《the swimsuit saga》Ep Intro

In 1978, Peng Jinxi (played by Qiao Shan), a 20-year-old native of Xingcheng, Liaoning Province, was reported by his love rival Qin Sheng for speculation and was thrown into jail. He lost the qualification to go to university.After Peng Jinxi was released from prison, he started a swimming trunks business by producing and selling his own goods. His girlfriend Luo Hong (played by Yang Zishan) never left her. They overcame many difficulties and got married. Peng Jinxi became the first 10,000-yuan household in the local area.

In the early 1980s, when the policy was liberalized, distant relatives Jia Weimin and others imitated Peng Jinxi in setting up a workshop to make swimwear, and began to start a price war with him. Peng Jinxi and his wife saw the tricks, which not only consolidated the local market, but also united their peers. Peng Jinxi led the way and allowed “ to prosper the city.Swimwear” went nationwide.

In the 1990s, Peng Jinxi encountered Qin Sheng's revenge and market rectification and fell into a low ebb. However, he remained optimistic. With his extraordinary wisdom, he found a breakthrough after many ups and downs, established a regular factory and an independent brand, and successfully broke through.After that, Peng Jinxi and his wife led the Xingcheng Swimsuit Saga to become the world's largest swimsuit production base. One out of every four swimsuits in the world is produced by Xingcheng people.

《the swimsuit saga》E1Plot

Episode 1

The story began in 1978. After the college entrance examination, 20-year-old Peng Jinxi from Xingcheng, Liaoning Province, poured dried tofu on Hongluoxian and sold it in the alleys of the ancient city. This behavior was called speculation by the industrial and commercial administration at the time. Isn't it right?is allowed.At dawn, Peng Jinxi and his two brothers brought the dried tofu back. Little did they know that the inspection team had already set up a dragnet. The captain reported that they could take action at any time, but the director said to go back to the station first.The eldest brother Peng Jindong went to the alley to spread the news, and the people in the alley immediately disappeared without a trace.On the day when the college entrance examination results were released, Luo's father asked his daughter Luo Hong to offer incense to his late wife, hoping that Luo Hong would be able to get into college.Soon after, Qin Sheng ran back in a hurry, shouting that Luo Hong and he had both been admitted to college.

The whole Luo family was very happy. Luo Hong then wanted to know if Peng Jinxi had also been admitted to college, but Qin Sheng forgot to look, so Luo Hong ran all the way to look at the results.Qin Sheng liked Luo Hong, but Luo Hong only had Peng Jinxi in his heart. He accidentally learned from Luo Hong's brother Luo Xian that Peng Jinxi was speculating in the ancient city alley, so he went to the Industrial and Commercial Administration Office to report it.The director has just taken office and is a good old man. He knows that the country's economic development is a new trend, so he withdrew the people today and did not arrest those speculative people. However, at this juncture, Qin Sheng came to report, and Qin Sheng's father was stillQin Zhaogao, director of the supply and marketing cooperative, has a good relationship with the director.In desperation, the director had to send people to arrest people in the alleys of the ancient city.

Luo Hong just came to the alley here and told Peng Jinxi the good news that he had also been admitted to college. The inspection team came over on bicycles to arrest him. Peng Jinxi pulled Luo Hong and ran away, evading the pursuit.Luo Hong and Peng Jinxi like each other, and now they have been admitted to college, with a bright future. Peng Jinxi keeps all the good things for Luo Hong. It is the time when youth is budding. Peng Jinxi wants to kiss her, but is repeatedly interrupted.Peng Jindong found a job at the county supply and marketing cooperative, but he couldn't go empty-handed, so he asked his wife Sun Shufen to take out the box of precious snacks. The iron box of snacks was left by Peng's father when he was still alive.The fat head who was pouring dried tofu with Peng Jinxi was caught by the inspection team. Peng Jinxi could not sit idly by and planned to use the money to pay the fine and redeem himself.

Peng Jinxi saw a pair of swimming trunks and thought the style was very novel. After asking the owner, she learned that she bought them in Beijing for three yuan.In Peng Jinxi's eyes, the material of the swimming trunks was average and the cost was only fifty cents. He wanted to study the inversion of the swimming trunks with the owner of the swimming trunks.As soon as he heard someone calling him the director and the other party revealed his identity, Peng Jinxi immediately realized that he was talking to the director of the market management office about swimming trunks, which was tantamount to making trouble on Tai Sui's head, so he ran away in a hurry.Peng Jinxi came to pay the fine to get someone, but the captain found out that he was the Peng Jinxi reported by Qin Sheng, so he detained him without reason. After communicating with the director, he asked Peng Jinxi to sign a confession, but this would be entered into the file. Peng Jinxi would notWilling to sign.

Luo Hong asked Qin Sheng to help intercede with the people in the management office so that they would not embarrass Jinxi. However, Qin Sheng was not a good person and went home to whisper in his father's ears that he would arrest Peng Jinxi no matter what.The Peng family learned that Peng Jinxi had been arrested. Peng Jindong and Sun Shufen hurried to the management office to admit their mistakes. The director learned that Peng Jinxi was really a college student and was about to let him go. At this time, the director called and said that Peng Jinxi should be treated as an economic saboteur.He is a typical example and serves as a warning to others. As a result, Peng Jinxi may lose her university qualifications and may be sentenced to prison.

《the swimsuit saga》E2Plot

Episode 2

The swimsuit saga episode 2 plot introduction: Jinxi was sentenced and imprisoned

Peng Jinxi was imprisoned, and Luo Hong and Qin Sheng went to see him, but he didn't want to see anyone now.Qin Sheng showed his acting skills and pretended to Luo Hong that he could not help. Luo Hong didn't know the inside story, so he didn't blame him.The next day, Peng Jinxi was criticized as a model and sentenced to December in prison. Luo's father Zhang Luo celebrated his daughter's admission to college as the motorcade passed by. Luo Hong got out of the car and ran to see Peng Jinxi regardless.Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it is the winter of 1978. In his free time in prison, Peng Jinxi studied newspapers, current affairs, and swimming trunks. Seeing the national economy liberalizing, he planned to start a swimming trunks business after he was released from prison.Although Luo Hong went to college, she still remembered Peng Jinxi. She would send him letters from college to encourage him to work hard and never give up on himself.

Peng Jinxi finally wrote back, but apart from thanking Luo Hong for encouraging him, the content of the letter just made her forget about herself.Peng Jinxi said in the letter that the two were no longer in the same world. She was a college student and he was a prisoner, so it was no longer possible.Luo Hong originally opened the letter with joy, but after reading it, she was very sad.Gifts were given, but the job in the supply and marketing cooperative was still unavailable. Sun Shufen asked frequently, and Peng Jindong said that he knew what was going on.That day, Peng Jindong and his younger sister Peng Jinxiu went to pick up Peng Jinxi from prison. As soon as Peng Jinxi was released from prison, he went directly to find Tan Youwei. Peng Jindong followed secretly, fearing that Peng Jinxi would do something impulsive.Sun Shufen went to the supply and marketing cooperative to harass Qin Zhaogao, and unexpectedly learned that Peng Jindong had also found a job for Peng Jinxiu in the supply and marketing cooperative, but it also failed.

When they arrived at the Industrial and Commercial Administration Office, Peng Jindong showed up and grabbed Peng Jinxi to talk a lot, leaving Peng Jinxi dumbfounded.Later, Peng Jindong saw his second brother shaking hands with Tan Youwei, talking and laughing, and not looking like he was seeking revenge, so he left with peace of mind.Luo's father focused on bringing his daughter and Qin Sheng together. After all, Qin Sheng's father was the director of the supply and marketing cooperative. If they got along well, his son's job quota in the supply and marketing cooperative would be secured.Peng Jinxi still wanted to talk to Tan Youwei about the swimming trunks business plan, but Tan Youwei said that although the economy was liberalized, it would not happen overnight. Many people were still waiting and watching, and now all they could do was wait.Tan Youwei openly opposed Peng Jinxi doing this, but seeing Peng Jinxi's persistence, Tan Youwei hung the swimming trunks on the clothesline.

Peng Jinxi could see Tan Youwei's intentions, and he thanked Tan Youwei from the bottom of his heart.Sun Shufen took advantage of Peng Jinxiu's impatience and deliberately mentioned in front of her that Peng Jindong brought a tin box of snacks to Qin Zhaogao, but the job was still unavailable.Peng Jinxiu immediately became anxious and went to demand an explanation with a knife. Sun Shufen had to persuade her to take the knife away from her hand.Coincidentally, as soon as Peng Jinxiu walked near the window of Qin Zhaogao's house, she heard Luo Shifu and Qin Zhaogao talking. Qin Zhaogao said that when the matter between Qin Sheng and Luo Hong was settled, Luo's current job in the supply and marketing cooperative was to be a board member.A very serious matter.Peng Jinxiu's little mouth immediately screamed, and he rushed straight at Qin Zhaogao like a machine gun. Qin Zhaogao could not talk back, so he returned the snack to her honestly. There was one snack missing, and he was ridiculed by Peng Jinxiu.

After Peng Jindong learned about this, he scolded Peng Jinxiu, and Sun Shufen, who was furious, was not spared.Peng Jindong's anger dissipated with Peng Jinxi's return, and what filled his heart was sadness and bitterness.Peng Jinxi persuaded her mother to use the fabric he brought to make some swimming trunks, and said that Tan Youwei actually wanted him to do well, otherwise he would not show her the swimming trunks.Luo Hong learned that Peng Jinxi was released from prison and happily asked for leave to go back.Peng Jinxi secretly took the swimming trunks and asked people if they wanted to buy them. He was very happy when people bought them.

《the swimsuit saga》E3Plot

Episode 3

The swimsuit saga episode 3 plot introduction: Traveling thousands of miles to see Luo Hong

Peng Jinxi was very good at talking, and he managed to get the beach watchers away with a few words, and then he started selling his swimming trunks on the beach as he pleased.Peng Jindong used all his contacts to finally find Peng Jinxi a job repairing bicycles, but now Peng Jinxi is nowhere to be found.His mother knew it but didn't say anything, so Peng Jindong planned to go to the beach to find his second brother.When Luo Hong came back, she went straight to Peng's house to find Peng Jinxi. Peng Jinxiu saw Qin Sheng waiting for Luo Hong outside the house. She was immediately unhappy and said some unpleasant words. Qin Sheng threatened that no one in their family would want to work in the supply and marketing cooperative.Luo Hong asked Qin Sheng to go back. She had something to say to Peng Jinxi alone.As a result, Qin Sheng turned around and went to Luo's house to complain to Luo Shifu. Luo Shifu went to the beach to bring his daughter back, so Luo Hong did not see Peng Jinxi.

The person in charge of the red armband found out that he had been cheated and went back to settle the score with Peng Jinxi. Peng Jinxi took off his clothes and sat on the beach with others, hoping that the person in charge would not find him out.At this time, Peng Jindong came to the rescue and pushed the person in charge away. He recognized the second brother who was fatter than others at a glance and took him home.When he got home, he heard from Peng Jinxiu that Luo Hong had come home to look for him. Peng Jinxi ran to Luo's house without looking back. He learned from Luo Shifu that Luo Hong and Qin Sheng had gone back to school by train. He quickly got on Peng Jindong's bicycle and went straight to the house.Run to the train station.Qin Sheng was buying melon seeds on the platform and first saw Peng Jinxi hurriedly looking for someone. He immediately got on the train and closed the windows and curtains because he was afraid that the wind would catch Luo Hong cold.Because of Qin Sheng's obstruction, Peng Jinxi was not able to see Luo Hong until the train started to leave.

On the train, Qin Sheng gave Luo Hong a pen gift to confess his love, but Luo Hong refused.After returning to school, Qin Sheng did not give up, and continued to use food to extract information about Luo Hong from Luo Hong's roommate.Peng Jinxi used the money from selling swimming trunks to buy meat to improve the food for her family. Peng Jindong felt that the money was not clean, so the two brothers quarreled, but Peng's mother stopped them.Peng's mother intervened and the brothers reconciled. Peng Jinxi promised not to do this again. But in fact, except Peng Jindong, everyone else in the family agreed with Peng Jinxi.When he learned that Luo Hong was a female model taking photos and the photos would be placed on the school's publicity board, he became a male model. He wanted to take a photo with Luo Hong and put it on the publicity board, but Luo Hong kept a distance from him and was veryI am very cautious, and I am afraid that others will misunderstand me, so I don’t even want to take a group photo.

Peng Jindong locked the door of his house to prevent Peng Jinxi from going out to speculate again.Peng Jinxi lobbied her sister and deliberately put on a show, successfully getting Peng Jindong to agree to let him out.After getting the photo, Luo Hong immediately put Qin Sheng's photo aside and told her roommate that she had a boyfriend and that she and Qin Sheng were just ordinary classmates.Although her roommate lied, Luo Hong knew that the jar of malted milk in her hand was given by Qin Sheng. She knew without thinking that Qin Sheng probably used the malted milk to bribe her in order to get information about herself from her roommate.Roommates.Peng Jinxi wanted to visit Luo Hong in Shenyang, but with his elder brother around, he couldn't do it, so he had to go to his mother to discuss it.His mother agreed that he go to Shenyang to find Luo Hong, but the ugly words were sweetened. After all, Luo Hong is now a college student, and there is no guarantee that he will change his mind after a year.

Peng Jinxi didn't ask for his mother's money and lied that Fat Tou and Gouzi gave him some. But in fact, Peng Jinxi only had one yuan and a quarter with him. He wanted to evade the fare, but was caught by the flight attendant and paid for the fare.He finally arrived at Luo Hong's university at night and explained the reason to the guard at the door, hoping that the guard would let him in and give the dried tofu to Luo Hong.Luo Hong happened to pass by and saw Peng Jinxi's familiar thick figure. She called Peng Jinxi's name with red eyes.

《the swimsuit saga》E4Plot

Episode 4

The swimsuit saga episode 4 plot introduction: Qin Sheng reports on Jinxi

Peng Jinxi went to Shenyang to find Luo Hong, but the guard refused to let him in, let alone put his things in the guard room. Luo Hong happened to see Luo Hong passing by and called his name.Luo Hong was angry that Peng Jinxi said in her letter that she wanted to break up with him. When faced with the student union's routine night patrol, she said she didn't know Peng Jinxi, and then relented and lied that Peng Jinxi was her uncle.Peng Jinxi admitted his mistake and apologized to her, and recited the letter he had written to her but not sent to her, and the two held hands.Qin Sheng learned from his roommate that there was a man chatting with Luo Hong. He heard the description that the man looked very much like Peng Jinxi. He hurried over to take a look and saw the two holding hands. He felt disappointed and jealous at that moment.When Peng Jindong came home from get off work, he saw three women at home making swimming trunks. He felt that they were no longer making swimming trunks behind their backs.

Mother Peng was still powerful. Once she spoke, Peng Jindong did not dare to say anything else.The women made swimming trunks, and Peng Jinxi went to the beach to sell them. Luo Hong came to see him after her summer vacation. Luo Hong was very happy just to be with him.Qin Sheng saw not far away that jealousy was growing like a vine.He asked his father to implement Luo Hong's current work in the supply and marketing cooperative, and he wanted to make Luo Hong feel that she owed him.In order to prevent the women at home from making swimming trunks, Peng Jindong locked up the sewing machine with a lock and chain.Since the sewing machine couldn't be used, they sewed by hand. Luo Hong took the initiative to help and also gave ideas for division of labor and cooperation to improve work efficiency.For several days in a row, Luo Hong would leave early and come back late, working at Peng's house until late at night, and then being sent home by Peng Jinxi. Her days were full and happy.

The method of locking the sewing machine didn't work, so Peng Jindong hid the swimming trunks they made overnight in the kitchen sauce jar.The whole family was looking for swimming trunks everywhere. Peng Jindong ran to the kitchen and put the swimming trunks on his crotch piece by piece.Qin Sheng asked Luo Xian to take good care of Luo Hong tomorrow no matter what, but Luo Xian woke up early and Luo Hong had already gone out.Qin Sheng said that today was the time for the inspection team to investigate speculators. Luo Xian was thinking of something bad and immediately ran to the beach to stop Qin Sheng and the inspection team.Peng Jindong also took Tan Youwei to the beach and rescued Peng Jinxi from the inspection team.Peng Jinxi lied and said that their family had an ancestral laohan, so he wore many pairs of swimming trunks. It just so happened that Peng Jindong was also wearing many pairs of swimming trunks today. It was a mistake. Coupled with Tan Youwei, Peng Jinxi was finally let go.

Qin Sheng was unwilling to give in and took the camera at home, vowing to take photos of Peng Jinxi's criminal evidence.Luo Xian told Luo Shifu what happened today. He thought the behavior of brothers Peng Jindong and Peng Jinxi today was very funny. Luo Shifu thought the two brothers were shameless.At the Peng family, the whole family talked about today's events. Peng's mother believed that Tan Youwei was the benefactor of their family. Peng Jinxiu disagreed and felt that Tan Youwei was trying to atone for his sins. If he had not caught Peng Jinxi, Peng Jinxi would have been the only one in the family now.A college student.Peng Jinxi talked about the strange disappearance of the swimming trunks today and told them that Peng Jindong hid the swimming trunks in the sauce vat in the kitchen. In order not to be discovered, he took the pants out of the sauce vat and put them on.

Peng's mother, Peng Jinxiu and Sun Shufen laughed so hard that they couldn't stand upright. Peng Jindong also smiled sheepishly. The atmosphere in the Peng family was full of joy and happiness.

《the swimsuit saga》E5Plot

Episode 5

The swimsuit saga episode 5 plot introduction: Peng Jinxi was tricked by Qin Sheng

Luo Shifu told Luo Hong not to have contact with Peng Jinxi again in the future, and to spend more time with Qin Sheng. Luo Hong said that she did not like Qin Sheng.The next day, Peng Jinxi told Luo Hong that he no longer planned to sell swimming trunks.In order to punish Peng Jinxi, Qin Sheng went to his father's former friend Liu Shu for help, and then went to Luo Hong to lie that someone wanted to order a batch of swimming trunks for the provincial swimming team.Luo Hong didn't know his bad intentions and thought he was really doing Peng Jinxi good.Qin Sheng took Uncle Liu to the Hongning Bay Beach Management Office, and used this place to pretend to be a person buying swimming trunks to contact Peng Jinxi. Then Qin Sheng secretly took photos through the transparent window inside the management office, using this as a way of speculating on Peng Jinxi.With irrefutable evidence, Peng Jinxi, who did not know the inside story, was naturally trapped.

