《Ode to Joy 5》Ep Intro

The five girls on the 22nd floor continue to spend time with each other, and more difficulties are coming one after another. Fortunately, they understand each other well enough, and their relationship is getting deeper and deeper, and they can support each other through these difficulties.While Ye Zhenzhen was obsessed with scientific research, she was frequently affected by David's family affairs. How to live a simple life became a problem. Fortunately, she was firm and sober enough, and she had a family who loved her enough, and she finally solved these difficulties.Fang Zhiheng unexpectedly gained a younger sister, which made her change a lot and gradually get her life back on track.

Through years of hard work and accumulation, Zhu Zhe established a firm foothold in Shanghai entirely on his own and finally broke through the bottleneck of his career.After taking a detour, He Minhong left the 22nd floor and finally returned. He began to learn to think, know how to give, and how to get along with each other.Yu Chuhui relied on external motivation to force himself to work hard, gradually became conscious, steadily rose, and got rid of the shackles of his background.The tests and gifts given by life will continue, but with the support and companionship of the sisters on the 22nd floor, they can move forward bravely and run all the way to happiness.

《Ode to Joy 5》E1Plot

Episode 1

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 1 Plot Introduction: He Minhong passes the responsibility to Ye Zhenzhen

With the help of the police, He Minhong finally escaped from the suffocating home and took the train back to Shanghai overnight, returning to 2202.Because Ye Zhenzhen had already changed the door lock, He Minhong was blocked from outside.Zhu Zhe and Yu Chuhui were still frightened when they heard the sound. They contacted Fang Zhiheng to check the surveillance and confirmed that it was He Minhong who dared to open the door.

Although Zhu Zhe and Yu Chuhui did not want to see Ho Minhong from the bottom of their hearts, nor did they welcome each other's return, they still did not make it clear for the sake of face.Zhu Zhe was about to relay Linda's investigation to He Minhong to help her return from her lost ways, but Ye Zhenzhen took the lead and lied that she had entrusted her cousin to find out the truth about Qi Mu's second marriage.

He Minhong found it difficult to accept this fact, and Yu Chuhui denounced her as a woman who was blinded by sex. She thought she had met true love, but in the end she found out that it was the opposite of true love.Stimulated by Yu Chuhui's words, He Minhong fainted. Fortunately, Zhu Zhe called Ye Zhenzhen in time and relied on his first aid knowledge to slowly revive her.

Fang Zhiheng, Zhu Zhe, and Yu Chuhui went to work one after another. Ye Zhenzhen was worried that He Minhong would have problems when she was alone at home, or behaved excessively, so she stayed to take care of her.After He Minhong woke up, Ye Zhenzhen took the initiative to make her a bowl of noodles and called He's mother to explain the situation.

Mother He asked Ye Zhenzhen to help look after her daughter, and she immediately left for Shanghai.Ye Zhenzhen had to sacrifice her sleep and stand guard outside He Minhong's bedroom door, building up furniture to block the entrance to prevent He Minhong from thinking too hard.Unexpectedly, He Minhong lost his temper over this, quarreled with Ye Zhenzhen on the spot, and even threw furniture around.

Sure enough, the head of the household downstairs couldn't bear it anymore and came directly to the door, claiming that they were affecting the rest of the parents and children, and even caused the crystal chandelier to fall to the ground and smash the tiles.Facing the tough-minded male head of the household, He Minhong turned pale with fear and broke out in cold sweat. Without thinking, he put the responsibility on Ye Zhenzhen, while she hid behind and did not dare to show her face.

Ye Zhenzhen felt cold towards He Minhong, so she had the courage to negotiate as the owner, inviting the other head of household to her home to discuss compensation in detail, and she was willing to bear all the expenses.The male head of the household saw He Minhong's panic, and seeing Ye Zhenzhen's generous and decent manners, guessed that she was not a good friend, and before leaving, he reminded her to stay away from people like He Minhong in the future.

On the other hand, He Minhong wanted to eavesdrop on the negotiation process, but accidentally closed the door and could not go in because he did not bring the key.Ye Zhenzhen had completely lost confidence in He Minhong. Quan ignored He Minhong's look for help and turned around and went back to her house.

During this period, Fang Zhiheng sent messages to his father but received no response, and no one answered the video he sent, so he called Mr. Ji to ask for leave.Mother He came to 2202 and saw her daughter squatting outside, which made her feel both distressed and resentful.He Minhong also lied in front of his mother, causing He's mother to disturb Ye Zhenzhen's rest. After learning about it, Zhu Zhe called to tell him the truth.

After hearing the cause and effect, He's mother felt deeply ashamed and angrily accused He Minhong of not recognizing good people and that he shouldn't be as ungrateful as she was. If it weren't for the kind help of Ye Zhenzhen and others, she might still be kept in the dark by Qi Mu.Ye Zhenzhen knew that Mother He was a sensible person and could not bear to let her stay outside in the cold weather, so she opened the door and asked her to bring He Minhong in to talk. Mother He felt guilty and did not want to disturb.

Zhu Zhe came back during lunch break and opened the door. He whispered to Mother He and went to Ye Zhenzhen's room.Mother He sighed and lamented that everyone else could understand each other, so why could her daughter not be able to tell the difference between good and bad.But Zhu Zhe can understand that Mother He always thinks about her children, no matter how big or small, which will inevitably develop their children's stupid temperament.Zhu Zhe didn't want to face the He family mother and daughter, so he borrowed Ye Zhenzhen's room to rest. Ye Zhenzhen was going out to the police station later and wanted to consult with his little sister who had been domestically abused.

《Ode to Joy 5》E2Plot

Episode 2

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 2 Plot Introduction: Zhu Zhe asks He Minhong to move out

After He's mother entered the door, she saw that the living room was in a mess and started to help He Minhong pack her things. At the same time, she asked her if she had thought about having an abortion.He Minhong seemed hesitant and hoped to meet Qi Mu, but he and his mother were firmly opposed.Mother He knew her daughter's temperament very well and believed that once she met Qi Mu, she would most likely betray Ye Zhenzhen, causing Ye Zhenzhen to be retaliated by Qi Mu.

Ye Zhenzhen heard the conversation between mother and daughter outside the door and already knew it.Zhu Zhe advised Ye Zhenzhen to deal with her own affairs first, but she was worried that He Minhong would testify against Ye Zhenzhen, so she took the initiative to explain the whole story to He's mother in detail, including Qi Mu's threats of violence during the Spring Festival, how to file a complaint to frame Zhu Zhe, andWhy did Ye Zhenzhen choose to bear it alone?

When Mother He learned more about how many times everyone was being tortured by He Minhong, she felt deeply ashamed and grateful to Ye Zhenzhen and others for their selfless help.Zhu Zhe took advantage of the situation and proposed to turn his gratitude into action, hoping that He Minhong could move out of 2202, and He's mother agreed on the spot.

However, He Minhong still does not feel that he is at fault, but complains that Zhu Zhe has changed.He's mother could not understand He Minhong's thoughts and was disappointed with her behavior, but He Minhong still felt aggrieved and cried about his experience. In the end, he threatened to go to Qi Mu to find out, even if he died, he would die.

That night, Zhu Zhe went to visit his younger brother Zhu Minjie with food and daily necessities.While waiting for Zhu Minjie to come back, she chatted with the neighbor girl.After Zhu Minjie saw Zhu Zhe, he threw his things on the ground and yelled at her, thinking that she no longer supported him, which caused him to be reduced to delivering food.

