《Young Love Lost》Ep Intro

In the early 1990s, in Fucheng, a small town on the southeastern coast, a group of teenagers were chasing youth on the train of the times. They were enthusiastic and reckless, growing up wantonly and barbarically.In the search for the stars, they completed the “ ordinary and extraordinary ” transformation. In the sweetest and brightest years of youth, they worked hard to welcome their glorious years and gained growth and love.By creating “Undefined Youth”, we use a story that happened in the 1990s to open up a communication channel with the current “Z Generation”.

《Young Love Lost》E1Plot

Episode 1

Young Love Lost Episode 1 Plot Introduction: A new person comes to the food factory

In Fucheng, Lu Xiaolu (played by Hou Minghao) was having a sweet dream about meeting Wang Zuxian face to face. Unexpectedly, when he opened his eyes, he saw his mother!As soon as her mother came up, she told Lu Xiaolu to get up quickly. After all, today is the big day for the college entrance examination. During breakfast, her mother also told Lu Xiaolu to go home early after the exam. She said that there were gangsters around recently and Lu Xiaolu’s hair was so long.What should I do if I am treated as a little girl? When it comes to this, Xiaolu’s father only said that his son looks like him and looks so delicate. His mother was not happy when he heard this. The two started arguing. When Lu Xiaolu saw this, he ran away with a tape recorder.But before taking two steps, Lu Xiaolu was stopped by her mother. Lu Xiaolu bluntly said that the teacher asked her to bring a tape recorder to the school for a party. Her mother was still worried that it would affect the college entrance examination. Lu Xiaolu promised many times and then hurried out, but her mother still insisted on lying on the railing.Told Lu Xiaolu to come back early and be careful of gangsters!

In the food factory, a story about a female employee encountering gangsters was being played. Li Guangnan and Lu Xiaolu were guarding outside the food factory. It turned out that Li Guangnan wanted to wish the girl he liked a happy birthday, and Lu Xiaolu also came to help with a tape recorder.Xiaolu was still worried about the college entrance examination, and finally waited for Qin Juan after waiting for a long time. However, faced with Li Guangnan's expression of love, Qin Juan didn't want to hear it at all, and even called the two of them hooligans. In an instant, all the employees in the factory gathered around, and LuXiaolu said that he was anxious to take the college entrance examination, but the other party didn't believe it at all, and said that he would send him to the security department. Li Guangnan threatened the other party that Lu Xiaolu's brother was Lu Dajiang!The workers became even more angry when they heard this, and started fighting!In the chaos, Bai Lan (played by Yang Caiyu) carried a suitcase into the factory. Lu Xiaolu snatched Bai Lan's suitcase and used it as a weapon. In the end, the suitcase was broken and the luggage flew everywhere!

Lu Xiaolu and the others were quickly detained by people from the security department, but when asked who made the first move, everyone shied away from each other. Qin Juan directly said that she did not see it, and then left. At this time, Bai LanWhen she was packing her things and the other party asked her if she saw it, Bai Lan said that she saw who made the first move!When Bai Lan appeared in front of Lu Xiaolu, Lu Xiaolu had just quarreled with Bi Zhigang from the Secretariat. Unexpectedly, Bai Lan opened her mouth and said that Lu Xiaolu was the one who made the move first. Lu Xiaolu was confused and could only follow the police.After leaving the scene, Lao Wu let Lu Xiaolu go and told Lu Xiaolu to take the college entrance examination and become a college student!After Lu Xiaolu thanked him, he rushed to the examination room, but it was still too late. When he turned around, he saw Li Guangnan. The two simply sat outside the examination room and ate sugar cane. At the same time, they were thinking about the future. Lu Xiaolu said that he wanted to firstSurvive tonight!

The factory director was on the phone, and Bi Zhigang was introducing the new factory doctor Bai Lan. Suddenly Lu Dajiang barged in and wanted to find a way out. He threatened the factory director as soon as he came up. Bi Zhigang surrounded him. Bai Lan faced him in the chaos.Lu Dajiang's head is like a stick!Lu Dajiang was helped away directly. When Lu Dajiang opened his eyes, Lu Xiaolu was beside him. When the two were chatting, Bai Lan came up to him. Lu Dajiang bluntly said that if he loses, he will have a billiards game with Bai Lan.As a result, Lu Dajiang fell into a weak position, and Lu Xiaolu took over. At the critical moment, Lu Xiaolu's mother came to find him. Lu Dajiang quickly took over for Lu Xiaolu and left. Lu Dajiang was concerned about what Lu Xiaolu was going to do in the future. Lu Xiaolu said that he wanted to have a try., Lu Dajiang lamented that it’s not that simple!

A month later, Lu Xiaolu and Li Guangnan went to the food factory together. Lu Xiaolu also helped Qin Juan speak at the radio station. After speaking, they started chatting, but they forgot to turn off the microphone, so everyone in the factory heard Qin Juan and Lu XiaoluDiscuss the fact that Bai Lan killed someone before!Lu Xiaolu's mother quickly ran to the radio station to stop them from continuing, but it was too late.Qin Juan stayed with Bai Lan at night, so there were more and more gossips about Bai Lan!Qin Juan took Lu Xiaolu and Li Guangnan to meet several old workers in the maintenance class, Brother Debao, Lao Niubi, Longjie. Lao Niubi gave each of them a treasure, and said that if they lost it, it would be gone.

It started to rain heavily again. Bailan was riding a bicycle alone, and a man in a raincoat quietly appeared behind him!

《Young Love Lost》E2Plot

Episode 2

Young Love Lost Episode 2 Plot Introduction: Lu Xiaolu pretends to be Bailan’s boyfriend

Not long after Bai Lan rode his bicycle, he heard someone blowing a whistle. Bai Lan realized something was wrong, so he got off the bicycle. However, Bai Lan was not someone to be trifled with, so he took care of the person in three strokes, five divided by two, thenThe gangster ran away in a hurry, but he still left behind a mask with a particularly conspicuous word “路” on it. Soon the mask arrived at the factory director's office.Lu Xiaolu was called into the office immediately. Lu Xiaolu couldn’t argue. Lu Xiaolu denied that he was the gangster. Bai Lan stood up from behind the cabinet and stared at Lu Xiaolu. Lu Xiaolu hurriedly explained and said that the factory director could go find him.Li Guangnan confirmed that he was a good person, but the factory director was stunned. After all, Li Guangnan and He Lu Xiaolu were so familiar that there was no way he could serve as a witness.Lu Xiaolu explained that he would definitely find the truth. The factory director also asked Lu Xiaolu to go back first, but the matter would continue to be investigated. Lu Xiaolu took a look at Bai Lan and left.The factory director quickly asked Bai Lan if the figure of the gangster looked like Lu Xiaolu, and said that it was really difficult to check, but Bai Lan said that he had a way.

The story of Bai Lan fighting off the gangster spread in the factory. Some people thought that it was because Bai Lan usually wore too fashionable clothes, which attracted the attention of the gangster. Bai Lan heard this, but he immediately fought back on the spot. Bi Zhigang also stood up for him.Bai Lan spoke, and then Bai Lan became concerned about the physical examination of new young workers, saying that he was going to take a look. Bi Zhigang knew that Bai Lan suspected that the gangster was from the factory, and Bai Lan did not deny it.Lu Xiaolu was chatting with Li Guangnan about the gangster. Unexpectedly, when he looked up, he saw Bai Lan. Bai Lan ignored them and chatted with other workers about the physical examination.When it came time for the physical examination, Bailan put on the mask and medical gloves and asked Lu Xiaolu to come first. Lu Xiaolu pulled his pants down a little, and Bailan said he wanted to take off his clothes!Lu Xiaolu walked away directly, saying that something bad happened to him.

Lu Xiaolu then went to find Lu Dajiang. Lu Dajiang saw at a glance that Lu Xiaolu was being bullied by a woman. Lu Xiaolu said that he really couldn't stay in the factory if he continued like this, but Lu Dajiang said that since he entered the factory, he wouldLu Xiaolu wants to work with Lu Dajiang to make a career, but Lu Dajiang uses his own things to teach Lu Xiaolu to do things that others can't do!After Lu Xiaolu returned, he planned to catch the gangsters with Li Guangnan and Qin Juan. Lu Xiaolu fantasized about asking Qin Juan to help him lure out the gangsters, but Li Guangnan disagreed. In the end, he decided to let Li Guangnan lure the gangsters, but he did not expect that not onlyInstead of getting the job done, it actually delayed Lu Dajiang from dealing with Boss Hu!Lu Xiaolu turned around to think of a new way. Li Guangnan said that he could not find the second Bailan. At this time, Lu Xiaolu saw the scene of Niu Xiaoying catching pigs. He finally convinced Niu Xiaoying, but failed in the end. Lu Xiaolu not only sighed with emotionTo untie the bell, one must tie the bell.

Lu Xiaolu then found Bai Lan. Bai Lan didn't listen to Lu Xiaolu at all and bluntly told Lu Xiaolu to repair the car and send it to the downstairs of his dormitory.Lu Xiaolu turned around and went to repair the car. He also heard the workers outside making bets on who could catch Bai Lan first. Lu Xiaolu was angry that they were discussing a girl like this, so he stood up and stopped them. Li Guangnan couldn't help but wonder if Lu Xiaolu wasLu Xiaolu repeatedly denied that he fell in love with Bai Lan, saying bluntly that there was only hatred between the two!Lu Xiaolu went to deliver a car to Bai Lan the next day. Lu Xiaolu mentioned that the workers bet her and planned to use this as a condition in exchange for Bai Lan to help him catch the gangsters. However, Bai Lan still refused. Lu Xiaoluhave no choice.

Workers who were not sick came to Bailan's infirmary. Bi Zhigang stood up and drove them away. He also wanted to ask for a favor in front of Bailan, but Bailan didn't seem to care very much. When he turned around, he received a message from someone.After hearing the news of the fight, Bai Lan immediately took the medicine box and went out.When she arrived, she found that a group of workers who had nothing to do with her had deceived her. Bai Lan said that she had no interest in the people in the factory. Bai Lan wanted to say something, but the appearance of Lu Xiaolu interrupted her. Lu Xiaolu said bluntly that Bai LanLan already had a boyfriend, and then she pretended to be very intimate and kissed Bai Lan on the forehead. Everyone present was shocked!

《Young Love Lost》E3Plot

Episode 3

Young Love Lost Episode 3 Plot Introduction: The relationship between Bai Lan and Lu Xiaolu has eased

Bai Lan was angry and walked in front, while Lu Xiaolu chased after him. Bai Lan knew that Lu Xiaolu wanted him to help him catch the gangsters, but Bai Lan would never agree. Lu Xiaolu's behavior tonight made Bai Lan think that heIt's that gangster!Lu Xiaolu said that he really didn't mean that, but when Bai Lan asked Lu Xiaolu to apologize, Lu Xiaolu looked disdainful and bluntly said that there was no love for Sao Rui in his dictionary!Bai Lan got angry and punched Lu Xiaolu before leaving, leaving Lu Xiaolu alone in a daze.

The next day, news spread in the factory about Lu Xiaolu kissing Bai Lan. Qin Juan followed and asked questions non-stop. Bi Zhigang from Bai Lan also asked with concern whether Bai Lan really had a boyfriend. Bai Lan said bluntly that thisIt was his own private matter, so Bi Zhigang felt frustrated and had to leave.Bailan's colleagues advised Bailan that Bi Zhigang was much better than the workers. If she could really be with him, she wouldn't have to study hard to get out. Bailan asked her why she didn't pursue Bi Zhigang. The female worker said that she didn't have a woman.Bai Lan didn't say anything to the man who took the initiative to pursue him.Li Kenan asked Lu Xiaolu if he really liked Bai Lan. Lu Xiaolu objected instinctively, but when he turned around and dreamed, he dreamed of himself and Bai Lan kissing. Lu Xiaolu was frightened and woke up. Lu Xiaolu immediately checked on Li Kenan.Did you wake up? I was relieved when I saw Li Kenan sleeping soundly.

While eating, Qin Juan noticed something was wrong with Lu Xiaolu, and quickly asked if Lu Xiaolu had dreamed of something terrible. Lu Xiaolu denied it, but could not help but look in Bailan's direction.Suddenly, colleagues from the maintenance class rushed over in a hurry, saying that something had happened. Lu Xiaolu and Li Kenan went over together.It turned out that there was a problem with a machine brought back from Germany. Lao Niubi was already looking at it. He saw at a glance that a screw was loose. He was about to start repairing it, but the director stopped him and insisted on waiting for the machine from Germany.Someone came to repair it, but it took a week for the German people to come over. Lao Niu Pi was not happy when he heard that. After all, once the machine broke down, all the work had to stop. As an old man in the factory, Lao Niu Pi did not want this to happen.But the manager insisted not to let the old cowhide repair it, and said that they must bear all the consequences themselves!

The entire maintenance team fell into low pressure. Lu Xiaolu bluntly said that the machine must be repaired. He also used his extraordinary memory to draw a topographic map to the freezing workshop, but Lao Niubi said he would not repair it!But at night, when Lu Xiaolu took everyone to the freezing workshop, they met Lao Niubi!It turns out that Lao Niubi didn't want to implicate everyone, but now everyone has become a tightrope and wants to act together.Lu Xiaolu also came up with the idea of ​​having Long Legs pretend to be a ghost, and it was a great success in the end. However, Long Legs met Bai Lan when he was retreating!The next day everyone was discussing the haunting in the freezing workshop and saying that the machine was miraculously healed. Lao Niubi and Lu Xiaolu remained silent until they heard that the director still had to wait for the Germans to come over and not allow the work to start.People are very angry!

Finally, when the Germans came over, the Germans quickly discovered that there was an extra Chinese screw in the machine!The factory director then handed the old cowhide to the office. It turned out that the Germans threatened the factory with the original contract they signed, not allowing him to operate the machine!Lao Niubi didn't understand, and Lu Xiaolu also stood up and spoke, but it was of no use.In the end, Bailan went to Bi Zhigang and got the contract. Lu Xiaolu delayed the Germans. Bailan discovered the loopholes in the contract. Finally, Bailan caught up with the Germans. The Germans said they were shocked by Bailan's perseverance. Bailan bluntly said that it was justHave the right to pursue the truth!The matter was settled, and the factory director did not dwell on the matter. He said that Li Kenan and Lu Xiaolu would be severely punished, but in the end he just passed it by with a simple review. As for Lao Niupi, he repaired the machine., the merits and demerits were equal to each other, and the factory director did not pursue the matter too much.

When Lu Xiaolu woke up, he was lying in Bailan's infirmary. While Bailan was not there, Lu Xiaolu played with Bailan's white coat for a long time. When Bailan saw him, he lay down again, and Bailan directly exposed it.He, after this incident, the relationship between the two has eased a lot!

《Young Love Lost》E4Plot

Episode 4

Young Love Lost Episode 4 Plot Introduction: Bai Lan helps Lu Xiaolu catch the gangster

The exhibitionist appeared again, and everyone in the security department reminded the female employees in the factory to pay attention to safety as always.Bai Lan specifically went to the factory director to ask about the time when the exhibitionist appeared. Lu Xiaolu was with him at that time, so this also proved that Lu Xiaolu was not the gangster. He had blamed Lu Xiaolu for everything before. The factory director said that he wasHaving watched Lu Xiaolu grow up, he himself did not believe that Lu Xiaolu would do such a thing, but he could not rely solely on imagination when handling the case. Bai Lan said that he understood that only by finding the real gangster could he prove Lu Xiaolu's innocence.

