《My Heroic Husband》Ep Intro

My Heroic Husband Ning Yi, a cloth merchant of the Su family, helped his wife Su Taner to start a business, played around in the business world of the Wu Dynasty, and became the richest man in Jiangning; Ning Yi moved forward bravely in the face of family affairs, national affairs, and world affairs, and became an unmanned person.The little My Heroic Husband I care about has grown into a big man who truly has a heart for the world, a destiny for the people, adapts to the times, and changes the times.                                                 

《My Heroic Husband》E1Plot

Su Taner and Ning Yi signed the contract

In the prosperous ancient city, the Su family was a well-known local cloth-making family.Su Tan'er, as the only daughter of the Su family, not only has outstanding appearance, but also has a great business acumen.She is eager to carry forward her family's legacy, but as a daughter, she faces various difficulties and challenges.

Su Tan'er knew very well that if she wanted to gain a foothold in the Su family and inherit the family business, she must find a different path.So she decided to recruit a son-in-law, so that she could stay in the Su family and find a capable assistant to run the business together.This move not only attracted widespread attention from young talents in the city, but also made Su Zhongkan and Su Wenxing, the second wife of the Su family, feel uneasy.

Su Zhongkan and Su Wenxing have always coveted Dafang's family property. They made things difficult for Su Tan'er in an attempt to prevent her from inheriting the family business.In the face of the second wife's difficulties, Su Tan'er did not back down, but became more determined to carry forward Bu Xing.

By chance, Su Tan'er met Ning Yi, a smart, witty young man with a strong business background.After many contacts and exchanges, Su Taner believed that Ning Yi was her ideal candidate.So, she made a bold proposal to Ning Yi: sign a contract, become a couple in name, and run the business together.After Su Tan'er gets the Su family's palm seal, Ning Yi can regain his freedom.

After some thought, Ning Yi agreed to Su Tan'er's request.In this way, a contract couple was born.They work hand in hand to face various challenges from inside and outside the family.

《My Heroic Husband》E2Plot

Ning Yi and Su Taner visit the church

In the bustling ancient city, a grand wedding is taking place.The groom, Ning Yi, and the beautiful bride, Su Tan'er, are about to get married. The two have a deep love that makes others envious.However, just when everyone was beaming with joy, uninvited guests suddenly broke into the wedding scene, breaking the harmony and beauty.

The person who came was none other than Wu Qihao, the young master of the Wu family. Behind him was a mother and her son, whose faces were quite similar.Wu Qihao made a loud noise, claiming that the mother and son were Ning Yi's original wife and children. The wedding scene was in chaos for a while, the guests were talking a lot, and the bride Su Tan'er's face became extremely pale.

The blood test proposed by Wu Qihao made the atmosphere even more tense.According to ancient customs, blood test is a method used to verify blood relationship. If two drops of blood can blend, it proves that there is a parent-child relationship.However, this traditional method is not scientific and often leaves room for manipulation.Although Ning Yi was not surprised by the changes, he already had concerns in his heart.

Ning Yi is extremely resourceful and has already seen through Wu Qihao's scam.He used his wisdom to defeat Wu Qihao's army.During the blood test, Ning Yi cleverly made the blood unable to mix, thus proving that Wu Qihao's accusations were pure nonsense.This move not only impressed everyone in the Su family, but also completely exposed Wu Qihao's conspiracy.

Afterwards, Wu Qihao and his son were kicked out of the wedding scene, while Ning Yi and Su Tan'er's wedding continued.Although this storm was short-lived, it became a topic of conversation for everyone after dinner.Ning Yi's wisdom and foolishness not only won the respect of the Su family, but also made everyone look at him with admiration.

《My Heroic Husband》E3Plot

Ning Yi launches sword-fighting knife

In the deep courtyard of the Su family, Ning Yi has always maintained a low profile and alertness.Finally one day, he succeeded in winning over Geng Huyuan, and the two walked out of the Su family's door together and began to explore Jiangning City.The prosperity and excitement of this city is a new experience for Ning Yi.He and Geng Huyuan walked through the streets and alleys, tasting various delicacies and listening to the rumors and interesting stories on the streets.

