《thrush》Ep Intro

《thrush》 is a period spy drama directed by Zeng Xiaoxin, starring Peng Xiaoran, Liu Xueyi, and Suga Renzi, starring Li Xinze, Huo Zhengyan, and special appearances by Ding Yongdai, Kong Lin, and Xu Baihui.

In 1958, the Water Drop Project, a theoretical basic research project on nuclear submarines, was launched.Once the project was launched, it became a thorn in the side of the enemy agents, who formulated a tit-for-tat sabotage plan code-named "Operation Rock".Police officer Pang Hongmei received the important task of protecting the "Water Drop Project". Amidst the numerous obstacles set up by the US and Chiang Kai-shek agents, Ji Danyang, a patriotic scientist who had returned from the United States, was rescued from the enemy agents and escorted Ji Danyang to Lumen City to participate in the "Water Drop Project".The enemy agents concentrated their latent forces and tried their best to destroy the “Water Drop Project”.Pang Hongmei engaged in a life-and-death battle of wisdom and courage with enemy agents in Lumen, defeated the enemy's conspiracy, eradicated the remaining enemy agents, and finally protected the “Water Drop Project” and achieved the expected success.Pang Hongmei and Ji Danyang, who had gone through the test of life and death, also fulfilled their dreams with firm revolutionary beliefs.


Episode 1

In 1958, the country was in dire straits.Patriot scholar An Wenshan is an expert in nuclear technology and hopes to return to serve his country.However, he was controlled by enemy agents on his way back home. He handed the research data to Ji Danyang, a doctor of mathematics, and asked him to take it back home.The military intelligence department received the news and sent a special operations team to Hong Kong to intercept Ji Danyang.The Ministry of Public Security sent police officers to Hong Kong to escort Ji Danyang back to China, codenamed “ Operation Magpie Bridge ”.The public security officers took the Wilson cruise ship to Hong Kong, and they were still thirty minutes away from their destination.​

Ji Danyang saw a man wearing a navy blue peaked cap holding his name tag, but he remembered that An Wenshan said that the man who came to pick him up was wearing a black peaked cap, and he realized something was wrong.Ji Danyang pretended not to recognize the man, carried his suitcase and continued to move forward, with the enemy agents following closely behind.Suddenly an ambulance appears, a shootout breaks out and chaos reigns in the streets.Ji Danyang took advantage of the chaos and fled.After the connection failed, Ji Danyang followed An Wenshan's instructions to the hotel for a second connection.Ji Danyang came to the hotel lobby, and a woman reminded him to pay attention to safety. The hotel was full of ambushes.The woman Pang Hongmei invited Ji Danyang to dance, but he doubted her identity.

Pang Hongmei tried to take him away, but was shot. Another woman took the opportunity to escape with Ji Danyang.Pang Hongmei knocked out the spy who threatened her and pursued Ji Danyang but it was too late. Ji Danyang was taken to room 606 by a woman.The woman deliberately sprinkled the water, pretending to miss it, and discovered that the notebook was not the information.Ji Danyang lied that the information was in his room and gave the woman the key to her room.Ji Danyang took the opportunity to escape and was caught by Pang Hongmei.Pang Hongmei explained that the woman was a spy and vowed to protect Ji Danyang and the information.The female agent found the information and found that Ji Danyang was missing, so she searched for him.Pang Hongmei met the female agent again. The female agent threatened Ji Danyang with a gun, and Pang Hongmei put down the gun.Ji Danyang understood that Pang Hongmei was the connector and gave the gun to Pang Hongmei.The female agent shot and wounded Pang Hongmei, and Pang Hongmei covered Ji Danyang's escape.Ji Danyang ran far away and looking back at what had just happened, Pang Hongmei found him and took him to the resettlement site.

Ji Danyang bandaged Pang Hongmei's wound, and Pang Hongmei suggested not to rush and continue to search for information.Ji Danyang hid the real information in the cabinet in the corridor.Pang Hongmei escorted Ji Danyang through Luohu Gate early in the morning. The whole process took thirty minutes.Minister Chu and the director of the Ministry of Public Security had been waiting opposite for a long time, paying close attention to every move of Pang Hongmei and Ji Danyang.They still have five minutes to clear the level.A female spy brought Ji Danyang's photo to the foreign detective at Luohu Port and put pressure on him, both soft and hard, and the detective immediately ordered the gate to be closed.Pang Hongmei and Ji Danyang passed the security check smoothly. They quickly walked to the other side. The detective ordered the gate to be closed. It was too late for the female spy to stop them.Minister Chu warmly welcomed Ji Danyang's arrival, but Ji Danyang suddenly lost his voice due to unexpected pressure.Minister Chu sent Pang Hongmei to escort Ji Danyang to Lumen, Xichuan, and arranged for others to secretly protect them both.Ji Danyang and Pang Hongmei got on the train to Lumen. Pang Hongmei temporarily kept the briefcase containing the information and followed Ji Danyang closely, not allowing him to have contact with anyone.


Episode 2

The main anti-communist leader learned that Ji Danyang was going to Lumen and that the new director Zhang Yan was about to take office. He suspected that the Water Drop Project was located in the electronic instrument factory in Lumen City.Therefore, he ordered the radio station that had been silent for five months to be restarted, and dispatched Agent Snow Wolf and other field personnel.Director Xia of an electronic instrument factory leaves early and comes home late every day, and his body gradually becomes weaker.The nurse at the factory hospital was ordered to measure Director Xia's blood pressure.Director Xia suddenly received a call from Zhang Yan and learned that she had arrived at the station to wait for Ji Danyang.

Director Xia rushed to the station without saying a word and asked Bai Hui to get on the bus to take his blood pressure.For Pang Hongmei, Lumen is a sad place.Her father Pang Shizhao died here in the line of duty in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and his remains were not even found.As Lumen approached, Pang Hongmei felt an unspeakable pain in her heart.Director Xia hurried to the train station, but Zhang Yan had been waiting there for a long time.She deployed a heavy police presence near the station.Director Xia asked Bai Hui to present flowers to Ji Danyang, but Bai Hui was in a hurry and had to pick wild flowers on the roadside.The killers sent by the anti-communists were waiting in advance in the abandoned tower opposite.

Police officer Chen Dongsheng went around to investigate and found that the tower was very suspicious.He quietly entered to find out.The train slowly pulled into the platform. Pang Hongmei saw her teacher Zhang Yan very excited and calm, while Bai Hui was about to give flowers to Ji Danyang, but a bullet was fired from the tower opposite and shattered the flowers.The police officers rushed over to cover Ji Danyang's departure.Chen Dongsheng rushed forward and started a fierce fight with the assassin wearing a railway uniform.Someone knocked him out from behind and the two took the opportunity to escape.Pang Hongmei went to the tower after hearing the gunfire and saw Chen Dongsheng just standing up. She suspected that he was an enemy agent and took him to see Zhang Yan.Only then did Pang Hongmei find out that Chen Dongsheng was a policeman.She recalled that the assassins, dressed in railroad uniforms, returned to investigate and found a dispatch manual on the ground.

Pang Hongmei entered the dispatch room to understand the situation. There were five employees in total.Wang Xiaochao was not present for some reason, but Zhang Ashui just changed his clothes and left.Pang Hongmei found a tear on the uniform of one of the employees and suspected that he was an assassin, so she took photos of all the employees in the dispatch room for comparison.Doctor Ge Yun conducted a comprehensive examination of Ji Danyang and prescribed several medicines for him.Zhang Yan came to Lumen to work for the Water Drop Project and to thoroughly investigate the cause of Pang Shizhao's death.Pang Hongmei is willing to fight alongside her.Zhang Yan sent Pang Hongmei to the electronic instrument factory's special team to protect Ji Danyang.After receiving the transfer order, Pang Hongmei reported to the special team, but she was surprised to find that the team leader was Chen Dongsheng.Both of them are graduates of the Public Security College.The task force is newly established and consists of police officers drawn from all over the country.

Chen Dongsheng assigned tasks to everyone, and Pang Hongmei followed Ji Danyang to the bookstore to buy drawing tools.But Ji Danyang didn't have any money with him, so Pang Hongmei helped him pay the bill.Later, Ji Danyang went to the street to eat jelly, and Pang Hongmei had to advance the money again.Bai Minghan is an old Chinese medicine doctor who often provides acupuncture and massage services to neighbors. Bai Hui comes to see him after get off work.Pang Hongmei and Ji Danyang were about to return, but Pang Hongmei suddenly discovered that Zhang Ashui was following Ji Danyang, so she went to arrest him without hesitation.Zhang Asui was so frightened that he ran away. Pang Hongmei chased him desperately, but unfortunately lost him.While Ji Danyang was waiting for Pang Hongmei, he suddenly heard the cry for help from a child falling into the water. He jumped into the water without hesitation and rescued the child.Bai Minghan and Bai Hui heard the news and rushed to the river.

Ji Danyang had already rescued the child, and they took Ji Danyang home to change clothes.Bai Hui poured a bowl of isatis root for Ji Danyang and asked Bai Minghan to treat Ji Danyang's throat.Bai Minghan knew that Ji Danyang was an expert and did not dare to use drugs easily, but Bai Hui was persistent and Ji Danyang also asked Bai Minghan for treatment.Pang Hongmei came back to find Ji Danyang, but found that he had followed Bai Hui and Bai Minghan home.Pang Hongmei hurriedly caught up and saw Bai Minghan giving Ji Danyang acupuncture treatment.She tried hard to stop him, but Bai Minghan didn't listen at all and continued to give Ji Danyang acupuncture.Pang Hongmei asked about the background of their father and daughter in detail, and then she learned that Bai Hui was Bai Minghan's adopted daughter.After Bai Minghan's full rescue efforts, Ji Danyang's sore throat symptoms were slightly relieved.However, Pang Hongmei did not agree with this treatment method. She applied to Chen Dongsheng to change the person who protected Ji Danyang, but Chen Dongsheng firmly disagreed.

Pang Hongmei always followed Ji Danyang, which troubled him.When Ji Danyang's voice returned to normal, he did not allow Pang Hongmei to continue to follow him.Pang Hongmei warned him to be careful of being targeted by spies.After Lu Cheng, secretary to the factory director, heard his colleagues talking about Bai Hui's rescue of Ji Danyang, he reminded Bai Hui to keep a distance from Ji Danyang to avoid criticism.However, Bai Hui didn't care.When Ji Danyang came to the cafeteria to eat, he happened to meet Bai Hui and her good friend Luo Shanshan.Ji Danyang thanked Bai Minghan for curing his throat, and Luo Shanshan asked Ji Danyang to explain clearly to Bai Hui to avoid misunderstanding.Pang Hongmei arrived shortly after. Ji Danyang expressed a few words of thanks in English, but Pang Hongmei couldn't understand them at all.Unexpectedly, Bai Hui could understand it. Pang Hongmei felt very alert and asked Ge Yun about the situation of medical staff learning foreign languages.Ji Danyang asked someone to come to the expert building to repair the water pipes. Pang Hongmei carefully verified the identity of the maintenance worker before allowing him to enter the construction site for repairs.When Lu Cheng approached Ji Danyang, he reminded him to stay away from the nurses in the hospital to avoid criticism.However, Ji Danyang didn't take it seriously, but Pang Hongmei heard it clearly.


Episode 6

Zhang Yan's team members separately conducted investigations and interviews, and found that Zhang Ashui knocked out the transportation team driver Lao Xiao and took the opportunity to steal Lao Xiao's large truck.Afterwards, Lao Xiao recognized Zhang Ashui as the person who robbed the car.Pang Hongmei found out that Zhou Jun had passed away a few years ago, and Zhang Ashui pretended to be Zhou Jun and took away the drawings of the auditorium.The danger to the expert team has been lifted, and Zhang Yan told Pang Hongmei that there was no need to continue to protect Ji Danyang.

Pang Hongmei washed Ji Danyang's clothes and sent them back to express her gratitude to Ji Danyang, but Ji Danyang didn't want the clothes because it was the first time he witnessed someone dying in front of him, which still frightened him.Now that he heard that Pang Hongmei would no longer follow him, he was a little disappointed.Members of Zhang Yan's team searched hospitals and clinics across the city, but found no records of Zhang Ashui treating his injuries.The factory leaders decided to punish Li Guangming. Chen Dongsheng hoped that Han Yundong would intercede for Li Guangming, but Pang Hongmei believed that Li Guangming was wrong first.Chen Dongsheng took Pang Hongmei to the hospital to visit Li Guangming. Li Guangming regretted letting Zhang Ashui enter the auditorium and regretted not recognizing him earlier.Pang Hongmei wanted to continue to learn the details, but was stopped by Chen Dongsheng.

When Pang Hongmei went to get hot water, she accidentally saw the plumber repairing the electric meter. She recognized him as the man who repaired the water pipe in the expert building that day.Bai Hui gave Bai Minghan medicine to treat trauma, and Pang Hongmei asked about what happened in detail.Ge Yun took the nurse to measure Chu Huaiqiu's blood pressure. The nurse left the blood pressure monitor at the nurse station. Bai Hui found it in time and sent it to the expert building, but she couldn't go in. Ji Danyang happened to be passing by, and Bai Hui asked him to help bring the blood pressure monitor.Go in.Chu Huaiqiu's blood pressure was unstable, and Ge Yun suggested that Bai Hui give him a massage.

Pang Hongmei recalled what happened last night and thought Li Guangming was very suspicious. At the same time, she also thought Bai Minghan's injury was strange.She took police officer Xu Changsheng to Bai Minghan's clinic for investigation. At this time, Bai Hui was changing Bai Minghan's dressing. Xu Changsheng carefully checked inside and outside the clinic, but found no trace of suspicious persons.Pang Hongmei noticed blood stains on the ground, quietly took the sample, and took away the gauze Bai Minghan had replaced for comparison.