When he went home and told his mother, he learned that it was for the provincial swimming team. Peng's mother immediately took out the key, unlocked the sewing machine, and started sewing swimming trunks.Qin Sheng carried his things to Luo's house and was warmly welcomed by Luo Shifu. He asked about Luo Hong's whereabouts. Luo Shifu lied and said that Luo Hong went to the library to study whenever he was free and expected to be back after work.Qin Sheng didn't doubt his presence and followed Luo Shifu into the house with a smile.At this time, Luo Hong was dating Peng Jinxi. The two were eating popsicles with smiles on their faces.Luo Hong hadn't come back yet, and the food was almost cold. Luo Shifu said something, and Luo Xian started eating.Qin Sheng, a bad guy, deliberately brought up Luo Hong's relationship and used Luo Xian to reveal Peng Jinxi's name. Luo Shifu was really furious when he heard about the consequences.

As soon as Luo Hong came back in the evening, Luo Shifu scolded her, and Peng Jinxi would not let her go easily.Qin Sheng secretly went near Peng's house and took photos of the Peng family making swimming trunks overnight. He really did everything he could.The next day, Luo Shifu locked Luo Hong in the room, went to the door of Peng's house and cursed loudly, degrading Peng Jinxi to nothing. In short, he was a toad who wanted to eat swan meat and was not worthy of his daughter Luo Hong.Peng Jinxiu couldn't bear his bad temper. When he went out, he scolded him and pulled Luo Shifu's hair out hard. Of course, Luo Shifu was defeated miserably.Peng Jinxiu never lost an argument with others, and Peng's mother didn't try to stop him. As a result, Peng Jinxiu pushed Luo Shifu away and was carried away on a stretcher on the spot.

Peng Jinxi returned home and found that the atmosphere at home was not right. When she asked, she found out that Luo Shifu had come to the door to scold him, and then his sister Peng Jinxiu scolded Luo Shifu until he fainted.When Luo Shifu came back in the evening, he told Luo Hong about his misfortune, but Luo Hong said nothing.It started to rain that night, and Peng Jinxi secretly went to the window to look for Luo Hong, but was followed by Peng Jinxiu, so that he and Luo Hong didn't even kiss.Qin Sheng took the photos to Qin Zhaogao and planned to write a letter to the county government. However, Qin Zhaogao said that sometimes things should not be done too badly, so he put the photos in an envelope.The next day, Qin Zhaogao called Peng Jindong over, showed him the photos, and said that he could arrange supply and marketing cooperative jobs for Sun Shufen and Peng Jinxiu in the future, but the condition was that Peng Jinxi and Luo Hong must be separated.

Peng Jinxi looked at the photos brought back by his elder brother depressedly on the roof. Although he felt uncomfortable, it was a good thing to get jobs for his sister-in-law and sister, so he let his sister-in-law and sister go to work without taking him into consideration..Peng Jinxi sat on the roof for a long time. Knowing that her son was feeling uncomfortable, Peng's mother brought him a bottle of canned yellow peaches to eat.

《the swimsuit saga》E6Plot

Episode 6

The swimsuit saga episode 6 plot introduction: Luo Hong goes on a blind date

Peng Jinxi agreed to break up with Luo Hong and wrote a letter of guarantee, so she found Qin Zhaogao and asked Luo Xian to go home and hand over the seersucker to Luo Hong. Qin Zhaogao was relieved.

According to the agreement, Qin Zhaogao would give him seersucker and promised to give him monkey rubber bands.Luo Xian paid his salary for the first time today, and Luo Shifu took the money away as soon as he returned home.The euphemistic name is to help him save money for marrying a wife in the future. Who knows if he will use the money to buy wine.The younger brother was forced to break up with Luo Hong. Peng Jindong, the eldest brother, felt a little bit sorry, but Peng Jinxi was willing to do so and would not blame him. The two brothers finished the wine and all the knots and unhappiness were gone.Luo Xian went to Luo Hong and said that Luo Shifu had robbed him of his salary. He also said that Peng Jinxi gave him a letter today.

Luo Hong took the letter from him, only to find that it contained money. Luo Xian realized that it was wrong, so he gave Peng Jinxi's letter to Luo Shifu.

The siblings hurried to find Luo Shifu, who was reading the breakup letter written by Peng Jinxi to Luo Hong with a happy expression.Luo Hong was angry and annoyed. She couldn't guess whether Peng Jinxi really used breaking up with her as a condition for Sun Shufen and Peng Jinxiu to work in the supply and marketing cooperative.Peng Jinxi deliberately told his family that he hired people to make swimming trunks and could earn 240 yuan a month.Sun Shufen was also present and couldn't control her big mouth. She told Qin Zhaogao's wife about the matter at work the next day. Soon Qin Zhaogao also knew about it and wanted to make money together.Peng Jinxi wanted to borrow land from Qin Zhaogao, and Qin Zhaogao readily agreed, but he naturally had conditions.

Qin Zhaogao's condition was that they work together, 50/50, and that Peng Jinxi and Qin Zhaogao's wife should sell swimming trunks together.Peng Jin Sui pretended to be embarrassed, and then pretended to agree.

Then Peng Jinxi went to meet Luo Hong and Gouzi. It turned out that he and Luo Hong faked their breakup in order to make Qin Zhaogao believe it so that he would not touch Peng's family.Luo Xian accidentally saw Peng Jinxi coming to see Luo Hong, and immediately became anxious. Luo Hong had no choice but to tell him about her fake breakup with Peng Jinxi.Gouzi said on the side that Qin Sheng was not interested in human affairs. Last time, he reported Peng Jinxi for being opportunistic and asked Qin Zhaogao to find someone to sentence Peng Jinxi to jail as a typical example.There was no good person in the old Qin family. Luo Hong was stunned when she heard this. She didn't expect Qin Sheng to be such a person.

In order to anger Qin Sheng, Luo Hong deliberately went on a blind date on the city tower. When Peng Jinxiu saw it, she quickly went to tell Peng Jinxi, but when she took Peng Jinxi to the bottom of the city tower, there was no one there.Luo Shifu blamed his daughter for taking the initiative to go on a blind date and praised Qin Sheng for being very good to him.Qin Sheng came to Luo's house overnight, but he couldn't tell Luo Hong about going on a blind date with a cadre's son.Qin Zhaogao's wife was hawking on the beach. Peng Jinxi treated her as a human being and asked someone to take photos of her selling swimsuits with a camera. Qin Zhaogao almost discovered her.After developing the photos, Peng Jinxi took him to the place where he was making swimming trunks to take photos. The clicking sound of the camera attracted the attention of Qin Zhaogao's wife. Although Sun Shufen was covering her, Qin Zhaogao's wife still went out and saw Peng Jinxi.

Peng Jinxi pretended not to hear and ran as fast as possible.Afterwards, Qin Zhaogao and his wife asked Peng Jinxi to respond in the future, but they did not find out that Peng Jinxi secretly asked people to take photos.Peng Jinxi finally let go of her worries and took away the camera.Qin Sheng discovered the person taking the photo, threatened him to leave, and kicked the other person's camera.

《the swimsuit saga》E7Plot

Episode 7

The swimsuit saga episode 7 plot introduction: work indicators are given to Luo Xian

Lao Zhang's camera was broken by Qin Sheng, but fortunately he replaced the old film, so Peng Jinxi also had photo film in his hand that could threaten Qin Zhaogao.He went to find Qin Zhaogao, still showing promise, but in the end he smiled and threw out his trump card, which instantly made Qin Zhaogao's face turn pale.Luo Hong had a blind date on the tower as usual, surrounded by people. Qin Sheng wore the best clothes to go on a blind date with her, but he did not expect that this was a trial designed by Luo Hong against him.In front of everyone, Luo Hong asked Qin Sheng if he reported Peng Jinxi, causing him to spend a year in jail. Qin Sheng denied it, but Luo Hong already knew the truth. Qin Sheng said he liked her, but Luo Hong said sternly that she hated her.He, Qin Sheng, who did little things behind his back to harm others, made her feel sick.

After being reported, Qin Zhaogao suffered a heart attack and suddenly died. His wife also went crazy and was sent to a mental hospital.Qin Sheng had no shame in staying here any longer, so he packed up his things and got on the train to leave.The supply and marketing cooperative changed dynasties, and Director Ma replaced Qin Zhaogao. He had everyone in the supply and marketing cooperative who had anything to do with Qin Zhaogao be fired, leaving no one behind.Luo Xian was naturally fired, with no salary and a fine. He was aggrieved by this.Peng Jinxi and Luo Hong said that within half a month, he would propose marriage to Luo Shifu.Peng Jindong got a work quota from an arsenal. At present, Peng Jinxiu and Sun Shufen had just been expelled from the supply and marketing cooperative. He was not sure who should give this work quota, so he called Peng's mother and Peng Jinxi over to discuss secretly.

This is indeed a difficult problem, no matter who you give it to, the other one will make trouble.Peng Jinxi heard that this job indicator was quite valuable, and he suddenly had an idea in his mind, but he did not intend to tell his eldest brother and mother about this idea.The next day, Peng Jinxi suggested to her eldest brother that if they hold a meeting, with their mother in charge, Sun Shufen and Peng Jinxiu should not be able to cause any trouble. Then Peng Jinxi told Luo Hong that he had a way to prevent Luo Shifu from getting angry.There was a meeting at the Peng family, and Peng Jinxi stirred up trouble, and her sister and sister-in-law really started to quarrel.Peng Jindong and Peng's mother quickly stopped. Peng Jinxi pulled Peng Jinxi out for a small meeting and decided to give this work target to Peng Jinxi. Peng Jinxiu and Sun Shufen heard this and agreed.But they didn't know that this was exactly what Peng Jinxi wanted.

Luo Shifu went to Director Ma to say good things, but his groveling manner failed to make Director Ma change his mind. Luo Xian saw his father showing kindness to Director Ma in every possible way, and became very angry, so he stepped forward to talk to Director Ma.After returning home, Luo Shifu was furious, but his son was still disobedient and refused to give up every word. Luo Hong was on the side to ease the tension between father and son.Peng Jinxi knew that Luo Hong was worried about family affairs. Peng Jinxi said that he had found Luo Xian a job in a popsicle factory. Luo Hong happily kissed him on the face.When Luo Hong went home and told Luo Shifu about it, he was also very happy, but when he heard that Peng Jinxi had found the job, he was immediately unhappy.But Luo found that it was impossible for this kid not to go to work, so Luo Shifu had to ask his daughter to send a thank-you gift to Peng Jinxi.

Peng Jinxi found a job for Luo Xian and sent him wine and money, and he quickly captured his brother-in-law's heart.Unexpectedly, Luo Hong came over to express his gratitude. The whole family knew about this, and Peng Jinxiu and Sun Shufen immediately changed their faces.Although Peng Jinxi did this without thinking, he did it after all.The next day, Peng Jinxi went to Luo's house with gifts to propose marriage. Luo Shifu was afraid of the neighbors' comments, so he quickly pulled Peng Jinxi into the house, but this did not mean that he agreed with Peng Jinxi and Luo Hong.

《the swimsuit saga》E8Plot

Episode 8

The swimsuit saga episode 8 plot introduction: Peng Jinxi strives to become a household with ten thousand yuan

Luo Shifu didn't want his daughter to marry Peng Jinxi at all, so he made three excessive demands. Peng Jinxi could barely accept the first two, but Luo Shifu asked the whole Peng family to come and apologize to him, especially since Peng's mother had to stand on his side.In the meantime, all members of Peng's family bowed and apologized to him in retaliation for Peng Jinxiu's scolding him.Peng Jinxi changed her face and stood up, not planning to mention the kiss again.As soon as Peng Jinxi left, Luo Hong started to make trouble with Luo Shifu, saying that she would not go to college.Peng Jinxi saw the news about the first 10,000-yuan household published in the newspaper, and suddenly thought of a way.He wrote a letter to Luo Hong and asked Luo Xian to deliver it.Peng Jinxi said in the letter that he wanted to become the first ten-thousand-yuan household in the county, which could finally overcome Luo Shifu's second condition for him to become the director of a state-owned factory.

Peng Jinxi and his family boasted in Haikou that he would definitely become a household worth ten thousand yuan.After that, he worked hard to make swimming trunks, but at that time, it was really hard to make money.He wanted to save 10,000 yuan, but he didn't know how many pairs of swimming trunks he would sell. But whenever he saw Luo Hong's letter to him, Peng Jinxi became more motivated.The time soon came to 1982. After graduating from university, Luo Hong was engaged in education, tutoring students and earning a lot of money.Peng Jinxi still stayed up late making swimming trunks. He said a few words to his elder brother and sister-in-law and asked them to go back to bed, while he continued to work.Luo Hong saved all the money she earned from work and saved two hundred yuan.She wanted to go out to find Peng Jinxi, but Luo Shifu not only didn't allow it, but also lay down at the door, determined not to let his daughter step out of the house. After that, he sat in the living room to prevent her from sneaking away.

When this plan failed, Luo Hong looked at the window. Finally, she climbed out of the window secretly and ran to the beach to find Peng Jinxi who was selling swimming trunks.Peng Jinxi didn't ask for her hard-earned two hundred yuan, but Luo Hong said that when they encounter difficulties, they should bear it together and that men and women are equal.Peng Jinxi fainted while chatting with Luo Hong, but Luo Hong couldn't wake him up no matter how she screamed.Luo Hong was very worried and sent the person to the hospital. Fortunately, there was no serious problem, but he was just overtired recently.Luo Hong secretly went home, stole Luo Shifu's ginseng, and cooked it for Peng Jinxi to drink.Peng Jinxi woke up the next day and drank too much ginseng soup. He felt hot in his body, so he hugged Luo Hong, but Sun Shufen and Peng Jinxiu ruined the good thing.Luo Hong returned home and found that the door was locked and she couldn't get in. She knocked on the door but no one responded.Luo Shifu heard it, but just didn't open it.

He was reluctant to use the ginseng, but his daughter secretly took it out and gave it to Peng Jinxi to drink. How could he not be angry?Luo Hong stopped knocking after a while and used a tree branch to block the door bolt.Then Luo Shifu was worried about his daughter and asked Luo Xian to open the door, and the two of them went after Luo Hong. Luo Shifu said that he wanted his daughter to break up with Peng Jinxi. Obviously this was not an easy task.The Peng family all saw how good Luo Hong was, so they worked in three shifts and started working hard to make swimsuits.Peng Jinxi saw the female model in the pictorial, wearing a very fashionable and novel swimsuit. He bought the calendar with the pictorial for his family to see. Peng's mother didn't see anything interesting, and Peng Jindong also looked at the rosy female model., and Sun Shufen obviously did not understand what Peng Jinxi meant, and there was only one Peng Jinxiu left.

Peng Jinxiu didn't know what her second brother wanted her to see. Peng Jinxi finally solved the mystery. He said that the swimsuit on the female model saves a lot of fabric. If they make this kind of swimsuit, they can save a lot of costs.

《the swimsuit saga》E9Plot

Episode 9

The swimsuit saga episode 9 plot introduction: Peng Jinxi makes a lot of money

Peng Jinxi's swimsuit business was not very good. After analysis, she decided to sell swimsuits through models. Peng Jinxi decided to let her sister Peng Jinxiu be a model.

Peng Jinxi praised her sister for inheriting all her mother's advantages and that she deserved to be a model wearing a new swimsuit.Peng Jinxiu couldn't hide the smile on her face and agreed immediately.Soon Peng Jinxiu put on her first new swimsuit, revealing a large piece of white skin on her back. Men, women, and children followed behind and stared at her.When Luo Shifu heard someone said that Luo Hong was shirtless on the beach, he went there with a pale face. Without saying a word, he took off his silk scarf at the end of the corridor. As a result, he turned around and saw Peng Jinxiu. Luo Hong was sitting in a long skirt.Beside.Only then did Luo Shifu realize that he had admitted the wrong person. Peng Jinxiu immediately became anxious and quarreled with him. If Sun Shufen hadn't pulled him away, she would have done it.

Luo Hong was taken home by Luo Shifu. Luo Shifu asked his daughter to go to school quickly and never interact with the Peng family again, but Luo Hong was not willing at all.In the end, the father and daughter each took a step back. Luo Hong was willing to go back to school, and Luo Shifu also agreed that she would go to the beach occasionally.As the business of selling swimsuits is getting better and better, there are not enough models. Peng Jinxi said that in addition to girls with figures like Jinxiu on the beach, there are also many middle-aged women who have given birth to fat bodies, so he specially designed large sizes.swimsuit, it just so happens that Sun Shufen can be the model wearing a plus-size women's swimsuit.The Peng family worked hard and soon had a savings of almost 4,000 yuan. Peng's mother said that she would deposit it in the bank after collecting 5,000 yuan.Luo Xian bought some cloth squeezed by the supply and marketing cooperative and planned to sell it to Peng Jinxi.

Luo Shifu wanted to make money, so he advanced money to buy fabrics from the supply and marketing cooperative and sold them to Peng Jinxi.Later, the Peng family used this batch of fabric to make swimming trunks. After wearing them, customers found that they were faded and asked for their money back.Except for Peng's mother, everyone else criticized Peng Jinxi.Later, Peng Jinxi came up with a way to embroider red cloth strips on the edges of swimming trunks for decoration, and then sold them on the beach, and the demand exceeded supply.Peng's mother settled the accounts, and after excluding the dividends to Peng Jindong and his wife, as well as the dividends to Peng Jinxiu, there was still more than 10,000 yuan belonging to Peng Jinxi. Peng Jinxi finally became the first household worth 10,000 yuan in the county.He bought clothes for his mother and sister, and two dresses for Luo Hong. He also wrote a letter to her, which made Luo Hong burst into tears.

The news that the Peng family had become a household worth ten thousand yuan did not just spread, it was published in the newspaper. Luo Xian specially showed the newspaper to Luo Shifu. Luo Shifu heard that Peng Jinxi had become a household worth ten thousand yuan.Not only people in the county are talking about it, but the county radio is also talking about it.Peng Jinxi found someone to do this. He just wanted to let Luo Shifu know that he had become the first 10,000-yuan household in the county.

《the swimsuit saga》E10Plot

Episode 10

the swimsuit saga episode 10 plot introduction: Peng Jinxi prepares for the wedding

For publicity, Peng Jinxi spent money to record the broadcast, and also paid Luo to read the newspaper in front of Luo Shifu.

