《Chinese Paladin 3》Ep Intro

Yuzhou City, this prosperous and ancient city, looks peaceful and harmonious under the sunshine.In Yong'an, a young boy named Jingtian is busy.Although he is in the market, he has big dreams and is a born optimist.

One day, when Sedum was wandering in the market, his eyes were attracted by a gorgeously dressed woman.The woman's name is Xuejian, and she is the eldest lady of the Tang clan.The moment the two people's eyes met, the jade pendants worn by each other seemed to have some strange resonance, as if they were pulling their destiny.

In this way, Jingtian and Xuejian met in a lively and embarrassing way.They often quarreled, but inadvertently showed their care for each other.This pair of happy enemies left countless laughing memories in the streets of Yuzhou City.

However, they don't know that they are destined to be each other, and they both have secrets hidden in them for several generations.Xuejian's family background is complicated, and Jingtian also has an extraordinary background.Their meeting was not by chance, but by fate.

With the drastic changes in the Xuejian family, Jingtian and Xuejian were involved in a turmoil in the world.They had to face the bloody storm of the world, and at the same time, they also met a group of knights in the world such as Zixuan, Long Kui and Changqing.

Accompanied by their friends, they experienced many thrilling adventures and felt the warmth of friendship.But at the same time, they also realize the great responsibility and mission they shoulder.

The sunshine in Yuzhou City is still bright, and the legend of Jingtian and Xuejian continues.They know that there is still a long way to go, and what awaits them will be a more thrilling future and great responsibility.But they also firmly believe that as long as they join hands with each other, no matter how many difficulties lie ahead, they can move forward bravely and write their own legendary stories.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E1Plot

Episode 1

In the prosperous city of Yuzhou in the Tang Dynasty, there lived a cheerful and optimistic young man named Jingtian.His parents have passed away long ago, but his father was once the shopkeeper of Yong'an Pawn Shop, which led him to have an in-depth study of antiques since he was a child.Jingtian also has two young children, Xu Maoshan and He Biping, and the three of them are often inseparable.

One night, the three of them made a wish on the shooting stars, but a meteor shower dropped a jade pendant for Sedum.This jade pendant seemed to have mysterious power. The next day, Jingtian and the owner of the other jade pendant, the eldest lady of Tangjiabao, Xue Jian, were sucked together by the jade pendant, making it difficult to separate.Xuejian is a beautiful and lovely woman, but there is an unknown secret - whenever spring comes, her hair will grow out of control; in autumn, her hair will turn yellow and fall off.No one knows this secret except Grandpa Tang Kun and his personal maid.However, this secret was accidentally discovered by Jingtian.

Episode 1

Yuzhou City was in an uproar because of the strange situation of the two people.But then, Jingtian's jade pendant was snatched away by a mysterious man. He showed Jingtian a painting of doomsday, claiming that this was the world after 300 days, and also claimed that Jingtian was the savior.Jingtian was confused about this, and the people in Tangjiabao arrested him because his previous behavior involved destroying people's innocence.Although Jingtian relied on his cleverness to stop the angry Miss Tang from seeking death, he still lost his identity as the shopkeeper of Yongan because he offended the Tang family and was burdened with debts.

Tang Kun has been blaming himself for not keeping the relic left by his son - a broken teapot lid.In order to please his grandfather, Xuejian asked Sedum to make an identical teapot lid.On the night of the Beginning of Spring, Xuejian went to the foot of Shushan Mountain alone late at night to collect flower dew, regardless of personal safety, in order to treat his grandfather's diabetes.Coincidentally, Jingtian also happened to go to the foot of Shu Mountain to wait for the meteor shower to pick up treasures, so the two met by chance and were subsequently involved in the vortex of the poisonous incident.

At the critical moment, Xu Changqing, the great disciple of the Shushan Sect, came like an immortal in white clothes. He was wearing a white gown, holding a long sword, and pointed at the enemy.There was silence in the square.Faced with the arrogance of the Evil Sword Immortal, Xu Changqing showed great strength and blasted the Evil Sword Immortal into ashes.After the battle, Sedum lay in the middle of the square as if exhausted, his heart filled with confusion and fear about the future.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E2Plot

Episode 2

Yuzhou City, this once prosperous city, has been shrouded in a shadow recently.The appearance of the mysterious poisonous man has caused people in the city to continue to disappear, making people panic.As a disciple of Shushan, Changqing stepped into this chaotic land under the orders of his master to seek the truth.

By chance, Changqing met Jingtian and Xuejian who were besieged by poisonous people.In times of crisis, Changqing came to the rescue and formed an indissoluble bond with the two.The three decided to work together to track down clues about the missing persons, the most critical of whom was Dong Wenxuan.

When Changqing and his party arrived at Dong Wenxuan's home, Changqing's special sense suddenly disappeared.After some tracking, they found that the sensor was pointing to a casino.Just when everyone thought it was inevitable, three mysterious elders appeared and rescued everyone with their precious holy lotus flowers.

Episode 2

This move alerted the mastermind behind the poisonous man.It turns out that those who created and controlled these poisonous people were Xuejian's second uncle Tang Yi and the leader of Pili Hall Luo Rulie.One of them wanted to compete for the position of head of the Tang Sect, and the other wanted to dominate the world, even at the expense of innocent people and turning them into poisonous people.

Tang Kun, the master of Tangjiabao, had no idea about all this.Although he is seriously ill, he is still always concerned about Xuejian's growth and future.He hoped that before he died, he could find a trustworthy partner for Xuejian, and this person was Chang Qing, the great disciple of Shushan.

Xuejian knows her grandfather's wish very well. In order to fulfill his wish, she has been secretly pursuing Changqing.However, her confession was overheard by Jingtian, and a misunderstanding and entanglement was about to unfold.

At the same time, the health of Tang Kun, the master of Tangjiabao, was deteriorating.In the process of taking care of him, Xuejian accidentally discovered that the back of the pot lid that Jingtian had imitated was engraved with the words "Pig Po". In anger, she rushed to Yong'an to settle the score with Jingtian.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E3Plot

Episode 3

When Jingtian overheard Xuejian's true confession to Changqing, he originally wanted to help the two of them.Unexpectedly, this kind intention put Xuejian into an embarrassing situation and was rejected in person.The regret in Jingtian's heart can be imagined.But when he learned that Xue Jian's move was to fulfill his grandfather's long-cherished wish, guilt surged into his heart like a tide.In order to make up for his mistakes, he decided to make a new pot lid for Xuejian, which means starting over.

Jingtian came to Tangjiabao with the pot lid in his arms, but failed to meet Xuejian. Instead, he was ridiculed by Xuejian's personal maid Xiaoyi.This encounter undoubtedly deepened Jingtian's inner anxiety.The poisonous situation in Yuzhou City is even worse.

These poisonous people are different from the previous red-eyed poisonous people. Their eyes are green and their behavior is more crazy. They bite everyone they see without mercy.Even the antidote refined in Tangjiabao had no effect on them.For a time, Yuzhou City fell into an unprecedented crisis.

According to legend, there is a mythical beast in this world called the Five Poison Beasts, which can detoxify poisonous people.But unfortunately, this is just an unconfirmed legend, and no one knows whether it actually exists.

Episode 3

Faced with such a severe situation, Jingtian decided to take extreme measures.He plans to use the most lethal artifact in the world - “Extinguishing Fire”.In order to rescue the trapped Xuejian, Changqing and others, Jingtian teleported through the communication device and sent “Phantom Sound Flute” into their hands.But the Requiem can only be used eight times, and each time is crucial.

Seeing that Xue was concerned about her grandfather at home, she decided to return to Tangjiapu.However, what she saw was that the building was deserted and her grandfather had been captured by Perak Hall.People in Tangjiabao were panicked, each was acting in his own way, and there was chaos.Some people even took the opportunity to steal the Tang family's treasures, but Xuejian was the only one who held on to the family's honor.

In desperation, Jingtian and Xuejian accidentally discovered the secret passage of Tangjiabao.However, the exit of the secret passage is difficult to find, and the two are trapped in it.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E4Plot

Episode 4

In the maze of Tangjiabao, Jingtian and Xuejian inadvertently came to a mysterious water column.Xuejian discovered a strange creature next to the water column. It looked like a potato, but it was alive and could even understand people's conversations.This creature is the legendary “Five Poison Beast”.However, at this time Xuejian did not realize the extraordinary power possessed by this seemingly ordinary little guy.

Under the guidance of the Five Poison Beasts, the two successfully escaped from the maze.In the process, Xuejian gave the only antidote left by Changqing, which was originally intended for grandpa, to Jingtian and ordered him to take it.But Jingtian cleverly let Xuejian take the antidote.Unfortunately, Sedum was scratched by a poisonous man during his escape, and the poisonous gas quickly spread throughout his body.

After being poisoned, Sedum became restless and tried to drive away Xuejian in various ways.But Xuejian stayed by his side and controlled him with “Requiem”.Changqing, Maoshan and Biping were all shocked when they learned about Jingtian's poisoning.The poisonous people outside the door also calmed down when they heard the voice of “Requiem”.With the joint efforts of everyone, the poisonous people in Tangjiabao were temporarily controlled and imprisoned in the dungeon.

Episode 4

While Changqing was playing the Requiem Curse“, Wenxuan suddenly went crazy.He was worried that Changqing would hurt his mother when he went down the mountain, so he decided to commit suicide.He cut himself deeply, damaging a major artery.At this critical moment, Changqing used Nuwa's spiritual stone to save Wenxuan.

In Tangjiabao, everyone was busy looking for the ”Five Poison Beast%, but they found that Jingtian left a letter and left.When they found Jingtian, he was hiding in the toilet in Yong'andang.In order not to bite innocent people, he ruthlessly pulled out his own teeth.At this time, the jacaranda gave off a strange light and transformed from a potato into a beautiful and petite girl.She used magic to detoxify Sedum and he quickly returned to normal.

After returning to Tangjiabao, Changqing used Hua Ying to detoxify the poisonous people.Wenxuan searched for his mother Ouran among the poisonous people, but could not find her.Hua Ying was exhausted because she had spent a lot of strength. She told Xuejian that she must save Tang Kun as soon as possible - he was in Pili Hall.Chang Yin and others use high-precision search tools-reasoning and analysis techniques to sense special sounds or strange images.It turns out that under the Big Sanyuan is the Perak Hall.According to the guidance of the Five Poison Beasts, Xuejian learned that her grandfather Tang Kun was in Pili Hall.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E5Plot

Episode 5

Tang Yi, as a member of Tangjiabao, persisted in forcing Tang Kun to hand over his position as the hall leader.He couldn't understand Tang Kun's good intentions and only wanted to pursue personal power and status.His selfishness and cowardice made him go further and further in his pursuit of power, and eventually he fell into a situation from which he could not extricate himself.

