a criminal thief again, and this portrait had nothing to do with the princess.Very similar.Xie Quanjia wanted to pay off the debt with this house, but it was not easy for him to find a home.And Li's father ran away from home. Fan Zhongju didn't want her to leave, but Furukawa wanted her to leave.Xie Quanjia just went out and found that the weather was bad. She wanted to make an excuse not to leave, but Furukawa lied and said it meant a good trip.

Fan Zhongju saw Furukawa's purpose and said that even if Xie Quanjia left, he would not be able to sell the house. Since the Yamen arrested Jiangyang robbers and had no time to take into account Furukawa's debt collection issue, the matter of using the house to pay off the debt was put aside for the time being.Fan Zhongju encouraged Liu Lang to teach Furukawa a lesson, and at the same time advised Furukawa not to fight about the house. After all, Liu Lang was here to repay the favor, otherwise it would be detrimental to Furukawa.In order to make Furukawa soft-hearted and not sell the house, Liu Lang decided to take out his ultimate medicine - the heart is too soft, but Fan Zhongju was accidentally tested on the medicine and was slapped by Liu Lang without being angry but immediately forgave him.On the other side, Furukawa went out to find the Jiangyang thief in order to retaliate against Liu Lang, and the seventeenth princess met him by mistake. Their disguises made Furukawa mistake them for the Jiangyang thief, and the princess and the maid mistakenly thought that he had discovered their identities.Although Furukawa saw that the two were gangsters, he said that he would not reveal their true identities. Furukawa said that he would throw a cup tomorrow as a signal to attack Liu Lang. The princess was immediately fascinated by Furukawa's appearance and firmly believed that looking at each other for six seconds was true love.This behavior happened to be regarded by Furukawa as a show of force, and he was so frightened that he hurriedly fled the scene.

The princess firmly believed that her identity had been discovered by Furukawa, and afterwards told the maid that there was no need to disguise herself. After all, the portrait was exactly the same as their current appearance, so it was safer to resume women's clothing.The Prince Consort is also in Changle City. The so-called most dangerous place is the safest place. She came here according to the compass, and the maid's old friend is also in Changle City, which makes the princess suspicious whether the maid has tampered with the compass.In order to make my identity more convenient in the future, I decided to change my identity and give him a Chinese name.

Fan Zhongju looked at “heart-too-soft” and wanted to drug Furukawa, but as a scholar he still couldn't do it.After a night of tangles, Furuchuan was served tea the next day. He didn't react for six seconds after drinking it. Just when Fan Zhongju suspected that the medicine was fake, Xie Quanjia came to find Furukawa. She handed the house deed to Furukawa, but she was still reluctant to part with the house., just when the two of them were holding on to the house deed and not letting go, they looked at each other for six seconds. Furukawa saw Xie Quanjia crying and said that she just wanted to have a family. He was heartbroken and held her hand distressedly and said, "I won't do it anymore."He would let her sleep in the open air and return the property deed to her on his own initiative.When he turned back to the house, he accidentally broke the quilt. The princess outside the house mistakenly thought that throwing the cup was a sign. When she rushed inside to attack, she found that she was not Liu Lang's opponent at all. The princess was beaten several times in succession.

Because Furukawa was drugged, he scolded the two of them for beating people. Beating people was wrong, and they couldn't remember anything about buying a murderer yesterday. The two princesses told the truth, but Xie Quanjia scolded him.Furukawa invited the two of them out of Li's house, saying that they had violated the rules and betrayed their employer, and wondered why he had become soft-hearted just now.After the princess was beaten this time, she wanted to leave Changle City, but the compass unexpectedly pointed to Li Zhai. She decided to live in Li Zhai to find true love. They betrayed their miserable lives and begged Xie Quanjia to take her in and be willing to pay the rent.Xie Quanjia accidentally discovered a business opportunity, and she readily took them in.Princess Ye felt that Shangguan Furuchuan's name happened to have the same four characters as the man of love and loyalty, so she decided to pursue Furukawa.

Fan Zhongju once again came to deal with Shangguan Furuchuan with the heart-softening medicine. He said that Furukawa himself was a kind person, so he took the opportunity to take out the heart-softening medicine to deal with crying women. Shangguan specially smelled it for a few times to deal with Xie Quanjia and must get the house deed, so thatWhat he didn't expect was that he would be soft-hearted towards Xie Quanjia again.The princess specially dressed up and came to see Furukawa. Unexpectedly, the two looked at each other for six seconds and Furukawa became soft-hearted towards the princess.Seeing that Furukawa was attracted to the princess, Liu Lang took the opportunity to bring him back to consciousness and confess his behavior, but Furukawa was in a hurry to take the antidote and fell into coma.The next day, the princess discovered that Compass had been tampered with by a maid, and punished her by giving her a note asking for an appointment with Furukawa. As a result, Xie Quanjia and Furukawa met at night. The two looked at each other affectionately and mistakenly thought they had been drugged.

《thr happy seven in changan》E3Plot

Shangguan Furuchuan was caught pretending to be a ghost

Xie Quanjia decided to rent out the house and clean it with others. After a busy day, the house finally felt like a home.The next day Guo Dongli (played by Zong Juntao) came to Li's house. He proposed to turn the place into a stylish inn and cooperate with Xie Quanjia. In order to win a win-win situation, he pointed out the shortcomings of the yard one by one. Because of the language barrier, Xie Quanjia invited the princess of the Western Regions to translate, andShe didn't understand either, so she later invited Shangguan Furuchuan to translate. When Guo Dongli saw that he was the son of an acquaintance, he expressed his talent for writing poems at the age of three and accounting at the age of seven, but this was Furukawa's brother, Guo Dongli.Li said that he settled the case at 14:00, and that he was working at Shangguan's house at that time. He was fired after he made a move on his wife, and it happened to be Furukawa who was fired. Guo Dongli was flattering inside, but fortunately it was Furukawa.The one who was expelled led to the encounter today.

Guo Dongli said at this time that there was a school opposite Li's house. As long as Li Tu lectured opposite, the surrounding area would double. This idea immediately aroused Furukawa's interest. He sold the house to Guo Dongli privately and received a deposit in advance., and promised to give the property deed to Guo Dongli.Later, Furukawa used his identity as a creditor to drive away the princess, but the princess paid a higher rent to rent a large room.After this bargaining, Xie Quanjia earned more rent.That night, in order to prove that the fortune-telling was accurate, the princess told Fan Zhongju that he would not win the fortune.Guo Dongli proposed to Furukawa to use money to directly win over Xie Quanjia, while Furukawa wanted to use the emotional card to get back the house deed and ask Guo Dongli to cooperate.Guo Dongli moved into Li's house and entertained everyone to warm up the pot.It turned out that Furukawa went to Xie Quanjia's room to steal the house deed while Guo Dongli was trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain, but he was accidentally stabbed in the leg by the mechanism inside. His failure caused Guo Dongli to host another banquet, and Guo Dongli had to use the excuse of moving in seven days.Xi invited everyone again.

On the other side, Furukawa limped over again. Afterwards, he said that he still successfully entered Xie Quanjia's room. Although he passed the first trap, he did not escape the second trap.In order to get the house deed, Guo Dongli once again held a housewarming ceremony on the 14th.Everyone didn't want to eat hot pot anymore, so Guo Dongli changed plain noodles for them, but Furukawa had no longer attended the banquet. At this time, Liu Lang went to the toilet due to internal urgency and accidentally met the masked Furukawa. Furukawa saw Liu Lang and was about to return when he found Liu Lang.faint.Afterwards, Liu Lang told everyone that he had seen an eggplant ghost, but no one believed it at all, and the princess was afraid of sleeping with Xie Quanjia.That night, the princess noticed a figure flashing outside the window, and the door was blown open by the wind. When Xie Quanjia went to close the door, she found Fan Zhongju coming to catch the ghost.

Guo Dongli admired Furukawa's trick of pretending to be a ghost the next day, and Furukawa decided to use ghosts to scare away everyone in order to regain the house.As the landlord, Xie Quanjia promised to protect everyone. Furukawa lied that he saw a ghost and analyzed that the ghost was only interested in women.Xie Quanjia believed him and felt that as a member of the Shangguan family, he would not pretend to be a ghost to scare people for a mere two thousand dollars, otherwise he would be expelled from the family if his reputation spread.Xie Quanjia said that she must see what the ghost looked like, and suggested that everyone should sleep during the day and wait for the ghost together at night.In order to get the house deed, Furukawa first threatened Xie Quanjia, saying that he would capture her tonight.The maid read Fan Zhongju's poems and felt that they were far inferior to Li Tu's literary talents.

Xie Quanjia is looking forward to seeing ghosts and wants to ask him if he has seen her grandma. If there is a ghost, she will be even happier, which means that grandma is alive in another world.Guo Dongli watched Furukawa floating behind everyone, and he screamed in fright.Furukawa took the opportunity to scare Xie Quanjia, and the princess pulled her away and tried to protect her, which moved Xie Quanjia deeply.

At this time, another black ghost appeared. The white ghost played by Furukawa was frightened and fled, and Fan Zhongju wanted to capture the ghost. When the three of them were fighting, Furukawa pretended to be a ghost and pretended to be unconscious. Later, he lied that he had sleepwalking.It turned out that Xie Quanjia deliberately asked Liu Lang to pretend to be a ghost to scare Furukawa out. He finally said that he was doing it to collect debts, and also for Xie Quanjia, so that the house could be sold at a good price and she could live in peace.Xie Quanjia had already mortgaged the house to borrow 2,500 yuan and settled it with Furukawa.The reason why she didn't sell the house was because she didn't want people to be displaced.

《thr happy seven in changan》E4Plot

Everyone works together to make money

Xie Quanjia thought about Furukawa's purpose of pretending to be a ghost and said those heartfelt words. She was not angry but felt happy in her heart.Duke Shu came to see Xie Quanjia. Xie Quanjia mistakenly thought it was Furukawa and said he would not forgive him. Only when Ren Shu spoke did Xie Quanjia realize that he had admitted the wrong person. In order to relieve Xie Quanjia's pressure, Ren Shu pawned the gem on the compass.Ren Shu called everyone together to propose raising money every month to pay off debts, while Fan Zhongju and Liu Lang were penniless.Guo Dongli settled the expenses with Furukawa afterwards and came up with the cost of the banquet and the cost of the two acting.Furukawa had nowhere to go at this time, and the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt. He wanted to use this debt collection to please his parents, but he didn't expect that he couldn't beat a little girl now.

Fan Zhongju had a job badge and hoped to make money as a tutor, but he had no title and no employer.Fan Zhongju wanted to copy Li Tu's signature and sell books to make money, but his maid objected.Liu Lang used Qinggong to make bricks, but because the bricks were smashed as soon as he touched them, his wages were deducted, and he only earned ten coins in a day.Fan Zhongju remembered Li Tu's handwriting just by looking at it. The handwriting he copied made Xie Quanjia indistinguishable from the genuine.Furukawa thought of a way. He knew that Xie Quanjia had no money to repay the loan. In order to return to Li's house, Furukawa disguised himself as a man from the Western Regions and defected to Ren Shu the next day, and told that he accidentally fell into a vat when he was a child. In order to save him, his companion broke the vat, andThere was no water in the tank and he was hit in both legs, leaving him permanently disabled.The miserable experience aroused everyone's sympathy. Only Fan Zhongju said that his statement was full of loopholes, and Furukawa even started crying to gain sympathy, but Liu Lang couldn't bear to listen and left.

Furukawa proposed to pay rent and live in Li's house. At night, he secretly came to Guo Dongli's room. The two discussed countermeasures again. This time Furukawa suggested that Liu Lang come up with the antidote formula to build a reputation and take the opportunity to practice medicine to make money.In the evening, Liu Lang gave Xie Quanjia a bag of money. He was fired from the construction site and paid the expulsion fee, but none of Li Tu's imitated handwriting was sold.Fan Zhongju missed Furukawa very much at this time, after all, he had many clever ideas.At this time, Zhuge revealed the root cause of everyone's failure. Li Tu's copying needed to have flaws to reflect the value of the original work, and Ren Shu's divination also had to be based on age.I wanted to propose the idea of ​​practicing medicine to Liu Lang, but he refused.

Xie Quanjia personally made Zhuge's bed, saying that he would protect him from now on, but Zhuge deliberately said that this room seemed to have been lived in by someone. Zhuge was secretly happy to learn that it was Furukawa's room and Xie Quanjia's feelings for him.Everyone's business improved the next day, but Guo Dongli didn't want them to pay off the loan, otherwise they wouldn't be able to get her house.Everyone came to thank Zhuge and bought him medicine to treat his legs. He was forced to drink a lot of medicine. Because he drank the tonic, he really couldn't stand up. Furukawa waited desperately for Liu Lang's stiffening injection.Liu Lang finally couldn't bear to give the potion to Zhuge. After hurriedly drinking it, he found that he could stand up, but his tongue became shortened and he couldn't speak. It turned out that the potion was for external application.

Guo Dongli sells health care products and earns a considerable income. Furukawa persuades Guo Dongli to stop because he does not want to go to jail. However, Guo Dongli, who has tasted the sweetness, does not want to stop.In order to thank Liu Lang for healing his legs, Zhuge gave Xie Quanjia a gold cake and asked her to repay this month's loan.In view of such kindness, Xie Quanjia said that he regarded Zhuge as a friend and made a promise with his fingerprints. Seeing that Xie Quanjia had forgiven him, Furukawa took off his beard and revealed his true face.Xie Quanjia saw that he was Furukawa and said how could he lie to them for the second time, so he was very angry. Everyone also advised Xie Quanjia to forgive Furukawa. It was okay to get Xie Quanjia's forgiveness, unless it snowed in June.At this time, snow was really falling from the sky. Xie Quanjia walked to the yard with joy. It turned out that Guo Dongli was scattering goose feathers on the roof.

