《Ipartment Season 3》Ep Intro

Xiaoxian (played by Chen He) finally gave up his 5 million bonus and returned to everyone, because he found that friendship is his most precious wealth.At this time, everyone's old friend Meijia (played by Li Jinming) returned to the love apartment and brought back a new boyfriend.

Although they broke up in the end, she gradually understood what kind of talent was suitable for her, found a new job, and started a new life.Yifei (played by Lou Yixiao) became a university teacher and her career slowly started, but she was still stumbling emotionally.

Zhanbo (played by Jin Shijia) and Wanyu (played by Zhao Ji) returned to their apartment after their trip, but Wanyu left Zhanbo for her dream. They were sad but not hurt, because they once truly loved each other.There is sadness but also joy. Guangu and Youyou have been in love for a long time and are finally getting ready to get married.

Although Zi Qiao has always presented himself as a playboy, when he found the girl who made his heart beat, he gradually became mature.

After so many years and so many things happened together in the love apartment, everyone began to gradually understand the direction of their own lives and each other's position in their hearts.

Not only are there teasing, teasing, and teasing between each other, but also more...

《Ipartment Season 3》E1Plot

Episode 1

On a starry night, Zeng Xiaoxian finally won the sensational millionaire reality show% championship.His intelligence, agility and tenacity made him stand out from countless contestants and became the lucky one standing on the podium.However, the joy of victory did not last long. The bonus was withheld by the television station, and he was forced to sign a seemingly unequal but unacceptable contract with the television station.

Zeng Xiaoxian's life has become extremely difficult as a result. He works hard to fulfill the treaty every day, although it is full of injustice and bitterness.However, just when he felt the road ahead was bleak, a familiar figure appeared in front of him - Lisa, who came to visit the class and brought exciting news.

Lisa told Zeng Xiaoxian that the TV station decided to tailor a new column for him, called - I Choose You on behalf of the Moon -.This column not only means that Zeng Xiaoxian will have the opportunity to show his talents again, but more importantly, it will bring him freedom and get rid of the shackles of the previous unequal treaties.After Zeng Xiaoxian heard the news, his heart was filled with gratitude and hope.

Episode 1

After recording the program, Zeng Xiaoxian returned home with great satisfaction and brought the gifts he bought for everyone.However, he soon discovered that no one seemed interested in the gifts he bought.This made him feel a little disappointed, but he quickly adjusted his mentality and decided to express his gratitude in other ways.

After learning that the bonus was about to arrive, Zeng Xiaoxian decided to do something for his friends.He promised his friends that they could use the money to grant one of his wishes.The promise excited the friends, who began to dream up their own wishes.

《Ipartment Season 3》E2Plot

Episode 2

When Zeng Xiaoxian was about to receive his bonus, fate played a joke on him.Huang Baoqiang, a newcomer full of energy and creativity, surged in like a back wave and ruthlessly replaced Zeng Xiaoxian's position as host.

Faced with such changes, one can imagine Zeng Xiaoxian's mood.But life is always full of surprises and surprises.Just when he was most disappointed, Huang Baoqiang appeared.Not only did he express his gratitude to Zeng Xiaoxian for his past, but he also decided to help him realize a wish.This wish is to buy the bar downstairs.

Episode 2

The bar became the place where they reunited.Here, Zeng Xiaoxian, Huang Baoqiang and other friends gathered again to share their experiences during this period.They chatted, sang, and reminisced about the past, as if they were back in time.The sudden appearance of Meijia added a surprise to the party.

Meijia’s appearance always makes people’s eyes brighten.This time, she not only brought her own story, but also introduced a special guest-her boyfriend.Surprisingly, this man looked exactly like Zi Qiao.

《Ipartment Season 3》E3Plot

Episode 3

Ziqiao and Guangu had a sudden idea, pretending to be Indians, and came to the art exhibition held by Meijia's boyfriend Epad.At the art exhibition, the colorful paintings attracted the attention of many viewers, but Ziqiao and Guangu's thoughts were not here.

Sekiya is curious about Epad's artistic talent.He walked towards one of Epad's proud paintings and discovered that Epad was his favorite painter and his idol!

Because he had a bad attitude towards his idol before, he got angry and Ziqiao accidentally smashed the idol's painting with a punch!

At the same time, Zi Qiao was also observing Elped in the corner.He was jealous that Epad was taller than him, and his tall and straight figure was particularly dazzling in Zi Qiao's eyes.So, he decided to take action and stole Epad's shoes.