However, just as they were immersed in the joy and freedom of this city, an accident happened.By chance, Ning Yi got drunk in the art hall, and his behavior was a little rude and even a little immoral.This scene happened to be seen by the people in the second room of the Su family. They seized the opportunity and immediately complained to the old lady.

The old man was disappointed and angry with Ning Yi's behavior. He believed that Ning Yi's behavior not only damaged the reputation of the Su family, but also violated the rules of My Heroic Husband.So, at the Su family meeting, Su Zhongkan and Su Wenxing took the opportunity to attack and wanted to drive Ning Yi away.Faced with this dilemma, Su Tan'er decided to stand up and defend Ning Yi.

Su Tan'er knew that Ning Yi did not deliberately lose his temper. He was just temporarily intoxicated in the prosperity of Jiangning and forgot his identity and rules.So, she proposed a stopgap measure, asking Ning Yi to go to My Heroic Husband Academy to learn the rules, in order to appease the dissatisfaction of the old lady and other family members.

Although Ning Yi was a little reluctant, he also understood that his mistake had brought trouble to the Su family.So, he accepted Su Tan'er's suggestion and went to study at My Heroic Husband Academy.There, he met various My Heroic Husbands with different personalities. They may have had similar experiences in the past, or they may be facing similar difficulties.

During his time at My Heroic Husband Academy, Ning Yi not only learned the rules and etiquette of My Heroic Husband, but also made many like-minded friends.Together they discussed how to become a qualified My Heroic Husband and how to gain a foothold in a big family like the Su family.

《My Heroic Husband》E4Plot

The current prince-in-law Kangxian is online

Recently, Su's Clothing Co., Ltd. encountered an unprecedented chaos in picking up goods numbers.Multiple sets of duplicate pick-up numbers plunged the scene into chaos, which not only affected the normal operation of the cloth shop, but also caused customers to question the credibility of Su's Cloth Shop.However, in this turmoil, the two core figures of Bu Xing, Ning Yi and Su Tan'er, showed their wit and courage.

It is understood that Ning Yi and Su Tan'er did not panic after discovering that there was a problem with the pickup number, but took quick action.They stamped a hidden private seal on the number plate. This move not only effectively prevented the circulation of fake numbers, but also provided strong evidence for subsequent arrests.

In full view of the public, they successfully caught Su Wenxing who was trying to create a false account.Faced with irrefutable evidence, Su Wenxing was desperate and had no choice but to blame Sun Erhu in order to protect himself.However, all this was within Ning Yi and Su Tan'er's expectations.It turned out that they had already joined forces, pretended to show weakness, and deliberately lured Su Wenxing into the game.

After investigation, the truth came to light.Because Su Wenxing was greedy for personal gain, he created a false account and tried to pass the test, but in the end he suffered the consequences.Under the punishment of the family law, Su Wenxing was dealt with severely to serve as a warning to others.

Although this incident brought some losses to Su's business, it also demonstrated the leadership and adaptability of Ning Yi and Su Tan'er.Not only did they quickly solve the problem of duplicate pickup numbers, they also took the opportunity to expose the bad apples within, laying a solid foundation for Buhang's long-term development.

《My Heroic Husband》E5Plot

Su Tan'er misunderstood that Ning Yi was unfaithful

When Ning Yi was suddenly arrested by Su Boyong's entourage and faced with being asked whether he had done anything sorry to Su Tan'er, a battle about misunderstanding and understanding quietly began.Ning Yi, this young man who seems carefree and travels around, is actually shouldering the important task of observing the market and analyzing business strategies.He went deep into the Su family's cloth shop, carefully compared the differences with other cloth shops, and looked for the advantages and disadvantages of each, all in order to better support Su Tan'er's business decisions.

Faced with the sudden questioning, Ning Yi did not panic, but calmly explained what he did.He knew very well that although Su Boyong, Su Tan'er's father, was strict on the outside, he was full of love and care for his daughter in his heart.This misunderstanding occurred precisely because Su Boyong was too worried about his daughter's future and did not want her to embark on the difficult road of business.