After Bai Lan packed up, he went for a walk on the street again at night. Sure enough, the exhibitionist appeared behind Bai Lan. Bai Lan had a fight with him. Unexpectedly, Lu Xiaolu also came. In the end, the exhibitionist ran away. LuThe path was also injured.Bai Lan helped Lu Xiaolu treat the wound. Lu Xiaolu kept shouting that it hurt. After Bai Lan said a few words, Lu Xiaolu stopped crying.Bai Lan turned around and found that Lu Xiaolu's butt was also injured. Bai Lan started to help, but Lu Xiaolu was shy and bluntly said that he wanted to show it to his future wife. He also joked that he would rely on Bai Lan.With a disdainful face, he bluntly said that he had seen a lot of butts as a doctor. Should everyone be held responsible?Lu Xiaolu stopped talking.Bailan and Lu Xiaolu talked about the exhibitionist just now. Bailan Supermarket suspected that the two times were not the same person.Because this time the exhibitionist had no muscles and his body was soft, while the gangster last time was very strong and had a lot of muscles on his body. Lu Xiaolu said that Bailan misunderstood that he was a gangster last time because he had many muscles, so he changed the subject directly., Bailan rolled her eyes.

The next day, Bai Lan went to the old man in the factory to find the condoms that the exhibitionist had dropped. The other person was shocked at first, and then told Bai Lan that family planning supplies were usually placed with Chairman Zhao, and said that Chairman Zhao was a very nice person., everyone trusts her.This Chairman Zhao is Lu Xiaolu's mother. Lu Xiaolu returned home before Bai Lan came to find her. Lu Xiaolu's mother was playing mahjong, so Lu Xiaolu went back to his room and packed up his clothes.Then Bai Lan came. Bai Lan first exchanged greetings with Chairman Zhao, but found that family planning supplies were randomly placed at home, and there was no record of distribution at all!It was very difficult to investigate this. Bai Lan said that he would move the things back to the infirmary in a few days, but Chairman Zhao felt that Bai Lan didn't believe him. He blushed every time he came and went. Lu Xiaolu was very anxious after hearing this in the room.After hearing the news of Bai Lan leaving, he quickly chased after her.

Lu Xiaolu saw Bai Lan arriving on the rooftop alone. Lu Xiaolu quickly pulled the person down, fearing that Bai Lan would not be able to think about it anymore, but Bai Lan said that no one wanted to live more than herself.While the two were talking, Bai Lan seemed to see a man bullying a woman in the administrative office, but he disappeared all of a sudden. Lu Xiaolu thought Bai Lan was looking for an excuse to reject her, but Bai Lan bluntly said that she didn't need a reason to reject him!Lu Xiaolu persisted, and then invited Bai Lan to play in his brother's newly opened skating rink. Bai Lan said nothing.

When the day came for the opening of the skating rink, Lu Xiaolu did not see Bai Lan, and felt a little disappointed. But soon Bai Lan appeared like a ray of light, and Lu Xiaolu's world was instantly illuminated. During the skating competition, the twoPeople kept walking side by side, Lu Xiaolu was very happy, Qin Juan behind was very anxious, and in the panic, she ran into Boss Hu!Of course, Boss Hu couldn't spare her. The people on Lu Dajiang's side were not weak either. Soon the two sides started spraying each other with fireworks. Lu Xiaolu and Bai Lan both laughed. They looked at each other and walked away from under the fireworks.In the past, the picture was very exciting!Lu Xiaolu also sent Bai Lan back at night. Li Kenan saw that Qin Juan didn't like him and was very distressed. However, Lu Xiaolu said that he would keep chasing her. If he couldn't catch up, Niu Xiaoying would be there. Niu Xiaoying suddenly appeared and gave it back to Lu Xiaolu.After delivering the food, Li Kenan instantly started joking about Lu Xiaolu and Niu Xiaoying.While they were having a fight, they didn't know that Bai Lan had just returned home and found a threatening letter from home!

The next day, Bai Lan told Lu Xiaolu about the incident. Lu Xiaolu turned around and posted the threatening letter in the lost and found area. Then the two of them hid in the dark and watched. It rained behind them, and finally they waited for someone.Tear off the threatening letter!It's a girl!

《Young Love Lost》E5Plot

Episode 5

Young Love Lost Episode 5 Plot Introduction: Bai Lan and Lu Xiaolu help A Fang

Lu Xiaolu and Bai Lan caught the person who wrote a threatening letter to Bai Lan. It turned out to be A Fang. Bai Lan didn't understand why A Fang did this. It turned out that it was because there was only one place for the entrance examination in the factory this year. Ding Dezhong suddenly suddenlyAfter changing his mind, Ah Fang thought it was all Bai Lan's fault, so he wrote a threatening letter to Bai Lan.Bai Lan explained that she didn't know what happened, but A Fang didn't listen at all and turned around and left, leaving Lu Xiaolu and Bai Lan stunned.

When Lu Xiaolu and Bai Lan heard the news about A Fang again the next day, A Fang was already standing on the rooftop, with a lot of people gathered below. Lu Xiao Lu and Bai Lan were worried about whether A Fang would be happy, but the people below were worried.Indifferent, Ding Dezhong's wife used a loudspeaker to scold A Fang for slandering Ding De Zhong. A Fang was anxious to prove his innocence, but Bi Zhigang also stood up and asked A Fang if there were any witnesses. A Fang jumped anxiously, and suddenly Lu Xiaolu's voice came from behind, sayingIt can help Afang testify. It turns out that Lu Xiaolu and Bai Lan were already standing behind her when Afang was not paying attention. Bai Lan calmed down and asked Afang if Ding Dezhong bullied her in the administrative office that day. Afang was surprised by Bai Lan.Seeing it, Bai Lan also completely understood A Fang at this moment, and then Bai Lan extended a helping hand to A Fang, and A Fang walked down. Although the people below were still discussing this, fortunately A Fang was already stable.Came down.Lu Xiaolu was able to help A Fang in times of crisis. This behavior made Bai Lan look at her with admiration. Lu Xiaolu bluntly said that it was because she knew that even if she didn't stand up, Bai Lan would stand up. Bai Lan smiled and said nothing..

When Lu Xiaolu returned to the maintenance class, everyone was worried about him. After all, there was no benefit in openly confronting Ding Dezhong. Maybe the factory would fire Lu Xiaolu in order to protect Ding Dezhong. Lu Xiaolu still insisted on his statement, saying that he would notI regretted helping Ah Fang speak, and I believed that what Ah Fang said was true.Lu Xiaolu was quickly called back by her mother. As soon as she walked in, her mother handed over the apology letter she had prepared. She also said that this was the only way to save Lu Xiaolu. Otherwise, Lu Xiaolu would offend Ding Dezhong and if he was fired by the factory againIf you leave, it will be difficult to enter another factory. Mom really thinks about Lu Xiaolu, but Lu Xiaolu is also determined to help Ah Fang!Lu Xiaolu was then called away by Lu Dajiang. Lu Dajiang asked Lu Xiaolu. Lu Xiaolu also hoped to get Lu Dajiang's approval, but when he turned around, Lu Dajiang asked Qin Juan to come over. It turned out to be because Lu Xiaolu's mother asked Lu Dajiang to come over.!Lu Xiaolu asked Qin Juan if she also wanted to push herself. Qin Juan said that she wanted Xiao Lu to be better, but Lu Xiaolu didn't understand.

The first person Ding Dezhong met turned out to be Bi Zhigang. Bi Zhigang also came up with a good idea for Ding Dezhong, which was to ask Bai Lan to issue a mental certificate to A Fang. After all, a mental patient's words cannot be trusted. Ding Dezhong was very satisfied., so Bi Zhigang stopped the job.At this time, Bai Lan was accompanying A Fang. A Fang told Bai Lan that she had worked hard for many years to take the exam, but in the end, Ding Dezhong gave all the places to those from related households. Bai Lan sympathized with A Fang very much and understood A Fang.For this reason, Bai Lan also encouraged A Fang not to succumb to evil forces!Soon Bi Zhigang came over and threatened Bai Lan in the hope that Bai Lan would prove his spirit, but Bai Lan did not agree on the spot.But he didn't expect Bai Lan to turn around and hand the opened certificate into Bi Zhigang's hand. Bi Zhigang couldn't believe it himself.

In the evening, Ding Dezhong took his mental certificate to beg his wife for forgiveness. When the two were noisy, he seemed to hear someone knocking on the door. Ding Dezhong looked over and found that it was Ah Fang!The next day, Afang, Bailan and Lu Xiaolu arrived at the factory director's office. At the same time, everyone's reporting letters were also submitted. The factory director said that he would investigate carefully and said that the factory would help Afang take the exam.Ah Fang refused. Ah Fang said that she just wanted to leave here now, forever. Bailan and Lu Xiaolu went to see her off!This incident made Lu Xiaolu realize that Bai Lan seemed to have affected him, and the relationship between the two took a further step.

《Young Love Lost》E6Plot

Episode 6

Young Love Lost Episode 6 Synopsis: Lu Xiaolu drunkenly confesses to Bai Lan

Everyone in the maintenance class listened quietly to Long Legs playing the piano and singing, and the images of Guan Yu and Bai Lan helping A Fang flashed through their minds. Suddenly, someone came from the news that Bai Lan was demoted to the boiler room. The reason was becauseBai Lan issued a fake mental certificate to A Fang, and Ding Dezhong's wife went to the factory director. Lu Xiaolu became anxious upon hearing this.

Bai Lan had already arrived at the boiler room to report, but the people in the boiler room did not accept Bai Lan, because everyone knew that A Fang was not mentally ill, but Bai Lan gave him a mental certificate, so everyone felt that Bai Lan wasAgainst the working class, he opened his mouth and asked Bai Lan to pull coal. When Lu Xiaolu arrived, Bai Lan's gloves were frayed. The person next to him was still directing Bai Lan. Lu Xiaolu punched the man and then pulled Bai Lan.Lan pulled away.Lu Xiaolu didn’t want Bai Lan to continue working here, but Bai Lan said that he should take responsibility for his mistakes. Bai Lan also asked Lu Xiaolu if he regretted helping A Fang. Lu Xiaolu said that he did not regret it, and Bai Lan said that he did the same..Lu Xiaolu had no choice but to go back. Lu Xiaolu found some gloves without fingers in the maintenance class, and Lu Xiaolu seemed to have an idea.

Qin Juan and Ding Dezhong's family had dinner together. Qin Juan mentioned Bailan intentionally or unintentionally. Ding Dezhong was furious and scolded Qin Juan for turning her elbows outward. Li Kenan downstairs heard the noise. Qin Juan ran out and happened to run into Li Kenan. Li Kenan accompanied herQin Juan also comforted Qin Juan by saying that someone liked her, but she didn't know it. Qin Juan knew that Li Kenan was hinting at her, but she didn't say much.At this time, Lu Xiaolu was studying drinks seriously at home. The father beside him even thought that he had been transferred from the maintenance class to the R&D class, but Lu Xiaolu's mother understood that her son had become enlightened.

Lu Xiaolu took his special gloves and drinks to the boiler room to find Bai Lan, but unexpectedly he saw Bi Zhigang. Lu Xiaolu hid outside and secretly watched Bi Zhigang baring his teeth, but Bai Lan didn't care at all. In the end, Bi Zhigang left aThe envelope then left. Lu Xiaolu then went in. Bailan's attitude changed drastically and she was very happy. She was wearing gloves and drinking a drink. Lu Xiaolu was looking at the envelope left by Bi Zhigang. After opening it, there was a room.Lu Xiaolu asked Bai Lan if he wanted to go. Bai Lan said that it was a three-star hotel and he had to go there. Lu Xiaolu smiled and said nothing.

When Bi Zhigang arrived at the hotel, he specifically asked the front desk if the room he had booked was occupied. After receiving a positive answer, Bi Zhigang happily took the elevator up and skipped towards the room. When he entered, he heard someone taking a shower.Bi Zhigang expressed his joy through the door, but the person inside did not respond at all. Bi Zhigang waited and waited. Finally, the person inside came out, and it turned out to be Lu Xiaolu. Bi Zhigang was very angry, but Lu Xiaolu turned around and left with an innocent look on his face.Lu Xiaolu met Bai Lan when he went out. After experiencing so much together, the relationship between the two was self-evident. The two played in the fountain together and drank wine. In a daze, they went to the hotel. With the help of Jiu JinluXiaolu expressed his love and his views on Bailan. Bailan didn't expect to see his true self in Lu Xiaolu's eyes. In his confusion, Bailan actually kissed Lu Xiaolu, and the two spent a whole day like this.Late at night, when Lu Xiaolu woke up the next day, Bai Lan was gone.

When returning to the factory for a meeting, Lu Xiaolu asked Li Kenan why he didn't come back at night. Li Kenan bluntly said that it was because Qin Juan was in a bad mood and he stayed with her all night. Lu Xiaolu smiled evilly, and Li Kenan said that nothing happened.Said that it is very irresponsible to have a relationship without confirming the relationship, Lu Xiaolu fell into thought.At the end of the conference, Lu Xiaolu found Bai Lan, but Bai Lan said that nothing happened. Lu Xiaolu still felt strange in his heart. It seemed that there was something he wanted to say but could not explain. It was not easy for him to make up his mind to pursue Bai Lan., unexpectedly found Bai Lan and another man going to the hotel in a car!

《Young Love Lost》E7Plot

Episode 7

Young Love Lost Episode 7 Plot Introduction: Lu Xiaolu and Bi Zhigang fight

Lu Xiaolu saw that the man with Bai Lan was actually Bi Zhigang!Lu Xiaolu was guarding the door of Bai Lan's house. When he saw Bai Lan coming back, he immediately stepped forward and asked what was going on between Bai Lan and Bi Zhigang. Bai Lan's smiling face suddenly stiffened. Bai Lan also said that this was his private matter.Lu Xiaolu innocently asked Bai Lan what happened that day. Bai Lan couldn't think of anything for a moment. It wasn't until she saw Lu Xiaolu's embarrassed look that she realized that Lu Xiaolu was talking about the relationship between the two that night.Lan Zhi asked Lu Xiaolu if he still wanted to be responsible for it?Lu Xiaolu didn't mean this, but couldn't say anything, and Bai Lan left.Lu Xiaolu went to have a drink with Li Kenan. Lu Xiaolu couldn't understand what the whole thing was about. Bailan's attitude made Lu Xiaolu feel even more sad. Lu Xiaolu really didn't know what to do.

Bai Lan actually went to work as an interpreter for Director Bi of the Second Lighting Bureau. Bi Zhigang is Director Bi's son, so there was a scene where he picked up Bai Lan. Bai Lan did a good job in translating. Even Director BiShe didn't want talents like Bai Lan to devote themselves to working in a food factory. She bluntly said that this was really a waste of talents, but Bai Lan smiled and said nothing. She already had her own plans in mind.When Bai Lan left the office, he saw Bi Zhigang. Bi Zhigang said that he wanted to send Bai Lan back. He also said that what happened in the hotel that day was a misunderstanding and that Lu Xiaolu must be responsible. However, Bai Lan said that it was not a misunderstanding, or that Lu Xiaolu did what he did!Bi Zhigang became angry when he heard this, and told Bai Lan with a slight threat that he had asked for the translation job like his father. Bai Lan's face changed when he heard this, and Bai Lan said that the truth was that he signed up for it on his own initiative, and thenBi Zhigang was choked up when he was admitted on a merit-based basis. He turned around and talked about the fact that there was only one quota for graduate students in the factory. He also said that he would try his best to help Bai Lan get it, but Bai Lan refused. Bai Lan said that he believed in his ability.After saying that, he left without giving Bi Zhigang a chance to continue.