In order to save Tang Yi's life, Tang Kun had to use the power of the Five Poison Beasts to remove the poisonous skills he had practiced for many years from his body.This move not only demonstrated Tang Kun's fatherly love, but also reflected his wisdom and determination.Afterwards, everyone left Perak Tang and returned to Tangjiabao.The magical power of the Five Poison Beasts not only saved all the poisonous people in Tangjiabao, but also reunited Wenxuan mother and son.

Wenxuan's mother, Ouran, was poisoned and her life was hanging by a thread.At the critical moment, the Five Poison Beasts successfully removed the poison from Ouran's body with the help of Tang Yi's poison attack.However, during the rescue process, the Five Poison Beasts consumed a lot of vitality and eventually turned back into a potato and needed to be buried deep in the soil to adjust their breathing.

Episode 5

After experiencing this series of storms, Xuejian gradually matured in the ordeal.Upon seeing this, Tang Kun decided to officially pass on the treasure of the gate - the Five Poison Beasts to Xuejian.After the Five Poison Beasts transformed into human form, they looked simple and cute, and their temperament was similar to the jacaranda flower, so they were named jacaranda.

It turns out that the mystery of Xuejian's life experience was also revealed in this storm.Jingtian's father and Tang Kun have been friends for many years.Back then, Jingtian's parents found Xuejian at the door of their home. Since they were unable to take care of her, they gave her to their friend Tang Kun for adoption.Because he found it on a snowy day, he named it Xuejian, but Xuejian himself didn't know it.

Tang Kun entrusted Xuejian to the care of Jingtian, and Jingtian solemnly promised that no matter what happens in the future, he will take good care of Xuejian.There is no such thing as a banquet that lasts forever. After the poisonous incident subsides, Chang Qing, Chang Yin and others will return to Shu Mountain to continue practicing.Before leaving, Changqing revealed that Xuejian's true love was about to appear, leaving suspense and expectations for this legendary story.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E6Plot

Episode 6

The demonic energy has been rising for days. In the Demon Locking Tower, a thousand-year-old demon sword was easily touched by a mysterious master, and its seal was instantly released.This mysterious man is none other than Chonglou, the Demon Lord from the Demon Realm.His purpose was to awaken the memory of his ultimate opponent, General Feipeng, and continue the unfinished duel.

In the mortal city of Yuzhou, a cheerful and optimistic young man, Jingtian, was making wishes on the shooting stars with his two childhood friends, Xu Maoshan and He Biping.A meteor shower fell, and one of the jade pendants was taken by Sedum.Unexpectedly, the next day, Jingtian and the owner of another jade pendant, the eldest lady of Tangjiabao, Xue Jian, were attracted by the mysterious power of the jade pendant and were unable to separate.

Sedum's life therefore became turbulent.His jade pendant was snatched away by a mysterious man, who showed him a painting of the end of the world 300 days later, claiming that Sedum was the savior.Then, due to a misunderstanding, he offended the Tang family, lost his status as the shopkeeper of Yongan, and was burdened with debts.

Episode 6

When Chonglou took away the magic sword, he destroyed the Demon Locking Tower, making the Evil Sword Immortal in the tower ready to move.Qingwei sent Chang Yin to guard the Demon Locking Tower, and at the same time appointed Chang Qing to go down the mountain to look for Jingtian.Changqing was not the only one looking for Jingtian, Mo Zhonglou also found him and gave him a spiritual ancient sword.

Sedum is actually the reincarnation of General Feipeng in the God Realm.He was once an invincible general who protected the divine realm and defended against foreign enemies, but now he is far from what he was back then.Facing Chonglou's challenge, he could not continue the unfinished duel.

In order to get rid of Chonglou's persecution, Jingtian tried every trick, but he was seen through every time.Under Chonglou's pressure, he turned to Changqing for help, but Changqing was also seriously injured.So, Jingtian and Chonglou agreed, Wait for him to finish,After completing the three impossible wishes in life, he will then compete with Chonglou.Chonglou believed it and let them go for the time being.

Jingtian carried the seriously injured Changqing, threw away his sword, and vowed to send him back to Shushan.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E7Plot

Episode 7

Changqing was taken back to Shushan by Jingtian to recuperate.Here, Jingtian finally met the person who appeared frequently in his dreams - Qingwei, the head of the Shushan Sect.The head of Qingwei has deep eyes and an upright attitude. He has special expectations for Jingtian.

During his days in Shushan, the head of Qingwei introduced Jingtian to a little-known secret place - the Demon Locking Tower.This tower is a forbidden area for the Shushan Sect, hiding a thrilling history from twenty-five years ago.

Twenty-five years ago, the demon world and the evil spirit world formed an alliance with the intention of occupying the human world.Faced with this powerful force, although the Shushan faction tried its best, they still fell into the dilemma of being outnumbered and outnumbered.In order to protect the world, five brothers, Qingwei, Jingming, Heyang, Canggu, and Youxuan, decided to jointly practice the Shushan sect's forbidden arts to eliminate evil thoughts from the body, thereby greatly improving their own skills.

After seven days of hard work, they successfully defeated the invasion of the demon world and the evil spirit world and restored peace and tranquility in the world.However, they also paid a huge price for this.After forcing the evil thoughts out of their bodies, they discovered that this evil spirit was extremely powerful and continued to grow stronger with all the evil thoughts in the world as survival nourishment.In order to prevent this evil spirit from causing harm to the world, they sealed it in the Demon Locking Tower.

Episode 7

However, things didn't end there.As time goes by, the evil spirit continues to accumulate strength in the Demon Locking Tower and becomes more and more powerful.If it is allowed to continue to be cultivated and formed, it will become the largest evil body outside the six realms, and no one can defeat it.

In order to eliminate this evil spirit, the only way is to introduce it into Tianchi in the God Realm.Tianchi is the purest place in the God Realm and can wash away all evil.But going to the God Realm is not easy. It requires the approval of the Emperor of Heaven and the blood of heavenly beings is poured on the Heavenly Stone, and then the door to the God Realm will be opened.

In order to find qualified heavenly beings, the head of Qingwei and four elders cut their hands on the Babel Stone to test, but they failed.Just when everyone felt desperate, Changqing's blood spurted out, and the heavenly gate of the divine world immediately appeared.It turns out that Jingtian and Changqing are the best candidates to complete this important task.

So, Jingtian and Changqing embarked on a journey to find the Five Spiritual Pearls.The five spirit beads represent the power of the five elements of water, fire, thunder, wind, and earth respectively, and are the key to the divine world.In the process, they not only have to face various dangers and challenges, but also constantly tap into their inner courage and wisdom.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E8Plot

Episode 8

At the foot of Shushan Mountain, the figures of Jingtian and Changqing gradually drifted away.They shoulder the important task of slaying demons and demons and are determined to protect the peace and tranquility of the world.Along the way, Jingtian showed his outstanding courage and wisdom, and tried his best to fight against the monsters who escaped from the Monster Lock Tower.

These monsters were originally sealed by the Demon Locking Tower, but because the magic sword was taken away and the seal of the Demon Locking Tower was lifted, they fled one after another, and some of them even went to Yuzhou City.After learning the news, Jingtian and Changqing immediately decided to return to Yuzhou and divided their troops into two groups to launch operations.Changqing continued to track the whereabouts of the evildoer, while Jingtian returned to Yong'andang and told friends there about their adventures on Shushan Mountain.

After returning to Yong'an, Jingtian couldn't help bragging about his heroic performance on Shushan Mountain.However, what he was most proud of was not only his courage, but also the precious helmet given to him by Qingwei, the head of the Shushan Sect.This helmet was once the treasure of Long Yang, the prince of Jiang Kingdom. It is made of rare materials and is said to have mysterious power.The head of Qingwei specially told Jingtian not to wear this helmet easily unless it is appropriate.

Episode 8

Just when Jingtian was immersed in memories, he accidentally discovered that Xuejian, the former eldest lady of Tangjiabao, had fallen into such a state of desperation that she was living on the street.After Xuejian's identity was exposed, she lost her foothold in Tangjiabao and could only wander around.When Sedum found her, she had not had a full meal for many days.

In order to fulfill Xuejian's wish and allow her to see her grandfather for the last time, Jingtian resolutely decided to take Maoshan and Biping to Tangjiapu.He held the Millennium Demonic Sword and swung a passage. Even though he fainted on the way, he never gave up.In the end, Jingtian successfully helped Xuejian fulfill her wish, allowing her to give her grandfather the last journey.

Later, Jingtian brought Xuejian back to Yongandang, and secretly took her in behind the back of his harsh boss.Under the protection of Yong Andang, Xuejian gradually regained his former vitality.In the process, Jingtian also strengthened his belief and determination, vowing to protect everyone around him from evildoers.

One morning a few days later, someone sent a message to Jingtian.Xuejian accidentally met her personal maid Xiaoyi at the entrance of the City God's Temple.Xiaoyi returned to her the jacaranda that she had been secretly collecting - the Five Poison Beasts and some things Xuejian used to use.Xiaoyi told Xuejian that in a few days she could redeem herself and return to her hometown to get married.This news made Xuejian feel both relieved and emotional. She knew that her life would also usher in a new chapter.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E9Plot

Episode 9

Xuejian hurried to the Chenghuang Temple to meet her personal maid Xiaoyi.Her heart was filled with anticipation and tension, because she knew that Sedum would come for her safety.

On the way, Jingtian met a girl who claimed to be his sister - Nightshade.Nightshade is dressed in tattered clothes, but her eyes reveal perseverance and perseverance.She kept calling Jingtian “Wang Brother”“, claiming that she was the princess of the Jiang Kingdom. Her clothes were burned by the fire, hoping to find the lost ”Guangxiu Liuxian Dress“.

Although Jingtian had doubts in his heart, seeing Nightshade's firm eyes, he chose to believe her.He knows the importance of this fairy dress with wide sleeves. It is not only an immortal palace treasure from a thousand years ago, but also the obsession in Long Kui's heart.

In desperation, Jingtian could only go to Yong'an Dang to get this precious dress for Nightshade.And not long after he left, Xuejian also rushed to the Chenghuang Temple.When she saw a beautiful woman without any clothes on, she suddenly felt jealous.She mistakenly believed that Jingtian was having an affair with the woman, and the two quarreled.

Episode 9

Xue Jian was angry and decided to leave Jingtian and wander the world alone.But she was always thinking about Sedum in her heart, and she couldn't let go of this emotion.

At the same time, Solanum Solanum put on a ”fairy skirt with wide sleeves%, and her beauty was even more eye-catching.In order to follow Sedum, she did not hesitate to break her own legs.When Jingtian saw this scene, his heart softened, and he decided to take Nightshade with him to travel around the world to find her real brother.