After Ning Yi's explanation, Su Boyong finally understood the truth of the matter and the misunderstanding was resolved.He was deeply moved. It turned out that his long-standing worries and misunderstandings actually caused Ning Yi to bear unnecessary pressure.He knew that Ning Yi was sincerely helping his daughter, and he also understood Ning Yi's deep affection for Su Tan'er.

In fact, on the night before the wedding, it was Su Boyong who secretly rescued Ning Yi from the gangsters.He never mentioned all this to anyone, not even his daughter Su Tan'er knew about it.He silently guarded his daughter and Ning Yi, expressing his love for his daughter in his own way.

As the misunderstanding was resolved, the relationship between Su Boyong and Ning Yi became more harmonious.They work together for the future of the Su family and prove each other's value and trust with practical actions.The gap between Su Boyong and his daughter Su Tan'er gradually disappeared, and the relationship between father and daughter became deep again.

《My Heroic Husband》E6Plot

Ning Yi demolished the wall and gave birth to

The night is getting darker, and the moonlight is like water, shining in the quiet courtyard.The breeze blew by, bringing a hint of coolness, but it could not dissipate the emotions surging in their hearts.In this quiet night, Su Tan'er and Ning Yi talked across the wall about the person they both cared about - Su Boyong.

There was a hint of helplessness and loneliness in Su Tan'er's voice, and she expressed the estrangement between her and her father, Su Boyong.Su Boyong has always been opposed to her doing business, and he does not support her staying in the Su family by recruiting a wife.This conflict in concepts has caused the relationship between father and daughter to drift apart, leaving each other with unspeakable pain in their hearts.

Ning Yi listened quietly and felt the fluctuations in Su Tan'er's heart.He knew very well that Su Boyong didn't really not understand his daughter, but was worried and reluctant about his daughter's future.He comforted Su Tan'er softly and told her that Su Boyong actually cared about her very much, but he just expressed it in different ways.

In order to ease the tense atmosphere, Ning Yi decided to make Su Tan'er her favorite dish - preserved eggs.He peeled the preserved egg with his own hands, cut it into small pieces, and brought it to Su Tan'er.Under the moonlight, the two looked at each other and smiled. The warmth and romance seemed to melt away all barriers and misunderstandings.

With Ning Yi's company, Su Tan'er gradually opened her heart, and she began to re-examine her relationship with her father.She realized that maybe she had been too obsessed with proving her worth and ignored her father's inner feelings.In the process, Ning Yi also gained a deeper understanding of Su Tan'er's inner world, and the relationship between the two also became deeper and deeper in the process.

As the night progressed, the conversation between the two gradually came to an end.But this night became an unforgettable memory in their hearts.Because they know that no matter how many difficulties and challenges they may encounter in the future, as long as they join hands with each other, nothing can stop them from moving forward.

The relationship between Su Boyong and Su Tan'er also changed subtly that night.Although the gap still exists, at least they began to try to understand each other and accept each other's differences.This understanding and acceptance will become an important starting point for the repair of their father-daughter relationship.

《My Heroic Husband》E7Plot

Tan'er takes the initiative to kiss Ning Yi

Ning Yi decided to stay at the Su family and went to the streets to buy gifts for his relatives to express his feelings.Su Tan'er mistakenly thought that Ning Yi was leaving, and was very sad.

Ning Yi served Su Boyong the tea that he failed to serve last time, and persuaded Su Boyong to put down his strict father's airs and help them mediate the relationship between father and daughter.

《My Heroic Husband》E8Plot

Ning Yi ran away after kissing his wife

Seeing that Su Tan'er valued Ning Yi very much and trusted Ning Yi in everything, Xi Junyu, the shopkeeper of the Su family, became jealous and felt that his position had been completely replaced. Unable to achieve his goals, he defected to the Wu family.Song Xian and Han Decheng, the officials in charge of year-old cloth, came to Jiangning City. Su Tan'er learned that the court would appoint a supplier of year-old cloth and was determined to win a share.