Faced with Zhu Minjie's harsh words, Zhu Zhe regretted that he allowed his younger siblings to study. In the end, he confessed to two white-eyed wolves and immediately turned around and left.At the same time, Fang Zhiheng flew back to her hometown overnight. When she arrived at the hospital, her mother passed away due to another massive hemorrhage and rescue efforts failed. Fang's father was sitting alone outside the operating room. The moment he saw Fang Zhiheng, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

Early in the morning, He's father came to 2202. The three of them went back to the room to discuss it, and then knocked on Zhu Zhe's door, but Zhu Zhe deliberately put on his earphones and did not respond, and refused to come out until He's mother called.He's mother said that she would meet with Qi Mu today. Zhu Zhe thought this was ironic. She thought that He's family would understand her difficulties, but she didn't expect that they would insist on asking for an explanation for her daughter, knowing that they would implicate her.

Faced with the indifference, misunderstanding and use of the He family, Zhu Zhe questioned him repeatedly, but failed to make the other party realize his problems.Zhu Zhe didn't want to say anything more and ordered them to move out of 2202 immediately.He Minhong didn't want to move out, and He's father and mother felt shameless to stay any longer, so they forcibly packed up their things and moved out.

The He family asked Qi Mu to meet near the community.Qi Mu had a tough attitude, believing that the interference of He's family led to the breakdown of the relationship, and complained that He Minhong drove away the nanny and left without saying goodbye, leaving his mother without anyone to take care of her.When He Minhong saw Qi Mu, he became confused and directly confessed Zhu Zhe, admitting that Zhu Zhe was behind the investigation of Qi Mu's marriage.

Zhu Zhe happened to be passing by and heard the conversation, and was disappointed with He Minhong again. He confronted Qi Mu in front of the He family, warning him that if he wanted to fix himself, he would make him lose his job first.Qi Mu was intimidated by Zhu Zhe's momentum, and considering Ye Zhenzhen's family background, he could only bow his head and surrender.

After Zhu Zhe left, Qi Mu took the initiative to break up, but hoped that He Minhong would keep the child and raise it by himself.He Minhong wanted to save the relationship, explaining that he was taken away by his parents in a coma, and begged Qi Mu.Father He couldn't bear his daughter being bullied, so he beat Qi Mu in anger, and the scene was instantly chaotic.Qi Mu took out his mobile phone and prepared to call the police. He Minhong was so frightened that he knelt down and begged him to let his father go. This move angered He's father even more, and he punched Qi Mu again.

《Ode to Joy 5》E3Plot

Episode 3

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 3 Plot Introduction: The mother and daughter of the He family are desperate and seeking help

Originally, Father Fang wanted to have a son, but he never expected that he would lose his wife and lose the army, leaving him alone and leaving his young daughter to be taken care of by the nanny Aunt Yang.Fang Zhiheng returned home and looked at his sister. He learned through Aunt Yang that his father never cared about the child, and he felt a little uneasy.

Because He's father was detained for three days and fined 500 yuan for beating someone, He Minhong and his mother were so frightened that they became headless flies. They blocked the path that everyone must pass on the 22nd floor, trying to kneel down and beg Zhu Zhe to force Qi Mu away.Zhu Zhe refused to answer the phone and informed Yu Chuhui and Ye Zhenzhen of the situation. They did not want to go back and see the mother and son, so they met in the library.

He Minhong knew that Zhu Zhe was hiding from him on purpose, and persuaded his mother not to wait any longer, but He's mother had no other choice. When she thought of Qi Mu destroying her home, she wanted to tear this scumbag apart with her hands.Therefore, in the view of He's mother, if her husband is detained for three days, it will at least be a little gratifying for her daughter to see Qi Mu's true face.

Zhu Zhe found the hotel cleaner coming out of an empty guest room, looking flustered and stammering. He revealed that she was just lazy and watching TV during work, but he didn't care too much.On the other hand, Yu Chuhui took the initiative to call Zhu Zhe and revealed that the He family's mother and daughter were still downstairs. After much deliberation, he decided to face the difficulty and pointed out that if He's mother wanted to vent her anger, it would be better to imitate Qi Mu's ex-wife and go home to gather her three aunts and six wives.Qi Mu Company made trouble and forced Qi Mu Company to take action against Qi Mu.

The mother and daughter of the He family felt like they had found a treasure, but after retreating, they realized that their whole family could not behave like this.Zhu Zhe received the news from Yu Chuhui and could finally go home with peace of mind. She further explained to Yu Chuhui and Ye Zhenzhen why he was forcing He Minhong to move out of 2202 because she felt that He Minhong had gone to extremes. Judging from her head, she was probably instigated by Qi Mu.Maybe he will do something even more earth-shattering.Everyone suddenly realized what he said and sighed that Zhu Zhe was far-sighted. Yu Chuhui understood that leadership is not that easy.

On the other side, David was still worried about family matters. Fortunately, Ye Zhenzhen was with him, so he felt that everything was not too bad.The relationship between the two is not affected by their parents at all. They are still playful and affectionate.On the way back, Ye Zhenzhen saw the He family's mother and daughter sitting on a bench in the community, and took David to take a detour.Mother He told her daughter that youth is short. She did not choose to squander her youth with her peers. She had to experience the tastes of life too early. It would be too late to regret it when she gets old.

There was crying in the baby room in the middle of the night. Fang Zhiheng smelled a strong smell of smoke and followed the smoke to his father's room. When he saw him smoking more than half a pack of cigarettes in a row, he couldn't help frowning and opening the window, reminding him that even for his health,To reduce smoking.The next morning, Fang Zhiheng made a meal and called his father, but Fang's father was still immersed in his own emotions and didn't care about his little daughter at all.

Because Fang Zhiheng was about to return to the company, he asked Aunt Yang to help take care of the children before leaving, and hoped that she would take more care of her father.Aunt Yang looked embarrassed, so she simply made it clear to Fang Zhiheng first, saying that she was only responsible for taking care of the baby, and that the adult's food, clothing, and daily necessities were not included in the contract.Fang Zhiheng instantly understood what Aunt Yang meant, transferred an extra amount of money to Aunt Yang, told his father a few words and left home.

Li Qixing met Fang Zhiheng on the subway. While condemning Fang Zhiheng for hurting him, he was silently paying attention to her. When the subway was about to arrive, he woke her up indifferently.Watching Li Qixing leave, Fang Zhiheng felt complicated. He dragged his luggage back to 2202 and was warmly welcomed by Yu Chuhui. He also wanted to take this opportunity to have a heart-to-heart talk with Zhu Zhe.

《Ode to Joy 5》E4Plot

Episode 4

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 4 Plot Introduction: Father Dai’s transfer of assets is chilling

After returning to the 22nd floor, Yu Chuhui heated up a bowl of purple sweet potato soy milk for Fang Zhiheng. Seeing that she seemed to have something to tell Zhu Zhe, he ran to the bathroom to clean up.Fang Zhiheng told Zhu Zhe about his family affairs and asked her for advice on how to arrange his little sister's life, but it turned out that Fang Zhiheng's father did not have enough confidence.

Zhu Zhe understood Fang Zhiheng's psychology as a sister, and the two reached a consensus that children were the most important thing.So Fang Zhiheng decided to observe first. If Fang's father couldn't do his best, he would be willing to take custody of his little sister, not to mention that it was just raising a child and not changing himself.