《thr happy seven in changan》E5Plot

If the mistress cares about her, she will become confused

After Liu Lang was diagnosed with an incurable disease, he was depressed every day until he found a willow leaf falling from the sky.In addition to the six unconventional people who stayed in the Li Mansion, two powerful people once again welcomed the world, one was the master Tang Mang who made Liu Lang respectful and respectful, and the other was the master's wife Tang Ruyue who made Tang Mang respectful.

In his early years, Tang Mang, whose original surname was Liu, adopted Liu Lang and asked him to take his own surname.Later, Tang Mang married into the Tang family and changed his surname to Tang.In the eyes of outsiders, he was an out-and-out rake. Although he always wanted to save his dignity in front of outsiders, Tang Ruyue's appearance made his efforts in vain.

Before meeting Tang Ruyue, everyone thought she should be an extremely terrifying woman, and even Shangguan Furuchuan changed his expression upon hearing this.However, after actually meeting, everyone found that she was very affable and seemed more naive than Xie Quanjia.Liu Lang introduced everyone to Tang Ruyue. Tang Ruyue was actually familiar with Shangguan and Mrs. Li, and Tang Mang was an old friend of the two families.

At this time, a bald man grabbed Guo Dongli and asked for an explanation, accusing them of deceiving consumers.Tang Mang stepped forward to argue with him and was scorned.In order to protect her husband's dignity, Tang Ruyue slapped him away with one palm. On the other hand, Guo Dongli was recognized by Tang Mang and called his real name Guo Caiju.Before the two of them had time to reminisce, Tang Ruyue announced bad news: the zombie needles they sold could cause emotional loss and excessive scratching due to improper use.

In fact, the master and his wife came to Changle City this time mainly for Liu Lang, suspecting that he was hiding something.In order to find out the reason, the couple decided to stay in Li Mansion for a few days.Liu Lang was worried that they would know that he didn't have much time left, so he wanted to climb over the wall and sneak away, but he was accidentally discovered by his mistress, who scared him and trotted back to his room.

Tang Ruyue deeply sympathized with Xie Quanjia's experience and cried until she had runny nose and tears. She insisted on recognizing her as her goddaughter and carefully selected a suitable husband for her.Because Xie Quanjia and Shangguan Furuchuan were already engaged, Tang Ruyue hoped that the two parties would get married as soon as possible, and asked Shangguan Furuchuan to practice physical fitness before getting married, and personally supervise him to squat on the horse every morning.

In addition to caring about Xie Quanjia's marriage, Tang Ruyue also carefully figured out the preferences of everyone in the house and gave them their favorite gifts.This made her win the hearts of everyone in a short period of time.That night, Guo Dongli and Fan Zhongju were homesick and burst into tears.Jia Yuhuan imagined that if Aniang were alive, she would also be a chivalrous woman.Ren Shu lamented that his father did not understand him as well as Tang Ruyue.

Shangguan Furuchuan wrote a letter to his family to report that he was safe. Every line of the letter revealed "My Wife Quanjia", and he had unknowingly identified Xie Quanjia as his unmarried wife.On the other side, Xie Quanjia confided in her grandmother's portrait about the current situation. Although it was a bit troublesome at first, she now feels that the place is gradually becoming like home.

However, the next morning, the house exploded.Ren Shu found that his clothes had been washed and mixed by his mistress, Fan Zhongju found that his extracurricular reading materials had been thrown away by his mistress, and Guo Dongli found that his daffodils had been picked off by his mistress.Xie Quanjia took the initiative to speak for his wife, but he still couldn't calm everyone's anger.

In order to no longer be forced to squat on horseback by his master's wife, Shangguan Furuchuan asked Liu Lang to find a way to make himself unable to stand up, so as to win the trust of his master's wife.After Tang Ruyue confirmed that Shangguan Furuchuan had no feeling in his legs, she comforted him not to worry and promised to cure his legs with her superb medical skills.If his legs cannot be cured, she promises that she will never return to Tangmen again in her life.

As soon as these words came out, some people were happy and some were sad. Only Shangguan and his wife shed tears.Seeing that Tang Ruyue was about to give Shangguan Furuchuan a stiff needle, everyone racked their brains to delay the time. In the past, Fan Zhongju followed the plan to become a disciple, but to no avail, and was instead given a refreshing drug; later, Master Ren Shu was forced to beautify his face and hair by his mistress.Pricked with silver needles, they look like two newly formed hedgehog spirits.But even so, it still didn't stop Tang Ruyue from giving Shangguan Furuchuan acupuncture personally, causing bursts of screams to be heard.

Soon the stiffening injection took effect and Shangguan Furukawa was able to run and jump.Fan Zhongju suffered from constipation due to the medicinal diet, and Tang Ruyue took white lilac to solve his constipation. The so-called white lilac is the elegant name of sparrow excrement.As time passed, everyone gradually couldn't bear it. Everyone except Xie Quanjia was discussing how to let the master's wife return to Tangmen.

Liu Lang knew that he was the culprit and decided to confess the truth to his master and his wife. He revealed that he did not go down the mountain to repay a favor and sold the concealed weapon in exchange for steamed buns. How did he know that the hidden weapon box actually contained the banknote that his wife had prepared for him?Good and hard.Everyone felt sad when facing this scene of life and death, but Tang Mang solved the misunderstanding in a few words.

It turns out that Liu Lang mistakenly believed the words of the quack doctor. He was not suffering from an incurable disease, but Tang Mang opened up the Ren and Du channels.Tang Ruyue turned from worry to joy, and began to care about Liu Lang's nagging again, which made everyone present smile.As Liu Lang said, Tang Ruyue is well-known in the world, not only because of her martial arts skills, but also because she was once a frost beauty and later became everyone's mistress, so she became nagging and worried about everyone's life.

《thr happy seven in changan》E6Plot

Fan Zhongju participated in the imperial examination

Fan Zhongju wrote "The Classic of Mountains and Rivers" and was liked by many people. He fulfilled his first wish and is still working hard on his second imperial examination in high school.

《The Classic of Mountains and Rivers》Although it has gained a certain reputation, its true popularity still needs to be proven. Therefore, Fan Zhongju asked booksellers Wu Yu and Wu Yu for advice, and they asked him to write a new chapter within three days.

However, fate seemed to be against Fan Zhongju.Li Tu was angrily deposed by the saint for making a mistake, and the imperial examination was held in advance, which greatly shortened Fan Zhongju's preparation time.Shangguan Furuchuan had a close relationship with Zhou Shangshu, the chief examiner, and specially obtained this year's imperial examination questions for Fan Zhongju, while the others were enthusiastic about collecting examination materials.

Fan Zhongju faced tremendous pressure. He needed to complete the manuscript while preparing for the imperial examination, which made him confused.Xie Quanjia learned that Jia Yuhuan asked Fan Zhongju to imitate Li Tu's signature, and was extremely dissatisfied.Therefore, Xie Quanjia emphasized that during the preparation period, everyone must not avoid disturbing Fan Zhongju and try to use poetry when communicating with him.On the day of the scientific examination, Liu Lang will use Qinggong to send Fan Zhongju into the examination room.

In order to allow Fan Zhongju to successfully win the election, everyone came up with various metaphorical blessings.Xie Quanjia prepared grilled sausages and gray-faced steamed buns, which symbolized extraordinary performance; Ren Shu made desserts with persimmons inside, symbolizing that his wishes would come true; Liu Lang stood Shangguan Furuchuan upside down and wished Fan Zhong success in his horse racing.

It is precisely because of these constant homophonic memes that annoyed Fan Zhongju so much that his creative inspiration was repeatedly interrupted.After Jia Yuhuan wrote to Li Tu, he still didn't receive a reply, so he wanted to find Fan Zhongju to copy Li Tu's signature and poems to appease his fanatical fans, but was caught by Ren Shu.

Fan Zhongju meditated hard and had no inspiration, so he simply used the materials to review and felt sleepy again. In the blink of an eye, it was the next morning.A few days before the imperial examination, Fan Zhongju was anxious and turned to Liu Lang for advice on martial arts skills.However, Liu Lang talked nonsense, failed to ask the reason, and did not provide any substantive inspiration.When his creation was in trouble, Jia Yuhuan came for help again, which doubled Fan Zhongju's pressure.Jia Yuhuan made no secret of his admiration and support for Li Tu, and Fan Zhongju suddenly felt envious.

Three days before the imperial examination, Xie Quanjia and Ren Shu watched Jia Yuhuan's every move and told her not to harm Fan Zhongju.Ren Shu asked Jia Yuhuan to give Fan Zhongju a jade ring, which meant returning after victory.On the other hand, when Fan Zhongju discussed the first draft with Wu Yu and Wu Yu, they felt that the work lacked deep feelings.

Fan Zhongju returned home confused and found Jia Yuhuan coming to send Yuhuan off again.Unfortunately, Jia Yuhuan discovered the secret of Fan Zhongju's "The Classic of Mountains and Rivers".Faced with Jia Yuhuan's questioning, Fan Zhongju admitted that writing a book had always been his dream. Although his family wanted him to take the imperial examination for high school, he was full of confusion about the future.Jia Yuhuan promised to keep the secret and provide him with creative inspiration

Two days before the imperial examination, Li Tu replied to Jia Yuhuan, which made her very happy.At Jia Yuhuan's suggestion, Fan Zhongju created richer content.Booksellers were full of praise for his manuscript, thinking that the grievances in the world and the love between children were vividly expressed.Although the manuscript was successfully approved, Wu Yu pointed out that the work still lacked a deep pull.Therefore, Fan Zhongju frequently communicated with Jia Yuhuan to improve his works, and the relationship between the two gradually heated up and became somewhat ambiguous.

The day before the imperial examination, Xie Quanjia and Ren Shu expressed concern about Jia Yuhuan's obsession. They believed that she had gone too far.In order to make Jia Yuhuan wake up as soon as possible, Ren Shu decided to let Fan Zhongju imitate Li Tu and write to Jia Yuhuan.In this way, when the truth comes out, Jia Yuhuan will give up his excessive worship of Li Tu.

Fan Zhongju finished writing the happy ending and got the martial arts secrets to kill the villain, but he still felt unhappy.Because in Fan Zhongju's conception, the male protagonist longs for a confidante, a close friend, and a dog with strong martial arts skills to accompany him in the world.Jia Yuhuan persuaded Fan Zhongju to follow his heart and respect his truest feelings.

After Fan Zhongju finished answering the test paper on the day of the imperial examination, he wrote down the content of "The Classic of Mountains and Rivers", but he left his pen name because he was too forgetful.

《thr happy seven in changan》E7Plot

Fan Zhongju also had a very difficult time

Everyone was waiting for Fan Zhongju with great expectations and carefully prepared a lion dance performance for him to celebrate his imperial examination in high school in advance.Fan Zhongju was full of confidence and said that this time he summarized the experience and lessons learned from the previous six times, coupled with their help to him, and found a new way, which must be foolproof, unless he wrote the wrong name on the test paper.

As a result, just after saying this, Fan Zhongju remembered his signature on the test paper, his face suddenly changed, and he fainted.Afterwards, everyone got together to drink and chat, and unexpectedly learned from Guo Dongli that the saint had decided to postpone the release of the results due to special difficulties.This news caused heated discussions among the people present, some were happy and some were sad.

Guo Dongli Restaurant became very popular because of the candidates and made a lot of money. Xie Quanjia complained that the hardship caused him to earn less for the room.However, compared to these insignificant things, everyone is more concerned about whether the saint will severely punish the special difficulty. They speculate that it may bring the crime of beheading.Fan Zhongju couldn't listen anymore, so he shouted out that he was having a hard time because of his drunkenness, and then fell to the ground drunk.

When Fan Zhongju woke up, he could no longer hide his identity, so he had to tell everyone the truth.Fan Zhongju said frankly that the latest chapter is based on everyone in the mansion. For example, Ren Shu, who likes divination, becomes a blind man, and Shangguan Furuchuan becomes the villain Shangguan Buqun.Xie Quanjia was dissatisfied with the name of his character. Liu Lang became the only dog ​​in the book. What made Guo Dongli most angry was that he had no sense of presence in the book. On the contrary, Jia Yuhuan was the heroine in the book, and her meaning was self-evident..

Although everyone was angry, they had to admit that the content Fan Zhongju wrote was indeed brilliant. From the initial incomprehension to support, from supporter to fan, they tried to think of ways for him to avoid angering Sheng Yan and attracting more attention.A fatal disaster.Shangguan Furukawa felt that the top priority should be to change the story first. If the saint didn't like the original story, at least there would be an alternative.

Next, everyone worked together to change their stories, but Jia Yuhuan was thinking about Li Tu's letter.At the urging of others, Fan Zhongju had no choice but to write a letter to Jia Yuhuan first, but after thinking for a long time, he felt that he should not keep deceiving Jia Yuhuan, and sooner or later he would tell the other party the truth about the matter.

That night, everyone told their own stories.Each of these stories was more outrageous and exaggerated than the last, making Fan Zhongju frown.Shangguan Furuchuan created a new story based on Xie Quanjia's story: the overbearing villain Shangguan Buqun fell in love with Xie Ni, who was looking for relatives, which made Xie Quanjia feel sick.Ren Shu was curious about why Jia Yuhuan didn't change the story. Jia Yuhuan said that the content of the new chapter was co-created by her and Fan Zhongju. The people present instantly burst into gossip after hearing this.

