Japan’s criminal conviction rate is 99.9“.However, the protagonist (played by Hiroki Hasegawa) is a lawyer who can turn the case into an innocent case even if there is 100” evidence to prove the prisoner's guilt.That is, the “villain”lawyer who“ lets the murderer be freed”.It's hard to call him a hero. He is actually an infinitely dark and dangerous figure.But, is the opposite of justice really evil?

This drama goes beyond the framework of a legal TV drama. Through ANTI HERO played by Hiromi Hasegawa, it conveys to the audience what justice is? Is it really a bad thing if it is considered evil in the world?“, in a quick wayunfolding, subverting common sense one after another, as well as trivial opportunities in daily life, such as ” missing a tram “” forgetting to bring something home to pick up % in the morning, and just because of this, justice and evil will alternate, good peoplewill become the bad guy, just like the butterfly effect, delivering an unprecedented entertainment story of reversal paradox.



Total 10 Episodes Apr 14, 2024 Japan Myst/Crime