《The Wonderful Read 2》Ep Intro

In the fast-paced modern life, reading has become an important way for many people to seek spiritual comfort and knowledge nourishment.However, traditional reading methods are often limited to words and personal imagination, making it difficult for classic literary works to have a more intuitive and profound touch in the hearts of readers.It is based on this background that the scene-based reading program - A Good Book - came into being, which uses a new way to rejuvenate classic literature.

《A Good Book》 presents classic literary works to the audience through stage interpretation.In each episode, the actors transform into characters in the book, using superb acting skills and stage settings to vividly present the plot, characters and emotions in the book before the audience's eyes.This innovative presentation method not only brings classic literary works out of books, but also gives them new vitality and appeal.

This kind of program setting allows the audience to change from simply reading“ books to actually reading” books.The actors' performances and every detail on the stage allow the audience to more intuitively feel the characters and plot development in the book.What's more important is that the audience can fully immerse themselves in the book and create a multi-dimensional connection with the classics.Through stage performance, the audience can have a deeper understanding of the themes, emotions and philosophies in the book, and have a closer connection with the world in the book.

In addition to the vivid presentation of classic literary works, - A Good Book - also allows the audience to participate more actively in the program through carefully designed interactive links.Audiences can express their understanding and opinions of the plot and characters in the book through voting, comments, etc., and communicate and discuss with other audiences.This interactive viewing experience not only enhances the audience's sense of participation, but also makes the program more colorful.

《The Wonderful Read 2》E1Plot

red rock

《Hongyan》is not only a literary work, but also a witness to history and a microcosm of an era.When we look back at this work today, we can't help but be moved by the heroes and the magnificent history.

This work was created by modern writers Luo Guangbin and Yang Yiyan and published in 1961.In that special era, it was like a clear stream that nourished people's hearts and provided people with motivation to move forward.It tells the story of the final desperate confrontation between the two camps of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party on the eve of the national liberation.In that era, countless heroes stood up and sacrificed their lives for their ideals and beliefs.

The protagonist Xu Yunfeng in "Hongyan" is the leader of the underground party. He is wise and courageous and devotes himself to the cause of the party.His image is not only a symbol of a hero, but also the epitome of countless communists of that era.They dedicated themselves silently to the liberation of the nation and the happiness of the people, and used their lives to compose magnificent heroic hymns.

red rock

This work truly restores history, allows us to see the changes of that era, and also allows us to feel the heroic ambitions of the heroes.It is not only a reproduction of history, but also an inheritance of the heroic spirit.In today's peaceful era, we can still draw strength from the red rock and find the way forward.

《Hongyan》's influence is far-reaching.It has profoundly influenced the values ​​of two entire generations of Chinese people and moved countless readers.It tells us that heroes are not born, but are made up of countless ordinary people in the torrent of history.As long as we have faith and ideals, we can become heroes of that era.

Looking back at history, we not only commemorate those fallen heroes, but also draw wisdom from them and point the way for today and tomorrow.《Hongyan》 is such a work that allows us to see the vicissitudes of history and also allows us to feel the power of heroes.It is an eternal classic that deserves to be savored by each of us.

《The Wonderful Read 2》E2Plot

Camel Xiangzi

A novel by Lao She (Shu Qingchun): depicting the struggles and hopes of lower-class people in Beijing in the 1920s

Lao She, formerly known as Shu Qingchun, is an outstanding writer in the history of modern Chinese literature.His works are widely praised for their unique Beijing settings and profound depictions of underclass society.Among his novels, there is one work that is particularly eye-catching, which is set in Beijing in the 1920s and tells the story of a low-level man who struggled for life, but in the end his hope was shattered.

This work depicts the living conditions of an ordinary person during that special historical period.The protagonist is an ordinary person living at the bottom of society. He is in prosperous Beijing, but his life is not as beautiful as the city's appearance.He runs for a living every day, enduring all kinds of hardships and hardships, but he always holds on to a glimmer of hope and looks forward to one day being able to change his destiny.