The mother and daughter of the He family were eating at a breakfast shop. He's mother persuaded He Minhong to move forward and let go of the mistakes of the past. There is still hope for the future.However, He Minhong seemed very negative and even a little cynical. He felt that life was hopeless. He did not take what his mother said to heart and insisted on his own views.

Now Dai's father has begun to transfer assets and is preparing to transfer the Shanghai mansion where David lives to him. In the past, Dai's mother paid the down payment, but now it is up to David to handle it himself.David insisted on his principle and did not accept it. He hoped that his father could treat his mother well. His attitude made Dai's father very dissatisfied.

Because of this, Dai's father took the initiative to contact Ye's father, wanting to transfer the house to Ye's father's name, and then transfer it to David when he found the right time. He said that he believed that Ye's father had a net worth of over 100 million and would not be ignorant.They only have a house, and they believe in the relationship between David and Ye Zhenzhen.Ye's father valued David as a good boy, so he agreed to Dai's father's request, which was equivalent to taking over the mortgage in disguise. According to Ye's mother, he was spending money to cause trouble.

Accompanied by his mother, He Minhong went to the hospital for an abortion. When he came out, his face was pale and he looked very haggard.He's mother wanted to wait for her husband to come out and the family of three to go back to her hometown to live a happy life, but He Minhong refused to go home, thinking that if the news about her and Qi Mu spread in her hometown, she would definitely be poked in the back by the neighbors.

Because He Minhong wanted to stay in Shanghai and was worried that Qi Mu would find out about the miscarriage, he decided to move back to 2202, firstly because he still had a contract, and secondly to ensure safety.He's mother tried to persuade He Minhong to no avail, so she had no choice but to put on an old face and accompany her daughter back again.

After the unremitting efforts of the team, they were finally recognized by Mr. Li. Because of their low-cost and effective design, Mr. Li specially approved a start-up capital of 200,000 yuan.Yu Chuhui and Zhong Penghao both looked happy, but Chen Chaosheng was unhappy and felt that he had no contribution in this design. However, they did not mind at all and comforted him warmly.

In addition, Chen Chaosheng is still worried about buying a house.Compared with the other two people, Chen Chaosheng's family is considered well-off and middle-class, but even if he sells his house in his hometown, it will only be enough to pay the down payment in Shanghai. Especially when his parents wait to retire and move in together, it is not conducive to Chen Chaosheng's marriage at all. Most girlsThey all refused to live with their parents-in-law.Yu Chuhui gave Chen Chaosheng ideological guidance and arranged their work at the same time. This scene was seen by Mr. Li and he found that Yu Chuhui had leadership abilities.

With the holidays approaching, a large number of guests checked into the hotel, so there was a shortage of guest rooms. Fortunately, Zhu Zhe handled the emergency situation calmly.Ye's parents saw the text message sent by their daughter and learned that Dai's father had talked to David in private and discussed selling his house without breaking the lease. They felt very helpless.

As the He family's mother and daughter were guarding the corridor, Zhu Zhe, Fang Zhiheng and others exchanged news and planned to go home later today to avoid them.It happened that Ye Zhenzhen was about to go out and met the mother and daughter. He Minhong rarely talked to Ye Zhenzhen in a low voice and expressed his gratitude to her, which made her a little uncomfortable.While waiting for the elevator, Mother He took the initiative to explain her intention. Ye Zhenzhen declined politely. The next second, she heard He Minhong's painful voice. Mother He hurriedly ran over and hugged her daughter, crying and scolding her for not taking good care of her body..

《Ode to Joy 5》E5Plot

Episode 5

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 5 Plot Introduction: He Minhong had a quarrel with everyone

Although He Minhong looked pitiful, Ye Zhenzhen had already lost her heart towards her and would rather go back to the room to get a blanket and a chair to show her kindness than open the door to let her in.In order to deal with this situation, He Minhong devised a new strategy. She asked He's mother to leave first and she stayed alone on the 22nd floor. As long as the other party could not find a place to be reasonable, he would be forced to take her in.

Zhu Zhe and Yu Chuhui knew that He Minhong had not left yet, so they simply sat in the community chatting and sharing work experiences.The two sat in the community chatting and sharing their work experiences with each other.Soon Fang Zhiheng came back from get off work. With her as the person in charge of force by his side, there was no need to worry about He Minhong going crazy suddenly.Originally, He Minhong planned to station in the corridor to fight a protracted war, but he was afraid of Fang Zhiheng and did not dare to cause trouble.

He Minhong refused to leave, and Zhu Zhe informed Ye Zhenzhen not to come back for the time being.Yu Chuhui was helpless and threatened to call Qi Mu if He's mother didn't take her daughter away. Sure enough, He's mother hurried to the 22nd floor.However, when He Minhong saw that they refused to accept their offer, he broke up with them on the spot and proposed to act in accordance with the contract. As long as the rental contract was still in his hands, he could continue to move in.

Zhu Zhe and Yu Chuhui were fooled for a moment, but Fang Zhiheng came forward in time to refute that He Minhong had received the money to cancel the rent, and there was a WeChat transfer as proof, so her behavior was fraud.He Minhong argued that he never wanted to leave. It was He's mother who had been making the move to cancel the lease, so he could not take it as a fact to cancel the lease.

Ye Zhenzhen came out of the elevator and saw the quarrel. She stepped forward and asked He Minhong why he complained so much about her. He Minhong scolded everyone for working together to frame her.Only then did Ye Zhenzhen understand the reason why He Minhong wanted to live back in 2202. While she felt that 2202 was safe, she also accused her roommates of not being good people. It was difficult for her to understand He Minhong's contradictory perceptions.Yu Chuhui couldn't bear it anymore and threatened to call Qi Mu's mobile phone. Upon seeing this, He Minhong and He's mother ran away quickly.

Although Ye Zhenzhen hated He Minhong in her heart, she was still worried about the safety of her mother and daughter, so she secretly went down the stairwell and happened to meet David coming in from outside.Ye Zhenzhen asked David to go out and take a look to confirm whether mother and daughter could leave safely.David expressed his kindness to the mother and daughter in a very measured way and personally sent them to take a taxi outside the community.

Unexpectedly, He Minhong pretended to leave in a car, but actually asked the driver to stop less than a kilometer away and dragged his luggage back.Because He Minhong had just seen Ye Zhenzhen, he hated her even more and blamed Ye Zhenzhen for all the conspiracy theories. Even He's mother couldn't stand it and felt that her daughter was hopeless.

Back at the shared house 2202, Ye Zhenzhen distributed the bread and snacks she bought to everyone.Yu Chuhui showed off his cooking skills and was praised by everyone present.In contrast, Fang Zhiheng looked preoccupied, which attracted the attention of Ye Zhenzhen and others.After Ye Zhenzhen left, Fang Zhiheng asked Zhu Zhe to help her make suggestions.

At this time, Aunt Yang called and told Fang Zhiheng that old colleagues and neighbors had recently come to express their condolences, but Fang's father still locked himself in the room and was indifferent to his little daughter.Zhu Zhe advised Fang Zhiheng that it was best to talk to his father again, because he was no longer qualified to be emotional and must give an immediate response.

David told Ye Zhenzhen about his father, and Ye Zhenzhen was worried that this relationship would not last long because of David's parents.Even though David promised not to let his parents affect each other's lives, Ye Zhenzhen still didn't have enough confidence in Dai's mother, whom she had yet to meet.

Later, Fang Zhiheng called Fang's father, hoping that he could face up to his responsibilities and that as a father, he should shoulder the responsibility of raising children.She emphasized that her little sister was a child that her mother sacrificed her life for, but her father complained and hung up the phone directly, which made her angry and helpless.