Episode 6

Pang Hongmei asked Chen Dongsheng for instructions on the need to review Li Guangming.Chen Dongsheng was also suspicious of Li Guangming and reminded Pang Hongmei to keep a low profile and not show everything on her face.

When Bai Hui gave Chu Huaiqiu a massage, Chu Huaiqiu asked her about traditional Chinese medicine, and Bai Hui answered fluently.Transport team driver Lai Guangrun found Bai Minghan for acupuncture, and at the same time revealed the expansion of the instrument factory and the fact that Lao Xiao was knocked unconscious.Bai Minghan pretended not to care.

Zhang Ashui found Li Guangming and hoped that Xue Lang could prepare a sum of money for him to escape.Li Guangming knew that Zhang Ashui had important information, but could not get rid of him.Bai Hui worked overtime until very late. Bai Minghan curiously asked about the situation of the expert team. Bai Hui hoped that he would perform cervical acupuncture on Chu Huaiqiu.Bai Minghan reminded Bai Hui not to talk too much or get too close to them.

Chu Huaiqiu sent He Xiwen to send the translation materials to Ji Danyang, and Ji Danyang quickly completed the translation.Chu Huaiqiu was full of praise for Bai Hui's massage skills, and the leader decided to specially approve her to join the medical insurance team.Pang Hongmei was suspicious of Bai Minghan, but she couldn't explain it clearly.

Technicians tested the two blood samples taken by Pang Hongmei and found inconsistencies.Pang Hongmei determined that Bai Minghan deliberately scratched himself to cover up the truth.Titanium is the most important raw material for the Water Drop Project. Through precise calculations, Chu Huaiqiu discovered that Lushan is rich in metal distribution.He personally led the expert team to inspect Dongshan, and Chen Dongsheng led the police to protect their safety.

As agreed, Li Guangming came to see Zhang Ashui.Zhang Ashui discovered that someone was following Li Guangming, so he asked children playing on the street to deliver a letter to Li Guangming.Li Guangming sensed the danger and ran away in a hurry.


Episode 7

Bai Hui used her skillful massage skills to help Chu Huaiqiu relieve cervical spondylosis, so the special team specially approved her to join the medical insurance team.Lu Cheng took the initiative to give Bai Hui the name card of the medical insurance group and took the opportunity to confess to her, which caught Bai Hui off guard.Ge Yun heard Lu Cheng's words outside the door and quickly called him away.Pang Hongmei sent someone to monitor Bai Minghan, but Bai Minghan did not find anything abnormal when he went to the riverside for consultation every day.Pang Hongmei was not willing to give up, so she followed Bai Minghan personally.Ge Yun disagreed with Lu Cheng and Bai Hui's relationship, thinking that they were not suitable at all, and advised Lu Cheng to give up as soon as possible.

However, Lu Cheng firmly chose Bai Hui and mocked Ge Yun for being an old girl.In order to protect Bai Hui, Ge Yun vowed to guard her and never let her be harmed.Chu Huaiqiu led a team of experts to Dongshan to explore titanium mines, and Chen Dongsheng led the police to protect them.Suddenly, the police officers found newly thrown cigarette butts in the woods, and Chen Dongsheng immediately became alert.Because apart from them, there is no one else on the east mountain.So, he sent people to investigate, but no suspicious people were found, so he had to return to the station early.Bai Minghan went to the Public Security Bureau to report the case and told Zhang Ashui that he had forced him to undergo surgery to remove the bullet.Bai Minghan concluded that Zhang Ashui would come to him tonight.Pang Hongmei called the special team and Zhang Yan respectively for instructions, and suggested that Bai Hui be allowed to work the night shift tonight, so as to set up a dragnet to catch Zhang Ashui in one fell swoop.

Bai Minghan promised to go all out to help.Pang Hongmei called Ge Yun and asked him to arrange for Bai Hui to work overtime tonight.However, when nurse Du Fang notified Bai Hui, it was already too late because Bai Hui had gone home from get off work ten minutes ago.Pang Hongmei and the police officers set up defenses near Bai's house, but Zhang Ashui's wound became infected.He wanted to go to Bai Minghan to change his dressing, so he scouted in front of his house beforehand. He was relieved after seeing Bai Hui come home.After Bai Hui came home from get off work, Bai Minghan asked her to go back to the hospital for duty.Bai Hui clearly remembered that she would be on duty tomorrow night, and Pang Hongmei was ambushing Bai Hui's house, pulling Bai Hui aside.When it got dark, Zhang Ashui took the opportunity to come to Bai Minghan, but Bai Minghan refused to treat his wound.Zhang Ashui threatened to use Bai Hui's life to force him, and also brought out snow wolves and geckos to pressure him.

Bai Minghan had no choice but to comply.Chen Dongsheng returned to the office and saw the note left by Pang Hongmei. He immediately led people to the Bai family for reinforcements.Bai Minghan checked Zhang Ashui's wound and found that it was infected, so he wanted to get anti-inflammatory powder.But Zhang Ashui was worried and asked Bai Hui to get it.Pang Hongmei went to deliver medicine instead of Bai Hui, but Zhang Ashui recognized him as a policeman, and he put a gun to Bai Minghan's head.The police officers rushed in after hearing the noise, but Pang Hongmei prevented them from doing anything rashly in order not to hurt Bai Minghan.Zhang Ashui forced Pang Hongmei to get out of the way, and Bai Minghan took the opportunity to knock Zhang Ashui's pistol to the ground.Zhang Ashui pulled out the bomb from his waist, and Pang Hongmei and the police officers had no choice but to retreat.Zhang Ashui took the opportunity to kidnap Bai Hui and asked Pang Hongmei to find him a car.Pang Hongmei promised to find him a car and expressed her willingness to be a hostage.

Episode 7

Pang Hongmei threw the gun on the ground, and Zhang Ashui forced her to walk onto the street step by step.Pang Hongmei took the opportunity to snatch the bomb from Zhang A's water. The bomb fell and exploded immediately.Li Guangming rushed to the scene after hearing the news and resolutely protected Pang Hongmei, but he was injured.Chen Dongsheng and Pang Hongmei went to visit Li Guangming. Li Guangming eagerly asked about Zhang Ashui's situation and vowed to hold him accountable.They asked Bai Minghan about Zhang Ashui's condition. Bai Minghan claimed that he could treat gunshot wounds and said that Zhang Ashui would come to him in three days.

Ji Danyang and He Xiwen often discussed the Water Drop Project together, and He Xiwen was very concerned about him.Bai Hui had been waiting outside for Bai Minghan, but Bai Minghan never showed up, so she asked Ji Danyang for help. Ji Danyang rushed there immediately and asked about Bai Hui's situation.Bai Minghan responded fluently to Chen Dongsheng and Pang Hongmei's questions, so they let Bai Minghan go home.Pang Hongmei learned from Bai Hui that Du Fang had been late in informing her of yesterday's news.Chen Dongsheng and Pang Hongmei came to the hospital to visit Zhang Ashui. He was still in a coma and could not wake up.Ge Yun and Lu Cheng approached Du Fang to hold them accountable. Du Fang did not send the letter to Bai Hui in time because of an emergency.After discussion, the factory leaders decided to transfer Du Fang from the medical insurance team. Du Fang felt aggrieved, but Ge Yun could not change this decision.

Pang Hongmei and Xu Changsheng secretly investigated and leaked the whereabouts of the expert team. Only Lu Cheng and the driver Xiao Hao knew about the expert team's inspection in Dongshan.Chen Dongsheng asked Xu Changsheng to investigate the situation of Zhang Ashui and Ma Sanjia again, and he and Pang Hongmei reported to Zhang Yan.They competed to take responsibility, and Zhang Yan asked them to closely monitor Zhang Ashui and find out who leaked the secret as soon as possible.He Xiwen and members of the expert group discussed the nuclear submarine experiment, in which the sixty-ton stabilizer became a problem.Ji Danyang believed that a simulated pool should be built. He Xiwen encouraged Ji Danyang to take over the project, and Chu Huaiqiu gave feasible suggestions.Luo Shanshan drew two tortoises on Zhang Ashui's face, which made the police officers laugh.Li Guangming received a secret order from his superiors, asking him to prepare to implement Plan S and get rid of Zhang Ashui first.


Episode 8

Bai Hui felt that Du Fang felt bad after being kicked out of the medical insurance team. Pang Hongmei advised her not to have any psychological pressure.Bai Hui thanked Pang Hongmei for saving her life, wanted to recognize her as her sister, and gave her a rutile bracelet.Pang Hongmei felt embarrassed, but accepted the gift anyway.She wanted Bai Minghan to help wake up Zhang Ashui, so Bai Hui went home to discuss it with Bai Minghan.Chen Dongsheng and the police officers installed bugs in the expert building and asked Ji Danyang to test them.Bai Hui mentioned to Bai Minghan that she recognized Pang Hongmei as her sister. Bai Minghan was dissatisfied but couldn't force it.

Bai Hui begged him to find a way to wake up Zhang Ashui, but Bai Minghan firmly refused and made various excuses to shirk the responsibility.Bai Hui kept persuading, but Bai Minghan still refused to let go.Ji Danyang worked day and night to overcome the difficulties, and Pang Hongmei felt uneasy in her eyes.She stayed up all night, taking out Bai Minghan's information and studying it carefully. Although she didn't find anything suspicious, Pang Hongmei still felt that there was something wrong with him, and was also worried that it would bring trouble to Bai Hui.Pang Hongmei and Chen Dongsheng conducted a written test on marksmanship. Pang Hongmei hit the hanging wine bottle with one shot, while Chen Dongsheng actually hit the hemp rope hanging the wine bottle.Pang Hongmei looked at him with admiration.Zhang Ashui has been unconscious. Zhang Yan wants to find an expert for consultation, but due to the long distance, it will take some time.

Han Yundong asked Lu Cheng to send someone to strictly guard the ward and not allow any idle personnel to approach.Chen Dongsheng sent Xu Changsheng to secretly investigate Lu Cheng's background. Xu Changsheng discovered the love letter written by Lu Cheng and shared it with the police.Ji Danyang and Lu Cheng had lunch face to face. Ji Danyang casually mentioned the reservoir. Pang Hongmei came to stop him in time and did not allow him to leak it to anyone.However, Ji Danyang disagreed. He was going to Dongshan for inspection and asked Pang Hongmei to accompany him.Pang Hongmei had no choice but to obey, and Ji Danyang asked her to run around with a contour ruler to measure the reflected waves. Pang Hongmei saw that he was deliberately making things difficult for her, so she yelled at him.After the work, Pang Hongmei drove Ji Danyang back to the station and lied that the car was stalled and asked Ji Danyang to get out and push the cart.Ji Danyang gritted his teeth and went down, Pang Hongmei was secretly proud of herself.However, the car really broke down while driving halfway, and Pang Hongmei was helpless. Ji Danyang was so angry that he gritted his teeth when he learned that Pang Hongmei had deliberately teased him before.

Episode 8

After Kou Xuesong learned that Zhang Ashui had been arrested, he decided to send Ye Xia, an agent in the United States, to come forward and enter through the newly opened gap deep in Anwen Mountain.Pang Hongmei and Ji Danyang hurried back on foot carrying measuring equipment, but Ji Danyang gradually became exhausted, so he sat on the roadside to rest.At this time, Lai Guangrun, the driver of the transportation team, drove by. He happened to be delivering equipment to the instrument factory, so Pang Hongmei and Ji Danyang took his car back.

Zhang Yan specifically approved Bai Minghan's treatment for Zhang Ashui. Chen Dongsheng asked Pang Hongmei to invite Bai Minghan, but Pang Hongmei kept pushing back.Chen Dongsheng finally decided to let Pang Hongmei take Ji Danyang with him.Pang Hongmei wanted to take Ji Danyang out for a walk, but Ji Danyang realized that she had something to ask him for, so Pang Hongmei had to admit that she wanted to go to Bai Minghan, and Ji Danyang agreed to go with her.

Pang Hongmei asked Bai Minghan to treat Zhang Ashui, but Bai Minghan flatly refused.Ji Danyang and Bai Hui helped persuade, but Bai Minghan was still worried that the treatment would not be effective.Pang Hongmei insisted that he give it a try, and finally Bai Minghan reluctantly agreed.Bai Hui took Ji Danyang to the kitchen to cook, while Pang Hongmei and Bai Minghan chatted.Bai Minghan casually asked about his parents and revealed that the Kuomintang killed a group of Communist Party members before liberation.Pang Hongmei couldn't wait to ask him about the specific location.

Bai Minghan came to the hospital to perform acupuncture on Zhang Ashui and successfully drained the intracranial congestion.Li Guangming felt uneasy when he saw this scene.He often walked outside Zhang Ashui's ward and got permission from the police to enter the ward.However, he didn't expect Zhang Ashui to have woken up, which frightened him into confusion.

Chen Dongsheng and Pang Hongmei conducted a surprise trial on Zhang Ashui, but Zhang Ashui refused to explain anything.Pang Hongmei reminded him that he was an abandoned son now, but Zhang Ashui still held on to a glimmer of hope and firmly believed that someone would come to save him.


Episode 9

Zhang Ashui resolutely refused to disclose any information. He relied on the intelligence he had and imagined that his superiors would send someone to rescue him.Zhang Yan found out that Taiwan's intelligence agency had formulated a rock plan for the Water Drop Project, and the mastermind behind it was her old rival Kou Xuesong.Bai Hui came to give Zhang Ah Shui an infusion, and Zhang Ah Shui recognized her as Bai Minghan's daughter.He kept claiming that Bai Minghan had saved many people, both good and bad, and specifically asked Bai Hui to ask Bai Minghan if he knew Xu Wenzheng.Xu Wenzheng was a latent agent of the Kuomintang, codenamed “ Snow Leopard ”, and was executed in 1953.