Camel Xiangzi

Through this work, Lao She deeply analyzed the social phenomena of that era and showed the living conditions and mental processes of the people at the bottom.He vividly depicts the protagonist's struggle against fate, while also revealing the injustice and indifference of society.In this prosperous city, although the protagonist is at the bottom, he is not crushed by the pressure of life. Instead, he uses his tenacity and perseverance to show a love for life and a longing for the future.

Despite the protagonist's great efforts, he ultimately fails to realize his dream and his hopes are ultimately dashed.Although this ending is regrettable, it also more profoundly reflects the social reality of that era.Through this story, Lao She tells us that in that turbulent era, the lives of the people at the bottom were full of hardship and helplessness. Although they had a strong desire to survive and the determination to change their destiny, they were often unable to escape the shackles of fate.

This work is not only a profound revelation of the social phenomena of that era, but also an in-depth discussion of human nature.Through the protagonist's story, Lao She allows us to see the complexity and contradiction of human nature.Although the protagonist is at the bottom, he is not defeated by the hardships of life. Instead, he uses his tenacity and perseverance to show his love for life and longing for the future.His story allows us to see the brilliance of human nature and also makes us more deeply aware of the cruelty and ruthlessness of society.

《The Wonderful Read 2》E3Plot

scarlet letter

In American romantic literature, Nathaniel Hawthorne's works are unique and deeply loved by readers.His novel - The Scarlet Letter - is a work with far-reaching influence. It is set in New England under the colonial rule of Puritanism in the seventeenth century and tells the story of a love tragedy that happened in Boston that year.

New England, a land ruled by Puritan ideas, became the stage for Hawthorne's stories.The Puritans firmly believed in the concept of original sin, believing that people are born guilty and need to purify their souls through constant repentance and reflection.In this context, people's words and deeds are strictly restricted, and any behavior that exceeds the moral bottom line will be severely punished.

scarlet letter

It is under this social background that Hawthorne presents us a touching love story.The protagonist of the story, Hester Prynne, was forced to wear a red word “A” on her chest because of the crime of adultery, symbolizing her sin.As the story progresses, we gradually discover that behind this so-called “sin”, there is a sincere and deep love hidden behind it.

Hester met and fell in love with the pastor Arthur Dimmesdale. However, under the constraints of Puritan ideas, their love was destined to be a tragedy.In order to safeguard his beliefs and moral bottom line, Arthur chose silence, while Hester bravely bore all the charges.She wore the scarlet letter and endured people's ridicule and ridicule, but she still insisted on her belief in love.

In this work, Hawthorne skillfully uses symbolism and uses the scarlet letter as a clue throughout the book.The scarlet letter not only represents Hester's crime, but also is a symbol of her perseverance and courage in facing difficulties.Through the image of Hester, Hawthorne expresses his criticism of Puritan thought and his profound thinking on human nature.

In addition, 《The Scarlet Letter》also demonstrates Hawthorne's attention to the complexity of human nature.Under the influence of Puritanism, people are often bound by moral shackles and cannot truly face their emotions and desires.However, in Hawthorne's writing, the images of Hester and Arthur are full of vitality and reality.They pursued love bravely, and although they ultimately paid a heavy price, their spirits will always shine in the long river of history.

《The Wonderful Read 2》E4Plot

The adventures of tom sawyer

Since the American novelist Mark Twain published his novel - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer in 1876, this work has had a profound impact on a global scale.How this story, featuring two troublemakers who do not like going to school and refuse to change despite repeated admonitions, has become a must-read for students around the world, and how its protagonist has become a common friend of countless young people, all stems from Mark Twain’s work on the subject.A unique insight into human nature, growth and education.

In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain describes the growth process of the protagonist Tom Sawyer and his friend Huck in a delicate way.They don't like going to school and like to play pranks, which often causes headaches for teachers and parents.However, it is these two seemingly troubled children who use their wit, bravery and kindness to show us a world full of adventure and fun.

Through the creation of these two characters, Mark Twain challenged traditional educational concepts.Although Tom and Huck did not do well in school, they showed amazing independent thinking and creativity in life.They dare to challenge authority, pursue freedom, and constantly explore the unknown world.These qualities are exactly what modern education advocates and what countless young people aspire to.

