《Inside No. 9 Season 1》Ep Intro

Ordinary and mundane things often complement each other with extraordinary and macabre things, forming a gripping picture.From the shadow of revenge to the embarrassment of a stupid thief, from the birthday wish of a seriously ill little girl to the modern version of Macbeth, to the experience of a girl looking after a mansion, these seemingly unrelated stories are all inadvertentlyIt shows the complexity of human nature and the impermanence of life.

In a sealed mansion, the story of revenge is quietly unfolding.A well-planned secret room murder case used the wardrobe as a place to hide the crime.

The intrusion of two stupid thieves adds a bit of comedy to the story.They originally planned to sneak into a rich man's home to steal a famous painting, but unexpectedly witnessed a family tragedy during the theft.

In another corner, Tamsin, a seriously ill little girl, was celebrating her 9th birthday.Despite her frail body, her face was filled with happiness and anticipation.

In addition, a modern mini version of Macbeth is also staged.

《Inside No. 9 Season 1》E1Plot

sardine game

At Rebecca and Jeremy's engagement party, guests were immersed in an atmosphere of joy and blessing.However, a unique sardine game added a bit of tension and excitement to the banquet.

Rebecca, the soon-to-be-married bride, excitedly joined the game.She looked around for a place to hide and finally settled on a large wardrobe.Opening the closet door, she was surprised to find Ian already hiding inside.The two smiled at each other and decided to hide together.

“I will get married on November 9th.”Rebecca told Ian softly, with a happy smile on her face.However, this happiness did not last long.Rebecca's brother Carl suddenly broke in and broke the tranquility in the closet.Soon after, Carl's friend Stuart joined them with a wine glass.

While the three were talking, Jeremy's ex-girlfriend Rachel also found the closet.Ian introduced himself as someone from the IT department, and Rachel's arrival made the atmosphere subtle.She mentioned how often Jeremy brought up Rachel and bluntly called Rebecca a bore.Rebecca felt a little hurt by this statement, but she didn't show it.

Rachel wants to leave the wardrobe due to claustrophobia, and Ian notices her discomfort.At this moment, Stewart also wanted to take the opportunity to go to the bathroom.However, when he opened the door, he unexpectedly bumped into Jodini.Jodini was originally the cleaner at Rebecca's house, but this time she was invited by Rebecca to serve everyone wine.Mistaking herself for a guest, she dressed up and joined in the sardine game.

sardine game

Stewart was a little embarrassed by Jodini's appearance, and he took the opportunity to go to the bathroom.Ian suggested that everyone return to their original positions, so everyone returned to the closet.At this moment, Mark and his wife Liz entered the room.Thinking there was no one in the room, they started complaining that the game was boring, and even used Rebecca's dad as a stepping stone to get closer to Dick Lawrence.

At this moment, Jodini suddenly shouted “Jilanimo”, attracting Rachel's boyfriend Li into the room.Li wanted to go out and pour some wine, so Stewart picked up the wine on the window sill and hid under the bed with him.The closet was too crowded, so Mark asked Ian to go out and hide together, so Ian also left the closet.

After John entered the room, he was called “Stinky John” because of his stinky body, and he was forced to hide behind the curtains.Jamili entered the room looking for Rebecca and mistakenly called Rebecca Rachel.Just then, Rebecca's father, Andrew, entered the room.He saw everyone hiding around, so he called everyone into the closet, thinking that this was in line with the essence of the Sardine game.

However, just when everyone was about to come out of the closet, they found that the door could not be opened.

《Inside No. 9 Season 1》E2Plot

quiet night

On a quiet night, the moonlight illuminated a luxurious villa like water.Two thieves with evil intentions sneaked into the villa quietly, and their target was a priceless painting hanging on the wall.What they don't know is that there are countless secrets and crises hidden in this villa.

In the villa, everything seems quiet and peaceful.The two thieves walked quietly through the corridor and came to the room where the painting hung.They saw a blank painting hanging on the wall and secretly rejoiced, thinking they had found their target.However, just as they were about to remove the frame, a puppy suddenly rushed out and barked.

The thieves panicked and one of them tried to open the door to let the puppy out.However, unexpectedly, a bigger dog rushed in.He quickly got the puppy out, but at this time, the hostess had already walked downstairs.The two thieves had nowhere to escape and had to hide behind the sofa.

quiet night

The hostess was watching TV, but the male host suddenly grabbed the remote control and threw the battery into the cup.Angrily, the hostess walked out of the room, followed by the male host, and the two quarreled loudly outside.This gave the two thieves an opportunity to act again and finally removed the painting from the frame.

However, just when they thought they had succeeded, the hostess suddenly came back and accidentally stepped on the painting.The painting was picked up and taken away by the servant.The thieves hurriedly followed the maid and found her washing clothes in the bathroom.They try to find the painting in the washing machine, but the servant suddenly spots them and starts screaming.