Hongmei found Xu Wenzheng's information and found that Bai Minghan had gone to the prison to treat Xu Wenzheng, but there were no other abnormalities.However, Pang Hongmei still has doubts about Bai Minghan, while Chen Dongsheng believes that Bai Minghan has no problem, otherwise he will get rid of Zhang Ashui during treatment.Pang Hongmei learned about the grudge between Kou Xuesong and Zhang Yan from Lao Jiang in the archives.In 1947, Zhang Yan was sent to Zhangjiakou to establish a liaison station, but was destroyed by Kou Xuesong's agents who had been ambushing her for three years.Zhang Yan holds a grudge against Kou Xuesong.Kou Xuesong learned that Zhang Ashui had the meeting minutes of the Water Drop Project in his hands. He was also worried that the identities of agents such as Li Guangming and Gecko would be exposed, so he ordered Xue Lang to get rid of Zhang Ashui as soon as possible to ensure the safety of the agents.

Kou Xuesong learned that Chinese medicine doctor Xu Wenzheng's agent Bai Minghan, codenamed “ Ghost Owl ”, made Zhang Ashui wake up. He wanted to use Bai Minghan, but he was worried that he would be incited to rebel, so he sent someone to test him.Ji Danyang received a threatening letter pieced together from newspapers, requiring him to go to the telephone pole outside the department store at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon to hand over the nuclear submarine information compiled by An Wenshan, otherwise An Wenshan would be in danger of his life.Ji Danyang was so frightened that his whole body became cold.When Lai Guangrun went to Bai Minghan for a massage, he inadvertently mentioned that he brought precision instruments to the instrument factory. Bai Minghan found a secret letter in the book.After Ji Danyang received the threatening letter, he felt restless every day and often made mistakes. He Xiwen thought he was too tired and advised him to rest, but Ji Danyang could not explain the reason clearly.Xue Lang gave Li Guangming a secret instruction, asking him to get rid of Zhang Ashui before 7:30 pm.Zhang Ashui asked Li Guangming to tell Xue Lang that if he was not rescued within three days, he would explain everything.

Both Chen Dongsheng and Pang Hongmei noticed Ji Danyang's unusualness, but he said nothing. Pang Hongmei secretly observed Ji Danyang's every move, and Ji Danyang was very wary of her.When Bai Hui came home from get off work, she asked Bai Minghan about Xu Wenzheng. Bai Minghan guessed what Zhang Ashui said and advised Bai Hui not to believe the rumors. He said that it was his duty to treat diseases and save people, and he did not care about the identity of the patient.Bai Hui didn't ask any more questions.The scheduled time was about to come. When Pang Hongmei left in a hurry, Ji Danyang asked the police officer on duty to accompany him to the construction site. He lied that he was going to a bookstore and asked the police officer to stop halfway. Pang Hongmei followed quietly in his car.Chen Dongsheng severely interrogated Zhang Ashui, but Zhang Ashui refused to reveal the identities of Snow Wolf and Gecko. He still believed that his superiors would send someone to rescue him.

Episode 9

Ji Danyang walked out of the bookstore, cleverly avoided the police's protection, and came to the telephone pole outside the department store.Pang Hongmei followed closely behind, watching him from a distance.A child threw a paper airplane at Ji Danyang's feet, and he quickly picked it up. It said on it that he would be at the post office phone booth at five o'clock.Ji Danyang rushed to the post office without saying much. Pang Hongmei followed him and asked the police officer who was traveling with him to find the child and learn about the situation.

At five o'clock on time, the phone rang. Ji Danyang hurriedly picked it up and left in a hurry. Pang Hongmei asked the police officer to find out where the call came from. She followed closely to the library.Ji Danyang pulled out a note from a book, and Pang Hongmei saw the whole process.Ji Danyang came to the riverside and waited for a long time without seeing anyone. Pang Hongmei hid aside and watched him.Lai Guangrun sent a batch of precision equipment to the instrument factory. He took the initiative to help the workers carry it and accidentally injured his foot.Ge Yun bandaged his wounds and found that his foot bones were cracked and he needed to rest for three months.

Lu Cheng tried his best to please Bai Hui and specially brought this year's new tea to Bai Minghan, but Bai Hui politely declined.Zhang Ashui threatened to kill Bai Minghan and asked Bai Hui to tell him.Because Lai Guangrun was injured and had difficulty moving, the nurse helped him get medicine and let him rest in the corridor. He found Li Guangming taking a walk outside the ward.Bai Hui went to measure Zhang Ah Shui's blood pressure and took the opportunity to kill him. Suddenly the whole hospital fell into darkness, and Bai Hui was so frightened that she hurriedly hid.Chen Dongsheng and the police officers came after hearing the news and sealed the hospital. When Chen Dongsheng arrived in the ward, he found that Zhang Ashui had been killed. He saw Bai Hui trembling behind the screen.Bai Hui heard that someone entered Zhang Ashui's ward and forced him to reveal the hiding place of the information. However, Zhang Ashui refused to explain, so the man killed him. The room was dark, and Bai Hui could not see who the person was.


Episode 10

Pang Hongmei brought Ji Danyang back to the interrogation room, and he truthfully confessed about receiving the threatening letter.He revealed that he had packed a collection of Pushkin's poems and forged data in his briefcase in order to confuse his enemies.Zhang Yan asked Pang Hongmei to escort Ji Danyang back to his residence. Ji Danyang was worried about An Wenshan's safety in the United States. Zhang Yan promised to confirm the matter as soon as possible and step up the protection of Chu Huaiqiu and others.The police officers began to interrogate Lai Guangrun and electrician Liu Simao, who were stranded in the hospital, and they both provided alibi.

Luo Shanshan recalled that Lu Cheng had come to the hospital but left before the power outage.The police officers found a cigarette butt and the painting knife used to kill Zhang Ashui. Chen Dongsheng held the cigarette butt for Li Guangming to identify.Chen Dongsheng asked Bai Hui to leave the medical insurance team and asked the medical staff to sign in on time every day.Pang Hongmei was asked to investigate Bai Hui. She suggested also investigating Li Guangming and Lu Cheng. Chen Dongsheng had sent people to investigate.Chen Dongsheng reports the progress of the case to Zhang Yan. The most important thing at the moment is to find out the riddle Zhang Ashui said before his death and find out who he contacted after being arrested.Pang Hongmei believed Bai Hui was innocent, but she still had to ask questions in accordance with regulations.Bai Hui admitted that Lu Cheng liked her and often came to the hospital to see her and gave Bai Minghan tea, but Bai Hui had no feelings for Lu Cheng.

Bai Hui returned home worried. Bai Minghan noticed that she had something on her mind and asked her concernedly.Bai Hui tried hard to hide her troubles.Bai Minghan prepared a meal and asked her to eat it, but Bai Hui didn't want to eat it. She confided her inner struggles to him.Bai Minghan persuaded him kindly. Bai Hui remembered what Zhang Ashui said before he died and asked him if he knew Xu Wenzheng.Bai Minghan insisted that Xu Wenzheng was a bad guy and many people in Lumen knew him.Liu Simao was transferred to work in the street lighting department of the municipal company. He felt aggrieved.He worked in the factory for four years and only went to the hospital to prescribe medicine, but he was suspected.Lu Cheng reminded him to treat the matter correctly, and Liu Simao felt very angry.

Episode 10

Ge Yun advised Bai Hui not to put too much psychological pressure on herself, and she tried her best to bring Bai Hui and Ji Danyang together.However, Bai Hui felt that she was not worthy of Ji Danyang, while Ge Yun believed that they were very suitable and encouraged Bai Hui to pursue her feelings boldly and not to leave any regrets like her.

The police officers carefully investigated the list of people who entered and left the expert building on the day Ji Danyang received the threatening letter, and found that both Lu Cheng and Liu Simao had been there.Pang Hongmei hopes they can find out the whereabouts of these two people.Ge Yun felt that Bai Hui was very similar to her young self, so he told Bai Hui about his emotional experience.Ge Yun once liked someone, but he was shy and did not confess. As a result, he never saw that person again, and the two missed the opportunity of a lifetime.

Ji Danyang wanted to go to the library to find the origin of the characters on the threatening letter, but Pang Hongmei did not allow him to leave the expert building for even half a step, so he had no choice but to give up.Ge Yun gave Ji Danyang a movie ticket, hoping that he could accompany Bai Hui to relax.Ji Danyang agreed and came to the cinema on time. Bai Hui also rushed over and found out that the movie tickets were given to them by Ge Yun.

Bai Hui casually mentioned that she was suspected, and Ji Danyang asked Bai Hui to help find out which magazine the threatening letter came from.Bai Hui readily agreed.

In prison, special agent Lu Youshun took the initiative to hand over clues about snow wolves and geckos.Although he had never met the two men, he heard that Gecko was good at using a triangular knife to kill people, and provided the place where they once lived, which is now the city library.Pang Hongmei brought the photo and asked Lu Youshun to identify it.

When Bai Hui went to the library to search for characters, Luo Shanshan came to help.Bai Hui found the two characters in the threatening letter from a book and accidentally saw that the borrower was Zhou Jun.

When Lai Guangrun came to Bai Minghan to change his dressing, Bai Minghan casually asked him about seeing Zhang Ashui being killed in the hospital.Lai Guangrun claimed that a letter from home was lost.


Episode 11

After Bai Minghan helped Lai Guangrun change the medicine, Lai Guangrun casually asked about a letter he left behind when he came for acupuncture last time.Bai Minghan didn't know anything about this. In fact, he had already read and burned the letter.Bai Hui came home from get off work, and Lai Guangrun didn't ask any more questions.Pang Hongmei and Chen Dongsheng reviewed the entire process of Zhang Ashui's murder in detail, and combined with Lu Youshun's explanation, they concluded that the murderer was an agent codenamed Bihu.The police found that before liberation, all of Xu Wenzheng's men were killed, and only the codename "Ghost Owl" escaped capture.Bai Hui went into her room after get off work to look up the crossword puzzle given to her by Ji Danyang. Bai Minghan came to call her for dinner but got no response.Although Bai Minghan didn't want her to participate in this matter, she insisted.

The electrician discovered that the power outage on the day of the incident was not due to a short circuit at the switch, but rather someone had installed a delayed power outage device.Chen Dongsheng asked the electrician to simulate the operation of the delayer, and expanded the scope of the investigation to investigate people who had a power outage before leaving the hospital, including Lu Cheng and Bai Hui.Bai Hui stayed up day and night and found half of the letters in the threatening letter from the magazine.When she came to the expert building to look for Ji Danyang, she was caught by Pang Hongmei.Bai Hui had no choice but to confess the truth to Pang Hongmei.Pang Hongmei was so angry that she gritted her teeth. Unexpectedly, Ji Danyang concealed the note sent by the agent and asked Bai Hui to investigate the matter secretly.She gave Ji Danyang a hard lesson. Ji Danyang just wanted to find out the identity of the spy as soon as possible. Pang Hongmei confiscated the note and magazine on the spot.Chen Dongsheng sent people to investigate Lu Cheng and Li Guangming, but found nothing unusual.Chen Dongsheng also found out who had been teachers before liberation, especially those related to the instrument factory.Pang Hongmei planned to report Ji Danyang's unauthorized actions to Chen Dongsheng, and Chen Dongsheng asked Pang Hongmei to continue investigating the matter.

Bai Hui and Ji Danyang met by chance, and she mentioned to Ji Danyang that Pang Hongmei confiscated magazines and notes.Ji Danyang couldn't explain it, but Bai Hui discovered that the letters came from art magazines and had been borrowed by Zhou Jun.Ji Danyang asked Bai Hui to go to Xinhua Bookstore to buy an oil painting book, and he found a painting signed by Zhou Jun in the book.Pang Hongmei went to the library to check the word puzzles and found that the word puzzles were from magazines that Zhou Jun had borrowed.Pang Hongmei asked Luo Jiangning to bring up the borrowing list within a month, and found that Zhou Jun had borrowed it seven times in total, and each time it was an art magazine.They have found out that Zhou Jun has been dead for many years, but they can't guess who is pretending to be him.Ji Danyang handed the oil painting book containing Zhou Jun's paintings to Pang Hongmei and Chen Dongsheng, and they immediately went to Lao Jiang for advice.Lao Jiang thinks Zhou Jun's paintings are ordinary, but he is fascinated by the art of painting.Chen Dongsheng and Pang Hongmei were sent to look for clues among art teachers in primary and secondary schools across the city.

Episode 11

Lai Guangrun is a secret lurking spy gecko. He received the task of testing Bai Minghan, but Bai Minghan responded to the temptation tactfully.After Kou Xuesong learned about this, he confirmed that Bai Minghan was Ghost Owl, and hoped that Snow Wolf and Ghost Owl would cooperate to complete the Rock Plan.After Pang Hongmei confiscated the note and magazine, Ji Danyang was very dissatisfied with her, but Chen Dongsheng intervened and asked Ji Danyang about the riddle Zhang Ashui said before he died. After Ji Danyang couldn't guess it, he asked He Xiwen for consultation, and He Xiwen immediatelyThe answer was ---well, so Chen Dongsheng sent people to investigate the wells near Ma San and Zhang Ashui's homes.

After Ji Danyang's unremitting efforts, he finally succeeded in translating all the English materials left by An Wenshan. He Xiwen and the members of the expert team expressed congratulations.Agent Ye Xia disguised herself as a herb collector and delivered herbs to Bai Minghan. Bai Minghan accepted them on the spot. Before leaving, Ye Xia reminded him that there was a letter under the basket.Bai Minghan opened the letter immediately. At this time, Bai Hui suddenly came home from get off work, and Bai Minghan hurriedly hid the letter.The police officers found a locked box in Masanjia's well, which contained four minutes of the May Fourth meeting. The police officers immediately handed the meeting minutes to Zhang Yan, who asked them to strengthen the protection of the expert team.Chen Dongsheng personally took people to check every room in the expert building, but no monitoring equipment was found.The police officers checked the list of participants, including Lu Cheng and Li Guangming. Pang Hongmei took the initiative to investigate Lu Cheng. This clue was provided by Bai Hui. Chen Dongsheng eliminated Bai Hui's suspicion and hoped to let her return to the medical insurance team.