At this moment, Changqing, since parting ways with Jingtian, has always regarded slaying demons as his own responsibility.However, he accidentally met Mo Zhenglou.In desperation, Zixuan, a descendant of Nuwa, broke her promise and prevented Chonglou from harming him in order to save Changqing.

The appearance of Zixuan gradually revived Changqing's long-lost memories.It turns out that Zixuan is his lover for three generations.She came with the unfinished fate between the two of them in their previous lives, and persisted in guarding and defending the love between them and Changqing in their two lives.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E10Plot

Episode 10

In the bustling Yong'an Dang, Jingtian carefully took out the fairy skirt with wide sleeves and handed it to Solanum Kui. However, the pawnshop owner Wen Chang caught him in the act.He asked Jingtian to take off his skirt and return it to the pawnshop.Jingtian resolutely refused, and the two sides fell into a stalemate.Just when everyone was talking, Changqing suddenly appeared. Not only did he help Jingtian, Maoshan, Biping, Dingbo and others redeem their lives, he also proposed an amazing plan - to find the Five Spiritual Pearls.

Changqing was suspicious of Nightshade's sudden appearance.He tried to question Nightshade, but he didn't expect that she, who was usually weak and docile, suddenly became fierce and abnormal, with her whole body emitting a red light.However, such changes were not trusted by everyone, and they all felt that Chang Qing was making a fuss out of a molehill.

Episode 10

Embarking on the journey to find the Five Spiritual Pearls, they first met Xuejian who was angry.Xuejian was dissatisfied that Sedum always compared her with Nightshade and decided to go alone.After parting, everyone came to Anning Village to look for clues to the Tu Lingzhu.

They check into an inn, only to find that all the rooms are empty, but the innkeeper insists they are full.It turned out that on the night of the 15th of last month, a man died mysteriously in the inn. Since then, the inn has been filled with a strange atmosphere.The shopkeeper required them to sign a life and death certificate before allowing them to move in.As soon as everyone settled down, Xue Jian came all the way. She admitted that she had no choice but to follow Jing Tian in the world.

At an inadvertent moment, Jingtian and Xuejian overheard the conversation between Wan Yuzhi and Mr. Liu.Wan Yuzhi's husband was seriously ill and in critical condition, but Mr. Liu, who had been favored by him, chose not to save her.Xuejian and Jingtian deeply sympathize with Wan Yuzhi's experience.However, Chang Qing had a different view. He felt that Wan Yuzhi had a demonic aura about him and that things were far from simple.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E11Plot

Episode 11

The next day, the whole town was shocked by the news of Mr. Liu's bizarre death.In order to find out the truth, Jingtian, Changqing and others decided to split into two groups and conduct in-depth investigation.At the same time, a powerful demonic energy surged in the night sky, and a mysterious master easily pulled out the thousand-year-old demonic sword in the Demon Locking Tower. His target was directed at General Feipeng in the God Realm.This mysterious figure is none other than Chonglou, the Demon Lord from the Demon Realm.

The appearance of Chonglou is not only to evoke the memory of his ultimate opponent in the God Realm, General Feipeng, but also to complete the unfinished duel between them.And all of this seems to be inextricably linked to Mr. Liu's death.

During the investigation, Jingtian and others came to Wan Yuzhi's home and accidentally discovered that she was casting a mysterious spell on her husband.Everyone immediately stopped him, and when Hua Ying was treating Mr. Gao, he discovered that his condition was extremely strange.Although the internal organs seem to be healthy, the vitality is seriously lacking.What's even more shocking is that the cause of Mr. Liu's death was that his vitality was sucked away.

Episode 11

In order to cure Mr. Gao, everyone began to look for the earth spirit beads that could replenish their vitality.At the same time, while chasing the fox demon, Changqing and Maoshan accidentally met a beautiful woman-Zixuan.Zixuan's beauty and mystery attracted Changqing's attention, but he didn't know that there was a bigger secret hidden behind it.

By chance, Changqing learned Zixuan's true identity and purpose.It turns out that she is not only an important figure in the demon world, but also has inextricable connections with General Feipeng.Changqing was shocked and felt deeply that he could not cope with all this.

At the same time, Jingtian and others were attacked in the inn, and Maoshan was seriously injured.After everyone's questioning, Solanum's true identity was finally revealed.It turns out that she is the princess born a thousand years ago, and Jingtian's previous life was her brother, Long Yang.

In order to solve all these mysteries, everyone found the Holy Aunt.Under the guidance of the holy aunt, Jingtian put on the helmet and gradually recalled the memories of his previous life.Those past events about Long Yang and Nightshade gradually emerged in his mind.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E12Plot

Episode 12

A thousand years ago, Jiang State was in raging war, and the country was on the verge of life and death.In this catastrophe, Nightshade, as the princess of the Jiang Kingdom, her fate is destined to be full of twists and turns.Growing up in the palace, she once lived a carefree life and was loved and cared for by everyone.However, as the war spreads, she has to face the cruel reality.

When Jiang State faced the attack of Yang State and was on the verge of destruction, Long Kui resolutely decided to give up her once comfortable life and rush to the battlefield with her brother Long Yang.She would rather die than sit back and watch the country fall.However, for her safety, Long Yang broke her legs and fought alone.In the end, the Jiang Kingdom was destroyed, Long Yang also died on the battlefield, and the two brothers and sisters were separated by Yin and Yang.

Recalling that her brother needed the blood of a virgin to refine a magic sword, Nightshade felt deeply guilty and regretful.She felt that instead of sharing more responsibilities for her brother, she became a burden to him.In this self-blame and regret, she chose to jump into the flames.

Episode 12

In the flames, a unique magic sword emerged from the sword furnace. Although Nightshade's body was destroyed, her obsession remained.Her ghost turned into the spirit of the magic sword, lingering in the sword, waiting for the chance to be reborn.Thousands of years later, the demon sword was captured by the leader of the Shushan Sect and locked in the Demon Locking Tower.Therefore, Nightshade was trapped in the tower and spent many long years.

In the Demon Locking Tower, a group of demons danced wildly. In order to protect herself, Nightshade Nightshade gave birth to another self in her mind - Red Nightshade Nightshade.Whenever she encounters a crisis, she will turn into a red nightshade and deal with those who hurt her without mercy.This change caused everyone to misunderstand her, thinking that she was a cold and heartless witch.

However, this is not the case.After Jingtian learned about the past and present life, he was greatly shocked by what happened to Nightshade.He fully understands the pain and obsession in Nightshade's heart, and also understands why she turned into Red Nightshade.With the help of Changqing, they found Nightshade trapped in the tower and tried to unravel the obsession in her heart.

Changqing took Nightshade to an abandoned temple on the mountain, hoping that she could find inner peace here.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E13Plot

Episode 13

Deep in the ancient vine forest, Wan Yuzhi found Zixuan, her eyes full of pleading and expectation.She told Zixuan that her husband was poisoned by water and his life was in danger. Only the earth spirit beads in the ancient vine forest could save him.In order to save her husband, Wan Yuzhi is willing to pay any price, including her heart.

Zixuan looked at Wan Yuzhi, with a trace of complicated emotions flashing in her eyes.She knew that her heart no longer needed Wan Yuzhi's in exchange.But she still decided to come to the rescue because she saw Wan Yuzhi's deep love for her husband and her determination to sacrifice everything to save him.

Zixuan told Wan Yuzhi that her husband was indeed poisoned by water, and the earth spirit beads in the ancient vine forest were the antidote.She directed Wan Yuzhi to find the Earth Spirit Pearl, hoping that she could save her husband.

At the same time, Jingtian and others went straight to the small temple on the barren mountain after breaking the holy aunt's spell.Because they know that at dawn, Changqing's work will be completed, and Nightshade will be extinguished in the sun.They must find Nightshade and save her life before time runs out.

Episode 13

Jingtian and others finally found the small temple, but heard Nightshade's screams.Their hearts tightened and they immediately rushed into the temple.But he saw Changqing casting a spell on Nightshade. He was holding Nightshade in his hand and was giving her his own blood.

Changqing told them that he was detoxifying Solanum solanum so that she could survive in the sun like a normal person.Jingtian and others were grateful, and the family was finally reunited.Xuejian took the initiative to reconcile with Long Kui, and the two hugged each other and cried, resolving their previous misunderstanding.

After the nightshade matter was resolved, Changqing took out the map to heaven.He pointed to the location of the ancient vine forest and told them that the Earth Spirit Pearl was there.Therefore, Maoshan was left to guard the belongings, while Changqing was arranged to rest and recuperate.Jingtian and others followed the map to the outside of the ancient vine forest.

Outside the ancient vine forest, they met a giant monkey Jingjing.Jinjing can steal everything, but is very cute.He told them that the Earth Spirit Pearl was with the old demon Gu Teng.So, they decided to challenge Old Man Guteng.

Old Man Gu Teng made a condition. He could guess everyone's thoughts. If he guessed correctly, everyone must stay with him; if he lost, they would be let go.Unexpectedly, the old man couldn't guess Xuejian's thoughts. It turned out that Xuejian's origin was not ordinary.The old man could only make way and let them find the Earth Spirit Bead.

Later, everyone defeated the ancient vine spirit and was about to take away the earth spirit bead, but was unexpectedly taken away by Luo Rulie.Jingjing was seriously injured and stole the earth spirit bead from Luo Rulie's hand, and before he died, he taught Jingtian "Flying Dragon Cloud Explorer".

Everyone brought the Tu Ling Bead back to Wan Yuzhi and handed the Tu Ling Bead to her.Wan Yuzhi suddenly kidnapped Jingtian and others. It turned out that she was trying to protect the Earth Lingzhu and save her husband.After learning about it, Changqing rushed to save Jingtian, but met the holy aunt who was curing Master Gao.

At the critical moment, Wan Yuzhi's husband woke up and recognized Wan Yuzhi.The holy aunt urged the two of them to leave quickly, and told Wan Yuzhi how to take care of her husband. After 7,749 days of nursing, he would fully recover.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E14Plot

Episode 14

Changqing, a knight with extraordinary skills, was troubled by Zixuan's entanglement. His heart seemed to be shrouded in clouds, making it difficult to see the way forward clearly.When he learned that Wan Yuzhi had left, he was extremely anxious and eager to find this important friend.

In an unexpected moment, Changqing lost control of his emotions and accidentally injured Zixuan.This scene shocked everyone present.Upon seeing this, Maoshan immediately stepped forward to grab Changqing and told him that Wan Yuzhi had gone away.Just when the two were at a loss, Jingtian's voice suddenly came through the communication device. He and the others were caught in the realm of monsters.

This news made Changqing and Maoshan take action immediately. They must find Jingtian and others as soon as possible.In the process of chasing Wan Yuzhi, they accidentally got involved in a more complicated dispute.In order to delay time, Jingtian started a thrilling bet with the fox demon.But the cunning fox demon suddenly retorted, holding a sharp knife and threatening to cut the rope of Nightshade or Xuejian.