That night, David took Ye Zhenzhen to visit his new residence. Naturally, it was not as good as the previous mansion, but it was more comfortable for him to live in than the mansion.When Ye Zhenzhen was sent to the gate of the community by David, she happened to meet Fang Zhiheng who was exercising outside.The two of them walked back together, and when they saw He Minhong dragging his luggage, they suddenly felt bad.

《Ode to Joy 5》E6Plot

Episode 6

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 6 Plot Introduction: He’s father and He’s mother have given up on their daughter

He Minhong left the hotel without telling his mother, quietly returned to the community to look for Ye Zhenzhen, and deliberately fell down in front of Ye Zhenzhen and Fang Zhiheng.Ye Zhenzhen was not fooled and called the security guard in person, and notified He's mother to come and pick her up.The security guard persuaded He Minhong to leave the community, but she resisted fiercely and even quarreled with her mother, which made He's mother so angry that she fainted immediately.

Faced with this unexpected situation, Ye Zhenzhen had no choice but to show up and quickly call an ambulance to take them to the hospital.Since He Minhong was unwell and lying on another hospital bed, Ye Zhenzhen decided to stay in the hospital to stay with him overnight.When Mother He woke up, she thoughtfully gave some precautions, and then left after paying the medical bills.

But even so, He Minhong was not grateful for Ye Zhenzhen's kindness. Instead, he spoke ill of her behind her back, thinking that she was just trying to gain fame.Mother He looked disappointed when she heard this. She turned away and cried bitterly. She was already desperate for her daughter and regretted why she had raised her daughter to be like this.

Aunt Yang described the situation at home and the details of raising young children to Fang Zhiheng on the phone.Fang Zhiheng knew nothing about the relationship between Aunt Yang and his father, let alone the fact that Aunt Yang was on speakerphone and made no secret of her irresponsible complaints about her father. Aunt Yang took the opportunity to persuade Fang Zhiheng to pick up her little sister, in an attempt to solve the difficult problem.Leave the mess to the other party.

In order to find out his own shortcomings, Yu Chuhui submitted the report that had not been finalized by Zhong Penghao to Mr. Li.Sure enough, Mr. Li discovered the error and pointed out her lack of practical experience.After Yu Chuhui returned to the office, he dismantled a quartz alarm clock and tried to learn, but Zhong Penghao pointed out that the disassembly sequence was wrong, which made it difficult to restore it later.Yu Chuhui was a little annoyed about this, so he simply handed over part of the work to Zhong Penghao.

Three guests requested non-smoking rooms, but due to Huang Yuxuan's negligence, the guests were dissatisfied.Director Wang took over the matter and asked Zhu Zhe to find a room similar to the one where the guests had complained. As a result, even he couldn't stand this environment and directly called Huang Yuxuan to the office for a criticism and education.

Dad He came to the hotel to pack his luggage and prepare to take his wife and daughter back to his hometown.He repeatedly emphasized that his parents were just ordinary working-class families and could not afford to live in Shanghai. He hoped that his daughter could understand their parents' difficulties.However, He Minhong showed no concern for his mother's physical condition. Instead, he complained that they interfered with his life and deprived him of his autonomy. In the end, they slapped their butts and walked away, leaving him to face this mess.He's father and He's mother were shocked by their daughter's indifference and left with their luggage, feeling sad that they had done so many things only to be resented by their daughter.

Fang Zhiheng was unable to devote himself to work wholeheartedly because of his little sister's incident.After careful consideration, she decided to take her little sister to Shanghai to take care of her.Yu Chuhui is willing to lend out a single bed, and is also concerned about whether Aunt Yang will come to Shanghai with her. If Fang Zhiheng needs to find a nanny again, she is willing to help contact her mother to find a suitable candidate. She also believes that Fang Zhiheng will be able to handle her situation well with his reason.matter.

After get off work, Huang Yuxuan drove Zhu Zhe off.In the car, the two talked about the troubles of buying a house and decorating it and whether Director Wang would be disappointed with him.Huang Yuxuan lamented that he also wanted to have a balanced life and work, but the reality was always unsatisfactory.Zhu Zhe suggested that Huang Yuxuan collect some complaint cases over the years. This learning method can effectively use fragmented rest time, which can improve oneself without delaying life.

On the other side, while Ye Zhenzhen, Zhu Zhe and Yu Chuhui were waiting for Fang Zhiheng in the restaurant, they unexpectedly met Qi Mu who came to the restaurant to discuss work.Seeing Qi Mu walking towards them step by step, Yu Chuhui couldn't help but put his forehead in his hands and lamented that he didn't look at the almanac when he went out today, foreboding that there would be a fierce battle next.

《Ode to Joy 5》E7Plot

Episode 7

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 7 Plot Preview: Ho Min-hung’s cruel trick is ineffective

Zhu Zhe and Yu Chuhui returned to 2202 and saw He Minhong appearing in the corridor again, continuing to stalk them, hoping to live here.Obviously the two of them had seen how changeable He Minhong was. No matter what she said, it was of no use. They dragged her out of the hall and said that they already knew that she lived with her parents in the Hua Jiang Pavilion Hotel.People who lie and only kill people they know are no longer worthy of everyone's trust.

He Minhong angrily scolded them for not being able to put themselves in their shoes because they were all women. They knew clearly that they were suffering and helpless outside and that someone was following them outside, but they still ignored them and did not save them.But Zhu Zhe retorted that He Minhong was protected by her obedient parents. I'm afraid her every move was seen by her parents, so there was no need for everyone to worry.The two ignored He Minhong's pleas and entered the elevator directly.

《Ode to Joy 5》E8Plot

Episode 8

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 8 Plot Preview: Fang Zhiheng reveals his concerns to the sisters

Zhu Zhe showed the application report he wrote to his sisters. Everyone put forward different opinions and suggestions, but Fang Zhiheng was the best at this aspect and told Zhu Zhe that he could write it according to his own ideas, and then add some high-level suggestions.The writing format is fine.After listening to Fang Zhiheng's words, Zhu Zhe felt confident. He planned to write another article after dinner and ask Fang Zhiheng to review it, and then ask her to recommend some high-end writing formats.

During the meal, Fang Zhiheng talked about the recent business trip. Originally, Mr. Ji had some concerns about raising her young sister, but she volunteered, thinking that there was still some gap between herself and the nursing mother.In fact, Fang Zhiheng knew exactly what she was doing, but during this period, she had a sullen feeling in her heart and had to express it in front of her sisters.

《Ode to Joy 5》E9Plot

Episode 9

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 9 Plot Preview: He Minhong hides from Qi Mu

He Minhong was walking on the road and saw Qi Mu's car. She was so frightened that she hurriedly hid in the restaurant next to her. She happened to bump into Ye Zhenzhen, David and Li Qixing eating in the restaurant.Seeing that Qi Mu was about to come in, He Minhong approached Ye Zhenzhen in three steps and wanted her to cover him. Ye Zhenzhen was a little confused. It was Qi Mu who was obviously sorry for her, so why was she so afraid of Qi Mu?.

On the other hand, when Qi Mu looked back while ordering, he saw Ye Zhenzhen. Thinking of his mother's affairs, he took the initiative to talk to her.Ye Zhenzhen clearly sensed He Minhong's fear, so she blocked her with her body and gave Qi Mu a few words to deal with it, in order to prevent him from discovering He Minhong behind him.