Everyone in the cafeteria was discussing Bai Lan's work as a translator in the Second Lighting Bureau, and there were even rumors that Bai Lan was about to marry Bi Zhigang. Lu Xiaolu, who was nearby, heard someone chewing his tongue in front of Bai Lan, and felt angry.He rushed up and beat the person, and then caught up with Bai Lan and asked her why she didn't explain that day. Bai Lan said that everyone thought so, and there was no need to explain. This was Bi Zhigang coming to tell Bai Lan that the Second Light Bureau was there again.I have a translation job, and I was told that I would pick up Bailan later.

After Lu Xiaolu returned, he was still very depressed. Everyone in the maintenance class also thought that Bi Zhigang was just a nice guy, not a good person at all. After saying that, Lu Xiaolu ran away. Lu Xiaolu rode a motorcycle to pick up Bai Lan. On the way, you stillWhen he met Bi Zhigang driving a car, Bi Zhigang was very disdainful. Unexpectedly, Bai Lan followed Lu Xiaolu directly.Bi Zhigang turned around and went to the maintenance class to find Lu Xiaolu. He asked Lu Xiaolu by name to repair the car, and also said some insulting words. Lu Xiaolu was not afraid at all, and even made an appointment with Bi Zhigang!

The news about the fight between the two quickly spread throughout the factory. Bi Zhigang also asked people to find Lu Dajiang's head. Unexpectedly, Lu Dajiang turned around and said that he would help Lu Xiaolu!Bai Lan was very angry when she heard about it. She bluntly said that she was not an object, and she also said that if she went to Lu Xiaolu, she would never pay attention to him again!Director Bi on Bailan's side also transferred Bailan back to the boiler room. Lu Xiaolu was very distressed after hearing about it. When he arrived at the boiler room, he saw that the workers had indeed started gossiping about Bailan again. Lu Xiaolu was angry, even though he knew what Bi Zhigang was doing.Bian quietly contacted the Public Security Bureau, and Lu Xiaolu took the person to the place where the fight was scheduled.

Lu Xiaolu told Lu Dajiang in advance that if he didn't say anything, the brothers must not take action. Lu Dajiang was puzzled, but he still agreed.In the end, the group fight turned into a battle between Bi Zhigang and Lu Xiaolu. Lu Xiaolu underestimated the enemy, and was finally pushed to the ground by Bi Zhigang and beaten. Only the appearance of Bai Lan and Lao Niu Pi stopped the farce!Bai Lan took Lu Xiaolu back to heal his injuries, with a look of distress on his face.

《Young Love Lost》E8Plot

Episode 8

Young Love Lost Episode 8 plot introduction: Lu Xiaolu Bai Lan spends the Mid-Autumn Festival

The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, and there will be a youth party at the Dajiang Ice Rink. The workers in the factory were very happy after hearing this.

Bai Lan came to see Lu Xiaolu. Lu Xiaolu told Bai Lan that he would be discharged from the hospital the next day. Bai Lan said that he also had good news, that is, he would go back to work in the Second Lighting Bureau soon. Lu Xiaolu changed his previous attitudeAttitude, I am happy for Bai Lan from the bottom of my heart. It turns out that Lu Xiaolu wants to understand that if Bai Lan does what she likes, she will be very happy. Later, Lu Xiaolu is concerned about how Bai Lan plans to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival. Bai Lan says that since she went to the orphanageSince then, the Mid-Autumn Festival has not been celebrated, and Lu Xiaolu fell into deep thought.

Lu Xiaolu returned home soon. Qin Juan and Niu Xiaoying came to see Lu Xiaolu. Lu Xiaolu's mother liked the two children very much.Bi Zhigang approached his mother and hoped that he could bring someone to the Mid-Autumn Dance of the Second Lighting Bureau. Bi Zhigang's mother bluntly said that not just anyone could be brought to the dance, and said that she would ask Ding Dezhong to handle this matter.

Lu Xiaolu’s mother treated her to a meal for the first time. She was the first to ask Lu Xiaolu about her dance partners during the Mid-Autumn Festival. She also said that she knew there was someone Lu Xiaolu wanted to invite, and she also said that she was very optimistic about these two people. Lu XiaoluWhen she heard this, she was very happy. Her mother also said that people would be here soon. Lu Xiaolu looked up happily and saw Qin Juan!What Lu Xiaolu didn't know was that Bai Lan also came to this restaurant, or that Ding Dezhong brought her here!Bai Lan then met Bi Zhigang and his mother. The other party came up and inquired about Bai Lan. Bai Lan told him that he did not have a degree certificate and broke the principal's head. He also told that he was sent to the boiler room.The reason was that the other party thought that Bai Lan was a person with poor moral character upon hearing this, and then he started to belittle her in various ways. Over there, Lu Xiaolu was urged by her mother to find Qin Juan. When she accidentally heard this at the door, Lu Xiaolu couldn't hold it back anymore.He rushed in to speak to Bai Lan and said that he was Bai Lan's boyfriend, but Bai Lan denied it. Therefore, Bi Zhigang's mother began to belittle Lu Xiaolu again. Bai Lan stood up directly and said that Lu Xiaolu was the best for her.My friends wanted to go together. After saying that, they took Lu Xiaolu and left together.Lu Xiaolu once again talked to Bai Lan about what happened that night. Bai Lan didn't understand why Lu Xiaolu kept thinking about what happened that night, so she had to apologize for kissing Lu Xiaolu that day. However, Lu Xiaolu's face was full of doubts. Bai LanOnly then did Lu Xiaolu realize that it was a misunderstanding, so he had no choice but to tell the truth about that night. It turned out that the two people behind him were drunk, and Lu Xiaolu directly pulled Bai Lan into a guessing game!Lu Xiaolu was disheartened and went to Li Kenan for a sad drink. When they went back, they met Qin Juan who came to Li Kenan to be her dance partner. Li Kenan immediately agreed!Lu Xiaolu couldn't help but think about how he invited Bai Lan to be his dance partner, but Bai Lan hadn't responded to him yet.Niu Xiaoying was also waiting for Lu Xiaolu to invite her to be her dance partner. What she didn’t know was that Changji was secretly preparing to invite her. Xiaoying accidentally mistook Changji’s invitation letter as belonging to Lu Xiaolu. She was very happy, but Changji didn’t want to let her go.She was sad and had to teach her how to dance quietly.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Lu Xiaolu had been waiting at the door of the skating rink early, but Bai Lan had not moved. Lu Dajiang encouraged Lu Xiaolu to be more proactive and not miss out like himself. Lu Xiaolu was still waiting at the door, and unexpectedly saw Bai Lan.He left in Bi Zhigang's car!The party started soon. Qin Juan and Li Kenan had a great time. Xiaoying came to find Lu Xiaolu, but Lu Xiaolu had no idea what was going on. After hearing that the prize was animal biscuits, Lu Xiaolu remembered what Bai Lan had said about orphans before.Since there were no fights between children and animal biscuits at the hospital, I finally took the biscuits and went to Bailan.At this time, Bai Lan was translating at the reception. Bi Zhigang also talked to Bai Lan about how Lu Xiaolu lost to him on the condition that Bai Lan return to the Second Light Bureau. His tone was full of disdain for Lu Xiaolu. Bai LanLan was very angry and left directly!When I went out, I encountered a blocked road outside!

Qin Juan on the other side of the queue thanked Li Kenan for allowing her to earn face in front of Lu Xiaolu. Li Kenan said that he really liked Qin Juan. Qin Juan said that Li Kenan could not give her what she wanted. Li Kenan said that Qin Juan was vain, and the two had a big quarrel.!Niu Xiaoying was isolated because of her poor dancing skills. With the encouragement of Lu Dajiang, Long Legs approached Xiaoying and beat Xiaoying in her own way. The two danced happily!At the same time, Lu Xiaolu and Bailan also danced!

《Young Love Lost》E9Plot

Episode 9

Young Love Lost Episode 9 Synopsis: Lu Xiaolu and Li Kenan caused food poisoning

The party was over. Lu Dajiang and his brothers packed up and went out to have supper. However, they suddenly noticed a man in a raincoat in the distance following two girls. The three of them seemed to realize what Lele was doing.That person is most likely the gangster exhibitionist from before!The three of them immediately decided to follow up to see what was going on. The two girls in front did not realize that something was wrong at all. The three of them immediately seized the opportunity and took care of the person in three moves. After seeing the person's true face, the three of them immediatelyEveryone was shocked!

The announcement that the exhibitionist was caught was posted on the bulletin board in the factory the next day. Qin Juan saw it and told Bai Lan, saying that Bai Lan can rest assured in the future, and that Bai Lan was wrongly accused of Lu Xiaolu before.She said she understood, and Bai Lan also told Qin Juan that she could move back and live in the guest house all the time. Qin Juan said she was not happy, but she still knew in her heart that Bai Lan was always thinking about her.The diplomatic team from the Second Lighting Bureau is about to leave, which means that Bai Lan's translation work is over. Bai Lan has compiled the information and is preparing to return to the food factory, but Director Bi has begun to care about Bai Lan's physical condition. It turns out that during the Mid-Autumn FestivalAfter Bailan left in the evening, Bi Zhigang gave Director Bi the reason that Bailan was not feeling well.Director Bi then said that Bailan should take good care of her health, otherwise she would not be able to take on important responsibilities at work in the future!Bai Lan was surprised when she heard this, because Director Bi was talking about the future!Director Bi no longer hid it, and said frankly that Bai Lan had been very serious about his work recently, and finally decided to give the commissioned training spot to Bai Lan. Bai Lan was very happy!

Lu Dajiang was also talking to Lu Xiaolu about this matter. It turned out that the exhibitionist was Ding Dezhong's son. Everyone didn't know what was going on. After all, Ding Dezhong was showing off that his son was a soldier some time ago. Why now?It popped up, and there was mental illness?Everyone couldn't help but begin to suspect that his mental illness certificate was probably the same as Afang's fake mental illness certificate. Lu Dajiang couldn't sit still when he heard it. After saying this, he stood up to leave, saying that he would take care of this matter to the end!Lu Dajiang then went to the food factory. At this time, the police were preparing to take people to the mental hospital. Ding Dezhong's family was still trying to persuade them to stay. Lu Dajiang helped the police. Ding Dezhong hated Lu Dajiang very much.

Lu Xiaolu and Bai Lan chatted together. Lu Xiaolu was concerned about why Bai Lan didn't go to work. Bai Lan said that she didn't want to be a cadre or a factory doctor. Lu Xiaolu asked her what she wanted to do, and Bai Lan said that she was afraid that Fucheng wouldn't be able to accommodate her.dream!After Lu Xiaolu listened to Bai Lan, he went to the theater. There, Lu Xiaolu and Bai Lan talked about their previous affairs. The two also recited Haiyan together. After the atmosphere was in place, Lu Xiaolu expressed his feelings, but Bai Lan did not give it.He didn't respond, but turned around and left. Lu Xiaolu just followed quietly.

Li Guangnan was working at the skating rink and noticed that drinking milk tea was very popular recently. He specially prepared it for Qin Juan after get off work. Unexpectedly, he actually ran into Qin Juan. Qin Juan apologized for her behavior that day, but Li Guangnan said that Qin Juan was She deserved the best and handed the milk tea to Qin Juan, and the relationship between the two also improved. Qin Juan also told Li Guangnan to give way to Dajiang and pay more attention to Ding Dezhong. Ding Dezhong was a very grudge-bearing person.After Li Guangnan went back, he gave Lu Xiaolu milk tea to drink. Lu Xiaolu complained directly about the blended milk tea. Li Guangnan suddenly came up with an idea, which was Lu Xiaolu's research and development, Li Guangnan's sales, and Long Legs soliciting customers. The three of them would start their own business together.Create a milk tea stall and sell it at the entrance of the skating rink. It will definitely attract a lot of people!

Bai Lan was about to write a letter telling Lu Xiaolu that she was going to Shanghai for graduate school. Qin Juan saw it and asked Bai Lan if she would come back. Bai Lan said she didn't know.The next day Bai Lan went to deliver the letter. Lu Xiaolu was busy studying the milk tea, so Bai Lan put the letter in Niu Xiaoying's lunch box!Lu Xiaolu worked hard and started selling it soon, but he didn't expect that everyone got food poisoning because of the milk that was about to expire. Bailan came over in time and sent everyone to the infirmary!After finishing their work, Bai Lan asked Lu Xiaolu what he wanted to say. Lu Xiaolu didn't know what Bai Lan was going to say. He only asked Bai Lan if he really didn't like her. Bai Lan said she didn't like him, but Lu Xiaolu could see it clearly through the stethoscope.I heard Bailan's heartbeat speeding up!

Ding Dezhong and Bi Zhigang made a fuss about food poisoning and wanted to pour dirty water on Lu Dajiang. Li Kenan actually agreed because of fear!Soon the rink was forced to close.Bailan knew that the letter was in Niu Xiaoying's hands, so she planned to tell Lu Xiaolu personally about it, but was told by her colleagues to stay on duty in the infirmary!When Lu Xiaolu heard this, he felt something was wrong!

《Young Love Lost》E10Plot

Episode 10

Young Love Lost Episode 10 Synopsis: Bai Lan and Lu Xiaolu were interrogated by the police

Sure enough, something happened at the skating rink at night. Ding Dezhong led his men to pry open the door of the skating rink. After entering, he looked for someone. Unexpectedly, Lu Dajiang had already noticed it and directly led his two brothers to fight. Unexpectedly, nothing happened.Lu Dajiang was injured, and Bi Zhigang shouted everywhere that Lu Dajiang had killed someone!Soon someone from the police station came. Lu Dajiang realized that he had fallen into Ding Dezhong's trap. Lu Dajiang ran away, but because his leg was injured, Lu Dajiang was caught up by Ding Dezhong not far after running.Ding Dezhong named him because of his son's matter, and he would not let him go. Unexpectedly, Lu Xiaolu and Bai Lan, who realized something was wrong, arrived in time, and Ding Dezhong left.Bai Lan took a brief look at Lu Dajiang's wound and found that it was a fracture. Bai Lan said that he must go to the hospital immediately, but Lu Xiaolu said that going to the hospital now would be a trap. Thinking of this, Lu Xiaolu just rode his bicycle to the hospital to get the medical kit..But Lu Xiaolu didn't expect that Lu Dajiang and Bai Lan would be gone when he rushed back!It turned out that Bai Lan persuaded Lu Dajiang to surrender. At first, Lu Dajiang said that he would hide in Hong Kong and never come back. Until Bai Lan mentioned Lu Xiaolu's name, Bai Lan bluntly said that Lu Xiaolu was so hungry and talented., he should not be implicated!Only then did Lu Dajiang decide to surrender!

Lu Xiaolu didn't know what happened in the middle. He only knew that Lu Dajiang was taken away by the police, and it was probably related to Bai Lan!Lu Xiaolu was very depressed and often went to the gate of the closed skating rink. Niu Xiaoying came to comfort him and brought over the letter Bailan had written to Lu Xiaolu. It turned out that after a lot of struggle, Niu Xiaoying still felt that this matter should not be done.Without telling Lu Xiaolu, Niu Xiaoying left after handing the letter out. Lu Xiaolu looked at the contents of the letter and laughed at first, but then became serious, feeling very uncomfortable.The next day, Lu Xiaolu went to find Bai Lan. Lu Xiaolu wished Bai Lan a bright future. This time it was considered a formal farewell. Then Lu Xiaolu left, and the letter fell to the ground. Bai Lan stood alone,I feel bad too.Ding Dezhong's head was smashed, but he still went to the maintenance class to speak harshly. Lao Niu Pi said that no one could touch his apprentice. Li Guangnan on the side could not say a word for a long time and lowered his head with guilt.