Episode 14

Jingtian is in a dilemma, he must choose between Nightshade and Xuejian.In the end, he chose to sacrifice Xuejian.Just when Xuejian and Long Kui's lives were hanging by a thread, Changqing arrived in time. He waved his long sword, cut off the ropes that bound everyone, and rescued Jingtian and others.

This incident made Xuejian feel grudge against Jingtian, and she felt resentful about his choice.Although everyone returned safely, the haze in their hearts could not dissipate.They calmly analyzed the whole thing and believed that Luo Rulie was the most suspicious person.However, they knew nothing about Zixuan's true identity.

Just when everyone was confused, the waiter hurried over and delivered the earth spirit beads.This mysterious bead seems to be inextricably linked to Zixuan.Changqing and Jingtian reported the news of obtaining the Earth Spirit Pearl to Qingwei and others through the display device, but when talking about the source of the Earth Spirit Pearl, Chang Qing looked a little strange.The fifth elders appeared behind the display. They were also curious about the origin of the Earth Spirit Pearl, but they just exchanged glances and deliberately avoided the question.

They asked everyone to set off quickly. The next stop was Fengdu's Paradise, where they wanted to obtain the Fire Spirit Pearl from the Fire Ghost King.This mission is a hundred times more dangerous than the ancient vine forest.Everyone left Anning Village and decided to fly to their destination with their swords.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E15Plot

Episode 15

Passing through Chang'an, Maoshan stopped. He had a wish, that is, to stay in this bustling city for a day.After several days of trekking, everyone rested, washed their faces, took naps, ate and drank, and enjoyed the moment of tranquility during the journey.However, their journey was not as uneventful as expected.

Xuejian, that woman with a unique personality, always had a bad attitude towards Changqing.Changqing couldn't help but wonder if he had ever offended her and why she always targeted him.However, before he finished speaking, he was pulled away by Jingtian.During the argument, Xuejian accidentally revealed the secret and let Jingtian know that she had eavesdropped on Changqing's secret.Jingtian was furious and asked Xuejian to swear not to tell anyone, but Xuejian rejected Jingtian's words and even kicked Jingtian.

When Nightshade saw this scene, she turned into red in desperation. She cursed anyone who hurt Jingtian to stay away immediately and disappear from sight.As a result, the two of them followed the out-of-control sword and flew far away, and accidentally arrived at their destination, Fengdu.

Episode 15

In front of Fengdu's tavern, they met the shady Zhao Wuyan and were deceived into buying the so-called Soul-Living Soup, which turned out to be just ordinary herbal tea.While staying at the inn, the proprietress Aunt Ma told them that as long as they find the right time and place, anyone can enter the Paradise.However, when Zhao Wuyan appeared and stared at Xuejian lustfully, the two had no choice but to pretend to be husband and wife and sleep in the same room.Xuejian blames Jingtian for being stupid, being easily diverted and forgetting to get back the money he was defrauded.

However, Jingtian smiled and took out a small bag. It turned out that he had stolen tens of thousands of money from Zhao Wuyan through Feilong Tanyun, as well as Zhao Wuyan's shady brand.Although the two of them were still fighting each other and fighting for a bed, they didn't know that a bigger crisis was approaching.

Zixuan was worried that Changqing would encounter something unexpected in the Paradise, so she broke her promise and went alone.Wearing Sedum's human skin mask, she tried to sneak into the Paradise, but was unexpectedly spotted by Chonglou.Zixuan stated that she would not allow anyone to harm Changqing and Jingtian.However, Chonglou sneered and hit Zixuan ferociously.

At the same time, Jingtian dreamed of Qingwei in his dream.Qingwei told him that the situation was urgent and Zixuan was arrested by Zhonglou and her life was hanging by a thread.Qingwei also tells Jingtian three strange spells that can help him repel Chonglou.In the dream, Qingwei finally reminded Sedum not to be nervous when he wakes up, because his body will become invisible and will gradually return to its original shape after a while.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E16Plot

Episode 16

In an unknown fantasy world, Xuejian holds Zhao Wuyan's Yincha sign and embarks on a journey to the Paradise with Jingtian.Sedum's invisibility allowed them to easily avoid the guards' sight, and the two successfully entered this mysterious world.

In Elysium, Yukijian asks passers-by how to get to the palace, and the only way he learns is to bribe the guards by winning Elysium money from the casino.Although Xuejian was not good at gambling, with the invisible help of Jingtian, the two successfully won enough money.However, just when Jingtian was gambling in full swing, the time passed, his invisibility gradually failed, and the two had to escape in a hurry.

Episode 16

The guards were in hot pursuit, but Jingtian and Xuejian cleverly gave them the money they won in exchange for two tickets to enter the next level.It turns out that this is a stage where the drama of life is shown, and the only way to pass is to win the tears of the audience.Xuejian's true performance showed the personality of the eldest lady. Although she attracted boos from the audience, under the skillful guidance of Jingtian, she showed her true feelings and successfully won the tears of the audience.

These tears are not ordinary things, they have the magical power to wet the flames leading to the palace's lava, paving a path to the palace for the two of them.However, when they came outside the palace, they heard a fierce fight.Jingtian used the power of the Half Heart Curse to successfully rescue Zixuan.He carried Zixuan on his back and was determined to take her to see Chang Qing.

At this time, Changqing and others also rushed to Fengdu, but Changqing was helpless against Zixuan, who had two hundred years of Taoism.The only way is to lift Changqing's seal.Taoist Priest Qingwei slowly said that it turned out that the elders gave Changqing a seal in order to block his memory of his previous life.Now, in order to save Zixuan, Changqing must face his sealed past.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E17Plot

Episode 17

Changqing's memory was gradually unsealed, and those long-lasting past events were pieced together bit by bit like broken scrolls.Changqing stood in front of the door, full of doubts and expectations.When the door slowly opened, Zixuan's figure came into view. Their eyes met in the air, as if they had crossed the boundaries of time and space, as if they were in another world.

The five elders sat around, and they worked together to assist the elder in treating Zixuan.Under the influence of this mysterious power, the past appeared in Changqing's mind like a movie.That year, Zixuan was only 16 years old and in her prime. She held hands with the holy aunt and wore a mask to play at the bustling lantern festival.The crowd surged, and the two of them were accidentally dispersed by the crowd.Zixuan anxiously looked for the saint's figure, but accidentally took the hand of a stranger wearing the same mask.When she took off the stranger's mask, what came into view was the face of an extremely handsome young man. He was Liu Fang, the first life of Chang Qing.

Episode 17

The two people's eyes met in the air, conveying each other's emotions like electricity.Liufang, who has always been devoted to seeking the truth, began to feel shaken after the appearance of Zixuan.They are in love with each other. Zixuan's enthusiasm and unrestrainedness are in sharp contrast with Liufang's reserved and reserved manner, but their inner feelings are not expressed.However, happy days are always short-lived, Liufang is about to leave this world and go to a distant place.

On the day Liufang left, Zixuan called his name loudly and bravely expressed her love.They agreed to meet at the foot of Nanshan Mountain in three years.Changqing gave Zixuan the mask from that day as a token, and the two said goodbye reluctantly.However, fate played a cruel joke on them.After Liu Fang returned, her secret communication with Zixuan was discovered by her master and others. They intercepted Zixuan's countless love letters and lied that Zixuan had died of illness.Liu Fang was disillusioned and heartbroken, and finally agreed to become a monk.

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed. When the two met again, Zixuan had grown up and was charming.They expressed their love for each other affectionately and hoped to hold hands with their son and grow old together.However, the cruel reality left them with no choice but to commit suicide by jumping off the cliff.Fortunately, Zixuan survived as a descendant of Nuwa.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E18Plot

Episode 18

On the edge of the prosperous world, Zixuan has been quietly waiting for Liufang's reincarnation. Her heart is filled with endless longing and waiting.The pain of waiting made her often choose to numb herself with alcohol and forget her deep longing with indulgence.However, this self-indulgence did not make her forget Liufang, but made her miss her more deeply.

In Changqing's second life, Lin Yeping appeared as a monk and a Taoist. He was young, promising, virtuous and highly respected, and was deeply loved by people.While cleaning the courtyard, he met Zixuan.At that moment, the shock in his heart could not be described in words.The woman who moved his heart turned out to be the Miao woman who those people said had seduced their husbands.

Zixuan's indulgent life made Lin Yeping feel sad.He tried to dissuade her and told her how precious and exclusive feelings are.However, Zixuan made a shocking suggestion: if Lin Yeping returned to secular life and married her, she would stop messing around with other men.Lin Yeping was stunned. His heart was full of struggles and contradictions.

Episode 18

He finally chose to sacrifice his practice and choose to be with Zixuan.He ignored everyone's criticism and only hoped to spend his life with Zixuan.This spirit of sacrifice for love is both touching and admirable.

Their married life was not as beautiful as they imagined.On the wedding night, Zixuan called out Liufang's name in her dream, which made Lin Yeping feel deeply uneasy and jealous.He began to doubt Zixuan's feelings for him and whether she really wanted to be with him.

Lin Yeping's distrust and Zixuan's disappointment led to the breakdown of their marriage.Zixuan was disheartened and returned to Nanzhao after leaving a letter.The end of this relationship makes people feel regretful and helpless.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E19Plot

Episode 19

Nanzhao, a once prosperous country, is now in an unprecedented crisis.As a descendant of Nuwa, Zixuan shoulders the important responsibility of protecting the country and her people. However, at this moment, she is facing unprecedented danger.

At the most critical moment, Lin Yeping suddenly appeared like a divine soldier from heaven. His arrival not only rescued Zixuan, but also saved the entire Nanzhao Kingdom.However, in the process of protecting Zixuan, Lin Yeping was unfortunately seriously injured and his life was in danger.Zixuan looked at the wounds on his body, tears falling like broken beads.She hugged Lin Yeping tightly and confessed in tears: "From the beginning, I only loved you."% She vowed to wait for Lin Yeping's return and use her next life to make up for all this.

As time went by, Lin Yeping failed to survive this test after all, and he left this world quietly.Zixuan was heartbroken, but she knew that she had a more important mission to complete.For the sake of Nanzhao and Lin Yeping's expectations, she must be strong.

When Changqing was reincarnated again, Zixuan immediately sent him to Shushan after learning about it.She knew that Changqing was the reincarnation of Lin Yeping and the only one in her heart.However, in order for Changqing to achieve enlightenment as soon as possible, Zixuan could only choose to forget him and never see him again.What kind of pain and helplessness is this?Zixuan could only bury this deep feeling in her heart and silently pray for Changqing.