Director Li called Luo Shifu and told him that Peng Jinxi was now the first 10,000-yuan household in the county, and asked Luo Shifu to learn from Peng Jinxi.Luo Shifu was very happy and assured that this matter would be taken care of by him.Then Luo Shifu went to find Luo Hong, only to learn that his daughter had broken up with Peng Jinxi and they were completely divorced.Luo Shifu had no choice but to come to the door in person with the gifts. He had a quarrel with Peng Jinxiu last time and had a pout. He had a shadow in his heart and sneaked at the door to see if Peng Jinxiu was at home.Peng Jinxi patted him from behind and took him home.Luo Shifu saw Sun Shufen counting money, and Peng Jinxi gave her another wad, which made his eyes wide open.

Luo Shifu said that he is now a household with 10,000 yuan in the county and has met the second condition he originally proposed.Apparently after seeing Peng Jinxi's success, the old man had changed his mind and agreed that he and his daughter should have sex.As for meeting Director Li, Peng Jinxi agreed immediately.As for the third condition, Luo Shifu took a step back, but still asked Peng Jinxiu to apologize to him in person.Peng Jinxi did not agree on the spot. He said he would think about it himself.Afterwards, when Peng Jinxiu learned about the incident, she locked herself in the room. Sun Shufen persuaded her to open the door.Peng Jinxi persuaded her sister that Quan should be for herself, and Peng Jinxiu said she should think about it carefully.Mother Peng understands her daughter, she has to figure this out herself.Luo Shifu moved the table in the middle of the living room so that Peng Jinxiu could come and kneel down to apologize tomorrow.

The two siblings, Luo Hong and Luo Xian, looked at their father as if they were in a daze. They even rehearsed it. Their appearance and movements seemed to give out all the anger Peng Jinxiu had for scolding him, and they pretended to clean up.Peng Jinxiu even kicked off her shoes. That was an exaggeration and funny.Before Peng Jinxiu figured it out, Peng Jinxi thought about it and no longer wanted to let her sister suffer for her marriage, so she planned to propose marriage herself tomorrow.Here Luo Shifu spent all day and night, but the Peng family never came. He really couldn't stand it anymore.In the evening, Peng Jinxiu saw her second brother worrying on the roof. She felt compassion and decided to apologize to Luo Shifu the next day.Sun Shufen taught her how to apologize, but Peng Jinxiu's voice was just like this, no matter how gentle she was, it would be like this.They didn't expect that Luo Shifu would wait all night.

Peng Jinxiu stepped forward to apologize. Luo Shifu woke up from his dream and was so frightened that he knelt down and apologized to Peng Jinxiu.Peng Jinxi muttered that his brain was so angry that he was sick, and he should go to the hospital.Then Luo Shifu finally came to his senses, and everyone was silent about his actions just now. The two families sat in the yard to eat together and talk about their two children.Luo Shifu agreed to the marriage, but he had a request that the wedding should be held at his home.Logically speaking, this was inappropriate, but Peng Jinxi agreed for Luo Hong.After returning home, Peng Jindong started to criticize him after the fact, and everyone criticized him.Peng Jinxi wanted to hold a lively wedding for Luo Hong, and invited a lion dance team and prestigious people to attend the wedding.He also plans to turn the wedding into a market. If there are many people coming, he can sell anything.

Luo Hong had never seen such a wedding and was a little hesitant, but since Peng Jinxi said it was okay, she naturally had no objections.

《the swimsuit saga》E11Plot

Episode 11

the swimsuit saga episode 11 plot introduction: Peng Jinxi and Luo Hong get married

Peng Jinxi wanted to kiss Luo Hong, but was interrupted by Luo Shifu.The next day, Peng Jinxi sent an invitation to Tan Youwei. The wedding was scheduled for the tenth Sunday of the Lunar New Year, and Tan Youwei said he would definitely go.Luo Shifu was a little dissatisfied with the guests Peng Jinxi invited. He thought that all the guests he invited were respectable people, while Peng Jinxi only invited cats and dogs. It would be better to change the time and entertain Peng Jinxi's friends the next day.Luo Hong naturally disagreed and there was no need to discuss this matter.Luo Shifu didn't care whether his daughter and Peng Jinxi agreed or not, so he called Fat Tou and Gouzi over and lied that Peng Jinxi didn't want them to attend the wedding on the same day and would go the next day instead.The two were very angry and went to argue with Peng Jinxi. Luo Hong was also present. She immediately understood that it was Luo Shifu who was responsible.

Word spread among the small traders in the market that Peng Jinxi was now capable and despised his brothers for being useless.Luo Hong hurriedly went to the market with Peng Jinxi to find someone to explain. However, Luo Shifu had already offended someone. No matter how Peng Jinxi said good things, they said they would not attend the wedding.The two were so popular that they went home to argue with Luo Shifu. Peng Jinxi's words were reasonable and well-founded. Luo Shifu was already in the wrong, so he had to agree with them to call all the market vendors.On the day of the wedding, Luo Shifu went to the market in person to explain it clearly. However, the vendors were chilled by Luo Shifu's words yesterday and kept silent.Then the wedding was quiet, and all the people who came were what Luo Shifu said were the so-called respectable big shots. None of them spoke, and it was not lively at all.

Director Qian saw that none of the vendors came, so Luo Shifu explained. Director Qian called Director Li aside to scold him, and Luo Shifu blushed.If he had known this would be the result, he should have done nothing more.Brother Chu and the other market vendors finally came to attend the wedding of Peng Jinxi and Luo Hong. The wedding finally became lively. Director Qian changed his angry look and looked as happy as anything.The wedding of the two ended successfully, and the wedding night was also very harmonious.After that, Lao Peng's family became richer and richer. In the spring, Sun Shufen gave birth to a fat boy. Peng's mother sat counting money all day long, and everyone in the neighborhood praised her.Peng Jinxi bought a TV set that day and asked all the neighbors to watch TV at home.

Luo Xian also went to Peng's house to watch TV. Luo Shifu told him in advance to go to Lao Peng's house to see more about Luo Hong's life there.It's just that Luo Xian was busy watching TV, and Lao Peng's family was also kind to him, so Luo Shifu didn't get the news he wanted, so he simply took action himself.Sun Shufen thought about asking her relatives to come to the house to help and learn how to make swimsuits. Peng Jindong disagreed. He knew that his wife's younger brother was not a good character.However, Peng Jinxi agreed, and Sun Shufen happily said that she would do all the housework in the future without Luo Hong having to lift a finger.The next day, Sun Shufen brought Jia Weimin and Xu Zhiling home. Peng Jinxiu knew that Jia Weimin was a thief and had no good feelings towards him. In the end, it was Peng's mother who stopped Peng Jinxiu's violent temper.

However, Peng Jinxiu was unhappy all day because of this. In the evening, he saw people from Luo Xianzhang coming over to watch TV, as if they regarded this place as his home, which made Peng Jinxiu even more angry.Sun Shufen was also angry. Luo Hong went over to wash the dishes with her. Knowing that she was still sulking about what happened today, she chatted with her to enlighten her.

《the swimsuit saga》E12Plot

Episode 12

The swimsuit saga episode 12 plot introduction: Peng Jinxi’s clever plan to cure her father-in-law

Luo Hong was more sensible than Peng Jinxiu. She agreed with Sun Shufen to bring her cousin home. Sun Shufen was moved.Luo Shifu came to the house, ostensibly to watch TV, but actually to inspect his daughter's life at Lao Peng's house.Luo Hong was forced to sit in the front row, watching TV with Peng Jinxi and Luo Shifu.She was a diligent worker, and she felt uncomfortable as long as she didn't finish ten items that day. Therefore, she got up to work before dawn in the morning, and even before Peng Jinxi got up to go to the market.Unexpectedly, Luo Shifu came again the next night. Luo Hong was very unhappy and had to watch TV with Luo Shifu.After staying up like this for five days, Luo Hong couldn't bear it anymore.It wouldn't be a problem if things continued like this. When Peng Jinxi saw someone drunk on the beach, he thought of a way.

Brothers Peng Jindong and Peng Jinxi, as well as Fat Tou and Gouzi, drank with Luo Shifu. Luo Shifu was careful and didn't drink much, but he drank the two brothers Peng Jindong and Peng Jinxi to the ground.Then Peng Jinxi invited an old Chinese medicine doctor to deliberately let Luo Shifu mention this matter in front of Luo Shifu. According to Luo Shifu's life-saving temperament, he would definitely get involved.Neighbors who used to dislike Lao Peng's family for being poor now want to learn the craftsmanship from Lao Peng's family.Sun Shufen's two cousins ​​brought people into the house without any warning.Luo Shifu really came to the beach to find Peng Jinxi. He just wanted his son-in-law to take him to see the famous Chinese doctor, which was exactly what Peng Jinxi planned.The old Chinese medicine doctor said that Luo Shifu had a heart disease and needed to be taken care of. Luo Shifu cherished his life and immediately did so.

When Peng Jinxiu saw Jia Weimin taking the two aunts home, she felt unhappy and poured a basin of water on Jia Weimin's face. Sun Shufen was so angry that her eyes turned red.Peng Jinxi came back, made her sister happy, and said a few soft words to Jia Weimin, and the matter was resolved.At that time, Luo Hong was busy cooking, worried that Luo Shifu would come to inspect her life again. Peng Jinxi vowed that Luo Shifu would not come here today or in the future.At this time, Luo Shifu was really lying on the bed. Luo Xian asked him to go to Lao Peng's house to watch TV together, but Luo Shifu was not willing to go.Luo Shifu goes to bed on time at seven o'clock every night and wakes up early the next day.Peng Jinxi, who went out to the market in the morning, was startled when she saw her father-in-law appear at the door of her house. When she asked, she found out that he went to bed early and got up early.

On this day, Luo Xian took his factory colleague He Dan to Lao Peng's house to watch TV. He specially arranged for her to sit in the first row. Unexpectedly, the first row was already filled with Peng Jinxiu's sisters.Peng Jinxiu didn't let the sisters get up, so she started to quarrel with Luo Xian.He Dan felt embarrassed and left quickly. Luo Xian was almost furious.Then Peng Jinxi showed up and took Peng Jinxiu away, and Luo Hong also took his younger brother away.Luo Xian felt that he was justified because Peng Jinxi said he would take care of him.Luo Hong angrily scolded him as a young man, he should have his own ambitions.Luo Xian didn't listen to a word of his sister's words. He cried to Luo Shifu when he got home, deliberately saying that Luo Hong was having a hard time at Lao Peng's house. But even though his son said so, Luo Shifu still didn't get up and continued to lie on the bed..

Later, at some unknown time, Luo Shifu got up. He was still thinking about his daughter.At this time, Luo Hong was still staying up late making swimsuits, her eyes were narrowed, she was obviously extremely sleepy, and it was obvious that she was also working very hard.

《the swimsuit saga》E13Plot

Episode 13

The swimsuit saga episode 13 plot introduction: Expansion of production plan encounters obstacles

Luo Hong stayed up late making swimsuits and was seen by Luo Shifu who secretly climbed up the wall to watch. He immediately became angry and woke up all the people in Lao Peng's family. He scolded them indiscriminately and refused to listen to his daughter's explanation.Hong La goes home.Luo Shifu was never willing to let Luo Hong work like this at home, so he decided to let his daughter live at home for a few days, and she would go home after Lao Peng's family was finished.Unexpectedly, Luo Hong secretly visited Chen Cang and said she would work overtime every day. However, Luo Shifu secretly followed her and discovered that she was carrying a food box to Lao Peng's house.Luo Shifu repeated his old trick and pulled his daughter into the yard, asking everyone from Lao Peng's family to come out and give an explanation.Facing the unreasonable Luo Shifu, Peng Jinxiu restrained her temper and did not fall out with him because he was Luo Hong's father.

In the evening, Peng Jinxi went to Luo's house to secretly meet Luo Hong. Luo Hong said that the swimsuit market is booming now. The Peng family alone can make it, so the supply exceeds demand, and it takes a lot of effort.It happened that Peng Jinxi thought the same way. His plan was to expand operations, mass produce, and hire people to make swimsuits.The two had a good rapport. When Peng Jinxi returned home, she told her mother that she wanted to set up a small workshop in the vegetable garden and hire people to make swimsuits.Peng's mother did not object, but Peng Jinxiu and Peng Jindong disagreed.Peng Jinxi comforted his mother and thought of another way.The next day, Peng Jinxi called the house builder to his home and tried to persuade Peng Jindong and Sun Shufen to agree to build a small workshop. They were discussing when Peng Jinxiu came back and saw the house builder and immediately pulled him into the house.

Luo Hong told Luo Shifu that Peng Jinxi had decided to hire someone to do it in order not to burden her and to expand production.Peng Jinxiu thought that Peng Jinxi wanted to hire someone because she felt sorry for Luo Hong. There was also Luo Shifu who came to the house every three days to make trouble. Peng Jinxiu had had enough.The eldest brother and sister disagreed, and Peng Jinxi was very worried. Luo Hong went home and discussed with Luo Shifu how to use Luo's now-empty wedding room as a swimsuit workshop.Luo Xian agreed because he didn't want to get married yet.Luo Shifu didn't allow it, thinking that Peng Jinxi was trying to make a soft meal.Afterwards, Peng Jinxi told Luo Hong that he wanted to rent a factory to make swimsuits. As swimsuits became more and more popular, more and more people sold swimsuits. The competition was so fierce that he had to expand production and stay ahead.

Mother Peng said that Xu Zhiling worked quickly and Aunt Sun and the others were good at work even though they were slower.Then Luo Hong went to the beach to find Xu Zhiling, but Xu Zhiling refused because she was busy selling swimsuits. Luo Hong was not angry. Instead, she pointed out the problems with the swimsuits she made and generously asked her to get two sets of swimsuits from her home.Later, Xu Zhiling discovered that the swimsuits she got from Lao Peng's house were very popular, so she told Peng Jinxi that she was willing to work at Lao Peng's house for 40 yuan a month.Luo Shifu pretended to help Luo Hong find the account books and secretly took the passbook from Peng Jinxi's room in order to prevent Peng Jinxi from losing money by expanding production.Peng Jinxi and his wife thought of a way to persuade their family and Luo Shifu with reason. They talked until their throats were on fire, but others still objected.

Peng Jinxi and Peng Jinxiu made a bet that if he made money after expanding production, Peng Jinxiu would hold a loudspeaker all over Xingcheng and shout that she was looking for a partner.Peng Jinxiu agreed, and Luo Shifu also joined. If he lost, he would hold a loudspeaker and shout throughout the city that he was looking for a wife.

《the swimsuit saga》E14Plot

Episode 14

The swimsuit saga episode 14 plot introduction: Jia Weimin sells swimsuits at low prices

Everyone in the family did not agree with Peng Jinxi and his wife doing this. Peng Jinxi really wanted to become famous. One of the couple went to find Aunt Sun, and the other went to Xu Zhiling.Aunt Sun didn't keep her word. She originally agreed to come, but then changed her mind and asked Peng Jinxi to find someone else.Fortunately, Xu Zhiling kept her promise and helped Luo Hong find someone, but Aunt Li was unwilling to help, so Xu Zhiling said she would find someone else.Peng's mother was angry with Peng Jinxiu. She knew that it was not easy for Peng Jinxi, so Peng Jinxiu's opposition to him working alone made Peng's mother angry.Peng Jinxiu also figured it out, and took the initiative to bring mats and quilts to Peng Jinxi in the factory. Then she went to Aunt Li and Liu to submit and cry miserably, which made them feel distressed. Finally, she agreed to go to Peng Jinxi's factory to help Peng Jinxi tomorrow. Peng Jinxiu hoped thatThey should not tell Peng Jinxi that she was here.

Luo Xian told Luo Shifu that Peng Jinxi's factory had started construction. Luo Shifu wondered where they would get the money. Luo Xian said that the passbook could be canceled and reissued.With the sewing machine, the work efficiency of the factory skyrocketed, and several aunts worked hard. In the blink of an eye, it was 1984. Peng Jinxi earned 32,000 yuan last year and gave red envelopes to everyone.Peng Jinxiu realized what he had boasted about in Haikou, holding a loudspeaker and shouting on the street that he wanted to marry someone.Luo Shifu was also pushed onto the shelf. After shouting shyly, he ran away with a red face.In 1987, during the peak season, Lao Peng's swimsuits and trunks were unsaleable, and Lao Qi's also returned them, saying that someone was selling them at a lower price than them.Peng Jinxi later went to inquire and unexpectedly learned that Jia Weimin was selling swimming trunks at a low price.

Peng Jinxi only told Luo Hong about this matter. He did not dare to tell Peng Jinxiu. Otherwise, according to Peng Jinxi's temperament, he would definitely go to Jia Wei to tear down the roof of the house.Peng Jinxi went to Jia Weimin and reminded him nicely to improve the quality of the swimsuits, and then also increase the price.Jia Weimin agreed wholeheartedly, but turned around and offered the same low price.Peng Jinxiu went to the beach to deliver goods, and unexpectedly learned that Jia Weimin was selling goods at low prices to compete with the Peng family. She immediately went to Jia Weimin's house and angrily took an iron to settle the account.When Jia Weimin's two younger brothers saw the aggressive Peng Jinxiu, they were so frightened that they hid quickly. Peng Jinxiu overturned the table and broke things, and Jia Weimin turned pale with fright.Jia Weimin now does whatever Peng Jinxiu says. Peng Jinxiu directly marinates him in the sauce vat. If anything like this happens again, his head will be marinated in it.

After Peng's mother found out about this, she blamed her daughter for going too far. Peng Jinxi and Peng's mother publicly blamed her sister, but privately gave Peng Jinxiu a thumbs up. This is how an ungrateful villain like Jia Weimin must be dealt with.Later, Peng Jinxi asked Luo Xian to go to Jia Weimin's house to cause trouble in the middle of the night. Jia Weimin was afraid and wanted to run away from the back door, but he happened to meet Peng Jinxi at the back door.Peng Jinxi acted as a red face to help Jia Weimin drive away Luo Xian, and gave Luo Xian some money, asking him to take his brothers to drink with the money. It seemed that Peng Jinxi helped Jia Weimin take care of Luo Xian.Peng Jinxi returned to the house. Jia Weimin's wife was hiding in the tent. She didn't know where Jia Weimin had gone.Peng Jinxi found Jia Weimin in the corner and asked him to come out quickly. Peng Jinxi said that he had solved the matter.