Ning Yi secretly felt that the matter of Suibu was still open for discussion, and advised Su Tan'er not to take action easily.While Ning Yi was playing chess with Qin Siyuan, he inadvertently pointed out the trend of the war in the north, which coincided with Qin Siyuan's ideas, making Qin Siyuan even more impressed.I think he is a talented person.

《My Heroic Husband》E9Plot

Ning Yi severely punished Wu Qihao

Tan'er was in danger, and Ning Yi arrived in time and severely punished Wu Qihao and the traitor Xi Junyu.Wu Chenghou and Song Xian, who came after hearing the news, also stopped Ning Yi.

Faced with Wu Qihao, who bullied others too much, Ning Yi decided to take a long-term view, catch a big fish, and formally declare war on the Wu family.

《My Heroic Husband》E10Plot

Su Tan'er closes cloth shop

Previously, when sisters Nie Yunzhu and Yuan Jin'er were selling preserved eggs on the street, Song Xian passed by the stall and fell in love with Yuan Jin'er.While Ning Yi was having dinner with everyone, Song Xian heard Yuan Jin'er's singing and came to rob her and forcefully marry Yuan Jin'er.

Everyone was defending, and when the situation was chaotic, the heroine Lu Hong took action, but failed to assassinate Song Xian. Instead, she was stabbed by Song Xian. Ning Yi rescued her and placed her in hiding in a small courtyard.

《My Heroic Husband》E11Plot

Wu Qihao falls into a trap

Han Decheng failed to curry favor with Qin Siyuan for many years, but he bumped into Ning Yi, Qin Siyuan, and Kang Xian at the Zhuji Restaurant. He was very surprised by Ning Yi's connections, so he changed his mind temporarily and decided to give Su Tan'er his share of the imperial cloth.Dumbfounded.

《My Heroic Husband》E12Plot

Ning Yi became a disciple of Lu Hongti

Qin Siyuan arrived in Wudu, and the upper dynasty was restored. He advocated that the Jingguo was almost unfavorable to the Wu Dynasty, but now that the Jingguo and the Liangguo were severely weakened after the war, they should conquer the Jingguo north to avoid future troubles. He argued with the peace faction headed by Taishi He Yuanchang.If they don't agree, the two sides are at war with each other.

Qin Siyuan took out the late emperor's edict and used the gunpowder depot that he had prepared for a long time in Lin'an City as support to fight for the conquest of Jing. The emperor was temporarily entangled.

《My Heroic Husband》E13Plot

Ning Yi was accused of breaking business rules

Raise an army for a thousand days, use it for a while.Faced with rising supply demand again, Ning Yi came to the textile workshop and ordered the workers to start increasing the amount of textiles.At this time, other Jiangning cloth merchants came to accuse Ning Yi of breaking business rules and leaving them with no business.

Ning Yi thought of a countermeasure and generously asked everyone to join the Su family for a win-win cooperation.

《My Heroic Husband》E14Plot

The Su family becomes the richest man

Ning Yi often accidentally wets his clothes on weekdays, but Su Tan'er caught him and misunderstood him. In order to avoid getting his clothes wet, Ning Yi and Su Tan'er celebrated their victory and developed waterproof fabrics together. Their relationship became more and more intense.At the Su family meeting, the old lady once again affirmed Su Tan'er's ability to manage the family business, and Su Boyong finally showed his loving fatherly side.

After this battle, the Su family became the richest man. In order toGive back to the people and do good deeds by giving out porridge everywhere.

《My Heroic Husband》E15Plot

Tan'er sets fire to Ning Yi's room

Su Tan'er was reminded by her subordinates that the weather has been dry recently, and she had a plan in mind.She deliberately lit a fire with the intention of burning Ning Yi's ear room. Ning Yi happened to see this scene, understood Su Tan'er's intention, and stopped Geng Huyuan from putting out the fire immediately.