《Ode to Joy 5》E10Plot

Episode 10

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 10 Plot Preview: Fang Zhiheng tries to hold the baby

While Aunt Yang was at home, she taught Fang Zhiheng how to hold a baby. Fang Zhiheng was also trying to take care of a baby, and with Aunt Yang's encouragement, he tried to hold his sister.Because her sister was born prematurely and was relatively small when she was born, holding her in her arms was like holding a kitten. This feeling was something Fang Zhiheng had never experienced before, full of novelty and reverence for life.

While Aunt Yang went to the kitchen to wash the milk bottles, Fang Zhiheng coaxed his sister to sleep. He couldn't help but pick up his phone and take a picture and post it in the sister group.Seeing this, everyone else took a photo and sent it in a tacit check-in manner. Only He Minhong saw the message on his phone and silently put down his phone without paying any attention to it.

《Ode to Joy 5》E11Plot

Episode 11

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 11 Plot Preview: Fang Zhiheng refuses Li Qixing’s things

David knew that his family's affairs had disturbed the Ye family and caused embarrassment to Ye Zhenzhen's parents. He also thanked Ye Zhenzhen for her tolerance and concern for him.But Ye Zhenzhen didn't feel that she had done such a great thing and thought that lovers should no longer say such pretentious words as thank you. She only blamed herself for falling in love with David's beauty and couldn't control it.

At this time, Fang Zhiheng took the initiative to come to Ye Zhenzhen, bringing a large box full of things, and asked her and David if they were still in contact with Li Qixing, and wanted them to ask if Li Qixing had sent anything.Because Fang Zhiheng felt disgusted when he thought of Li Qixing, so he couldn't accept them. Ye Zhenzhen promised to help deal with them.But when she and David opened the box and saw what was inside, they couldn't help but stare.

《Ode to Joy 5》E12Plot

Episode 12

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 12 Plot Preview: Fang Zhiheng is on a temporary business trip

A colleague lamented that she would get on a plane to go abroad tomorrow, but she hadn’t made a strategy yet, so she quickly asked Fang Zhiheng for advice.Fang Zhiheng said that she was a poor student at the time and had no money to go shopping. If she really wanted to have a better experience during this trip, she suggested visiting some century-old utensil stores.

However, my colleague suddenly remembered that Fang Zhiheng had purchased some old brands for sale before. He thought she was very discerning and asked again about product selection.While they were talking, a male colleague came over to inform Fang Zhiheng and asked her to prepare for a business trip with him and Mr. Ji later.Due to a temporary business trip and a change of location, Fang Zhiheng didn't have time to explain the affairs of his little sister Mianmian, so he had to entrust it to the care of his sisters.

《Ode to Joy 5》E13Plot

Episode 13

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 13 Plot Preview: Peter Ho joins the self-media studio

He Minhong came to the self-media studio full of trepidation. He wanted to express himself well on his first day of employment. Unexpectedly, his colleagues were very approachable, and even his boss was very down-to-earth and mingled with everyone.As it was approaching lunch time, the boss and others brought hot pot and invited He Minhong to sit down and eat together. Everyone talked and laughed around the dinner table, and the warm atmosphere moved her.

Because Fang Zhiheng was on a business trip, some important matters were left to Ye Zhenzhen to handle.Ye Zhenzhen helped Aunt Yang check the information and confirm the time to vaccinate her little sister Mianmian. Aunt Yang was very grateful and hurriedly brought a bunch of children's information and procedures.But Ye Zhenzhen didn't know much about this, so she suggested bringing them all with you tomorrow to be prepared.

《Ode to Joy 5》E14Plot

Episode 14

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 14 Plot Preview: Fang Zhiheng watches Li Qixing through surveillance

Mr. Ji asked Bajie to contact Kevin in time. Mr. Ji should not only be busy with love but also take care of work.The two of them saw Fang Zhiheng smiling and wondered what happy event she had met. Fang Zhiheng praised his good neighbor Ye Zhenzhen for personally taking Mianmian to get vaccinated, for being more caring and responsible than her sister.Others said it was three women in one drama, but she felt that everyone got along very happily and harmoniously.

At this time, Fang Zhiheng received a surveillance alert and learned that someone was staying outside the door. Through surveillance, he discovered that the so-called suspicious person was actually Li Qixing.Because Li Qixing accidentally broke the door, he called in the security guard and the door lock repairman. After everything was done, he felt a little regretful and blamed himself, and left the 22nd floor with a look of disappointment.This scene was all seen by Fang Zhiheng.

《Ode to Joy 5》E15Plot

Episode 15

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 15 Plot Introduction: Guo Shengyang knows what happened to Fang Zhiheng

Ma Xiangdong himself is a relatively introverted person. He wanted to see Yu Chuhui but didn't know the reason, so he came over accompanied by his friend Liu Su.On the other hand, Yu Chuhui was more cheerful and sat directly in the passenger seat, but the atmosphere in the car was particularly dull.Upon seeing this, Liu Su took the initiative to find a topic and introduced himself to everyone. Obviously, the three-person group was not interested in bank financial management.

Fang Zhiheng saw that Aunt Yang was taking advantage of Ye Zhenzhen and deliberately took her car to give Mianmian an injection, so he advised her not to do this in the future.Aunt Yang didn't accept it at all and felt that it was no big deal for Ye Zhenzhen to drive her. Fang Zhiheng deliberately revealed to Aunt Yang that Ye Zhenzhen was a rich man and the car alone cost several million, so favors should be used wisely.After hearing what Fang Zhiheng said, Aunt Yang immediately changed her mind and did not dare to trouble Ye Zhenzhen again.

Because Li Qixing knew that the damage caused by his incident to Fang Zhiheng was still continuing, he felt very guilty, so he took the initiative to contact David and gave him a chance to repay the debt and asked him to accompany him to find Guo Shengyang.Then the two came to Guo Shengyang's home. Guo Shengyang was accused by Li Qixing of being irresponsible. Only then did they learn that Fang Zhiheng, who thought he was ruthless, cold-hearted and cold-hearted, was actually someone who shouldered the responsibility of the family through his actions.

That night, He's father and He's mother rushed to the police station to pick up He Minhong. They were angry and helpless about their daughter's behavior.Considering that it was not an option for Ho Min-hong to always live in a hotel, He's father decided to send his mother back to his hometown first, while he stayed in Shanghai to accompany Ho Min-hong to find a house.

The next day, his parents came to the hotel to visit He Minhong. He's mother was going back by car that day, and she patiently educated He Minhong before leaving.Because of He Minhong's one-day trip to the police station, he lost his temper a lot. He was finally willing to listen and reflect, and found a new rental house with the help of He's father.

Yu Chuhui and Zhu Zhe expressed their gratitude to Fang Zhiheng. Without her monitoring the surveillance in time, there is no telling what would have happened.Fang Zhiheng felt that the two of them were too merciful. If He Minhong really broke the door and changed the lock, he would rush in with an electric drill and throw her out together with her luggage.Then Fang Zhiheng printed the navigation route to the hospital for Aunt Yang, which made Aunt Yang feel a little guilty. She didn't expect that she would think about herself even though she worked so hard.

When Fang Zhiheng went out early in the morning, he met Guo Shengyang who came to see him. He angrily accused him of losing contact without saying a word. He did not have an equal and respectful attitude towards things and was extremely irresponsible towards people and things. There was no need to continue the relationship.Guo Shengyang admitted that he had misunderstood Fang Zhiheng and took the initiative to express his thoughts and guilt to her, but Fang Zhiheng did not appreciate it at all.