After repeated revisions and deliberation, Fan Zhongju finally wrote a letter that satisfied him.At the same time, everyone gradually changed their stories.However, Guo Dongli brought a shocking news: the imperial examination will be divided according to region, and it is particularly difficult to be screened out as coming from Bianliang.They were worried that this would arouse the sage's wrath and lead to Fan Zhongju being implicated in the nine clans.

In order to prevent Fan Zhongju's identity from being exposed, everyone reluctantly burned the revised manuscript.Shangguan Furuchuan asked Fan Zhongju if he had any contact with other candidates during the exam. If Fan Zhongju didn't attract much attention, it meant that others might not guess that he was having a hard time.

In Shangguan Furuchuan's view, it is relatively safe at the moment. Fan Zhongju can continue to stay in the Li Mansion. If there is any trouble, Liu Lang can help him escape.At the same time, Liu Lang sent Li Tu's letter to Fan Zhongju.After Jia Yuhuan carefully read the content of the letter, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.She compared it with the letters copied by Fan Zhongju, and it confirmed her inner suspicion, which was hard to accept for a while.

《thr happy seven in changan》E8Plot

Little transparent encounters wealth and wealth

Fan Zhongju made full preparations for running away, but Shangguan Furuchuan brought a slightly hopeful news, that is, he learned through Zhou Shangshu that the saint had confirmed the true identity of Te Diyuan, and was very interested in the Shanhe Jing, so he orderedFan Zhongju must update the following chapters before the fifth update tomorrow.

Although the saint's attitude has softened, Fan Zhongju's crime of deceiving the emperor has not been forgiven. His life or death depends entirely on the quality of subsequent articles.Shangguan Furuchuan suggested that Fan Zhongju change the protagonist to a saint to suit his preferences.Fan Zhongju thought it made sense and returned to the room with confidence to start writing.

Ren Shu made a divination, and the result showed that he would definitely lose. Everyone was unsure, thinking that the saint was moody and might suddenly change his mind and kill Fan Zhongju.In order to avoid getting into trouble, everyone went to Fan Zhongju to provide ideas for revising the article, but he rejected them one by one, leaving them with no clue of inspiration.

On the other hand, Jia Yuhuan knew that Li Tu's reply was copied by Fan Zhongju, so he locked himself in the room without eating or drinking.Ren Shu and Liu Lang were very worried and admitted that they forced Fan Zhongju to do this and hoped that she would not blame them.But Jia Yuhuan was already upset and just wanted to be alone to calm down.

Seeing that it was already dawn, Fan Zhongju still had not written the continuation.After careful consideration, he decided to take out the original manuscript and give it to the saint.Since the manuscript had been burned, Fan Zhongju did not want to implicate Jia Yuhuan, so he had to think hard about the content.Unexpectedly, Jia Yuhuan took the initiative to help and co-created it with him.

Afterwards, everyone anxiously waited for news about the saint, but unfortunately there was no news.Xie Quanjia comforted Fan Zhongju that no news was the best news. Everyone simply set up a table and drank to relieve their worries. If one meal was not enough, they would have two. In the end, they were all drunk.Amid everyone's encouragement and relief, Fan Zhongju felt unprecedented warmth and was deeply moved.

During this period, Fan Zhongju accidentally found a letter, which turned out to be an acrostic poem asking him to meet.Fan Zhongju hurriedly ran to the second floor, and sure enough, Jia Yuhuan was waiting for him here for a long time.Jia Yuhuan guessed that Li Tu's first letter was written by Fan Zhongju himself.After Fan Zhongju truthfully admitted, Jia Yuhuan told him to follow his heart and not be cowardly, and expressed his feelings tactfully.

However, early the next morning, Jia Yuhuan woke up and found that Fan Zhongju was missing and left a letter containing an acrostic poem: “If you can, wait for me to come back”.At this time, Fan Zhongju came to the outskirts with his luggage on his back. Not long after he rested, he was surrounded by a group of people.Shangguan Furuchuan hurried over on a donkey, followed closely by Liu Lang.They originally wanted to lie and claim that they were in trouble to take the blame for Fan Zhongju, but they didn't expect that the person riding the tall horse was actually the young prince.

It turned out that the sage was full of praise for Fan Zhongju's literary talents, so he asked the young prince to invite Fan Zhongju to the palace to meet him.Fortunately, this was just a misunderstanding. Instead of condemning him, the saint even wrote an inscription in his own hand and presented him with a plaque.Fan Zhongju no longer had to worry about being decapitated, and everyone was devastated.

Despite this, Fan Zhongju felt that he had failed again and was not worthy of Jia Yuhuan, a noblewoman from the Western Regions. How could he know that Jia Yuhuan felt that she was just a maid and not worthy of Fan Zhongju, who had become more famous.Both sides have hidden feelings and don't dare to think about it. No matter how much pain and sorrow they have, they will be swallowed in their stomachs, and others can't see why.

That night Guan Furukawa and others prepared a celebration banquet for Fan Zhongju, and announced at the dinner table that they would make a lot of money out of this frivolous incident.Nowadays - The Classic of Mountains and Rivers - has been valued by the saints, which is equivalent to a golden sign with royal recognition, so Shangguan Furuchuan will naturally not let go of the good opportunity to make money, and plans to quickly promote - The Classic of Mountains and Rivers and develop it in the shortest possible time.《The Classic of Mountains and Rivers》, a sales event of "The Classic of Mountains and Rivers" will also be held in Wanli Building. Fan Zhongju and Jia Yuhuan will play the heroes of mountains and rivers and attend together.Jia Yuhuan somewhat disagreed. However, the minority obeyed the majority, and they still had to pretend to be in love with Fan Zhongju.

《thr happy seven in changan》E9Plot

Pretend to be married

Fan Zhongju attracted the attention of the saints for writing the Classic of Mountains and Rivers, and was even named and praised by the saints. Shangguan Furuchuan wanted to use this to hold the first sales event of the new chapter, but the venue was booked for three consecutive days and no one came, which completely failed to meet expectations.Shangguan Furuchuan had to change his strategy and temporarily made a batch of small clay figurines based on characters from the Book of Mountains and Rivers as a reward for readers.However, the whole family spent a lot of money, and in the end they sold only one companion dog, which greatly damaged everyone's confidence.

Ye Liangxiao, a well-known young shopkeeper in Changle City, came after hearing the news. Xie Quanjia and others were so frightened that he thought he was here to collect debts. Unexpectedly, he was buying all Shanhejing and Ouban.After everyone learned about it, they were full of praise for Ye Liangxiao. Only Shangguan Furuchuan saw that Ye Liangxiao was interested in Xie Quanjia and felt that he had evil intentions.

Xie Quanjia was grateful to Ye Liangxiao for his help. Others also thought that Ye Liangxiao was a kind-hearted man.Shangguan Furuchuan was quite dissatisfied and firmly believed that Ye Liangxiao had impure motives.While they were talking, Ye Liangxiao suddenly came to Xie Quanjia, hoping to buy the brown sugar glutinous rice cakes she made by herself, and also give them advice on how to use scarcity marketing to sell Shanhe Jing.

With one word to wake up the dreamer, everyone, under Ye Liangxiao's suggestion, made Shanhe Jing a big sale and the inventory was cleared instantly, and they all admired Ye Liangxiao extremely.Ye Liangxiao also made no secret of his love for Xie Quanjia. He wanted to marry her and was willing to give her time to think about it, which made Shangguan Furuchuan jealous.

Shangguan Furukawa suggested that in order to ensure the stability of readers and fans, the puppets should be sold with the CP of the characters in the book.Jia Yuhuan was naturally unwilling, so Shangguan Furuchuan thought that as long as he and Xie Quanjia published innovative articles, they could form a combination and start a business, thereby boosting sales and making a lot of money.

After Shangguan Furuchuan's repeated lobbying, Xie Quanjia reluctantly agreed. As expected, many female readers came to listen to the book. She made four dollars in just one day and was close to paying off her house deed debt.On the other hand, Ye Liangxiao approached Guo Dongli alone and lied about looking for actors to support him, but in fact, he disrupted the next meeting and caused a fight between two groups of CP fans.

It turns out that Ye Liangxiao also created a set of characters and companions for his private side story, and paired Xie Quanjia with a man.Everyone was very angry when they found out and protested against Ye Liangxiao's shameless act of plagiarism and piracy.Guo Dongli was deceived by Ye Liangxiao and knew that he could not be trusted. He would rather refuse a repair fee than continue to help him do evil.

Shangguan Furukawa once again thought of a way to make money, which is to take advantage of the popularity of CP fans to sell blind boxes at low prices, and encourage fans to draw hidden models of companions, that is, Shangguan Buqun and Xie Ni's couple models.But in fact, there are no companions of the two in these blind boxes. Most of them are Liu Lang's dogs. It is obvious that there is an act of deceiving consumers. Xie Quanjia and others can't stand it.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for fans who had bought the blind box to come to them to settle accounts. Ye Liangxiao even took this opportunity to stir up trouble, in order to see Shangguan Furuchuan in embarrassment.Unexpectedly, Shangguan Furuchuan had already pawned the jade pendant for sale, prepared a box of money, and promised that all fans could return the money as long as they brought Oban. However, doing so would be a waste of work, and the huge Li family was penniless.

Ye Liangxiao used the house deed and loan to force Xie Quanjia to marry him and become his son's stepmother, but Xie Quanjia refused.Shangguan Furuchuan was so angry that he beat Ye Liangxiao, and told him to come to Li's house tomorrow with the house deed, and there would be a sum of money to redeem the house deed.

Early the next morning, Ye Liangxiao brought his servants to the Li Mansion, proudly saying that Shangguan Furuchuan was probably running away to avoid debts.As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Lang sent Qing Gong and brought Guan Furukawa over, and he kept his promise and took the money to redeem the house deed. The source of the money was from selling the CP partner to the young prince.

Ye Liangxiao admitted defeat and lamented that Xie Quanjia was the first woman to reject him. The reason why she asked to marry Xie Quanjia was because she looked so much like her deceased wife.Although Ye Liangxiao failed to win Xie Quanjia's heart, he still took out fifty taels, hoping to gain Xie Quanjia's cooking skills and buy her son's favorite brown sugar glutinous rice cake from her every month. Xie Quanjia readily agreed.

The matter was successfully resolved, and Ren Shu confirmed that Shangguan Furuchuan and Xie Quanjia were destined to be married. Although both of them were arrogant and denied it, they could not suppress the throbbing in their hearts.The relationship between Fan Zhongju and Jia Yuhuan has not progressed for a long time, especially when Jia Yuhuan faced Fan Zhongju's questions and found any excuse to excuse him.

《thr happy seven in changan》E10Plot

The Mid-Autumn Banquet staged the Three Kingdoms Killing

During this period of time, in order to save money, Xie Quanjia has been eating light vegetarian dishes three times a day. Everyone complained about the meal, but they did not dare to protest openly.Shangguan Furuchuan was the first to express his dissatisfaction, and even wanted to take advantage of the upcoming Mid-Autumn Banquet to call on everyone to overthrow Xie Quanjia's hegemony and support him to take charge of Li's house, promising to provide all kinds of delicacies.Although the people present did not express their opinions directly, they had their own plans. This dispute over food officially kicked off.

That night, Shangguan Furuchuan and Guo Dongli conspired to seize power. They believed that with the strategies and methods of both parties, they would inevitably replace Xie Quanjia.But Guo Dongli was hesitant. Considering that Xie Quanjia was not easy to deal with, Shangguan Furuchuan decided to split up and let him do the ideological work of understanding Liu Lang first. If Liu Lang refused, he would directly instigate Fan Zhongju. Only those who win the hearts of the people will win.The world.

At the same time, Xie Quanjia took the initiative, and on the other side, Xie Quanjia had already taken the initiative, telling Liu Lang to remember that he was his benefactor. As long as he remembered the four words "loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness", he would help pick up the jar when there was nothing to do. Not only quality determinesFor the amount of non-vegetarian food, a meat dish will be added to his dinner party.Liu Lang remained loyal to Xie Quanjia, and remained unwavering despite Shangguan Furuchuan's various threats and inducements.

After Guo Dongli received the signal from Shangguan Furuchuan, he hurriedly went to find Fan Zhongju, but it was still a step too late.As the plan failed, Guo Dongli considered using money to buy people's hearts, but this idea was rejected by Shangguan Furuchuan. He believed that if he wanted long-term peace and stability, he needed to be deeply rooted in the people's hearts, and the top priority was to find another way.

Nowadays, Li Mansion is constantly fighting openly and secretly, with Xie Quanjia and Shangguan Furuchuan vying for power, while Ren Shu and Jia Yuhuan are planning the Western Region Banquet behind the scenes.In order to gain more support, the master and servant mobilized their troops in the kitchen to maximize the deliciousness of the baked buns, which was highly praised by Liu Lang, Fan Zhongju and others.

Faced with this situation, Xie Quanjia felt threatened by danger.She first confirmed Liu Lang's loyalty, and then began to win over Fan Zhongju, saying that she would give him a separate treatment as long as he was willing to listen to her arrangements.Fan Zhongju did not dare to object, but Jia Yuhuan took the opportunity to use a beauty trick and made him relent with just a few words. Xie Quanjia was completely defeated by the Western Region Banquet.