After Ning Yi's side room was burned out, Su Tan'er agreed that he would move to his bedroom. The whole family looked forward to the two of them cultivating themselves.In the joy, the two lovers finally got married.

《My Heroic Husband》E16Plot

Ning Yi meets Liu Xigua

Ning Yi, Su Tan'er, Xiao Chan and Geng Huyuan embarked on a journey, following the map drawn by Geng Huyuan, but everywhere they went was completely different from what was shown on the map.It turned out that Geng Huyuan was just bragging when he said that he had traveled all over the world. He had read these routes from story books.

Ning Yi simply headed towards Lin'an.At the same time, a group of thieves were quietly sneaking into Lin'an.

《My Heroic Husband》E17Plot

Ning Yi misunderstood Su Tan'er

Ning Yi and his party arrived in Lin'an, visited Lin'an, and marveled at the prosperity of Lin'an.As the Chinese Valentine's Day is approaching, Ning Yi and Su Taner paint pictures for each other at the portrait booth as a commemoration.

And Geng Huyuan stole the paintingYang Xiuhong, who had been secretly in love for a long time, was discovered by Ning Yi and was extremely shy.During the trip, Ning Yi saw Qian Xiwen, a local scholar, helping poor people and admired him very much.

《My Heroic Husband》E18Plot

Ning Yi provokes bandits

Lou Shuwan took the risk to deliver food rations to Su Tan'er and others, but unfortunately was targeted by bandits.A group of thieves rushed to the door of Ning Yi's house, and Ning Yi and four My Heroic Husbands prepared to fight.At a critical moment, General Yuan Dingqi of Wude Camp came to the rescue.Yuan Dingqi was shocked when he saw Ning Yi holding Qin Siyuan's dagger, and recognized him as the commander of the Secret Investigation Department.

Ning Yi only knew that this was a gift from Qin Siyuan. He did not know anything about the Secret Investigation Department. He rejected Yuan Dingqi's proposal to invite him to defend his family and country together. He thought that he could not do these things and just wanted to take Su Tan'er and others with him.Everyone left Lin'an safely.On the other side, Bao Wenhan has led a large number of thieves to Taiping Lane where Ning Yi and his party settled, and Ning Yi and others were surrounded.

《My Heroic Husband》E19Plot

Liu Xigua invites Ning Yi's military advisor

In the Wudu Palace, the emperor finally decided to send General Dong Daofu south to Lin'an to quell the rebellion. Qin Siyuan begged on his knees not to ignore the Northern Expedition, but to no avail.

Qin Siyuan was worried and sent Lu Hongti the task of assassinating Fang Tianlei, trying to resolve Lin'an's crisis as soon as possible to protect the war situation in the north.On the other side, Ning Yi woke up and found that he had been detained by Liu Xigua in the Ba Dao Camp.

《My Heroic Husband》E20Plot

Chen Fan always keeps an eye on Ning Yi

Bao Wenhan's thieves pulled all the wealthy businessmen in the city to the square to show them to the public, and forced them to pay money and surrender.

The great scholar Qian Xiwen scolded the thieves and was taken to prison and tortured.In order to save his life, Lou Shuheng was the first to surrender. Lou Shuwan was disappointed and heartbroken.

《My Heroic Husband》E21Plot

Ning Yi steals the waist card

But Liu Xigua values ​​Ning Yi's talents and hopes everyone will be friendly to him while keeping a distance from Ning Yi.The unknowing Ning Yi tried every means to run away. Just when he secretly wanted to steal Liu Xigua's waist card, he was misunderstood as a thief and was hit in the shoulder.

Only then did Liu Xigua and Chen Fan realize that they had admitted the wrong person, and Ning Yi confessed that he was afraid of bandits. This frankness made Liu Xigua relax his vigilance and hand over his belt to Ning Yi.As a result, Ning Yi still couldn't get out of Ba Dao Camp.

《My Heroic Husband》E22Plot

Ning Yi found the opportunity to leave the city

The four members of My Heroic Husband misunderstood that Ning Yi had joined the bandits.Ning Yi told Liu Xigua that he had a way to raise food, but declined the strong thieves Liu Xigua had prepared. Instead, he brought in a group of old, weak, sick and disabled, and took the opportunity to rescue four My Heroic Husbands and form a group out of the city., planning to escape together.

