《Breaking Bad Season 3》Ep Intro

Following the ups and downs of the last season, Walter White seems to have escaped from the shortage of money and the troubles of cancer, but the cruelty of reality has not relaxed.Family, the harbor that once was his safe haven, has now become a source of heartache for him.His wife Skyler's decisive divorce forced him to move out of his familiar home and find a new place to live.

This change, although painful, also unexpectedly created favorable conditions for the cooperation between Walter and the drug lord Gus.At this new starting point, Walter had to face a more complicated situation, and the breakdown of his family made him even more distraught.

However, Walter didn't let that stop him.He still walked firmly on his own path. In order to avenge the death of Tu Ke, he teamed up with the cold-faced killer to find Hank.After a fierce confrontation, Hank was seriously injured, and Walter once again felt the cruelty and ruthlessness of the world.

Faced with everything that was gradually out of control, Walter felt an unprecedented crisis.He understood that he was trapped in it and could not extricate himself.What worries him even more is his new partner Gale.Gale is a smart and ambitious man, and Walter knows that once Gale masters his original drug-making technology, he will soon be eliminated by Gus.

However, Walter was undeterred.He still adheres to his principles and fights against the injustice and cruelty of the world in his own way.He understands that no matter how difficult the road ahead is, he must go on it, for himself and for the sake of those who have trusted and relied on him.

In this new chapter full of challenges and dangers, how will Walter face family breakdown, drug-making entanglements, and threats from all sides?Will he be able to protect himself and those he cares about?All this will be revealed in the following story.

《Breaking Bad Season 3》E1Plot

Episode 1

In a small town, Jane's father caused a heart-wrenching tragedy due to an accident.This accident shocked everyone, and its impact was far-reaching and lasting, as if it carved a scar in everyone's heart that is difficult to heal.

Walter, this seemingly calm man on weekdays, fell into deep contemplation after the accident.He stood by the swimming pool at home, holding the illegally obtained money in his hands, and an urge surged in his heart to burn it.However, at the last moment, he regretted it. After all, the money was hard earned by him, and it was not easy to give it up.

The school organized an event to commemorate Jane.Everyone expressed their condolences to the deceased with heavy hearts.But Walter seemed different. He bluntly said that people should look forward and not always be immersed in the pain of the past.This attitude not only shows his strength, but also reveals a kind of helplessness and escape.

At home, Walter began to pack his things and prepare to go out.His friend Hank was helping. Although there were not many words between the two, the tacit understanding and trust were evident.At the same time, Skyler is also planning for his future.She found a divorce lawyer to discuss her marriage to Walter.The lawyer asked whether the two had separated, and Skyler firmly stated that she was unwilling to look back.

Episode 1

Skyler didn't explain much to his son about the quarrel with Walter.When Walter offered to send his son to school, Skylar refused.The conflict and pain in her heart seemed to be deeper than anyone else's.

Jesse gradually came out of the shadows in a rehabilitation center and began to accept his past.He decided to live a good life and no longer be bound by the mistakes of the past.The rift between Walter and Skyler became deeper and deeper. When Skylar filed for divorce, Walter refused to agree.During the quarrel between the two, Skylar revealed the fact that Walter was a drug dealer. Although Walter admitted it, the relationship between the two had completely broken down.

At a crossroads in his life, Walter meets Gus, a man who offers an alluring opportunity.The conditions proposed by Gus made Walter excited - three months of work, three million US dollars in compensation.However, Walter is not a man easily impressed by money, and he rejects Gus's proposal.But Gus did not give up. He put forward the conditions again, which made Walter think deeply.

《Breaking Bad Season 3》E2Plot

Episode 2

In this complicated world, Walter's life seems to be out of control.He was caught by the police on the highway, and his originally peaceful life was broken. Anger and confusion intertwined in his heart.Faced with the police's questioning, Walter could not restrain his anger, and a fierce quarrel started in the police car.Eventually, he was taken back to the police station, where unknown punishment and scrutiny awaited him.

At the same time, Jesse is experiencing his own story.He drove by the once-familiar house and noticed it was being renovated.The house holds memories of his past, but is now unrecognizable.After talking to his father, he learned that his father planned to sell the house.This news made Jesse feel a sense of loss. He tried to understand his father's decision, but his heart was full of reluctance.