Pang Hongmei came to deliver Zhang Ashui's investigation results to Han Yundong, but Han Yundong was in a meeting, so Pang Hongmei asked Lu Cheng to help transfer it. This was her move to test Lu Cheng. Han Yundong returned the information to Pang Hongmei, and there was no trace of tampering on the seal..Pang Hongmei urged Bai Hui to report to the medical insurance team as soon as possible. The two of them chatted very speculatively. Ji Danyang couldn't help but laugh at them when he saw it. Bai Hui revealed that she and Pang Hongmei were sisters and gave Pang Hongmei a red gold stone bracelet. Ji DanyangHis eyes immediately lit up. The main component of red gold stone is titanium, which is an important raw material for making nuclear submarine shells. Ji Danyang reported this discovery to Chu Huaiqiu, and Chu Huaiqiu decided to look for titanium ore based on red gold stone.The secret letter was sent by Lai Guangrun. Bai Minghan met Lai Guangrun on time. Lai Guangrun insisted that Bai Minghan was the ghost owl and wanted to cooperate with him to destroy the dripping project, but Bai Minghan flatly refused, and Lai Guangrun threatened Bai Hui's life.


Episode 12

Li Guangming was discharged from the hospital early, eagerly reported to Chen Dongsheng, and couldn't wait to start working.Chen Dongsheng assigned him to conduct political review work and review new workers.Li Guangming was curious about the murder of Zhang Ashui and asked Chen Dongsheng, but Chen Dongsheng found an excuse to pass by.Ji Danyang wanted to borrow a rutile bracelet from Pang Hongmei, but was worried that Pang Hongmei would not give it to him, so he took the initiative to help Pang Hongmei work.As soon as he entered the house, he started moving cabinets and furniture. He was exhausted.Ji Danyang also helped Pang Hongmei organize books and clothes, and quickly tidied the room.Pang Hongmei sensed that something was wrong with him, so Ji Danyang had to confess his purpose and hoped to borrow her bracelet for research.Pang Hongmei readily handed the bracelet to him.

He Xiwen ground the bracelet into powder, but the quantity was far from enough.Ji Danyang had no choice but to go to Bai Hui and inquire about the origin of the bracelet.Only then did he learn that the bracelet was rutile collected by Bai Minghan when he was collecting herbs in Dongshan.Ji Danyang wanted to know the specific location, so Bai Hui agreed to ask Bai Minghan after get off work.Chen Dongsheng suspected that someone had installed a bug in the conference room, but he rummaged through the conference room and found nothing.He asked Ji Danyang to help calculate the situation.At this moment, Pang Hongmei suddenly came to Chen Dongsheng and asked for her bracelet back.Ji Danyang made up an excuse and left in a hurry.Lai Guangrun secretly found Li Guangming and gave him a large sum of money to find detailed information about the reservoir.

Li Guangming refused to cooperate with him anymore, Lai Guangrun threatened and intimidated him, and Li Guangming even threatened death.Lai Guangrun mentioned his girlfriend Qianqian and threatened Li Guangming.The new workers lined up to report. Lu Cheng took his cousin directly to go through the formalities. Other workers protested.Niu Peixian stood up to object. After learning about it, Li Guangming rushed to mediate. After some persuasion, Niu Peixian was appeased.Bai Hui learned from Bai Minghan that rutile was in Dongshan rhino horn, and she quickly told Ji Danyang.Ji Danyang couldn't wait to find rutile. He reported it to Pang Hongmei. Pang Hongmei was a little worried about this, so she decided to follow Bai Hui and Ji Danyang.

Episode 12

Bai Hui, Pang Hongmei and Ji Danyang climbed Dongshan Rhinoceros Horn together.As time went by, Ji Danyang's physical strength gradually became exhausted, so he had to sit down and rest.Pang Hongmei couldn't help but make fun of him.Bai Hui suggested taking a small road up the mountain to save time.Ji Danyang readily accepted this suggestion.Chen Dongsheng sent Xu Changsheng to wait by the Masanjia well, hoping to lure out the hidden enemy.But at this moment, a fire suddenly broke out at the neighbor's house.Xu Changsheng hurriedly went to put out the fire, but the important information in the well was taken away.

Chen Dongsheng was very angry and asked the police officer if there was any suspicious person.The police officer remembered that Bai Minghan had passed by this road.After Bai Hui, Pang Hongmei and Ji Danyang tried their best, they finally climbed up the rhino horn.There were many rocks on the top of the mountain, but they were not the rutile they were looking for.Pang Hongmei came down from the mountain and saw Xu Changsheng in a low mood, and then learned that the information in the well had been stolen.Learning that Bai Minghan appeared near Masanjia, Pang Hongmei decided to follow him with Xu Changsheng.Bai Minghan went to the post office to send herbal medicine. Pang Hongmei heard a familiar voice coming from inside. She recognized the man at a glance as the man who fed Ji Danyang on the train.Pang Hongmei quietly followed the man onto the bus, and later found out through the station that he had been to Lumen at least three times.

She reported the situation to Chen Dongsheng.Han Yundong convened an expert group and the construction unit to discuss the reservoir project.Chen Dongsheng was worried that the secret would be leaked, so he only invited a minimum number of people to attend the meeting.Lu Cheng wanted to go to the meeting to take notes, but was blocked from the door. He was very dissatisfied.When the meeting officially started, Ji Danyang suddenly heard a strange sound coming from the loudspeaker and suspected that someone was conducting reverse monitoring.He wrote a note to signal Pang Hongmei. After seeing the note, Chen Dongsheng immediately interrupted Chu Huaiqiu's speech and asked Ji Danyang to explain it to everyone using calculation formulas to delay time.Chen Dongsheng and Pang Hongmei led personnel to investigate along the speaker line.

Pang Hongmei and Chen Dongsheng followed the line to the broadcasting room, but found nothing unusual.The police officers discovered that the lines of the radio station were led outside the factory, so Chen Dongsheng, Pang Hongmei and others continued to investigate along the lines.Ji Danyang spoke for a long time using false data on the stage, and then asked He Xiwen to continue speaking and asked her to make up some nonsense.Lai Guangrun recorded the meeting through a listening device, but the more he listened, the more confused he became.


Episode 13

Pang Hongmei and Chen Dongsheng searched for spy monitors along the wires, and they carefully searched the dormitory building for employees of the instrument factory.Lai Guangrun hid in the room to monitor. Through the window, he saw that Pang Hongmei and Chen Dongsheng were about to search here. He tore off the meeting minutes and hid behind the sack downstairs.In panic, he accidentally dropped the pen on the ground. He wanted to go back to pick it up but it was too late.Pang Hongmei and Chen Dongsheng acted separately. Pang Hongmei suddenly found a pen on the ground and speculated that the spy was nearby.

Lai Guangrun watched Pang Hongmei approach step by step and was worried that his identity would be exposed, so he pushed the hidden sack onto Pang Hongmei, causing Pang Hongmei's leg to be injured.Lai Guangrun took the opportunity to escape and hid in the sewer. Chen Dongsheng and the police officers arrived later, but were unable to find Lai Guangrun and had to temporarily stop the operation.Ji Danyang tested the seized monitoring equipment and deliberately sneered at Pang Hongmei. Pang Hongmei heard everything clearly through the monitoring earphones and was so angry that she had nothing to say.Li Guangming handed the files of the 108 newly hired employees to Chen Dongsheng and asked the police officers to check them one by one.Ji Danyang learned from Chen Dongsheng that Niu Peixian was an eighth-level craftsman in the shipyard and came to him to process parts.Niu Peixian promised to complete it within half a month.

During lunch time, Ji Danyang took out the powder of the rutile bracelet and showed it to Chen Dongsheng.Pang Hongmei was very angry when she learned that her bracelet had been crushed into powder, and blamed Ji Danyang for not telling her beforehand.Ji Danyang promised to give her an identical bracelet, and Pang Hongmei felt a little relieved.Ding Jie investigated from the railway department and found that Nian Fufu often conducted chili business between Guangzhou and Lumen. He reported this situation to Chen Dongsheng, who asked him to keep an eye on Nian Fufu.

Li Guangming received a letter from his girlfriend Qianqian from Hong Kong, expressing his longing for her.Li Guangming was in a complicated mood and hid the letter in the hole in the wall behind the mirror.Ji Danyang called Bai Hui and invited her to go to Rhinoceros Horn to look for rutile tomorrow afternoon, and Bai Hui agreed.Luo Shanshan and the nurses were all envious of Bai Hui.Lai Guangrun approached Bai Minghan for negotiation and asked him to participate in Operation Rock, but Bai Minghan refused without hesitation.Lai Guangrun threatened Bai Hui's life.

Episode 13

Bai Hui and Bai Minghan decided to take time off in the afternoon to accompany Ji Danyang to Rhinoceros Horn.Lai Guangrun claimed to be familiar with the terrain there, but Bai Minghan was worried that he would be detrimental to Bai Hui, so he warned him not to act rashly.Bai Hui was dressed up and ready to go out. Bai Minghan asked her to deliver medicine to three clients on the pretext of visiting a doctor.Bai Hui was worried that she wouldn't have enough time, but she couldn't get over Bai Minghan's arrangement, so she had to comply.

Pang Hongmei was temporarily busy and asked Ding Jie to accompany Danyang and Bai Hui to Dongshan.Ding Jie drove to pick up Ji Danyang, but Bai Hui never arrived.Ji Danyang asked the guard to inform Bai Hui to go directly to Dongshan to meet them.When Bai Minghan went to Dongshan to collect medicine, he saw Lai Guangrun from a distance.Lai Guangrun persuaded him to come out, but Bai Minghan insisted that Xue Lang find him in person.Lai Guangrun asked him to kill Ji Danyang as a demonstration.Bai Hui gave the medicine to Uncle Fu, who agreed to help deliver the other two medicines.Bai Hui hurriedly went to find Ji Danyang.

Ji Danyang led Ding Jie up the rhinoceros horn and found a lot of rutile under the cliff.Ding Jie followed the vines to the bottom of the cliff.Lai Guangrun took the opportunity to knock Ji Danyang unconscious and forced Bai Minghan to kill Ji Danyang with an art knife.Bai Minghan firmly opposed, Lai Guangrun drew a gun and threatened, Bai Minghan proposed to create the illusion of an accidental death, otherwise they would not be spared.

When Bai Hui walked halfway up the mountain, she met Lao Huo who was chopping firewood.When she learned from Lao Huo that Bai Minghan was also coming to Dongshan, she didn't think too much about it.Bai Hui continued to move forward and suddenly saw someone rolling down the cliff.She hurriedly ran over and found that the person who rolled down was Ji Danyang.Ji Danyang fell into coma due to excessive blood loss.Bai Hui hurried down the mountain to stop the car on the road.Ding Jie climbed up from the cliff and found a pool of blood on the edge of the cliff, and Ji Danyang was nowhere to be seen.He hurried to find help.

Zhang Yan sent Lao Jiang to the school to investigate qualified teachers and found the suspect.Soon, they discovered Hao Dongyang and Lai Changqing, who were former art teachers, but their whereabouts are currently unknown.Zhang Yan asked Lao Jiang to start investigating from their acquaintances.


Episode 14

Zhang Yan called Pang Hongmei to the office, had a heart-to-heart talk with her and urged her to find a boyfriend as soon as possible.Suddenly, Zhang Yan received news that Ji Danyang had rolled down the cliff, and she immediately took Pang Hongmei to the hospital.As soon as Pang Hongmei arrived at the hospital, she criticized Ding Jie without scruples, blaming him for causing Ji Danyang's accident.The medical staff tried their best to treat Ji Danyang and finally saved Ji Danyang from danger.However, because he was in a coma due to severe head injuries, Zhang Yan implored doctors to go all out to treat Ji Danyang and has invited experts from the province for consultation.

Zhang Yan severely criticized the members of the security team, gave Ding Jie a serious warning, suspended the work of Pang Hongmei's special team, and asked them to conduct an in-depth self-examination.Zhang Yan asked Bai Hui about the attack on Ji Danyang, but Bai Hui concealed the fact that her father Bai Minghan went to Dongshan to collect medicine in order to avoid misunderstanding.Bai Hui brought Chen Dongsheng and others to the scene. Forensic analysis concluded that Ji Danyang was knocked unconscious and pushed down the cliff. Fortunately, a pile of thatch blocked him and saved him from death.The nurses talked a lot about Bai Hui, while Luo Shanshan tried her best to defend her.Pang Hongmei wanted to visit Ji Danyang in the ward, but Xu Changsheng firmly disagreed and only allowed her to take a look at the door.Pang Hongmei felt regretful when she saw Ji Danyang unconscious.

Bai Minghan came to deliver food to Bai Hui, but was stopped by the police. Bai Minghan protested loudly. Chen Dongsheng tried to persuade him, but Bai Minghan insisted on waiting for Bai Hui to go home with him.After close investigation by Chen Dongsheng and others, the suspicion of Bai Hui harming Ji Danyang was eliminated.Bai Hui followed Bai Minghan home. She questioned Bai Minghan's lie and tricked her into delivering medicine, but actually went to Dongshan. Bai Minghan kept claiming that he went to collect medicine after his medical visit, but Bai Hui was worried that the matter had something to do with him, but Bai Minghan was indifferent to this.I don’t know if I ask three questions.Bai Hui had a nightmare, dreaming that Bai Minghan was arrested by the police. She was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat and decided to leave Lumen with Bai Minghan.Bai Minghan advised her not to think wildly.In 1940, after Bai Hui's father died, Bai Minghan took Bai Hui away and raised her.Bai Hui went to work early, but Bai Minghan advised her to rest at home. The hospital would not arrange any work for her for the time being.She wanted to take care of Ji Danyang and asked Bai Minghan to save him, but Bai Minghan advised her not to worry about it. The task force would find the best doctor to treat Ji Danyang.

