Yuki Onmura (played by Kiyohara Goya) and Hasegawa Airi (played by Ai Mikami) who returned to Tokyo achieved a long-awaited reunion.Ellie, who is across from the cafe, is as worried as ever about the relationship between Yuki and Tokunaga Hiroyuki (played by Yuto Sano).However, Yuki didn't know how to answer.In front of Yuki's sight were young women holding film cameras and looking very happy.Triggered by her appearance, Yuki began to reread her life diary...
——March, two days before graduation.After Wada Toranosuke (Mochizuki Ayumu), who graduated early from working in a family restaurant, got together with the usual five people, Yuki decided to cook a meal to celebrate Hiroyuki who had finished writing his thesis, and then went home with Hiroyuki.In front of the apartment, the two of them passed by Midori Tomita (played by Yuri Nakamura) who was carrying a cardboard box out of the house. However, with that distant look, the topic naturally turned to Yuki and Midori's meeting.It was an incredible encounter….
At that time, Midori exhibited an important film camera at a flea market and gave it to Yoshihiro Kita (Masanobu Katsumura) for free who expressed interest.“You can continue to use it, or you can give it to others”.Attached is this mysterious message….
On the other hand, Guanghai, who was eating in Yuxi's room, received the good news that Guanghai's paper was well received and he received an offer from an American university.However, Yuki couldn't be openly happy.If Guanghai went to the United States, the two were separated... Guanghai noticed Yuki's mood...
Later, Yuki learned that Midori was moving.Yuki wanted to keep memories with Midori, but Midori refused.In fact, green has a big secret...!?