And Walter's family is also undergoing tremendous changes.He was very depressed about the fact that Skyler filed for divorce and could not accept this reality.At this time, Saul came to the door, trying to comfort Walter and hoping that he could accept Gus's proposal.However, Walter resolutely rejected Saul's proposal. He could not accept such a thing that violated his principles.

Episode 2

Although life was full of difficulties and challenges, Walter never gave up hope completely.He felt a sense of relief as his son's fundraising site received more and more money.However, he was also very confused about his parents' current situation and couldn't understand why they made such a decision.

Hank looked at Walter's haggard appearance, filled with sympathy and worry.He hopes to help Walter out of his predicament, but he can't.Jesse found Saul, hoping that he could help buy the house that his parents were selling.Although this decision was somewhat impulsive, Jesse felt that this was the last memory he could keep of his past.

Walter finally returned home after a series of twists and turns, but he found that Skylar had changed the locks.He felt a sense of despair and helplessness, not knowing how to face this reality.Finally, he entered the house through the vent, only to find that the house had been installed with listening devices.The appearance of the two Mexicans made him feel even more frightened and uneasy.

《Breaking Bad Season 3》E3Plot

Episode 3

After a busy day, Skylar returned home exhausted.However, her fatigue was not relieved by the warmth of home, because the moment she opened the door, she saw Walter.Walter's existence was like a dazzling sunshine, instantly illuminating all the dissatisfaction and anger in her heart.She asked Walter to leave immediately, but Walter firmly refused this request.

Skyler's anger erupted like a volcano and she called the police.However, Walter's son was very angry because of this. He stood by his father's side and firmly believed that his father had done nothing wrong.The arrival of the police did not solve any problem, but made the situation even more embarrassing.It turns out that Skyler and Walter were not divorced, and Walter was a legal presence in his own home.

Faced with such a result, Skyler felt extremely frustrated.And Walter's son was even more furious at her. Her anger seemed to be frozen at that moment, leaving only helplessness and embarrassment.

At this time, Jesse was at home, and Saul found him, hoping that he could contact Walter.Although Jesse hesitated, he agreed.At the same time, the Mexicans found Gus, and they hoped that Gus could hand Walter over to them.However, Gus told them that he was working with Walter and did not want them to intrude on Walter now.

Episode 3

On the other side, Skyler found her divorce lawyer, to whom she complained about Walter moving back home despite her objections.The lawyer asked her to reveal all the details, and Skylar brought up the fact that Walter was making drugs.The lawyer advised her to call the police immediately, but Skyler feared this would upset her son.

Hank suddenly becomes ill while on a mission, throwing the entire team into chaos.Jesse continued to call Jane at home, but found that her phone number had been canceled.The next day, he returned to the desert and decided to continue making drugs.

Walter decided to have a deep conversation with Skylar.He put all his drug money in front of Skyler and confessed why he made drugs.He embarked on this path simply so that he could leave his family in a good financial position after his death.He hopes Skyler can forgive him, and Skyler says he needs to think about it.

In the office, Skyler was printing documents when Ted walked in.Skyler took the initiative to seduce him, and the two began an intimate relationship.In the evening, Skyler returned home and saw Walter cooking.She told Walter that she had slept with Ted, and Walter was heartbroken.

《Breaking Bad Season 3》E4Plot

Episode 4

On an ordinary afternoon, Jesse drove to a gas station to refuel and buy daily necessities.However, when he was about to pay, he found that his wallet was empty without any cash.In desperation, he actually took out a bag of drugs and tried to use it as a bargaining chip in the transaction.This scene happened to be monitored and recorded by Saul's men.

At the same time, the relationship between Walter and Skylar also fell into freezing point.After their affair was revealed, a heated argument was inevitable.In anger, Walter impulsively came to the company where Skylar worked and smashed the office door with a chair.His behavior not only caused chaos within the company, but also attracted Saul's men.

Saul harshly criticized Walter's impulsive behavior and admitted that he had been spying on him.Walter was extremely dissatisfied with this, and the conflict between the two quickly escalated and eventually turned into a fierce fight.In front of Walter, Saul's men took away the bugs from his home one by one, which was undoubtedly a huge invasion of Walter's privacy.

Walter's personal affairs not only affected his family relationships, but also affected his work.Unable to concentrate on teaching, his performance in the classroom was greatly reduced and even attracted the attention of the principal.During one conversation, Walter attempts to seduce the principal, only to be temporarily suspended.