The adventures of tom sawyer

In addition, Mark Twain also conveyed a profound understanding of human nature through this novel.Although Tom and Huck often get into trouble, deep down they have a persistent pursuit of friendship, family and justice.Their bravery and determination in the face of difficulties allowed people to see the best side of human nature.This portrayal of human nature makes this novel not only a children's literature work, but also a classic with profound connotations.

It is precisely because of Mark Twain's unique perspective and profound insights in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer that this work has become a must-read for students around the world.It is not only a story about growth and adventure, but also a textbook about human nature, independent thinking and creativity.It teaches us that every child has his or her own talents and potential. As long as they are given enough freedom and support, they can create a wonderful life of their own.

In today's era of change and challenges, we need more spiritual strength like Tom and Huck.They dare to challenge tradition, explore the unknown, and use their actions to interpret what true courage and wisdom are.Their stories inspire countless young people to pursue their dreams and create their own future.

《The Wonderful Read 2》E5Plot

Biggest book lover

American writer Stephen King is a leader in contemporary thrillers, and his works are deeply loved by readers around the world.His psychological thriller novels, with their unique narrative style and in-depth exploration of human nature, give people a deeper understanding of human nature in an exciting reading experience.Recently, a work co-starring Chinese actors Xuan Ye and Gao Yalin successfully integrated Stephen King's psychological thriller elements into it, bringing a visual and spiritual shock to the audience.

This work is called - Fanatic -, based on the psychological thriller that Stephen King is good at, telling the story of a fan's morbid obsession with his idol and his twisted mentality.In Stephen King's novels, he often places characters in extreme situations and depicts their inner struggles and conflicts through delicate brushstrokes.And among the fanatical fans, this struggle and conflict is vividly displayed by Michelle Ye and Gao Yalin with textbook acting skills.

Michelle Ye plays a fanatical fan whose behavior is full of pathological control.She tried to get close to the idol through various means, and even had an impact on the idol's life to some extent.This twisted mentality is one of the themes expressed in Stephen King's novels.Through his portrayal of characters, he allows us to see the psychological shadow behind fanatical fans, and also makes us think more about the intimate relationship between people.

Biggest book lover

Gao Yalin plays an idol who is followed by fanatical fans.His performance in the play not only shows the glory of the idol, but also reveals the helplessness and fear behind it.His interaction with his ardent fans allows us to see the complex relationships between people, as well as the various contradictions and conflicts that arise in this relationship.

This work not only presents the psychological thriller elements of Stephen King, but also introduces the topic into the intimate relationship between people.It makes us think about how we should correctly view the relationship between idols and fans today when fan culture is prevalent.How can we maintain our independence and rationality while maintaining our love for our idols?

《Avid Fans》Through the superb acting skills of Michelle Ye and Gao Yalin, they successfully unlocked the “gentle version” of Stephen King's psychological thriller novel.It allows us to feel the thriller atmosphere while also having a deeper understanding of human nature and interpersonal relationships.This work undoubtedly injects new vitality into the spread and development of psychological thriller novels in China, and also brings an unforgettable audio-visual feast to the audience.

《The Wonderful Read 2》E6Plot

Bizarre Behavior

The book 《 Bizarre Behavior 》 provides an in-depth analysis of various irrational behaviors that often occur in human beings' daily economic decisions.Through vivid cases and experiments, Ariely reveals the traps we often fall into when shopping, investing, working, etc.These traps are especially obvious during shopping sprees like Double Eleven.

Is shopping around really worth the money?During the Double Eleven rush, many consumers may blindly compare prices due to various promotional methods, ignoring the actual value of the goods themselves.Ariely pointed out in the book that humans are often susceptible to the influence of relative value, that is, they believe that higher-priced goods must be better.But in fact, value is not only determined by price, but also involves many aspects such as the quality, use, and personal needs of the product.So it’s not always wise to shop around, the key is to identify your needs and find something that actually meets those needs.