The thieves were afraid of being discovered by their masters, so they had no choice but to knock the servants unconscious.At this point, the hostess was so angry that she began to pack her bags and prepare to leave.The thieves discovered that she seemed to have packed the painting in her suitcase.Just when they were about to take the opportunity to escape, the male owner played a song below. The female owner softened her heart and decided to go find him.

Seeing the rare opportunity, the two thieves quickly took the suitcases and wanted to leave.While sneaking downstairs, they saw the man shooting the woman to death.At this time, Paul came door-to-door to sell cleaning supplies.The man of the house told him to wait a moment, and when he returned to the house, he wanted to hide the body of the mistress in the closet.However, when he opened the closet, he saw the fainted servant inside.So he hid the servant in another wardrobe and sprinkled jam on the blood stains on the sofa.

Paul came in and started cleaning up the blood and jam.However, during the cleaning process, he saw two thieves carrying boxes down.After he told the man of the house, the man hurried out and was hit by a box thrown by two thieves.When the two thieves saw this, they hurriedly came down to check on the male owner's injuries.At this time, Paul shot each of them from behind.Then he took away the painting that the thief wanted to steal.

《Inside No. 9 Season 1》E3Plot

tom and jerry

In the hustle and bustle of the city, Tom and Jerry's daily life seems ordinary.However, a chance encounter changed the trajectory of their lives.

That day, Tom pointed out Miguel, a homeless man on the street, to Jerry and laughed at his life.However, a coincidence of fate caused Tom to accidentally lose his wallet outside when sending Jerry to the subway station.It was this wallet that brought Tom and MiG together.

Tom develops respect for Miguel when the homeless man picks up the wallet in front of the store and returns it to Tom.To express his gratitude, Tom decided to give MiG 40 yuan as a reward.However, what Tom didn't expect was that Miguel took the money to buy a bottle of wine and came back to share it with Tom.On a cold night, the two shared a drink and shared their thoughts.

During the chat, Tom revealed his desire to write a novel and asked Miguel what he thought of Charles.Miguel's answer surprised Tom. It turned out that Miguel knew Charles and had stayed with him for several weeks.Miguel's praise of Charles made Tom full of curiosity about this mysterious novelist.

tom and jerry

When Jerry came back, her surprise and dissatisfaction broke the tranquility.She couldn't understand why Tom drank with a homeless man, let alone why he missed work because of it.At Jerry's strong request, Tom had to call the school to ask for leave.The dispute strained the relationship between the two.

Just then, Stevie called to comfort Tom.Miguel deleted the message, took Tom's cell phone from the drawer, and hid it under the sofa cushion.This series of actions made Tom confused and angry.

A week later, Jerry came home and found that Tom had quit his job as a school teacher and concentrated on writing novels at home.However, after Tom and Miguel spent some time together in the apartment, Tom spent all the money.Miguel begins intercepting Tom's letters and messages, disconnecting him from society.When Stevie visits Tom on behalf of the school's teachers, he finds him in a difficult position.

With the electricity bill in arrears, Tom's apartment is cut off.But MiG found a job at this time and came back to give Tom some money to express his gratitude.Jerry's sudden return home alarmed Tom. She insisted that there was no such person as Miguel and that it was a hallucination caused by Tom's depression and alcoholism.However, when Jerry left, Miguel stood behind the door.

Tom's life is back on track.When Stevie comes to visit him, he laments that he has become the Tom he once was.Tom said it was all thanks to Jerry.However, when Stevie mentions that Jerry has passed away, Tom cannot accept this fact.After the two entered the bathroom, Stewie saw Miguel drowned in the bathtub.Tom explains that MiG doesn't exist.He began to look around for Jerry.

《Inside No. 9 Season 1》E4Plot

last breath

In a quiet town, there lives a little girl Tata.This day was her long-awaited birthday, but unfortunately, Tata fell ill and could only spend this special day in bed.Her mother, Jane, held a video camera, hoping to record this special day. She asked Tata: “What day is it today?Who will come?”

Tata's grandmother Gram is busy blowing up balloons to add a festive atmosphere to her birthday.At this moment, there was a knock on the door. It turned out that the singers Frankie and Sally and others came to the house to celebrate Tata's birthday.Franky sat in front of Tata's bed and blew up the balloon for her gently. Just when the balloon was about to be inflated, Jane suddenly went out to find an air pump.At this moment, Franky suddenly fell to the ground.

Upon seeing this, Sally quickly called Frankie's former agent, Fobuis, and asked him to handle the unexpected situation.Tata sat in a wheelchair, holding a balloon in his hand, his eyes filled with sadness and confusion.Franky's bodyguard came over and wanted to take away the balloon, but Gram stopped him.Gram has his own ideas. He wants to use a computer to check the value of celebrity accessories, and even plans to sell the balloon that holds Frankie's last breath.

last breath

Jane was dismissed by Gram and went to Tata's room to get the computer.Gram, Sally, and Franky's bodyguard begin discussing how much the balloon could fetch.Sally proposed dividing the money into three parts, one for Sally, one for the bodyguard, and one for the Grams.But Gram disagreed and insisted on splitting it into five parts.Sally proposed a compromise, dividing it into four parts, without Tata's share.Still, Grams stood by his opinion.

