The play is adapted from the best-selling science fiction series of the same name by Hugh Howey. The story takes place in a dystopian future where about 10,000 humans live in a 144-story silo-shaped bunker. They are told that the outside world is infected by poisonous gas.It became unfit for human habitation, and the remaining survivors took refuge in the bunker and formulated rules to maintain the operation of the new society in the bunker.
American TV series《The Bunker Season 2》episode introduction
Jul 29, 2024American TV series《The Bunker Season 2》Updates every day of the week
Jul 29, 2024American TV series《The Bunker Season 2》a few episodes updated every week
Jul 29, 2024American TV Series《The Bunker Season 2》Drama Calendar
Jul 29, 2024American TV series《The Bunker Season 2》Plot introduction
Jun 11, 2024