Episode 14

Pang Hongmei didn't want to be idle, so she went to find Chen Dongsheng to take on a new task. Chen Dongsheng sent her to accompany Pang Hongmei.Pang Hongmei hopes very much to get this task.Bai Hui came to Ge Yun and asked to take care of Ji Danyang. Ge Yun arranged for her to work on the first floor and could not get close to Ji Danyang for the time being.Dean Xia Yutian wanted to invite experts from the provincial capital for consultation. They gave two treatment options, but both had great risks.Xia Yutian hoped to find experts in Beijing, but the two places were too far apart and would take at least a week. Xia Yutian was worried that Ji Danyang's condition would worsen.

Pang Hongmei came to the ward to stay with Ji Danyang, held his hand tightly, and cried bitterly, hoping that he would wake up as soon as possible.The nurses discussed Bai Hui and Ji Danyang privately. Lu Cheng overheard their discussion and severely criticized them, repeatedly emphasizing that Bai Hui was the hero who saved Ji Danyang.Lu Cheng tried hard to please Bai Hui, but Bai Hui felt very troubled. Fortunately, Ge Yun came to the rescue in time, allowing Bai Hui to get rid of Lu Cheng's entanglement.Pang Hongmei asked Bai Hui about Ji Danyang falling off the cliff, and curiously asked her if she had seen anyone else. Bai Hui firmly denied it and told Pang Hongmei to find Bai Minghan to save Ji Danyang.Pang Hongmei asked Bai Hui to find Bai Minghan. She kept crying and could not say anything.

Pang Hongmei came to Bai Minghan for help. Bai Minghan did not dare to treat Ji Danyang and suggested that he be sent to Beijing.Pang Hongmei begged Bai Minghan to give it a try, but Bai Minghan flatly refused because he had been suspected of the incident of rescuing Zhang Ashui.Pang Hongmei believed in Bai Minghan's decision, while Lai Guangrun observed clearly from the sidelines.Bai Hui looked through ancient medical books to find treatment methods, hoping that Ji Danyang would wake up soon, but Bai Minghan persuaded her to give up as soon as possible.Bai Hui didn't want to watch Ji Danyang spend the rest of his life in bed, so she begged Bai Minghan for help, but Bai Minghan finally could no longer refuse.


Episode 15

Ji Danyang has been unconscious. If he cannot wake up within a short period of time, he may fall into a deep sleep forever.Pang Hongmei asked Bai Minghan to help. Although she still had some doubts about Bai Minghan, she believed in his medical skills and believed that he would not play tricks under her nose.Zhang Yan saw that Pang Hongmei was worried and unwilling to gamble with Ji Danyang's life, but Pang Hongmei decided to take a gamble, so Zhang Yan had to agree to let Bai Minghan give it a try.Bai Minghan performed acupuncture for Ji Danyang and asked Pang Hongmei to stay in the ward to help. Bai Hui could not enter the ward on the second floor and could only wait anxiously in the corridor on the first floor.

She was worried about Bai Minghan, wondering if he could revive Ji Danyang.Chu Huaiqiu heard the news and came to the hospital to wait for the results.After Bai Minghan's unremitting efforts, Ji Danyang finally woke up. He shouted Pang Hongmei's name. Pang Hongmei was so excited that her eyes filled with tears and she was extremely grateful to Bai Minghan.She casually mentioned the people Bai Hui met on Dongshan, but Bai Minghan knew nothing about it.Bai Hui was very happy to learn that Ji Danyang would wake up soon.She sent Bai Minghan to the gate of the hospital, and Bai Minghan reminded her not to hide the facts from the police, but to truthfully tell what she knew, and to reiterate that there were no bad people in their family.Chen Dongsheng asked Ji Danyang about the situation on the day of the incident. Ji Danyang only remembered that someone attacked him from behind, and the clue was disconnected.

Chen Dongsheng decided to first investigate who leaked Ji Danyang's whereabouts.He asked police officer Tong Bin to stay to protect Ji Danyang, and he personally led the team to investigate the crime scene.Xu Changsheng suggested that Bai Hui go to the ward to take care of Ji Danyang. Chen Dongsheng readily agreed. He noticed that Bai Hui was deliberately concealing something and suspected that the matter was related to Bai Minghan, but he suffered from the lack of conclusive evidence.Bai Hui thanked Bai Minghan for saving Ji Danyang. Bai Minghan saw that she had a crush on Ji Danyang, but Bai Hui did not dare to expect to have too much contact with Ji Danyang. Bai Minghan was worried that she would get deeper into trouble.However, Bai Hui believed that Bai Minghan was not a bad guy. She asked Ji Danyang about the details of the attack, but Ji Danyang did not see the murderer clearly.Ding Jie returned to work, and he and Pang Hongmei encouraged each other.He Xiwen and Chu Huaiqiu came to visit Ji Danyang. They found a lot of rutile at the crime scene, and Ji Danyang was also very happy.

Episode 15

Pang Hongmei came to the hospital to visit Ji Danyang. After seeing him go through this disaster, he finally understood Pang Hongmei and Tian Tian's intention to protect him. Ji Danyang felt very guilty.Pang Hongmei advised him not to blame himself too much and comforted him that everything would be fine.Bai Hui took good care of Ji Danyang very carefully and fed him medicine herself. Pang Hongmei saw it.Li Guangming and a police officer came to patrol the expert building. They happened to see the expert team moving a heavy filing cabinet. He took the initiative to help. He accidentally found that the door of the confidentiality room was ajar and the table was filled with drawings and documents.material.

Li Guangming pretended to have a sprained waist. After watching them move the file cabinets away, he took the opportunity to sneak into the confidentiality room and secretly photographed the information and drawings on the table.Li Guangming washed out these information immediately.Xu Changsheng found several medicinal plants at the crime scene and concluded that these were clues left by the murderer.Pang Hongmei became more suspicious of Bai Minghan and guessed that Bai Hui had seen Bai Minghan on the mountain, but she didn't understand why Bai Minghan wanted to save Ji Danyang.She decided to test Bai Minghan face to face.Ji Danyang took out the rutile he picked up and wanted to ask Niu Pei to make a bracelet for Pang Hongmei first, but he could not leave in the hospital, so he asked the police to do it for him.Pang Hongmei and Ding Jie came to visit Bai Minghan with thank-you gifts and took the initiative to help him dry the medicinal materials. They found that the medicinal materials were exactly the same as those they found on Dongshan.

Bai Minghan kept claiming that he also accepted other people's medicinal materials, but Pang Hongmei didn't ask any more questions.Zhang Yan and Lao Jiang found information about the lifetime of Pang Hongmei's father, Pang Shizhao, and found out that the person who killed his father was Xue Lang. Pang Hongmei vowed to avenge her father.He Xiwen came to discuss the issue of stabilizers with Ji Danyang. They disagreed. Ge Yun witnessed this scene and reminded Bai Hui to take the initiative to prevent Ji Danyang and He Xiwen from falling in love for a long time. Bai Hui felt very sad in her heart.Bai Minghan came to the river to fish, but had no harvest. Then Lai Guangrun came to him with fishing gear.


Episode 16

Lai Guangrun was confused as to why Bai Minghan rescued Ji Danyang. Bai Minghan teased him for being too eager for quick success and pointed out that their goal was the water drop project rather than the immediate gains and losses.Lai Guangrun couldn't refute, so he threatened to seek revenge on Kou Xuesong, but Bai Minghan didn't care and instead laughed at him.Lai Guangrun had no choice but to leave.

Pang Hongmei invited Bai Hui to dinner, and the two drank and talked.Pang Hongmei soon got drunk, and she used the alcohol to ask Bai Minghan about his situation in Dongshan on the day of the incident, but Bai Hui firmly denied it and refused to talk more.Bai Hui came home very late and found Bai Minghan lying in bed with a high fever. She hurried to the kitchen to cook.Bai Hui recalled the scene when Bai Minghan was injured many years ago, and he took out the bullet from his leg by himself.Bai Hui brought food to Bai Minghan and accidentally asked him if the injury on his leg was caused by the Kuomintang. Bai Minghan excused confusion and did not remember.Bai Hui suspected that he had met Ji Danyang in Dongshan, but Bai Minghan refused to admit it. Bai Hui had to mention that Lao Huo had met him, warning that the matter would be found out sooner or later.Bai Minghan still didn't speak and firmly denied that he had been to Dongshan. Bai Hui was helpless.

Lai Guangrun came to deliver equipment to the instrument factory. He found Li Guangming privately and issued his last mission, requesting to find out the situation of the reservoir as soon as possible.Li Guangming hoped that Lai Guangrun would reserve an escape route for him.

Ding Jie conducted an investigation and visited and learned from Lao Huo that Bai Minghan went to Dongshan on the day of the incident.Chen Dongsheng became suspicious of Bai Minghan, but Bai Minghan took the initiative to find Chen Dongsheng and sent Ding Jie to call Pang Hongmei over.Bai Minghan admitted that he was in Dongshan on the day Ji Danyang was attacked. He was at Lao Niubeicai Polygonum multiflorum on the opposite side of the rhinoceros horn.He concealed the matter at first because he did not want to arouse unnecessary suspicion, but he noticed that Bai Hui had been under a lot of pressure recently, so he decided to tell the truth.Pang Hongmei asked him if he was nearby when Masan's house caught fire, and Bai Minghan answered on the pretext of going to see Lao Fu for medical treatment.

Episode 16

Although Bai Minghan's answer was impeccable, Pang Hongmei still had doubts about him.After Ji Danyang learned about Pang Hongmei's suspicion, he understood Pang Hongmei's real purpose of inviting Bai Hui to dinner.He was very disdainful of Pang Hongmei's behavior, and Pang Hongmei was helpless.

Zhang Yan plans to see an art exhibition in Lumen to lure out the fake Zhou Jun.She specially arranged for a pair of Zhou Jun's works to be exhibited.Li Guangming revealed He Xiwen's whereabouts to Lai Guangrun, and Lai Guangrun placed iron nails in a secluded place, causing the vehicle He Xiwen was riding to have a flat tire.Lai Guangrun took the opportunity to kidnap He Xiwen.After Zhang Yan learned that He Xiwen was missing, he immediately sent police officers to search for him separately.Liu Simao helped Lai Guangrun secretly connect the phone line of a store. Lai Guangrun called Chen Dongsheng's office. He admitted that he was fake Zhou Jun, told him the place where He Xiwen was imprisoned, and admitted that he installed explosives there.

After Lai Guangrun hung up the phone, he asked Liu Simao to closely monitor He Xiwen.Zhang Yan sent Chen Dongsheng to lead the team to rescue He Xiwen. They came to the small thatched house in the rain and found the note left by Lai Guangrun and the photo of He Xiwen being tied up.Lai Guangrun's condition is that the expert team stops the Water Drop Project and hands over Ji Danyang's notebook, otherwise He Xiwen will not survive.Chen Dongsheng found no other valuable clues and could only look for clues from photos.Pang Hongmei, Ding Jie, Chen Dongsheng and others brainstormed and quickly calculated the approximate location where the photo was taken.


Episode 17

Lai Guangrun was worried that his identity as Zhou Jun would be discovered by the police, so he decided to force He Xiwen to reveal the progress of the experimental pool.But He Xiwen refused to answer, so Lai Guangrun had to resort to threats and intimidation.However, He Xiwen had already put life and death aside, and Lai Guangrun and Liu Simao discussed taking some drastic actions to break the deadlock.

Chen Dongsheng, Pang Hongmei and others calculated the approximate location of the experimental pool through the angle of the sun's reflection in the photo. Zhang Yan delimited the investigation scope based on the calculation results and sent police officers to search separately.Miao Huilan came to deliver meals to He Xiwen and persuaded her to reveal the experimental data and information.However, He Xiwen was firm and unmoved.Miao Huilan complained about Lai Guangrun's impulsive behavior and worried that it would cause big trouble.But Lai Guangrun didn't worry so much. He wanted to eliminate the threat from He Xiwen, so he asked Liu Simao to seal up the doors and windows of the thatched house.There was a very precious lion clock in the hut. The police investigated and found that it belonged to the Li family, a wealthy family in Lumen.So Zhang Yan invited Master Chen who worked for the Li family back then. Master Chen clearly remembered that the Lion Clock was stored in Suliang Village before the Li family left.

Lai Guangrun called Chen Dongsheng and arranged for him to bring Ji Danyang's notebook to meet at the beach of the West Lu River at two o'clock in the afternoon.But Zhang Yan realized that the fake Zhou Jun was deliberately confusing them, so he sent Pang Hongmei and Ding Jie to Suliang Village, and asked Chen Dongsheng and Tong Bin to go to Xiluhe River.Lai Guangrun came to the instrument factory to deliver goods, but was refused entry by the guard, so he had to unload the goods at the factory gate.Chen Dongsheng and Tong Bin arrived at Xilu River and found a letter there asking the expert team to stop the water droplet project, otherwise more people would die.

At the same time, Pang Hongmei, Ding Jie and others came to Suliang Village and successfully rescued He Xiwen, while Liu Simao hid aside and witnessed everything.Although He Xiwen was blindfolded, she clearly remembered the conversation between the two enemy agents.Lai Guangrun approached Li Guangming to negotiate. As long as Li Guangming cooperated in destroying the experimental pool, he could be allowed to leave Lumen and reunite with his girlfriend Qianqian.Li Guangming reluctantly agreed to this request.

The library held a calligraphy and painting exhibition, which attracted many art lovers to visit.One of the viewers stayed in front of Zhou Jun's painting for a long time and asked others about the artist of the painting.Ji Danyang's body gradually recovered, and he wanted to visit the construction site, so Pang Hongmei and Bai Hui pushed his wheelchair there.However, surprisingly, Ji Danyang suddenly stood up, and Pang Hongmei and Bai Hui were happy for him.After Ji Danyang returned to his dormitory, He Xiwen came to visit him.Ji Danyang repeatedly emphasized that the experimental pool must be a first-time success, otherwise all efforts will be in vain.