Qin Juan returned to the dormitory, and Bai Lan handed her a book of jokes. Bai Lan hoped that Qin Juan could give the things to Lu Xiaolu, and said that she hoped this could cheer up the depressed Lu Xiaolu. Qin Juan laughed at Bai Lan for being childish, and Bai LanLan said that she felt fine. Bai Lan also hoped that Qin Juan could teach her how to cook. Bai Lan hoped that she could do something for Lu Xiaolu. Qin Juan agreed, and the two went to the market to buy vegetables together.Bailan didn't even know seafood, but Qin Juan taught her, and the misunderstanding between the two was completely resolved. Qin Juan doesn't like Lu Xiaolu now, and she bluntly said that there should be someone better for her to like!

Soon Qin Juan and Niu Xiaoying both brought their own meals to visit Lu Xiaolu. Neither Lu Xiaolu was very interested. Only Qin Juan and Bai Lan knew that those burnt meals were all made by Bai Lan, and Lu Xiaolu had nothing.Everyone they knew turned away the child. When Lu Xiaolu's parents saw their child like this, they tried to do something, but nothing worked.Lu Xiaolu then took his things to visit the person injured by Lu Dajiang, and found that Bai Lan had been accompanying him!The two chatted, and Lu Xiaolu complained about Qin Juan's jokes and food. Bai Lan felt uncomfortable, but she couldn't complain. While the two were chatting, the police came to the door!It turned out that Ding Dezhong called the police because Ding Dezhong's head was smashed. The police interrogated the two of them separately, but unexpectedly both of them took the blame on themselves. The stalemate lasted for a long time with no result. Bai Lan didn't eat for a whole day., what is surprising is that Director Bi came in person!

Director Bi asked Bai Lan out, complained about her current marital status in various ways, and threatened her with her training quota. Bai Lan revealed that Director Bi wanted to have a relationship with her, but Director Bi said that he could protect Bai Lan and Bai Lan.That friend of hers!Bailan understood the meaning of the words, said nothing, lowered her head and started eating.Soon Lu Xiaolu and Bai Lan were released, and Bai Lan said goodbye to everyone.The notice about Lu Dajiang's sentencing and the announcement about Bai Lan going to the training camp were issued, and people started spreading rumors about Bai Lan again!

《Young Love Lost》E11Plot

Episode 11

Young Love Lost Episode 11 Plot Introduction: Lu Xiaolu decided to leave Fucheng with Bai Lan

When Lu Xiaolu woke up that day, he didn't see his parents, but there were cooked meals on the dining table. There was also a note, which said that they believed in Xiaolu. Xiaolu looked at the note and the prepared breakfast, and his heart skipped a beat.Warmth.Finally, Lu Xiaolu set off to the cold storage to go to work. He was full of fighting spirit and was very powerful in doing things. Li Kenan also came to help Lu Xiaolu. Lu Xiaolu was very touched, but it was almost time to go to work. Lu Xiaolu was worried that Li Guangnan would not come back again.If he returns to the maintenance class, he will be scolded by the master. Li Guangnan bluntly said that he has applied to the cold storage with the master to help Lu Xiaolu. Lu Xiaolu complained and Li Guangnan couldn't understand it. It is clear that the work in the cold storage is very tiring and pays little, but Lu Xiaolu is still very happy in his heart.of!

When Lu Xiaolu was taking a shower after work, he thanked Li Guangnan again for coming to accompany him. After all, he was being punished now, and Bai Lan was leaving him for Shanghai. Now only Li Guangnan was by his side, but Li Guangnan's mind was not here., all he could think about was the scene when Ding Dezhong asked him to sign the certificate that pushed the food poisoning incident to Lu Dajiang. This matter has always been an obstacle in Li Guangnan's heart. Li Guangnan also wanted to find an opportunity to say it today.He came out, but Lu Xiaolu was taking a bath by himself. Finally, when Li Guangnan was about to speak, the bath water stopped. Xiaolu was busy scolding the person who turned off the water, but Li Guangnan still never found a chance to speak out.

Ding Dezhong and his wife were chatting about the gossip about Bai Lan. Qin Juan came in to deliver things and said a few words of justice to Bai Lan. However, Ding Dezhong and his family started to say that Qin Juan's elbow was turned outward. Qin Juan could not argue.Talk again.When Bai Lan returned to the dormitory, she found that her belongings had been thrown out by other female workers. Everyone was more malicious to Bai Lan than before. Qin Juan was also attacked when she helped to speak.After Bai Lan went out, he met Lu Xiaolu. Lu Xiaolu took Bai Lan to the previous base of Lu Dajiang. The two drank there. Bai Lan asked Lu Xiaolu why he was not curious about what he said when he went to the police station.Frankly saying that she 100% believed in Bai Lan, and also believed that Bai Lan would believe in herself, Bai Lan let Lu Xiaolu ask if she liked Lu Xiaolu, Bai Lan gave an affirmative answer, and then kissed her directly!He also said that everything would be over by the next day!

The next day, Bai Lan went to Director Bi's office to deliver materials. On his way out, he met Director Bi. The other party greeted Bai Lan with greetings. Bai Lan responded briefly and left. When Director Bi returned to the office, he found the materials Bai Lan had just sent.There is a note from Bai Lan asking to meet him!Director Bi felt happy.After getting off work, he decisively went to the appointment. Bai Lan was indeed there. Then Director Bi boldly expressed his love and said that he would be good to Bai Lan. Unexpectedly, Bai Lan directly asked Bi Zhigang who was hiding in the dark to come out. It turned out that Bai Lan had given aThe same note was given to Bi Zhigang, and then Bai Lan solemnly stated in front of the father and son that it was absolutely impossible for him to be trapped by the training quota. After saying that, he was about to leave. Bi Zhigang was so angry that he slapped Bai Lan directly. Lu Xiaolu appeared and slapped him back., and then were pulled away by Bai Lan. Bai Lan bluntly said that beating them here would not solve any problems at all, and nothing could be changed here. Then the two of them left, leaving only Bi Zhigang and his son standing there in embarrassment.

The food factory held a New Year Commendation Conference, and the workers were all concerned about the year-end bonus. However, Ding Dezhong began to announce the punishment of Bailan's suspension because of his improper lifestyle!Bai Lan stood up and asked if Director Bi asked him to say this. Ding Dezhong said bluntly that it was not the case. Before he could finish his words, Xiaolu rushed to the stage to express his attitude. The workers were inspired and vented all the pent-up dissatisfaction with the leader.came out, but Bai Lan left.Lu Xiaolu chased him out, and Bai Lan expressed his attitude again, bluntly saying that he would leave Fucheng, and asked Lu Xiaolu if he would like to leave with him, but Lu Xiaolu couldn't give an answer for a while.Lu Xiaolu went to see Lu Dajiang the next day. Lu Dajiang bluntly said that Lu Xiaolu was educated and should not be trapped in a food factory, but should go out and have a try!

On the occasion of the New Year, Changjiao went to Lao Niubi's house for New Year's Eve dinner. Li Guangnan went to accompany Qin Juan who was alone. Lu Xiaolu's family was deserted without Lu Dajiang. Lu Xiaolu tentatively proposed the idea of ​​re-taking the college entrance examination.However, his parents said that they thought it was good to work in the food factory now. Lu Xiaolu did not continue and said that he wanted to go out for a walk. Lu Xiaolu asked Bai Lan out. Lu Xiaolu expressed his willingness to leave Fucheng. Bai Lan was very happy.Happy, the two kissed directly, but this scene was seen by Qin Juan and Long Legs in the distance. Qin Juan was very sad!

《Young Love Lost》E12Plot

Episode 12

Young Love Lost Episode 12 Synopsis: Lu Xiaolu and Bai Lan work hard to go to Shanghai together

Lu Xiaolu took Bailan, Li Guangnan took Qin Juan, and Longjiao took Niu Xiaoying. The six of them celebrated the New Year together. Everyone cared about each other's New Year's wishes. Li Guangnan was happy that he had caught up with Qin Juan, and his New Year's wish also becameWhile working hard to make money, Niu Xiaoying is obsessed with the fact that she is twenty years old and has not been in love yet. Changjiao agrees that she is the same, but Niu Xiaoying doesn't want to pay attention to him at all. Lu Xiaolu also found an opportunity to announce his decision to go to Shanghai with Bai Lan!

Lu Xiaolu's mother knew that Lu Xiaolu was going to Shanghai, so she just stayed in the room by herself without paying attention to anyone. Lu Xiaolu held fruits and coaxed her mother with her father, but it didn't work at all. In the end, Lu Xiaolu was reallyHe had no choice but to hand over this task to Lu Xiaolu's father, so his father took advantage of the night to whisper to his mother. Unexpectedly, his mother still protected Lu Xiaolu, saying bluntly that he could scold his son, but he could not scold him!Lu Xiaolu’s father was speechless, and Lu Xiaolu’s mother was frowning. She was worried that Lu Xiaolu would be abducted by her daughter-in-law so easily. While she was worried, she urged Lu Xiaolu’s father to help her find a solution, and she slept soundly all night.Restless.

When Lu Xiaolu was working in the warehouse, Li Guangnan was still trying to persuade him to take the college entrance examination. It was ridiculous, but Lu Xiaolu didn't think so. At this time, the two of them noticed that there seemed to be a sound under the cloth next to them, and they walked over quietly.Only then did they realize that the person hiding inside was Long Jiao, holding a book in his hand. At this time, there was the sound of someone looking for Long Jiao. Lu Xiaolu and Li Guangnan reacted instantly and covered Long Jiao to deal with the two.The two of them began to complain about Changjiao not working, and no one was repairing anything in the maintenance class. Lu Xiaolu and Li Guangnan began to cover up Changjiao, saying that he might be slacking off somewhere, and if they found out, they would kill him.Called back, the two of them left after hearing this.Li Guangnan and Lu Xiaolu turned around and released Changjiao. They asked Changjiao why he wanted to read the high school chemistry book. Changjiao said that the efficiency of the factory was not good and he wanted to take the college entrance examination. Li Guangnan did not agree with this, but Lu XiaoluBut I think this is a good thing.

Lu Xiaolu's mother asked Bai Lan to go out for dinner. Without saying a few words, she started talking about Lu Xiaolu's trip to Shanghai. She made it clear that she was very dissatisfied with the matter and said that they would definitely regret their crazy decision in the future. Bai LanBut he said that if you were not crazy when you were young, you would regret it later!Li Guangnan accompanied Qin Juan to see the new house. Qin Juan lamented that Fucheng was getting better and better now, but Li Guangnan wondered why Lu Xiaolu wanted to leave. Qin Juan said that Bai Lan didn't like it here. Qin Juan also said that Lu Xiaolu was very kind to his friends.Li Guangnan suddenly had an idea because Lu Xiaolu would not ignore him.Lu Xiaolu soon received the news of Li Guangnan's accident. Lu Xiaolu rushed over immediately. It turned out to be because of Boss Hu. Lu Xiaolu decided to go in alone and let Changjiao and Niu Xiaoying guard outside. Boss Hu started to feel embarrassed.Lu Xiaolu, Lu Xiaolu winked, and instantly many smoke bombs were thrown in. Lu Xiaolu seized the opportunity and ran out to protect Li Guangnan.Later, they went to have a dinner together. Li Guangnan kept hinting that Lu Xiaolu and others could not leave him alone. He also persuaded Lu Xiaolu to open a milk tea shop with him. Afterwards, he took the money and left. Lu Xiaolu agreed.

Next, Lu Xiaolu and a group of people started to study about milk tea. Lu Xiaolu also delayed his studies. Bai Lan soon became suspicious. Changjiao made an excuse and said that Lu Xiaolu's mother was sick. Bai Lan went to see Lu Xiaolu at home.Xiaolu tried his best to cover up but was still discovered. Bailan asked him if he didn't want to study hard. Lu Xiaolu bluntly said that he couldn't ignore Li Guangnan's affairs.But what Lu Xiaolu didn't expect was that he soon discovered that Li Guangnan was lying to him. Li Guangnan said that he would not be able to keep him if this was not the case. The two had a big quarrel. Lu Xiaolu then concentrated on studying and even talked to Bai Lan.Went to eat Western food with classmates, but Lu Xiaolu couldn't fit in, so he had to find an excuse to leave. Bai Lan noticed and followed him. The two went to eat fish ball soup together. Bai Lan was worried that Lu Xiaolu would leave his friends andThe family may not adapt to it, but Lu Xiaolu said that this is what she wants!

Lu Xiaolu also talked about the news about Li Guangnan's accident. He thought it was false at first, but later found out that it was Lu Dajiang's old lover, Sister Tao. Lu Xiaolu quickly became involved with Sister Tao, and learned about their love story. Finally,Sister Tao decided to contract the drinks in the song and dance hall to Lu Xiaolu and Li Guangnan. Lu Xiaolu and Li Guangnan got back together after being drunk.

《Young Love Lost》E13Plot

Episode 13

Young Love Lost Episode 13 Synopsis: Bai Lan sets off for Shanghai

After talking to Li Guangnan, Lu Xiaolu went to find Bai Lan. Lu Xiaolu expressed his feelings again through drunkenness. Lu Xiaolu really hoped that Bai Lan could take him away. Bai Lan smiled and then pretended to be the captain and wanted to drive the boat.After taking Lu Xiaolu away, Lu Xiaolu looked at Bai Lannuo with an unstoppable smile on his face, and finally couldn't help but kiss her!

When Bailan woke up early the next morning, she made breakfast for Lu Xiaolu. Lu Xiaolu said that compared with the previous steak, Bailan knew that Lu Xiaolu had made the steak himself.I lament that in Fucheng there is only one person who doesn’t remove the roots when cooking and doesn’t remove the gills when cooking fish!Bailan angrily said that Lu Xiaolu didn’t have to eat it!Lu Xiaolu hurriedly went up to coax her, and the two of them even dreamed of going to Shanghai to eat delicious food, and then have their own life in Shanghai.After that, Lu Xiaolu devoted himself to studying. Lu Xiaolu cared about his grades again and again. What made people happy was that his grades improved every time. Even before going to bed, Lu Xiaolu was carrying things.Lu Xiaolu’s mother also saw it.

Lu Xiaolu went to work in the warehouse. He planned to take the college entrance examination after finishing the last shift. But before he got off work, he heard someone making a noise. When he walked over, he found out that Ding Dezhong was reading a book with long legs. Lu Xiaolu rushedHe went up to stop them, but Ding Dezhong scolded both of them, saying that taking the college entrance examination was a worm in the factory, and that the poor performance of the factory was all due to these.After it was over, Changjiao kept feeling sad. Niu Xiaoying, who came to deliver food to the two of them, hid at the door and heard everything.When Ding Dezhong went to fetch vegetables, Niu Xiaoying deliberately targeted him and publicly accused Ding Dezhong of the sneaky things he had done before. She bluntly said that Ding Dezhong was the real worm in the factory!As soon as these words came out, they resonated with everyone, but Ding Dezhong still asked the people from the security department to stand in front of him. Lu Xiaolu and Changjiao stood up to speak for Xiaoying, but Ding Dezhong threatened to expel them. In the end, Xiaoying refused.Carefully hit the long leg on the head, and the matter ended!