Episode 4

On the other hand, Hank is also actively investigating Jesse's behavior at the gas station.He discovers the drugs Jesse used to trade and is determined to catch the young man suspected of making drugs.In order to get out of trouble, Jesse began to seek help from Saul, hoping to contact Gus, a larger drug supplier.

However, things didn't go as Jesse expected.Although Gus bought his drugs, he only gave him half of the money, and the remaining half was given to Walter.This move made Jesse very angry and he felt that he had been cheated.

Hank's investigation continues to deepen.He comes to the gas station and asks about Jesse.The cashier tipped him off about Jesse driving the RV.After Walter learned of this clue, he began to look for photos of the RV on the ATM at the entrance of the gas station, and went to the DMV to investigate the information about the RV.

Meanwhile, Walter and Skyler's relationship remains strained.The cold war between the two not only caused pain to themselves, but also affected their son's emotions.And Hank, in order to continue investigating the case, even refused the opportunity for promotion.

《Breaking Bad Season 3》E5Plot

Episode 5

In a seemingly peaceful town, there are many undercurrents hidden.Jesse, a man who once worked with Walter, recently had a new plan of his own.He longed to act independently and no longer be controlled by others, so he decided to buy an RV and start a new life of his own.However, his dissatisfaction with the dividends became the trigger of the conflict between him and Walter.

Meanwhile, Skyler's life wasn't all plain sailing.While taking a shower at Ted's house, her yearning for the geothermal system makes her begin to rethink her life.Ted suggests that she leave her things at his house, which causes her to re-examine her situation.And her relationship with Walter troubled her even more.She discovered that there was money from previous drug dealings hidden in Walter's room, which caused her to have complicated emotions towards Walter.

Episode 5

And Walter himself, although he seemed calm on the outside, was full of struggles inside.Gus tried to persuade him to join the team, and even took him to visit the chemistry laboratory he secretly built.Faced with advanced equipment, although Walter was moved, he ultimately chose to refuse.However, his dissatisfaction with Jesse has reached its peak, and he decides to break up with Jesse, which makes Jesse very angry.

Hank, a police officer, has been tracking an RV.He encountered many misunderstandings and setbacks during the investigation, and even got angry at home because of the dissatisfaction.And the news that his colleague was promoted made him even more unhappy.However, he did not give up, but continued to persevere, and finally found Combo's mother and learned clues to the RV.

《Breaking Bad Season 3》E6Plot

Episode 6

Skyler stood in front of the window, looking out at the bustling streets, but his heart was filled with complicated emotions.After she learned that Walter had agreed to divorce, a trace of disappointment quietly invaded her heart like an icy cold wind.Everything they once had seemed to be gone.

Walter's decision was unexpected, but not without warning.He was willing to shoulder all the expenses of raising his two children and move out on his own to find a new place to live.This sense of responsibility and decisiveness makes Skylar both gratified and regretful.She knew that Walter had made what he thought was the best choice, and she had to accept this reality.

At the same time, other corners of life are also quietly changing.Gus is busy at his fried chicken restaurant, teaching employees how to use new equipment.However, the peaceful days did not last long. Two of Tuco's cousins ​​suddenly came to the door, breaking the tranquility.

Jesse was immersed in his own world, showing his friends the drugs he made and persuading them to try them.Friends praised Jesse's finished product, and the three even decided to get involved in drug trafficking together.However, they did not realize that this decision would involve them in an unpredictable danger.

Episode 6

Hank has been secretly following Jesse, hoping to find the missing RV through Jesse.And Walter found a new partner in his busy life-his assistant Gail.Gale had a master's degree in organic chemistry and his skills amazed Walter.The two are working together in the laboratory with each other, and they seem to have found each other's soulmate.

However, Hank's pursuit did not stop. He continued to follow Jesse, trying to find more clues.Skylar received a call from Mary, who suggested that she find out about Jesse's situation through Walter.This puts Skyler in a dilemma. She wants to protect Walter but doesn't want to let Mary down.

When Walt learns that Hank is tracking the RV, he immediately decides to take action.He contacted Saul and informed him of the current situation.He then approached Bager's cousin and asked him to dispose of the RV immediately.However, Jesse accidentally takes Hank to the location of the RV, much to Walt's fury.