Episode 19

Returning to reality, Changqing finally understood everything.He knew his past and present lives, and everything Zixuan had done for him.Jingtian and others were overjoyed when they learned that Zixuan was out of danger.

Everyone followed Chang Qing and saw him buying many things, including women's clothing, medicinal materials, shoes and a good horse.They were surprised to find that although Changqing was a monk, he was actually quite careful.The things he prepared were enough for Zixuan to return to Nanzhao.Everyone felt warm in their hearts, knowing that Changqing was also silently caring about Zixuan.

The mission continues.In the evening, everyone must seize the opportunity to enter the Paradise of Paradise at midnight and obtain the Fire Pearl.This was a mission full of unknowns and dangers, but they did not back down.Jingtian led the crowd to break into the casino to attract attention, while Changqing found another way to find the whereabouts of the Fire Pearl.

Unexpectedly, the guards seemed to have been waiting for everyone to come. When they learned that it was Jingtian who had arrived, they immediately greeted them politely.Walking into the casino, it was deserted, and the Fire Ghost King personally greeted him and gambled with Jingtian.Changqing informed Jingtian that the Fire Spirit Pearl was most likely to be on the Fire Ghost King.So Jingtian deliberately tried to please him, which made the Fire Ghost King, who had long been secretly attracted to him, even more happy and elated.

The Fire Ghost King promised him his life, but Jingtian was hypocritical to the Fire Ghost King and kept thinking about how to get the Fire Spirit Pearl.On the wedding night, Sedum deliberately touched the Fire Ghost King in order to find a way to take off the Fire Ghost King's clothes.But when Jingtian was about to succeed, there were knocks from Xuejian and Nightshade outside the door.Jingtian was shocked and knew something was wrong.He must get the Fire Spirit Pearl as soon as possible and complete the mission before he can go back to see Zixuan.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E20Plot

Episode 20

The Fire Ghost King, the fiery queen, was offended by Sedum's closeness to other young women.She ordered Jingtian to draw a clear line with those women so as not to ruin the good things between the two of them.Jingtian, facing the anger of the Fire Ghost King, decided to open the door and teach everyone a lesson. He hinted at Xuejian with a subtle look, but Xuejian did not notice it.

Jingtian's mood was extremely complicated. He was afraid that Xuejian would reveal their secret, so he slapped her in desperation.Xuejian was inexplicably hit by this slap, and her eyes were filled with tears. She didn't understand Jingtian's intention and ran away sadly.Looking at Xuejian's leaving figure, the Fire Ghost King relaxed his guard.Jingtian took the opportunity to trick the Fire Ghost King into going to bed, and finally got the Fire Spirit Pearl.

When everyone returned to the inn, they learned that Xuejian had left and said he wanted to return to Yuzhou, and Zhao Wuyan also came to see Xuejian.They chased after Aunt Ma's instructions, but saw the scorched Zhao Wuyan and the scorched trees around him.After Chang Yin's help, they learned that Xuejian might be taken away by Yun Ting from Leizhou.Everyone was worried about Xuejian's safety and decided to leave for Leizhou immediately.

Episode 20

Under the city gate, they were surprised to see jacaranda.Huaying brought Xuejian's letter, but no one was allowed to read it, and her words were full of contradictions.At this time, Xuejian, who was hiding aside, saw Jingtian preparing to leave. She desperately hinted to Huaying that her hands almost broke, hoping that Huaying could keep Sedum.However, Jingtian turned around and left after reading the letter. Xuejian was so anxious that he pretended to be passing by.She remembered Jingtian's slap, and gave Jingtian another slap without warning, and the two broke up unhappy again.Xue Jian left angrily, but found that the guards were already waiting there, telling her that Master Yunting invited her to go back.It turns out that Xuejian was rescued by Yun Ting.

Jingtian was angry because of Xuejian's behavior, and he said he wanted to leave angrily.However, Changqing insisted on staying because the instrument showed that Lei Lingzhu was nearby.Xuejian, on the other hand, made an appointment with Nightshade to find out whether Jingtian cares about him.Nightshade hesitated and asked Xuejian to take the initiative to go back to the inn with her to give Jingtian a chance.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E21Plot

Episode 21

Jingtian and Changqing, holding detectors, embarked on an adventurous journey to find spiritual beads.Their goal is the legendary mysterious spirit bead. It is said that possessing it can control endless power.

While the two were searching for clues on the streets, Xuejian unexpectedly appeared in front of them, and her attitude was unexpectedly friendly.At the same time, Nightshade also appeared quietly and provided valuable help to the two of them.However, despite these help, the relationship between Jingtian and Changqing suddenly became tense. The two had a big fight in the street, and Xuejian finally left angrily.

Faced with sudden changes, Jingtian and Changqing decided to act separately to find the whereabouts of the Lingzhu.However, fate always seems to be playing tricks on them, and the two unexpectedly meet Xuejian again.This time, their quarrel became more intense and the atmosphere became extremely tense.

At this moment, Yun Ting appeared.He warmly welcomed Xuejian back home and invited Jingtian to his mansion as a guest.Yun Ting's generosity and enthusiasm impressed Jingtian, and he began to try to bring Xuejian and Yun Ting together.At a banquet, Jingtian praised Xuejian in front of Yun Ting, hoping to promote this marriage.

In order to find the spiritual beads, Jingtian and Xuejian decided to go to the Paradise.There, they learn that in order to enter the palace, they must bribe the guards with money won from the casino.Although Xuejian has poor gambling skills, Jingtian relies on his invisible ability to cheat and win money.Just when they were about to succeed, the time passed and Sedum gradually appeared, causing chaos.

Episode 21

Xuejian was angry at Jingtian's behavior, and she openly turned against Jingtian.Although Yun Ting came forward to smooth things over, Xuejian didn't appreciate it and drove Jingtian out.When Yun Ting sent Jingtian away, Jingtian suddenly touched Yun Ting's body, as if he had been struck by lightning.This scene made Yun Ting alert, and he quickly shook off Jingtian's hand.

After returning to everyone, Jingtian told them everything that happened.He was worried about Xuejian's safety and decided to look for her again.So he climbed over the wall into Xuejian's residence and asked Xuejian to follow him without hesitation.However, Xuejian firmly rejected his request.

Jingtian has always been thinking about Xuejian and Yunting, so he went to Changqing to talk to him.At this time, Changqing was busy studying the whereabouts of Lei Lingzhu.Based on various signs, Changqing concluded that the Thunder Lingzhu was on Yun Ting.In order to obtain the spirit beads, everyone discussed letting Xuejian seduce Yun Ting, but Jingtian was worried that Xuejian would be injured and firmly disagreed with this plan.

In an accident, Jingtian discovered that when Yun Ting touched Xuejian's body, Xuejian would not get an electric shock.It turns out that due to Yun Ting's physical condition, anyone who comes close to him will suffer electric shock-like injuries, and only the legendary Fire Spirit Pearl can cure it.In order to repay Yun Ting's life-saving grace, Xuejian decided to borrow the Fire Spirit Bead from Jingtian.Jingtian rejected her request.Jingtian asked Xuejian to marry Yunting, and Xuejian agreed with tears.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E22Plot

Episode 22

In Yunting Mansion, Xuejian's face was full of apologies.She couldn't turn Yun Ting back to a normal person, but she was willing to let him experience a normal life in another way - becoming his wife.After hearing this, Yun Ting's face was filled with a happy smile, and he promised to take good care of Xuejian.This decision made Lao Lian happy. He decided to open a warehouse and send rice to celebrate the happy event of Yun Ting and Xuejian.

However, Sedum's mood was in sharp contrast to this.Feeling jealous, he pulled Solanum aside and told her to tell Xuejian that her mission was just to get the Thunder Pearl, nothing else.But Long Kui did not do this. Instead, she lied to Xuejian and said that Jingtian did not like her.After hearing this, Xue was filled with disappointment.

Taoist priest Qingwei told Changqing that he would unblock Changqing's memory.Changqing is confused by this, but Taoist priest Qingwei explains that doing so will allow Changqing to save Zixuan, but he may also have to endure some shocking facts.After the seal was released, Changqing and Zixuan's eyes met, as if they were reunited after a lifetime, and they both felt familiar with each other.

Episode 22

At the same time, Jingtian's mood became increasingly irritable.When he was drunk, he couldn't help shouting: “I love Tang Xuejian!”Solanum nigrum and Maoshan saw Jingtian like this and decided to accompany him to walk around and relax.Unexpectedly, they met Xuejian who was getting a haircut.The two collided by mistake and finally met.

At night, the two met again tacitly under the fireworks.This time, Jingtian finally mustered up the courage to confess to Xuejian.After hearing this, Xue's heart palpitated.But she began to worry about her engagement with Yun Ting, so the two decided to leave together after Xuejian retrieved the Thunder Lingzhu from Yun Ting.

Later, Xuejian pretended to be lost and met Yun Ting again.Solanum Kui confessed that she did not tell Xuejian the truth, and she hoped that Jingtian would blame herself.But Jingtian did not blame Nightshade, but instead expressed his love for Xuejian to her.After Maoshan learned that Jingtian confessed to Xuejian, he was also happy for them.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E23Plot

Episode 23

The Evil Sword Fairy once again used his cunning tricks on Solanum Kui, trying to provoke the deep feelings between her and Xuejian.He seduces Nightshade, and as long as she lets the Evil Sword Immortal suck away her jealousy, he can help her remove the barrier between her and Sedum forever.Faced with such temptation, Nightshade actually did as she was told.

At the same time, the wedding of Yun Ting and Xuejian was held with everyone's blessings.The wedding was simple and grand, full of happiness and joy.However, Xuejian was drugged in the wine, and she planned to suck the thunder beads from Yun Ting after he fell into coma.But just when she was about to take action, Yun Ting suddenly opened his eyes. It turned out that he was just pretending to be comatose.Xuejian admitted that she had always liked Jingtian, but in order to save him, she had to take away the thunder bead from Yun Ting.

Episode 23

On the other hand, Zixuan has been waiting for Liufang's reincarnation.She often resorts to drinking to get drunk and indulge herself in order to relieve her inner loneliness and pain.In the second life of Changqing, Lin Yeping, a young and outstanding Taoist, met Zixuan while cleaning the courtyard.However, Zixuan's arrival caused trouble to the villagers, who accused Zixuan of seducing their husbands.Lin Yeping couldn't bear such accusations, so he decided to help Zixuan, even drinking wine for her. In the end, he chose to return to secular life and spend the rest of his life with Zixuan.

At this time, the Evil Sword Immortal appeared again.He used Jingtian's illusion to take Xuejian away in an attempt to use her to obtain the Thunder Lingzhu.Jingtian and Changqing fought hard and finally succeeded in rescuing Xuejian.With Yun Ting's gratitude, they decided to celebrate the victory.However, at this moment, Long Kui finally told the truth. It turned out that she had been concealing Xuejian's whereabouts.