Episode 3

All this farce unexpectedly delayed the date between Epad and Mika.When Meijia learned the truth of all this, she was deeply disappointed and sad.She believed that Epad's friends not only disrespected her feelings, but also trampled on Epad's talent and personality.In this atmosphere, the relationship between Meijia and Epad became precarious.In the end, the two broke up, and the joyful atmosphere of the exhibition was shrouded in gloom.

In the evening, Meijia told Yuyou truthfully the reason why she left.Yoyo, who has always been loudmouthed, still didn't keep it a secret. Everyone who knew the truth left Meijia in a sincere way.

《Ipartment Season 3》E4Plot

Episode 4

In the love apartment, every day is full of laughter and accidents.This time, Ziqiao and Meijia came up with a special plan - locking Yuyou and Guangu, Xiaoxian and Yifei in their respective rooms, hoping that this arrangement will make their relationship deeper.

The atmosphere in Yuyou and Guangu's room was a little awkward at first.Youyou knew that there was a gap between her and Guangu due to some misunderstandings.Being arranged alone this time gave Yuyou a chance to apologize.She walked up to Guan Gu and expressed her apology sincerely.

“Sekiya, I'm sorry, I was too impulsive before and didn't understand your feelings.”Yuyou said.

Guangu looked at Youyou, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced by emotion.He understood that Yoyo's ability to take the initiative to apologize showed that she sincerely wanted to reconcile.

Just then, Mario - their mutual favorite game character - appeared in front of them.Instead of escaping, Yoyo took the initiative to say hello to Mario and introduced herself.Her bravery and frankness moved Guangu even more.

Episode 4

“Yuyou, thank you.”Sekiya said,“I understand, Mario is just a game character, and we shouldn't have conflicts because of him.Your understanding allowed me to conquer my inner Mario.”

In another room, Xiaoxian and Yifei also experienced an accident.Yifei mistakenly drank the special wine prepared by Meijia for Xiaoxian's courage. The effect of this wine was surprisingly good, making Yifei become extremely active.Xiaoxian, on the other hand, felt a little at a loss because of Yifei's changes.

Meijia and Ziqiao were watching all this on the balcony. They originally thought their plan would succeed, but they did not expect such an accident.They couldn't help but lament that their cleverness was misled by their cleverness.

《Ipartment Season 3》E5Plot

Episode 5

In a campus full of energy and passion, Yifei, a newcomer who has just entered the ranks of teachers, found a teaching assistant job for her friend Meijia with great expectations.She firmly believes that this will be a good opportunity for Meijia to get in touch with society and learn responsibility.However, she may not have expected that this seemingly simple job would bring quite a challenge to Meijia.

Although Meijia has a passionate heart, she always gets into trouble because of her careless personality.This time, she was responsible for entering students' relevant scores.However, while she was busy recording scores, she accidentally spilled ink on the registration form, making many students' scores unclear.Faced with such a dilemma, Meijia did not choose to stop and think calmly. Instead, she hastily entered the system according to the scores she expected from her students.

Episode 5

This seemingly innocent mistake had serious consequences for the school.When the school discovered Meijia's mistakes, it made the decision to fire her without hesitation.Yifei looked at Meijia's disappointed expression and felt mixed emotions in her heart. She understood that this setback was a profound lesson for Meijia.

At the same time, Zeng Xiaoxian's bar is also facing difficulties.His friend Lu Ziqiao, in order to help him run the bar well, came up with a bold plan - using hunger marketing tactics to attract customers, all drinks are free of charge.This seemingly attractive offer was thought to attract a large number of customers and bring popularity and profits to the bar.

Things didn't go the way they expected.Although the bar's big party attracted many people, the bar's profits dropped significantly due to free drinks.In the end, Zeng Xiaoxian had to face a cruel reality: he lost his job as a bar shareholder.

《Ipartment Season 3》E6Plot

Episode 6

On this vibrant early summer weekend, Guangu and Youyou carefully planned a unique couple's carnival, and sincerely invited the lovers Wan Yu and Zhan Bo to participate.Wanyu, a straightforward and enthusiastic girl, agreed to the invitation without hesitation.Zhan Bo, as Wanyu's boyfriend, naturally went with her to the appointment.

Guangu and Youyou have prepared a variety of activities for this carnival, from outdoor adventures to indoor parties, every aspect is full of surprises and laughter.As night fell, the carnival reached its climax.Amid the laughter, Guangu and Youyou gave six-word evaluations of this event: successful, wonderful, and unforgettable.They felt that everything they carefully planned was perfectly presented, and it also brought an unforgettable memory to Wanyu and Zhanbo.