Lu Xiaolu went home for dinner and was very confident that he could be admitted to college. He was also very proud to say that he had ranked first in the class in the last few mock tests!But Lu Xiaolu’s mother was not happy, and told Xiaolu not to be too optimistic. She bluntly said that the factory’s performance was not good this year and there was only one quota!Lu Xiaolu didn't believe it, so he turned around and went to the office to confirm. Bi Zhigang told him that this was the truth. He also said that the factory's efficiency was getting worse and worse, and there would only be fewer and fewer places in the future.Lu Xiaolu felt very uncomfortable and turned around to find Bai Lan. Bai Lan didn't know anything and was still cooking steak happily. Lu Xiaolu asked her if Bai Lan was willing to wait for him for a year if she didn't pass the exam this year.Lan agreed without thinking. Lu Xiaolu was very happy, but he never told Bai Lan the truth, and then sent Bai Lan to Shanghai to take the exam.

A month passed, and the results of the college entrance examination came out. Bai Lan went to look at the list, but did not see Lu Xiaolu's name. Everyone was also wondering why the first place was not on the list, but Lu Xiaolu was watching a movie at this time.Bai Lan was waiting for him at the door of Lu Xiaolu's house. When Lu Xiaolu showed up, he showed an indifferent look. He bluntly said that he drank before the exam and he didn't want to go to Shanghai. Bai Lan believed it. Only Lu Xiaolu knew that he had gone, andI took the test seriously, but I didn’t write my name!Bailan will then go to the factory to pack her things and start preparing for Shanghai.Lu Xiaolu and Li Guangnan had a drunken drink. In the end, both of them were drunk. Li Guangnan finally told him that he had passed the blame to Lu Dajiang. Lu Xiaolu was very angry and beat Li Guangnan directly.!Li Guangnan was very sad when he went back because he lost his only brother!

There was an accident in the food factory that night, and everyone was running away. Only Lu Xiaolu went to Lu Dajiang's clothes to look for Bai Lan, and unexpectedly found Bai Lan drinking and not showing any signs of leaving. The two of them kissed like firewood!When Lu Xiaolu woke up the next morning, Bai Lan had already left. Lu Xiaolu tried his best to chase but failed to catch up!

《Young Love Lost》E14Plot

Episode 14

Young Love Lost Episode 14 Synopsis: Lu Xiaolu Bai Lan reunites in Shanghai

Bai Lan was successfully admitted. Bai Lan thanked Professor Wang for accepting her. Professor Wang praised Bai Lan without hesitation and hoped that Bai Lan would develop even more in the future. Professor Wang was concerned that the semester had not started yet and the dormitory had not been allocated yet. Bai LanWhere does Lan live? Bai Lan said that he rented a small house. Professor Wang thought about Bai Lan's file again. It turns out that Bai Lan's file has not been sent to the school. It will be very troublesome if it is not resolved before the start of school!

Bai Lan called Qin Juan to ask Qin Juan about the files. Qin Juan said that it should have been sent out long ago, but Bai Lan was a junior cadre, so the files were under the administration's control. As for Ding Dezhong and not sending them out, she didn't know.Qin Juan promised to help Bai Lan take another look.Lu Xiaolu was just at the door. After learning some information from Qin Juan, he took his things and went directly to the administrative office.The security department at the door couldn't stop Lu Xiaolu at all. Lu Xiaolu also said that from today on, he was no longer a member of the factory, and then rushed directly into Ding Dezhong's office to rummage. There was too much trouble in Tokyo. Secretary Hong and Ding Dezhong bothHere, Lu Xiaolu asked Secretary Hong directly if it was true that there was a training quota for this year. Secretary Hong nodded, and Lu Xiaolu asked why the file was not sent out. Secretary Hong looked at Ding Dezhong, and Lu Xiaolu boldly guessed that the file is now there.In Ding Dezhong’s drawer!Bai Lan was also worried and wanted to call the administrative office to find out the situation. Lu Xiaolu didn't know it was Bai Lan and didn't let Ding Dezhong answer the phone at all!In the end, I was stunned to cut open the cabinet and rummaged through it, but found that no files were found inside, and Secretary Hong had no way to take care of it.

Not far after Lu Xiaolu walked out of the office, he met Bi Zhigang. Bi Zhigang bluntly said that he knew where the Bailan file was. After saying that, he directly made an appointment with Lu Xiaolu.In the evening, Bi Zhigang went to the appointment on time. Lu Xiaolu wondered why the file was in his hands. Bi Zhigang bluntly said that Ding Dezhong took the file to his father and then stole it. Bi Zhigang bluntly said that he was not helping Lu Xiaolu, but Bai Lan, and said that he was veryEnvious of Lu Xiaolu, he also said that he would like to follow his heart in the future. Bi Zhigang also said that he would be transferred from the food factory soon!

Bai Lan went to the teacher who managed the files and asked if he could give him more time. The teacher said he was helpless. After all, the school also had school regulations. Then the phone in the office rang. After answering the phone, the teacher happily told Bai Lan that the mailroom had just received the call.Bailan's file was sent by a boy.After Bai Lan thanked him, he went to find Lu Xiaolu. Lu Xiaolu wanted to hide at first, but Bai Lan called him directly and invited him to dinner. Then the two of them went to the house Bai Lan rented. The landlord aunt noticed it.He came to see Bailan. Bailan bluntly said that Lu Xiaolu was his brother and came to see a doctor, so he coaxed the landlady away.Bailan was going to move back to the dormitory soon, and Lu Xiaolu helped. In the evening, the two of them ate fried buns and watched the Oriental Pearl Tower together. They also met enthusiastic citizens who took photos of the two and said they would send them to Lu Xiaolu.I also decided to spend more time in Shanghai!

Lu Xiaolu's parents were worried that Lu Xiaolu hadn't come back yet, so Lu Xiaolu called and said that he would stay in Shanghai for more time. His parents only hoped that Xiaolu could think clearly this time.Lu Xiaolu then began to look for a job, but Lu Xiaolu had just arrived in Shanghai and was not familiar with anything, so he encountered obstacles everywhere when looking for a job.Qin Juan sent Bai Lan some food that Bai Lan liked, and also told Bai Lan that there was only one place for the school entrance examination in the factory. After Bai Lan went back, she told Lu Xiaolu that she knew everything, and the two of them were very happy to be together again.Together.But everyone in Fucheng was not happy. Qin Juan was sad that no one would eat the food she cooked every day after Xiaolu left. Changjiao wanted to say something, but Niu Xiaoying didn't give him a chance at all. Changjiao couldn't say anything, so he could only eat snacks desperately.The food cooked by Ying hopes that Xiaoying can be happy.Lu Xiaolu’s mother was feeling a little uncomfortable, but she didn’t want to spend money for a check-up. Xiaolu’s father joked that he would grab Lu Xiaolu back and comfort Xiaolu’s mother!

Lu Xiaolu finally found an employer that hired electricians, but the other party required a certificate to work. Lu Xiaolu was about to leave, but the other party found out that Lu Xiaolu was also from Fucheng. Seeing the fellow villager, he became a helper, and Lu Xiaolu finally found a job..In the evening, Bai Lan told Lu Xiaolu that her teacher had introduced her to a job in a fashion company, and the two of them worked together to live a better life in Shanghai!

《Young Love Lost》E15Plot

Episode 15

Young Love Lost Episode 15 Synopsis: A dispute breaks out on the white and blue road

On his first day as a doorman, Lu Xiaolu met a foreign guest. Although he didn't understand what he said, he guessed what he wanted and patiently answered his question and successfully got a tip.

Bai Lan's modeling work is also going very smoothly. The boss is very optimistic about Bai Lan. On time, Bai Lan will have a better job, and the corresponding efforts will be more. Bai Lan understands what the other party means, but Bai Lan directly refuses., the other party tried to keep Bailan and didn't look back.

Lu Xiaolu and Bai Lan were shopping and saw a very high-end restaurant. The name of the restaurant was “Blue Road. Bai Lan's first reaction was that the name of this restaurant was named after himself and Lu Xiaolu. Lu Xiaolu and Bai Lan agreed that they would definitely do it in the future.Taking Bai Lan in for dinner, Bai Lan smiled and nodded.

Lu Xiaolu worked hard, and even encountered a food exhibition held in the hotel. After Lu Xiaolu asked for a promotional leaflet, he called Qin Juan, hoping that Li Guangnan and the others could come to participate and expand the sales of milk tea to Shanghai. QinJuan asked him why he didn't call Li Guangnan directly. Lu Xiaolu couldn't explain the reason, but Qin Juan also understood the awkwardness between Lu Xiaolu and Li Guangnan now.

Qin Juan then told Li Guangnan about this, and Li Guangnan quickly agreed, but still insisted that she was not doing it for Lu Xiaolu, but because she could sell better milk tea.

Bai Lan went home at night and met the landlord's aunt downstairs. The landlord asked her where her brother was recently. Bai Lan explained that he was still in the hospital. The landlord's aunt stopped pretending and said that she had discovered it a long time ago. Bai Lan immediately begged for mercy and said that the two of themIt is indeed difficult, but it will get better later. The landlord said that he understood, but if they were like this, they would not last long. Bailan understood what the landlord meant, and Lu Xiaolu upstairs also heard all this.

The next day Bailan found her boss and said that she wanted to fight for the last opportunity, and then she stood up directly.

At work, Lu Xiaolu saw Bailan's photos being made into display boards and placed on exhibition boards. Lu Xiaolu got excited and went to grab them. When he turned around, he accidentally bumped into a female customer. The other person immediately started making a noise. The manager gave way immediately after he came over.Xiaolu apologized and asked Lu Xiaolu to squat down and clean the other person's shoes. Lu Xiaolu couldn't bear it, but when he raised his head after picking up the tip, he saw Qin Juan and Li Guangnan.

Li Guangnan lamented that Xiaolu had changed and hoped that Xiaolu would go back, but Xiaolu was unwilling. Li Guangnan's words became more and more unpleasant, and they finally broke up on bad terms.

Lu Xiaolu went back to talk to Bai Lan at night and told Bai Lan that if she knew the work in the fashion company was like this, she would never agree. Bai Lan felt aggrieved and directly closed the curtain and stopped listening to Xiao Lu's words.

The next day, Lu Xiaolu went to his colleague and asked him to buy a camera for 1,000 yuan. The other person said that he earned it from playing mahjong, and Lu Xiaolu wanted to buy it as a birthday present for Bai Lan.

Bai Lan was taken by her boss to see Boss Huang, who wanted to invite Bai Lan to be a jewelry model, but Bai Lan refused because her boyfriend didn't like her being a model.Then we went to ”Blue Road% to wait for Lu Xiaolu. Finally, he took Lu Xiaolu home to eat. Lu Xiaolu also gave the camera to Bai Lan. He also said that he didn’t hate that profession, but he just didn’t want Bai Lan to be like that.Thanks for the hard work, the two agreed that one would take photos and the other would be a model.

Lu Xiaolu went to work normally, but the police came to the door and said it was because of stealing the camera. Lu Xiaolu explained that he bought the camera from a colleague, but without a certificate, and the colleague ran away.

Bai Lan also encountered trouble. Boss Huang went to Bai Lan's school to give a lecture, and even asked Bai Lan in public about the theft of his camera.

After it was over, Bai Lan hoped that Boss Huang could let her boyfriend go, but the other party refused. Bai Lan said that she could admit that she instigated her boyfriend to steal, but Boss Huang said that she wanted her to think clearly.

When Lu Xiaolu came back in the evening, Bai Lan served him noodles, but Lu Xiaolu asked her why she had to bear the responsibility herself. Was it because she didn't believe in herself either. Bai Lan said that she didn't want to quarrel, but she still shed tears.

Soon the school punished Bai Lan with expulsion. Bai Lan returned home after bidding farewell to her roommates, but left after finding a letter left by Lu Xiaolu.

《Young Love Lost》E16Plot

Episode 16

Young Love Lost Episode 16 Synopsis: Li Guangnan owes loan sharks to Bang Lu Xiaolu

Li Guangnan and Li Guangnan couldn't find Lu Xiaolu's way back. When Niu Laopi was angry because Lu Xiaolu didn't report to the factory, he learned from Niu Xiaoying that Lu Xiaolu's mother was sick and hospitalized.

Qin Juan and Li Guangnan were still worried about Lu Xiaolu, but they didn't know what happened to Lu Xiaolu. They didn't know that Lu Xiaolu was back until Changjiao met him on the road. The two of them were chatting and walking and looked around the corner.Arrived on the drunken road.Li Guangnan told him the news that Lu Xiaolu's mother was hospitalized, and Lu Xiaolu was stunned instantly.

The doctor at Xiaolu's mother's side was telling Xiaolu's father about Xiaolu's mother's condition, and said that the disease must be solved by surgery, but surgery has certain risks, and the doctor can't guarantee it. There is also the issue of cost, because this surgeryPeople from the provincial capital had to be hired to do it, so the cost would not be low. Lu Xiaolu's mother cried when she heard it, but she still forced herself to stop her tears, just because she didn't want to worry her family.

Lu Xiaolu went to the hospital to see Lu Xiaolu’s mother. Lu Xiaolu’s mother was concerned about Xiaolu’s condition. Xiaolu said that she was fine and comforted Lu Xiaolu. Finally, she said that she didn’t want to have this surgery. Lu Xiaolu panicked instantly.

Lu Xiaolu turned around and went to the factory to find Secretary Hong. When he entered the door, he asked Secretary Hong why he didn't reimburse his mother's medical expenses. Secretary Hong was also very embarrassed and said that there was indeed no money in the factory. Then he pointed to the fruit basket in the distance.Frankly speaking, I bought the fruit basket with my own money and planned to go to the hospital to have a look.However, Lu Xiaolu said that the most urgent thing now was the surgery fee. Just as they were talking, Ding Dezhong came in and immediately wanted to pull Lu Xiaolu out. Secretary Hong saw that the two of them were quarreling and his head got big, so in the end, he directly pulled Lu Xiaolu to go to the hospital.Look at his mother.

Lu Xiaolu came out of the ward and saw his father in a daze. Lu Xiaolu knew that his father was worried, so they went home together. Faqin took out the bankbook at home. There were two thousand yuan in it, as well as a bunch of IOUs, plusIt cost five thousand yuan. Lu Xiaolu's father was also going to ask for an account so that the surgery and medical expenses would be covered. He also said that there would be no need for Lu Xiaolu to go to the warehouse. He begged Secretary Hong for a long time before he finally agreed to give way.Xiaolu went to the security department, and Lu Xiaolu nodded.

The next day Lu Xiaolu went to the security department, but Lu Xiaolu was always in a daze while working, and was eventually dragged to catch Ding Dezhong's stray dog. Lu Xiaolu searched for a long time, and finally found it. Lu Xiaolu raised it.He also named it Wangcai.

When Niu Xiaoying learned about Lu Xiaolu's return, she immediately went to care about Lu Xiaolu and cooked for him. Lu Xiaolu didn't want Niu Xiaoying to continue misunderstanding, and finally told her that the person waiting for her to eat was not her.

When Changjiao returned to the maintenance class, he saw Niu Xiaoying sitting in his seat. It turned out that Xiaoying knew everything. Changjiao immediately went up to explain, but Xiaoying couldn't accept it at all, and the two finally broke up on bad terms.

Lu Xiaolu found that Wangcai was injured. When he took him to the infirmary, he still thought of Bailan. After he woke up, he found that the infirmary had been evacuated by workers. This was all because medical insurance could not cover it, so Lu Xiaolu had to go somewhere else.Went.

When Lu Xiaolu went back, he met Li Guangnan. The atmosphere between the two was still as awkward as ever, and in the end they still couldn't talk it out completely.Bai Lan left school and had no choice but to find her boss when she was a model. However, the competition among models was too great. Boss Huang's side Bai Lan was unwilling to go, making Bai Lan's life even more difficult.