Changqing decided to find Zixuan. He used the immortal method to sail a boat and search along the river.At the end of the rainbow, he found Zixuan.They talked to each other, and Changqing told Zixuan the story of their three lives, promising to cherish her in the third life and never be separated in this life.Zixuan was moved by his sincerity, and the two finally came together.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E24Plot

Episode 24

Tian held the communication device in his hand, and there was a trace of anxiety between his brows.Ever since he learned about the existence of the Evil Sword Immortal from Solanum Solanum, his world has been filled with uneasiness and confusion.And now, Xuejian, who was nowhere to be found, made him feel unprecedented pressure.

After Changqing and Zixuan learned the news, they immediately rushed back to Leizhou from their distant journey to join Jingtian.Their arrival adds a bit of hope to this unknown crisis.Chang Qing quickly cast spells and contacted Chang Yin, hoping to get more clues.

After the fifth elder’s spell casting and exploration, they finally discovered Xuejian’s traces—she was actually in a large forest in a mysterious realm!However, when Jingtian and others stumbled into the forest, what they saw shocked them.The forest is burning, and Xuejian's situation is precarious.

Episode 24

At this critical moment, they finally found Xuejian.But she is no longer the lively girl, but a big tree standing in the forest.Long-term hypoxia caused her to fall into a coma and her life was in danger.Maoshan quickly gave her water, and the air gradually became sufficient, but the sky was getting dark and the sunlight was about to disappear.Sedum hugged Xuejian tightly, as if racing against time, running towards the sun.

Just when everyone was about to despair, Xuejian slowly opened his eyes.Jingtian was surprised and happy, and Changqing and Zixuan's fairy ship also arrived at the right time.Seeing that everyone was safe and sound, the rocks in their hearts finally fell to the ground.After everyone boarded the ship, they worked together to deliver their own energy and moisture to Xuejian.

Thanks to everyone's efforts, Xuejian finally woke up.However, her expression was extremely dull, as if she had lost all memory and reactions.Everyone asked Chang Yin for help, but were surprised to find that there was no record of Xuejian's life experience in the world.Changqing became suspicious and asked Qingwei about the mystery of Xuejian's life experience.Qingwei said with a pun: Everything will be answered in heaven.%

So Changqing piloted the fairy ship, and everyone decided to leave for heaven immediately.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E25Plot

Episode 25

In a vast barren mountain, everyone gathered here, and their goal pointed to a secret realm shrouded in legends - the Well of Gods and Demons.Chang Qing, a weather-beaten wise man, was pointing to the void in front of him and said in a deep voice: “This is the intersection of the demon world and the heaven. Through the Well of Gods and Demons, you can go directly to the heaven.”

Everyone's eyes followed Chang Qing's hand, and they saw that there seemed to be a black hole in front of them, bottomless, like a black bat cave.However, no matter how hard they try, they can't enter the mysterious entrance.

Just when everyone was confused, Huaying, an agile woman, whispered: “Perhaps, we need wings to fly into this cave.”Her words made everyone's eyes brighten, and they seemed to have found a glimmer of hope.

Episode 25

So Jingtian and others immediately took action. They shot down many crows, imitated Chonglou's wings, and made several pairs of huge wing-like objects.As soon as they were put on their bodies, everyone felt a strong suction force that quickly sucked them into the hole.

For a moment, everyone felt like the world was spinning, and then they fell heavily to the ground.Looking up, they were surprised to find that they were in the Demon Realm, surrounded by vigilant Demon Realm guards.

Jingtian immediately stepped forward and tried to make friends with the demons. He claimed to be familiar with the demons.However, the demons did not buy it. They believed that these uninvited guests had bad intentions, so a battle was inevitable.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E26Plot

Episode 26

Feipeng was demoted to a mortal for violating the rules of heaven and fell to the land of Jiang State.As Prince Longyang was born into the world, the wheel of fate turned quietly.In the heaven, Xiyao's longing for Feipeng surged like a tide.She made a wish to the fruit under the sacred tree, hoping to see Feipeng again.So, Xiyao used the fruit as her heart and the tree as her body, created Xuejian in her own image, and threw it into the mortal world, hoping to reunite with Feipeng one day.

Xuejian's life is closely related to the seasons. In spring, her hair grows out of control, but in autumn, it turns yellow and falls.It was not until the Emperor of Heaven solved all the mysteries of his life experience that Jingtian suddenly understood all these mysteries.It turns out that in order to see Feipeng again, Xiyao did not hesitate to violate the rules of heaven and send the fruit to the mortal world.The emperor's punishment for Xiyao was to deprive her of her body and turn her soul into a flower spirit to protect the sacred tree forever.

Jingtian was anxious, knowing that only Xiyao could save Xuejian.He asked the Emperor why he was so unkind. Although the Emperor felt regretful, he still insisted on his decision.In order to save Xuejian, Jingtian decided to look for Xiyao.Under the guidance of the sacred tree, they finally found Xiyao's traces.And Xiyao also looked at Jingtian deeply, as if she was telling her longing and helplessness.

Episode 26

With Xiyao's help, Xuejian recovered.And Jingtian also begged the Emperor for mercy for Xiyao's experience.The Emperor of Heaven was moved by Changqing's sincerity and finally agreed to let Xiyao return to the sacred tree.The appearance of Xiyao made Jingtian full of emotions. He understood that he was no longer the Feipeng he used to be, and Xiyao also let go of her obsession with Feipeng, hoping that Xuejian and Jingtian could fall in love well.

For Xiyao's wish, Xuejian and Jingtian persuaded the Emperor of Heaven to let Jingtian return to Feipeng.Fei Peng is extremely handsome in his battle suit, but his magic power can only last for four hours.In this short period of time, Feipeng and Xiyao reunited under the sacred tree, as if they had returned to the past.

At the same time, Zixuan quietly entered the mirror room of the Chonglou.Chonglou has suffered from loneliness for many years and proudly only competes with the mirror.He discovered Zixuan's existence and grabbed her with one hand.And in his eyes, he saw the scene of Feipeng and Xiyao meeting under the sacred tree in heaven.Chonglou's eyes glowed, and he picked up the strongest weapon without hesitation and decided to go to heaven.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E27Plot

Episode 27

The look between Jingtian and Xiyao seems to have crossed the barrier of time, returning to the carefree past.Their eyes were filled with deep attachment and reluctance for each other.However, when Chonglou's figure appeared in their sight, this tranquility was ruthlessly broken.

An ominous premonition surged in Xiyao's heart, and she was afraid that Jingtian would leave her again because of Chonglou.But Jingtian, for the sake of everyone's safety, decided to fight Chonglou to the end.His back gradually blurred in Xiyao's eyes, leaving behind her endless worries and expectations.

At the same time, Xuejian also hurriedly came to visit Jingtian.Her heart was filled with worries about Jingtian, but Changqing chose to go to Tianchi first to find out.The showdown between Chonglou and Jingtian seemed to recreate the martial arts scene from a thousand years ago.Sedum was at a disadvantage in the battle, and Xuejian couldn't help but loudly reprimanded him for his incompetence.However, this aroused Jingtian's competitive spirit. He picked up the sword and started a fierce battle with Chonglou.

Zixuan, who was on the side, watched the fight between Zhonglou and Feipeng, and couldn't help but think of what the holy aunt said about taking the devil's heart to maintain youth.The battle continued, and Tianbing took Changqing to Tianchi.The Evil Sword Immortal kept calling Chang Qing, trying to lure him into the darkness.

Jingtian kept working hard in the battle and finally defeated Chonglou.His ecstasy was beyond words, and Xiyao finally understood that Sedum was no longer the same Feipeng it used to be.She told Jingtian to find the other half of the jade pendant, because the person who owns it is destined to be Xuejian's true love.

Episode 27

Jingtian hurriedly found Changqing, only to find that Changqing had already learned the truth of the matter.Once the box is destroyed, his masters will also face disaster.Changqing accused Jingtian of hiding him, and the Evil Sword Immortal took the opportunity to absorb Changqing's anger and turned it into a physical entity, causing the world to change color.

In the chaos, Changqing fell into the mirror room of Zhonglou and accidentally saw the passionate kiss between Zhonglou and Zixuan.Jing Tian and Xue Jian fell from the sky and reunited with everyone.Faced with the current predicament, everyone decided to go back to Shushan first to make long-term plans.

Changqing drank to drown his sorrows, and scenes from the past came to mind.He was in agony, but found that drinking alcohol could not relieve the pain in his heart.Evil Sword Immortal has been secretly following Chang Qing, trying to persuade him to join his ranks.While Jingtian and others were on their way back to Shushan, Jingtian secretly imitated the spells of Changqing and others, trying to summon the power of nature to protect Changqing.

The fairy ship finally flew back, and Mao Shan pointed out that everyone had been gone for a year without knowing it.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E28Plot

Episode 28

At the foot of the towering Shushan Mountain, everyone gathered together. Shouyi and Shouzhong were accompanying Jingtian to Wuji Pavilion.Jingtian held four spiritual beads in his hands, which shone with mysterious light, as if they were telling unknown secrets.Shouyi and Shouzhong looked at each other, their eyes showing concern for Changqing's safety.

Chang Qing, this Shushan disciple who has always adhered to morality and performed good deeds and accumulated virtues, is now wandering aimlessly on the street.At the end of the street, the figure of the Evil Sword Immortal was looming. He seemed to be enjoying the evil thoughts growing in everyone's hearts, just like an evil weed growing crazily in the fertile soil.

Changqing seems to have the ability to read minds. He earnestly persuades people to be good. Whether they are robbers, gamblers or patients, he hopes that they can return from their lost ways.However, people's hearts are unpredictable. Some people believe his teachings, while others ignore his advice.Finally, when the government officials arrived, they regarded Chang Qing as a monster spreading rumors and put him in a cell.

Episode 28

Chang Qing in the cell did not give up. He used his own power to open the cell door and let the prisoners go, hoping that they could change their ways.However, this move brought him greater trouble.He was arrested and brought to court, and faced with the cruel punishment of the rod, he showed no fear and was even willing to take the blame for everyone else.His tenacity and selflessness surprised even the Evil Sword Immortal.

The evil sword fairy came to the cell again, but found that there were no evil thoughts here, and even the jailer sympathized with him.Disappointed, he realized that there was another place that Shushan disciples could never go - the human heart.After hearing this, Chang Qing immediately informed Chang Yin, and the atmosphere in Shushan became tense.

Taoist Priest Qingwei declared that Shushan was in a state of emergency, and the threat of the Evil Sword Immortal made everyone feel uneasy.Jingtian, on the other hand, had a flash of inspiration while practicing martial arts and decided to make a gamble with the Evil Sword Immortal.He believes that only by facing challenges can he find a way to defeat the Evil Sword Immortal.