《the swimsuit saga》E15Plot

Episode 15

The swimsuit saga episode 15 plot introduction: Peng Jinxi loses in the price war

Peng Jinxi drove Luo Xian away, but he said that if Jia Weimin dared to continue doing this, Luo Xian would have to keep coming.Jia Weimin was really scared this time, but he still didn't change the price of the swimsuit.Some other self-employed people selling swimwear felt that Peng Jinxi was a bully, and they agreed not to buy Peng Jinxi's swimwear. But after Xinghai's wife and others left, she quietly said that Peng Jinxi would probably lower the price, and she would buy it if he or Jia Weimin sold it at the lower price.Whose goods.Luo Shifu learned that Luo Xian was encouraged by Peng Jinxi to go to Jia to make trouble for the people. He came to the factory to reprimand Peng Jinxi. Luo Hong didn't know the inside story. Luo Shifu told her everything, and Luo Hong asked Peng Jinxi if he had ever done something like this.thing.Peng Jinxi admitted it and explained that he let Luo Xian play because he was really out of options.

What Luo Shifu meant next was that he could take action and that he had the means to govern Jia and the people.After listening to Luo Shifu's words, Peng Jinxi understood what he meant and immediately went to the beach to find Jia Weimin.As expected, Jia Weimin still didn't raise the price and was bragging to someone at a beachside stall, but the other party obviously preferred Peng Jinxi's swimsuits because his swimsuits were of good quality, but the price was not as low as Jia Weimin's.At this time, Peng Jinxi called Jia Weimin over. At first, Jia Weimin's attitude was okay, but then he got angry. Peng Jinxi kicked him directly, and Jia Weimin's two plastic brothers did not dare to help.But afterwards, Jia Weimin still went his own way. Luo Shifu made a small suggestion, which was to ask someone who had the closest relationship with Jia Weimin to persuade him, and Sun Shufen was Jia Weimin's cousin.

Sun Shufen was silent for a while, then stood up and said she would go.Sun Shufen kept her promise and quickly went to Jia Weimin's home to find him and ordered Jia Weimin to never go against Peng Jinxi again, otherwise she would treat him as her younger brother in the future.Sun Shufen cried as she spoke. It was the first time for Jia Weimin to see his sister like this, and he was a little panicked, but he deliberately acted miserably to divert Sun Shufen's attention.Sun Shufen stopped mentioning that matter and focused on blaming Peng Jinxi for being too aggressive.Jia Weimin refused to take hard and soft measures, so Peng Jinxi decided to compete with him to the end. From then on, he would sell lower than Jia Weimin's price.Luo Hong reminded him not to be impulsive, and Peng Jinxi said he knew what was going on.The two companies competed like this, and the price dropped from one yuan and two to sixty cents. One sold lower than the other, and both lost a lot of money.

Jia Weimin stopped going to get the goods because he had no money. Peng Jinxi also lost more than 20,000 yuan and decided to let the factory rest first. He also very conscientiously paid 50 yuan to each worker.In the evening, Peng Jinxi and Luo Hong discussed going on honeymoon. When they heard that he wanted to go to Beidaihe, Luo Hong smiled like a flower.Jia Weimin here thought that he had successfully bankrupted Peng Jinxi, so he was so happy that he gathered several of his younger brothers at home to discuss the price increase.Peng Jinxi and his wife went to Beidaihe not just for their honeymoon, but to inspect the swimsuit market here. The swimsuits here are quite expensive, but the quality is incomparable with theirs, but they are better because they come in more colors and styles.Not long after, Peng Jinxi came over with several bags of swimsuits to sell. She bought some swimming trunks from a stall, but not the swimsuits.

After Jia Weimin seized the swimwear market in Xingcheng, he not only started to increase prices, but also started to show off. He brought two younger brothers on inspection tours. The businessmen praised him a few times, and he pretended to do a good job for the people of Xingcheng.A little contribution is what he deserves.

《the swimsuit saga》E16Plot

Episode 16

The swimsuit saga episode 16 plot introduction: Peng Jinxi takes a new approach

The sales of swimming trunks were good, but the sales of swimsuits were not so good. Luo Hong suggested finding someone to try on them.Then Luo Hong went to the beach to find a girl and gave her a swimsuit for free, as long as she walked in front of the swimsuit stall.The girl looked very good in this swimsuit. The swimsuit owner immediately ordered 200 pieces from Luo Hong, and the price was eight yuan each.Soon after, another tourist asked where swimsuits were sold, and Peng Jinxi asked someone to go to Lao Zhang Swimsuit to ask.Lao Zhang had not actually purchased anything from Peng Jinxi, but seeing the popularity of the swimsuit, he asked Luo Hong how much the swimsuit cost. Luo Hong increased the price by two yuan, saying that the swimsuit cost ten yuan.Lao Zhang thought it was not expensive, so he decided to get a large batch of goods from Luo Hong. Luo Hong said that she could not make the decision for large quantities of goods and had to ask the boss, and the so-called boss was Peng Jinxi.

Lao Zhang recognized Peng Jinxi and immediately agreed to do business with him. This time, Peng Jinxi had already figured out the market price and sold it to Lao Zhang for ten yuan a piece.Lao Zhang changed hands and sold it to tourists for 12 yuan, so that both parties made money.Peng Jinxi planned to hide it from everyone first, and told Luo Hong not to tell anyone, including her family, especially Sun Shufen.Back home, Peng's mother and Sun Shufen both urged Luo Hong and Peng Jinxi to have a child, but they were not in a hurry now.Peng Jinxi called Peng Jinxiu to another room and told her to go with Luo Hong to receive the goods tomorrow, and competed with Jia Weimin to lower the price. After Jia Weimin lowered the price to below the cost price, she would add an extra ten cents per item to all Jia Weimin in the market.Take back the swimsuits for people.Sure enough, when Jia Weimin saw Lao Peng's price reduction, he also followed suit.

Peng Jinxi was worried that Jia Weimin would be suspicious of why he didn't come forward, so he decided to ask Luo Xian to spread the news tomorrow that he was so angry that he was lying on the kang and couldn't get up.That night Jia Weimin called everyone from home to a meeting and called on everyone to defeat Peng Jinxi.The next day Luo Hong went to sell swimsuits again, and the price dropped to one dollar and two, but he only ordered fifty pieces because the other party said that Jia Weimin would definitely continue to lower the price.Sun Shufen noticed that the inventory in the workshop was gradually decreasing, and she became suspicious and mentioned the matter to Peng Jinxi and his wife.To avoid her suspicion, the couple quickly got up and went to the workshop.Sun Shufen also told Peng Jinxiu about this matter, but Peng Jinxiu disagreed.Sun Shufen asked Luo Hong if there was any shortage of goods. Luo Hong said that she had accounts and there was no shortage of inventory, so there was no need to worry, but Sun Shufen still didn't believe it.

She told Peng Jindong her suspicion that Peng Jinxi was obsessed with gambling, so she sold the inventory in the workshop at low prices.Peng Jindong hurriedly knocked on Peng Jinxi's door in the middle of the night. Seeing Peng Jinxi's clear conscience, Peng Jindong laughed and revealed the matter.When Jia Weimin learned that Peng Jinxi was angry, he had no doubts.The price of swimsuits was reduced to one yuan a piece. Peng Jinxi smiled and told Luo Hong that it was time for them to buy Jia Weimin's goods.Jia Weimin raised the price to one yuan and four, but Lao Qi refused to take it, so Jia Weimin had to sell it to him one yuan at a time. Unexpectedly, Luo Hong took 500 pieces directly from Lao Qi, each for one yuan and two.Lao Qi never tires of doing this kind of profitable work.Peng Jinxiu then directly showed off his cards. The old Peng family just wanted to stock up on goods and wait until Jia Weimin had no more to sell, so they would stop.

Peng Jinxi drafted an agreement. The content of the agreement was roughly three chapters of the agreement with Jia Weimin, and they could not disrupt the market at low prices.Originally, Peng Jinxi wanted to kill Jia Weimin directly, but when he thought that there were more than a dozen retail investors behind him, Peng Jinxi finally relented.The next day he was talking to Jia Weimin on the beach. Jia Weimin thought he was going to hit him again, so his legs went weak and he fell down first.

《the swimsuit saga》E17Plot

Episode 17

The swimsuit saga episode 17 plot introduction: Jia Weimin does bad things again

Peng Jinxi drafted an agreement and agreed on a price with Jia Weimin.Jia Weimin couldn't bear the price war, so he finally signed the agreement.After that, Peng Jinxi continued to go to Beidaihe to develop the market. Luo Hong was fully responsible for the swimwear market in Xingcheng. He also asked Lao Xu who had a truck to help transport the goods.Peng Jinxiu was very dissatisfied with Lao Xu who was late every three days. Today Lao Xu was late again. Peng Jinxiu scolded Lao Xu directly. Lao Xu felt ashamed and angrily called her an old girl.This is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire, and Peng Jinxiu keeps talking.Luo Hong scolded Peng Jinxiu. She had a much better attitude towards Lao Xu, saying that Peng Jinxiu was not right about the situation, but she also hoped that Lao Xu would not be late again in the future, otherwise he would be sorry for Peng Jinxi's praise of him.

Jia Weimin always had to fight with Peng Jinxi. He abided by the agreement and no longer lowered prices, but the agreement did not say that he could not seize the market.Peng's mother reminded Peng Jinxi and Luo Hong to consider Peng Jinxiu's life-long affairs.The two then wanted to bring Luo Hong and Peng Jinxiu together, but unfortunately they didn't have a good impression of each other, and they had a tacit understanding of each other.After eating a meal, nothing was accomplished.Jia Weimin persuaded Lao Xu to deal with Peng Jinxi. Lao Xu was already angry at Peng Jinxiu's scolding, but Jia Weimin persuaded him with a few words to agree to deduct Peng Jinxiu's goods for a night.Jia Weimin called together retail investors who made swimsuits and described Peng Jinxi as a bully in Xingcheng in front of these people, saying that he would ruin Peng Jinxi's products and then ruin his own reputation.Luo Hong picks up Luo Xian from get off work and learns that Luo Xian likes He Dan.

Sun Shufen was washing clothes in the yard. When she heard that Peng Jinxi had brought Peng Jinxiu and Luo Xian together today, Peng Jindong called her into the house. Sun Shufen started blowing the pillow wind, which successfully made Peng Jindong doubt his second brother.Lao Xu handed over Peng Jinxi's goods to Jia Weimin. That night, Jia Weimin asked retail investors to take away fifty pieces of Peng Jinxi's swimsuits. They took them back and took them back to rip out the seams and sew them again. The quality must be ruined. Another group of people with good skills should take them back.Make your own swimsuit and sew a yellow string on it for identification.Unexpectedly, Jia Weimin's daughter-in-law only listened to half of the story and mistakenly thought that all the yellow ropes had to be sewn on. When she finished cooking to reward everyone, she replaced a batch of swimming trunks with white ropes with yellow ropes, triggering a series of subsequent effects.Peng Jindong went to dig through the trash can in the middle of the night and saw an invoice from Peng Jinxi buying a toy gun for his son at a Beidaihe store.

Peng Jindong knew that Peng Jinxi was going to Beidaihe to develop the market and went to talk seriously.When Sun Shufen heard this, she wanted to go elsewhere. She suspected that Peng Jinxi must have made a lot of money selling swimsuits at high prices in Beidaihe.No matter what she said, it was very annoying as long as it came out of Sun Shufen's mouth. She had just turned on Peng Jindong, otherwise someone else would have beaten her eight times a day.Early the next morning, Lao Xu delivered Peng Jinxi's goods to the place where the tourists who bought swimsuits swam in the sea, and the swimming trunks became untied.He took his swimming trunks to reason with his boss. Jia Weimin, who had been waiting for a long time, stepped forward to comfort him and took out his own swimming trunks to brag about himself.It just so happened that Peng Jinxi did not go to Beidaihe today, but went to Xingcheng beach with Luo Hong for a stroll. Seeing this scene, he said that he could recycle this batch of swimming trunks with quality issues.

The tourist who had just left came over again with swimming trunks of poor quality. Jia Weimin didn't believe it and put on the swimming trunks to go into the sea. As a result, the swimming trunks were torn and he didn't dare to come out. This means that there is also something wrong with his products.In the workshop, Sun Shufen asked if Peng Jinxiu was in love.

《the swimsuit saga》E18Plot

Episode 18

the swimsuit saga episode 18 plot introduction: Peng Jinxiu suspects Peng Jinxi

Sun Shufen felt relieved when she learned that Peng Jinxiu didn't like Luo Xian at all and that there was no possibility between the two of them.Mother Peng had seen the swimming trunks with questionable quality and analyzed that they were her own swimming trunks, but the stitches had obviously been removed and re-sewn.Peng Jinxi decided to stop goods in Quanxingcheng tomorrow. The most important thing in doing business is reputation. All goods with quality problems must be taken back.Jia Weimin swam in the sea all afternoon and finally landed on the shore with two basins. When he returned home, he thought that he must have been tricked.Luo Hong couldn't sleep at night. Quanxing City had stopped selling goods. This wouldn't last long. Fortunately, there was still a market in Beidaihe that could hold up for a while.Sun Shufen secretly called Peng Jinxiu out and started to speak ill of Peng Jinxi again. At first, Peng Jinxiu didn't believe it. In her opinion, Peng Jinxi had a very good character.

But hearing what Sun Shufen said was so eloquent, Peng Jinxiu couldn't help but suspect that Peng Jinxi took all the good goods to Beidaihe to sell, and then put the bad quality goods in Xingcheng.It's even possible that the price sold in Beidaihe was higher than what was recorded in Luo Hong's account, and Peng Jinxi and Luo Hong made a fortune in the middle.Luo Hong ran around and finally discovered the problem. She told Peng Jinxi about the matter and suspected that there was a problem in the transportation link.Retail investors were also forced to stop their work and asked Jia Weimin to compensate.Jia Weimin thought it was Peng Jinxi who was responsible, but in fact it was him who shot himself in the foot.Unable to withstand the criticism from retail investors, Jia Weimin agreed to receive all the goods.Luo Hong went to see Lao Xu. Before she could ask, Lao Xu admitted that she was bewitched by Jia Weimin and agreed to leave the goods at his place for one night.

After Luo Hong figured out the matter, she still didn't understand why there was something wrong with Jia Weimin's goods.No matter what, Luo Hong still hopes to continue to cooperate with Lao Xu, but she needs a favor from him.Later, Lao Xu asked him to buy swimming trunks from Jia Weimin at a low price on the grounds that he knew a Hong Kong businessman.The quality of these swimming trunks was good, so Peng Jinxi decided to focus on the market in Beidaihe first.As Peng Jinxi and his wife went out early and came back late more and more often, Peng Jinxiu began to believe what Sun Shufen said.Early in the morning, before dawn, Peng Jinxi quietly went out to transport goods. Sun Shufen and Peng Jinxiu secretly followed him to the train station. They saw Peng Jinxi climbing the wall into the train station in order to save money on tickets and goods. They saw him again.Nodding and bowing to the flight attendant, one person sat in the same seat holding so much heavy cargo.

When they arrived in Beidaihe, they saw Peng Jinxi selling goods to several stalls. As soon as he left, the two of them went up to ask for the price. Unexpectedly, the purchase prices of these stalls were two yuan and eight yuan, which were the same as those recorded in Luo Hong's account.Same.Peng Jinxiu dispelled all suspicions about his second brother, and angrily scolded Sun Shufen not to stir up trouble anymore.When they got home that night, Peng Jinxiu and Sun Shufen cooked a table of dishes. Peng Jinxiu said that she and her sister-in-law followed Peng Jinxi and found him carrying things on the train alone. Just to save money, he ate steamed buns when he was hungry. Peng Jinxiu felt extremely sad., and at the same time, I was annoyed that I actually suspected that Peng Jinxi was making money outside and no longer took care of the family.Peng Jinxi wasn't angry either. After toasting and apologizing, the matter was over. From now on, when the family wants to talk, just don't think behind his back.

The next day Peng Jinxiu made a fuss about going to Beidaihe with Peng Jinxi to deliver goods. Luo Hong comforted her and asked her to go with him next time, and Peng Jinxiu gave up.Later, Luo Hong and Peng Jinxi discussed that letting Luo Xian follow Peng Jinxiu to Beidaihe to deliver goods would also allow the two to develop a relationship.After Jia Weimin discovered that Lao Xu bought a swimsuit from his own home, he turned around and shipped the swimsuit to Lao Peng's house.

《the swimsuit saga》E19Plot

Episode 19

the swimsuit saga episode 19 plot introduction: Sun Shufen was misunderstood

Jia Weimin found out that he had been tricked by Lao Xu and was so angry that he thought about teaching him a lesson.Tomorrow she will leave for Beidaihe. Peng Jinxiu specially mixes noodles to make steamed buns. Peng's mother teaches her how to make noodles better.Peng Jinxi thought of a way to let them know whether the swimming trunks had been touched, while Peng's mother thought of another better way.The next day Luo Xian came to Peng's house to deliver the goods with him. He had just eaten a few mouthfuls when Peng Jinxiu kicked his stool over. Luo Xian was beaten, but he had no choice but to listen to Luo Hong and Peng Jinxiu in everything.arrange.Peng Jinxi's red line swimming trunks are very popular in the market, and the Dabai family has ordered a lot of them.When Jia Weimin learned about this, his jealousy emerged again. He knew that Peng Jinxi had Luo Xian and Peng Jinxiu under his command, so he only needed to keep an eye on them.

After that, Jia Weimin secretly followed Peng Jinxiu and Luo Xian, but did not find any useful information at first.There are no deliveries for these two days. The Peng family is resting. Peng's mother asked Peng Jindong to take her eldest grandson Xiaohai home and stay there for at least half a month.Peng Jindong saw a lottery on the street, so he put Xiaohai in front of the canteen to play with the cat.Peng Jindong came back with two thermos bottles, but the child was missing. He hurriedly started looking for the child, his face turning red.Jia Weimin happened to be eating sweet potatoes on the street and saw several people surrounding the crying child. He walked over and saw that it was Sun Shufen's son. Xiaohai recognized him as his uncle and stopped crying immediately.Jia Weimin sent Xiaohai back to the Peng family, and the Peng family stayed with him for dinner. Peng's mother even said that Jia Weimin was a great benefactor to their family.