Bao Wenhan, who likes to rob civilian girls, falls in love with Lou Shuwan and searches for her everywhere in the city.Lou Shuheng learned that Bao Wenhan was interested in Lou Shuwan, and he discussed with Lou Jinlin and planned to sacrifice Lou Shuwan.

《My Heroic Husband》E23Plot

Ning Yi successfully escaped

The group of people had successfully escaped, but they met refugees outside the city. They thought they were trying to grab food and were very nervous, but they found out that they were asking if they could transport food into the city.

Hearing that their relatives were trapped in Lin'an, Ning Yi and others felt compassion and decided to help the people solve the food problem first, and then find an opportunity to leave.

《My Heroic Husband》E24Plot

Ning Yi wakes up Lou Shuwan

When Lou Shuwan heard that Lou Jinlin and Lou Shuheng were conspiring to dedicate themselves to Bao Wenhan in exchange for benefits, she collapsed emotionally and wanted to commit suicide by jumping into the river.Ning Yi rescued him and after some persuasion, Lou Shuwansheng's hope was ignited.

Chen Fan discovered that the medicine Ning Yi gave him was Mongolian sweat medicine, and rushed to question him.Ning Yi used some excuses, which made Chen Fan believe that the medicine could help him avoid bad luck.

《My Heroic Husband》E25Plot

Su Tan'er is missing

Su Zhongkan and Su Wenxing, father and son, finally walked to Lin'an City Gate.

The two of them had a bumpy journey and were disheveled, like refugees. The people stationed at the city gate saw that they were pitiful and let them in. When they heard that they were looking for Ning Yi, they revealed that Ning Yi was the military advisor of the Batao Camp. The two of them were completelyIf you don’t believe it, just think it’s the same name.

《My Heroic Husband》E26Plot

Ning Yi attended the banquet of hundreds of officials

Ning Yi knew that he had to find a way to summon all the people from the eighth camp of bandits, so he proposed to Liu Xigua to hold a banquet for hundreds of officials and required all bandits to attend.

Liu Xigua was unwilling at first, but was finally moved by Ning Yi's sincerity, which prevented Ning Yi from being bullied because of his junior status. He promoted Ning Yi and gave him new clothes.

《My Heroic Husband》E27Plot

Tan'er was imprisoned by Lou Shuheng

Ning Yi, Geng Huyuan and Lu Hongti questioned Shi Bao, the thief who kidnapped Su Tan'er, and learned that Su Tan'er had been bought, but who bought it was unknown, and the clues were interrupted.Ning Yi was desperate and walked in the heavy rain. Just when he was about to collapse, Ning Yi discovered that the clue was on himself.

The clothes he was wearing were actually made of waterproof fabric. It seemed that Su Tan'er was using waterproof fabric to convey a message to him.Ning Yi asked Liu Xigua about the whereabouts of the waterproof fabric and rushed to Lou's house.

《My Heroic Husband》E28Plot

The group finally reunited

In the main hall, Fang Tianlei pointed out that Bao Wenhan had enriched himself, and there was an account book as evidence.But when Fang Tianlei saw the account book and checked it and found that it was correct, he had to kill the spies to close the gap with Bao Wenhan.

Bao Wenhan returned to the camp and found that Lou Shuwan had done all this. He praised him greatly and handed over the camp's accounts to him.

《My Heroic Husband》E29Plot

Ning Yi is in a dilemma

When Yi and his party were about to leave the city, they couldn't bear to see the hungry people everywhere.Ning Yi said goodbye to Chen Fan, but encountered Dong Daofu's army approaching the city and had to return.And Fang Tianlei relied on his own gunpowder to meet Dong Daofu at night.At this time, Dong Daofu sent men and horses to sneak into the gunpowder depot and seize the gunpowder according to the secret road map of Lin'an given by Mr. Qin. Unexpectedly, all three teams of men and horses were wiped out.