However, with the mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole behind, Shangguan Furuchuan approached Fan Zhongju about cooperation. If he supported him in hosting the Mid-Autumn Dinner, he would help him sell the story of Mountains and Rivers to foreign countries.Fan Zhongju felt a little moved after hearing this, and thinking of Shangguan Furuchuan's kindness in risking his life to save him, he agreed to vote for him without hesitation.

Early the next morning, Shangguan Furuchuan won with more votes.Although Jia Yuhuan knew the reason why Fan Zhongju defected before the battle, he still could not calm down the anger in his heart.Xie Quanjia was also unwilling and took Liu Lang to find an alliance between the master and his servant. The four formed a united front against Shangguan Furuchuan.

In the days that followed, the Three Kingdoms Killing between Wu, Shu and Wei turned into a situation where Wu and Shu united to fight against Wei.At least in terms of numbers, Shangguan Furuchuan was gradually at a disadvantage.He adopted a series of tactics to deal with Xie Quanjia and others, first cutting off their source of food, and then attacking them unprepared and eradicating the vegetable garden in Li's backyard.

Xie Quanjia felt frustrated about this. She had scolded Shangguan Furuchuan a hundred and eighty times in her heart, and suddenly realized that the kitchen might not be safe.Sure enough, Shangguan Furuchuan occupied the kitchen, causing them to lose the opportunity to cook.Shangguan Furuchuan thought he was sure of victory, but he didn't expect that on the night of Mid-Autumn, Xie Quanjia and others showed up with a large table of food, which was completely beyond his expectation.

It turned out that Xie Quanjia had already seen through Shangguan Furuchuan's plan and decided to use it to his advantage. He successfully made Guo Dongli rebel and prepare a Mid-Autumn Banquet in the back kitchen of Wanli Building.Seeing everyone around him rushing to sit at Xie Quanjia's table, Shangguan Furuchuan felt extremely lonely and desolate.In the end, the conflict between the two was resolved and they celebrated the festival together at the same table.At this moment, news came from Guo Dongli that Mrs. Shangguan was coming to Changle City, which caught Shangguan Furuchuan off guard.

《thr happy seven in changan》E11Plot

Episode 11

thr happy seven in changan episode 11 plot introduction: The eldest lady comes to teach the unfaithful son

Recently, Mrs. Shangguan will come to Changle City, and everyone is actively preparing for the ceremony.Because Shangguan Furuchuan did not mention the divorce letter, he discussed with everyone about acting in front of his mother-in-law and tried to find a way to get some money from her to supplement her. Xie Quanjia was also willing to cooperate with Shangguan Furuchuan to show affection.

When the lady of Shangguan appeared on the scene, not only did she not have the wealth of a noble lady, but she looked like a homeless person in distress, each with a cane, crying and complaining about her poverty.Except for Shangguan Furuchuan, everyone was moved by it and believed it deeply.The eldest lady said that her husband and eldest son went to sea to avoid debts, so they came to Furukawa.

During the conversation, the eldest lady was tempted. When she learned that Shangguan Furuchuan had sold his jade pendant for these people and lost all his money in business, she felt that they had some conspiracy to approach Furuchuan and deliberately told stories about her son's naughty deeds when he was a child.A friend who sincerely delivers.

Although Shangguan Furuchuan repeatedly emphasized that they were different from the previous friends, the eldest lady still had to go through a test. She entertained everyone on credit at Wanli Building that day, pretending that she had no money and wanted to sell ancestral bracelets.Xie Quanjia hurriedly stopped him and had to use the little money left in the accounting room to pay for the meal.

The dinner ended hastily. Shangguan Furuchuan tried to persuade her to stop, but to no avail, so he tried to expose her true intentions.The eldest lady pretended to be sick to call everyone, and her superb acting skills made Shangguan Furukawa's clarification unconvincing.In order to increase the difficulty of the test, the eldest lady asked them to go dozens of miles outside the city to get mountain spring water to make tea, wipe their faces with silk handkerchiefs, and order some complicated and difficult-to-remember pastries.

However, none of this troubled anyone. It happened that there were silk handkerchiefs in Ren Shu and Jia Yuhuan's room. Liu Lang was the best at Qinggong. Even Fan Zhongju effortlessly wrote down the names and requirements of the cakes, which surprised the eldest lady.Unexpectedly, my son’s group of friends all have their own strengths.

Xie Quanjia stayed to take care of the eldest lady. When she heard that she asked her to marry Furukawa as soon as possible, she couldn't bear to continue to deceive her, so she had to tell the truth and break off the engagement. The eldest lady was furious.Shangguan Furuchuan locked himself in his room all day long, causing everyone to think that he was sad because of the decline of his family. Unexpectedly, Furuchuan was actually thinking hard to expose the fact that his mother was pretending to be poor.

Early the next morning, the Li family received a note from the kidnapper and learned that Shangguan Furuchuan had been kidnapped.The eldest lady didn't believe it at all, thinking that he was directing and acting on his own. However, everyone was worried that Shangguan Furuchuan would encounter a real kidnapper, so Liu Lang and Ren Shu went to explore the way first.As a result, not long after, the two left without returning, and Guo Dongli sent a message to convey the kidnapper's intentions.

Madam Shangguan pretended to be panicked, so Fan Zhongju decided to exchange his beloved Book of Mountains and Rivers. Jia Yuhuan went with him, but was eventually held hostage.At present, only the eldest lady and Xie Quanjia are left. The two are discussing using the house deed to save people. The eldest lady is very satisfied with the way Xie Quanjia remains calm in the face of danger, as if she sees the aura that a matron should have.

Just as Xie Quanjia was about to go out, she suddenly saw the letter left on the stone table and realized that the kidnapper had changed the transaction location. When she rushed over with the Tang Sect's hidden weapons, she realized that it was Shangguan Furuchuan who directed and acted.It turns out that the eldest lady first planned the first kidnapping to test everyone. Unexpectedly, Shangguan Furukawa also had this intention. Later, the oozing mystery was completely solved. The eldest lady believed that these friends were sincere and worthy of deep friendship. She even recognized Xie Quanjia as her prospective daughter-in-law.He redeemed the jade pendant and gave it to her, and gave her three thousand guan for emergency needs.

On the other hand, Shangguan Furuchuan was still losing money in business. The eldest lady hated iron and had no hope for him anymore. She announced on the spot that the financial power would be handed over to Xie Quanjia.As for what Shangguan Furuchuan wanted to do, he had to get Xie Quanjia's permission. It was obvious that the lady really liked Xie Quanjia, and everyone applauded when they saw this.

《thr happy seven in changan》E12Plot

Episode 12

thr happy seven in changan episode 12 plot introduction: Shangguan Furukawa is trapped in a loop

Ever since Xie Quanjia took over the financial power, Shangguan Furuchuan would cry, make trouble, and hang herself every day, threatening her with death to force her to give money. Unwilling to live a mediocre life, she could always come up with various tips for bankruptcy.Xie Quanjia was already tired of it, so she told him the story of "Wolf Crying". Obviously, he was more like the wolf in the story. If nothing happened and he started howling wildly, the only thing waiting for him would be a shotgun.

Early that morning, Shangguan Furuchuan woke up and opened the window to see the leaves falling. He felt melancholy. When he passed by the vegetable garden, he was called by Xie Quanjia to collect the vegetables.Shangguan Furukawa reminded Xie Quanjia to be gentle when asking for help, but he deliberately teased the other party. Xie Quanjia was so angry that he threw an eggplant and hit him on the forehead.

Liu Lang stayed on the roof blowing leaves as usual, and took the initiative to greet him with nonsense words.At noon, Guo Dongli hurried over to reveal an inside message, that is, Changle City was about to issue a new policy, and white horses would no longer be allowed on the road.Shangguan Furuchuan smelled a business opportunity and persuaded Xie Quanjia to spend money to buy a dark horse. Sure enough, Xie Quanjia couldn't bear to agree after seeing his pitiful appearance.

However, that night, Liu Lang was caught in a heavy rain when he went out. While hiding from the rain, he met someone who was hiding from the rain. The other person worked in the Driving Department. According to reliable information, Changle City was probably going to restrict black horses from traveling on the road, which meant that not only did Shangguan Furuchuan notMake money, but lose money buying horses.As soon as this news came out, it was like a bolt from the blue. Xie Quanjia was furious and punched Shangguan Furukawa.

When Shangguan Furuchuan woke up, it was already dawn. When he was thinking about how to get news from Xie Quanjia, he didn't know that Xie Quanjia seemed to have lost his memory, repeating yesterday's actions and words, and throwing eggplants at him without any accident.Shangguan Furukawa didn't react for a moment. When he saw that the calendar was still on the third day of September from yesterday, he suddenly realized that he was very likely to fall into a loop.

As expected, Liu Lang still greeted him with nonsense words, and Guo Dongli still brought inside information about the horse restriction in Changle City.Shangguan Furuchuan moved Xie Quanjia as usual with his heartfelt words yesterday. After getting the money, he immediately bought a white horse, convinced that he was the chosen one and would be able to make money from horses and honor his ancestors. However, this time the situation was reversed.

Before Xie Quanjia arrived angrily, Shangguan Furuchuan had already hit the pillar and passed out.After waking up, there were still fallen leaves in front of the door. Xie Quanjia collected the vegetables, Liu Lang said hello, and Guo Dongli passed on internal news.Shangguan Furuchuan always refused to admit defeat and firmly believed that he would succeed one day. He deliberately bought the zebra that was least likely to be restricted, but he didn't know that the zebra was included in the restricted list.

Over and over again, Shangguan Furukawa bought almost all the horses, but God insisted on going against him. He paid for whatever he bought, perfectly avoiding all the correct answers, and even the horses he had bought could not be sold.Because the imperial court temporarily announced that horses would be given registration numbers to prevent traffic accidents.

One night passed, Shangguan Furuchuan seemed to have grown up a lot, and his state of mind had undergone great changes.Normally, Shangguan Furuchuan would never step into the vegetable garden, but now he took the initiative to help Xie Quanjia collect the vegetables. He quickly helped Xie Quanjia to prevent him from falling, which made Xie Quanjia feel incredible.In addition, Shangguan Furuchuan was very concerned about Liu Lang and told him not to go out, otherwise he would get caught in the rain.

Guo Dongli still received the so-called inside information. Shangguan Furuchuan was not interested at all. Instead, he followed Xie Quanjia to work in the kitchen. Xie Quanjia was overjoyed and shyly gave him an eggplant as a gift.During dinner that night, Shangguan Furuchuan stood by the door waiting for Liu Lang to come back, but fell asleep while waiting. Liu Lang did not go out at all, but took a nap in the room after being persuaded. When he woke up, it was already dark.

In the early morning of the next day, Shangguan Furuchuan thought he was stuck in a cycle again. Unexpectedly, Xie Quanjia had torn up the calendar and it was no longer the familiar third day of September.After this incident, Shangguan Furuchuan felt that it was a test given to him by God, and secretly vowed to change his mind and start a new life in the future. However, he did not know that it was all Xie Quanjia's plan. He paid people to repeat the day's experience in order to make Shangguan Furuchuan understand.Keep your feet on the ground and return to your normal life.

《thr happy seven in changan》E13Plot

Episode 13

thr happy seven in changan episode 13 plot introduction: Prince Duojin chases Jia Yuhuan

Ren Shu ran away from marriage in order to find the right one, and the right one she longed for must be heroic, like an unparalleled hero, who would one day ride on a tall horse to marry her.But at present, there seems to be no sign of the Mr. Right. On the contrary, Ren Shu calculated that there will be two pairs of golden boys and girls in the Li Mansion. One is Xie Quanjia and Shangguan Furuchuan, and the other is still in a period of emotional ambiguity. They have the same feelings for each other, but they are not.There is a problem of identity misunderstanding.

While talking, Xie Quanjia informed everyone to go see the distinguished guest first because the Seventeenth Prince of Yong'an Palace suddenly visited.Ren Shu was shocked when she heard this, because her father pointed out that the person she wanted to marry was the Seventeenth Prince, and it was destined that the two of them would meet in Changle City.

Soon the young prince rode a tall horse to the Li Mansion. Seeing his handsomeness, Ren Shu couldn't help but feel infatuated.But in the next second, the young prince almost fell off the horse. Fortunately, Ren Shu hugged him in time, but his fantasy was shattered.She can accept men who are not very handsome, but she can never accept a weakling.

During the conversation, everyone learned that the princess of the Western Regions had escaped from marriage. Instead of feeling defeated, the young prince felt a little happy.It turns out that the young prince learned that the princess of the Western Regions was rude and violent, and he was eager to cancel the engagement. He just wanted to get back the mandarin duck and jade ring that was the engagement gift.

Fan Zhongju listened to the young prince's description and suddenly looked at the jade ring on his waist.Sure enough, this jade ring was exactly the same as that of the young prince. At Ren Shu's suggestion, Jia Yuhuan had to lie and claim that she was the princess of the Western Regions.As soon as these words came out, the young prince saw that Jia Yuhuan was gentle and lovable, so he immediately gave up the idea of ​​remarrying and launched a fierce pursuit of her. Fan Zhongju was disheartened and felt that he was completely unworthy of Jia Yuhuan.

Because the young prince was not good at getting along with the opposite sex, he asked Shangguan Furuchuan for advice on how to make Jia Yuhuan marry him willingly.Shangguan Furuchuan claimed to be the number one emotional master in Huating County, and told him that in order to win the heart of his wife, he must create a sense of presence and do what she likes.The young prince was confused when he heard it, but he felt that it was very simple to implement. He would appear in front of Jia Yuhuan no matter what.