Suddenly, the situation changed. Chang Yin detected a strange phenomenon. The Evil Sword Immortal was approaching Shushan. They faced an unprecedented test.Jingtian decided not to inform everyone so as not to cause panic. He took Maoshan and the two to the Demon Locking Tower.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E29Plot

Episode 29

The Evil Sword Immortal finally arrived in Shushan.He was suspended in mid-air, his eyes blazing as he scanned everything below.He saw lights and colorful decorations all over Shushan Mountain, and people seemed to be having fun in a relaxed manner, which was completely different from the tight security he imagined.The Evil Sword Immortal couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart, and he flew cautiously in the direction of the Demon Locking Tower.

At the top of the Demon Locking Tower, Jingtian was wearing General Feipeng's full set of clothes, holding a magic sword, and guarding alone.His posture was chic and calm, as if he had a winning ticket.The Evil Sword Immortal was stunned again when he saw this. He stopped in mid-air and uttered wild words in an attempt to test Jingtian, but Jingtian was unmoved and acted very calmly.

Just when the Evil Sword Immortal was confused, a smell of barbecue floated into his nose.He turned around and saw Maoshan grilling food in a relaxed manner, completely unfazed by the arrival of the Evil Sword Immortal.This relaxed atmosphere made Xie Jianxian even more uneasy. He was worried that Jing Tian was really prepared to fight, so he hurriedly left Shushan.

Episode 29

After everyone learned the news that the Evil Sword Immortal had been temporarily defeated, they cheered one after another.At this time, Zixuan was anxious, and she found Changqing by induction.I saw that Chang Qing was already bloody and dying.Zixuan was heartbroken and immediately cast spells to heal him.As Changqing gradually regained consciousness, Zixuan confessed her secret to him.

It turns out that the reason why Zixuan wins Chonglou's heart is just to get a youthful face.She has never loved anyone except Changqing.This truth made Changqing heartbroken. He could not accept that the person he loved deeply would do such cruel things just for the sake of appearance.

At the most critical moment, Chonglou appeared and rescued Zixuan and Changqing.He told Jingtian the whereabouts of Changqing and hoped that Jingtian could help find Changqing.After Qingwei learned the news, she immediately wrote a letter asking Chang Yin to take the fairy boat to retrieve Chang Qing.When Chang Yin handed the letter to Zixuan, her face turned extremely pale.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E30Plot

Episode 30

The holy aunt came to a lotus pond. Her eyes were gentle but firm, as if traveling through a tunnel of time and space, staring at the budding lotus.

Among the lotus flowers, Qing'er was sleeping peacefully. Her face was as beautiful as the crescent moon, but it carried a trace of unknown secrets.The holy aunt gently stretched out her hand and took Qing'er out of the lotus. Her movements were gentle and solemn, as if she was holding the hope of the world.

Later, the holy aunt handed Qing'er to Chang Qing and told him that she was his daughter.This news was like a bolt from the blue to Chang Qing, and his heart was filled with shock and confusion.The mystery of Qing'er's life experience was like a heavy stone weighing on his heart, making him unable to calm down.

A hundred years ago, Zixuan chose to leave and returned to Nanzhao in frustration because she was repeatedly misunderstood by Ye Ping.However, on the way, she felt unwell and developed the body of a snake, and then discovered that she was pregnant.Zixuan gave birth to Qing'er, but after the Nuwa tribe gave birth to a child, the mother would grow old and die.This is undoubtedly a huge blow to Zixuan, who loves Changqing deeply.

Episode 30

She could not accept her imminent departure, nor could she let go of her deep longing for Chang Qing.In order to save her life and youth, Zixuan made a difficult decision to freeze Qing'er.Although this decision was cruel, it was based on her love for Changqing and her desire for life.

Changqing looked at his daughter with mixed feelings in his heart.He understood Zixuan's difficulties, but he could not accept this cruel reality.He decided to send Qing'er to Shushan and hand over the Shui Lingzhu in exchange for Zixuan's survival.

However, fate always plays tricks at the least expected moments.The fairy ship suddenly lost control and plummeted into the sea!Changqing was faced with a life-and-death decision, but in his heart he only had tenderness and care for Qing'er.He carried Qing'er to the shore and protected her with his own strength until Jingtian and others came to rescue.

With the encouragement of everyone, Jingtian decided to enter the Demon Locking Tower to find a way to save everyone.Xuejian was worried about Jingtian's safety and decided to go with him.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E31Plot

Episode 31

Jingtian and Xuejian followed the mysterious sound and constantly searched for the unknown truth.They finally broke through many obstacles and reached the second floor, only to find that the door was closed and the pitiful screams of Nightshade came from inside.

The two of them broke through the door without hesitation and used all their strength. What they saw shocked them.Nightshade was already a bloody person. She was cruelly held up by several little monsters. Her tongue was pulled out. The little monsters forced her to say "My brother is a wimp“", otherwise they would cut off her tongue..Jingtian was heartbroken, he shouted to stop, raised his sword and rushed towards the little demons.

At the same time, a long-lasting past event was revealed.Feipeng was once a divine general in the heaven, but was demoted to a mortal for violating the laws of heaven and was born in the Jiang Kingdom.That year, Prince Longyang was born, and Xiyao was Feipeng's true love in the world.Xiyao misses Feipeng, and she makes a wish to Guozi, hoping to see Feipeng again.So, with the fruit as her heart and the tree as her body, she created a snow scene in her own image and threw it into the mortal world.This also explains why Yukimi’s hair grows uncontrollably in the spring and turns yellow and falls in the autumn.

While revealing all this, the Emperor of Heaven finally solved all the mysteries of his life experience.Jingtian suddenly realized that he understood his mission and responsibility.However, just as they were about to leave, the three of them accidentally fell into a trap and were tied up and thrown in front of the Demon Emperor.

Episode 31

Jingtian was not afraid. He made a bet with the Heavenly Demon Emperor that if the Heavenly Demon Emperor could not beat him to the point where he could not stand up within ten moves, he would lose.Despite the disparity in strength between the two, Jingtian relied on his wisdom and courage to defeat the Demon Emperor.However, the Demon Emperor refused to admit defeat and asked for another bet.

At the same time, Changqing, Zixuan and others finally returned to Shushan.The fairy boat stopped, and Changqing was reluctant to leave Qing'er when he got off the boat.At this moment, Qing'er opened her mouth and called ”Dad%!Everyone was shocked, and Changqing ran back to Shushan with Qing'er in his arms.

Jingtian continued to fight fiercely with the Demon Emperor. Although he was blocked countless times, he did not give up.In the end, he grabbed the Demon Suppressing Sword and started a thrilling decisive battle with the Demon Emperor.With the help of everyone, Jingtian finally defeated the Sky Demon Emperor and brought a trace of peace to the world.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E32Plot

Episode 32

Tian finally woke up from his coma.His body was still aching, and his whole body was bandaged like a mummy.The people around him were surprised and happy because he had been in a coma for three days and three nights.Jingtian immediately asked Changqing about Qing'er's situation, but Xuejian's expression made his heart sink - Qing'er died!

Jingtian was eager to do something for Qing'er. While removing the gauze on his body, he pulled Changqing and pushed open the door of Wuji Pavilion.He asked Taoist Priest Qingwei, hoping to find a way to save Qing'er.Taoist priest Qingwei told Jingtian that as a descendant of Nuwa, Qing'er's life maintains the balance of the entire world.And her current situation requires a special kind of power to save her.

Under the sunlight, a lotus flower in the lotus pond attracted everyone's attention.Qing'er's body is resting on this lotus flower.It turns out that each of the five elders owns a “heart-protecting lotus”, which is their magic weapon for longevity and a life-saving thing when they encounter danger.These lotus flowers are nourished by the blood of past masters and are extremely precious.At this moment, Elder Canggu had already used his Heart-Protect Lotus to save Jingtian.

Episode 32

For Qing'er, Heart Protecting Lotus can only maintain her current situation. For her to truly recover, she needs the power of a Holy Spirit Bead.Taoist Priest Qingwei told everyone that there is a Holy Spirit Bead in the Undersea City, which may be able to save Qing'er.So, Jingtian, Changqing, Zixuan and others immediately set off for the mysterious undersea city.

They came to a peaceful fishing village where people lived a simple and happy life.A kind old man was teaching the children to pick up shells. When Jingtian and others asked him about the whereabouts of the Undersea City, the old man mentioned the Holy Spirit Bead.He told a legend in Anxi that people in the past could hear a man's beautiful voice just by putting a shell to their ear.But now, that voice has disappeared.

Changqing curiously asked the old man about the origin of this place and the relationship between the Holy Spirit Pearl, and the old man slowly spoke.It turns out that this place was once the place where a man and a goddess woman fell in love.Their love was poignant and touching, but in the end they failed to come together for various reasons.The Holy Spirit Pearl is the testimony of their love.

The old man told them that the currents in three days would make the Undersea City float under the sea in Anxi, and fish bones would appear then.Only those who are given a mission by God can split the sea water and see the passage to the undersea city.Jingtian and others decided to give it a try. They came to the beach and waited for that special moment.

When the three-day period came, Changqing and Zixuan cast spells together.Gradually, the water dropped and parted, and a road leading to the underwater city appeared in front of them.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E33Plot

Episode 33

Everyone came to the Undersea City and found that the Undersea City looked like a lost ruins, and there was no feeling of human habitation.Entering the city, you are faced with a bottomless corridor.On both sides of the corridor are murals, long historical murals that foreshadow everyone's past and future.Entering the hall, you will see a beautiful stone statue, this is Shuibi.Suddenly there was a strange gust of wind, and some strange phenomena happened.

The legendary man - Xifeng appeared.As soon as Xi Feng saw the stone statue, he knew that this was the Shui Bi he had been waiting for for five hundred years.But because he had sold his voice for power, even though he touched the face of the stone statue at this moment, he could not prove his return with words.

Everyone felt sorry for this, and Zixuan's heart was filled with ups and downs.She felt Xi Feng's desire - he wanted to find his voice.At this moment, Chonglou also sensed Zixuan's mood.He understood that what Xifeng wanted most was his long-lost voice.

Episode 33

Xi Feng woke up Shui Bi with his voice, and the two embraced each other.Knowing that Shuibi and Xifeng finally got married, Zixuan felt something and returned her heart to Chonglou.Suddenly the underwater city shook violently, an underwater volcano erupted, and everyone had to leave quickly.Xi Feng and Shui Bi have already agreed and are willing to work together to suppress the volcano.When everyone left the Undersea City, Zixuan opened the shell and spit out a bead. This was the Holy Spirit Bead!