Jia Weimin asked at the dinner table if there were other sales channels. If Peng Jinxiu hadn't kicked Sun Shufen under the table in time, Sun Shufen would have almost leaked the news about the market in Beidaihe.After that, Jia Weimin took advantage of rescuing Xiao Hai to take advantage of it. He also robbed Lao Qi's sales channels and sent Luo Xian to the nursing home to help. This soon aroused the dissatisfaction of Luo Hong and Peng Jinxiu.The people's hearts were so full that Jia Weimin came to Peng's house again and said that he wanted to borrow workers from Peng Jinxi. Not just one or two workers, but all of them, and he promised to send them back in a week.Peng Jinxi sternly refused, and declared that the relationship should be Qingfeng, and that business is business. Don't mix the two together. Jia Weimin was told that he was very angry.

His wife's unintentional words made Jia Weimin suspect that there must be something fishy going on when Luo Xian and Peng Jinxiu came out of the train station.He went to Sun Shufen to make some insinuations, but Sun Shufen didn't tell the truth.Jia Weimin went to the beach to look for Luo Xian again, and accidentally learned that Luo Xian had gone to Beidaihe with Peng Jinxiu to deliver goods.Jia Weimin convened a meeting of more than a dozen retail investors and vowed to overthrow Peng Jinxi.Jia Weimin knew about the delivery to Beidaihe, and the people of Lao Peng's family soon knew it too. Luo Hong recalled the day she saw Jia Weimin come to the house to find Sun Shufen, and she couldn't help but suspect that Sun Shufen told Jia Weimin about the delivery to Beidaihe.Peng Jinxiu insisted that it was Sun Shufen. Sun Shufen felt extremely wronged. Peng's mother and the others did not say a word. Sun Shufen was so angry that she went out to find Peng Jindong to reason with her.

Peng Jindong was just feeding the pigeons upstairs and didn't want to get involved. No one was there to support him. Sun Shufen lay down on the ground and cried loudly. Only then did Peng's mother go out and scold her son. Come down and take Sun Shufen into the house, so that the neighbors would not hear the commotion.joke.

《the swimsuit saga》E20Plot

Episode 20

The swimsuit saga episode 20 plot introduction: Peng Jinxi plays tricks on Jia Weimin

Peng Jindong washed Sun Shufen's feet and coaxed her not to feel uncomfortable. As the saying goes, a person who is upright is not afraid of a shadow. As long as she did not tell Jia Weimin about this matter, one day the truth will eventually come out.Luo Xian was not sure whether he had let it slip, but he just admitted it was him as if he was joking. Peng Jinxi did not take his words seriously at all, because Peng Jinxi believed that Luo Xian did not have the courage.Peng Jinxi arranged for Luo Hong and Peng Jinxiu to take Sun Shufen to buy clothes tomorrow as an apology to her sister-in-law.But when buying clothes, Peng Jinxiu saw Sun Shufen picking and picking, and it seemed that she wanted to buy all three. Peng Jinxiu couldn't help but quarrel with her again, and Sun Shufen immediately quarreled with her in the clothing store, and they started talking.He said he would go to Jia Weimin's house to find out who leaked the information.

Jia Weimin went out on his bicycle early in the morning and squatted near Lao Peng's house, staring at Peng Jinxi to see if he had other sales markets and channels.Peng Jinxi really admired his shamelessness and went to the rooftop to scold him with Peng Jindong. Jia Weimin was also indifferent and stood persistently in the yard like a clingy man.Peng Jinxi thought of a way, then stood up and said she wanted to go out for a walk with the animals.Here, Sun Shufen went straight to Jia Weimin's house. When he was not there, Sun Shufen asked his wife directly.At first, Jia Weimin's daughter-in-law refused to tell her whether she was alive or dead, but when she saw Sun Shufen hanging herself, Feng'er told the truth.When they heard what Luo Xian said, Peng Jinxiu and Luo Hong were shocked. Sun Shufen was convinced and kept yelling even more.

Luo Hong immediately went to confront Luo Xian. Sun Shufen took Feng'er together to serve as a witness, but it was a pity that Luo Xian was not at the beach.Peng Jinxi rode a bicycle up the mountain, and Jia Weimin kept following him, thinking that Peng Jinxi had sold all his underwear to the mountain.After questioning, Luo Xian did indeed deny that he was having an affair with Peng Jinxiu, but Peng Jinxiu sided with Sun Shufen and agreed that Luo Hong was duplicitous.Luo Hongwo went to find Luo Xian when he was on fire, and had to call him to death with a big mouth.When Luo Xian saw Sun Shufen and Peng Jinxiu, he subconsciously ran away. He was grabbed by Luo Hong not far away.The three of them brought Luo Xian back for interrogation. Luo Xian said with a grimace that he did not do it on purpose. Sun Shufen, who had been wronged, vented her anger on Luo Xian and hit her hard.

Peng Jinxi had long ago asked his dog to plant a scarecrow on the mountain to deceive Jia Weimin. Peng Jinxi turned back and went down the mountain, and had someone drive a tractor to transport his and Jia Weimin's bicycles down the mountain, leaving Jia Weimin to walk back by himself.This is what you have to do to deal with a shameless person like Jia Weimin.As soon as Peng Jinxi returned home, she heard a commotion. Peng Jinxi, who knew the cause and effect, said that Jia Weimin was not at home now.Jia Weimin finally walked down the mountain and met an old man. He thought he was on his mule cart on the way, but when he was approaching Hongluoxian, he realized that he was going the wrong way. Jia Weimin had to get off the car and walk back step by step.Peng Jinxi thought that he had gone too far this time and planned to buy something and go to his house to apologize tomorrow.

At dawn the next day, Jia Weimin finally returned to the door. He couldn't walk the last few steps.Peng Jinxi and Luo Xian came to his house with big pig trotters, saying that from now on, all the markets in Beidaihe would be given to Jia Weimin, and they would do good business with each other.Peng Jinxi held a meeting with her family and called on everyone to broaden their horizons. As long as there is a sea, it can become a market for their swimwear.It is far better for Luo Xian to work hard to open up new markets than to fight with Jia Weimin.

《the swimsuit saga》E21Plot

Episode 21

The swimsuit saga episode 21 plot introduction: Sun Shufen also wants to do business

The days were getting better and better. Luo Xian won the Qingdao market and came to Lao Peng's house for dinner.While everyone else was working outside to make money, Sun Shufen was doing laundry, cooking and housework at home, which probably made her feel uncomfortable.Peng's mother noticed it and suggested to Peng Jindong at the dinner table that Sun Shufen should work with Peng Jinxi. She is still strong and can do housework.Sun Shufen burst into laughter and stood up to propose a toast, as if the business was a done deal.Peng Jindong was born in the family, and everyone else raised their hands in favor of Sun Shufen and Peng Jinxi starting a swimsuit business together.Seeing that Peng Jindong did not directly express his position, Peng's mother asked them to go back to the house at night to discuss it among themselves.After returning to the house, Sun Shufen was massaging Peng Jindong and mentioned making a swimsuit. Peng Jindong suddenly stood up, which shocked Sun Shufen.

Peng Jindong did not agree with Sun Shufen's swimsuit business. Sun Shufen did not make breakfast the next day and started making swimsuits with a sewing machine early in the morning. Peng Jinxiu asked a few questions and was not annoyed. Anyway, she had money in her pocket, so she was happy to go out to the restaurant.Peng Jinxi and Luo Hong were also eating out. Luo Hong mentioned that her elder brother and sister-in-law were always at war over making swimsuits, and reminded Peng Jinxi that he should step in and take care of it.Sun Shufen changed her approach and bought Peng Jindong a big fat pigeon, hoping to make Peng Jindong happy and get him to allow her to fuck her in a swimsuit.But Peng Jindong still said the same thing, absolutely not.Sun Shufen became anxious, and the two started to quarrel. Sun Shufen was no longer afraid of Peng Jindong, and actually pressed him under her, pulling out his hair until he screamed.Peng Jinxiu watched the play and called Peng's mother out after it was over.

The brothers Peng Jinxi and Peng Jindong went out to a restaurant to drink and talk about what was on their mind. In fact, Peng Jindong knew that Sun Shufen did not have such intentions, and it was probably Peng Jinxi who gave her the idea.Peng Jindong said frankly that he insisted on working in a state-owned factory because he wanted to protect his family. He was worried that things like speculation would happen again.Peng Jinxi also understood, but he also said that Sun Shufen had paid a lot for the family. Now that she wanted to make money, she should be allowed to give it a try.After the brothers went home after chatting, Peng's mother blocked the door, threw out a washboard, and sternly told Peng Jindong to kneel on the washboard.Peng Jinxi stepped forward to ease the atmosphere and coaxed Peng's mother back home.That night, Peng Jindong secretly placed his family's bankbook next to Sun Shufen's pillow.Sun Shufen woke up and saw it, excited and happy, and Peng Jindong on the roof also smiled.

As the days passed, Sun Shufen made some money from her swimwear business and bought new clothes for herself and Peng Jindong.Peng Jindong wore a woolen coat and leather shoes on a hot day. It looked stylish, but it was a bit funny.Lao Peng's family made money, but Jia Weimin's market was not divided enough. His brothers started a war in Beidaihe because of Lao Zhang's customers.A client with good connections reminded Peng Jinxi not to mention Xingcheng when doing business in the future. Beidaihe was very resistant to Xingcheng people.As for the specific reason, the customer is not sure, and Peng Jinxi is also confused.Seeing that Peng Jinxi gave up the Beidaihe market, but the business was getting better and better, Jia Weimin came to Sun Shufen again, hoping that she would bring him and Peng Jinxi closer, and let Peng Jinxi give him some advice.

Sun Shufen did not help and told Jia Weimin to think about the right path.At Sun Island Park in Haibing City, Sun Shufen came to collect the bill and first gave the receipt to Lao Zhang's wife. Unexpectedly, Lao Liu tore up the receipt and refused to acknowledge the debt. He also slapped her and accused her of blackmail.

《the swimsuit saga》E22Plot

Episode 22

The swimsuit saga episode 22 plot introduction: A clever plan to cure the old man

Sun Shufen was so anxious that her face turned red. It was useless to call the police. She cried non-stop when she got home.Peng's mother said that this matter was over and no one was allowed to mention it again.Peng Jindong took Sun Shufen home, who was feeling aggrieved, but Peng Jinxi could not let his sister-in-law suffer the disadvantage of being dumb.After that, Luo Hong went to deliver goods again, and Peng Jinxi secretly recorded her while she hid in a corner and took pictures.With this evidence, I won't be afraid that Liu will default on his account when the time comes.Peng Jinxiu overheard their conversation and opened the door directly and came in. She promised not to tell Peng's mother about the matter, but Peng Jinxiu asked to take her with her on the day of settlement, and she must teach this old Liu a severe lesson.On this day, Peng Jinxiu came with Peng Jinxi with an iron and said that he would iron the old man to death, but Peng Jinxi scolded him.

The strange thing is that Luo Hong gave the receipt to Lao Liu's wife. This time, Lao Liu didn't default on the bill and honestly gave Luo Hong the money for the goods.The three of them were surprised. Peng Jinxiu couldn't help but suspect that Sun Shufen secretly misappropriated the money and then went home to cry on purpose.Sun Shufen was misunderstood again, and she wanted to take sleeping pills to commit suicide. Luo Hong tried her best to stop her, but Peng Jinxiu didn't think it was a big deal and added fuel to the fire.Sun Shufen actually took the medicine in desperation. Peng Jinxi handed the two thousand yuan to Peng Jindong and asked him to say that it was the payment he had just received.The two of them heard a commotion at home and quickly went inside to take a look.As soon as Peng Jindong smelled the medicine, he knew that the sleeping pill was Xiaohai's anti-insect medicine, while Sun Shufen also pretended to faint.Peng Jinxiu was worried at first, and then angry.

When Sun Shufen saw the money came back, she followed Peng Jindong into the house in confusion.Peng Jinxiu felt cheated and felt unbalanced, so she took Peng's mother to Peng Jinxi's house to ask him to explain clearly.Peng Jinxi said that they should not doubt their own family, and that Old Liu was probably playing a long-term game to catch a big fish and wanted to cheat them.Sure enough, when Luo Hong took the receipt to ask for the account again, Lao Liu tore up the receipt and refused to acknowledge the account.Peng Jinxi showed up and said that he had taken a photo of him tearing up the note. Luo Hong still had a recording in his hand, and Lao Liu immediately panicked.Peng Jindong and his wife walked up to the tower, talked to each other, and found the feeling of being in love back then.Relying on the photos and recordings in his hands, Peng Jinxi succeeded in getting back the 5,000 yuan payment, as well as the 2,000 yuan that Liu cheated Sun Shufen from.

After this incident, Peng Jinxi learned that the image of Xingcheng people had plummeted, and he had to find a way to change these people's ideas.Through Jia Weimin, Peng Jinxi gathered all the retail investors who made swimwear, taught them his experience, and taught them to take a long-term view. As long as there is a sea in China, it can become a market for Xingcheng swimwear.Some people go to Xiamen, some people go to Zhuhai, and the place Peng Jinxi arranged for Jia Weimin is Jinzhou.Since then, Xingcheng swimwear has spread all over China where there is sea.Time flies to 1992, and Peng Jinxi’s factory expanded from a small workshop to a Jinxi swimsuit processing factory.They encountered a wave of returns. Because Yihu people sold products at a lower price than them, many customers returned Xingcheng products.

Everyone was in a hurry, but Jia Weimin was not. He felt that if the sky fell, Lao Peng's family would still be able to bear it.Peng Jinxi came up with a way to go to Yihu to purchase cheap fabrics, so that the cost price would be lowered.Peng Jinxi really negotiated the price of the fabric this time and even found the manufacturer.When he was making money, he always thought about the people who made swimsuits in Quanxingcheng, so he asked people to come over for a meeting.Jia Weimin didn't know where his confidence came from, thinking that Peng Jinxi was asking him to come over and give him advice.

《the swimsuit saga》E23Plot

Episode 23

The swimsuit saga episode 23 plot introduction: Luo Xian and Peng Jinxiu played tricks

Peng Jinxi called everyone to a meeting and learned that everyone had received a large number of returns recently. He checked the reason and determined that the Yihu people were lowering prices with them.Peng Jinxi has also investigated and found that fabrics are cheaper in Yihu. He has already negotiated cooperation with the manufacturers. As long as everyone is willing, they can pool money together to buy fabrics from the fabric factories in Yihu, which can also reduce the cost.Everyone trusted Peng Jinxi and registered with Peng Jinxiu one after another.When Jia Weimin returned home, Yan Fang, who claimed to be from Yihu, wanted to cooperate with him.There is also a boss above Yan Fang who says he has a grudge against Peng Jinxi. He can provide Jia Weimin with fabrics at low prices, and asks Jia Weimin to tell everyone that they don't need to go to Yihu and buy fabrics at low prices. Peng Jinxi cannot be played with.It will make it difficult for him to reduce costs and be eliminated by the market.

Jia Weimin believed Yan Fang's words, took his car to the train station and told everyone that he had low-priced fabrics.Everyone gave up the idea of ​​going to Yihu as soon as they heard this. Even Peng Jinxi temporarily canceled her plan to go to Yihu and stayed to see if the fabric was accurate. If Jia Weimin lied, it would not be too late to go to Yihu then.Seeing Jia Weimin's words, everyone believed him. From time to time, people would give gifts to Jia Weimin, hoping that he would have low-priced fabrics.Yan Fang and Jia Weimin promised that the fabric would arrive tomorrow. Jia Weimin was worried, and Yan Fang asked him to keep his heart in his stomach.The next day, everyone gathered at Jia Weimin's house. The cloth finally arrived. Everyone registered with their real names. Peng Jinxiu and Sun Shufen learned that Jia Weimin actually refused to sell the cloth to them.

Three women, Peng Jinxiu, Sun Shufen and Luo Hong, stormed to Jia Weimin's house and asked him why he didn't sell fabrics to them.Jia Weimin refused to sell it, and the three of them couldn't do anything to him.Peng Jinxiu took the things Peng Jinxi gave to Luo Xian to the video room and gave them to Luo Xian. Luo Xian saw her stinky face and asked what was going on.After asking, they learned that Jia Weimin refused to sell the fabric to them, and Peng Jinxiu was so angry that he wanted to tear Jia Weimin apart.Last time she threw Jia Weimin into the sauce vat, but she didn't see Jia Weimin learn his lesson.This time Luo Xian had another idea. Peng Jinxiu followed his arrangement, and the two went to Jia Weimin together to pretend to apologize.When Jia Weimin saw Peng Jinxiu, he wanted to run away. Everyone got on the ladder and was about to climb to the roof. Luo Xian actually said in a very good manner that they were here to apologize.

Jia Weimin believed it to be true, so Luo Xian and Peng Jinxiu invited Jia Weimin to dinner and poured him a lot of wine.After Peng Jinxiu drank a glass of wine, he praised Jia Weimin so much that he was so happy that he never stopped drinking, and Jia Weimin quickly got drunk.They rode a tricycle and transported the drunken Jia Weimin to the wilderness. They also changed his clothes into a red belly skirt and blue shorts.Peng Jinxi had been wary of Jia Weimin for a long time, so he had someone buy more fabrics at the train station that day. Now they didn't have to worry about their fabrics, as well as Peng Jinxiu and Sun Shufen's fabrics.Jia Weimin woke up and found that his clothes had been changed. He had been calling for a long time but no one was there. He could only wear this outfit and returned to Xingcheng. He was laughed at by the men, women and children in Xingcheng.The daughter-in-law felt that this incident was very embarrassing and burst into tears at home.

Jia Weimin believed that it was Peng Jinxi who tricked Luo Xian and Peng Jinxiu. He wanted revenge and wanted to fight Peng Jinxi to the end.The wife cried and said that she supported him and fought to the end. It was extremely immoral to do so.

《the swimsuit saga》E24Plot

Episode 24

The swimsuit saga episode 24 plot introduction: Peng Jinxi wants to open a big factory

Lao Qi and Peng Jinxi have cooperated for many years. If Peng Jinxi is willing to lower his salary by another 50 cents, the two parties will continue to cooperate, but Peng Jinxi is unwilling to lower his salary by another 50 cents.Thinking of their long-term friendship, Lao Qi reminded Peng Jinxi that the southerners who disrupted the situation this time seemed to be targeting Peng Jinxi.Jia Weimin and Yan Fang's boss Qin Sheng called on each other, and Qin Sheng asked Jia Weimin to buy Xingcheng swimwear, making Peng Jinxi's goods completely unsaleable.Peng Jinxi here is very worried. He knows that someone is targeting him, but he can't find out who this person is.Qin Sheng invited everyone to dinner in the name of Jia Weimin. Qin Sheng came forward and said that he would buy the swimsuits in everyone's hands. The condition is that no one can buy swimsuits from the old Peng family, including Peng Jinxi, Peng Jinxiu and Sun Shufen. If there is any violation, they will be punished as soon as they are discovered.Return the product and you will be fined ten times.