Episode 6

Things didn't go as expected.After the carnival ended, Wan Yu and Zhan Bo described their feelings in six words: “ One sword, kill, me.”It turned out that during the carnival, Zi Qiao saw a beautiful ring on Wanyu's hand, mistakenly thought it was a prize she won at the event, and took it away, intending to use it as a tool to pick up girls.And this ring is actually a token of love that Zhanbo plans to propose to Wanyu at the right time.

《Ipartment Season 3》E7Plot

Episode 7

Zhan Bo is ready to propose to Wanyu.Zhanbo personally informed everyone of this exciting news, and specifically asked everyone not to tell Yifei.However, in a love apartment, a place full of gossip and passion, secrets are often difficult to keep.

This time, the messenger of the news was changed to Youyou.She revealed the news to Yifei at lightning speed.Yifei, the straight-tempered person in this apartment, immediately couldn't hold back after hearing the news and decided to inform her mother who was on vacation.So, my mother, who was enjoying her vacation, took a flight without hesitation and rushed to the love apartment.

The arrival of mother made the atmosphere in the apartment even more lively.She was very excited about Zhan Bo's proposal, thinking it was a great joy, and urged Yifei to take action quickly and solve her problems with Zhan Bo.From the mother's perspective, Zhanbo's proposal is not only a big step in her son's life, but also an important moment for other young people in the apartment to move toward happiness.

Episode 7

In the past few days, Yifei's mother began to actively look for a suitable partner for Yifei.Her eyes were fixed on Lu Ziqiao in the apartment.Lu Ziqiao left a deep impression on Yifei's mother with her humor and gentlemanly demeanor, so she was highly recommended to Yifei.However, when Yifei's mother mentioned Xiaoxian, another apartment member, Yifei reluctantly rejected her mother's recommendation because he was not a straight man.Xiaoxian was innocently shot while lying down, becoming an interesting episode in this marriage proposal controversy.

《Ipartment Season 3》E8Plot

Episode 8

Zhan Bo and Wan Yu walked into the bustling cinema hand in hand.Originally, Zhanbo planned to propose to his beloved Wanyu on this special occasion and give her an unforgettable surprise.However, plans always failed to keep up with changes, and they failed to book a private venue, which put Zhanbo's proposal plan in trouble.

The movie started, the lights gradually dimmed, and Zhan Bo's mood became more and more nervous.He sat next to Wanyu and tried to concentrate on watching the movie, but the idea of ​​​​proposing kept lingering in his mind.Unknowingly, his eyelids felt heavy and he fell asleep in the cinema.

The movie came to an end, and suddenly, soft and romantic proposal music sounded in the cinema.When Wan Yu heard the music, she mistakenly thought it was a proposal specially arranged by Zhan Bo. She panicked and shook her head repeatedly: No, no.%This reaction surprised Zhan Bo. He suddenly woke up and realized that his negligence had caused a misunderstanding.

Episode 8

After the movie ended, the audience left one after another, and Zhan Bo and Wan Yu also stood up and prepared to leave.However, at this moment, the restaurant owner came over and it turned out that Zhan Bo was so nervous that he forgot to bring his wallet.Seeing that they could not pay for the meal, the boss detained them and demanded that someone send money before they could leave.

At this moment, Yifei and Meijia came after hearing the news and planned to give Zhanbo money to rescue him.However, they unfortunately got lost on the way to the cinema, making the already tense situation even worse.In desperation, Zhanbo had no choice but to leave the engagement ring in the restaurant as collateral, and the two were able to escape.

Zhanbo returned home with mixed emotions. He knew that a series of oolong events in this proposal plan made Wanyu feel embarrassed and uneasy.But he also understands that true love will not disappear because of a momentary mistake.So, he mustered up the courage, walked up to Wanyu, and expressed his feelings affectionately.

《Ipartment Season 3》E9Plot

Episode 9

In busy urban life, everyone may face various setbacks and difficulties.At these moments, what we need is not only understanding and support, but also the firmness and encouragement from our families.

Zhanbo, a young man full of passion and ideals, is experiencing an emotional storm.He proposed to the girl he loved, but was rejected.This was undoubtedly a heavy blow to him.However, his mother, Zhan Bo's mother, gave him the warmest comfort at this critical moment.She told her son that when faced with their differences, they must have the courage to face them and communicate instead of escaping.Her words were full of wisdom and understanding, allowing Zhanbo to find strength in his pain.