At a critical moment, Walter turned to Saul again.Saul acted quickly and found someone pretending to be a hospital staff member to notify Hank that Marie had been hospitalized in a car accident.Hank rushed to the hospital, only to find that he had been deceived.The RV was eventually destroyed, and the crisis seemed to be temporarily averted.

Meanwhile, Gus meets with Tuco's cousin.He tells them that it was not Walt who killed Tuco, but Hank.The news shocked the two and clarified their misunderstandings about Walter.

《Breaking Bad Season 3》E7Plot

Episode 7

The night Jesse drove home, he was expecting a quiet dinner and a comfortable rest.However, all hell breaks loose the moment Hank bursts through his door.Hank's behavior was violent and impulsive, and he beat Jesse mercilessly until he was unconscious.This incident shocked everyone, especially Hank's boss, who felt that Hank's actions were too drastic and needed to get to the bottom of things.

Jesse wakes up in a hospital bed, his face filled with anger and confusion.He couldn't understand why he suffered such an unreasonable disaster, and he was determined to accuse Hank to the end.However, Walt tried to calm the storm and persuaded Jesse to let Hank go, but Jesse insisted on revenge.

Walt is faced with the dilemma of trying to protect his secret while trying to rescue Hank from trouble.So he decided to invite Jesse to his lab, hoping to keep Jesse secret.At the same time, he also complained to Gus about Gale's mistakes in the laboratory, and used this as an excuse to propose to replace Gale.

However, Hank's predicament did not ease.He was investigated by the police department and if Jesse pressed the charges, he could lose his job.When he returned home, he told Mary all this. Mary tried her best to comfort him, but Hank's inner anxiety could not be calmed.

Episode 7

Skyler learned of Hank's plight and approached Walt, hoping he could persuade Jesse to drop the charges.But Walter was very angry about this. He felt that he had made enough concessions.In the laboratory, Walter discovered that Gale had made a new mistake, which forced their plan to restart.

On the other side, Tuco's cousins ​​learned about the conflict between Hank and Jesse, and they decided to buy guns and body armor to fight Hank to the death.This news made Walter even more anxious. He knew that he had to solve Jesse's problem as soon as possible, otherwise the situation might deteriorate further.

Finally, Jesse decided to accept Walter's invitation, and the two reached some kind of agreement and became partners.Hank also accepted further investigation by the police station. He chose to face reality and accept all possible consequences.Hank's superiors suspended him temporarily and confiscated his guns.

Just when Hank was about to go home, he received a call from a stranger, reminding him that someone was trying to kill him.Immediately afterwards, Tuco's cousin appeared and a fierce gun battle broke out in the parking lot.Hank was seriously injured, and Tuco's cousins ​​were also killed and injured.

《Breaking Bad Season 3》E8Plot

Episode 8

Under the dim light of the laboratory, Walter's face looked heavy.He faced Gale with a hint of helplessness in his voice: “Gale, I really can't continue to work with you.”As he spoke, there was a kind of determination in his eyes.After hearing this, Gale's face darkened, obviously dissatisfied with this sudden change.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps at the door, and Jesse walked in hurriedly.His appearance made the already tense atmosphere even more solemn.Gale looked at Jesse with an ominous premonition in his heart.He realized that he was about to be replaced by this stranger.

Walter ignored Gale's complicated emotions. He took Jesse around the laboratory and introduced him to everything here.However, Jesse brings shocking news: Hank was attacked and is now being treated in the hospital.When Walter heard this, his face instantly turned pale.

Without hesitation, he rushed out of the laboratory and headed straight to the hospital.In the corridor of the hospital, he met Mary and Skyler who were waiting anxiously.Mary's eyes were red and swollen, and she had obviously cried.Walter held her hand tightly and tried to comfort her.

Episode 8

At this time, the door of the operating room suddenly opened and the doctor came out.He took off his mask and told Walter and his group solemnly that Hank was temporarily out of danger, but further observation was needed.After hearing this, Mary finally breathed a sigh of relief, but her eyes were still full of worry.

On the other side of the hospital, Jesse anxiously awaits news from Walter in his office.He was full of expectations for the job he was about to take over, but at the same time he felt a little uneasy.At this time, Gus's men suddenly appeared in the laboratory. They found that Walter was not there, so they began to patrol around.