Lu Xiaolu's mother still couldn't have the surgery because she had to pay a deposit. Five thousand yuan was not enough. When Lu Xiaolu found out, he mobilized all his strength to borrow money, but he didn't ask Li Guangnan. In the end, Li Guangnan took the initiative to find him., Lu Xiaolu said that five thousand was needed.Li Guangnan was stunned for a moment but then agreed.

After Qin Juan heard about it, she asked Li Guangnan where the money came from. Li Guangnan explained that it was all the good deeds of Ding Dezhong. It turned out that Ding Dezhong helped him contact loan sharks and got interest from them. Ding Dezhong also took away medical insurance money from the factory and also madeHe even tried to lure Li Guangnan into trouble.

Lu Xiaolu's mother had the operation completed, and many people from the factory came to visit. Everyone was very happy, but Qin Juan started crying. Only then did Lu Xiaolu know that Li Guangnan owed usury.

Lu Xiaolu rushed over with his things and took Li Guangnan to fight with the opponent. In the end, he won. The two fought side by side like brothers again.

Bailan packed up her things and left the rental house, tearing up the photo with Lu Xiaolu.

《Young Love Lost》E17Plot

Episode 17

Young Love Lost Episode 17 Plot Introduction: Lu Xiaolu’s mother passed away

Lu Xiaolu's mother finished the operation and her mood improved. She sang songs in the ward. Lu Xiaolu came to visit her mother and felt happy to see her like this.Lu Xiaolu’s mother also lamented that Fucheng hadn’t had such good sunshine for a long time. After saying this, she touched Lu Xiaolu’s hair and felt that Lu Xiaolu’s hair was too long, so she wanted to help Lu Xiaolu push her hair.He bluntly said that he would let his mother push him after he was discharged from the hospital, but his mother really wanted to be discharged from the hospital. After saying that, he wanted Lu Xiaolu to go through the discharge procedures for him, but Lu Xiaolu disagreed. Lu Xiaolu couldn't stop him and had to ask his father for help, but Lu Xiaolu'sHis father also agreed to follow his mother's wishes, so Lu Xiaolu had no choice but to obey.

Bai Lan's life in Shanghai was not easy. She still ate the same pan-fried buns as before. But now Bai Lan was busy looking for a job. Bai Lan applied for a job again. Bai Lan wanted to work on the ship and stay at sea for a while., but the manager said that there were only men on the boat, and it was not safe for a girl to go on board. After saying that, Bai Lan was busy with her own business. Bai Lan saw it and helped answer the questions. The manager found that Bai Lan's English was not bad, and finallyThey decided to invite Bai Lan to work as a translator in the company. If they did well, they would have the opportunity to study abroad. However, the probation period was one month and there was no salary. Bai Lan bargained for half a month, and finally both parties reached an agreement.

Lu Xiaolu's mother returned home. She was in a good mood and started to try to make some things. However, because she had not recovered from the operation, she accidentally fell. Niu Xiaoying and Lu Xiaolu came back together, and everyone suddenlyAfter coaxing her up, Lu Xiaolu’s mother said it was okay and she was willing to do something.After saying that, Lu Xiaolu's mother began to care about Lu Xiaolu's relationship status again. Niu Xiaoying noticed something and quickly explained that she and Lu Xiaolu did not have that kind of relationship. She also said that she had always regarded Lu Xiaolu as her younger brother. Lu Xiaolu also immediately became very concerned.After calling her "sister" in cooperation, Lu Xiaolu's mother stopped talking.

Bai Lan was very comfortable at work. Faced with the problems that confused the company, Bai Lan's intelligence quickly gave his own answers. After hearing this, the manager recognized Bai Lan's plan and decided to hand over the important work to Bai Lan..It's just that Bailan's scenery also aroused the jealousy of other colleagues, and everyone began to discuss things about Bailan.Over there in Fucheng, Niu Xiaoying and Lu Xiaolu started dating after they talked about it. Changjiao followed him anxiously after hearing about it, and kept observing in the dark. When he saw that the other party had been belittling Niu Xiaoying, Changjiao finally tolerated it.She couldn't help but rushed up to him, scolded him, and even started a fight. When he went back, Niu Xiaoying blamed Changjie. Changjie became emotional and directly expressed her feelings. Niu Xiaoying panicked, but she still endured it when she turned around.I couldn't help but laugh.

Bai Lan had just been going well for two days. Unexpectedly, someone came to the manager to report Bai Lan's expulsion from school. The manager hinted that the company could not accept it, so Bai Lan was expelled again. Someone in the company also took Bai Lan'sThe suitcase was opened and everything about Bai Lan was found. Bai Lan was sad. The girl who competed with Bai Lan came to ridicule her!

Lu Xiaolu's mother's illness relapsed again. Lu Xiaolu anxiously called people at the factory, hoping that a car could come to take her mother to the hospital. However, Ding Dezhong was making trouble inside. By the time Lu Xiaolu finally sent her mother to the hospital, she had alreadyIt was too late, Lu Xiaolu's mother left anyway.Because of Li Guangnan's report, Ding Dezhong also received the retribution he deserved. The police went directly to his home and took him away.Lu Xiaolu and his father were very sad about their mother's departure, but they still had to go on living their lives well.Changjiao is also preparing to go out and try his luck, hoping to realize his dream of holding a concert. When Niu Xiaoying found out, she went to see him off. Li Guangnan teased that Lu Xiaolu was single now, and Lu Xiaolu said that he wanted to start a career!

《Young Love Lost》E18Plot

Episode 18

Young Love Lost Episode 18 Synopsis: Lu Xiaolu and Bai Lan reunite

By the year 2002, as the country continued to develop, Lu Xiaolu's business had reached Shanghai. Lu Xiaolu and Bai Lan passed each other in the elevator. By the time he realized what he was doing and caught up with him, Bai Lan had already gone far.He hurriedly followed and saw the girl walking with a man and a child. Lu Xiaolu had to stop.

Li Guangnan was getting married the next day. Lu Xiaolu rushed back the night before and specially brought Qin Juan wedding shoes from Beijing. Li Guangnan bluntly said that this was his last single night and talked about several boys.They decided to celebrate well. In the end, Li Guangnan and Lu Xiaolu were left sitting on the road drinking. Li Guangnan used the wine to say a lot of thanks to Lu Xiaolu, but Lu Xiaolu understood that without Li Guangnan, his business would not be possible.He couldn't do it so well, Li Guangnan smiled, and both of them sighed that this brother's friendship was not in vain.Lu Xiaolu was still thinking about something. Li Guangnan asked him if he was still thinking about Bai Lan. Lu Xiaolu bluntly said that he met Bai Lan in Shanghai some time ago. He also said that Bai Lan was still wearing the same white dress as when they first met.skirt, but Lu Xiaolu also said that he saw Bai Lan and her husband and children together. Lu Xiaolu's tone was full of regret, saying that if he had the chance to see her again, he must say three words to her. Li Guangnan teasedIs it “I love you”? Lu Xiaolu bluntly said it was tacky. Li Guangnan suddenly remembered that the wedding shoes had not been sent to Qin Juan, so the two of them hurriedly sent the shoes.

When Li Guangnan and Lu Xiaolu arrived in a hurry, Niu Xiaoying blocked the door and refused to let Li Guangnan in. She said that the bride and groom could not meet before the wedding, so Lu Xiaolu said that he would go in to see her off, but when she entered in a panic, she discovered thatBailan was also inside. Lu Xiaolu put down his shoes in a panic and left.After leaving the door, Lu Xiaolu asked Li Guangnan if he knew. Li Guangnan realized that it was Qin Juan who had invited him. However, Li Guangnan still advised Lu Xiaolu to let it go, but Lu Xiaolu said that he just wanted to apologize sincerely.

When picking up the bride the next day, Lu Xiaolu had been looking for Bai Lan. She only heard people say that Bai Lan was busy with her own affairs and that she would go directly to the hotel. Lu Xiaolu had no choice but to get in the car and leave. On the way, she chatted with her brother about Li Bailan.Regarding the situation at Guangnan's house, Lu Xiaolu mentioned Qin Juan's aunt's unwillingness to come to the wedding. Lu Xiaolu thought of something and quickly asked someone to stop the car. Then Lu Xiaolu packed his things and went to Qin Juan's aunt's house, only to find him at the door.Bai Lan persuaded her inside. Lu Xiaolu saw this and went in to cooperate with Bai Lan. The main one moved Aunt Qin Juan. After saying that, she pretended to leave, but her aunt took the initiative to stop the two of them.So Qin Juan waited for her aunt at the last moment during the wedding, and Qin Juan finally had no regrets about her wedding.The wedding went smoothly, but there was still nothing to say between Bai Lan and Lu Xiaolu. Bai Lan said that he would leave after the matter was done. Lu Xiaolu wanted to say something but was called away. Bai Lan chatted with Lu Xiaolu's father.I knew that Lu Xiaolu’s mother had passed away.

In the evening, everyone went to Li Guangnan's house to have a wedding ceremony. Bai Lan came late and had no place to hide. Finally, she and Lu Xiaolu hid behind the curtain. After the end, Bai Lan left first. Lu Xiaolu quickly caught up after realizing what he was doing, and chased her to the pier.When there was no one there, Lu Xiaolu was very sad. Unexpectedly, Bai Lan stood behind and called Lu Xiaolu’s name. The two started chatting. Lu Xiaolu cared about Bai Lan’s life these years, and Bai Lan cared about Lu Xiaolu’s life.There is also the matter of Lu Dajiang and his family. Lu Dajiang has come out, but he just doesn't want to stay in Fucheng. He will come back in two years. Lu Xiaolu believes that Lu Dajiang will be happy when he sees how he looks now.In the end, Lu Xiaolu apologized as he wished. The two got together again after many years. There were not so many topics to talk about. After saying a few words, Bai Lan was about to get on the ferry. Lu Xiaolu just stood there and watched.There is no way to save him, and there is no way to save him.

《Young Love Lost》E19Plot

Episode 19

Young Love Lost Episode 19 Synopsis: Bai Lan returns to Fucheng to acquire a food factory

Bai Lan returned to Shanghai, and her boss asked her why she returned to Fucheng without telling him. Bai Lan bluntly said that she had been working overtime for so many years, so just arranging it for a while was not too much, and the boss was not angry. Bai Lan then took another step.After the phone call ended, the other party asked Bai Lan if he had applied for the general manager of the branch again. Bai Lan bluntly said that the company had always had reasons to reject him in the past two years. This year, he had won three major projects, and he wanted to see what else was there.Is there any reason to reject herself? Bai Lan really doesn’t want to stay in this position anymore!

Lu Xiaolu went to pick up Lu Dajiang. On the way, Lu Xiaolu and Lu Dajiang talked about the changes in Fucheng over the years. Then he would take Lu Dajiang to Sister Tao's hotel to ask for credit. Lu Xiaolu put Lu Dajiang at the door and then went to park the car.But when Lu Xiaolu came back, he found that Lu Dajiang had not changed. Sister Tao doubted whether Lu Dajiang didn't want to see her. Lu Xiaolu chased him out without saying anything. Lu Dajiang was sitting on the side of the road. Lu Xiaolu said that if he didn't want to see her, then he wouldAfter seeing each other for a while, they went to the boathouse with Lu Dajiang. The two drank together and slowly talked about relationships. Both brothers had their own difficulties, and there was a person in their hearts who could not be together.

As expected, Bai Lan's application for general manager was rejected. Bai Lan angrily went to the office to find Boss Huang. Bai Lan had been calling him master for so many years, but now Boss Huang also said that this was the decision of the board of directors and he wanted to keep her.Beside her, Bai Lan was very angry and was about to leave after saying that. However, Boss Huang began to remind Bai Lan not to forget the way he begged himself for a chance in the most difficult time. Bai Lan had no choice but to swallow this breath.The company has an Italian food project, and now it needs to choose a place to build an Italian brand OEM factory. Everyone has their own ideas, but Bailan thought of the food factory in Fucheng. She bluntly said that the food factory has been reformed many times over the years without success., is in a trough state, now you can buy it at a good price if you join the game, and the scenery in Fucheng is also very good, maybe Italy will like it, and finally everyone was convinced.

The cold drinks of Lu Xiaolu and Li Guangnan have been stored in the cold storage of the food factory. The two have a big business and there are a lot of things in the cold storage. Many workers who come and go are jealous after seeing it. Lao Niubi also reminds the twoPeople should restrain themselves!The two said they knew, and when they were about to drive away, they saw a BMW driving in. Lu Xiaolu seemed to see Bailan sitting in the car, but Lu Xiaolu was not sure.The fact is that Bailan really came, and this time it was to acquire the food factory, including the cold storage of the food factory!After Bai Lan and Qin Juan briefly understood the situation, they went to Lu Xiaolu to talk about the cold storage. Lu Xiaolu specially prepared homemade milk tea for Bai Lan, but Bai Lan went straight to the point. Talking about money means money. Lu Xiaolu didn't.I like Bailan like this, and the two of them talked for a long time. In the end, Bailan asked Lu Xiaolu to free up the cold storage as soon as possible!Lu Xiaolu and Lu Dajiang had dinner together. Lu Xiaolu was not in good condition and Sister Tao also came over. Lu Dajiang hid when he saw this. Lu Xiaolu just looked at Sister Tao and roared alone, accusing Lu Dajiang of not daring to come out to see him.Both brothers are trapped by love, and neither of them has found a solution to this problem.

Bai Lan stayed in the factory at night. Looking at the factory, Bai Lan thought of her master's promise that she could start her own business if this was done well. Bai Lan really wanted to be free!Soon there was a meeting in the factory to announce that the factory was about to be acquired. Everyone was welcoming Bai Lan. Unexpectedly, Director Bi back then and now Deputy Mayor Bi also came. Bai Lan still had to maintain the superficial peace. Deputy Mayor BiThe official said that of course he would cooperate!

Lu Xiaolu and Li Guangnan calculated the profit and loss for this month. Li Guangnan said that the cold storage really cannot be given away, but Lu Xiaolu started to calculate how much it would cost to build a cold storage in the city.Unexpectedly, there was a commotion in the cold storage before the matter was settled. The workers were clamoring to move the things in the cold storage. Niu Xiaoying was guarding there. Lu Xiaolu and Li Guangnan arrived quickly. The scene was chaotic for a while.I was cautiously injured, but when I looked up I saw Bai Lan!

《Young Love Lost》E20Plot

Episode 20

Young Love Lost Episode 20 Synopsis: Long Feet Returns from Beijing

Bai Lan took Lu Xiaolu to the infirmary, but there was nothing in the infirmary. Bai Lan had to give Lu Xiaolu an ice pack to apply to the injury on his face.Lu Xiaolu explained that the current cold storage matter was not his alone. Li Guangnan and Qin Juan had just gotten married and still had mortgages to repay. Niu Xiaoying and Changjiao's life was not easy either. The cold storage was definitely not what he wanted.Yes, Lu Xiaolu said that even if she wanted to help her, she couldn't ignore the feelings of her brothers. Bai Lan recognized that they had lived hard for so many years, but so was she!Lu Xiaolu mentioned the relationship back then, but Bai Lan said that she had long forgotten what happened in Fucheng. After Bai Lan finished speaking, Lu Xiaolu was completely heartbroken and left directly.

Lu Xiaolu and Li Guangnan talked about these things, but Qin Juan did not recognize the two of them. She bluntly said that Lu Xiaolu was the one who broke his promise first. Lu Xiaolu returned to Fucheng alone, with family and work, but Bai Lan was alone in Shanghai, studyingIf you can't get a graduate degree, you can't find a job, and you have to fight everything alone. Lu Xiaolu was shocked when he heard it. Lu Xiaolu always thought that Bai Lan was studying in Shanghai as a graduate student. Qin Juan then took out the secrets of herself and Bai Lan.After so many years of correspondence between Lan and Lan, Lu Xiaolu realized Bai Lan's hard work for the first time, and felt very uncomfortable.