Qin Sheng came forward, and Peng Jinxi soon knew that it was him.Peng Jinxi believed in making money by being friendly, and planned to meet with Qin Sheng to explain that it was not him who was reported to his father Qin Zhaogao, and hoped that Qin Sheng would have a bigger picture.Qin Sheng originally planned to return to the south after defeating Peng Jinxi in this trip, and then hand over the market here to his brother Yan Fang.Jia Weimin, who has a face thicker than the city walls, successfully won the opportunity to manage the swimwear market here with Yan Fang.Just like that, Jia Weimin came forward and Qin Sheng paid for it and bought a lot of swimsuits made by retail households in Xingcheng. Everyone was working for Qin Sheng without realizing it, and they were even grateful to Jia Weimin.Sun Shufen suggested mixing the goods with other houses and selling them to Jia Weimin, but since Jia Weimin was deceived, he has learned to be smart.

Peng Jinxi and Qin Sheng said good things to each other in the car. Qin Sheng said that he would hold a decent ceremony for the late Qin Zhaogao at the beach this Friday and would invite everyone from Xingcheng to come. He hoped that Peng Jinxi could also come by then.Let’s talk about the price of swimsuits that day, and everything is easily negotiable.Peng Jinxi went home and told Luo Hong about the matter. He had already made up his mind to attend and was sure that Qin Sheng would not do anything to him.The next day Luo Hong personally asked Qin Sheng to meet, hoping that he would not embarrass Peng Jinxi.Qin Sheng said that he and Peng Jinxi only competed for business and nothing else. The reason why Peng Jinxi was asked to attend Friday's memorial ceremony was because Peng Jinxi was the leader of Xingcheng Swimwear, and everyone who made swimsuits in Xingcheng went there., except that it would be unjustifiable for Peng Jinxi not to go.

On Friday, Peng Jinxi attended as scheduled. Qin Sheng said that Peng Jinxi's fabrics would be indispensable in the future, but he still didn't collect old Peng's swimsuits. When Peng Jinxi returned to the factory, several aunts wanted to quit their jobs and leave.Peng Jinxi didn't stop him and let everyone leave generously.In the evening, Peng Jinxi and Luo Hong discussed together. They thought about how they started making swimsuits a few years ago. At that time, there were not so many people making swimsuits. Now that there are more and more swimsuit shops, large and small, it is getting harder and harder to do business.Peng Jinxi told Luo Hong that he wanted to buy better equipment and make better swimwear.Only by taking a differentiated path can Peng Jinxi overcome this hurdle and avoid vicious competition with Qin Sheng.He had thought about investing all his money. If he didn't have enough money, he would borrow it to build a bigger factory.

Everyone realized that Qin Sheng wanted them to do contract processing, so they didn't want to do it. Just when Peng Jinxi wanted to borrow 70,000 to 80,000 yuan from the big guy, everyone readily lent the money to Peng Jinxi.

《the swimsuit saga》E25Plot

Episode 25

The swimsuit saga episode 25 plot introduction: There are many difficulties in opening a large factory

The plan to expand the factory is imminent. Luo Hong is responsible for identifying equipment manufacturers, and Peng Jinxi is responsible for finding factories.Luo Hong found three equipment manufacturers, but Peng Jinxi hasn't found a suitable factory yet. If it doesn't work, he can look for one farther away.After Qin Sheng learned that everyone lent money to Peng Jinxi, he asked Yan Fang to tell everyone that as long as one of Quanxingcheng Swimwear lent money to Peng Jinxi, everyone's goods would not be accepted.Xu Zhiling stood by Peng Jinxi, determined to confront Qin Sheng this time.Er Sheng followed Jia Weimin's orders and took some people who had not lent money to Peng Jinxi to find Peng Jinxi. Peng Jinxi was not there, but Luo Hong was.Er Sheng said that he came to ask for the money on behalf of those who had borrowed the money. The reason was that they did not want to be caught in the middle and lose business.

Peng Jinxi was looking at the factory outside, and Jia Weimin secretly followed him, deliberately asking someone to double the rent of the factory, so Peng Jinxi failed to rent the factory.Luo Hong told Peng Jinxi about the debt collection. She felt that the money had to be repaid, and as for the cost of upgrading equipment, there would always be a way to solve it.Peng Jinxi called Luo Xian and asked him to look at the rented factory.Luo Xian couldn't remember the phone number, so he took back the sign with rental information.Little did they know that Yan Fang was waiting on the roadside and had already written down the phone number.Peng Jinxiu and Sun Shufen were dissatisfied with the repayment of the money. They felt that after returning the money to Xu Chiling and others, they would no longer have the money to open a large factory.Luo Hong explained the reason, and both of them probably thought it made sense, so they said nothing more. At this time, Luo Xian came back.

That night Luo Xian took Peng Jinxi to see the factory. Peng Jinxi was quite satisfied, but he had to consider the price of 15,000. He also hoped that Lao Ji would not show the factory to others during this period. Peng Jinxi would give him an answer on Monday.Unexpectedly, when Peng Jinxi arrived at the factory on Monday, Yan Fang actually wanted to rent the old Ji factory.He raised the price to 20,000 yuan, and Yan Fang raised the price to 30,000 yuan.Peng Jinxi did not rob him head-on, but outsmarted him. As a result, when Yan Fang heard that Peng Jinxi had other alternative factories, he immediately regretted not signing the contract, and Peng Jinxi continued to rent the factory with Lao Ji.Jia Weimin wanted to buy swimsuits from Peng Jinxi, Peng Jinxiu and Sun Shufen at half price, and then sell them to Qin Sheng at a low price. Peng Jinxi would not do such a money-losing business, so there was no discussion on this matter.

The equipment manufacturer requires the balance to be settled as soon as possible, otherwise the transaction contract will be invalidated and the 50,000 deposit will not be returned.Luo Hong called Peng Jinxi's BB phone, but did not get a call back from him.Sun Shufen proposed to sell the goods to Jia Weimin at half price. This was the only way at the moment. Luo Hong called Jia Weimin and asked him to bring the money to pick up the goods.When Peng Jinxi returned home and learned that they had sold the goods to Jia Weimin at half price, she was so angry that she cursed them both.Luo Hong quickly asked Peng Jinxiu and Sun Shufen to go back first, and then she scolded Peng Jinxi. The reason why Peng Jinxiu and Sun Shufen were willing to sell goods to Jia Weimin at half price was that they wanted to help Peng Jinxi set up a big factory.When his wife gets angry, Peng Jinxi smiles.They didn't know that another bigger crisis was waiting for them.

Lao Ji had long colluded with Qin Sheng and deliberately rented the factory that would be demolished next year to Peng Jinxi.When Peng Jindong and the workers started to renovate the factory building, they met two people who were coming to measure the house. The other person said that the place would be demolished next year.Peng Jinxi tried to reason with Lao Ji, but Lao Ji acted like a rogue and refused to pay back the rent of 15,000 yuan.The problem is that the contract clearly states that Lao Ji will not bear any responsibility if it is affected by factors such as demolition, so even if a lawsuit is filed, Lao Peng's family will not be justified.Peng Jinxi couldn't help but complain to Luo Hong that there was definitely something wrong with Qin Sheng's brain.

《the swimsuit saga》E26Plot

Episode 26

The swimsuit saga episode 26 plot introduction: Luo Xian accidentally had a car accident

Peng Jinxi thought of a way. After Sun Shufen was sent out to buy breakfast, Peng Jinxi told Peng Jindong and Peng Jinxiu her plan.The next day Sun Shufen looked at Jia Weimin's family for borrowing meat, while Peng Jinxi himself was as decadent as an eggplant beaten by frost.Yan Fang drove Qin Sheng and asserted that the good times of Lao Peng's family were over and they could now let Xingcheng Swimwear do OEM processing for them. Qin Sheng did not refuse.Lao Ji is a timid person. When he hung up the phone that day, he heard someone knocking on the door. When he opened the door, he saw that no one was there. At this time, the window opened inexplicably and a black shadow floated past the window.Luo Xian and Peng Jinxiu cooperated, and the two pretended to be ghosts, making Lao Ji mistakenly think they saw Qin Zhaogao's ghost. He was so frightened that he went straight to Qin Sheng.

Lao Ji asked Qin Sheng for compensation, which was the same as what Peng Jinxi gave, and he wanted fifteen thousand.Qin Sheng made an excuse to leave, and then deliberately asked Yan Fang to discuss the compensation with Lao Ji, and pretended that it would be fine if it was more or less.Yan Fang understood what he meant and deliberately turned off the power. Lao Ji, who had just been frightened, was frightened again and did not dare to ask for any more money.Peng Jinxi went to Jia Weimin to borrow money. Of course, borrowing money was just a reason. He actually wanted Jia Weimin to use his small workshop for processing.Jia Weimin was afraid that Peng Jinxi would reveal to Qin Sheng that he bought goods from Lao Peng's family and sold them to Qin Sheng, so he was forced to agree to Peng Jinxi.No matter when Jia Weimin faces Peng Jinxi, his rank will never be enough.Qin Sheng called everyone to a meeting, but no one expressed any opinion on what he said. The meeting ended in less than a minute.

Later, Jia Weimin followed what Peng Jinxi said and told Qin Sheng that he had purchased Peng Jinxi's small workshop and equipment for several thousand yuan, and Qin Sheng believed it.Jia Weimin came to the small workshop to look for Peng Jinxi, and Lao Ji followed him.Jia Weimin gave Peng Jinxi 10,000 yuan, and Lao Ji returned the rent to Peng Jinxi, and also wrote a letter of apology and a receipt.Luo Xian fell in love with He Dan and wanted to have a relationship with her. Peng Jinxiu liked Luo Xian, but was embarrassed to say it, and now he had no chance to say it out loud.Luo Hong went to the former director of the popsicle factory on behalf of his younger brother Luo Xian to talk about letting Luo Xian work.Although Luo Xian's job was not settled, Luo Hong unexpectedly learned that He Dan's brother, the former director of the popsicle factory, wanted to rent out the popsicle factory.It takes a lot of work.

It's just that Factory Director He asked for a one-time payment of five years of factory rent, 20,000 per year, a total of 100,000.Luo Hong said that now there is still a shortfall of 30,000 from 100,000.In order to help Peng Jinxi raise money, Peng Jindong sold his precious pigeons for 5,000 yuan, and he managed to persuade the stubborn Sun Shufen to use the money to support Peng Jinxi.Peng Jinxiu even proposed to marry Luo Xian, hold a wedding, and collect money from the family members, which would also help Peng Jinxi solve his urgent needs.Luo Xian was surprised. In fact, he also liked Peng Jinxiu now, but out of embarrassment, he asked Peng Jinxiu to allow him to think about it again.Luo Xian decided to sell his beloved motorcycle, but Luo Xian did not tell Luo Shifu the real reason.That night Luo Xian drove to give it to someone else, but there was a car accident on the road.

Peng Jinxi and Luo Hong hurried to the hospital and saw Luo Shifu sitting on a chair in the corridor. The doctor said that Luo Xian's leg was seriously injured.Peng Jinxi comforted his father-in-law that no matter how much money he spent, he would keep Luo Xian's leg.

《the swimsuit saga》E27Plot

Episode 27

The swimsuit saga episode 27 plot introduction: Qin Sheng makes another mistake

Jia Weimin bought some cans for Luo Xian and sent them to the hospital, and gave the money for this month's shipment to Peng Jinxi.They didn't know that Yan Fang was watching their every move around the corner.Luo Xian woke up and was thinking about his broken motorcycle. Luo Hong asked him to rest in peace and recuperate.Soon Qin Sheng learned that Jia Weimin helped Peng Jinxi sell swimsuits to him in disguise. He was very angry and cut off Jia Weimin's livelihood in Xingcheng Swimwear. He even rolled up a magazine and smashed it on Jia Weimin's head.Jia Weimin learned from the pain and ran to Peng Jinxi to admit his mistake and apologize, and also gave Peng Jinxi a sum of money.He knew that Peng Jinxi was building a large factory recently, so Jia Weimin wanted to invest in the company, but Peng Jinxi said it was impossible, so Jia Weimin took a step back and said he only wanted interest.Seeing that Peng Jinxi was still hesitating, Sun Shufen asked him to take it.

As soon as Jia Weimin left, Peng Jinxi learned from Sun Shufen that Jia Weimin had actually been beaten by Qin Sheng. Although it was physically tortured, it was extremely humiliating.Although Qin Sheng tried every means to prevent Peng Jinxi from becoming bigger and stronger, he could not stop Peng Jinxi from getting back the rent from Ji Ying, nor could he stop Jia Weimin from lending money to Peng Jinxi. However, Xu Zhiling and others had a conscience and were unwilling to do processing for Qin Sheng.I will never cooperate with Qin Sheng again in the future.Soon after, Peng Jinxi and Luo Hong's Jinhong Swimwear Factory opened, which meant that their careers took a step forward.The factory is very large, with technical rooms, negotiation rooms, and a very large boss' office.Before today, they never dared to imagine that such a day would come.They imagine the future, ten or even twenty years from now, where robots will probably be doing the work.

Peng Jinxiu took care of Luo Xian in the hospital, which made Luo Xian very embarrassed. Peng Jinxiu returned home not long after.Qin Sheng used the laid-off employees of the popsicle factory to threaten He Fei and let him recruit people into Peng Jinxi's factory.At first, why should he think that collecting Peng Jinxi's rent for five years at once was shameful enough? How dare he shamelessly send people to Peng Jinxi's factory again, but Qin Sheng's threat forced him to obey.He knew that Luo Xian liked his sister He Dan, so he deliberately asked He Dan to go to the hospital to say good things to Luo Xian, and asked Luo Xian to help persuade Peng Jinxi to take over the laid-off employees of the original popsicle factory.Luo Xian went down to try to walk, and his eyes lit up when he saw He Dan coming.Peng Jinxiu was furious and Luo Xian happily hugged He Dan all afternoon and promised her to stuff the popsicle factory employees into Peng Jinxi's factory.

For the sake of Luo Xian's leg injury, Peng Jinxi temporarily agreed to send people to the factory.Jia Weimin got the news that Qin Sheng had received a large order, which he could not complete by himself, so Jia Weimin wanted to join forces with Peng Jinxi to convince the people in Quanxingcheng Swimwear not to help Qin Sheng, but to lie down for him.Almost everyone in the popsicle factory blocked the door, asking to work in the factory. Luo Hong quickly called Peng Jinxi. Peng Jinxi went to the hospital to inquire. Unexpectedly, Luo Xian, a bastard, agreed to He Dan to stuff more than 20 people into the factory..Later, Peng Jinxi asked Luo Hong to open the door and let everyone in first.Peng Jinxiu went to the hospital to question Luo Xian, but Luo Xian actually had no attitude of admitting his mistake. He thought Peng Jinxi was praising him when he said he had made a meritorious service.Here, Peng Jinxi, his wife and He Bi were still explaining the whole thing clearly.

Firstly, there is no contract signed, and secondly, there is no proof that the factory must accept so many workers.Why go around the corner and threaten, saying that if there are too many people, it will not end well if trouble breaks out later.

《the swimsuit saga》E28Plot

Episode 28

The swimsuit saga episode 28 plot introduction: Peng Jinxi instigates rebellion against Dahua Binzi

Peng Jinxi was unwilling to accept the two dozen workers from He Biyuan Popsicle Factory. He Dan and Luo appeared in a wheelchair. He Dan persuaded his brother He Bi to give up, and the brother and sister left.Instead, Luo Xian used his own legs to beg Peng Jinxi to accept these workers. Luo Hong scolded him as a useless person, but after Peng Jinxi thought about it, he finally agreed to accept the workers.Until night, Luo Hong was still not happy. Peng Jinxi said that she had indeed promised Luo Shifu to take good care of Luo Xian, and Luo Xian also needed time to grow up.After learning that Peng Jinxi had indeed accepted all the workers from the original popsicle factory into the factory, and the salary alone was enough for Peng Jinxi to pay a large basket, Qin Sheng also thought of continuing his tricks to defeat Peng Jinxi, so Qin Sheng did this in the name of cooperation.Come to the factory to find Peng Jinxi.

Peng Jinxiu knew clearly from the outside that she was also a woman. She could tell that He Dan didn't like Luo Xian and was just using him.However, Luo Xian is still addicted to blind self-confidence and is sure that He Dan likes him.Peng Jinxi did not immediately agree to Qin Sheng who came to discuss cooperation.There is an old saying that the weasel pays New Year greetings to the rooster - if he does not have good intentions, Qin Sheng may be harboring some evil intentions.Peng Jinxi asked He Bi to be called over, and contacted Ding Zi and others, as well as Jia Weimin.Why did he know that this trip was not going to be good as soon as he arrived? He turned around and wanted to leave, but was blocked by a tall and strong man at the exit. He had to go back and have a good talk with Peng Jinxi.Why should his attitude be less arrogant than before? He said that if Peng Jinxi did not agree to accept the workers from the original popsicle factory, he could take the workers away.

Peng Jinxi signaled Jia Weimin to take action, and Jia Weimin immediately asked someone to throw He Fei into the river.Why bother to finally tell the truth and admit that it was Qin Sheng who asked him to do it, and it was Qin Shengfei who asked him to stuff people into Peng Jinxi's factory.Peng Jinxi had her own idea and agreed to cooperate with Qin Sheng. Sun Shufen was furious. She knew there was fraud, but she couldn't understand why Peng Jinxi still signed a contract with Qin Sheng.Peng Jinxi didn't say anything, and the contract was successfully signed soon after. Luo Hong was on tenterhooks all day long, always feeling that everyone looked like a traitor.Later, Peng Jinxi found He Bi and asked him to make amends for his past mistakes. He quietly told everyone in the factory that he was also one of Qin Sheng's people, and that Qin Sheng had important instructions. Sure enough, he found the two people Qin Sheng had placed in the popsicle factory.They are Dahua and Binzi respectively.