When Jesse saw this, he immediately called Walter.Walter told him on the phone that Hank's attacker was probably Tuco's cousin.The news shocked Jesse and gave him a deeper understanding of the challenges he was about to face.

Walter spent a long night in the hospital.He chatted with his son, trying to ease the tense atmosphere.However, he was always concerned about Hank's safety.At this time, Gus called and asked about the situation.Walter told him exactly what happened, and at the same time expressed his concerns.

Gus didn't reveal much on the phone, he just told Walter that he would take care of it.Soon after, Gus' men brought food to everyone in the hospital.They briefly chatted with Skyler and others, and then left.

Walter continues to wait for news about Hank in the hospital.He asked Hank's colleagues about the Mexicans, trying to find more clues.At the same time, he also began to think about how to deal with the upcoming challenges.

At this moment, shocking news came from the hospital: the person who attacked Walter was dead.The Mexican's boss called to ask about Gus' situation, but Gus directly sent someone to kill him.

《Breaking Bad Season 3》E9Plot

Episode 9

In a quiet laboratory, Walter and Jesse were immersed in complex experimental work day and night.Their efforts finally bore fruit and they successfully completed the delivery task.However, Jesse was dissatisfied with his compensation and complained to Walt that he was getting too little money.However, Walter seemed indifferent to this. He had no time to pay attention to Jesse's complaints because bigger things were waiting for him to deal with.

In the hospital, Walter and his partners are taking care of the injured Hank.While they were anxiously waiting for Hank's recovery, a shocking news came - Hank's colleagues told him that Hank suddenly suffered from drug addiction.Walter's heart was filled with confusion and worry. He reflected on his behavior alone in the car, wondering if there was anything he had done wrong that would have allowed things to develop to this point.

At this moment, Skyler walked up to the car and asked concernedly if Walter was safe.Walter's answer was heavy, he knew that their current situation was very dangerous.The arrival of the doctor did not bring them much comfort. Hank's recovery was not optimistic.Mary hopes that Hank can receive physical therapy as soon as possible so that he can regain the ability to walk as soon as possible.However, she and Hank's insurance company didn't offer the best rehab, which left her feeling stressed.

Episode 9

On the other hand, Jesse is also confused about his future.His dissatisfaction with the current situation gave him the idea of ​​secretly selling drugs.He stole the drugs from the lab without telling Walter.And Walter learned more about the truth about the incident during his meeting with Gus.He began to suspect that Gus had a more sinister plan, but he couldn't get rid of Gus' control.

At home, Skylar is comforting Mary, who is distraught about Hank.However, Ted's sudden appearance broke the tranquility.After Mary goes to take a shower, Ted and Skylar start chatting.Ted confesses his love to Skyler, but Skylar is not in the mood to deal with these emotional issues right now.

Mary decided to find the best rehabilitation treatment for Hank, and she even planned to turn to the media.Walt and Skylar decided to help her, and Skyler even offered to help pay for Hank's treatment, lying that Walter had won the money at the casino.She used a clever story to cover up the fact that Walter was making drugs, so that Mary was willing to accept their help.However, Skylar also warned Mary not to tell Hank all this.

《Breaking Bad Season 3》E10Plot

Episode 10

Walter, a normally rigorous and calm scientist, suddenly discovered an anomaly in the laboratory one night - a discrepancy in the amount of drugs.He immediately found his lab partner Jesse, but Jesse firmly stated that he had no knowledge of all this.This sudden change made Walter very confused. He suspected whether someone was secretly operating in the laboratory, and that seemingly harmless fly seemed to have become the key to the mystery.

Determined to find out the truth, Walter begins a frantic search for the fly.The laboratory instruments were knocked over one by one by him, and he vowed to catch this fly and solve all the mysteries.Jesse was a little confused when he saw this scene, but he still chose to stay and help Walter.However, things didn't go as they expected, and Jesse did more harm than good, making Walter even more anxious.

In anger, Walter drove Jesse out of the laboratory and decided to face this problem alone.Although Jesse left, her heart was full of worry and confusion.She decided to turn off the electricity in the laboratory and go out to buy fly sticky boards, hoping to help Walter solve this problem.

Episode 10

However, things are not that simple.When Jesse returns to the lab with the fly sticky board, she finds Walter exhausted but still determined to catch the fly.Seeing this scene, Jesse was so distressed that she decided to put sleeping pills in Walter's coffee to give him a temporary rest.