The workers were discussing the confrontation with Bai Lan in the factory, but Lao Niu Pi insisted that the struggle could not just rely on weapons!But there are young workers who don't agree with Lao Niu Pi's idea and want to teach Bailan a lesson!Lu Xiaolu was sitting in the car at night, looking in the direction of the food factory with his glasses, when he suddenly heard Bai Lan's cry. When Lu Xiaolu caught up, Bai Lan had already fallen down and sat on the ground. Lu Xiaolu quickly asked him what was going on.Bai Lan said that she just fell down and called the police soon after. When the police came, Bai Lina explained the whole story. She said that she was frightened when she saw pig blood when she entered the door. She was about to go back to investigate.Unexpectedly, Lao Niu Pi suddenly appeared and admitted that he did it. Bai Lan knew that Lao Niu Pi would not do such a thing until Lao Niu Pi was protecting the person he wanted to protect, so he withdrew the case and did not plan to continue the investigation..After it was over, Bai Lan told Lao Niu Pi his thoughts, saying frankly that he could understand, but his work must continue!

After that, Lu Xiaolu took Bai Lan back to the boat house. Lu Dajiang saw this and left directly to do cleaning. That was the job assigned to him by the neighborhood committee. Bai Lan saw a lot of familiar things in the boat house. Lu Xiaolu said bluntly that he didn't want to.She was willing to throw it away, but Bai Lan said that if she didn't throw away some things that should be thrown away, it would only bother herself and the other party. Then Bai Lan answered the call from the master, and the other party said that he would come to Fucheng early the next morning and would take Bai Lan to meet a big shot., Bai Lan couldn't stop it and had to agree.Lu Dajiang spoke righteously to the woman in the quarrel, but was beaten by the other man's man. Lu Dajiang's body had long lost the violence of the past. Unexpectedly, the man came back and apologized after a while. At this time, Sister Tao's handwriting, Lu Dajiang knew nothing.

Lao Niu Pi and Niu Xiaoying had dinner, and they talked about things in the factory. Niu Xiaoying bluntly said that her father would retire in the next year, so he should not be so angry. Niu Xiaoying also said that she would make good money to provide for Lao Niu Pi in his old age. Lao Niu Pi was teasing him.Niu Xiaoying sent all the money to Changjiao. Unexpectedly, Changjiao came back and brought a gift to Lai Niubi. Lao Niubi said he disliked it, but he was still very happy in his heart.In the evening, Changjiao and Niu Xiaoying made an appointment with Lu Xiaolu and Li Guangnan to have dinner at the hotel.Bai Lan also went to restaurants with her master to eat. They were all owned by Sister Tao.Master said he wanted to take Bailan to meet a big shot, and it turned out to be Deputy Mayor Bi!Bai Lan suppressed her embarrassment and drank. When she went to the bathroom, she bumped into Lu Xiaolu.At this time, Boss Huang is discussing with Vice Mayor Bi the acquisition of the food factory and converting it into real estate!

Bai Lan didn't go back for a long time. Boss Huang went to find her and met Lu Xiaolu. Bai Lan introduced Lu Xiaolu as her friend in Fucheng. The two said hello and separated!

《Young Love Lost》E21Plot

Episode 21

Young Love Lost Episode 21 Synopsis: Lu Xiaolu and Li Guangnan quarreled

Bai Lan returned to the private room. Bai Lan was already very drunk, so she still dragged Deputy Mayor Bi to drink together. Deputy Mayor Bi was surprised, but still accompanied him. Even Boss Huang couldn't stand it anymore and hurriedly protected him.After coming to Bai Lan's side, Vice Mayor Bi bluntly said that Boss Huang was very discerning. After drinking a glass of wine, he wished them happiness. Boss Huang turned around to appease Bai Lan.The party between Lu Xiaolu and Changjiao was over. Li Guangnan and Qin Juan left first. Lu Xiaolu said that he was going to smoke a cigarette, so he asked Changjiao and Niu Xiaoying to go first. When leaving, he also told Changjiao that if he had any difficulties, he couldLooking for himself, Longjiao nodded to show that he understood.Changjiao and Niu Xiaoying walked together. As they walked, Niu Xiaoying stopped, turned around and asked Changjiao how long he would continue to deceive her. Changjiao didn’t understand what Niu Xiaoying was talking about, but Niu Xiaoying said that she had long seen that Changjiao was all faking it.However, Zhangjiao had no choice but to tell the truth. It turned out that Zhangjiao was not living as well as he imagined, and his dream had not come true. However, he was afraid of being disappointed, so that was why he was like this. Niu Xiaoying hugged Changjiao to comfort her, and said franklyEven in the most difficult time, she never thought about leaving him. Changjiao was very moved, but Niu Xiaoying quickly let go of Changjiao and said frankly that she hates Changjiao now. She also said that the Changjiao she likes is a person who has a dream and will pursue it.instead of the current person who is trying to make a fool of himself!After saying that, Niu Xiaoying ran away, and Long Legs froze on the spot, roaring that she hated herself like this too!

After Boss Huang helped Vice Mayor Bi leave, Bai Lan calmed down for a while and then walked out. Lu Xiaolu met Bai Lan at the corner. Lu Xiaolu helped Bai Lan back to the room. Bai Lan was completely drunk and proudly talked to Lu Xiaolu.Xiaolu showed off that he had tricked Vice Mayor Bi who wanted to trick him. Lu Xiaolu was very distressed. Bailan kept talking on the way back to the room. He said frankly that he did all this because he did not want that person to look down on him. Lu XiaoluXiaolu asked, and Bailan said that the person's name was Lu Xiaolu, and that she just wanted to prove that she could live well without him, and that Bailan could live well without anyone!Lu Xiaolu's eyes were full of heartache, and he said that if he knew Bai Lan would be so hard, he would never leave at all. Bai Lan did not answer, and began to imagine how happy he would be when he started his own business in the future, and also talked about how much he would drink by then.There was no way to pass it on, so he was about to pass on the wine to Lu Xiaolu. Lu Xiaolu had no choice but to buy wine. After struggling for a while, he bought yogurt and honey, but what he didn't expect was that he saw Boss Huang when he went back.Standing at the door of Bailan's room, Lu Xiaolu was stunned on the spot. He didn't leave until Boss Huang entered Lu Xiaolu.

Lu Xiaolu understood the importance of the food factory to Bailan, so he decided to take the initiative to give up the cold storage, and had a big quarrel with Li Guangnan because of this matter.Boss Huang from Bailan's side started to get involved in the food factory, and he wanted to fire some workers, such as Master Niu. Bailan and Boss Huang had different opinions. Bailan insisted on reviving the food factory. Lao Niupi and Dr. Tian came to chat with Bailan.Bai Lan sincerely told everything about the food factory and made it clear that his purpose was to save the food factory!In this way, he finally gained Master Niu's trust and gained a certain degree of credibility among the workers. Lu Xiaolu said this was a good thing!Soon Master Niu began to encourage the workers in the factory to prepare for resumption of work, and everything seemed to be developing in a good direction.

Master Niu took someone to the cold storage to repair things in preparation for resumption of work, but the other party forgot to pick up the tools. Master Niu complained about the other party and let him go, then turned around and continued to repair things, but unexpectedly he was beaten!Master Niu suffered a head injury and was admitted to the hospital. After he woke up, he was asked if he had seen the other person's face. Master Niu's answer was no, and he didn't even see the person. However, Niu Xiaoying secretly kept this thingThe blame falls on Bai Lan!Little did he know that Bai Lan was also very anxious about this matter. It was important to find out the other party's true identity!

《Young Love Lost》E22Plot

Episode 22

Young Love Lost Episode 22 Plot Introduction: Lu Xiaolu and Bai Lan discuss cooperation

Bai Lan and Qin Juan went to the security department to check the surveillance, and found that most of the surveillance cameras in the factory were broken. A strange figure appeared in the only good surveillance picture. Even people who had been in the security department for decades were not there.I know him, obviously he is not from the factory.The people from the security department asked Bai Lan to recall the memories carefully to see if there were any impressions.Bai Lan turned around and went to the cold storage where the accident happened to check the situation. Unexpectedly, Lu Xiaolu was also inside. The two of them were analyzing the clues on the ground. Someone locked the door from the outside. It was Niu Xiaoying who wanted to punish the person who injured her father.Niu Xiaoying hesitated when she heard the sound of the road inside, but still left!Lu Xiaolu and Bai Lan analyzed the shoe prints on the ground. Bai Lan knew that Lu Xiaolu still doubted Huang Qing, but Bai Lan said not. It was Huang Qing who helped Bai Lan when Bai Lan was in the most difficult time. Bai Lan didn't want to doubt him.Xiaolu didn't say anything. At this time, Qin Juan and Li Guangnan arrived and released the two of them!Bailan left after going out.

Lu Xiaolu took Li Guangnan for a run in the street at night. Li Guangnan knew that Lu Xiaolu was still hurt and thought that the old relationship between the two had rekindled. Unexpectedly, Lu Xiaolu said that he had never let go of Bai Lan in the past five years.It's because I left without saying goodbye, and I have been feeling guilty for so many years. But now I see that Bai Lan is living a good life, and there are people around me who can accompany her and take care of her, so I have no regrets in my heart, and bluntly said that I am ready to let go., Li Guangnan’s face was full of doubts, Lu Xiaolu nodded repeatedly, and Li Guangnan had no choice but to shrug and pull Lu Xiaolu home.

Boss Huang from Bailan's side came to see her and asked if Lu Xiaolu was her boyfriend back then. Bailan admitted it, but denied that he would affect her judgment and refused to go on vacation. Seeing Bailan's tough attitude, Boss Huang proposed to Bailan.Blue Belt went out for a walk by himself, and Bai Lan took people to watch a movie. But Bai Lan's mind was filled with the scene of talking about the future with Lu Xiaolu in the cinema. Thinking about it, he actually shed tears. Boss Huang saw everything.He guessed something in his eyes and in his heart.

Bailan was wondering why the Italians regretted it when they said they regretted it. They had obviously had a good conversation before, but Boss Huang looked calm and said that what the other party wanted was sales channels, but Fucheng couldn't give it, and Bailan couldn't give it either.He said that the other party would leave Fucheng the next day and would never come back again. He also said that Bailan had no chance. Bailan became anxious and bluntly said that if this was the case, the food factory would not be able to resume work. But Boss Huang said that he would not resume work yet., and then told about the real estate matter, Bai Lan was angry that Boss Huang had been hiding her, and quietly watched herself getting angry. Bai Lan disagreed and insisted on fighting for it again. Bai Lan wanted a month, but Boss Huang onlyGive it five days!

In the evening, Lu Xiaolu and Li Guangnan had dinner together. Niu Xiaoying took the opportunity to apologize for locking Bailan and Lu Xiaolu into the cold storage. Qin Juan mentioned Bailan's bet with Boss Huang about the sales channels. Lu XiaoluAt the dinner table, he pretended not to care at all. After that, he went to see Bai Lan and proposed to exchange shares with the food factory. Bai Lan didn't want to get involved. After all, the risk of this matter was too great.Not sure it will succeed. Lu Xiaolu has everything now, so there is no need to take this risk. Lu Xiaolu said it was for himself. Bai Lan asked Li Guangnan if he would agree. Lu Xiaolu smiled slightly and said that Li Guangnan would definitely applaud.!

After Lu Xiaolu returned, he took out the existing deposits in the company and divided them between the two companies. He said that he wanted to exchange shares for cooperation and did not want to implicate them. Li Guangnan was angry and asked Lu Xiaolu to make a choice between Bailan and Bailan. Lu XiaoluWithout saying a word, Li Guangnan left, and Niu Xiaoying also left!However, Changjiao remained silent. In the evening, Changjiao and Lu Xiaolu stood together. Changjiao expressed his understanding and would persuade Xiaoying after returning.

The next day, Lu Xiaolu went to Bailan's office to discuss cooperation with Bailan. Boss Huang happened to meet him, so he turned around and called the Italian. When Bailan and Lu Xiaolu went to find him, the other party had already left, so they could only find a new one.OEM brand!Boss Huang also started talking to Deputy Mayor Bi about the land. Boss Huang hoped to finalize the matter as soon as possible. Deputy Mayor Bi reminded Boss Huang to take care of Bailan. If the food factory is really saved, then all the money owned by the two of them will be lost.All plans were ruined!

《Young Love Lost》E23Plot

Episode 23

Young Love Lost Episode 23 Plot Introduction: Lu Xiaolu was beaten

Bai Lan and Lu Xiaolu had been having a headache because of the matter of finding a foundry, but the result seemed not good. The two stayed in the office all night. When Lu Xiaolu opened his eyes, Bai Lan started flipping through the address book again, thinking that there must be something else.The one who missed it, Lu Xiaolu, held Bai Lan's hand to calm down Bai Lan, and then took Bai Lan to have breakfast.

The place where the two of them ate was the same restaurant where you, Lu Xiaolu, pretended to be Bai Lan’s boyfriend. The two of them had done so many impressive things before. Even the boss knew them and even cooked them in his own house.The seafood sauce was taken out for the two of them to eat. This move couldn't help but bring the two back to the past. Lu Xiaolu said that it was too stupid at that time, but Bai Lan said that it was good to be stupid, and said that she didn't want to go back this time.I felt like I couldn’t explain why. The two of them chatted about Ah Fang. Lu Xiaolu said that after Ah Fang left, he went to Guangzhou to do business. Now he seems to be doing very well. Maybe the two of them arrived.Go try it in Guangzhou.Early the next morning, with the help of Chang Jiao and Qin Juan, the two set out for Guangzhou. Along the way, they drove each other and encouraged each other. It seemed that the matter would be solved soon. What the two didn't know was that...Boss Huang’s people were following them in a car not far behind!

An uninvited guest came to the parking lot of Sister Tao's hotel, and that was Boss Hu. Boss Hu was looking for trouble. Sister Tao asked someone to calm down and open a room for him for free, but the other party actually asked Sister Tao to accompany him., the words became more and more unpleasant, and Sister Tao's face was not good-looking. Then a person stood in front of Sister Tao, it was Lu Dajiang. Lu Dajiang asked Sister Tao to go first, and he fought with Boss Hu. Sister Tao was being beaten whileThe man dragged him away, shouting for Lu Dajiang to stop. Sister Tao was really afraid that something would happen to Lu Dajiang again.After it was over, Lu Dajiang walked away on his own. Sister Tao kept chasing him and asked him why he didn't want to meet him. Lu Dajiang stopped and asked Sister Tao to calm down. What happened back then was his fault, but after so long, Sister TaoShe should have put it down, but then Lu Dajiang left again. Sister Tao chased her anxiously and accidentally fell down the steps. Lu Dajiang hurriedly went to help her. When Sister Tao stood up, her face was full of tears, but she still called to Lu Dajiang, "Lu Dajiang."Dajiang kissed her directly, and Sister Tao responded. After many years, the two finally met honestly.

Lu Xiaolu and Bai Lan arrived in Guangzhou, but they didn't find A Fang, so they had to wait in front of the company. Bai Lan felt sad for wasting a day, but Lu Xiaolu guided Bai Lan to look up at the stars, encouraging Bai Lan not to give up. In the end, she reallyWhen we arrived at Ah Fang, it was just that Ah Fang had changed his name now, so it was not smooth for them to find each other. After the two proposed a cooperation plan, Ah Fang was obviously unwilling to accept it. Ah Fang bluntly said that he changed his name just to forget about the past. Bai LanWhen He Lu Xiaolu saw this, he didn't dare to force it. Lu Xiaolu just took out a gift and gave it to A Fang, and then the two of them left.The two of them did not waste time and returned immediately. Bailan asked Lu Xiaolu what the gift he had prepared was. Lu Xiaolu said that it was milk tea powder made by himself, which was a small token of his gratitude.

