《Croceus croceus》E31

Episode 31

As night fell, Wuxie repeatedly reviewed the video clips left by Zhang Qiling and realized that he might have misunderstood something.It turned out that the task of destroying the Zanghai flower field and eradicating the golden coccidia was not assigned directly to him, but because Zhang Qiling often lost his memory after receiving the gift from heaven.The Tibetan Sea Flower Field is reborn every eighty years. Zhang Qiling recorded this video just as a self-reminder to ensure that the unfinished mission is not forgotten.

Episode 31

Deciding to let go of the past, Wuxie embarked on the journey of a new life.Before leaving, he stepped into the practice field again. He wanted to say goodbye, but was accidentally attracted by the newly discovered scroll in Yu Hai's hand.In the scroll, Zhang Qiling's early records reveal more secrets: He once quelled the chaos in the Zanghai Flower Fields, and was worried that he might miss the eighty-year promise due to amnesia in the future, so he recorded the past in detail on the scroll, including the mystery of the origin of the Zhang family.——The mysterious power comes from meteorite copper. Blue and red genes flow in the Zhang family. Blue gives strength but also confuses the mind, while red symbolizes reason.This blue substance has a similar composition to that of Chrysococcus, which may be why the Zhang family is less infested by Chrysococcus. The red gene can awaken their sanity at critical moments.

After reading the scroll, Wuxie and Fatty bid farewell to the master of the practice field in the sea.Yu Haicheng invited him to stay as Deren, promising a monthly salary of 30,000, but required lifelong service.Fatty keenly caught the travel brochure next to Yu Hai and teased him about his desire to retire and travel.Although Yu Hai declined to admit it on the grounds of spiritual practice, Wu Xie declined the offer, stating that he had a more important mission to complete.The fat man bluntly said that sacrificing freedom for a meager salary is not a wise move.

Zhang Haike visited the ashram, feeling guilty and seeking redemption for his past deceptions and obsessions.Yu Hai encouraged him to learn to let go and asked him if he wanted to stay and become “Deren”. Zhang Haike nodded in agreement.Zhang Haixing saw that his brother had put on his Deren hat and was cleaning the courtyard with a broom, and asked him about his determination.Zhang Haike sincerely apologized, and Zhang Haixing expressed his understanding and support, believing that his brother's choice was voluntary, not forced.Zhang Haike said frankly that the practice field can help him calm down and sort out his troubled thoughts.Upon seeing this, Zhang Haixing said goodbye with peace of mind and continued to pursue his dream.

Back in the south, Wuxie and Fatty told Zhang Qiling's story and family secrets in writing. At the same time, they deeply felt that there was an invisible force secretly peeping and instigating rebellion against the Zhang family.For this reason, Wu Xie was determined to investigate in depth, vowing to expose this evil force, and carefully planned a series of actions, named “Sand Sea Project”.

Croceus croceus

Croceus croceus

C-Drama Myst Actor: Zhang Luyi Zhang Kangle