After Walter drank the coffee, he fell asleep soon.Jesse took the opportunity to continue looking for the fly, hoping to find some clues.In the process of searching, she overheard the conversation between Walter and Jane's father in the bar, and learned that the reason why Walter was so persistent was for his family.This moved Jesse deeply and she decided to help Walter solve all the mysteries.

After some efforts, Jesse finally caught the fly.She looked at the fly in her hand, feeling filled with a sense of accomplishment.At this time, Walter had fallen into a deep sleep due to the effect of sleeping pills.Jesse gently laid him on the bed and covered him with the quilt.

However, when Walt wakes up and discovers a discrepancy in the amount of drugs in the lab, he immediately realizes that it was Jesse's doing.He finds Jesse and warns her not to continue.But Jesse firmly denied her crime and said she did not take any drugs.Faced with Jesse's denial, Walter felt very helpless, knowing that he was powerless to do anything about it.

《Breaking Bad Season 3》E11Plot

Episode 11

Hank, at the moment, is stuck in the quagmire of rehabilitation.Every physical therapy and every exercise was like ruthless torture, making him irritable.His heart was filled with struggle, and his desire for recovery intertwined with his fear of pain, creating an unspeakable pressure.

Meanwhile, Mary was dealing with more practical issues.She handed the bill to Skylar, who looked at it and calmly said he could take it.His decision was a relief to Mary, but it also left Skyler thinking about where the money came from and where it was going.

Walter, this seemingly calm man, had deep doubts in his heart.He suspected that Jesse was involved in the drug trade, so he kept an eye on Jesse.And Jesse, facing Walter's suspicion, was filled with anger.He originally thought that his friends could help him get rid of the drugs, but unexpectedly they failed.He decided to take matters into his own hands and sell all the drugs.

Episode 11

Walter returns home and chats with Skylar about Mary's bill.He gave Skyler a check without hesitation, but Skyler began to doubt whether the money came from a legitimate source.Walter took him to Saul's office, and Saul explained Walter's money laundering process in detail.However, Skyler expressed doubts about Saul's choice.

Jesse meets a woman in rehab and they quickly become involved.He was surprised to find that this woman also had a son.At the same time, Skyler made a suggestion to Walter, which was to use drug money to invest in a car wash.This suggestion seemed reasonable, but Walter was hesitant.

Jesse and his girlfriend were chatting at home. She asked Jesse for drugs, but Jesse refused.His heart is full of contradictions. On the one hand, he wants to avenge the combo, but on the other hand, he doesn't want his girlfriend to get involved.

Then, a shocking truth is revealed.Jesse discovers that his girlfriend's eldest son is actually the kid Tomas who killed the combo.It turns out that this was all Gus's conspiracy. He used Tomas to kill the combo and then recruited him into his drug cartel.

Hank's condition did not improve. He refused to eat and was determined not to be discharged from the hospital until he fully recovered.Mary looked at his stubbornness and felt helpless and angry.

Skyler and Walter's discussion continues.Skylar expressed his willingness to help Walter launder money, but Walter was unwilling to involve Skylar.However, Skylar insisted that they were not divorced and that she had a right to know.

Walter received an invitation from Gus to go to his house for dinner.Gus gave him some advice, but the advice made Walter even more hesitant.He knew that he was at a crossroads and that every choice he made could have unforeseen consequences.

As for Jesse, the fire of revenge in his heart is getting stronger and stronger.He decided to go to Tomas himself to buy drugs and avenge the combo.

《Breaking Bad Season 3》E12Plot

Episode 12

Skyler and Walter, once a couple, are now exploring their own paths in life.Skyler was deeply investigating the money laundering process at home, trying to find a way out of life; while Walter was outdoors, patiently teaching his son to drive, hoping that he could move forward independently in this complicated world.

However, Skyler seems not satisfied with this life.She insists on joining Walter's operation, hoping to find her own place in it.But Walter knew the risks involved, and he was unwilling to involve Skyler for fear of being implicated.However, Skyler came up with a reason that Walt couldn't refuse: their divorce agreement had not taken effect and they were still legally married.

Walter was struggling and wanted to go home and communicate with Skylar, but Skylar firmly disagreed.Eventually, Skyler compromised and agreed that Walter could stay at home four days a week from now on.This is undoubtedly a huge comfort to Walter.