Episode 17

The experimental pool will be poured in one go tomorrow, and the factory leaders decided to form a temporary medical team.Lu Cheng recommended Bai Hui to join, but Bai Hui was not interested.Chen Dongsheng made careful arrangements to prevent destruction by enemy agents and ensure the smooth completion of the experimental pool.The exhibition attracted many visitors, but the fake Zhou Jun never showed up.Lao Jiang learned that Zhou Jun's painting method was very unique. Before liberation, Lai Changqing had asked Yan Ping, a teacher at the Provincial Academy of Fine Arts, for advice on this painting method.Zhang Yan sent him to continue tracing Lai Changqing's whereabouts.

Chen Dongsheng sent Pang Hongmei to protect the safety of the expert team at the construction site to prevent the fake Zhou Jun from sabotaging.Zhang Yan received verification information from the provincial department and learned that Li Guangming's girlfriend was in Hong Kong.Zhang Yan asked Chen Dongsheng to closely monitor Li Guangming. Chen Dongsheng asked Pang Hongmei to inform Li Guangming to work overtime tonight and sent Pang Hongmei to search Li Guangming's home.Ge Yun sent Luo Shanshan and Bai Hui to the construction site to do protective work, and they were prepared to deal with any emergencies.The more Li Guangming thought about it, the more something was wrong. He lied that he had something to do at home and asked others to deliver equipment to the construction site, and then rushed home overnight.Pang Hongmei was checking at his house. Li Guangming sprinkled flour at the door when he entered the house, but there were no traces of anyone stepping on it.Li Guangming was still worried. He searched around the room and found nothing unusual.

He took a document from the drawer and went out. Pang Hongmei hid aside to see clearly.Pang Hongmei found Qianqian's letter and photos at Li Guangming's home, and she immediately handed them over to Chen Dongsheng.Chen Dongsheng confirmed that Li Guangming was a lurking enemy agent, and suddenly received a call from the police and learned that Nian Fufu had come to Lumen.Pang Hongmei immediately rushed to the train station and saw Nian Fufu and Li Guangming meeting in front of the billboard from a distance. Li Guangming took away the big bag that Nian Fufu brought.Pang Hongmei sent police officers to capture Nian Fufu, while she followed Li Guangming to the night market.The night market is brightly lit, and people take to the streets to admire the lights.


Episode 18

Pang Hongmei followed Li Guangming all the way and found that he had excellent grades in the public security school and had strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities.In order to get rid of Pang Hongmei's tracking, Li Guangming deliberately came to the bustling night market and quickly escaped.Pang Hongmei had no choice but to return and report to Zhang Yan, who sent people to continue the search.After Nian Fufu was caught, he confessed that he was not a spy, but just an errand boy.Lai Guangrun came home very late. At this time, Li Guangming had been waiting for a long time. He forced Lai Guangrun to hand over his money and identity documents because his identity had been exposed and he hoped to go to Hong Kong to find Qianqian as soon as possible.

Lai Guangrun persuaded him to give up this idea, telling him that Qianqian was a complete spy and had been using his feelings to do things for them.However, Li Guangming didn't believe it and threatened to destroy Lai Guangrun's beloved paintings.In order to protect the painting, Lai Guangrun had no choice but to agree to let Li Guangming go, and told him to wait until the pouring work started tomorrow morning and then take advantage of the chaos to go to Guandi Temple to get money and identification. This was Lai Guangrun's escape plan for himself.Ding Jie came to the power distribution room and reminded the electrician on duty to ensure normal power consumption for the project.Lai Guangrun came to inform Bai Minghan early in the morning that he would go to Guandi Temple to kill Li Guangming at ten o'clock to eliminate the hidden danger.However, Bai Minghan firmly refused to kill.Lai Guangrun claimed that this was Snow Wolf's mission and gave Bai Minghan a portrait as a gift.

Bai Minghan immediately understood his sinister intentions.Bai Hui brought medicine to treat rheumatism to Chu Huaiqiu early in the morning as usual, but Chu Huaiqiu suddenly fainted and fell to the ground after drinking it all.The police officers conducted tests on the drug residue, and medical staff began emergency rescue.Chu Huaiqiu gave Ji Danyang full responsibility for the pouring project.Ji Danyang, He Xiwen and others came to the construction site, and Xia Yutian and the workers were ready.Ji Danyang carried out pre-war mobilization, the workers returned to their respective jobs, and the pouring project was carried out in an orderly manner.Li Guangming came to Guandi Temple and quickly found the money and identity certificate left by Lai Guangrun.Just when he was about to leave, Pang Hongmei and his men surrounded the temple. Li Guangming realized that he could not escape and decided to fight to the death.Pang Hongmei accidentally discovered that the windows of Zhou Jun's two paintings were exactly the same. She guessed that these were the windows of Guandi Temple, so she led the police officers to ambush here, but she unexpectedly ran into Li Guangming.

Episode 18

Niu Pei discovered an abnormality in the cement and hurriedly reported it to Ji Danyang.After investigation, Ji Danyang found that the cement was mixed with water glass that accelerated solidification.Xia Yutian urgently notified the city's warehouses and factories to provide this cement, and a large amount of cement was delivered to the construction site.Workers quickly mobilized to move the cement.When Lai Guangrun arrived at the construction site, he witnessed a shocking scene.Li Guangming fired a warning shot, and Pang Hongmei and the police officers fought back, eventually successfully arresting Li Guangming.Li Guangming revealed the real identity of the fake Zhou Jun was Lai Guangrun.

Pang Hongmei went to Lai Guangrun's house to investigate and found the triangular utility knife used in the murder.Suddenly, there is a power outage at the construction site, and the cement cannot be poured in time and may solidify.Ji Danyang decided to use manual mixing.After everyone's unremitting efforts, the experimental pool was successfully poured in one go, and the expert team and workers cheered.Lai Guangrun realized that the situation was no longer favorable to him and quietly left the scene.Lao Jiang also found out the real identity of fake Zhou Jun was Lai Guangrun and issued an arrest warrant.After Pang Hongmei learned of Lai Guangrun's whereabouts, she met Chen Dongsheng directly at the construction site.

They secretly followed Lai Guangrun and found him heading to the riverside to find Bai Minghan.Lai Guangrun learned that someone reported Li Guangming to the public security and suspected Bai Minghan, but Bai Minghan refuted his accusation.Lai Guangrun knew that he was in a desperate situation. He believed that Snow Wolf would not let Bai Minghan go, so he left sadly.Chen Dongsheng asked the police to closely monitor Bai Minghan. He and Pang Hongmei quietly followed Lai Guangrun to the library and instructed the police to evacuate the people visiting the art exhibition.Lai Guangrun stood in front of his painting, feeling extremely complicated inside.Chen Dongsheng and Pang Hongmei directly confronted Lai Guangrun and exposed his identity as a spy.


Episode 19

Chen Dongsheng realized that Lai Guangrun was a simple-minded person obsessed with flowers, so he deliberately destroyed his paintings.This action completely broke Lai Guangrun's inner defense line. He admitted that he had killed many people in the past and blocked Lumen during the Lumen Massacre.Pang Hongmei's father Pang Shizhao died in that tragedy.When she rushed towards Lai Guangrun to hold him accountable, Lai Guangrun bit his tongue and committed suicide.

Pang Hongmei went directly to Bai Minghan and couldn't wait to ask what Lai Guangrun had told him.Bai Minghan claimed that he only focused on treating diseases and saving people, and did not care whether the patients were good or bad.Pang Hongmei asked about the details of the Lumen massacre, but Bai Minghan knew nothing.Pang Hongmei was determined to find out the cause of her father's death.

The forensic doctor discovered a poison called Datura in the medicine residue, and Bai Hui became the main suspect.Xu Changsheng called Bai Hui for questioning. Bai Hui recalled that she was away for a while while making the medicine. During this period, nurse Zhang Ling asked her to help move the oxygen cylinder.Pang Hongmei asked Bai Hui to carefully recall the entire process of decoction, but Bai Hui couldn't recall whether she had seen anyone suspicious, so she was isolated for review.

Ji Danyang and the expert team came to visit Chu Huaiqiu. Chu Huaiqiu expressed his appreciation for Ji Danyang's flexibility. Ji Danyang named the experimental pool “ Tianchi ”.

Lai Guangrun's operation failed, and Kou Xuesong was severely criticized by Secretary-General Hu, who asked him not only to continue to carry out Operation Panshi, but also to obtain experimental data from the Water Drop Project.Kou Xuesong ordered Xue Lang to closely monitor Bai Minghan.

Episode 19

Lai Guangrun's death led to the interruption of clues to the Lumen massacre, but Zhang Yan promised to fully help Lai Guangrun's wife investigate the truth and continue to pursue Chu Huaiqiu's poisoning.Pang Hongmei came to the hospital to find out about Ge Yun's situation on the day Baihui prepared the medicine.Zhang Ling insisted that Bai Hui poisoned Chu Huaiqiu, but Pang Hongmei didn't believe it and invited several respected old Chinese doctors.They thought there was nothing wrong with the prescription and that the person who prescribed it was highly skilled.Zhang Ling claimed that she had been at the nurse station and had never been to the decoction room.She remembered that Du Fang changed the dressing for the patient in bed No. 8. Pang Hongmei then asked the patient to confirm. The patient also confirmed that Du Fang changed the dressing for him and remembered that there was a stain on Du Fang's white coat.

Chen Dongsheng and the police came to investigate two people's homes. Ding Jie found a newspaper with holes in them. These holes turned out to be Morse code.So Chen Dongsheng began to visit and investigate neighbors.Bai Hui was under investigation. Ji Danyang came to Pang Hongmei to defend her, and Bai Minghan also came to Pang Hongmei to guarantee that Bai Hui was innocent with his own head.Pang Hongmei believed that Bai Hui would not poison Chu Huaiqiu, and found Chen Dongsheng overnight, hoping to restore Bai Hui's job.But Chen Dongsheng could not make the decision, so Pang Hongmei proposed a plan to muddy the waters in the hospital and then lead out the real murderer.Chen Dongsheng agreed with her idea.

Ji Danyang saw Pang Hongmei returning to the dormitory from the window, and immediately went to argue with her and tried his best to defend Bai Hui.Pang Hongmei learned about his concern for Bai Hui and advised him not to be impulsive.


Episode 20

Bai Hui returned to work in the hospital, but she could not continue to work in front-line positions, nor could she have contact with members of the expert team.Ge Yun asked her to be in charge of logistics services, and Bai Hui happily accepted.Du Fang pointed fingers at Bai Hui and spoke ill of Bai Hui in front of colleagues. Luo Shanshan helped Bai Hui work whenever she had time, which moved Bai Hui to tears.

Chen Dongsheng and Pang Hongmei interrogated Li Guangming. Li Guangming confessed that he had only had contact with Lai Guangrun and had never met Snow Wolf.Bai Minghan advised Bai Hui to rest at home for a few days until the poisoner was found, but Bai Hui firmly believed that the innocent will purify themselves, and there was nothing Bai Minghan could do.Colleagues talked about Bai Hui's isolation and helplessness, but Bai Hui took it calmly.Pang Hongmei and Chen Dongsheng discussed countermeasures.Ge Yun approved Bai Hui to return to the medical insurance team and continue to prepare medicine for Chu Huaiqiu. Du Fang was extremely dissatisfied with this and complained to his colleagues in private.When Bai Hui was decocting medicine in the decoction room, her colleagues called her out. Du Fang took the opportunity to sneak into the decoction room and poison her, but was caught by Pang Hongmei.

Pang Hongmei suddenly interrogated Du Fang. Du Fang had always claimed to be studying with Bai Hui, but Pang Hongmei found the residual liquid of hyoscyamine in her white coat pocket. Du Fang still refused to admit that she was the one who poisoned the drug last time.Pang Hongmei took out the apple she found in her dormitory, and Du Fang was stunned.Du Fang fell in love with Ji Danyang at first sight, and Ji Danyang cared very much about Bai Hui. Du Fang took good care of Ji Danyang out of jealousy. Ji Danyang gave her an apple and gave another apple to Bai Hui.Du Fang had a grudge against Bai Hui, so he framed Bai Hui. Chen Dongsheng conducted a strict investigation on Du Fang and confirmed that she was not a spy. However, he speculated that the person who assisted Lai Guangrun in killing Zhang Ashui was still in the hospital, so he transferred all the personnel information of the entire hospital.Check one by one.

Episode 20

After Du Fang was fired, Xia Yutian and Ge Yun were also punished.Lu Cheng congratulated Bai Hui, who successfully cleared the suspicion.Bai Hui expressed her gratitude to Lu Cheng for his concern, but in fact it was all planned by Pang Hongmei.She asked Bai Hui to continue to cook medicine for Chu Huaiqiu, and deliberately let her come out halfway to lure Du Fang out.Bai Hui burned the letter immediately after receiving it. After get off work, she went to the library to borrow a book on musical notation, which happened to be seen by Luo Jiangning. He was full of praise for her learning spirit.

Bai Hui returned home worried, and Bai Minghan cared about her.After returning to the room, when Bai Hui was looking for the password from the staff book, Bai Minghan came to bring her food, so Bai Hui hurriedly hid the book.That night, Bai Hui woke up from a nightmare. She was covered in cold sweat. This happened four years after Bai Hui was kidnapped when she was a child.At dawn, Bai Hui started to have a high fever. Bai Minghan personally boiled Chinese medicine and fed it to her.Bai Hui casually mentioned her experience of being missing for four years, and Bai Minghan gave her good advice.