Bizarre Behavior

Is the limited-edition sale really worth the scarcity?During Double Eleven, many products were gimmicked with “limited quantity” or “limited time” to attract consumers to snap up.However, Ariely reminds us in - Eccentricity - that limited edition does not mean scarcity, nor does it mean higher value.Human beings often have a natural pursuit of scarce resources, but this pursuit is often irrational.When shopping, we should pay more attention to the actual value of the product itself, rather than being fooled by limited edition gimmicks.

If consumers are unfortunate enough to encounter misunderstandings during Double Eleven, they may be able to find the answer from the science of eccentric behavior.This book not only reminds us to consume rationally, but also teaches us how to make wise decisions in a complex economic environment.By reflecting on our shopping behavior, we can avoid falling into the same trap again on future shopping days.

《The Wonderful Read 2》E7Plot

Les Misérables

In the bright starry sky of world literature, French writer Victor Hugo's novel "Les Misérables" is like an eternal shining pearl, illuminating the depths of the human soul.Since its first publication in 1862, this work has become a classic of world literature with its profound themes, grand narrative and rich connotations.

《Les Misérables》is not only a grand poem recording history, but also an important imprint of the evolution of human civilization.In this work, Hugo used the French Revolution as the background, and by telling the intertwined fates of multiple characters, he showed the suffering and struggle of the people at the bottom of society, as well as the struggle and transformation of human nature in extreme environments.

Les Misérables

In the book, the contradiction between legal justice and ethical justice, the conflict between orderly justice and right and wrong, good and evil, have become themes throughout.These seemingly opposing concepts have been deeply analyzed and discussed in Hugo's writings.Legal justice is an important means to maintain social order and fairness, but in some cases, it may conflict with ethical justice.When there is a conflict between law and morality, how should people choose?Hugo raised this profound moral torture to readers through the fateful choices of the characters.

Likewise, the conflict between order and justice and right and wrong, good and evil, is also Hugo's focus.In the process of pursuing social order, people may ignore individual rights and moral rights and wrongs.This conflict is deeply reflected in "Les Misérables", allowing readers to think more deeply about justice and good and evil.

In addition, Hugo also explored a series of important issues through the characters in the book, such as integrity and flexibility, human nature and system, the balance of interests, and the consideration of gains and losses.These issues have not only troubled mankind for nearly 200 years, but are also issues that everyone needs to face today.In a rapidly developing society, how do people maintain integrity while pursuing interests?How should people stick to their humanity when faced with the constraints of the system?These issues are vividly presented and discussed in depth in Les Misérables.

《The Wonderful Read 2》E8Plot

the great gatsby

In the 1920s, at the western end of Long Island, New York, a mysterious figure emerged: Jay Gatsby.As the protagonist in F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel, The Great Gatsby, Gatsby is known for his charming image, persistent pursuit of the American dream, and ultimately tragic fate., became an immortal legend in the history of literature.

Gatsby was born in poverty, but he always cherished his belief in the American dream.He believes that through personal efforts, he can escape the shackles of poverty and realize his own values ​​and dreams.With his intelligence and extraordinary perseverance, he climbed to the top of society step by step.His mansion, lavish parties, and interactions with high-class celebrities all demonstrate his persistent pursuit of the American dream.

the great gatsby

However, Gatsby's American dream is not simply wealth and status, but also a nostalgia for the past and persistence in love.He could never forget his first love when he was young, Daisy, and he would do anything to win her heart again.However, as the story progresses, we gradually discover that the American dream pursued by Gatsby has long been eroded by reality.Daisy is not the perfect goddess he imagined, but a vain, selfish, and irresponsible woman.Her betrayal and indifference completely shattered Gatsby's American dream.

《The Great Gatsby》Through Gatsby's life trajectory, it profoundly reveals the complexity and contradiction of the American dream.On the one hand, it inspires countless people to strive for it and has become an important symbol of the American spirit; on the other hand, it is also full of disillusionment and disappointment, making people wonder whether the American dream can be realized.