Episode 9

At the same time, two friends, Yifei and Meijia, also lost their way in the city.They strayed into a strange neighborhood and were at a loss.At this critical moment, they chose to ask Zeng Xiaoxian for help.After hearing their plight, Zeng Xiaoxian felt a little gloating, but he still chose to lend a helping hand.When he learned that they were driving his new car, he borrowed a car without hesitation and went straight to where they were.Although his actions were somewhat unexpected, they also showed his responsibility and sense of responsibility as a friend.

On the other hand, Wanyu received the admission notice from Milan, which was undoubtedly an important turning point in her life.Faced with this decision, she chose to pursue her dream.

《Ipartment Season 3》E10Plot

Episode 10

The two met by chance and got to know each other in daily life, and their feelings for each other slowly accumulated over the years.However, when there are differences on the road of love, the distance between the two hearts also quietly changes.

Wan Yu knows very well that Zhan Bo is a person who can give everything for love.She was unwilling to let Zhanbo change his life trajectory for her, and she was unwilling to let him give up his dreams and pursuits for her.Therefore, when facing an important life decision, Wan Yu secretly made a decision - not to let Zhan Bo accompany her to Milan.

This decision is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Zhanbo.He felt disheartened, as if the whole world had lost its color.However, with the comfort and encouragement of relatives and friends in the iPartment, Zhanbo gradually regained his energy and began to face the challenges of life.

Episode 10

On the eve of Wanyu's departure from the city, she told Zhanbo that she wanted to take a group photo of him in a wedding dress before leaving.This news caused an uproar in the love apartment, and everyone felt sorry for the couple who were about to separate.With Yifei as the leader, everyone took action one after another, busy from top to bottom, nervously preparing to take photos.

To everyone's surprise, Wan Yu did not choose to go to a professional photography agency to take a photo, but just used her mobile phone to take a simple wedding photo of herself and Zhan Bo.The smiles of the two people in the photo reveal a hint of helplessness and reluctance, but they are also full of deep blessings for each other.

In this way, Wanyu quietly left the city, leaving behind the simple but meaningful wedding photo.

《Ipartment Season 3》E11Plot

Episode 11

If Zhanbo hadn't told Wanyu to be loyal to her decision, Wanyu might still be hesitating. Milan might just be a distant dream for her.But Zhanbo's reminder made her determined to pursue that dream.This decision was like a seed planted in her heart that would eventually bloom into brilliant flowers.

Yifei saw Wanyu's determination and took her to a bridal shop in order to keep her.Perhaps Yifei just wanted Wanyu to feel the beauty of the wedding dress and give her more expectations for the future.But Meijia's unexpected intrusion broke the tranquility.She accidentally broke her wedding dress, which embarrassed both Yifei and Wanyu.

Episode 11

Youyou saw all this, and she didn't want Meijia to bear all the responsibilities, so she kindly compensated Meijia for the loss.Although this move seemed simple, it made Guangu agree to cooperate with Mr. Biao in order to make moneyNo need to drink his coffee.

The chain reaction of all this eventually led to Zeng Xiaoxian hitting a cat on the way to take Guangu to the hospital.In order to save the cat, Meijia accidentally sprained her foot.Ziqiao saw all this and wanted to imitate Meijia's bravery, but unexpectedly met his ex-girlfriend.This series of events caused Zhanbo to miss his Italian visa.

《Ipartment Season 3》E12Plot

Episode 12

On a sunny weekend, the CS Community Championship was held as scheduled.On the day of the competition, it attracted the attention of many game enthusiasts.Three friends, Zhanbo, Ziqiao and Guangu, signed up with great ambition, ready to show off their talents on the field.However, Zeng Xiaoxian unfortunately could not attend this competitive feast because he had to receive a guest from the radio station.

After the game started, Ziqiao, Zhanbo and Guangu quickly entered the state. With their tacit cooperation and superb skills, they passed all the way and successfully advanced to the knockout stage.On the field, they fought bravely, showing extraordinary strength whether it was fierce gun battles or clever tactical layouts.

During the game, some incidents also occurred.When Zhanbo encountered a scene in the venue that reminded him of Wanyu, his mood suddenly became complicated and his thoughts were racing, causing him to make mistakes at critical moments, disrupting the team's cooperation, and ultimately causingThe whole team failed.Despite this, Zhanbo's teammates did not blame him, but gave him more encouragement and support.

Episode 12

In the crucial final game, the Ziqiao team decided to activate the cheat, hoping to take this opportunity to turn things around.Although this behavior caused controversy in the gaming community, they successfully counterattacked and finally won the game by relying on the powerful functions of the plug-in.