Bai Hui thought of the letter and what she was worried about was about to happen.Chen Dongsheng and Pang Hongmei discovered that Lai Guangrun's paintings contained clues about the Imperial Temple, but they did not find any clues there.Lai Guangrun is an abandoned child who grew up in an orphanage. He regards Guandi Temple as his spiritual sustenance.Pang Hongmei recalled the last time she saw her father Pang Shizhao. When his father was away on business, she cried sadly as she watched her father leave.Lao Jiang found out the list of the dead in the Lumen Massacre. Pang Shizhao's name was not on it, but there was just a question mark after the code name "Tit".Lao Jiang speculated that "Ti Que" was Pang Shizhao's code name.


Episode 21

After various investigations by Lao Jiang, it was discovered that the Lumen Massacre was planned by Xue Lang.At that time, Pang Hongmei's father Pang Shizhao died in order to save his comrades who were imprisoned in Xiaohuilou by the Kuomintang.Lao Jiang found no clues about Pang Shizhao's murder. Pang Hongmei had always wanted to find the murderer of her father, but she had too few clues.She only found out that Xu Wenzheng's subordinate Ghost Owl had been looking for Snow Wolf after the incident, so she decided to use this as a breakthrough to continue the investigation.

Ji Danyang and the members of the expert team worked day and night on research and development, but they were still unable to solve the stability problem. Ji Danyang was very anxious.Suddenly, Luo Shanshan called Ji Danyang and told him that Bai Hui had not come to work for a few days because of illness and asked him to go home and check on her.Ji Danyang used his non-staple food stamps to buy meat and vegetables, and asked Pang Hongmei to go to Bai's house with him.

Miao Huilan regularly sends herbs to Bai Minghan. Bai Minghan remembers that she sent the last letter and can't wait to drive her away.Miao Huilan claimed that she was the messenger, and the letter was in the basket of medicinal materials.She begged Bai Minghan not to embarrass her, and Bai Minghan pulled out a sickle from the basket.Hearing the noise outside the door, Bai Hui hurriedly went downstairs to find out what was going on. Miao Huilan put down a basket of herbs and left in a hurry.

Pang Hongmei and Ji Danyang then came to Bai's house, and Bai Minghan personally cooked to entertain them.Pang Hongmei heard that Bai Minghan had treated Xu Wenzheng, so she asked him about Xu Wenzheng's ghost owl.Bai Minghan didn't know what to ask. Bai Hui heard their conversation and felt alert.

Ji Danyang helped kill the fish. He had never done any housework before and ended up making a mess.Pang Hongmei accidentally cut her finger while helping him pack the fish.Bai Hui helped Pang Hongmei treat her wounds. Pang Hongmei accidentally saw a staff book on her table, so she flipped through it.Bai Hui quickly changed the topic.

Bai Minghan walked into the room and saw a music book in Bai Hui's room, and he immediately became alert.After the meal, after Ji Danyang and Pang Hongmei left, Bai Minghan asked about the music score book, and Bai Hui lied about studying to cover up the past.Later, Bai Hui burned the book.It turned out that Bai Hui was kidnapped when she was a child, and was later rescued by the Kuomintang agents. She was trained by the agents and became an agent.Bai Minghan pulled out a note from the scythe. On it, Snow Wolf ordered him to join Operation Rock and completely destroy the Water Drop Project.Bai Minghan also burned the note.

Episode 21

Early the next morning, after Bai Hui went to work, Bai Minghan quietly came to her room and found nothing unusual.He dug out several pieces of music from the hole in the wall of the warehouse.When Bai Hui passed the meeting point, she saw that there was no mission code above. She continued to walk over without showing any expression.Several new nurses were sent from the factory hospital. Ge Yun introduced their situations one by one and hoped to elect a head nurse.Luo Shanshan encouraged Bai Hui to participate in the election, but Bai Hui was not interested.Lu Cheng came to the disinfection room to find Bai Hui. He felt sorry for her doing rough work every day and persuaded her to seek the position of head nurse.

He also gave Bai Hui a box of hand cream, but Bai Hui politely declined.Ge Yun and Han Yundong happened to be passing by. Seeing some disputes between Lu Cheng and Bai Hui, Xia Yutian called Lu Cheng out and reprimanded him, reminding him not to spend all his energy on work and not to get entangled in emotional entanglements.Pang Hongmei carefully checked the hospital layout map found at Lai Guangrun's home and compared the handwriting of the medical staff with the words on the map, ruling out the suspicion that they provided the layout map to Lai Guangrun.Pang Hongmei suggested finding the people who went in and out of the hospital while Zhang Ashui was hospitalized to compare the handwriting. Chen Dongsheng agreed with her idea and sent police officers to look for the people separately.Despite the best efforts of the expert team, the problem of the stabilizer being too heavy could not be solved.After careful calculation, Ji Danyang suggested canceling the stabilizer.Everyone thinks this is inappropriate because there is no such precedent abroad.Chu Huaiqiu planned to take members of the expert team to the workshop for demonstration. Lu Cheng called Director Zhao of the workshop and asked them to prepare.

Bai Hui took the initiative to go to Lu Cheng to apologize. She didn't know that Ge Yun and Han Yundong would come.Lu Cheng didn't take it to heart and just gave her the hand cream.Chu Huaiqiu brought members of the expert team to the workshop, and Niu Pei first directed the workers to lift the stabilizer.Everyone was amazed as they watched the four-ton iron ball rising slowly.However, the iron chain suddenly broke and the iron ball rolled down, bumping around in the workshop.Regardless of his personal safety, Chen Dongsheng pushed Chu Huaiqiu and Pang Hongmei away, but was knocked away by the iron ball.The worker Wu Rui desperately pushed the iron frame to block the iron ball. His arm was injured. Fortunately, the big iron ball stopped.Chen Dongsheng was unconscious, and Pang Hongmei took Ding Jie and others to the hospital.Because Chen Dongsheng lost too much blood and was in urgent need of blood transfusion, Bai Hui took the initiative to donate blood for him.Pang Hongmei took Ding Jie and others back to the workshop, and Han Yundong severely taught Director Zhao of the riveting and welding workshop.Pang Hongmei discovered that the length of the wire rope joint was 30 centimeters shorter than required and was newly connected.She suspected that this was the work of someone inside the factory.


Episode 22

The big iron ball incident left everyone on the expert team with lingering fears, and Ji Danyang once again proposed the idea of ​​canceling the stabilizer.The weight of the stabilizer installed on the submarine is four times that of the iron ball, which will bring huge risks if something goes wrong.He Xiwen insisted on operating in accordance with foreign practices, and the two disagreed.

Chen Dongsheng finally regained consciousness after the efforts of medical staff to rescue him.For the smooth progress of the task force, Zhang Yan asked Pang Hongmei to temporarily replace him as the team leader.Pang Hongmei personally led the staff to the workshop to investigate and found traces of someone breaking in through the window.The man is very skilled in plugging.Pang Hongmei asked the police to separately investigate the movements of each worker in the workshop.

Bai Minghan received the medicinal materials sent by Miao Huilan and specifically stated that there was something for him in it.Miao Huilan put down the medicinal materials and left.When Bai Hui came to give Wu Rui infusion, Wu Rui accidentally discovered that a bottle of medicine was missing today.Niu Peixian happened to visit Wu Rui and was very dissatisfied with this matter.After Ge Yun learned that Zhang Ling had dispensed medicine for Wu Rui, he severely reprimanded her.Bai Hui was making sarcastic remarks on the sidelines, and Zhang Ling suspected that she had complained to Ge Yun in an attempt to compete for the position of head nurse.Bai Hui knew that she was not capable of being a head nurse, so she advised Zhang Ling to give up early, and revealed that Luo Shanshan was selected as the head nurse.

Ji Danyang and the members of the expert team worked all day and night to work.After Pang Hongmei learned about it, she sent them apples and dates.Han Yundong came to express condolences on behalf of all the factory workers, but Ji Danyang wore earplugs and concentrated on calculations, turning a blind eye to their arrival.Pang Hongmei came and gave Ji Danyang two apples.

Episode 22

Ji Danyang stayed up all night to calculate the data, and He Xiwen was not to be outdone and advised him not to be stubborn. The two refused to compromise and decided to wait for the final results.Chu Huaiqiu asked the members of the expert group to express their opinions and evaluate and vote on Ji Danyang and He Xiwen's plans.Most people supported He Xiwen's idea, but He Xiwen believed that Ji Danyang's plan was more feasible and publicly announced that he had given up his views and supported Ji Danyang.Zhang Ling was worried that Luo Shanshan would be unfavorable to her after becoming the head nurse, so she decided to support Bai Hui as the head nurse and expressed her full cooperation with her work.

After research, the hospital leaders decided to appoint Bai Hui as the head nurse of the second district.Lu Cheng went to congratulate Bai Hui in person, but Bai Hui called him aside. Lu Cheng took the opportunity to confess to Bai Hui, but Bai Hui firmly refused and hoped to remain friends with him.Lu Cheng vowed to make progress together with Bai Hui.Bai Minghan noticed that Lu Cheng had a crush on Bai Hui and advised her not to miss this wonderful fate, but Bai Hui was unwilling to consider it for the time being.Bai Minghan casually mentioned the strange things that happened after the expert team arrived, claiming that there might be storms in Lumen, and reminded Bai Hui to return those books to the library.Bai Minghan secretly came to an abandoned warehouse. Suddenly the phone rang. The other party called himself Snow Wolf and accurately stated Bai Minghan's code name.

Although Bai Minghan didn't believe him, Xue Lang revealed Pang Shizhao's identity as a Communist agent.Bai Minghan was not interested in the Panshi Project, but Xue Lang threatened him with Bai Hui's life. Bai Minghan refused to give in and decided to go directly to Xue Lang.However, when he went upstairs, he found no one at the phone, only a note and a photo of him in military uniform, threatening to reveal his identity as an agent.In order to protect Bai Hui's safety, Bai Minghan hurriedly returned home and found that Bai Hui was not at home. He immediately went out to look for someone.


Episode 23

Bai Minghan looked for Bai Hui everywhere, but did not find her.Finally, he accidentally discovered that Bai Hui and Zhang Ling went shopping and bought his favorite snacks.Bai Minghan severely reprimanded her because he was worried that she would be assassinated by the agents.During lunch, Ji Danyang expressed curiosity about Pang Hongmei's question about the broken wire lock.Pang Hongmei did not allow him to inquire randomly, and teased him about his loss to He Xiwen.Ji Danyang made it clear that He Xiwen supported his idea and introduced his plan in detail.

Bai Hui also came to the cafeteria to eat. Pang Hongmei praised her for becoming a head nurse and mentioned Ji Danyang's design plan to save money and effort for the country.Bai Hui was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then immersed herself in eating.The police officers investigated the workshop workers one by one and found that Yang Deshan went out drinking that night and did not return all night.And he was good at tying wire ropes, and the shoe prints on the windows matched his.Pang Hongmei decided to focus on investigating Yang Deshan and went to the workshop with Ding Jie.They learned about Wu Rui and Wang Fengshan from Director Zhao, and then went to see Yang Deshan.Yang Deshan claimed that he drank with his colleagues that night and did not notice anything unusual.Pang Hongmei did not ask further questions and left with Ding Jie.

Ever since He Xiwen compromised with Ji Danyang, she had locked herself in her room every day.Ji Danyang thought she was in a bad mood and roasted sweet potatoes to please her.He Xiwen worked overtime to put together a practical plan that could speed up the project process.Ji Danyang and the members of the expert group expressed their happiness about this.Pang Hongmei came to visit Chen Dongsheng, while Bai Hui came to change his dressing.Ding Jie hurriedly reported to Pang Hongmei that Wu Rui suddenly left the factory.Pang Hongmei and Ding Jie rushed to the scene immediately and saw Wu Rui fishing by the river with an acetylene lamp from a distance.They called Wu Rui to the office, and Wu Rui said he wanted to make shrimp paste for the master.Pang Hongmei asked him about the principles of acetylene lamps.Niu Peixian wanted to use acetylene welding and conducted the test himself. The test was very successful and bought more time for the expert team.

Episode 23

Ji Danyang asked Niu Peixian to make a rutile bracelet, and he immediately gave it to Pang Hongmei.Pang Hongmei said she didn't care, but she felt very happy inside.Ji Danyang promised to give her other gifts.After Kou Xuesong learned that Ye Xia had killed An Wenshan, he was worried about the impact of the Panshi Project.Zhang Yan told Ji Danyang that the news of An Wenshan's death made him feel so sad that he lost his appetite and appetite.Both Bai Hui and Pang Hongmei advised him to eat well, but he couldn't let go.

Pang Hongmei persuaded him to cheer up, while Ji Danyang immersed himself in work, trying to cover up his inner pain with work, which made He Xiwen anxious.Bai Hui boiled medicine for Ji Danyang and left after cooking. When the new nurse Ma Caixia passed by, she came in to give medicine and heat it, but was bumped into by Zhang Ling. Zhang Ling severely reprimanded Ma Caixia and asked her to throw away the medicine..Bai Hui and Luo Shanshan arrived after hearing about it. Zhang Ling vented her anger on Luo Shanshan. Bai Hui asked Ma Caixia to throw away the medicine. Luo Shanshan felt that Bai Hui was too sensitive. Bai Hui explained that this was medicine prepared for experts and should not be taken lightly..

When Bai Hui gave the medicine to Ji Danyang, she took a look at the photos on the table. Ji Danyang did not allow her to move around. Bai Hui handed him the medicine and he took a sip.The experimental cabin was about to be welded, and He Xiwen took the initiative to ask to go in for testing. Chu Huaiqiu could not refuse her and had to agree.The experimental cabin was finally welded successfully. Pang Hongmei brought police officers to the workshop for safety protection. Bai Hui and medical staff arrived. Everything was ready. He Xiwen entered the experimental cabin and recorded the data in the cabin in detail. If she could stay in the cabin for an hour, thenIt means a huge success and everyone is eagerly waiting for it.