Gatsby's tragic fate allows us to see the huge contrast between personal dreams and social reality.He tried to fill the emptiness in his heart with money and status, but ended up falling into endless pain and confusion.His story makes us understand that true happiness does not come from material abundance, but from inner satisfaction and spiritual enrichment.

At the same time, The Great Gatsby also makes us think about social class and interpersonal relationships.Although Gatsby became a celebrity, he was never able to integrate into the real upper class society.The tragedy of his love with Daisy also reveals the impact of class differences and moral decay on interpersonal relationships.

《The Wonderful Read 2》E9Plot

Jane Eyre

British female writer Charlotte Bronte's novel - Jane Eyre - has been loved by readers since its publication in 1847.It is not only a touching love story, but also a profound exploration of independent personality and the pursuit of equality.In this work, Charlotte Bronte presents us a tough and independent female image - Jane Eyre - through delicate brushwork.

Jane Eyre has lived in an environment full of misfortune and suffering since she was a child.She lost her parents and was fostered in the home of her cold aunt, enduring all kinds of injustice and bullying.However, it was this environment that sharpened Jane Eyre's perseverance.She is unwilling to succumb to fate, let alone give up the pursuit of a better life.At Lowood Charity School, although she was in a difficult situation, she still studied hard and constantly improved herself.

Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre's independent personality stems from her firm understanding of self-worth.She clearly understands that everyone has the right to pursue their own happiness, regardless of status.In her relationship with Rochester, she always maintained her position and was unwilling to give up her dignity for love.She refuses to be Rochester's lover, but firmly chooses to stand with him as an equal.This independent personality enables her to make brave choices and stick to her beliefs when faced with difficulties.

At the same time, Jane Eyre is also a brave man who pursues equality.In the social background of that time, women's status was low, and many women had to submit to male authority.However, Jane Eyre firmly pursued equality and respect.She does not want to become Rochester's accessory, but hopes to grow up with him and face the challenges of life together.This pursuit of equality allowed her to maintain her independence and dignity in love, and also made her a respectable female figure.

The story of Jane Eyre tells us how to develop a woman with independent personality and pursuit of equality.Jane Eyre successfully created an admirable female image through her perseverance, awareness of self-worth and pursuit of equality.She tells us that women can also have independent personality and dignity, and they can also maintain equality and freedom in love.This spirit is not only a rebellion against the society at that time, but also an inspiration to modern women.

《The Wonderful Read 2》E10Plot

Lu Xun's Essays

By selecting 17 essays by Mr. Lu Xun, it not only demonstrates the sharp and profound charm of Lu Xun's writing, but also allows the audience to feel the light of Lu Xun's thoughts that penetrate time and space.

Essays, as an important part of Lu Xun's literary creation, have become a key to interpret Lu Xun's spiritual world with their unique artistic form and ideological connotation.In this program, there are no dazzling stage effects, no competition in acting skills, only the calmness and seriousness of six school students taking turns reading.They used the simplest way to present Lu Xun's words to every audience, as if they took everyone back to that turbulent era and heard the cry of the warrior of the era.

Lu Xun's Essays

Lu Xun's essays are not only a criticism of social reality, but also an in-depth analysis of human nature.His words are like a sharp sword, pointing directly at the crux of social ills, and at the same time, they are like a mirror, reflecting everyone's innermost thoughts.In this program, Lu Xun's thoughts stirred up turbulent waves in the students' readings, hitting the hearts of every audience, triggering profound reflections on the times, society and human nature.

The concise format of the program allows the audience to focus more on Lu Xun's writing itself and feel its profound ideological connotation.This return to the origin of literature is not only the best tribute to Mr. Lu Xun, but also allows the audience to find a space to calm down and think in the fast-paced life.

It can be said that this program is not only a literary dissemination, but also an ideological enlightenment.It allows us to re-recognize Lu Xun's important status as a great writer and thinker, and also allows us to find spiritual sustenance in the noisy era.I hope there will be more programs like this in the future, allowing the power of literature to bloom on the screen and the light of thought to shine in the hearts of the audience.

The Wonderful Read 2

The Wonderful Read 2

Total 10 Episodes Oct 07, 2019 C-Drama Docu