

period anti-drama
  • Reg:
  • No. Ep:
    Total 38 Episodes
  • Ep Duration:
  • Premiere:
    Dec 12, 2023
  • Genre:
  • Plat:
  • Actor:
  • Update:
    《thrush》It is scheduled to be broadcast on CCTV8 prime time on December 12th at 7:30 every night for two episodes; Tencent Video and Youku jointly broadcast it, and members will be updated at 10:00 every night.
  • Synopsis:
    《thrush》 is a period spy drama directed by Zeng Xiaoxin, starring Peng Xiaoran, Liu Xueyi, and Suga Renzi, starring Li Xinze, Huo Zhengyan, and special appearances by Ding Yongda ...

《thrush》 Summ

《thrush》 is a period spy drama directed by Zeng Xiaoxin, starring Peng Xiaoran, Liu Xueyi, and Suga Renzi, starring Li Xinze, Huo Zhengyan, and special appearances by Ding Yongdai, Kong Lin, and Xu Baihui.

In 1958, the Water Drop Project, a theoretical basic research project on nuclear submarines, was launched.Once the project was launched, it became a thorn in the side of the enemy agents, who formulated a tit-for-tat sabotage plan code-named "Operation Rock".Police officer Pang Hongmei received the important task of protecting the "Water Drop Project". Amidst the numerous obstacles set up by the US and Chiang Kai-shek agents, Ji Danyang, a patriotic scientist who had returned from the United States, was rescued from the enemy agents and escorted Ji Danyang to Lumen City to participate in the "Water Drop Project".The enemy agents concentrated their latent forces and tried their best to destroy the “Water Drop Project”.Pang Hongmei engaged in a life-and-death battle of wisdom and courage with enemy agents in Lumen, defeated the enemy's conspiracy, eradicated the remaining enemy agents, and finally protected the “Water Drop Project” and achieved the expected success.Pang Hongmei and Ji Danyang, who had gone through the test of life and death, also fulfilled their dreams with firm revolutionary beliefs.


《thrush》Character Info


《thrush》Ep Summ



《thrush》In the finale, the submarine project achieved a staged victory, and Snow Wolf was also captured. He is fearless of the rough road and will eventually succeed if he perseveres.

Lao Jiang finally found out the true identity of Miss Zhou. She is the spy leader Snow Wolf lurking among us - Ge Yun.Immediately, Lao Jiang reported this important news to Zhang Yan.

Knowing that Ge Yun was going to the expert building, Chen Dongsheng and the police officers had been waiting there for a long time.They knew this was a critical opportunity and couldn't afford to make any mistakes.Ge Yun came to the building carrying a medicine box and walked into the trap without realizing it.

Pang Hongmei hurried over, and she also learned that Chu Huaiqiu was going to Beijing with important data.She knew the situation was over and had no choice but to give up chasing.However, she did not want to be caught and decided to die.

She opened the medicine box and found a time bomb hidden inside.Pang Hongmei sneered and detonated the explosive.Fortunately, the police discovered it in time, quickly evacuated everyone, and successfully intercepted the impact of the explosion.There were no casualties, which was a happy ending.

Ge Yun was captured alive and handcuffed.She could no longer escape and her plan had completely failed.

When Kou Xuesong learned that Panshi's plan failed, he was completely disheartened.Years of hard work went down the drain and all the hard work was in vain.He understood that this time he really failed.


The TV series Thrush has a total of 38 episodes.Starting from December 12th (tonight), CCTV8 will air two episodes in a row at 7:30 every night. From December 19th, it will be broadcast in a three-episode series. The last two episodes will be broadcast on December 26th.

It will premiere on Tencent Video and Youku. From December 12th to December 18th, 2 episodes will be updated every night at 22:00 for members.Three episodes will be updated on December 19th, and membership will be completed on December 26th.For non-members, one episode will be updated at 22:00 on the first day, and one episode will be updated at 19:30 every next day.


歌曲名 Lyricist Composer Perf Notes
  • 《并肩为家》 Zhang Zhenkun Han Bing Zhang Liange, Murphy's Law Orchestra, Mao Zedong Ending song
  • 《红》 Liu Ying Han Bing Han Song, Zhang Liange episode
  • 《港湾》 Liu Ying Han Bing Xu Baihui episode


Ye Xia: So, if you touched our middleman, no wonder our actions will be exposed. What did you do to Mr. An Wenshan?

Pang Hongmei: You really know how to catch a thief, Mr. Ji, I hope you can see the current situation clearly.

Ye Xia: Listen, no matter how many of you there are, I will never be merciful to anyone who dares to stop Mr. Ji today.

Agent: Miss, can I buy you a drink with me?

Ye Xia: I won’t interrupt your good time. Goodbye.Mr. Ji, come on, follow me.

Agent: Let's go!

Ji Danyang: Where are you going?

Ye Xia: Go to my room first.

Ji Danyang: Did something really happen to my senior brother?

Ye Xia: It is already clear that Mr. An Wenshan is controlled by them.Mr. Ji, don't be too nervous. Relax. Drink some water first. Come on.

Ji Danyang: Thank you.

Ye Xia: I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

(Remember, this notebook must not be given to anyone before setting foot on the soil of the motherland)

Ye Xia: Mr. Ji, is there any problem here?

Ji Danyang: What’s the problem?

Ye Xia: I want you to confirm the security of your information.

Ji Danyang: This is just a yellow page. I'm afraid that if the agents get hold of the package, doing so will at least delay it for some time.

Ye Xia: Mr. Ji, you did the right thing. Where is the information now?Is it safe?

Ji Danyang: Are you so concerned about information?

Ye Xia: Mr. Ji, with all due respect, this information is more important than your life and mine. I am better at protecting the information. It must be safer to keep the information with me, because now everyone’s attention is on you.I will do whatever it takes to get the information to him safely.

Ji Danyang: Sorry, my mind is a little confused right now.

Ye Xia: I understand. Take out the information and I'll take you out of here. Let's go to a safer place.

Ji Danyang: In the cabinet under the pool.

Ye Xia: Wait for me.​

《thrush》Related Info

The TV series 《thrush》 tells the story of the 1950s. In order to strengthen my country's national defense strength, promote my country's submarine research and development, and break through technical barriers to the development of heavy industry, public security officer Pang Hongmei (played by Peng Xiaoran) was ordered to escort mathematics expert Ji Danyang (played by Liu Xueyi) back to China. , went to Lumen and joined the secret work of “Water Drop Project”.But when we were secretly carrying out the “Water Drop Project”, the spy organization launched “Snow Wolf” and simultaneously deployed the “Rock Plan” in order to sabotage our scientific research mission.In order to ensure the smooth progress of the scientific research project, the public security personnel represented by Pang Hongmei and the expert team headed by Ji Danyang engaged in life-and-death contests with enemy agents in Lumen.

“Water Drop Project”, as a secret project for submarine development, was closely watched by spy organizations from the beginning.When important meeting minutes are stolen and shootings and bombings occur one after another, crisis-ridden Lumen seems to be full of doubts.In order to better promote scientific research work, and to achieve victory in the anti-special operations, one after another passionate young people are willing to use their youth and even their lives to protect the safety of scientific research work. In the anti-special struggle of scientific research work and life and death, “The origin of the name of Water Drop Project” shows its profound meaning.“We must use our determination to accomplish this arduous and sacred mission”.The mission is on our shoulders and the responsibilities are in our hearts. In the face of difficult scientific research problems and dangerous anti-special missions, as long as we have the firm belief that everything will be revealed, we will surely win the final victory.

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