Originally, Jia Yuhuan wanted to express her feelings to Fan Zhongju, but Fan Zhongju deliberately distanced himself from her due to their different status.In the days that followed, the young prince began to pursue love, and kept giving away expensive jewelry. If he disagreed, he would send it to the flower shop, causing the entire Li Mansion to be immersed in the fragrance of flowers.

But even so, Jia Yuhuan still had no interest in the young prince. She held the persimmons given to her by Fan Zhongju in a daze every day, and her sad face fell into Ren Shu's eyes.Ren Shu took the initiative to come to Jia Yuhuan and used divination as an excuse to persuade her in disguise that she should follow her own ideas and pursue and get everything she wanted.

It was with Ren Shu's encouragement that Jia Yuhuan plucked up the courage to confess to Fan Zhongju, but Fan Zhongju was the first to express his feelings.At this time, the young prince once again intervened between the two, and Jia Yuhuan directly stated her attitude in rejecting the young prince, saying that her heart belonged to someone else, and she meant Fan Zhongju.

After the two happily left hand in hand, Ren Shu kindly comforted the lost young prince and revealed that she was the real princess of the Western Regions.The young prince instantly became interested and asked Ren Shu if he would marry him, but was decisively rejected by Ren Shu.On the other side, Jia Yuhuan and Fan Zhongju were sitting in the courtyard admiring the moon. They mentioned that Ren Shu was looking for the right man and tried to bring her and Liu Lang together, but the more they thought about it, the more they felt nauseated and uncomfortable.

Ren Shu saw Jia Yuhuan pursuing happiness and was sincerely happy for her.In the end, Ren Shu confessed his true identity to everyone, and everyone knew it. No wonder they felt that Ren Shu was more from the Western Regions than Jia Yuhuan.The young prince was angry with Ren Shu for running away from the marriage and letting down his feelings. Ren Shu told the young prince that one day he would be able to find someone he truly loves, and he nodded in confusion.

《thr happy seven in changan》E14Plot

Episode 14

thr happy seven in changan episode 14 plot introduction: Everyone has a legendary story

As we all know, Gu Qiao, the eldest son of Shangguan, was talented and famous.Because his younger brother Furuchuan was humiliated by Ye Liangxiao, he came to Changle City to vent his anger for him.Gu Qiao not only adapted "The Classic of Mountains and Rivers" into a legendary storybook, but also premiered it at the Tianhe Theater.However, the owner of the theater colluded with Ye Liangxiao to change the name and publish it, and even spread rumors that Gu Qiao plagiarized it.Fortunately, Shangguan Gu Qiao was well prepared and invited the famous Jiang Guzhi to testify, exposing Ye Liangxiao's conspiracy and causing him to lose all face.Ye Liangxiao was shocked to find that Gu Qiao was Shangguan Furuchuan pretending to be Shangguan Furuchuan, acting in the name of his brother from beginning to end.

The above is the story carefully created by Shangguan Furukawa.Under the night, Shangguan Furuchuan held the heavy manuscript in his arms, with a firm light shining in his eyes.He knew very well that once this work, which he devoted countless efforts to, was displayed in front of booksellers, he would become famous in one fell swoop and reach the pinnacle of his life.

Early the next morning, everyone found Shangguan Furuchuan standing in the courtyard in a daze holding a vegetable basket, staring into the distance. It was completely different from the state last night.Apparently Shangguan Furuchuan's manuscript was rejected, and he didn't meet Bole who recognized his talent. The first beautiful dream was shattered in an instant.

In order to write the martial arts world in the manuscript well, Shangguan Furuchuan asked Liu Lang for advice. Liu Lang felt that Shangguan Furuchuan must learn martial arts in order to write more realistically, so he asked him to jump from the second floor and imitate Guo Jing in jumping off the cliff to obtain the peerless skill.Martial arts.Shangguan Furuchuan was deeply inspired and described how he was rescued by a big eagle after jumping off a cliff. With the help of Brother Diao, he became a martial arts master and defeated the villain Guo Dongli.

Although the booksellers felt that the story was pretty good, it lacked some eye-catching features, so they asked him to spend money to buy a course to learn how to become a legendary storyteller quickly.Shangguan Furuchuan wrote a new script according to the course, that is, he relied on his superb medical skills to save the princess of the Western Regions, obtained a hundred good horses, returned to Changle City, and established the largest horse racing business in the city in one fell swoop. At the same time, he brought Guo Dongli, who framed him, to deathKicked out of the horse shop and secured his position as president.

However, Ren Shu felt that Shangguan Furuchuan expressed himself too much and failed to describe the highlights of other characters.So Ren Shu personally rewrote the content. First, Shangguan Furuchuan successfully invaded Mahang, and then Guo Dongli launched an attack. At the critical moment, the princess of the Western Regions came on the scene to rescue Shangguan Furuchuan, helped him escape from prison, and became a legend in Changle City.

That night, Shangguan Furuchuan's creation fell into a bottleneck period. Although he was so perfect in the book, why did he still feel empty.Shangguan Furuchuan asked everyone to help enrich the plot. Xie Quanjia immediately got inspiration and made him a waste who married into the Li family. Later, Xie Quanjia's identity as the Dragon King was needed to turn things around.

After listening to Xie Quanjia's version, Shangguan Furukawa felt a little incredible and felt that the setting was too bizarre.Jia Yuhuan believed that the story lacked a reversal element, so she proposed to serve as Xie Quanjia's mother figure and the real Dragon King in the book.Guo Dongli hopes to make the villain's image more three-dimensional. He relies on his unwillingness to admit defeat to marry a wealthy daughter and make a comeback, and forces Shangguan Furuchuan to work for him to pay off his debts.

Amid everyone's chatter, Shangguan Furuchuan was dizzy until Fan Zhongju made a brilliant appearance, which made him seem to see hope.Fan Zhongju believes that since everyone wants a happy ending, Fan Zhongju in the book should be the top scorer in high school, making a stunning appearance to rescue the poor Shangguan Furukawa. In the end, it was discovered that they had all been persecuted by the Five Poison Alliance, and the victims formed an alliance to resist.hegemony.

Amid everyone's eager anticipation, this storybook that combines fantastic ideas has finally been released, and its unique charm has won praise from booksellers.It's a pity that the theater suddenly changed its boss, and no longer focuses on legendary scripts, but more on realistic themes, which means that the project of The Classic of Mountains and Rivers is unfortunately suspended.

Everyone stayed in the yard in a low mood, and felt that their work was in vain.However, life is always full of variables. Even without the ups and downs of life in the storybook, they can still choose to live a simple and ordinary life meaningfully.So we encourage each other and rediscover our love and persistence for life.Cherish every moment, feel life with your heart, and create your own happiness.

《thr happy seven in changan》E15Plot

Birthday surprise turns into shock

This day is full of extremely unusual significance for Ren Shu, that is, she will celebrate her twentieth birthday in a few hours.But seeing that Xie Quanjia, Jia Yuhuan and others had their own destinations, and recalling that he had escaped from marriage and still hadn't met the right man, Ren Shu felt a little uncomfortable.

Early in the morning, Shangguan Furuchuan spent two dollars to buy a cricket named “Mighty General”, which made Xie Quanjia feel a pang of pain and thought that he should adopt it instead of buying it, commonly known as: zero-yuan purchase.As a result, the two accidentally injured Ren Shu during the dispute. The words "old girl" made Ren Shu, who was already in a bad mood, full of sorrow.

Ren Shu left wisely and took the initiative to find Jia Yuhuan, and found that Jia Yuhuan and Fan Zhongju were in love, and she looked like a light bulb next to them.As everyone knows, Jia Yuhuan and Liu Lang are discussing planning a birthday party for her.The two came to Xie Quanjia, Furukawa, Liu Lang and Guo Dongli to discuss ideas for the birthday banquet.

The previous nine discussions failed, so this time it means failure or failure.Fortunately, with everyone's whimsy, Guo Dongli was arranged to prepare the banquet venue. Fan Zhongju performed magic, Liu Lang performed leaf blowing, and Xie Quanjia and Shangguan Furuchuan had other ideas.Jia Yuhuan especially reminded them to remember to pick out gifts and send them to Yage. They must not be discovered by Ren Shu and must avoid contact with her to prevent exposure.

Jia Yuhuan wanted to choose a gift with Fan Zhongju, and after much thought, he decided to buy a new divination card for Ren Shu.Since the divination cards were imported items and were extremely expensive, Fan Zhongju asked Shangguan Furuchuan to find connections to make them as cheap as possible.On the other hand, Liu Lang was paying attention to the order of the banquet and did not pay attention to the front, so that he knocked Ren Shu to the ground.

Ren Shu hinted Liu Lang to help him up. Liu Lang recalled Jia Yuhuan's words and deliberately turned a blind eye to it.Guo Dongli met Ren Shu when he went out. In his nervousness, he lied that he wanted to find people from the Western Regions to decorate the Wanli Building. Ren Shu recommended himself, but was politely rejected by Guo Dongli for various reasons.

As a result, Ren Shu was in a bad mood. Jia Yuhuan took the initiative to comfort her. After knowing her troubles, he offered to divine for her. How could he know that the three cards symbolizing life, marriage and even the future were all very poor, so it was self-defeating.It was precisely because of the emotional impact of Ren Shu that Jia Yuhuan also felt a little depressed and complained to everyone about this matter.

Everyone is still busy with the content of the birthday party, and Fan Zhongju even arranged a device of falling petals from the sky, which is eye-catching.Shangguan Furuchuan bought new divination cards for Fan Zhongju. Fan Zhongju designed the divination cards through magic and showed them to Jia Yuhuan, who was full of praise.

During the meal that night, everyone seemed a little nervous and the atmosphere was particularly delicate.Ren Shu noticed something strange and simply got up and left to relax in the yard. Jia Yuhuan chased after her. During the conversation, she learned that she had guessed that everyone was going to celebrate her birthday, but she was full of confusion about the days after the birthday.

However, considering everyone's hard work, Ren Shu was willing to go over and have a look at this so-called birthday party. Unexpectedly, the carefully prepared party turned out to be a ridiculous accident due to the rush.Liu Lang, who was supposed to be blowing the leaves, accidentally picked up the wrong feather duster and forced Ren Shu to clean up the old and welcome the new. As a result, she was covered in chicken feathers; Guo Dongli, who was supposed to be blowing the feather duster, picked up the wrong leaves and blew them completely out of tune.

Logically speaking, the flower falling part designed by Fan Zhongju is the most romantic, but it happened that the rose petals were used up, so peach blossoms were used instead, which made Ren Shu allergic.Ren Shu drinks the ecstasy water by mistake and looks like everyone is wooing him.Fortunately, Fan Zhongju appeared as the finale and successfully created a divination card, which made Ren Shu's mood suddenly improve. Unexpectedly, the next second, the candle caught fire and everyone was in chaos trying to put out the fire.

Although the birthday party was not successful, Ren Shu's mentality has grown a lot. Instead of believing in the so-called destiny, it is better to take destiny into his own hands and completely change himself.Everyone was very happy after hearing this and accompanied Ren Shu to throw the divination cards downstairs. I believe that everyone has their own starry sky, which is bright and full of brilliance.Although they are currently attracting the attention of the Yamen officials for disturbing people and littering.

《thr happy seven in changan》E16Plot

Episode 16

thr happy seven in changan episode 16 plot introduction: Two sects compete for secrets

There was a peaceful atmosphere in Changle City, but Shangguan Furuchuan returned home seriously injured, claiming that he was jealous and retaliated by the Golden Crow Sect, and his life was not long.On his deathbed, Shangguan Furuchuan still had unfinished regrets, that is, he did not enjoy pocket money during his lifetime. Xie Quanjia promised that if he could survive, he would have countless pocket money in the future.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Shangguan Furukawa immediately regained his composure and directly asked for a hundred strings.Xie Quanjia realized that he was lying to get money again, and angrily called Liu Lang to teach him a lesson. Unexpectedly, when Liu Lang heard that the Jinwu Sect had hurt Furukawa, he had already set out to seek revenge from the Jinwu Sect.Shangguan Furuchuan didn't expect Liu Lang to be so impulsive, so he hurriedly packed his bags and prepared to chase the person back quickly.

At the same time, the Jinwu Sect and the Qingyang Sect were discussing the alliance in Wanli Building, but they had a quarrel because they were competing to pay the bill.Shangguan Furuchuan came to Guo Dongli to borrow money to go to the Jinwu Sect to stop Liu Lang from killing people, but it happened that the Jinwu Sect was nearby.The elders of the Jinwu Sect insisted on asking for an explanation. Shangguan Furuchuan was so anxious that he lied and claimed that the Jinwu Sect had infiltrated the Qingyang Sect as a spy. As a result, the Qingyang Sect was dissatisfied.

Just as the Qingyang Sect accused Shangguan Furuchuan of telling lies, the head of the Golden Crow Sect Fei suddenly appeared and said that his secret book “Peach Blossom Book” had been stolen. He speculated that it was the Qingyang Sect, but was denied by the Qingyang Sect's leader Zhang.At this time, a disciple of the Golden Crow Sect mysteriously disappeared, and various clues once again pointed to the connection with the Qingyang Sect, and it was determined that this disciple Zhao Jian was a spy. However, just as Master Zhang wanted to refute, Master Fei had relapsed from an old injury and needed to return to the mountain for treatment, soThe matter of capturing the traitors was temporarily handed over to the Qingyang faction to prove the authenticity of Shangguan Furuchuan's words.