After the game, Ziqiao, Zhanbo and Guangu were very excited. They were proud of their efforts and victory.The wonderful moments of this game have also become unforgettable memories for them.

At the same time, an exciting news came: a once-in-a-thousand-year meteor shower is coming.In order to celebrate the victory of the game and enjoy this rare astronomical spectacle, everyone decided to go to Sheshan to watch the meteor shower together.

《Ipartment Season 3》E13Plot

Episode 13

At the camping site under the blue sky and white clouds, a unique adventure activity is in full swing.Hu Yifei, this resourceful and brave explorer, cleverly used the magical half-eaten ham from Guangu as bait to prepare for a unique hunting experience.Her eyes revealed curiosity about the unknown and desire for challenge, while the aroma of ham filled the air, attracting the surrounding small animals.

At the same time, Zeng Xiaoxian was busy setting up a tent not far away.He carefully unfolded the tent cloth and fixed the supports firmly to the ground.However, as time passed, everyone discovered that the tent set up by Zeng Xiaoxian gradually turned into a big ball, like a giant white marshmallow.This scene made people laugh uncontrollably. Everyone gathered around and burst into bursts of laughter.Zeng Xiaoxian scratched his head awkwardly and couldn't help but smile.

Episode 13

On the other side, Tang Youyou's mood was completely different from everyone else's.She missed an audition for an important martial arts film and was filled with loss and frustration.This opportunity meant so much to her, and missing it made her feel more frustrated than ever.She made a decision: change agents.She chose Chen Meijia as her new agent, hoping to regain confidence in the future.

《Ipartment Season 3》E14Plot

Episode 14

Chen Meijia, a newly promoted agent, has deeply understood the hardship and complexity of this industry since she was selected as Tang Youyou's agent.

When Chen Meijia lamented that the brokerage industry was too deep while chatting with Guan Gu, Guan Gu couldn't help but nodded in agreement.In this industry, we not only have to deal with complicated contract matters, but also deal with various emergencies. We also have to keep a clear head in the complex entertainment industry and strive for the best interests for the artists.

At the same time, Claire signed a new contract and was filled with joy.For her, this is a new starting point and an affirmation of her acting career.However, Chen Meijia was a little worried.She is well aware that there may be many unknown terms and traps hidden behind the new contract, which need to be carefully screened by the agent to ensure that the artist's rights and interests are not harmed.

Episode 14

In another corner of the entertainment industry, Zeng Xiaoxian's radio program broke the record and tripled its listening rate because it invited Nolan as a guest.This good news makes Lisa Rong, the producer, feel very happy and proud.She congratulated Zeng Xiaoxian and encouraged him to continue to bring high-quality content to listeners.

Back in the apartment, everyone was immersed in joy and anticipation.Chen Meijia suggested that in order to celebrate this series of good news, everyone might as well have a costume role play.This proposal immediately aroused strong interest from everyone.Everyone began to imagine their own costumed characters, from the heroic general to the graceful princess, from the witty counselor to the dashing knight. Everyone was immersed in their own character settings, and laughter and discussions broke out one after another.

《Ipartment Season 3》E15Plot

Episode 15

Recently, there has been a new trend of social networking sites - washbasin.com.This emerging social platform attracted everyone in the apartment with its unique interactive form and rich functions. Even Yifei, who has always been calm and rational, couldn't help but join this online carnival.

However, just when Yifei was happily registering an account and posting for interaction, an unexpected incident put her in trouble.When Yifei decided to attend the upcoming class reunion, she found that her request was ruthlessly rejected by the administrator of Washbasin.com.The reason is ridiculous: the website mistakenly believed that Yifei had died.

Episode 15

This infuriating news hit Yifei's heart like a heavy hammer.She was furious and decided to find out the truth.With the help of her friend Zhanbo, Yifei gradually uncovered the whole story of this own incident.It turns out that all this happened because Yifei accidentally filled in an incorrect birth date when registering for Washbasin.com, causing the website to automatically classify her into the list of deceased users.

In order to clarify this misunderstanding, Yifei decided to take action.With the help of everyone in the apartment, she took advantage of this incident to bring together classmates she had not seen for many years.A unique proof of life and death will be staged grandly in the love apartment.

《Ipartment Season 3》E16Plot

Episode 16

In the endless fantasy, everyone is looking for their own piece of sky.The intertwining of reality and fantasy allows people to constantly encounter surprises and challenges on the way to pursue their dreams.