Yu Chuhui's speech was well received by the leaders. Chen Chaosheng and others discussed the need to further accelerate research and development, seize the time to invest in second and third tests, and start new projects.Zhong Penghao was arranged by Yu Chuhui to accompany Mr. Li and Mr. Jin to pick up customers. Yu Chuhui told him not to make any mistakes on his own, and that everything depended on the boss's eyes.

Fang Zhiheng and Mr. Ji were discussing the registration of a new company when they suddenly felt dizzy and said it was due to hypoglycemia.Mr. Ji knew that Fang Zhiheng was neglecting her health because of her work, and thinking about her father's burden, he originally wanted to give her a few days off to rest, but the problem was that the company was really busy and couldn't do without him at the moment.

David made all preparations and went home to face the storm. Unexpectedly, Dai's mother showed David a self-reliant mother image, and she was a mother who cared about her son.Regarding Dai's mother, Ye Zhenzhen and David had different opinions. Because Dai's mother's image was too successful, David did not dare to analyze Dai's mother in depth as usual, and Ye Zhenzhen was inconvenient to say anything.

Ye’s father and Ye’s mother felt that David was still a good boy at heart, and advised Ye Zhenzhen not to affect his relationship because of Dai’s mother. They should talk about everything between the young lovers, and communication is the most important thing.He Minhong asked Qian Keduo to take a day off to meet with the housing agent. Qian Keduo readily agreed, as long as she kept an eye on the popularity of the post.At this time, He Minhong remembered his past experience and planned to use this experience to guide young people to discuss together, thereby gaining Qian Keduo's support.

《Ode to Joy 5》E16Plot

Episode 16

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 16 Plot Preview: Zhu Zhe and Ye Zhenzhen discuss work

Ye Zhenzhen was waiting outside the hotel for Zhu Zhe to get off work, and Zhu Zhe shared things about his work on the way back.The reason why Zhu Zhe was able to go to the front desk for training this time was mainly because the general manager realized that the front office could not be improved if it was in the hands of Director Wang, so he gave Zhu Zhe this opportunity.Zhu Zhe said that if she could find and solve the management problems in the front office in this incident, I am afraid that the general manager will hand over both departments to her in the next step.

But if this is the case, Director Wang will become a redundant person, and Ye Zhenzhen is worried that Director Wang will definitely find a way to stumble Zhu Zhe.Zhu Zhe bluntly said that she and Director Wang are old colleagues. One is from the front desk and the other is from the guest room. However, in hotels, the front desk and the guest room are often the most prone to conflicts, and this conflict is deep-rooted and inevitable. She has long been mentally prepared..

《Ode to Joy 5》E17Plot

Episode 17

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 17 Plot Preview: Yu Chuhui thinks he has the miser gene

Yu Chuhui hadn't gone out for breakfast for a long time, so he couldn't bear it anymore, so he asked Ye Zhenzhen to bring him some breakfast.Fang Zhiheng asked Ye Zhenzhen to go downstairs with him, because Li Qixing was coming to pick up the two boxes of things he mailed, so the two of them planned to carry the boxes downstairs first so that Li Qixing could come and pick them up.

Zhu Zhe heard the sound and came out, watching the excitement with Yu Chuhui.Fang Zhiheng was curious that Yu Chuhui hadn't been jumping around much in the past two days. Yu Chuhui said that he was working hard to read and study, but Zhu Zhe revealed that the boss gave too many bonuses, just like what Ye Zhenzhen said, he was blinded by money.Yu Chuhui also admitted this and wanted Ye Zhenzhen to give him a test to see if he had the miser gene.

《Ode to Joy 5》E18Plot

Episode 18

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 18 Plot Preview: Liu Su and Yu Chuhui are dating

While Yu Chuhui was working, he suddenly received a message from Liu Su. He said that there was a financial management lecture tonight and invited Yu Chuhui to attend it together.Facing Liu Su's invitation, Yu Chuhui readily agreed and sent an emoticon, with a sweet smile on his face.

Fang Zhiheng asked her colleague Sister Zhang for advice. Her little girl’s long hair was always bristle and didn’t look smooth at all, so she wanted to know what other reasons were there other than calcium deficiency.Sister Zhang reminded Fang Zhiheng that in addition to supplementing Mianmian with calcium, she also needed to allow her body to absorb the calcium, which meant giving her child plenty of sunshine.However, Fang Zhiheng found that Aunt Yang seemed unwilling to let her child bask in the sun. Sister Zhang thought that as long as sun protection measures were taken, it would be enough.

《Ode to Joy 5》E19Plot

Episode 19

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 19 Plot Preview: Dai’s mother falls ill and is admitted to the hospital

Ye Zhenzhen, Yu Chuhui and Zhu Zhe gathered together and were busy with their own affairs.During the break, Ye Zhenzhen took the initiative to discuss scientific research thinking with Yu Chuhui.Ye Zhenzhen’s opinion is that Yu Chuhui has read a lot of literature and understands the latest research, but she cannot be led away by the latest research. She must first understand the development history of professional knowledge, so that she can more clearly understand the positioning of the literature..

Fang Zhiheng received a message from his father and clicked on three photos of him and a strange woman. It was obvious that he had made a new love and started his second love.Fang Zhiheng was very sad about this and could only cry silently.When David learned that his mother was sick and hospitalized, he rushed there as soon as possible, but Dai's mother felt that he should spend more time with Ye's father and Ye's mother when he had time.

《Ode to Joy 5》E20Plot

Episode 20

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 20 Plot Preview: David has no choice but to deal with his mother

David went through the discharge procedures for Dai's mother, sent her home in person, bought her some things, and gave her some precautions.However, Dai's mother was completely ungrateful and mocked him for choosing to turn a blind eye when he should be doing her a favor. Instead, he chose to do such a small thing to fool herself. She could only say that he could see people's hearts at the critical moment. This was what she called a good son.

Therefore, Dai's mother didn't know why she spent money to send her son to study abroad, and what he learned abroad. Faced with the important matter of her mother's life and death, she couldn't do anything to help her. She wondered whether David was careless or powerless.David directly stated that he was useless. He saw his father unable to do anything to transfer his assets. After she came out, she could not provide any useful solutions.

《Ode to Joy 5》E21Plot

Episode 21

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 21 Plot Preview: Dai’s mother tries to build connections but fails to borrow money

Dai's mother contacted Ye's father and Mr. Zhang, secretly revealing that her son and Ye Zhenzhen had a good relationship and that they were already talking about marriage. Sooner or later, Dai and Ye's family would become in-laws.So Dai's mother wanted to use this relationship to ask Dad Ye to guarantee her a loan from Mr. Zhang.However, before Dai's mother could finish her words, David took the initiative to express that he and Ye Zhenzhen were indeed in a relationship, but they were not engaged, so there was no way that Dai and Ye's family were in-laws.

In addition, David hopes that Mr. Zhang and the others will think twice before considering the so-called kinship.When Dad Ye heard David's attitude, he asked Mr. Zhang and the others to leave first, and also asked David to leave first, intending to have a good talk with Dai's mother alone.But David hopes to stay and is afraid that Dai's mother will say some inappropriate words.