According to Peng Jinxi's instructions, why bother letting the two people come over at night to steal the contract? Peng Jinxi and Jia Weimin caught them, and Lao Zhang even took photos.The two of them didn't expect that the contract was worth 300,000 yuan, and they panicked immediately.Peng Jinxi successfully instigated the rebellion of the two men and kept track of Qin Sheng's movements and arrangements through them.Soon after, Qin Sheng gave instructions to the two of them.Luo Xian was depressed in the hospital now. Peng Jinxiu went to He Dan for this, hoping that she could go to the hospital to see Luo Xian. Even if she had no feelings for Luo Xian, she had to make it clear to him.He Dan really showed up at the hospital, and he came with his target, Lao Yuan.Needless to say, He Dan and Luo Xian also understood that this old Yuan was actually from the Criminal Police Team of the Municipal Bureau and a 70kg Sanda champion. Luo Xian didn't dare to compete with him at all.

Dahua and Binzi told Peng Jinxi about Qin Sheng's arrangement, but they did not dare to take action. Peng Jinxi delivered the goods as scheduled.Qin Sheng, who originally thought that Peng Jinxi would pay ten times the purchase price, got no benefit at all this time. Dahua and Binzi took the money and became Peng Jinxi's people. Qin Sheng and Yan Fang could only force a smile.

《the swimsuit saga》E29Plot

Episode 29

The swimsuit saga episode 29 plot introduction: Give up Shixing and move to Shanghai and Dalian

Peng Jinxi rebelled against Qin Sheng's army. Qin Sheng and Yan Fang failed to steal the chicken this time, which was very satisfying. Luo Xian actually felt that he had some credit for this. Peng Jinxiu complained that he couldn't resist He Dan's show of kindness.Peng Jindong watched the Olympic Games and found that the spandex swimsuits worn by the athletes were extremely elastic.Hearing that spandex fabric was a planned material, Luo Hong asked Peng Jinxi not to worry about it, but Peng Jinxi still planned to call Lao Luo in Yihu tomorrow to ask.Qin Sheng and Yan Fang were also watching here, and they also fell in love with swimsuits made of spandex fabric. Spandex fabric can be purchased in Shixing, but nine out of ten spandex factories in Shixing are smuggled goods.However, the two of them did not think about how to make a fortune through shopping, but instead kept an eye on whether Peng Jinxi was going to buy fabrics. They even said that if they saw him buying Shixing spandex, they would report it.

They were afraid that Peng Jinxi didn't know that Shixing had spandex fabric, so Qin Sheng called Lao Luo in Yihu.Afterwards, Peng Jinxi learned that Lao Luo could get spandex fabric and was very happy.Peng Jindong's employer was laid off, and he thought he should find a job, so he went to his old factory master to learn about his income from repairing cars.Sun Shufen happened to come over and tell Peng Jindong that Peng Jinxi had learned that Shixing sells spandex fabrics. When Master Zhang heard that it was Shixing, he reminded them that most of the fabrics and home appliances in Shixing were smuggled.Sun Shufen told Jia Weimin that Peng Jinxi asked Shixing to buy smuggled fabrics. Jia Weimin was worried that Peng Jinxi would be caught and absolutely disagreed with Peng Jinxi going to Shixing.Peng Jindong also disagreed, looking at Peng Jinxi like a dog-skin plaster, almost not leaving her.

In the evening, Peng Jinxi and Luo Hong were leaning against the window and talking about Peng Jindong's strange behavior today. Jia Weimin suddenly appeared outside the window and looked at them while brushing his teeth. The toothbrush was still for Luo Hong, but Luo Hong was given to him.The next day, Jia Weimin continued to stare at Peng Jinxi, and Peng Jinxi deliberately pretended to make a phone call to tease him.There were two people outside the factory who were always watching Peng Jinxi. Those two people were arranged by Qin Sheng. They went back and reported that Jia Weimin and Peng Jindong often came to the factory.Qin Sheng felt that others did not need to worry about it and just told Peng Jinxi, because the old Peng family would not agree with Peng Jinxi going to Shixing.Jia Weimin had nothing to do in the factory, performing magic tricks for young female employees. Peng Jinxi and Luo Hong discussed going to Shanghai that night, and he had a way to get Jia Weimin away.

The next day, Jia Weimin's wife angrily came to Jinhong Swimwear Factory and took Jia Weimin away.Peng Jinxi had already arrived at the train station, but was taken back by Peng Jindong in a rather extreme way.After Luo Hong and Peng Jinxi explained, Peng Jindong looked at the ticket again and believed that Peng Jinxi was not going to Shixing, but to Shanghai.However, Peng Jindong felt that his second brother was taking a detour to Shixing when he went to Shanghai, but Luo Hong and Peng Jinxi vowed to do so.Someone went to Peng Jindong's place to repair his car. Peng Jindong accidentally learned that there was a factory selling spandex fabric in Dalian, and soon Peng Jinxi also knew about it.Peng Jindong and Sun Shufen watched the TV commercial and confirmed that spandex fabric was indeed sold in Shanghai.Afterwards, Peng Jindong came to apologize to Peng Jinxi. At his reminder and urging, Peng Jinxi called Dalian.

After understanding, they found that the price of spandex in Dalian was very different from that in Shanghai. They decided to divide their forces into two groups. Luo Hong and Sun Shufen were responsible for going to Dalian, while brothers Peng Jinxi and Peng Jindong were responsible for going to Shanghai.

《the swimsuit saga》E30Plot

Episode 30

The swimsuit saga episode 30 plot introduction: spandex swimsuit officially produced

Peng Jindong insisted on going to Shanghai with Peng Jinxi, but Peng Jinxi refused. However, Peng Jindong was like a marshmallow, and he couldn't get rid of him no matter what.The two brothers set off and took the train to Shanghai. The state-owned factory in Shanghai was really making planned fabrics, and the security guard at the gate didn't let them in.Peng Jindong called the original agricultural machinery repair factory, but the process took a long time.Peng Jinxi bought two packs of cigarettes and gave them to the janitor. He didn't need to open the door to let the two people into the factory. He only needed to tell Peng Jinxi what car the factory director took.When Luo Hong and Sun Shufen arrived in Dalian, the person in charge of the other factory said they would sell small spandex at a minimum of ten pieces, and they didn't even give them samples to try.Luo Hong was smart, but she always felt that something was wrong here. Sun Shufen didn't have the brains. She would believe whatever others said.

Outside the state-owned factory, Peng Jindong saw the accurate license plate number and immediately rushed to stop him. He fell directly in front of the car. Fortunately, he did not get scratched by the car.Upon hearing that Peng Jinxi wanted to do fabric business with him, Director Yu glanced at Peng Jindong who was sitting on the ground and signaled the driver to ignore him and drive away. If Peng Jindong didn't get out of the way, he would call the police.At the same time, Luo Hong thought of a way to take away the garbage placed outside the fabric factory, rummaged through it and found the fabrics. By asking the factory employees, she learned that the fabrics they found were all spandex.The Peng Jinxi brothers were staying in a guest house in Shanghai. In the middle of the night, Peng Jinxi got up and called Peng Jinxiu and learned that Luo Hong and Sun Shufen had gotten the fabric back from Dalian.Before I could say the next words, Big Brother lost power.

Sun Shufen used the fabric she got back to make a pair of swimming trunks. Peng Jinxiu took the water and tried it, and found that the so-called spandex fabric would shrink. Fortunately, she didn't buy ten pieces, otherwise she would have lost them all. Now she can only wait.Good news for Peng Jinxi.But Peng Jinxiu told Peng Jinxi that they had found spandex fabric. They were probably on their way back, so the three of them became very anxious.Peng Jinxi and Peng Jindong found Director Yu's home. Director Yu's lover was quite enthusiastic. She was a fellow villager of Hongluoxian, but Director Yu still didn't have a good attitude towards them, so the two returned without success again and prepared to go back.Mansion.That night, Peng Jinxi finally contacted Luo Hong and learned that what they brought back was not genuine spandex, so Peng Jinxi could only keep it.

Peng Jindong used to raise pigeons, and it just so happened that the factory director also liked raising pigeons. It happened that Peng Jindong discovered that factory director Yu's pigeons seemed to be sick. He offered to help the factory director cure the pigeons in exchange for factory director Yu and Peng Jinxi talking to each other..Sun Shufen sighed when something happened, Luo Hong was busy registering a trademark, and Tan Youwei said it would take some time to register a trademark.Thanks to Peng Jindong, Peng Jinxi was able to talk to Factory Director Yu, but Director Yu always said that the rules were the rules. Spandex fabric was a planned fabric and could not be cooperated with private factories.Later, Peng Jinxi took a step back and hoped that Director Yu would allow them to enter the factory to see what the spandex fabric looked like.Entering the factory this time was another turning point. Peng Jinxi not only understood the production process of spandex fabrics, but also thought of a way to get the best of both worlds.

This method was very good, and Director Yu finally agreed to cooperate.After Peng Jinxi and Luo Hong finished the phone call, they returned to Xingcheng soon and announced that Jinhong spandex swimsuits had begun official production.At this moment, Jia Weimin called Peng Jinxi aside and said he wanted to talk to him.

《the swimsuit saga》E31Plot

Episode 31

The swimsuit saga episode 31 plot introduction: There is a road before the car reaches the mountain

The factory has started to produce spandex. Jia Weimin thought that he was a shareholder after paying the money. He hurried over to talk to Peng Jinxi, but he learned that Peng Jinxi only asked him to borrow money, not invest in shares. He also heard that the price of spandex swimsuits was too expensive, and now it is produced.His little heart couldn't handle the spandex swimsuits he couldn't sell.Qin Sheng called Mr. Zhang and unexpectedly learned that Peng Jinxi's spandex swimsuit could not be sold because it was too expensive. He was very happy at his misfortune.Peng Jinxi had his own idea. Small traders thought spandex swimsuits were too expensive, so he took the goods back, stopped production for a while, and changed the original sales channels.The most high-end shopping mall in the three northeastern provinces is Zhongxing Mall, so Peng Jinxi went on a business trip to talk to people from Zhongxing Mall about cooperation in putting spandex swimsuits on the shelves.

Jia Weimin persuaded Luo Xian to apologize to Qin Sheng on behalf of Peng Jinxi and Luo Hong. Luo Xian was not very smart. When he heard what Jia Weimin said made sense, he agreed in confusion, but Jia Weimin also gave Luo Xian a tape recorder.Peng Jinxi and his wife took Peng Jinxiu to find Manager Wang of Zhongxing Commercial Building and proposed the idea of ​​cooperation. They had done research in advance and found that the sales volume of foreign brands in commercial buildings was not good, and they were expensive, so not many people bought them.Manager Wang is still worried that Peng Jinxi's spandex swimsuit products are not selling well in the market. Luo Hong said that they will sell them for half a month first. If the sales are good, they will continue to cooperate. If the sales are not good, not only will the cooperation be terminated, but they will also compensate them 5,000 yuan.The monetary compensation shall be regarded as rent.Seeing their sincerity, the boss agreed to give it a try.

Luo Xian went to Qin Sheng, naturally not to apologize, but to hope that Qin Sheng would be lenient with Peng Jinxi.Qin Sheng refused and followed Luo Xian's words and said that all the swimsuit makers in Xingcheng were making money with him, so they followed him and waggled their tails.Jia Weimin used this recording to incite swimsuit makers in Quanxingcheng to boycott Qin Sheng and return all the goods.Qin Sheng was unlucky because of his own misdeeds, and no one in Xingcheng would follow him anymore.Peng Jinxi waited for a week, but Manager Wang still didn't call, which made him a little anxious.Finally, I got a call, but it was from the bank demanding a loan.As the days passed, Peng Jinxi felt more and more pressure, worried that her swimsuits would not sell well in shopping malls.Luo Hong's comfort did not have much effect.

The money owed to the creditors had to be repaid, so Peng Jinxi agreed that Jia Weimin would come over to sell the machines to pay off the debts, and called some creditors over for a meeting.At this moment, I finally received a phone call from Liu Yin Hua Ming.It turns out that Manager Wang went to Europe for inspection some time ago. When he came back, he saw that all the spandex swimsuits in Peng Jinxi's store had been sold out, and many customers complained because they couldn't buy any.Manager Wang quickly asked Peng Jinxi to replenish the goods, and then both parties took the time to sign a strategic contract.Peng Jinxi smiled broadly, and Jia Weimin had no choice but to pull back the machine he had just pulled out.It was useless for Qin Sheng to beg Mr. Zhang. Mr. Zhang said that if he did not accept Xingcheng swimsuits, the quantity would not be enough. She also persuaded Qin Sheng not to be angry anymore.The swimsuit manufacturer in Xingcheng returned all the last batch of fabrics. Yan Fang's proposal to make peace with Peng Jinxi was rejected.

At this time, Peng Jinxi's situation was very big. He wanted to share the spandex fabric with other people making swimwear in Xingcheng, because he understood that if he wanted to promote Xingcheng swimwear nationwide, it would not be enough to rely on one old Peng family.Peng Jinxiu and Sun Shufen disagreed, but in the end they had no choice but to agree.Peng Jinxi accepted the apology from the guys and generously shared all the spandex fabric with them.Qin Sheng once returned to Xingcheng in great glory, but in the end he left like a bereaved dog because of his own sins.

《the swimsuit saga》E32Plot

Episode 32

The swimsuit saga episode 32 plot introduction: Luo Xian gets back on his feet

Director Yu rushed to Xingcheng from Shanghai and signed a contract with Peng Jinxi and other Xingcheng colleagues. The camera captured this memorable scene.As Peng Jinxi's strategic awareness becomes stronger, Xingcheng Swimwear has spread all over the country, and has even begun to cooperate with foreigners.Peng Jinxi returned from negotiations with the French with a happy face.This cooperation has been finalized. The French want a quantity of 300,000 yuan and gave a deposit of 200,000 yuan in advance.Peng Jinxi used the deposit to expand production and repaid all the remaining money to his creditors. At the same time, he also wanted to see if anyone in Xingcheng was willing to buy shares or do OEM processing. Peng Jinxi warmly welcomed them.In this way, capital flow is no longer a problem, and it can also help the factory share some production pressure.The world map has already knocked on the door of France, and then all of Europe.

As the factory grew bigger and bigger, some people began to feel sore. Luo Xian felt somewhat uncomfortable when he heard others mention his leg.That day, Luo Shifu had dinner with Luo Hong and Peng Jinxi. Luo Shifu said that wine was bitter and vegetables were bitter, and he also deliberately mentioned words such as legs and crutches. Peng Jinxi immediately realized that Luo Shifu was reminding him of Luo Xian's lameness in disguise.He apologized quickly and said he would go find Luo Xian tomorrow.The next day, Peng Jinxi went to the video hall to find Luo Xian, planning to let him work as a quality inspector in the factory. He asked Luo Xian to go back and make a decision after discussing with Luo Shifu.Luo Xian told Luo Shifu about this. Luo Shifu was very happy, but Luo Xian was unwilling to go to Peng Jinxi's factory.Firstly, he was lame in one leg, and secondly, he didn’t know anyone in the factory, let alone do any quality inspection work, so he didn’t go.

The next day Luo Shifu came uninvited, saying that he would replace Luo Xian as a quality inspector in Peng Jinxi's factory.His bossy behavior made the employees in the factory very dissatisfied.When everyone heard that he was Peng Jinxi's father, everyone didn't believe it.Luo Shifu, a big man, immediately started a quarrel with these old ladies.Peng Jinxi observed what was going on inside outside the door. He knew that Luo Shifu was deliberately making trouble, otherwise Luo Xian would not come to work in the factory.Then Luo Hong took Peng Jinxi to the video hall to persuade Luo Xian to go to work. Luo Xian couldn't bear to see his brother-in-law's factory being disturbed by Luo Shifu, so he agreed to work in the factory.Peng Jinxiu had been dressing diligently since Luo Xian came to work in the factory, but she didn't expect that what she and Peng Jinxi just said was not obedient. Luo Xian heard it, and Luo Xian turned around and left without entering the room.

Peng Jinxi had a conference call later, so she had to ask her younger sisters Peng Jinxiu and Sun Shufen to explain it to Luo Xian.Peng Jinxiu told Luo Xian that as long as he kept improving, she would not dislike him no matter what he looked like.Luo Xian heard the meaning of her words, but Peng Jinxiu refused to say any more and ran out with a blushing face. Luo Xian followed closely with a cane.Later, Luo Xian told Peng Jinxi that he was willing to start from the grassroots level. Peng Jinxi gave him a machine and started to learn from the old employees.The employees were all off work, but Luo Xian was still busy. Peng Jinxiu was very considerate and brought him a box of dumplings, but forgot to bring vinegar and water, but Luo Xian still ate happily.Peng Jinxi always pays attention to foreign swimsuits. Although it is business, Luo Hong must not feel comfortable seeing him staring directly at the models wearing swimsuits.

Luo Hong and him were talking to each other, which seemed like they were quarreling, but in fact they were flirting.Luo Xian was fighting for first place and stayed up all night last night. Sun Shufen called him over to talk.

《the swimsuit saga》E33Plot

Episode 33

The swimsuit saga episode 33 plot introduction: The factory was blocked again after stealing electricity

Sun Shufen called Luo Xian to the office to talk. She first cared about his body, and then talked about the problem of him staying up late to make swimsuits and wasting electricity. Then she emphasized that she was actually concerned about Luo Xian's body.The speaker is intentional, and the listener is also intentional. When Luo Xian worked at night, he began to think about how to save electricity.But instead of thinking in the right direction, he actually connected the meter wires backwards to save electricity.Luo Hong asked Sun Shufen to add a layer of fabric to the swimsuit. If it was exactly the same as a foreign swimsuit brand, there would be infringement issues. However, Peng Jinxi asked Sun Shufen not to add fabric in order to save some fabric, and Sun Shufen did so.Peng Jinxi had just returned from a business trip to Nanjing, and within a minute of being warm to Luo Hong, Sun Shufen came over to tell them that something had happened in the factory.

The staff of the power supply bureau checked the meter and found that the wires were connected backwards and the meter did not discharge electricity, but moved backwards. This was obviously electricity theft.They blocked the electricity meter and the entire factory lost power. Within three days, Peng Jinxi needed to take the bill to the power supply bureau to pay the fine, otherwise he would have to wait for the court to seal it.Later, it was found out that Luo Xian did it. Peng Jinxi and Luo Hong said a few words to him, hoping that he could learn from this incident.When Luo Xian left, he overheard factory employees chewing on him behind his back. Those words were unpleasant to hear. Luo Xian was a person with strong self-esteem, and he felt sad and angry.In order to make him happy, Peng Jinxiu went to great lengths to buy him a bicycle wheelchair. Not only did Luo Xian not appreciate it, he also wanted to smash the bicycle wheelchair.