Yifei, a successful woman, drives a Chevrolet Hornet through the parking lot.Her eyes inadvertently fell on a familiar figure, Zeng Xiaoxian whom she hadn't seen for many years.The two greeted each other in surprise, as if time had never left a trace between them.They started chatting about what had happened over the years, sharing each other's joys, sorrows and joys.

Episode 16

Yifei's younger brother Zhanbo is a suave young man. His handsome appearance and chic temperament charm the little girls.He loved life and enjoyed every adventure and challenge.One day, he met Youyou, a screenwriter, in a bar.Zhanbo deeply admired Youyou's talent and charm, and the two began a pleasant communication.

Meanwhile, Yoyo's silly nephew Joe is in trouble after being kicked off the team.He lost his direction and didn't know how to face the future.At this critical moment, he chose to defect to Youyou.In the bar, Zi Qiao accidentally met Yifei and Zeng Xiaoxian.Their appearance made Zi Qiao feel a little warm and comforted.

《Ipartment Season 3》E17Plot

Episode 17

In bustling cities, interpersonal relationships are complicated, and entanglements between love and career are even more common.Lisa Rong's love for Zeng Xiaoxian is like an endless river, and Zeng Xiaoxian uses this feeling as a ladder to climb to the top of his career.However, his rejection of Lisa and his ambivalence about not wanting to offend her put him in a dilemma.

In order to cope with this dilemma, Zeng Xiaoxian planned to invite Yifei to help out.However, things did not develop as he expected, but intensified.Originally hoping to resolve the awkward relationship with Lisa through Yifei's intervention, unexpectedly Yifei's arrival made the situation even more embarrassing.Zeng Xiaoxian's wishful thinking failed, and he had to face more difficult problems.

Episode 17

At the same time, Meijia lost control due to excessive drinking and vomited Ziqiao who was working as a human sculpture in a mess.This scene not only embarrassed Ziqiao, but also surprised everyone present.Although Meijia's behavior was an unintentional mistake, it exposed her problem of losing her temper after drinking, which made people question her image.

In another corner, Youyou has a deep affection for the actor who plays Lu Bu.As a screenwriter, in order to cater to the actor's preferences, she added many scenes for Lu Bu without authorization and adopted his ideas.However, this pandering was not approved by the producers and was severely criticized.In the end, Youyou lost her job and paid a heavy price.

《Ipartment Season 3》E18Plot

Episode 18

On an ordinary summer afternoon, Zhan Bo posted a handsome photo online along with his mobile phone number on a whim.He thought it was just a small sharing, but he didn't expect that it would cause an unexpected storm.

Since the photo was released, Zhanbo's cell phone has almost never stopped vibrating.There were countless calls from beautiful women every day, which made him a bit spoiled for choice.These calls came in like a flood, leaving Zhanbo overwhelmed.

Among these many suitors, Zhan Bo finally chose a person who called herself “Iron Man”.Her independence, strength and intelligence deeply attracted Zhanbo.The two got to know each other and eventually came together.

In order to get rid of the endless phone harassment, Zhanbo decided to throw away the mobile phone.He got a new mobile phone and started a sweet life with Iron Man Girl.

Episode 18

But this abandoned mobile phone inadvertently changed another person's life.Ziqiao happened to pick up this mobile phone when he came to the city from the countryside. He didn't realize what kind of story was behind this mobile phone.

Zi Qiao began to receive calls that originally belonged to Zhan Bo.At first, he was a little confused, but soon he discovered the business opportunity.He began to imitate Zhanbo's voice and attitude and date those suitors.

Ziqiao accumulated rich experience through countless dates, and he quickly became a dating expert.His life has undergone earth-shaking changes, and he begins to enjoy this life full of excitement and freshness.

At the same time, Zeng Xiaoxian offended his leader and was demoted to be the host of a late-night radio show.

《Ipartment Season 3》E19Plot

Episode 19

In the bustling city, Zi Qiao has been looking for the girl who can make his heart beat.He believes that there is always a special person in this world who can make his heart beat faster and make him willing to sacrifice everything for him.In order to find this person, he decided to use the power of high technology, so with the help of his friend Zhanbo, he obtained a heartbeat tester.

The principle of this tester is very simple. As long as Zi Qiao comes into contact with a girl, the instrument will monitor changes in his heartbeat.If the heartbeat speed exceeds a certain threshold, it means that this girl is the one his heart is attracted to.

Zi Qiao started his experiment, dating different girls again and again.He took the tester with him and went into every appointment with high expectations, but the results were always disappointing.More than a hundred dates passed, but the heart rate tester showed no response.He began to wonder if there was something wrong with the instrument, or if his heart really stopped beating?

