In the tranquil Yamanashi Prefecture, a small town nestles at the foot of Mount Fuji, where the 41-year-old Endo Kiyomi (Ichikawa Minori) lives here.She is an employee of a local business hotel and is a single mother raising her daughter Ruoye alone.Every morning, she prepares a lunch box for her daughter before going to work, and then handles the front desk work leisurely with her colleagues Yumi (Kaho) and Eri (Maki Sakai). This is her daily rhythm of life.
Although those willful residents are a headache, the boss Okuda (Naoki Tanaka) is approachable and the senior Takahashi (Akihiro Tsunoda) has a low sense of presence, so there is almost no pressure on interpersonal relationships in the workplace.Instead, she will quietly follow the social media updates of the unfamiliar cleaner Nakamoto (Noro Kayo), or find pleasure in fantasizing about the identity of the mysterious long-term guest Murakami (Kohinata Fumiyo).
Outside of work, she would have dinner with her local childhood friends Hazuki (Suzuki An) and Minami (Hiira Iwaji) every few months to talk about the current situation.In this way, the days passed blandly and quickly... Until one day, Qingmei almost encountered a traffic accident while riding her bicycle on the way home from get off work. Thanks to the timely help of her workplace senior Takahashi, she was able to avert the danger.
With extraordinary speed and strength, Takahashi rescued Qingmei including people and cars, and then confessed to Qingmei: “In fact, I am... an alien.”Takahashi, who has been hiding his true identity and living silently, used alien abilities in desperation to save Qingmei.
“You must never tell anyone about this.”Under Takahashi's repeated warnings, Kiyomi promised “I know and will keep it a secret”, but she couldn't help but tell Hazuki and Minami... Taking this as a trigger, the originally ordinary Kiyomi's lifeThings are starting to change...!