《Ode to Joy 5》E22Plot

Episode 22

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 22 Plot Introduction: Fang Zhiheng and Fang’s father fell out over their property

Zhu Zhe and Zhu Minjie had dinner together. During the period, they received a call from Director Wang and deliberately asked Zhu Minjie to appear on the scene together. After Director Wang hung up, he educated Zhu Minjie on the competition between himself and Director Wang. Zhu Minjie therefore realized that he must have real skills and treat Zhu ZheSomething has changed.

That night, Zhu Zhe sent his younger brother home, during which he shared some of his experiences with him and made him understand the importance of helping people in need rather than helping the poor.Zhu Minjie was rarely obedient and smiled when he saw his sister leaving. At this moment, he could distinguish the difference between his eldest sister and his second sister.On the other hand, Zhu Zhe stood silently not far away and watched Zhu Minjie sitting in the car eating leftovers. He felt very uncomfortable and was wondering whether to give his brother a hand.

Fang Zhiheng didn't call in advance and waited downstairs at night. As expected, he caught Fang's father coming home with his girlfriend.Judging from the intimacy between the two, it was enough to prove that Fang's father had cheated on her during the marriage. Such a father made Fang Zhiheng feel disappointed, and she did not dare to leave Mianmian in his hands.Therefore, Fang Zhiheng strongly proposed to fight for the interests of himself and Mianmian, and divide three-eighths of the family's assets to secure a solid guarantee for Mianmian's future survival and education.

Father Fang refused to let go and angrily scolded his daughter for being unfilial and even acted rogue on the spot.Fang Zhiheng advised him to resolve the matter peacefully, otherwise it would be impossible to end the matter in court, and even make it known to everyone. I am afraid that the mistress would consider whether to marry him if he knew that the family property was being divided.In the end, Fang's father couldn't resist and asked Fang Zhiheng if he was not afraid that he would transfer the assets in advance. Fang Zhiheng lied that she had already recorded the conversation between the two.

Obviously, Father Fang believed it and had to accept the fact that the family property was divided.Fang Zhiheng felt very sad. She never thought that the father and daughter would reach this point. She, a just person, would even think of pretending to record a recording to intimidate her father. And she would always encounter various kinds of things in her life.Bloody shit.

Dai's mother didn't come home all night, and David also waited outside all night. He came to the door of the house early in the morning and called Ye Zhenzhen to tell her the situation.Yu Chuhui knew that he was not good enough, so he rejected Liu Su's date invitation and came to talk to Ye Zhenzhen, planning to buy a mobile phone for his mother after reading the book.

At this time, Zhu Zhe also came to chat with Ye Zhenzhen and the others. With their persuasion and guidance, he put his brother's help on hold for a while.On the other side, Director Wang had already felt that the general manager was taking action against him. His first vigilance was to keep an eye on Zhu Zhe. He began to check Zhu Zhe's position for various reasons. He was worried that the general manager was having a secret conversation with Zhu Zhe and wanted to test him.Her obedient attitude.

When Dad He received the message from his daughter, he rushed over to deal with it for He Minhong because he felt uneasy.He Minhong was obviously scared to death, but he still insisted that he was not afraid of Qi Mu coming to him. He thought that it would take money and time to find someone in such a big Shanghai. Even if he was prepared for the worst, what could he do in a society governed by the rule of law?.

However, after so many things, He's father has seen through Qi Mu's true face. He just saw that the He family was not good at dealing with others, so he deliberately sowed a relationship between He Minhong and Zhu Zhe and others. Only by allowing her to be isolated can she be easily controlled..Now He's father persuades He Minhong to learn to interact with people. Only by understanding the ways of the world can she get a raise and promotion in the future and ensure her stay in Shanghai.It's a pity that He Minhong still failed to listen to his earnest persuasion, which made He's father very angry.

In order to avoid the division of the inheritance, Fang's father decided to take Mianmian back to raise him, but Fang Zhiheng refused.

Yu Chuhui bought gifts and supper for his mother. Her mother lamented that she had never been so comfortable as now, and hoped that she could find someone to get married soon.Halfway through, Yu Chuhui met Zhu Zhe and Ye Zhenzhen and took their ride home together.

《Ode to Joy 5》E23Plot

Episode 23

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 23 Plot Preview: Dai’s mother asks David to remit money

Dai's mother had been quiet for two days before she started making trouble again. First, she made a series of life-threatening calls to David, and then she pretended to be sick. She used the excuse that her cervical spine was not good, and urged David to contact Father Ye to contact the hospital and the attending physician., preparing to be admitted to the hospital for surgery.Not only that, Dai's mother required David to remit money and take care of him in bed. In short, she tried every means to torment her son with barbecued pork.

When Ye Zhenzhen heard the news, her expression was particularly solemn.After David found out, he secretly took a photo of her and calmed down the atmosphere.According to David's current statement, he has become a betrayer in the eyes of his mother. Ye Zhenzhen smiled and hugged David, comforting him to be as Buddhist as possible and not to make trouble with Dai's mother, otherwise there will be no good.

《Ode to Joy 5》E24Plot

Episode 24

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 24 Plot Preview: Liu Su does bad things with good intentions

Liu Su and Yu Chuhui hadn't seen each other for several days, so they thought about picking her up early in the morning to go to work to increase their chances of getting along.Yu Chuhui revealed to Liu Su that she was on a business trip tonight because Mr. Jin's branch needed a person who knew the technology and could express the superiority of the product to give speeches and accept Q&A to customers. As a part-time job, she needed to fly occasionally, butThe business trip is short and you can come back in less than a day.

Liu Su curiously asked whether the colleague traveling with Yu Chuhui was male or female. He was obviously a little jealous, which made Yu Chuhui very happy.Because early morning is the rush hour for work, so he spent all his time on the road this morning. Liu Su also realized that he had done bad things with good intentions. Yu Chuhui could get to the company in an hour, but he was delayed a lot of time because of him.

《Ode to Joy 5》E25Plot

Episode 25

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 25 Plot Preview: Fang Zhiheng and Yu Chuhui talk about their feelings

Fang Zhiheng told Yu Chuhui about her father. Although Fang's father called her a bastard, she knew in her heart that doing so was the best choice for Mianmian.Yu Chuhui felt the same way as Fang Zhiheng, and understood that Fang Zhiheng still cared about this so-called family affection. At first, she hated her cruel father so much that she gritted her teeth, but later she didn't hate her enough to take action. Seeing that Fang's father was at least stronger than Yu's father, she believed that everything would pass.Because forgetting is God’s special mercy.

On the other hand, Yu Chuhui was originally on a business trip for one day and one night, but he came back early. Fang Zhiheng saw that he was becoming more and more like Ye Zhenzhen. Even she admitted that she had begun to work hard, study hard, and thought about giving her mother a whole house in Shanghai.Fang Zhiheng also said that he would prepare a good life for Mianmian.

《Ode to Joy 5》E26Plot

Episode 26

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 26 Plot Preview: Yu Chuhui advises Mr. Jin

Regarding the plan for the 4:00 generation equipment, Yu Chuhui provided some suggestions to Mr. Jin. She believed that companies purchasing imported equipment took a lot of lead in maintenance, so she made customers feel like spring breeze and gave them a lot of sweetness. Plan OutlineFor him, it is a piece of cake. After all, how to choose the adaptation is the biggest workload in the end.

However, in the eyes of customers, this is an unprecedented sweetness, making them feel the company's sincerity and goodwill.In this way, they can happily sign the contract if they accept it well.Not only that, while Yu Chuhui was discussing with the technicians, she also had to make arrangements to show that the company was ruthless and scheming. Her strategy won Mr. Jin full of praise.