Originally, the Qingyang Sect really wanted to steal the secret book on the pretext of the alliance, but now the plan has changed, and they have to find Zhao Jian to prove his innocence first.It happened that Liu Lang knocked out a Golden Crow disciple and brought back Zhao Jian, and felt that he was the one who hurt Furukawa. Xie Quanjia explained the whole process to Liu Lang, and helped the unconscious Zhao Jian into Furukawa's room to rest.

However, just as Xie Quanjia left, Zhao Jian woke up and used a secret code to meet with his contact, claiming that he had obtained the secret book and must leave as soon as possible.The Qingyang Sect followed the trail to the Li Mansion, claiming that they had seen someone bring Zhao Jian in, and framed Xie Quanjia for harboring the Jinwu Sect.Xie Quanjia led them to the backyard and found that Zhao Jian had disappeared. The Qingyang faction suspected that Xie Quanjia was Zhao Jian pretending to be Zhao Jian and captured her directly.

Fan Zhongju and others did not know martial arts, so they watched Xie Quanjia being robbed and became anxious.Over there, Fan Zhongju ran to the Yamen to report to the official, while someone here pretended to be Li Tiandi and borrowed money from Ren Shu.Ren Shu and Jia Yuhuan were a little wary at first, but this person actually knew the layout of Li's house very well, and immediately believed his identity and handed over the remaining three pieces of money in the house to him.

Liu Lang came to Wanli Tower to find Shangguan Furuchuan, but saw Xie Quanjia being kidnapped by the Qingyang faction.Seeing this, Xie Quanjia called Liu Lang for help. Liu Lang was quite famous in the world and was familiar with Master Zhang, so he cleared up the misunderstanding in a few words.Later, Xie Quanjia returned to Li's house and learned that someone had pretended to be a grandfather and defrauded him of three pieces of money. He determined that he was the former landlord who owed a lot of debt.

As soon as he finished speaking, Fan Zhongju came belatedly with his official servants, and saw Xie Quanjia appearing at the gate, looking like something was wrong.Xie Quanjia recounted to the officer how he had been defrauded of money. Unexpectedly, the Qingyang faction and the Jinwu faction started fighting again. The officer immediately put down this small case and turned around to deal with what he thought was a major case.

It turned out that Zhao Jian and the former landlord discussed buying secret books, but Liu Lang overheard everything and caught him in front of the boss.The two gangs were shocked to find that the secret book was actually the Book of Mountains and Rivers, and they suspected that both sides had tampered with it.Guo Dongli persuaded the two factions to go out and fight, otherwise Wanli Building would be seriously damaged.The two factions were relatively reasonable, so they fought fiercely outside Wanli Building. Liu Lang was very busy protecting poultry and animals.

That night, Guo Dongli took the frustrated Liu Lang home, only to learn that Liu Lang was sad because he failed to protect a fish.But it happened that the fish was poisoned by a poison dart and was sent to the inn's back kitchen without being tested. As a result, Silla's best martial arts master died of poisoning after eating it. The saint had to settle the dispute between the two countries with the princess' marriage.The marriage between the princess and the prince of Silla.On the other hand, the real secret book appeared in Shangguan Furukawa's baggage, and everyone was shocked by it.

《thr happy seven in changan》E17Plot

Episode 17

thr happy seven in changan episode 17 plot introduction: Love brain bestie waiting to be rescued

A lot of pigeons have appeared inexplicably in Li's house recently, making everyone uneasy. The source was traced back to the homing pigeons raised by Xie Quanjia.Originally, they were going to find Xie Quanjia to ask for an explanation, but Xie Quanjia was so angry that no one dared to take the lead.Her close friend Zhao Yangyang suddenly received a letter asking her to marry Chen Xinnan, whom she had been in love with for several days. Xie Quanjia learned about it and wrote back to advise her to break up.

Everyone was a little confused and misunderstood that Xie Quanjia liked Zhao Yangyang's fiancé. Xie Quanjia was speechless and said that Zhao Yangyang was just a love brain and couldn't tell the difference between good and bad people.Because in Xie Quanjia's opinion, Chen Xinnan has a bad and unreliable nature, flirts with women everywhere and often belittles Zhao Yangyang. He is a person unworthy of trust.

The next morning, Xie Quanjia's mood suddenly improved. It turned out that Zhao Yangyang had broken up and decided to come to Changle City to relax with her.Xie Quanjia is naturally very welcoming, hoping that her girlfriends can be as free as she is, and reminds everyone not to mention the marriage.In order to make Zhao Yangyang change, Xie Quanjia begged Shangguan Furuchuan for help, and Furuchuan had to agree.

Soon Zhao Yangyang came to Changle City, and Xie Quanjia introduced her to her friends. It turned out that she was only interested in the men present.When Zhao Yangyang heard that Guo Dongli was the shopkeeper of Wanli Tower, he praised him for being young and promising, but when it was confirmed that he was married, he dodged the handshake and instead showed enthusiasm for the talented Fan Zhongju and the future boss Liu Lang.

However, Fan Zhongju and Jia Yuhuan were a perfect match for their talents and looks, which made Zhao Yangyang a little sad. In order to comfort Zhao Yangyang, Xie Quanjia took her to see Shangguan Furuchuan.Sure enough, Shangguan Furuchuan's poetry flourished, instantly attracting Zhao Yangyang and becoming the center of attention.

At the wedding banquet, Zhao Yangyang cried out that he had a miserable life and was abandoned by his fiancé. Because his fiancé didn't like her round face and square nails, he was abducted by a woman with a square face and round nails.In addition, Chen Xinnan dreamed of becoming a metrical poet, but he disliked Zhao Yangyang's speech as never rhyming. In short, in his opinion, Zhao Yangyang had no good qualities in his whole body.

Shangguan Furuchuan believes that the problem is not Fangyuan, the key is that he doesn't like Zhao Yangyang at all. This kind of man will accept anyone who comes, and he will find all kinds of excuses for cheating. Even he can't stand it.Similarly, Xie Quanjia feels that there is no need for Zhao Yangyang to change for the scumbag, because she is the biggest highlight and there are many people who appreciate her.

Because of this, Xie Quanjia and Shangguan Furuchuan took Zhao Yangyang out shopping. They spent the whole day practicing boxing and buying clothes, just to improve her mood.Early the next morning, Zhao Yangyang asked Shangguan Furchuan about today's schedule, but before Xie Quanjia could go out, the two of them had already set off.

That night, Zhao Yangyang and Xie Quanjia were chatting in the yard and said that she originally wanted to practice calligraphy with Fan Zhongju, but Jia Yuhuan was holding a stick next to her, which made her a little timid.On the other hand, Xie Quanjia's marriage has not yet been settled. Zhao Yangyang persuaded her to consider Liu Lang, but Xie Quanjia reminded her not to always think about men.

However, Xie Quanjia's good intentions were ignored by Zhao Yangyang, and he even felt that Shangguan Furuchuan was handsome, humorous and attentive, and that he was his perfect match.Zhao Yangyang began to look forward to his future life, marrying Shangguan Furuchuan and having children, and named the children well.Xie Quanjia was speechless and confirmed that Zhao Yangyang was in love. She had been completely stunned by the man.

Early in the morning, Zhao Yangyang took Shangguan Furuchuan to the teahouse. Because he did not take Xie Quanjia with him, Xie Quanjia was a little jealous and angry. He accused Furukawa of wanting to take advantage of the situation and that he was a real scumbag. The two had a big quarrel over this.During the meal, Xie Quanjia and Furukawa stared at each other closely without moving their chopsticks, relying on Liu Lang to pass the news in the middle. The atmosphere was full of gunpowder.

Later, Zhao Yangyang came to Xie Quanjia alone and said that he had gained a lot of knowledge and confidence in the past few days, and that he would part ways with the scumbag when he returned to his hometown.Xie Quanjia felt relieved after hearing this and specially prepared a gift for her. Furukawa also told Zhao Yangyang to remember to write a letter if something happened, but Xie Quanjia misunderstood her uneasy kindness again.

The two quarreled as they walked back. Xie Quanjia almost fell, but fortunately Shangguan Furuchuan held him up.At this time, Xie Quanjia remembered what Zhao Yangyang said, and realized that Shangguan Furuchuan was just teaching the principles of life to Zhao Yangyang for her. There was no so-called personal relationship at all, and he cared more about Xie Quanjia's feelings.Although Xie Quanjia forgave Furukawa in her heart, she still did not take the initiative to reconcile with him. Unexpectedly, not long after, Zhao Yangyang wrote a letter revealing that she and Chen Xinnan had reunited, complaining that Xie Quanjia almost made her miss the marriage, and even if she could not attend the wedding, she still had to pay for it..

《thr happy seven in changan》E18Plot

Episode 18

thr happy seven in changan episode 18 plot introduction: How can the swan know the joy of the sparrow

Changle City is still prosperous, and the Li Mansion is as busy and united as ever, but they are more concerned about Liu Lang's physical and mental health, because everyone has found a common direction of struggle. Even the sparrows in the city have great ambitions, but Liu Lang's life is simple and simple, which can be summarized as %getting up early, practicing diligently, eating more, sweeping fast, playing music happily, and sleeping deeply. No one knows whether he has a dream.

When asked about his ideals, Liu Lang answered without hesitation that he was ordered to repay his kindness.Everyone persuaded Liu Lang to live for himself. Shangguan Furuchuan firmly believed that Liu Lang would become a great hero and decided to set an example and persuade Liu Lang to enrich his life, cherish his youth and not waste his time.

Fan Zhongju taught Liu Lang to practice calligraphy, and Ren Shu taught Liu Lang to speak the dialect of the Western Regions. The two used this as a reason to promote the Classic of Mountains and Rivers and the culture of the Western Regions.Guo Dongli hoped that Liu Lang would learn to do business, but in fact it became a means of promoting Wanli Tower.After some operations, Liu Lang felt depressed and blew leaves alone in the attic.

Xie Quanjia and Furukawa came to Liu Lang and told him that as a hero, he should integrate into the world and establish the image of a Tang Sect master and future leader.Since Liu Lang was good at Qinggong, Xie Quanjia took him to apply for the job when the post station was recruiting postmen.The post captain asked questions repeatedly, and Liu Lang answered nonsense, either boasting that he had no disadvantages, or promising to bring new post boys to the post station.

As a result, the post captain had to suspect that Liu Lang was mentally ill.Xie Quanjia hurriedly explained that Liu Lang was stupid but down-to-earth. Unexpectedly, the post captain took a fancy to Xie Quanjia and hoped that she could join the post.After Xie Quanjia declined politely, she proudly said that Liu Lang could fly, but the postmaster thought that both of them were sick.In order to prove Liu Lang's qinggong, Xie Quanjia asked him to buy breakfast for himself. In the blink of an eye, he could get hot biscuits. The postmaster was stunned and hired Liu Lang on the spot.

That night, Liu Lang brought back his wages and asked why it was because it took him one day to deliver a whole month's worth of letters.The postmaster settled Liu Lang's wages in advance, which meant that he could take leave this month.A week later, Liu Lang became the first postman due to his outstanding performance. He was recommended to the palace by the postmaster and was ordered to go to Lingnan to get longan for the nobleman.

Although everyone is happy that Liu Lang is getting attention, they are also worried about his safety.Sure enough, Liu Lang encountered a robber on the way, and when he was about to take action, the other party recognized him as a disciple of the Tang Sect.After a conversation, Liu Lang learned that the robber was once an outside disciple of the Tang Sect, but fell into the trap due to lack of qualifications.Liu Lang couldn't bear it and gave them a few longan, which moved them deeply.

On the way back, Liu Lang rescued the stolen puppy and brought it back to Li Mansion.Xie Quanjia and others learned that Liu Lang had not sent longan and urged him to go to the palace quickly.Soon, Guo Dongli brought bad news. Liu Lang offended the saint because of overtime delivery and was about to be beheaded.Xie Quanjia was anxious and wanted Furuchuan to ask the young prince for help. Fan Zhongju also planned to use his special status to ask the saint for mercy.

At the critical moment, Guo Dongli discovered that the puppy was the saint's lost pet dog. Liu Lang was a blessing in disguise. Not only was he not convicted, he even received a gold plaque from the saint himself.This turn of events made Liu Lang famous. Fan Zhongju rewrote his story into "Liu Lang and the Dog", which became popular in Changle City.

People asked Liu Lang to give a speech at Wanli Tower, but after struggling, Liu Lang gave up the lines written by Fan Zhongju and truly expressed his inner feelings.He is not a hero in the eyes of the world, he is just an ordinary disciple of the Tang Sect. He has no ambitions and just wants to be a sparrow who is content with his destiny.Originally, everyone thought that Liu Lang's temporary change of lyrics would cause public outrage, but the public applauded. His famous quotes were very popular, and literati would write newspapers to praise him.

However, becoming famous did not make Liu Lang feel happy. The constant stream of visitors disturbed his peaceful life, making him feel even more depressed.Soon the heat passed, and troubled people began to dig into Liu Lang's negative news and smear him, and the Li Mansion returned to calm.Everyone was worried that Liu Lang would be hurt, but Liu Lang didn't care. He was finally able to hear the chirping of sparrows, lie on the roof and watch the sunset, enjoying his free time.

《thr happy seven in changan》E19Plot

The naughty kids made a big fuss in Changle City

Guo Dongli woke up from a hangover and was a little confused. He saw Xie Quanjia and others standing in front of him, accusing him of his drunken behavior.He first asked Liu Lang to compete in Qinggong, then jumped off the second floor, danced in a grass skirt, and hired a painter to paint his portrait.Guo Dongli was glad that he didn't let the guys see this embarrassing thing, but Xie Quanjia said that the entire Changle City knew about it, and if the guys hadn't sent him home, he would have made a fool of himself in Wanli Tower.