Episode 19

Just when Ziqiao felt confused, his good friend Meijia suffered an emotional blow.Her first boyfriend cheated on her again, leaving her heartbroken.Zi Qiao saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart.On the one hand, he comforted Meijia and told her that it was not worth being sad for such a man; on the other hand, he decided to teach that shameless bastard a lesson.

Things did not go as Ziqiao expected.When he found the man and tried to stand up for Meijia, he was beaten up by the man.Zi Qiao fell to the ground, grinning in pain, but he had no regrets because he knew he was fighting for his friends.

Afterwards, Zi Qiao took the bracelet she got back from the man and gave it back to Mei Jia.Meijia looked at the bracelet and then at the scars on Zi Qiao's face, feeling a warm current in her heart.She suddenly realized that this man who had always been by her side and was willing to stand up for her was the one she truly loved.

《Ipartment Season 3》E20Plot

Episode 20

Nolan's marriage to her husband was the best chapter in her life.However, as time goes by, emotional cracks gradually appear.After a fierce quarrel, Nuo Lan chose to drink to drown his sorrows, trying to use alcohol to numb his wounded heart.

After learning about Nuolan's situation, Zeng Xiaoxian decided to go check it out.When he came to Nuolan's house, what he saw was a drunk and unconscious woman.Seeing Nuo Lan like this, Zeng Xiaoxian felt pity and decided to help her get out of the emotional quagmire.

Episode 20

In order for Nuo Lan to completely cut off the emotional entanglement with her husband, Zeng Xiaoxian agreed to act as her boyfriend.He hopes that in this way, Nuolan can find hope in life again, and also allow her husband to see the changes in her and re-examine their marriage.

At the same time, Sekiya is facing his own dilemma.His comic book - Love the Three-Legged Cat - was pirated and infringed, which made Sekiya feel very anxious.In order to safeguard his rights and interests, he decided to sue the other party.However, during the negotiation, he unexpectedly discovered that the other party's defense lawyer was his good friend Zhang Wei.

《Ipartment Season 3》E21Plot

Episode 21

When Nuo Lan encountered a low point in her life, Zeng Xiaoxian quietly walked into her life like a warm light.He knew that what Nuolan needed was not just a word of comfort, but the courage and opportunity to start over.In order to heal the wounds in her heart, Zeng Xiaoxian decided to help Nuolan find the long-lost warmth and happiness, starting from the small details of life.

Zeng Xiaoxian knew that Nuolan's small home had always been a haven for her soul, so he started to help her tidy up and decorate it.Every corner reveals his care and understanding for Nuolan.The furniture at home is arranged in an orderly manner, and the decoration on the walls has been changed to the style that Nuo Lan likes.

Episode 21

More importantly, in order to make Nuolan's husband change his mind, Zeng Xiaoxian deliberately filled the house with flowers. The whole room was filled with floral fragrance, full of romance and warmth.

After everything was ready, Zeng Xiaoxian brought Nuo Lan to this cabin.Together, they rehearsed the plot of when Nolan and her husband would meet, hoping to repair each other's relationship in the best possible way.Zeng Xiaoxian not only cares about Nuolan's emotional life, but also cares about her career development.With his encouragement, Nuolan plucked up the courage and won him the position of host of the TV version of Your Moon, My Heart.

《Ipartment Season 3》E22Plot

Episode 22

Recently, the highly anticipated TV version - Your Moon, My Heart - finally had its pilot.However, all good things come to pass. The program encountered a series of unexpected accidents during the live broadcast, which kept the host Xiaoxian busy in the studio.

The originally planned live broadcast program was perfectly planned, but it fell into chaos due to the unexpected accident of the invited guest.Just when Xiaoxian was about to have an in-depth conversation with the guest, the guest suddenly felt unwell and the situation was urgent.Xiaoxian had to temporarily transform into a “midwifery expert” and provide emergency assistance to the guests in the studio.

Episode 22

After a lot of work, the guest's condition finally stabilized, but then another fire broke out in the studio.Xiaoxian had to step forward again and transform into a “fire-fighting hero” to put out the fire urgently and ensure the safety of the studio.

This series of accidents made Xiaoxian embarrassed, and also caused twists and turns in the originally planned live broadcast.Friends who had originally agreed to watch the live broadcast with Xiaoxian, such as Yifei and others, were unable to watch the live broadcast due to a power outage in the entire building.However, this group of friends did not feel depressed and decided to form a group to play board games at home.

