《Wuchi Life》Ep Intro

King Xiaoshan, the ninth champion of Wudong Qiankun, paid great attention to his family and refused to obey the arrangements of the big boss behind the scenes. His wife Luo Mei was brutally killed by a killer. He has always felt guilty about the death of his wife Luo Mei. In order to protect his daughter Xiao Yanran, he vowed to protect his daughter Xiao Yanran before she turned eighteen.Never do anything, and everything about your daughter is important, as long as your daughter grows up happily.But in his heart, he has not forgotten the murderer of his wife, and he only waits for his daughter to take revenge after she turns eighteen.

《Wuchi Life》E1Plot

Martial Arts Enlightenment

In a small town in the north, there lived a young man named Lin Feng.Lin Feng has had a keen interest in martial arts since he was a child. He often watched the martial artists training outside the martial arts gym in the town, his eyes full of yearning.However, due to his poor family, he could not afford expensive tuition and could only teach himself some basic boxing skills.

One day, Lin Feng picked up a yellowed ancient book on the mountain, which recorded a set of profound martial arts techniques.As if he had found a treasure, he immediately began to study this ancient book.After unremitting efforts, he finally understood the essence of this set of exercises and created his own martial arts style on this basis.

《Wuchi Life》E2Plot

First show of strength

As Lin Feng's martial arts improved day by day, he gradually became famous in the small town.One day, a martial arts competition was held in the town, and Lin Feng decided to sign up to test his strength.On the day of the competition, he passed all the tests with his outstanding performance and finally won the championship.This battle made Lin Feng famous and became a man of the hour in the town.

《Wuchi Life》E3Plot

Jianghu challenge

After Lin Feng's reputation spread, he attracted the attention of many people in the world.They came to challenge Lin Feng one after another, trying to seize his honor.Facing these challengers, Lin Feng never had the slightest fear.

With his firm belief and superb martial arts, he defeated his opponents one by one and defended his honor.These battles also allowed him to accumulate a wealth of practical experience, making his martial arts even more refined.

《Wuchi Life》E4Plot

The pinnacle of martial arts

After years of hard work and challenges, Lin Feng finally reached the pinnacle of martial arts.His martial arts has become so perfect that no one can match him.At this time, he realized that his mission was not only to pursue the ultimate in personal martial arts, but also to inherit and promote Chinese martial arts culture.

Therefore, he decided to open a martial arts gym to teach his martial arts to more young people, so that they could also embark on the path of martial arts and realize their own life value.In the process, Lin Feng also gained more happiness and satisfaction, and his Wuchi life became more colorful.

《Wuchi Life》E5Plot

The road to inheritance

After Lin Feng opened a martial arts gym, it attracted many young people who were interested in learning martial arts.He taught them patiently and passed on his many years of experience to them.

At the same time, he continued to explore and innovate teaching methods, making the martial arts school more and more famous and attracting more and more students.

《Wuchi Life》E6Plot

Martial arts exchange

In order to further improve his martial arts level, Lin Feng decided to leave the small town and go to the wider world to exchange and learn.

He traveled to famous mountains and rivers around the world, visited many martial arts masters, exchanged ideas with them, and learned many new martial arts techniques and concepts.

《Wuchi Life》E7Plot

Crisis lurks

However, while Lin Feng became famous, he also attracted the attention of some evil forces.They tried to use Lin Feng's martial arts to achieve their own goals.

As a result, Lin Feng fell into one crisis after another.In the face of these crises, he relied on his extraordinary wisdom and courage to save danger time and time again.

《Wuchi Life》E8Plot

Martial arts legend

After years of experience in martial arts, Lin Feng has become a martial arts legend.His story is sung in every corner of the world, inspiring countless young people to pursue their martial arts dreams.

And Lin Feng has always adhered to his beliefs and mission, continued to explore and move forward on the road of martial arts, and wrote his own legendary life.

Wuchi Life

Wuchi Life

Total 76 Episodes C-Drama Short