Dong Daofu saw the heads of three soldiers and realized thatBai fell into the trap, and all this was done by Fang Tianlei.The two were at war with each other.

《My Heroic Husband》E30Plot

Ning Yi deploys night attack on gunpowder depot

Liu Xigua fought for the opportunity to send Ning Yi and his family out of the city, but Ning Yi refused.

Liu Xigua was puzzled, but Ning Yi prevaricated. Liu Xigua was suspicious and found the four members of My Heroic Husband to find out.Unexpectedly, it was Gao Qiu who was the least talkative in the end who smoothed things over for Ning Yi.

《My Heroic Husband》E31Plot

Ning Yi was offered marriage by thieves

Ning Yi read the autobiographical novel written by Geng Huyuan in front of Geng Huyuan's grave, and then learned the true past story of Geng Huyuan.

It turns out that what Geng Nursing Home told about before about him and YangXiuhong's stories are all her beautiful imagination.In fact, he was deeply in love, but Yang Xiuhong had no impression of him. However, Geng Huyuan had been working hard, thinking that one day he could save enough money, reveal his true feelings, marry his beloved girl, and give her happiness.

《My Heroic Husband》E32Plot

Ning Yi made a promise to Tan'er

At Ba Dao's wedding ceremony, all the thieves and bandits gathered together. Everyone toasted frequently and poured wine into Ning Yi.On the surface, the thieves were drunk, but in fact it was all a cover-up used by Fang Tianlei on Ning Yi.The thieves and bandits remained vigilant in case Ning Yi was an undercover agent of the Secret Investigation Department and contacted Dong Daofu to take advantage of the situation.

On the other side, Dong Daofu is getting ready to go, while the four My Heroic Husbands and Su Zhongkan and his son are also executing Ning Yi's plan.

《My Heroic Husband》E33Plot

Liu Xigua and Ning Yi break up

Liu Xigua questioned Ning Yi, and Ning Yi admitted his undercover status.Liu Xigua and Ning Yi broke up, and everyone in the Ba Dao camp was betrayed, and they were very sad for Ning Yi.

Ning Yi felt a little guilty emotionally, but he had a clear conscience for everything he had done.He knew that for the sake of justice, for the people, and for the Wu Dynasty, he could only do this.

《My Heroic Husband》E34Plot

Ning Yitan'er gets married again

In the Su Mansion, the section chiefs of the second room and his son described the troubled times and their actions. Everyone found it ridiculous.

But after this trip, the relationship between the second family's father and son and the first family changed.In the end, Ning Yi and Su Tan'er decided to hand over the largest rooms in the house to the second room.

《My Heroic Husband》E35Plot

Liu Xigua writes divorce letter to Ning Yi

Ning Yi learned that Liu Xigua was going to rescue Fang Tianlei. In desperation, he sent Lu Hongti to watch Liu Xigua and his party and told them not to act rashly. He asked Fang Tianlei that the person behind the scenes who instructed him to sneak into Lin'an was not He.Yuan Chang, but Emperor Jingguo Baili Hongji, used Fang Tianlei's life as a guarantee to persuade Liu Xigua and his party to leave and let them stop from now on.

The two finally said goodbye, and Liu Xigua gave Ning Yi a letterDivorce letter, from now on one farewell to the other.

《My Heroic Husband》E36Plot

Ning Yi thought of a win-win strategy

Ning Yi came to see Qin Siyuan, and the two played Go again as usual.Qin Siyuan took advantage of the situation of the chess game and ordered Ning Yi not to save him.Ning Yi insisted on saving, but Qin Siyuan warned him that no matter what, he must put the overall situation first, lest he lose everything because of one child.

Ning Yi understood that Qin Siyuan was ready to die, and was very sad, leaving the last piece on the chessboard.In the end, Bailihong executed Qin Siyuan with his own hands.

My Heroic Husband

My Heroic Husband

Total 36 Episodes Feb 14, 2021 C-Drama Period/Comedy/Rom Actor: Guo Qilin Song Yi