《Ipartment Season 3》E23Plot

Episode 23

In the world of radio programs, every staff member is working hard for the quality and listenability of the program.Zeng Xiaoxian, an ordinary radio station employee, was pushed to the center of the stage by chance.

In order to further improve the quality of the program, the station leaders required each employee to submit a report summary on how to enhance the listenability of the program.Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't help but feel a little headache when faced with such a task.He knew that although he worked hard at the radio station, he really didn't have much clue about how to innovate and improve the quality of the program.

In such a predicament, Zeng Xiaoxian thought of his friend Zhan Bo.Zhanbo is a leader in the IT field. He has just completed his graduation thesis, which involves the development and trends of Internet technology.Zeng Xiaoxian had an idea and decided to use Zhanbo's paper to complete his report.

After Zhan Bo learned of Zeng Xiaoxian's plight, he agreed to his request without hesitation.He lent his graduation thesis to Zeng Xiaoxian and told him that he could modify and learn from it according to his own needs.Zeng Xiaoxian was extremely grateful. He carefully studied Zhanbo's thesis and completed the report based on his own understanding and the characteristics of the radio station.

After the report was submitted, Zeng Xiaoxian’s report was well received by the leaders.The leader believed that Zeng Xiaoxian had unique insights and achievements in the IT field, and decided to let him give a speech on the Internet revolution at the Radio Wave Association's summary meeting.

Episode 23

This sudden honor caught Zeng Xiaoxian off guard.He knew his true level and knew that this speech was a huge challenge for him.So, he quickly found Zhanbo, hoping to get his help.

After Zhanbo learned about the situation, he decided to help Zeng Xiaoxian.He was well aware of Zeng Xiaoxian's actual situation, so he discussed with Yifei and formulated a prank plan.They hope that through this speech, leaders will see Zeng Xiaoxian's true ability and realize his value in radio work.

Under the guidance of the Tricky Plan, Zeng Xiaoxian began intense preparations for his speech.He worked hard to learn Internet knowledge and have a deep understanding of the development trends of the Internet revolution. At the same time, he did not forget to combine the characteristics of the radio station to make his speech more realistic.

The day of the Radio Association’s summary meeting has arrived.Zeng Xiaoxian stood on the stage, nervous and excited.According to the arrangements of the Tricky Plan, he used humorous language to explain the impact and challenges of the Internet revolution on the radio industry in a simple and easy-to-understand way.His speech won unanimous praise from the leaders present and allowed everyone to see his true ability and value as a radio station employee.

After the speech, Zeng Xiaoxian accidentally broke the props given to him for the show.

《Ipartment Season 3》E24Plot

Episode 24

In a busy city, three friends, Zeng Xiaoxian, Yifei and Ziqiao, met at the gym, hoping to relieve stress and enhance their physical fitness through exercise.Yifei enthusiastically introduced her fitness coach, a tall and powerful man.His professionalism and enthusiasm won Zeng Xiaoxian's praise.

In the process of fitness, Zeng Xiaoxian discovered that Yifei had too much physical contact with the fitness instructor, and he couldn't help but feel jealous and hateful in his heart.He was confused and painful about this, because he didn't expect that he would have such feelings for Yifei.

Zi Qiao noticed Zeng Xiaoxian's unhappiness, so he decided to introduce a beautiful female fitness coach to Zeng Xiaoxian, hoping to divert his attention.However, although this female coach looks charming, she has an extremely harsh personality. Her training methods make Zeng Xiaoxian feel a lot of pressure.

Episode 24

At the critical moment, Nuolan appeared.With wisdom and courage, she skillfully helped Zeng Xiaoxian get rid of the entanglement of the female coach.Nuolan's appearance made Zeng Xiaoxian feel a little comfort and warmth.

On the tennis court, Yifei and Nuolan had a dispute due to a misunderstanding, and the two had a fight on the spot.During the game, Nuo Lan accidentally sprained her foot. When Zeng Xiaoxian saw this, he immediately rushed forward and carried her away with distress.This scene surprised Yoyo and Meijia who were watching from the sidelines.

In the lobby, Youyou told Guangu that she was not the one who was pregnant.This news shocked Guangu, but Meijia silently observed from the sidelines, her heart full of doubts and fear.

Ipartment Season 3

Ipartment Season 3

Total 24 Episodes Jul 30, 2012 C-Drama Comedy Actor: Zhao Ji Jin Shijia Deng Jiajia Wang Chuanjun Li Jinming Sun Yizhou Chen He Lou Yixiao