On the other side, Jesse was busy in the laboratory. He invited Walter to have a drink with him after get off work, but Walter refused.He chatted with Jesse in the bar and learned about Jesse's plan to avenge his brother.Walt tries to dissuade him, but Jesse goes his own way, determined to confront those who have hurt him.Although Walter was helpless, he could only say that if Jesse was caught, he would not be able to help.

Episode 12

In the hospital, Hank is depressed about his condition, and both Walter's son and Mary try to comfort him.They played cards with him to try to lighten his mood a little.Walter and Saul were waiting for Jesse to appear in the office, and they were worried that Jesse's actions would cause greater trouble.

However, Jesse didn't do what they expected.He found a prostitute, hoping to use her to get close to Gus's men and realize his revenge plan.Walter was taking care of his daughter at home, but suddenly received a visit from Saul's associates.They told Walt that their previous plan to put Jesse in jail was not feasible because Gus would not allow his employees to go to jail.

Gus discovered Jesse's plan and personally came forward to try to persuade Jesse.He hopes that Jesse can reconcile with his men, but Jesse firmly resists.He complained to Gus about their cruel behavior of using children to do business. After hearing this, Gus ordered his men not to use children again in the future.Although Jesse seems to have compromised on the surface, he is still full of anger in his heart.

At the hospital, Mary continued to care for Hank.She persuaded Hank to go home and recuperate because the hospital expenses were too high.Under Mary's persuasion, Hank finally decided to go home.

And Walter realizes that Jesse's actions may cause greater trouble.He springs into action, driving out and killing the two men Jesse was seeking revenge on.He understood that this was to protect himself and his family, and also to prevent Jesse from embarking on a path of no return.

《Breaking Bad Season 3》E13Plot

Episode 13

In the vast desert, the figures of Walter and Jesse gradually moved away, escaping from the original constraints and dangers.However, the road to escape was not smooth, and Walter pondered among the endless sand dunes what to do with the car that had witnessed them countless trials and hardships.Just as he was lost in thought, Gus' car suddenly appeared in sight, bringing unknown challenges and opportunities.

Walter made a difficult decision: As long as Gus could forgive Jesse, he would continue to work for Gus.This decision was not only out of deep affection for Jesse, but also a helpless compromise for his own way of survival.He returned to the laboratory, only to find that his world was no longer his.Gus found him a new assistant, Gale, and Walter became the subject of surveillance.

The appearance of Gale made Walter feel an unprecedented crisis.He realizes that Gale is the pawn Gus uses to replace him.Once Gale masters Walter's technology, he will lose all use value and become a useless abandon in Gus's eyes.This kind of fear and uneasiness filled Walter's heart with anxiety and struggle.

Episode 13

However, a bigger secret is still waiting for Walter.Gus found Gale and told him that Walter made drugs because he was suffering from lung cancer and did not have much time left.Gus hopes that Gale can master Walter's skills as soon as possible so that he can take over his position in the future.This news shocked and despaired Walter, who understood that his fate was in the hands of others.

At the same time, Mike was also looking for Jesse's whereabouts.He found Jesse's address on Saul's desk, bringing hope for a reunion between the two.However, the joy of reunion was quickly diluted by the cruelty of reality.Walt tells Jesse that he has decided to wash his car to launder money, and Jesse proposes that the two of them escape this dangerous world together.But Walter is unwilling to abandon his family. He is well aware of his responsibilities and ties.

On the verge of life and death, Walter made a more radical decision.He realized that only by killing Gale would he have a chance to survive.He hoped that Jesse could help him complete this task, but Jesse refused.Walter had no choice but to order Jesse to follow Gale, get his home address, and then go and deal with the threat himself.

However, just when Walter was about to take action, Gus's men suddenly appeared at his door and took him away.Walter knew that his plan had been discovered by Gus.At the critical moment of life and death, he tried to use Jesse in exchange to save his own life.But in the process of calling Jesse, he took the opportunity to ask Jesse to kill Gale.

Breaking Bad Season 3

Breaking Bad Season 3

Total 13 Episodes Mar 21, 2010 Us Crime/Plot Actor: Bob Odenkirk Dean Norris Aaron Paul Anna Gunn Bryan Cranston