Last night, Guo Dongli signed a life-and-death certificate with Liu Lang, which offended many people.Liu Lang was so angry that he wanted to beat Guo Dongli, but everyone hurriedly stopped him.At this time, Shangguan Furuchuan brought a flyer from Chengfeng Escort. Guo Dongli was shocked when he saw it. It turned out that his son Letian actually came to Changlecheng from his hometown.

However, Chengfeng Escort Agency lost its escort again, and even Escort Sun didn't expect it.The last time it was the Li family's gold that was lost, this time it was the Guo family's son. Xie Quanjia was filled with new and old grudges, and was furious. If Liu Lang and Fan Zhongju hadn't stopped her, Sun's head would have been beaten on the head by Xie Quanjia.Broken blood flow.

Faced with this situation, Ren Shu and Jia Yuhuan hurriedly went to the street to look for the children, and met four children at a snack shop, including Guo Dongli's son Lotte.The two then took the children back to Li's Mansion, but Guo Dongli had not seen his son for several years and almost mistakenly recognized him.

The kid from Lotte is big and smart. He came to Changle City alone, claiming to complete the practical homework assigned by the teacher.Guo Dongli looked at his son wolfing down the food and realized that it was really hard for his wife to take care of him, and the living allowance was still too little on weekdays. Otherwise, with the way he was eating, the family would definitely be impoverished.

On the other hand, Guo Dongli was busy working in Wanli Building and had to leave his child under everyone's care.But who would have thought that just by looking at such a young child, he could sneak attack Liu Lang without any martial ethics, leaving him deflated and injured, leaving a deep shadow on him and feeling that this child was extremely destructive.

Shangguan Furukawa disagreed with this and felt that his personality was similar to Lotte's and he should be able to subdue Lotte.Then he taught Letian how to make clay figures. Unexpectedly, Letian was able to make clay figures as soon as he learned it, and the clay figures he made were even better than Furukawa.Not to be outdone, Shangguan Furukawa took out the limited edition Xie Ni from his collection. As a result, Lotte accidentally unscrewed my partner's head, which happened to be seen by Xie Quanjia, causing a misunderstanding.

Fan Zhongju deliberately picked flowers and gave them to Jia Yuhuan, but Lotte almost ruined the atmosphere.Ren Shu offered to take Letian out to play. Letian looked around excitedly, and relied on his sharp tongue to persuade Ren Shu to buy him candied haws.Because Lotte wanted to see his grandpa at work, he begged Ren Shu to take him to Wanli Building, where he happened to see Guo Dongli being scolded by the boss.

In order to protect Grandpa, Lotte threw the candied haws on the shopkeeper. Ren Shu had no choice but to take Lotte away and specially gave him pocket money.However, Lotte caused trouble again and ruined the roadside stall, causing Ren Shudu to be scolded by the shopkeeper. Fortunately, Guo Dongli apologized and made compensation in time. This move made Lotte feel that Grandpa was a bit cowardly.As soon as Lotte and others left, the shopkeeper was tied up with a sack and beaten severely.

Guo Dongli received a letter from his wife and learned that Letian came to Changle City without telling his family.Faced with Grandpa's accusation, Lotte angrily retorted that he was not as powerful as the legend said, and was even a bit cowardly and incompetent. The father and son had a big quarrel.That night, Letian rested in Ren Shu and Jia Yuhuan's room, which reminded Ren Shu of his relationship with his father. He felt very uncomfortable, and he didn't want Letian to follow in his footsteps.

Early the next morning, under Ren Shu's persuasion, Letian took the initiative to apologize to his grandfather, and the father and son reconciled as before.The big shopkeeper wanted to fire Guo Dongli. Lotte realized the seriousness of the matter and rarely sincerely apologized to the big shopkeeper.Seeing this situation, the big shopkeeper couldn't bear it, so he asked Guo Dongli to continue to stay in Wanli Building. As for promotion and salary increase, Guo Dongli didn't dare to have any more extravagant hopes.

Thinking of his son's hard time coming, Guo Dongli took a few days off to spend time with Lotte.On the other hand, Lotte knew that Grandpa was working hard and said that if he felt tired, he would go home and he would grow up and make money to support him. Guo Dongli was deeply moved by these words.In a blink of an eye, the day came when Letian was going to return to his hometown. Guo Dongli prepared many gifts to prevent Letian from lying around again about grandpa's death.Before leaving, Lotte got into Chengfeng Escort's car and promised that he would not run away again. He heard the conversation between the escort chief and the person, and learned that the escort chief already knew Ren Shu's identity as a princess, and he only let people know when he saw the princess being bullied.Teach the big shopkeeper a lesson.

《thr happy seven in changan》E20Plot

Di Ren goes into Li Mansion to investigate the murder case

At three o'clock in the middle of the night, a man fell from the sky, claiming his surname was Di Mingren, and he was the famous detective detective in Changle City.On the other hand, there was a man of unknown origin in the mansion who had long since passed away, so Di Ren suspected that the deceased was closely related to everyone in the mansion, and that there was a murderer among them.

However, everyone felt that Di Ren was the most suspicious. Di Ren said that he traced the case to the Li Mansion, but was unexpectedly attacked by someone. When he woke up, he found himself lying next to the deceased.Di Renjie interrogated everyone one by one, requiring them to provide evidence of their own innocence and evidence of the innocence of others.

Whenever Di Ren asks a question, everyone has to rush to answer it first, but Liu Lang's answer is more in line with the psychological characteristics of the murderer, so Liu Lang is identified as the murderer.Shangguan Furuchuan hurriedly defended Liu Lang, proving that he was playing chess with Liu Lang last night and had an alibi.

Then everyone came to the yard to check the body and found that the deceased's injuries and the method did not look like the same person.Seeing that Fan Zhongju had done a lot of research on corpses, Di Ren looked at him with suspicion. Fan Zhongju explained that he usually liked reading and dabbled in a little bit.Because of this, Di Ren decided to search everyone's rooms one by one.

Ren Shu was worried that Liu Lang had taken over a bounty hunter, but Liu Lang said that no matter how stupid he was, he would never dump the body in the Li Mansion. Furukawa also believed in Liu Lang's character.At this time, Xie Quanjia came to deliver a message on Di Ren's behalf and wanted to personally search Shangguan Furuchuan's room. As a result, a bloody stick was found in the room.

Shangguan Furuchuan lied that he played chess with Liu Lang last night and detailed every step of the chess move. The blood on the stick was his willingness to admit defeat, and his forehead was bleeding from Liu Lang's blow.Di Ren didn't believe it at all. He laughed and joked that there was grass growing in the house and he could still remember the details of playing chess with a head injury. He must be lying.

Under Di Ren's questioning, Furukawa admitted that he was indeed lying, but there was not enough evidence to prove that he was the murderer.Di Ren continued to check the room and found many hidden weapons in Ren Shu's room. After comparison, the knife edges were exactly the same as the wounds.Jia Yuhuan and Fan Zhongju hurriedly testified for Ren Shu. Last night, they were reading the manuscript of The Book of Mountains and Rivers. When they got hungry, they went to the kitchen to get pastries, and they saw Ren Shu secretly eating the pastries bought by Shangguan Furuchuan.

After hearing this, Shangguan Furuchuan was furious and had a big quarrel with Ren Shu. Ren Shu angrily exposed that he and Liu Lang did not play chess.Di Ren asked Liu Lang to prove his innocence and found hemp rope in his room. Liu Lang had to confess that he suffered from sleepwalking and would wake up in a different place every day.

Xie Quanjia recalled that she did find someone in Liu Lang's house last night, and suspected that someone was going to put the blame on Liu Lang.Di Ren found blood stains and valuable threads from Liu Lang's pillow. All signs pointed to Shangguan Furuchuan, a son of a wealthy family.But Furukawa explained that he accidentally entered Liu Lang's room last night, which was caused by night blindness, and he accidentally tripped on a stick.

Although Ren Shu felt that Shangguan Furuchuan was not trustworthy enough, Di Ren still believed his words and finally targeted Xie Quanjia, the only one who had not investigated carefully, and concluded that Xie Quanjia was a hidden Han in the Golden House.Sure enough, a box in the house caught Di Ren's attention, which contained black cloth and banknotes. Di Ren suspected that the black cloth was the hood she used to commit the crime, and insisted on taking her to the Yamen to confess.

Xie Quanjia said that she has snored since she was a child, so she wears a hood to sleep at night.Di Ren found it unbelievable that there were so many strange things in the Li Mansion. Only five people suffered from night blindness, sleepwalking, and snoring. It would be hard for anyone to believe it.It happened that Guo Dongli came to Li Mansion at this time to reveal his identity as a tenant and revealed that he had seen the deceased in Wanli Building last night.

Just as Di Ren was flipping through the information book looking for clues, the deceased suddenly woke up and scared everyone.It turned out that the “deceased” was Liu Lang's junior fellow student from the outer courtyard. He was being chased and fled to the Li Mansion. During the process, he accidentally knocked Di Ren unconscious. As a result, he met Liu Lang who was wandering at night and knocked him unconscious.Di Ren hurriedly investigated the identity of the masked man. The masked man confessed the truth and decided to surrender. Just when everyone was relieved, they unexpectedly discovered that Di Ren was not the same person at all. The person in front of him had stolen the Yamen's token and saber without authorization and pretended to beDi Ren came to Li Mansion to investigate the case.

《thr happy seven in changan》E21Plot

Episode 21

thr happy seven in changan episode 21 plot introduction: All marriages are destined by God

During this period of time, Changle City has been calm and peaceful. Everyone in the Li Mansion couldn't stand watching Fan Zhongju and Jia Yuhuan show off their affection every day, so they made trouble and destroyed them in various ways.Guo Dongli suddenly brought good news, saying that in order to solve the marriage issue of single men and women, Zhou Shangshu decided to collect basic information of unmarried men and women of the right age in the city, and then made a roster to hold a friendship and hand-holding conference.

At first, no one was interested, but Guo Dongli said that there would be corresponding rewards for successful matching, and they were very rich and attractive.After hearing this, Xie Quanjia immediately stated that she would fully cooperate with the government's work and decided to sign up to participate. Shangguan Furuchuan, Liu Lang, and Ren Shu also proposed to participate.

Shangguan Furuchuan noticed that Liu Lang was extremely perfunctory in filling out the blind date information, so he gave him advice and told him that he should focus on highlighting his own advantages in order to leave a good impression on others.Although Liu Lang currently works at a post station, at Furukawa's suggestion, he changed his career as a postman to transportation, which is full of mystery.Similarly, Xie Quanjia and Furukawa had the same idea, writing that picking up jars by themselves was a waste integration.

Then everyone contacted the painter to paint for themselves, then went to Wanli Building to pay the fee, received the seal and slip card to enter the portrait area, and if they met the person they liked, they could stamp it.Xie Quanjia valued a man who worked in the government, so he wasted a slip card to stamp, but found that the man looked extremely ugly, and he instantly lost interest.

On the other hand, when Shangguan Furuchuan saw Xie Quanjia's introduction and saw that her exaggerated description attracted the attention of many men, he felt even more jealous.So Furukawa found various reasons to persuade those people to leave, and did things that made him jealous without knowing it. Even the boy next to him couldn't stand it.At the same time, Jia Yuhuan and Fan Zhongju bet that Xie Quanjia and Furukawa would be the first to find their partner. However, they saw Liu Lang leading two women into the room. They were so frightened that they went up to take a look. The three of them were actually preparing to worship heaven and earth.

Fan Zhongju and Jia Yuhuan rushed in in desperation and persuaded the two girls to think twice and treat their marriages with caution.However, the girls looked confused and said that they had met Liu Lang as before. They were both from the martial arts world and admired Liu Lang's martial arts talent, so they wanted to become sworn brothers and sisters. This operation was even more surprising.

It didn't take long for both Xie Quanjia and Shangguan Furukawa to find suitable candidates. As a result, the two met and started to quarrel, exposing each other's shortcomings and tit-for-tat. Fortunately, the other half didn't care.Xie Quanjia complained about Shangguan Furukawa in front of her favorite man Yang Fan, but Yang Fan felt that Furukawa should be very important to her, otherwise how could she never leave each other.

But despite this, Xie Quanjia didn't feel that she was interested in Shangguan Furuchuan. It was entirely due to anger, and she wanted to take him back to the Li Mansion to let everyone know him.Similarly, when Shangguan Furuchuan brought his favorite woman Liu Qingqing back to the Li Mansion, he heard Ren Shu praising Yang Fan for her extraordinary appearance and jealously praising Liu Qingqing for being gentle and lovely.

At Guo Dongli's suggestion, everyone played a guessing game in the backyard.In the first game, Fan Zhongju guessed and Jia Yuhuan made gestures. The two cooperated with each other and passed the test smoothly.Immediately afterwards, Liu Lang and Ren Shu guessed the crossword puzzle. Although Liu Lang didn't speak during the whole process, Ren Shu still guessed his meaning, which surprised everyone.

But when it came to the scene between Xie Quanjia and Yang Fan, Yang Fan didn't understand Xie Quanjia's gestures, but Shangguan Furuchuan could see it at a glance.The tacit understanding between Shangguan Furuchuan and Liu Qingqing was also very poor. Xie Quanjia gave the answer directly, which allowed everyone watching to see who was the real couple.