Changqing and Zixuan returned directly to Shushan, and the holy aunt immediately cast a spell for Qingqing'er.The Holy Aunt pointed out that after everyone left for the Undersea City, terrible changes occurred in Shushan and even the entire world!It turns out that the Evil Sword Fairy is here!He has complete control over the human world.He also claimed that June 6th would be the end of mankind.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E34Plot

Episode 34

When Jingtian learned that everyone was dead, he was so angry that he ran to seek revenge from the Evil Sword Fairy!

When Jingtian appeared in front of him, Evil Sword Immortal just smiled contemptuously, as if everything was under control.He asked Jingtian provocatively if he was willing to gamble with him again.Jingtian was filled with grief and anger, and without hesitation he pulled out the magic sword beside him and pointed it at the Evil Sword Fairy.

The power of the Evil Sword Immortal far exceeds the imagination of Jingtian and others.Before they could make a move, they had already been attacked one after another and were unable to resist.Changqing and Zixuan came with swords and wanted to help Jingtian, but Changqing was accidentally sucked into the mouth of the evil sword fairy.While everyone was shocked, they could not accept this cruel fact.

Jingtian's heart was filled with endless anger and grief, but he knew that he could not fall at this moment.He believes that evil cannot prevail against good, and he must avenge Chang Qing and seek justice for all his dead companions.Therefore, he set up a mourning hall for Chang Qing in the side hall to express his grief.

Just when everyone was immersed in grief, there was a sudden noise outside the door.It turns out that Bi Ping came, and he brought a letter of challenge from the Evil Sword Immortal.The Evil Sword Immortal invites Jingtian to come to Shushan for a battle tomorrow morning.After Xuejian and Long Kui learned about this, they were worried, wondering what tricks the evil sword fairy would play.But Jingtian firmly said that he would go no matter what, he could not show weakness, and he would seek justice for Chang Qing and all his dead companions.

Episode 34

So, Jingtian flew to Shushan alone.In Wuji Pavilion, Xie Jianxian started a contest with Jingtian using the food in Maoshan's hand as a bet.However, the result was disappointing. Sedum lost, and he lost all the food in Yuzhou.Jingtian was dissatisfied, but Xie Jianxian proposed to gamble again.The stakes are bigger this time - if Jingtian wins, the fifth elder can be released; if he loses, he will be imprisoned in the Demon Locking Tower.

Jingtian accepted the challenge without hesitation.However, fate doesn't seem to be on his side.At the beginning, he lost again.Seeing the five elders suffering, Jingtian's heart was as sharp as a knife.He decided to gamble again and win back the freedom of the five elders no matter what.

However, the Evil Sword Immortal said that was enough for today and asked Jingtian to come back tomorrow.He revealed that tomorrow's bet will be on Chonglou.Jingtian had no choice but to accept this challenge.

The next day, Jingtian came to Shushan again to confront the Evil Sword Immortal.However, Xie Jianxian announced that he had forfeited and lost the game because Jingtian was late.He told Jingtian to come back to gamble tomorrow and emphasized that he must be on time.

Faced with such a predicament, everyone began to look for food separately to meet their urgent needs.However, their efforts were in vain.The only place that still had food was Perak Hall.However, Luo Rulie wanted to eat Maoshan's flesh in order to enhance his skills.Mao Shan firmly rejected his request.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E35Plot

Episode 35

At the moment when Jingtian and Maoshan reunited, Maoshan returned with a heavy heart and witnessed the suffering in the human world.Jingtian asked with concern if Maoshan had found food. Maoshan couldn't bear to tell the truth and could only be vague and promised that there would be food soon.However, Maoshan's heart was full of struggle and pain. He remembered the transaction with Luo Rulie - exchanging one pound of meat on his body for ten pounds of grain.

At the same time, Xuejian returned with Shenggu and Qing'er, but Zixuan was still demented and unable to get over the grief of losing her loved ones.Shenggu and Qing'er also found it difficult to regain Zixuan's sanity.Faced with all this, Jingtian did not give up. He decided to challenge the Evil Sword Immortal again to win more food and supplies and bring a glimmer of hope to everyone.

The next day, Jingtian once again bet with the Evil Sword Immortal.This time, Xie Jianxian changed his gambling method, while Jingtian responded calmly.Although Jingtian tried his best, he was eventually defeated by the Sky Demon King and the Fire Ghost King, and the Demon Realm was also lost.Xie Jianxian thought that Jingtian had not tried his best and decided to bet on a more important person tomorrow - Qing'er.

Episode 35

Faced with this challenge, Jingtian proposed a new gambling method.Evil Sword Immortal hesitated for a moment, but with Biping's approval, he finally agreed to Jingtian's proposal.During the gambling game, Jingtian kept thinking about Changqing and Zixuan's love for Qing'er, which made him more determined to win.Under Biping's prompting, Jingtian unexpectedly won the bet and saved Qing'er's life.

The Evil Sword Immortal didn't give up. He made a new bet on the spot - he would bet on the entire human world tomorrow!This bet made Jingtian unable to refuse.In the mood of worrying about gains and losses, Jingtian looked back to the heights, watching Chonglou, the Sky Demon King and the Fire Ghost King suffering.He tried in vain to drive away the crows.The Fire Ghost King and the Sky Demon King continue to scold Jingtian, while Zixuan appears to defend Jingtian.

At this time, Zixuan had already taken off her mourning clothes, picked up Changqing's giant sword, and cheered up again.She decided to turn her grief and anger into strength and no longer indulge in sadness.After returning to everyone, Zixuan announced that Jingtian finally won the bet, which greatly boosted everyone's morale.However, Maoshan paid a heavy price - there was no good meat in his limbs, and there was no meat on his chest and back.Luo Rulie stated that if Maoshan could no longer grow meat, he would no longer provide food.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E36Plot

Episode 36

Maoshan specially cooked a table of sumptuous dishes to celebrate Sedum's success in defeating the Evil Sword Immortal.Everyone sat around the table, laughing and enjoying this rare quiet time.However, at this moment, a tragedy that no one expected was about to take place.

Sedum, this heroic warrior, was filled with despair.Without anyone knowing, he poisoned the food.His plot was discovered by Nightshade.She understood Jingtian's intentions, and in order to save everyone, she decided to take the lead in drinking the poisonous soup.When Jingtian saw this, his heart was as sharp as a knife. He quickly knocked the bowl out of Nightshade's hand, and the poison fell to the ground, turning into darkness.Everyone was shocked, Jingtian finally collapsed and vented the pain in his heart.

A greater tragedy is yet to come.Jingtian's friend Maoshan suddenly disappeared. When everyone found his trace, he had become skin and bones.It turns out that in order to provide everyone with meat, he sacrificed himself and turned his body into energy to nourish the land.Jingtian and others were distraught and unable to accept this cruel reality.

Episode 36

Just when everyone was in despair, a strange light appeared in the sky, and a mysterious man came out of the sky with a sword.He is Li Xiaoyao, Jingtian's former friend.He handed a jade pendant to Jingtian and revealed a shocking secret: this jade pendant combined with Xuejian's jade pendant can grant Jingtian a wish.It turns out that Li Xiaoyao took the jade pendant away precisely to prevent Jingtian from abusing his power.

Jingtian took out the jade pendant without hesitation and put it together with Xuejian's jade pendant.They made a wish together: to defeat the Evil Sword Immortal.Afterwards, everyone went straight to Shushan Square and divided into two groups.Jingtian and Nightshade went to rescue the fifth elder, while Zixuan and Xuejian were responsible for rescuing Chonglou and others.

Taoist Priest Qingwei told Jingtian with a serious face that in order to defeat the Evil Sword Immortal, the Demon Sword and the Demon Suppressing Sword must be combined into one.In the process of forging a new sword, someone needs to jump into the furnace.This difficult choice fell on Xuejian and Solanum Kui.Xuejian expressed her willingness to sacrifice for everyone without hesitation, but Nightshade stood in front of her.She affectionately asked Jingtian to give her a chance to fight side by side, which was what she had longed for for a thousand years.

In the blazing flames, a new sword was forged.In order to unveil the combination of the demon sword and the demon-suppressing sword, Xuejian and others poured their own spiritual energy into the sword.Jingtian holds a new sword and points it directly at the Evil Sword Immortal.There was silence in the square, and everyone was sweating for Sedum.

The Evil Sword Immortal is still arrogant, and he is convinced that no one can find his weakness.At this moment, a bright light flashed, and before the Evil Sword Immortal could react, he was blown away by the new sword.The color of the sky and the earth changed, and everyone cheered and celebrated this moment of victory.

《Chinese Paladin 3》E37Plot

Episode 37

Jingtian, Xuejian and others reunited again.Originally, everyone should have perished, but at the critical moment of life and death, the three elders used their precious holy lotus to snatch everyone back from the hands of death.

Chang Qing, the man who has always touched everyone's hearts, miraculously survived.Elder Qingwei looked at Changqing and Zixuan with deep concern in his eyes.He asked softly: “Changqing, Zixuan, are you still in love?” Changqing held Zixuan's hand tightly, his eyes full of determination. He nodded slightly, silently confirming this unwavering emotion.

Elder Qingwei spoke slowly, and his voice seemed to travel through time and space, reaching people's hearts.“To truly love someone is to never break into the other person's life, to let him or her be free, not to be trapped by the other person's obsession, and to achieve great things.To love someone is to know how to let go.”These words are like an admonition to Changqing and Zixuan, and they also seem to be an explanation of everyone's philosophy of life.

Episode 37

On a sunny day, Zixuan held Changqing's hand and walked on the vast grassland.They seemed to be two free souls, stretching freely between the heaven and the earth.There is a lake with water as clear as a mirror. It is said that if you drink the water of Wangqing Lake, you will forget the most unforgettable people and things.Zixuan and Changqing stood by the lake, staring deeply at each other, their eyes full of reluctance and determination.They drank the lake water at the same time, but they both kept it secret from each other and did not really forget each other.

Changqing returned to Shushan, and Elder Qingwei handed him the position of head of Shushan, with Chang Yin as his assistant to protect this fairyland together.Jingtian and Xuejian returned to Yong'an. When Zhao Wenchang saw Jingtian, his face immediately changed and he respectfully called him boss.It turns out that in the year when Jingtian left Yong'an to go to heaven, Biping actually issued % shares for him in order to realize Jingtian's dream.Jingtian exchanged his lifespan for the lives of others. Although his lifespan was running out, he cherished every moment with Xuejian more. They lived happily, living in the present and cherishing the people in front of them.

Chinese Paladin 3

Chinese Paladin 3

Total 37 Episodes Jun 28, 2009 C-Drama Period Actor: Hu Ge Liu Jiahui Yang Mi Guo Xiaoting Lin Zicong Liu Shishi Tang Yan Yang Mi Huo Jianhua Hu Ge