After Bai Lan returned, she was called to Boss Huang's office. The other party asked Bai Lan if the food in Guangzhou was delicious. Bai Lan thought that only Qin Juan knew about her trip to Guangzhou, so she guessed that Boss Huang sent someone to follow her.The other party also advised Bai Lan to stop now. Bai Lan said that there was still one day left and he would not give up, and clearly rejected Boss Huang's suggestion!Then he left. When Bai Lan went out, he saw Lu Xiaolu. Boss Huang also started to implement his plan!Lu Xiaolu sent Bai Lan to the hotel. When he was about to leave, Lu Xiaolu stopped Bai Lan again. Lu Xiaolu was very happy that he could continue to drink Bai Lan and do things together. Both of them were very happy.Unexpectedly, just when Bai Lan turned around to answer the phone, Lu Xiaolu was dragged away and beaten by Boss Hu. It was Boss Huang who ordered him!

Early the next morning, Bai Lan packed up her luggage and left the hotel, waiting for Lu Xiaolu to pick her up. She even completely broke up with Boss Huang because the family of her Italian partner told her about the dirty things Boss Huang had done before!Bai Lan did not wait for Lu Xiaolu. When she called, it was Lu Dajiang who received the call. When Bai Lan arrived, Lu Dajiang was giving medicine to Lu Xiaolu. Lu Xiaolu gave Bai Lan a shoe that he had pulled off last night.The shoe prints were exactly the same as those found in the cold storage. The two guessed that Boss Hu had probably gotten involved with Huang Qing. After hearing this, Lu Dajiang got up and left, saying he was just going out for a walk!

《Young Love Lost》E24Plot

Episode 24

Young Love Lost Episode 24 Plot Introduction: Boss Hu demolishes the factory

Boss Hu was sharing the watermelon with his brothers. As he was eating, Boss Hu remembered that Lao Wu had been cutting the watermelon for a long time. Just as he was about to take a look, Lu Dajiang escorted people in. Lu Dajiang bluntly said that he is a good citizen now, but no matter what,Even if he touches his brother, he will not endure it even if he goes to jail. Boss Hu bluntly said that he and Lu Xiaolu have no grievances and that he just uses money to do things. Faced with Lu Dajiang's threat, Boss Hu surrenders and Lu DajiangAfter leaving, Boss Hu secretly determined that sooner or later, Lu Dajiang would be completely crushed!

Bai Lan and Lu Xiaolu were drinking together. Bai Lan couldn't believe that Huang Qing didn't want the workers to resume work, so he asked someone to beat Master Niu. He didn't want to cooperate with Lu Xiaolu, so he asked someone to beat Lu Xiaolu. Bai Lan couldn't believe this.It was someone who I believed in so much at the beginning, and I didn’t dare to think about what would happen in the future!The next day, the two of them invited the dealers that Lu Xiaolu had accumulated over the years. Lu Xiaolu and Bailan brewed milk tea that Lu Xiaolu had developed for them. While everyone was drinking, Lu Xiaolu talked about how they wanted to use food.The factory produces a batch of milk tea powder and then sells it to everyone. Bai Lan also picked up the milk tea powder made by Lu Xiaolu and directly pointed out the advantages of milk tea powder, that is, it is easy to transport, can be sold all over the country, and the taste is very attractive.People, Lu Xiaolu made it clear that the output will not be very large, but it is just to allow the workers to maintain a basic life, and not to make a lot of money. The dealers admire Lu Xiaolu's behavior, but they must also consider their own profits, Lu XiaoluHe proposed that he would use his own money to make up for it, and Bailan added that he could also support it!

When Boss Huang arrived at the factory, he discovered that Bai Lan had arranged for people in the factory to resume work. Boss Huang was so angry that he wanted to fire them. After all, resumption of work in the factory has never been Boss Huang's goal, but the people in the security department stopped doing it as soon as he said this.He said frankly that he could leave, but he would never agree to drive away the old man in the factory, and then left!Bai Lan was worried that Huang Qing would do something bad, and was about to discuss a decision with Lu Xiaolu when Li Guangnan came in directly. Seeing this, Bai Lan made an excuse to make room for Lu Xiaolu and Li Guangnan.Li Guangnan still persuaded Lu Xiaolu to put down the food factory, but Lu Xiaolu didn't listen at all!Huang Qing was chatting with Vice Mayor Bi about the land. He turned around and saw Li Guangnan who was worried. After a brief understanding, he decided to help Li Guangnan!

Bai Lan and Qin Juan chatted and talked about Li Guangnan. The two began to think about easing the relationship between them. It just so happened that Li Guangnan's birthday was coming, which was a good time for the two of them to take action.Huang Qing made an appointment with Li Guangnan. Li Guangnan was wary at first, but Huang Qing knew what Li Guangnan wanted. Li Guangnan said that he knew about the affair between Huang Qing and Deputy Mayor Bi, but he didn't want to see it.Lu Xiaolu continued like this, and finally Li Guangnan decided to help Huang Qing to prevent Lu Xiaolu and Bai Lan from cooperating. However, the matter became that he wanted the land for the skating rink in the future. Huang Qing bluntly said that someone had already asked for the land. Li GuangnanGuangnan asked Huang Qing to consider whether he was worthy of the land!

Sister Tao came to Lu Dajiang because she heard about Huang Qing and Boss Hu joining forces to clean up Lu Xiaolu. Sister Tao did not want Lu Dajiang to continue to get involved, so she proposed to leave Fucheng with Lu Dajiang, but Lu Dajiang said that he could not ignore it.On Lu Xiaolu, Sister Tao asked if she would leave him after this matter was resolved. Lu Dajiang said that he said he would not leave Sister Tao, so he would definitely leave. Sister Tao was very happy!

Li Guangnan quickly took action. After summoning the dealers Lu Xiaolu had negotiated with, he offered financial inducements, hoping that the other party would terminate the cooperation with Lu Xiaolu. However, the other party valued his relationship with Lu Xiaolu, so Li Guangnan failed!Master Niu was still sad about the factory. When Niu Xiaoying offered to take him out of Fucheng, he refused and turned around and went to the factory.After receiving the order, Boss Hu began to dismantle things in the factory. The workers were unwilling, and the two sides soon clashed. Li Guangnan was watching all this not far away!

《Young Love Lost》E25Plot

Episode 25

Young Love Lost Episode 25 Synopsis: Qin Juan wants to divorce Li Guangnan

Li Guangnan called Boss Huang, but the only person who answered the phone was Huang Qing's driver. Li Guangnan asked him why he wanted to demolish the factory. He had obviously agreed to help, but the other party said that since Li Guangnan had messed up everything, thenThere was no need for Li Guangnan to intervene in the following matters, and he also said that Li Guangnan was not qualified to judge any of Huang Qing's actions!In anger, Li Guangnan threatened Huang Qing with the incident between Huang Qing and Vice Mayor Bi, and hung up the phone after speaking.After hearing the content of the call, Qin Juan also put down the birthday cake she planned to give to Li Guangnan and left. Li Guangnan looked at the cake and fell into deep thought. On the other side, Huang Qing's eyes became darker, as if something more serious was going to happen!

Master Niu and his workers started grinding steel bars, preparing for the battle!There was nothing that Master Niu could do. While he was doing this, it started to rain heavily outside, but this did not stop other workers. A large number of workers who were on the same team as Master Niu came over in the rain to confirm that Boss Huang was going to demolish it.After learning about the authenticity of the factory and knowing that the other party had already touched the sculpture during the day, everyone became more determined. Longjiao also joined everyone's team, and Master Niu was very moved.In addition, Qin Juan came to the factory in the heavy rain. Qin Juan came to the office to look for a contract. She finally found the contract secretly signed by Deputy Mayor Bi and Huang Qing, but when she left, she was picked up by Huang Qing’s driver.After discovering it, Qin Juan took the things and ran away. An accident happened when she passed the golden peacock sculpture!The sculpture was damaged during the day, and the heavy rain actually fell down, hitting Qin Juan directly. Huang Qing's driver saw it from a distance and stopped moving forward. Qin Juan was finally delivered by Master Niu and Long Jiao.Hospital.But Qin Juan's lumbar spine suffered a comminuted fracture. The doctor asked Li Guangnan to prepare for Qin Juan's lower limbs to be paralyzed. Li Guangnan knelt on the ground like crazy. He was unwilling to accept this fact. No one could help him and could only look at Li Guangnan.Guangnan roared!

Something like this happened in the factory. The government finally decided to use democratic voting to decide whether to approve the transformation of the factory. Bailan and Lu Xiaolu were sad. Could it be that the factory really couldn't be saved?The transaction between Huang Qing and Mayor Bi was still going on, but all this was seen by Lu Dajiang, who was behind the surveillance. In the evening, Lu Dajiang mentioned to Lu Xiaolu that he was going to Thailand with Sister Tao.Qin Juan on Li Guangnan's side woke up, but her heart was dead, and she took the initiative to propose a divorce to Li Guangnan. Both of them were very sad.When Lu Xiaolu found Li Guangnan, Li Guangnan was lying in the skating rink drinking. Lu Xiaolu didn't want to see Li Guangnan's decadent look, so he pulled Li Guangnan to take him to the hospital to see Qin Juan. Lu Xiaolu looked at Li Guangnan, the co-pilot, and felt in his heartHe was so angry that he directly pulled him to the beach and soaked Li Guangnan's head in the sea water. This soak made Li Guangnan sober up.Bai Lan in the hospital was worried about Qin Juan's medical expenses. The doctor suggested that she go to the factory to make trouble and ask the factory to reimburse her, but Bai Lan fell into deep thought.Lu Xiaolu and Li Guangnan talked a lot, and Li Guangnan finally woke up and understood what to do.

Bai Lan has been accompanying Qin Juan to massage Qin Juan. Although Qin Juan herself did not believe that she would be fine, Bai Lan still encouraged her. Bai Lan was abducted by a van not far out of the hospital!When Boss Huang received Boss Hu's call, Bai Lan was already in Boss Hu's hands!But after hanging up the phone, Huang Qing called Xiao Lu to prepare a car to go to the airport!But he was still stopped by Boss Hu's people. Xiao Lu rushed down directly, but it was too late. Soon Mayor Bi and Huang Qing were punished by law.

Li Guangnan wanted to go to Boss Hu to avenge Qin Juan, but unexpectedly saw the scene of Bai Lan being kidnapped. Li Guangnan calmed down and immediately called Lu Xiaolu. At this time, Lu Xiaolu was chatting with Lu Dajiang who was packing his luggage.After hearing the news that Bai Lan had been kidnapped, Lu Xiaolu was stunned. Then he told Li Guangnan not to act without authorization, and then set off directly!

《Young Love Lost》E26Plot

Episode 26

Young Love Lost Episode 26 Finale Synopsis: Lu Xiaolu Bai Lan Together

Boss Hu tied up Bai Lan and said frankly that Huang Qing was not a human being. Bai Lan said that he would not come. Bai Lan asked the other party to give up on him, but Hu Laida said that even without Huang Qing, there would still be a small road, Hu Laida saidThe boss firmly believed that Lu Xiaolu would come to rescue Bai Lan, so he forced Bai Lan to tell him the contact information of Lu Xiaolu. Bai Lan said that he and Lu Xiaolu had parted ways a long time ago and had no contact for a long time. Boss Hu didn't believe it at all, and then took out Bai Lan'sLan asked her to open her cell phone and find her contact information. Before she could finish her words, Lu Xiaolu's voice came in, and then Lu Xiaolu and Li Guangnan made their debut.Boss Hu was so happy that he asked Lu Xiaolu to give him the 300,000 yuan that Huang Qing owed him, and he would release the person immediately. However, Lu Xiaolu said that he would release the person first and then raise the money. How could Boss Hu agree? Li Guangnan andLu Xiaolu then started fighting directly, but the two were no match at all and were quickly beaten down!

At the critical moment, Lu Dajiang rushed in on a motorcycle. Boss Hu was very happy to see Lu Dajiang. After all, Boss Hu had been waiting for a chance to get rid of Lu Dajiang. The opportunity came now, but Lu Dajiang said that he was not here.The guy who was fighting said he was here to apologize, but how could Boss Hu let him go? He asked Lu Dajiang to use his fingers to replace each other, one finger at a time. Lu Dajiang agreed, but Lu Xiaolu panicked, butUnexpectedly, Lu Dajiang took action at the critical moment. However, there were too many people on the other side. Lu Dajiang accidentally got hit on the head. However, after briefly regaining consciousness, Lu Dajiang still picked up the knife and stabbed Boss Hu!Finally, Boss Hu fell down, and the sound of the police car rang. Boss Hu's people quickly dispersed. Lu Xiaolu cared about Lu Dajiang, but Lu Dajiang insisted that he was fine, so Lu Xiaolu let Lu Dajiang and Sister Tao go to Thailand..Lu Dajiang stepped on the accelerator and ran towards the dock. Sister Tao was waiting for him there, but Lu Dajiang couldn't get there. There was more and more blood on Lu Dajiang's head. In the end, he fell into a trance, and he and the car fell down.At this time, Sister Tao also called, but Lu Dajiang didn't have the strength to answer the call. Lu Dajiang looked at the postcard given by Sister Tao. It was the place that Sister Tao had always wanted to go. Suddenly, it started to snow heavily in the sky. Boss Hu saidBian was also caught!It's finally over.

The factory finally completed the reform with the support of the government, and the workers were compensated.Lu Xiaolu and Bai Lan finally arrived at “Blue Road” for dinner. This was Bai Lan's last meal before going abroad. The two ordered medium-rare steak. Lu Xiaolu said that Afang handed over an olive branch and everything was fine.To develop in a good direction, Lu Xiaolu asked her if she would come back. Bai Lan bluntly said that everything was uncertain!After the two separated, the waiter handed over the message from the previous counter. It was the note Bailan left for Lu Xiaolu every year when she came to eat medium-rare steak for her birthday!Lu Xiaolu understood something and immediately caught up with Bai Lan, and the two embraced passionately!

A year later, Niu Xiaoying and Changjiao held their wedding. Master Niu was very happy. Changjiao changed his mind on the spot. Dilemma and Qinjuan also came. Qinjuan's leg was almost recovered, and everyone was happy!Bai Lan went ahead with the wedding before it was time. Changjiao sang a song at his wedding to commemorate everyone's shared youth. Everything that happened before flashed through everyone's minds, and unknowingly, the path in the middle of the road was left behind.tears.Bai Lan also came later and took a video recorder to film Lu Xiaolu. Lu Xiaolu asked her why she came now. Bai Lan bluntly said that she had been here long ago and was just recording. In Bai Lan's camera, everyone was happy., smiling.Then everyone walked to the beach together. As they walked, everyone ran away in a panic. Even Li Guangnan left Qin Juan behind. Qin Juan chased them anxiously, but when she turned the corner, she found that everyone was waiting for her., Li Guangnan also knelt down on one knee, Li Guangnan once again expressed his love, Qin Juan smiled and put on the ring, everyone looked happy, but they will miss their youth and leave everyoneThe road to the river!


Young Love Lost

Young Love Lost

Total 26 Episodes Apr 29, 2024 C-Drama Youth Actor: Hou Minghao Yang Caiyu