After the game ended, everyone found that Liu Qingqing and Yang Fan were chatting happily, and realized that some people's fate is so wonderful. Planting flowers intentionally fails, but planting willows unintentionally creates shade.Three days later, the matching results showed that Yang Fan and Liu Qingqing had the best chemistry, so Xie Quanjia, Shangguan Furuchuan and others were not on the list.Liu Lang felt a little regretful. If Shangguan Furuchuan and Xie Quanjia were paired successfully, maybe the two of them could win the championship. But looking back, they were still arguing, and even Guo Dongli couldn't stand it.

《thr happy seven in changan》E22Plot

Episode 22

thr happy seven in changan episode 22 plot introduction: Fan Zhongju disappeared and caused an oolong incident

In the middle of the night, Fan Zhongju was followed and fainted due to excessive fright.Jia Yuhuan rushed to the county government office to report to the county government, claiming that Fan Zhongju had suddenly disappeared and his whereabouts were unknown.Because she was excited and spoke confusingly, everyone explained the whole story to the officials on her behalf.

The official briefly inquired about the situation. Considering the recent frequent disappearances of young people from Changle City in Changle City, they attached great importance to the matter and decided to report it and set up a special investigation team.Everyone returned home first to wait for the news. Shangguan Furuchuan comforted Jia Yuhuan and believed that Fan Zhongju was unlikely to disappear for no reason, while Liu Lang speculated that it was most likely a kidnapping.

Xie Quanjia prevented Jia Yuhuan from overthinking and hurriedly explained that maybe Fan Zhongju had gone out to relax, but Liu Lang once again suspected that he had been kidnapped while relaxing, and Jia Yuhuan was heard crying and wiping away tears.The collectors came to interview after hearing the news. Xie Quanjia thought that officials had previously told them to fill out an information form because a young man from Changpiao nearby was attacked at night. Zhou Shangshu introduced the latest public security management regulations for safety reasons.

People have different opinions when it comes to filling in emergency contacts.Before Fan Zhongju disappeared, he complained to Guo Dongli, thinking that Jia Yuhuan did not love him, otherwise why did he not fill in his own name in the emergency contact, but filled in Ren Shu.At that time, Guo Dongli thought it was no big deal and comforted Fan Zhongju not to think wildly. Who knew that Fan Zhongju suddenly disappeared and there was reason to suspect that he was heartbroken by Jia Yuhuan.

However, Jia Yuhuan complained about Ren Shu in turn, feeling that she regarded her as a treasure, but she filled in someone else's name, so she came to Fan Zhongju to complain, without taking Fan Zhongju's feelings into consideration.Ren Shu felt a little aggrieved for being involved. Since Xie Quanjia was the owner of the house and a local, there was nothing wrong with writing her as the emergency contact. She also suggested that Xie Quanjia write Shangguan Furuchuan's name.

Shangguan Furuchuan thought that Xie Quanjia really wrote his own name, but he didn't expect that Xie Quanjia wrote Liu Lang's name, and Liu Lang wrote the name of his friend Li Yongjun, indicating that as people in the world, they could help clean up if something unexpected happened one day.On the other hand, Shangguan Furuchuan lied and claimed that he had written the name of the young prince, which made Fan Zhongju feel that he was not taken seriously by everyone and became frustrated.

Everyone felt sad for Fan Zhongju's experience, and even blamed him and argued with each other.Officials arrived in time to resolve the conflict and interrogated for clues about Fan Zhongju.Liu Lang revealed that Fan Zhongju had delivered account books to the Yamen. At this time, someone came to report that a young man was injured while trying to catch the murderer. He was currently lying in the hospital and could not find an emergency contact. He only knew that he lived in Li Mansion.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present thought that the young man was Fan Zhongju, and rushed over in a hurry.Shangguan Furuchuan took the opportunity to ask for the account books and wanted to change the name of the emergency contact person Xie Quanjia.In the hospital, the young man was lying on the bed covered with gauze. Jia Yuhuan cried bitterly and apologized, vowing not to marry him except for him.

However, the young man was seriously injured and could not speak clearly. Just when everyone thought he had lost the ability to speak, Fan Zhongju actually walked out of the crowd and declared on the spot that he would marry Jia Yuhuan.It turns out that the person Fan Zhongju met was not the murderer, but Mei Pengyou, who was withdrawn and eager to make friends.

The two met like old friends and had a very good chat. However, in the end, Mei Pengyou was afraid of Fan Zhongju's enthusiasm and gave up the idea of ​​making friends. As a result, he was injured while escaping.Fortunately, Fan Zhongju got a blessing in disguise and understood Jia Yuhuan's intentions and solved the misunderstanding.The next day, Liu Lang reenacted the kidnapping scene with everyone, saying that if he is no longer around one day, he hopes everyone can protect themselves.Through this incident, Xie Quanjia decided to embroider everyone's names on their clothes as emergency contacts. As for Li Yongjun, Liu Lang's often talked about friend, he was actually a cute puppy.

《thr happy seven in changan》E23Plot

Episode 23

thr happy seven in changan episode 23 plot introduction: Fear before marriage and almost breaking up

Jia Yuhuan and Fan Zhongju have gone through so much, and the lovers finally got married, so they considered getting married.However, compared to the two parties involved, everyone seemed to be in a higher mood. They were actively preparing for the wedding, and they had to conduct rehearsals in advance. Everyone had set tasks and had to act separately.

The countdown to the wedding was ninety days away. Shangguan Furukawa took Fan Zhongju to choose wedding clothes. Fan Zhongju felt that no matter what he chose, he always got the same outfit. However, Furukawa believed that there were dozens of ways to say the color red alone, and wedding clothes were extremely important to them.meaning.On the other hand, Jia Yuhuan seemed to have no interest in wedding clothes. Fan Zhongju repeated what Furukawa said.

Because Jia Yuhuan's parents died young, Ren Shulai played the role of the grandfather, and Xie Quanjia played the role of the mother-in-law.On the wedding day, there will inevitably be questions to test the couple. These questions will mention the love process, common hobbies, and their thoughts on the future.

Obviously both Fan Zhongju and Jia Yuhuan were extremely narcissistic. Fan Zhongju felt that it was his talent that attracted Jia Yuhuan, but Jia Yuhuan felt that it was his own charm that impressed Fan Zhongju.Both of them prefer to write and read poems, but Fan Zhongju thought that Jia Yuhuan liked his poems. In fact, Jia Yuhuan liked Li Tu's poems more.

The countdown to the wedding was eighty-two days away. Fan Zhongju and Jia Yuhuan were tasting dishes at Wanli Building. They ate from morning to noon, and then from noon to evening. Guo Dongli could tell the difference between even two plates of roast chicken.After several days in a row, he still couldn't choose a suitable dish. When Fan Zhongju came back from Wanli Building with his belly in hand, he had to be watched by Liu Lang to exercise, and even started devil training.

When it came to the last question, both Fan Zhongju and Jia Yuhuan were a little hesitant. They thought they were ready for marriage before, but now they seem a little frightened. Not only do they not see the beauty of marriage, they also feel the heavy responsibilities after marriage..Guo Dongli comforted Fan Zhongju not to think too much. If you want to feel the romance of life, you must accept the triviality of life.On the other hand, Liu Lang and Shangguan Furuchuan competed to be the best man and were jealous of the same man.

There were sixty-five days left before the wedding. Xie Quanjia and the others invited women they had met in Changle City to gather together to send blessings to Jia Yuhuan. However, Jia Yuhuan was a little flattered and felt even more exhausted physically and mentally after the whole day.Fan Zhongju no longer had the enthusiasm to get married, and came to her with a tired face to discuss choosing wedding candies. As a result, he became unhappy because of the wedding candies, and cracks appeared in the relationship.

Then everyone sat together and discussed that the two of them had pre-marital phobia. According to the current situation, they might not be able to successfully hold the wedding.As someone who has experienced it, Guo Dongli said that persuading peace was of no use and the only way was to do the opposite.That night, Jia Yuhuan picked up an apology poem signed by Fan Zhongju, but she could tell at a glance that it was copied by Ren Shu and Xie Quanjia.

On the other side, Shangguan Furuchuan, Liu Lang and Guo Dongli came to persuade Fan Zhongju. As a result, Fan Zhongju became rebellious and swore on the spot that if he took the initiative to reconcile with Jia Yuhuan, he would be a dog.Jia Yuhuan was also furious when he heard these words, and the two of them felt like they would never interact with each other.Seeing this, everyone took advantage of the situation and tried to persuade them to break up rather than reconcile, thinking that they should have parted ways long ago, and once they separated, they could never look back.

As expected, Fan Zhongju and Jia Yuhuan were a little panicked and tried to find ways to save the relationship.With everyone's encouragement, the two reaffirmed each other's intentions and were able to bravely face the difficulties of marriage no matter what the future holds.The next morning, they held hands and expressed their intention to postpone the wedding. Although Xie Quanjia and others were a little regretful, they still supported their decision and stated that they would definitely prepare a big gift on the wedding day.

《thr happy seven in changan》E24Plot

Episode 24

As the New Year approaches, everyone is preparing to go home for the New Year. Xie Quanjia feels embarrassed after his suggestion that everyone stay behind is rejected.

Wanli Building suddenly welcomed a guest. This person came to Guo Dongli and directly invited him to be the shopkeeper of Juhua Building. He would pay 15 guan per month and even have a letter of appointment as proof.On the other hand, Fan Zhongju tempted Jia Yuhuan with various delicacies, hoping that she would follow him home for the New Year. Jia Yuhuan wanted Ren Shu to go with her, but Ren Shu couldn't bear to leave Xie Quanjia alone.

At Fan Zhongju's suggestion, Ren Shu approached Xie Quanjia to discuss going to Bianliang to celebrate the New Year, and there was also a street in the Western Regions there, which was very tempting to her.Xie Quanjia felt that Fan Zhongju simply wanted to take Jia Yuhuan home, and the man's words were not reliable at all.At this time, Guo Dongli came to say goodbye to Xie Quanjia, and frankly admitted that he had agreed to work at Juhualou in his hometown, and he would probably never return to Changle City again.

Ren Shu was confused when he saw that the appointment letter actually had the seal of Chengfeng Escort Agency, but Guo Dongli was so immersed in joy that he didn't notice anything strange at all.Guo Dongli invited Xie Quanjia to return to Huating County, but Xie Quanjia declined politely because if Shangguan Furuchuan was kicked out by his family, at least he could take him in in Changle City.

Shangguan Furuchuan was a little touched when he found out, so he bought fireworks and was willing to stay with Xie Quanjia, as long as she would write a letter to his mother-in-law for him.Xie Quanjia did not agree, and everyone was arguing about letting Xie Quanjia go back with him, but Xie Quanjia suddenly brought a letter saying that he was going to Shaozhou to find his grandfather.

Ren Shu saw that this letter also had the seal of Chengfeng Escort Agency, and wondered why Li Tiandi refused to write the letter until now, but Xie Quanjia thought it was normal.It was this letter that reminded Ren Shu of his grandfather, and after much thought he decided to return to the Western Regions.In the end, everyone had their own arrangements. Fan Zhongju took Jia Yuhuan back to Bianliang to meet his parents, Guo Dongli returned to Huating County to reunite with his wife and children, Liu Lang must return to Tangmen in Sichuan, and Shangguan Furuchuan changed his route to Zhenzhou.

Before parting, everyone came to Wanli Building to get together. Since the chef and the waiters had gone home for the holidays, they could only cook in person. They even unexpectedly discovered that the true identity of Liu Biaotou of Chengfeng Escort Bureau was actually a military general from the Western Regions who was ordered to secretlyProtecting the young princess Ren Shu, he sent people to write letters in the names of their respective families to persuade them to go home. Only when they left Changle City could Ren Shu return to the Western Regions.

Although Juhualou did hire Guo Dongli, the salary was reduced to half, and the remaining money was made up by Liu Biaotou out of his own pocket.Ren Shu could understand his father's good intentions and promised to leave with Liu Biaotou after finishing the meal.Everyone put together a banquet, but unfortunately there was no meat or dumplings. What was even more sad was that they were sad to see each other apart. This time together made them feel better.

The next morning, Jia Yuhuan and Ren Shuyi said goodbye.Guo Dongli said goodbye to Furukawa with tears in his eyes, and Liu Lang was reluctant to leave Xie Quanjia and left alone with her embroidered name.After everyone left, Shangguan Furukawa came to Xie Quanjia with something. Before he could speak, Xie Quanjia urged Furukawa to go back quickly.

Then Xie Quanjia walked alone on the street with her luggage, walking aimlessly to the dumpling stall, bought all the dumplings and returned to Li's house.Xie Quanjia saw the basket Furukawa had prepared at the door, which contained her favorite fireworks. Although the fireworks were beautiful, they could not hide her inner disappointment.

At the same time, more gorgeous fireworks bloomed over the entire Changle City, attracting everyone to turn around and stop to watch.Xie Quanjia followed the direction and saw Shangguan Furukawa setting off fireworks in the attic. The two looked side by side into the distance, showing happy smiles.Shangguan Furuchuan wanted to express his love to Xie Quanjia, but he swallowed his words before he asked to cook dumplings with him.

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Lang descended from the sky and wanted to stay with them to celebrate the New Year.Just when the three of them were about to eat dumplings, Guo Dongli, Fan Zhongju and others turned back and bought dumplings stuffed with mutton and green onions, making various excuses to stay in Li's house.On this night, everyone happily spent New Year's Eve. Xie Quanjia thought that there were seven jars of daughter's red in the cellar, but found Li Tiandi hiding in the cellar and cast a sly look at them.

thr happy seven in changan

thr happy seven in changan

Total 24 Episodes Jan 30, 2024 C-Drama Period/Comedy Actor: Bu Guanjin Ma Tianyu