《Ode to Joy 5》E27Plot

Episode 27

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 27 Plot Preview: Li Xun’s wife seeks help from Fang Zhiheng

Li Xun's wife came to Fang Zhiheng with her son. She did not directly explain the purpose of her visit, but told her about the intrigues between herself and her husband over the years.At that time, Li Xun was in urgent need of raising funds to pay his illegal gains, so he could only open the property he held tightly to his wife. In the end, Li Xun's wife controlled all of her husband's property.

But before long, Li Xun will find that he has nothing, but the marriage only exists in form, and he will definitely try his best to regain the property that his wife has occupied.For this reason, Fang Zhiheng understood what Li Xun's wife meant. She wanted to adjust her relationship with Li Qixing because she wanted to be Li Qixing's talisman.But Fang Zhiheng did not let Li Xun's wife get her wish. Although she did feel a little guilty about Li Qixing, it was not enough to allow the other party to kidnap him morally.

《Ode to Joy 5》E28Plot

Episode 28

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 28 Plot Preview: Zhu Zhe decides to fight back against Director Wang

Zhu Zhe was on a business trip and heard that something happened in the hotel. He called his subordinates and found out that it was related to Director Wang. He decided to fight back and told them to hide the evidence tightly and not to alert the snake. Wait until she gets back to deal with it.On the other side, Qi Mu repeatedly contacted He Minhong to make appointments, and finally He Minhong plucked up the courage to meet him.

Qi Mu said that He Minhong is a very rare good girl, kind and gentle, and she is also very kind to her mother, so she trusts her very much and has no intention of hiding anything.He Minhong didn't want to hear so much from him. He just wanted to know the reason for his divorce. He even thought that in Qi Mu's eyes, he was just a tool that could shoulder family responsibilities.

《Ode to Joy 5》E29Plot

Episode 29

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 29 Plot Preview: Qi Mu entangles He Minhong

Qi Mu was completely angered by He Minhong, and he pestered her and even wanted to take action. At the critical moment, Fang Zhiheng was passing by and saw this scene, and stepped forward to protect He Minhong.Obviously Qi Mu did not dare to provoke Fang Zhiheng, so he could only leave angrily.After Ye Zhenzhen, Zhu Zhe and Yu Chuhui learned about it, they all went downstairs to see that Fang Zhiheng was fine and felt relieved.He Minhong expressed his gratitude to Fang Zhiheng, but Fang Zhiheng thought that the person she wanted to thank the most was Zhu Zhe.

Soon, Director Wang received a transfer notice from the group, which meant that he had to leave the hotel.Before leaving, Director Wang was full of sarcastic remarks about Zhu Zhe, feeling that she had proposed front desk training for the first time in so many years in the hotel, and it happened that the general manager supported her idea. It was obvious that she was using him as a stepping stone.But Zhu Zhe refuted Director Wang's words and believed that he had a clear conscience.

《Ode to Joy 5》E30Plot

Episode 30

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 30 Plot Preview: Li Qixing decides to go abroad

Yu Chuhui was lying on the sofa and noticed that after a while, Fang Zhiheng came in from the door. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that she had something on her mind.Fang Zhiheng said that she had just applied for resignation, and she must be feeling guilty about her old employer. Moreover, Li Qixing just came to say goodbye to her, and he was planning to go abroad.Although this matter was considered a good thing in Fang Zhiheng's opinion, she couldn't explain it in her heart.

While they were talking, Zhu Zhe also returned home from get off work, his face beaming with joy at the happy event.Zhu Zhe told the sisters that Director Wang had been acting as the vice president for a period of time. Because his work ability had exposed great shortcomings, he had been transferred and he would take over as the acting director. Next week, he would receive an official letter from the director.Letter of Appointment.

《Ode to Joy 5》E31Plot

Episode 31

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 31 Plot Preview: David is ridiculed by his cousin

When my cousin learned that David was soft-hearted again, he felt quite disdainful. He lamented that his parents were such a weird couple. His mother was so dark-hearted and his father was so cruel. But such a pair of parents who were struck by lightning could actually do this.Give birth to a son with such a soft heart like David.He should learn from his parents how to kill off relatives righteously and how to take care of themselves.

But when it came to taking care of himself, my cousin suddenly stopped. He felt that he had learned quite well. While condoning Dai's mother's violation of laws and disciplines, he also wanted to drag Ye Zhenzhen into a relationship.That night, He Minhong took the initiative to come to the Ode to Joy community, and happened to meet Ye Zhenzhen who was coming back from outside. He took the initiative to bow to her and admit his mistakes, and apologized for the things he had done before.

《Ode to Joy 5》E32Plot

Episode 32

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 32 Plot Preview: Yu Chuhui is suffering from emotional distress

Yu Chuhui had not come back until midnight. Ye Zhenzhen and Fang Zhiheng were worried that something would happen to her. They were about to go out to look for her, but they heard the sound of laughing and joking outside the door. When they opened the door, they found that it was Yu Chuhui and He Minhong. They were very drunk.Sitting in the corridor talking about life.

Through this incident, Yu Chuhui laughed at himself as not worthy of falling in love at all, because they don't care about so-called love at all, they only care about the family background of their partner.So Yu Chuhui now wishes that he was an animal and didn't have as many mental worries as humans. He even envied David for having a girlfriend like Ye Zhenzhen. Even though his family was constantly having troubles, Ye Zhenzhen still chose to never leave him.

《Ode to Joy 5》E33Plot

Episode 33

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 33 Plot Preview: Fang Zhiheng feels the pressure of life

Fang Zhiheng said that it is not easy to find a job that earns 30,000 yuan a month, and if she does not find a job in half a year, she is afraid that her career will be completely ruined, and Mianmian will not learn to walk by then.Nowadays, many outstanding talents are flocking to Beijing and Shanghai. No matter how high the threshold is, they cannot stop them, which puts a lot of pressure on them.Zhu Zhe comforted everyone that no matter how hard they tried, the top priority was to take a good rest to save their lives. Fang Zhiheng had no choice but to go home first.

David asked Ye Fang about the factory and wanted to know if his father would be captured.Ye Fang couldn't be sure and just asked him to be mentally prepared.Fortunately, Dai's mother's operation was very successful, and David stayed in the hospital to take care of Dai's mother.

《Ode to Joy 5》E34Plot

Episode 34

Ode to Joy 5 Episode 34 Plot Preview: Peter Ho helps Fang Zhiheng look after the house

Aunt Yang has left Fang Zhiheng's house, leaving Fang Zhiheng to take care of her little sister Mianmian alone.After hearing this, He Minhong took the initiative to find Fang Zhiheng and offered to take care of the child for her first.Because in He Minhong's view, Fang Zhiheng was of great help to him, and he also gave an example of someone who saw the murderer committing an act on the street, but still had the courage to fight the murderer. Obviously, she was a hero in He Minhong's eyes.

Considering that Fang Zhiheng was going out for an interview, He Minhong once again offered to help her take care of Mianmian, and the childcare nanny would not be found for a while. Aunt Yang's salary was still the money she borrowed from Ye Zhenzhen.In order to make Fang Zhiheng feel at ease, He Minhong said that he would take good care of Mianmian, which allowed Fang Zhiheng to go out with peace of mind.

Ode to Joy 5

Ode to Joy 5

Total 34 Episodes Mar 16, 2024 C-Drama Urban Actor: Jiang Shuying Li Haofei Zhang Huiwen Zhang Jianing Yang Caiyu