Peng Jinxiu also lost his temper and smashed everything in the small room in Luo Xian's video hall.Peng Jindong came over to borrow the toilet and happened to encounter a quarrel between the two. He tried to persuade them to make peace but it didn't work.Peng Jinxi listened to Peng Jinxiu talk about the ins and outs of the matter, and heard her complain that Luo Xian liked He Dan, who was very ordinary and not comparable to her at all.At this moment, Sun Shufen called again and said that there was an accident at the factory.Jinhong Swimwear Factory was closed down by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau due to counterfeiting. Luo Hong checked and found out that the foreign brand is called Neo, which specializes in high-end lines. Because the swimsuits produced by Jinhong Swimwear Factory are exactly the same as those designed by Neo, they were banned by foreign brands.The unscrupulous merchants bought swimsuits disguised as Neo's and sold them, so Neo sued them. The country was cracking down on counterfeiting, so the factory was closed down.

Luo Shifu saw that the factory was closed down, and after asking around, he mistakenly thought that Luo Xian was stealing electricity, which led to the factory being closed down. He went to the video room to beat Luo Xian, but unexpectedly found that Luo Xian's leg had healed.Luo Hong mentioned that last time she asked Sun Shufen to add a piece of fabric to the neckline of her swimsuit to distinguish it. Peng Jinxiu scolded her indiscriminately. Peng Jinxi stopped the quarrel and admitted that she had asked Sun Shufen to add no fabric.Tan Youwei is now the deputy mayor. Peng Jinxiu and Peng Jindong went to him for help. But when the car carrying Tan Youwei came out of the city hall, he and Peng Jinxi made eye contact but did not stop the car. This made Peng Jinxi angry.Luo Xian told Peng Jinxiu the news that her leg was good and pushed her around twenty times. Peng Jinxiu calmed down and the two reconciled. Peng Jinxiu promised Luo Shifu to take good care of Luo Xian in the future.

Luo Hong contacted Neo and offered to pay 300,000 yuan in compensation. The other party has not agreed yet, but they have to collect the money first.In addition to the 200,000 collected, there was still 100,000 left. Luo Hong knew that Luo Shifu had money, but it was difficult to get money from him.Luo Shifu urged Luo Xian to get up and look for Peng Jinxiu, and even brought the portrait of Luo Xian's mother, so Luo Xian had to go to Lao Peng's house to find Peng Jinxiu.

《the swimsuit saga》E34Plot

Episode 34

The swimsuit saga episode 34 plot introduction: one wave is over, another wave is rising again

As soon as Luo Xian entered Peng Jinxiu's room, he went straight to the point and asked her to marry him. Peng Jinxiu was stunned. Luo Xian said that when they get married, they can get the wedding money prepared by Luo Shifu for Peng Jinxi and Luo Hong to use urgently.Peng Jinxiu agreed, and the two went straight to Peng Jinxi's house that night to tell them the good news that they had reconciled and were getting married. In order to prove that this was serious, Luo Xian hugged Peng Jinxiu and kissed her, making Peng Jinxi and his wife embarrassed..Peng Jinxi and his wife accompanied them to find Luo Shifu. Luo Shifu was very happy and promised to give them a gift of 100,000 yuan after they received the certificate.Luo Xian obviously didn't expect that he still needed to get a certificate, so he randomly found someone to make a fake marriage certificate the next day. Of course, no one else knew about it except Luo Xian. Unexpectedly, Luo Shifu had to say that he would keep the marriage certificate for them.

Peng Jinxi was reading the newspaper that day when his father-in-law Luo Shifu suddenly appeared behind him and strangled Peng Jinxi with a strong arm until his face turned red.The misunderstanding was explained clearly, and Luo Shifu unexpectedly learned that the factory was encountering difficulties. If the 300,000 yuan in goods could not be supplied, they would not be able to compensate even if they sold the house.Luo Shifu fainted as soon as he walked out of the door and was rushed to the hospital. Fortunately, he was not seriously injured.British Neo Company found a legal attorney and went to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to sue Jinhong Swimwear Factory. Peng Jinxiu went to Tan Youwei's house to block him. He had called Tan Youwei before, but he found his house because he had no choice.Come.Tan Youwei told him clearly that he had arranged the anti-counterfeiting operation in Xingcheng Swimwear, and it was also his decision to close the factory.Tan Youwei has one attitude towards Xingcheng swimwear, he would rather lack it than overuse it.

Qin Sheng became a member of Neo Company again and filed a complaint with the Legal Affairs Bureau at the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.Peng Jinxi was still discussing countermeasures. Peng Jindong suggested giving Tan Youwei some good cigarettes and wine. Maybe he had changed and was doing this now.Both Peng Jinxi and Luo Hong thought it was inappropriate, so they did not agree.Peng Jinxi didn't want to go to Tan Youwei again. One of the reasons was that he still owed an order of 300,000 yuan. If Tan Youwei knew about it, he would definitely not let him do it again.In the hospital, Peng Jinxiu overheard what Luo Shifu said to Luo Xian, and found that Luo Shifu was not the one who added insult to injury and was willing to share the responsibility with the old Peng family, and was immediately moved.Peng Jinxi asked everyone for help. Now no one dares to produce anymore, but there is still some inventory. The inventory finally reached 300,000 yuan.

Unexpectedly, Peng Jindong pretended to be smart and bought two cigarettes to find Tan Youwei. He also accidentally revealed that Peng Jinxi still owed an order of 300,000 yuan.As soon as Peng Jindong walked away with a cigarette, Tan Youwei asked people to stare at the closed swimsuit factory and Peng Jinxi.As soon as Peng Jinxi loaded the goods into the truck, Er Sheng, the driver, noticed that there was a car following them.Peng Jinxi asked Er Sheng to drive around, and the people behind him were chasing after him. Peng Jinxi had no choice but to let Er Sheng drive the car to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau and voluntarily surrender.The result was that Peng Jinxi was fine, but all the goods were turned over, and Director Liu of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau gave Peng Jinxi a moving red flag.Many self-employed people were very dissatisfied. Peng Jinxi reassured everyone that he would compensate everyone for the goods, so these people kept silent.

Luo Hong went to see Tan Youwei again. This time Tan Youwei knew that Luo Hong was a sensible person and finally gave her a clear path.If Jinhong Swimwear Factory, and even Xingcheng Swimwear as a whole, wants to get out of the predicament, they must have their own designed swimwear products, so that no matter where their products go, others will no longer have reason to sue them.

《the swimsuit saga》E35Plot

Episode 35

The swimsuit saga episode 35 plot introduction: Difficult to find the designer

Luo Hong came out of the city hall and met Qin Sheng.Qin Shengte said that he was only the general agent of Neo Company in China, and there was really nothing he could do about the legal affairs, but if she and Peng Jinxi had financial problems, he would do his best to help.Luo Hong had long seen Qin Sheng's character clearly and did not accept his hypocritical behavior.Peng Jinxi invited Mr. Shi to have a drink and dinner. He drank a lot of wine and spoke eloquently, and successfully persuaded Mr. Shi to buy another batch of swimsuits.He probably drank too much, and when he talked to Luo Hong at night, he was always wrong. Luo Hong told him that he couldn't do business anymore, so he advised him to go to bed quickly.The next day, Peng Jinxi went to Xu Zhiling's place to pick up the goods. There were still several goods that had not yet been delivered. This scene was taken by the person Qin Sheng sent to follow him with a camera.

The legal officer saw Qin Sheng chatting with Luo Hong. He disapproved of Qin Sheng's contact with people from the Lao Peng family, especially at this juncture. Once any business secrets were revealed, it would be detrimental to Neo.The two went to the city hall to find Tan Youwei. Qin Sheng deliberately took out the photos to put pressure on Tan Youwei to deal with Peng Jinxi and his swimsuit factory as soon as possible.Those photos are the scenes of Peng Jinxi making goods.Luo Hong made a plan, but Peng Jinxi refused to sign it. He believed that the fabric was his own and the swimsuits were made in his own factory, so the swimsuits were his and there was no patent issue at all.Luo Hong's loyal words were off-putting, but Peng Jinxi couldn't listen. At this time, Tan Youwei called and asked Peng Jinxi to go to the city hall and talk to him about something.

The leadership team was in a meeting, and Tan Youwei tried his best to reason, hoping not to beat Xingcheng Swimsuit to death with a stick.Some people had different opinions, and the discussion did not produce a clear result.Peng Jinxi came, Tan Youwei read the plan written by Luo Hong, and then asked Peng Jinxi how to rectify it.Peng Jinxi didn't say a word to the point, and he didn't realize the importance of independent design to a company. He even doubted whether Tan Youwei had received any benefits from Qin Sheng.Tan Youwei ordered Peng Jinxi to go back with the report and make serious rectifications for one month. If the rectifications were not good, the business would be closed down permanently.After returning home, Peng Jinxi figured it out and discussed with everyone to research his own products. One of him and Luo Hong went to Shanghai to find legal counsel, and the other went to Shanghai to find an independent designer.

Sun Shufen didn't know anything, so she proposed that she be the designer and Peng Jindong be the legal officer. Everyone looked around and talked about him, looking for topics to talk about and not picking up Sun Shufen's words.Then Peng Jinxi found a designer named Tang through the help of factory director Yu. However, Ms. Tang only wanted to cooperate with foreign businessmen, and the salary conditions were second to none, so the negotiation was not successful the first time.Luo Hong went smoothly in Beijing. She found Professor Ma, who offered 50,000 yuan to help Jinhong Swimwear Factory resolve the dispute.The things Sun Shufen drew most of the night looked like the handiwork of a primary school student, and Peng Jindong called her a fool.Peng Jinxi saw Miss Tang's clothing design work in a magazine. He decided to hire designer Tang, so he went to the coffee shop to find Miss Tang. He said that Xingcheng had the largest coffee shop in Northeast China, so he invited her to Xingcheng.

Seeing that Miss Tang was still hesitant, Peng Jinxi took a step back and said he would go back and take a photo for her, and she would decide whether to go or not after seeing it.Back in Xingcheng, Peng Jinxi deceived Jia Weimin and successfully aroused his idea of ​​opening a coffee shop to make money.Peng Jinxi asked Sun Shufen for help and asked her to make some aprons.Er Sheng and the others helped Jia Weimin take over Luoxian's video parlor and renovated it into a coffee shop.

《the swimsuit saga》E36Plot

Episode 36

The swimsuit saga episode 36 plot introduction: Luo Shifu’s bad things

Peng Jindong used to repair cars in a farm repair shop and was good at car pliers, rivets and electric welding. Peng Jinxi took out a magazine and showed him the hand-grinding coffee machine on it, and asked his elder brother to follow his example and make a similar hand-grinding coffee machine.Soon, the hand-grinding coffee machine was made, and the apron was also made. Jia Weimin went in to grind the coffee, made a few cups of coffee and started tasting it.Since this was their first time making coffee, and they didn't know what good coffee tasted like, Jia Weimin was skeptical about making money from something with a weird taste.Peng Jindong took a sip and felt something familiar. After thinking about it, he thought it was the smell of Sun Shufen's foot washing water. Sun Shufen also thought it was the smell after taking a sip.This coffee made them both sick. Peng Jinxiu refused to drink it, and Luo Xian took a sip, but he had rhinitis, so everything he drank tasted the same.

Peng Jinxi did not give Jia Weimin a chance to figure it out and urged him to open a business and make money quickly.On the day of the opening, customers lined up to drink coffee in the cafe. Luo Shifu brought a cup to drink and boasted that he always drank it when he was in Shenyang on business trips.Men, women, and children all drank coffee that day, but they didn’t know how refreshing it was. None of them could fall asleep until midnight. The next day, they all discussed what time they went to bed last night. Some didn’t go to bed until four in the morning.Some didn't even sleep all night.Peng Jinxi bought a ticket to go to Shanghai, showed the photos to Tang Wanru, and sincerely apologized and said that the Weimin Cafe did not exist before, and that it was the equipment that he bought after returning to open the cafe. This was also to let her see the fun.mobility of city dwellers.Peng Jinxi was full of sincerity, and Tang Wanru finally agreed to go to Xingcheng.

Miss Tang’s design fee and Miss Tang’s design fee totaled 300,000 yuan, not counting the money for pattern making and production.Peng Jinxi said that he should use his family's money to pay for the first batch first, and then think of something later.Tan Youwei took 10,000 yuan and lent it to Peng Jinxi for emergency relief. Although the money was not much, it was still a thoughtful gesture.Jia Weimin's cafe has no customers, only Tang Wanru, but she only orders one cup of coffee every day.Jia Weimin went to Peng Jinxi for help, and Luo Hong suggested that he develop Luo Xian's group of young people into target users.Luo Xian dropped a few words and asked Luo Shifu to think carefully. If he didn't lend money to Peng Jinxi, Luo Hong would also have to starve when the factory went bankrupt.Peng's mother used her cross-river money to help. Peng Jinxiu originally wanted her mother to persuade her second brother, but now she changed her mind.

Tang Wanru has a lively personality and gets along well with Peng Jinxi. Unexpectedly, Luo Shifu, who came to give money, heard the laughter of the two and mistakenly thought that Miss Wang had thoughts about Peng Jinxi. When Peng Jinxi left, he started to say all kinds of bad things about Peng Jinxi to Tang Wanru.As soon as Tang Wanru heard that Peng Jinxi had no money, she planned to leave.Peng Jinxi learned that Luo Shifu had done it, and angrily scolded her father-in-law.That night, Peng Jinxi and the others took a large group of people from Xingcheng Swimwear to the train station to stop the designer.Luo Xian was also extremely anxious. Jia Weimin called Luo Xian over at this moment and took out tens of thousands of dollars. He and Luo Xian sent the money to Peng Jinxi together.

Tang Wanru and Professor Ma rushed to the train station, but were stopped on the way. Peng Jinxi and others persuaded her and Professor Ma to stay, and said that they could give them 270,000 first.Tang Wanru said that this was not a matter of money. She heard Luo Shifu say that Peng Jinxi had character problems, so Tang Wanru did not want to continue to cooperate.

《the swimsuit saga》E37Plot

Episode 37

The swimsuit saga episode 37 finale plot introduction: Jinhong Swimsuit Factory goes bankrupt

Putting aside Peng Jinxi's character issues, Tang Wanru said they didn't have enough money. At this time, Jia Weimin sent 40,000 yuan. The money was finally enough, and Professor Ma and Tang Wanru finally agreed to stay.Peng Jindong bought out his seniority, and he was going to use the money to Peng Jinxi for emergency relief, but Sun Shufen fell in love with money, took the money into the room, locked the door, and refused to give the money to Peng Jindong.Peng Jindong sat on the bench and spent the whole night with her.The next day, while Peng Jindong was asleep on the ground, Sun Shufen secretly took the money out and gave it to Peng Jinxi in the factory.She had never seen so much money in her life, so she stayed warm all night, but she also knew that Peng Jinxi was short of money now, so she still sent the money to Peng Jinxi for samples.

Peng Jindong brought another good news. Through Professor Ma's efforts, Peng Jinxi could be exempted from jail and the dispute could be resolved with a fine.There are only nine days left before the one month that Tan Youwei originally said. However, if Qin Sheng does not withdraw the lawsuit, Jinhong Swimwear Factory will not be able to open and can only wait until the court makes a decision.Although he was exempted from prison, Jinhong Swimwear Factory became insolvent and went bankrupt because the factory had not been unblocked and could not mass-produce the swimsuits he designed. It defaulted on several orders and defaulted on several orders.Qin Sheng wanted to acquire Jinhong Swimwear Factory, and his attitude was so arrogant that Peng Jindong couldn't help but want to beat him.Later, Qin Sheng stepped on Peng Jinxi's shoulders and acquired a swimsuit factory. Peng Jinxi wished him good luck in starting his business.

Luo Hong sat with Peng Jinxi on the beach. She comforted him and said that he could take advantage of this time to rest. In the past few years, Peng Jinxi had been busy with the swimsuit business and never stopped.Qin Sheng took over the processing of the Italian brand. The swimsuits were all ready and he was waiting to contact the shipping company after the holiday to ship them to Italy for delivery.Qin Sheng invited some old people to Xingcheng to make swimsuits, including Jia Weimin, Er Sheng and San Pang, but Peng Jinxi was missing.First, Jia Weimin refused to drink and left the table on the spot, then Er Sheng, San Pang and others, leaving Yan Fang alone at the dinner.Yan Fang suggested that Qin Sheng and Peng Jinxi cooperate, and the two of them join forces to make Xingcheng Swimwear bigger and stronger. However, Qin Sheng just dislikes Peng Jinxi and doesn't want to hear his name at all.

At this moment, Qin Sheng received a call and learned that there was a fire in Dongsheng Swimwear Factory. When the fire fighters arrived, the fire was already very intense. It was said that the fire was caused by aging wiring.All the goods in the factory were probably burned. Peng Jinxi thought of Qin Sheng and turned around to see Qin Sheng in another building. He saw the factory on fire through the window, his face full of shock and pain.Everyone came to the factory director's office to press for debts. Tan Youwei came over and took Qin Sheng to conduct some necessary investigations. He then hoped that Peng Jinxi could help Qin Sheng, and Peng Jinxi agreed.Because Peng Jinxi has a strong appeal among Xingcheng swimsuit people, everyone is willing to do it with him.Everyone worked hard day and night, and actually made enough swimsuits.

Shipping by sea would delay the delivery time, so Peng Jinxi and Luo Hong paid for shipping out of their own pockets.Later, Peng Jinxi met Qin Sheng on the city wall. Qin Sheng said that the Italian manufacturers were very satisfied with the batch of goods delivered by Peng Jinxi. It seemed that Jinhong Swimwear was about to make a comeback.The story does not end here. The swimsuit designed by Tang Wanru won an international award. Tan Youwei brought good news. In view of the efforts and changes of Jinhong Swimwear Factory, the municipal party committee and government formulated support policies for swimwear companies. Jinhong SwimwearThe factory reopened, and the new swimsuits it produced quickly opened up the national market, and later gradually spread to the world.Through the hard work of generations of swimsuit people, Xingcheng Swimsuit the swimsuit saga has become more and more popular.


the swimsuit saga

the swimsuit saga

Total 37 Episodes Mar 29, 2024 C-Drama Comedy Actor: Zhang Ruihan Yu Yang Yang Zishan Qiao Shan