During the argument, Jane walked in pushing Tata.Jane said firmly: “This balloon was blown up by Franky for Tata, and it should be given to Tata.” French once told Tata to be careful when blowing up the balloon.However, Gram was still worried and took the balloon to the bed on the second floor.

Sally and Gram plan to blow up two more balloons, pretending they were blown by Frankie, and then sell them.At this moment, Jane found Franky crawling to the door in the room, still alive.Several people decided to kill Franky in a panic, and the bodyguard covered his head with a cushion.

Sally has been thinking about how to make more money, and even thought of getting Frankie's DNA.Finally, the ambulance arrived, and everyone was busy dealing with Franky's funeral.At this time, Tata quietly climbed upstairs and released the balloon, letting it float into the distance with her gratitude and blessings to Franky.

《Inside No. 9 Season 1》E5Plot


Behind the performance of Shakespeare's classic tragedy, Macbeth, lies a little-known story.The protagonists of this story are not the ambitious general, but his stuntman Jim, and the assistant Kirsty who manipulates everything behind the scenes.

Tony, as the leading actor of Macbeth, enjoys the glory and glory of the stage.However, his success is no accident, behind it lies Kirsty’s silent dedication.Whenever Tony needed to change costumes during the intermission, Kirsty was always with him to ensure that he appeared in front of the audience on time and perfectly.However, it's not just about costumes and makeup, Kirsty also plays Tony's secret assistant, handling those little-known chores.

Jim, as Tony's understudy, rarely had the opportunity to stand center stage, but his love of theater and desire for the leading role never diminished.He practiced his lines hard and looked forward to one day becoming the real protagonist.Fate seemed not to favor him, until that fateful night.

Tony drank too much offstage and became gibberish on stage, much to the dismay of the audience.The theater manager had no choice but to let Jim take Tony's place on stage.This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Although Jim was a little unsure, he bravely accepted the challenge.

Just when Jim was about to go on stage, Tony woke up.He decided to continue the show on his own, and Jim missed this valuable opportunity.This left Laura disappointed in Jim, as she saw his potential and talent.


Just as Tony was on stage again, he fell off the stage.This accident gave Jim finally the opportunity to perform on stage.He seized this opportunity, showed his talent and charm, and successfully became the new starring role.

After becoming the protagonist, Jim began to become arrogant and arrogant, and his treatment of Laura was not as good as before.His change left Laura heartbroken and disappointed.And Jim's next performance was not smooth sailing.In the dressing room of the new show - Richard III - Tony came to Jim in a wheelchair.Their conversation revealed the news that Jim and his girlfriend had broken up, which made Jim feel even more depressed.

A bigger blow is yet to come.As Jim prepares to go on stage, he learns that Laura has committed suicide.He believed that Laura had spiked Tony's drink and caused the accident, which made him feel guilty and remorseful.Kirsty told him that was not the case and that she had put alcohol in the drink.This news shocked Jim, and at the same time made him deeply suspicious and distrustful of Kirsty.

Kirsty told Jim she would keep an eye on him and left the dressing room.

《Inside No. 9 Season 1》E6Plot

Hell torment

Katie found a job as a housekeeper at night, which paid well, earning 88 pounds a night.However, the castle she looks after is full of mystery and eerie atmosphere.

When she arrived at the castle, the first thing she felt was the cold temperature, which seemed to penetrate the bone marrow.Looking around, the walls are covered with paintings, but every painting is full of horror and makes people shudder.

Tabitha, the hostess of the castle, and her brother Hockett told her that they would attend a banquet tonight, and her task was to take care of their other brother Andras.Andras was disabled and was placed on the top floor.

Hell torment

Katie felt a little uneasy when Hockett told Katie that there was no cell phone signal near the castle and could only be contacted by landline.She wanted to go upstairs to see Andras, but was refused.Later, Tabitha shows her Andras' food and reminds her that there is a bell next to her bed that, even though it never rings, is worth paying attention to.

After Tabitha and Hockett leave, Katie's friend Hill unexpectedly arrives at the castle.Katie told Hill about her uneasiness, even mentioning the stuffed cat she had just seen.However, when they went to look for the cat, they found a live cat.Katie became increasingly frightened and wanted to leave, but the landline phone number would not work.

At this moment, the bell upstairs that had never sounded suddenly rang.Katie and Hill decided to go upstairs and check it out.They arrived at Andras' room, only to find him tied to the bed and his mouth covered.Katie wants to free Andras, but Hill tells her that a tied person cannot ring the bell.

At this time, Tabitha and Hockett return to the castle and reveal the secret that Andras is possessed by the demon Castiel.They tell Katie they've been keeping the devil tied up in this room for half a century.

Inside No. 9 Season 1

Inside No. 9 Season 1

Total 6 Episodes Feb 05, 2014 Us Myst/Crime Actor: Rhys Shearsmith Steve Pemberton Lucy Hutchinson Steve Pemberton Catherine Parkinson