Episode 24

He Xiwen entered the test chamber and recorded various data.Ji Danyang, Chu Huaiqiu and others watched her every move closely. They knew the danger of this experiment.Once there is a problem with the air circulation in the cabin, He Xiwen may suffocate.Everyone present was sweating for her, except Bai Hui who watched coldly.

Suddenly, there was an unusual noise from the test cabin, and everyone was startled.He Xiwen checked that the pressure in the cabin had not changed. Before the expert team had time to find out the cause of the abnormal sound, a second abnormal sound was heard.Ji Danyang and Chu Huaiqiu realized that the situation was not good.He Xiwen was dizzy and breathing rapidly due to the imbalance of air pressure in the cabin.She tried hard to continue recording data, but it was too much.The toxic gas in the cabin continued to increase, and He Xiwen suddenly bled and fainted on the console.Chu Huaiqiu ordered the hatch to be opened.

Ji Danyang felt puzzled.He had calculated countless times that anyone who entered the test chamber could last at least ninety minutes, but He Xiwen only stayed for thirty minutes.After the full rescue efforts of medical staff, He Xiwen finally turned the corner.But because she inhaled too much toxic gas in her body, she may have sequelae.Ge Yun promised to do his best to save her.

Pang Hongmei came to the workshop to inspect the test cabin, and Chen Dongsheng also rushed over after being discharged from the hospital early.Niu Peixian carefully inspected the test chamber and found no abnormalities.He strictly welded according to the drawings provided by the expert team, and the test chamber was always guarded.Pang Hongmei decided to redesign the drawings and let the expert team members re-calculate.Li Peizhang discovered that the problem lay with Ji Danyang. He calculated 70% of the air intake as 90%, which resulted in an imbalance of gas in the test chamber and He Xiwen was poisoned.

Chu Huaiqiu and Pang Hongmei didn't believe that Ji Danyang would make such a low-level mistake.He has always been serious and responsible.Li Peizhang asked Gong Jie to calculate again, and the result was still 70%.After Ji Danyang calculated the experimental data, he found that the problem lay with himself. He had overcalculated by 20%.Full of self-blame, he stood outside He Xiwen's ward, but He Xiwen was still unconscious.Bai Hui comforted and persuaded him.

Episode 24

Pang Hongmei and Chen Dongsheng summoned Ji Danyang for questioning. Ji Danyang admitted that his calculations were wrong and the problem was the number 1.Pang Hongmei didn't believe he would make such a mistake, so she took away his calculation paper.Chu Huaiqiu took the initiative to assume the main responsibility and was severely punished. Ji Danyang's work was also suspended.I had no choice but to pack my things and go back to the dormitory.Pang Hongmei read the calculation paper repeatedly, but she could not understand the formulas and could not find the problem.

The hospital invited Dr. Ma, an expert from the provincial capital, who gave He Xiwen appropriate treatment. He Xiwen finally regained consciousness, but Ji Danyang still couldn't let go.Li Peizhang approached Ji Danyang to settle the score because his negligence caused He Xiwen's accident. Ji Danyang had nothing to say and could only leave silently.Chen Dongsheng found out that Bai Hui had sent something to Ji Danyang and suspected that she might have done something. However, due to the lack of conclusive evidence, Chen Dongsheng discovered that Bai Hui's behavior had become unusual recently and that she had a close relationship with Zhang Ling.Ji Danyang lost his mind and came to the workshop to personally inspect the test cabin. Niu Peixian and other workers worked overtime to check and confirmed that there was no problem with the welding of the test cabin, but this made Ji Danyang feel even more guilty.

Chen Dongsheng held a case analysis meeting and after ruling out the problem of the test cabin, the police began to focus on investigating relevant personnel. Pang Hongmei suggested an in-depth investigation of Wu Rui.Ji Danyang locked himself in a room and refused to eat or drink. Bai Hui came to see him and cared about him, but Ji Danyang forcibly drove Bai Hui away.After learning about this, Pang Hongmei came to see Ji Danyang, severely criticized him, and encouraged him to cheer up and find out the root cause of his mistake.Li Peizhang, Gong Jie and others came to visit He Xiwen. He Xiwen felt uneasy and guilty after learning that Ji Danyang was suspended. Ji Danyang heard their conversation outside the door and could only leave silently because he had no face to face He Xiwen.Pang Hongmei came to Ji Danyang to apologize. Ji Danyang admitted his mistake and cheered up to recalculate the experimental data.

Ge Yun felt that Ji Danyang might have a psychological problem because An Wenshan's unexpected death made him depressed. Bai Hui was thoughtful. She came to see Ji Danyang immediately after get off work, but Ji Danyang didn't want to say anything and just wanted to be alone. Be still.Bai Hui took him out to relax. The two of them climbed over the wall and left the factory while it was dark, and came to Dongshan. They sat on the top of the mountain until dawn.


Episode 25

As night fell, Bai Hui and Ji Danyang hurriedly climbed to Dongshan Rhinoceros Horn, and the two of them enjoyed the beautiful sunrise together.At this moment, Bai Hui's heart was filled with the tragic experience of childhood wandering, and she longed to see the warm and bright sunshine every day.Ji Danyang opened his heart to her, pouring out his inner struggles and sorrows.Slowly, the sun rose, and Bai Hui encouraged Ji Danyang to pour out all the depression in his heart.Ji Danyang shouted to the sky, and the smile finally flashed on his face again. Bai Hui was happy for him.

Early in the morning, Chen Dongsheng learned that Ji Danyang and Bai Hui were missing and immediately sent people to search everywhere.Soon after, Ji Danyang and Bai Hui returned from Dongshan, and Chen Dongsheng had been waiting for a long time.He asked Bai Hui about the rugged mountain road leading to Rhinoceros Horn, and Bai Hui climbed up it in the middle of the night. Bai Hui claimed that she often followed Bai Minghan up the mountain to collect medicine when she was a child, and she was very familiar with that mountain road.Chen Dongsheng didn't notice anything unusual and asked her to go back to work.

Ge Yun blamed Bai Hui for being too impulsive and should not have taken Ji Danyang out of the factory without permission.The hospital decided to revoke Bai Hui's position as head nurse, but Bai Hui had no regrets because Ji Danyang had completely opened her heart.

Pang Hongmei came to work very late. Chen Dongsheng found her shoes stained with mud and guessed that she had also quietly followed Bai Hui and Ji Danyang to Dongshan. Pang Hongmei admitted this fact.

After Ji Danyang recalculated the experimental data, he applied to Chu Huaiqiu for another sealing test and asked to participate in it personally.He mustered up the courage to see He Xiwen and proactively admitted his mistake, but He Xiwen ignored it.

Bai Minghan learned that Bai Hui took Ji Danyang to Dongshan to watch the sunrise, and that he had never taken Bai Hui through the Santiao Gorge.Bai Hui said that she went there with a friend. Bai Minghan asked hard about the identity of his friend, but Bai Hui made excuses to cover up the past.

Lu Cheng had a grudge against Bai Hui taking Ji Danyang to Dongshan, thinking that Bai Hui had a good impression of Ji Danyang.Bai Hui kept explaining that she was doing it for the Water Drop Project and tried to make Lu Cheng happy.

Chen Dongsheng realized that Ji Danyang pursued excellence in mathematics and would not be able to make such a low-level mistake even if he was depressed.He began to check the handwriting of the expert team members one by one, but could not find “1” similar to Ji Danyang's calculation paper.Chen Dongsheng sent someone to check Bai Hui's handwriting, but found nothing unusual.

Episode 25

The second sealing test was held today. Ji Danyang entered the cabin and the test officially began.He concentrated on recording the changes in values, while Pang Hongmei gave him a thumbs up to cheer him on.Ji Danyang stayed in the test cabin for ninety minutes and successfully completed the test.He Xiwen took the initiative to organize the data with Ji Danyang, and Ji Danyang came to the hospital with the information, and the two of them completed the data collection together.

After learning that the experimental cabin test was successful, Kou Xuesong was unwilling to give up and sent his secretary Lin Ranhai to Lumen and forged Li Qiuchen's identity for him, allowing Lin Ranhai to memorize all Li Qiuchen's information.Bai Hui was suspended from her job, but she willingly washed the sheets.Zhang Ling took the opportunity to criticize and criticize the new nurse brought by Luo Shanshan.Luo Shanshan came to Bai Hui to express her bitterness, but Bai Hui advised Luo Shanshan to understand Zhang Ling's situation.

Zhang Yan noticed that Bai Hui and Pang Hongmei had a crush on Ji Danyang, but Pang Hongmei tried her best to hide it, but Zhang Yan didn't believe it at all.Bai Hui came to the riverside after get off work, and Lu Cheng followed closely behind. He tried his best to please Bai Hui and recited an impromptu love poem.Suddenly, Bai Hui saw Bai Minghan passing by in a hurry, and she hurriedly followed him, followed closely by Lu Cheng.

Bai Hui followed Bai Minghan to the night market, and Bai Minghan continued to follow Miao Huilan.Miao Huilan and Liu Simao took the opportunity to exchange information. Lu Cheng saw Bai Minghan and hurried forward to say hello, but Bai Minghan had to leave in a hurry.

Wei Tongbin was on duty tonight. He and Luo Shanshan watched a movie together and asked Ding Jie to be on duty for him.Ding Jie and Pang Hongmei patrolled the factory in the rain. Pang Hongmei accidentally learned about the relationship between Wei Tongbin and Luo Shanshan. She happened to see them coming out of the cinema hand in hand and couldn't help but joke about them.

Bai Minghan learned that Bai Hui didn't like Lu Cheng and advised her not to have any illusions about Lu Cheng.Bai Hui became curious about why Bai Minghan went to the night market. Bai Minghan bought Bai Hui a small mirror at the night market and frankly said that he was following a bad guy at the night market.


Episode 26

Bai Minghan admitted that he followed Xu Wenzheng's top spy to the night market and planned to report this person to the Public Security Bureau.Bai Hui looked a little thoughtful after hearing this.Luo Shanshan asked Pang Hongmei not to disclose her relationship with Wei Tongbin. She didn't even tell her best friend Bai Hui.Pang Hongmei was curious about this and wanted to know what happened between her and Bai Hui.Luo Shanshan described in detail some of Bai Hui's unusual behaviors after becoming the head nurse, which aroused Pang Hongmei's vigilance.

Kou Xuesong packaged Lin Ranhai as Li Qiuchen, a descendant of the powerful Li family in Lumen, and conducted an assessment on him.Li Qiuchen is a wealthy businessman in Southeast Asia. He plans to return to Lumen to donate his ancestral property to the country.When Kou Xuesong heard that Li Qiuchen would transfer from Hong Kong, he sent Lin Ranhai to Hong Kong first to get rid of the real Li Qiuchen.Kou Xuesong asked his secretary Wenyue to take over Lin Ranhai's job and contacted Xue Lang alone.When Yang Deshan and Niu Peixian were drinking, they accidentally asked about Wu Rui's situation.He noticed that Wu Rui had touched his tool box gloves and the condensate.Niu Peixian believed in Wu Rui's character, and Director Zhao also joined them to drink.

Yang Deshan didn't say much. After drinking too much, he staggered back to rest.This was carefully arranged by Chen Dongsheng. The night before the wire rope broke, Yang Deshan and his friends drank a lot and did not return to the factory.Chen Dongsheng asked the police officer to give Director Zhao a bottle of wine, ruling out the suspicion that Yang Deshan returned to the factory to sabotage after drinking.Now only Wu Rui is suspected, and Chen Dongsheng sends people to Wu Rui's hometown, Baoding, to investigate.Bai Hui retrieved a piece of information written in five-line music from the designated location, and she immediately went home to decipher it using the music score.

Pang Hongmei came to the workshop to find Wu Rui and briefly asked him about his experience from his hometown to Dalian Shipyard when he was thirteen years old.Wu Rui claimed that he had been begging for food all the way to the northeast.Chen Dongsheng was suspicious of him and decided to continue investigating Wu Rui.Ji Danyang took the drawings to the workshop to discuss the design plan with Niu Peixian. Pang Hongmei reminded him not to take out the drawings to prevent data leakage.Ji Danyang didn't take it seriously and was severely punished by Pang Hongmei.

Episode 26

Chen Dongsheng happened to pass by, and Ji Danyang confided his troubles to him. Chen Dongsheng guessed that Pang Hongmei was jealous because Ji Danyang and Bai Hu were going to Dongshan to watch the sunrise.Zhang Yan received a call from his superiors and learned that Li Peizhang's hometown had received a letter from overseas. The sender was Li Peizhang's cousin Li Qiuchen, a wealthy businessman in Southeast Asia.Zhang Yan informed Chu Huaiqiu of the incident, fearing that enemy agents would use this relationship to sabotage the Water Drop Project.Pang Hongmei suggested giving Li Peizhang an independent office so that he could continue to work without contact with other members of the expert team.

Liu Simao found Bai Minghan staring at him and went directly to the tailor shop to meet Miao Huilan to hand over the information. Miao Huilan handed him Xuelang's new plan.In order to avoid suspicion, Li Peizhang moved his studio to the workshop, and Ji Danyang took the initiative to show his kindness, which made Li Peizhang feel very warm.Ding Jie was ordered to investigate the relationship between Li Peizhang and Li Qiuchen, and determined that they had not contacted each other for many years, and that Li Peizhang and his son were both patriotic overseas Chinese.Chen Dongsheng asked Li Peizhang to return to the expert team's office.Bai Hui went to work early in the morning. Bai Minghan saw at a glance that she had replaced the new card Lu Cheng bought at the night market. Bai Hui saw a code with a mission hanging on the contact station, so she went to the designated place to get the information. Lu Cheng invited Bai HuiBai Hui happily agreed to watch a movie with Hui.

Miao Huilan came to the riverside to find Bai Minghan and sent him a letter asking him to meet Xue Lang at seven o'clock in the evening.Bai Minghan opened the envelope and found Bai Hui's new card inside. He was worried about Bai Hui's safety and went directly to the hospital to find her. Bai Hui discovered that the card was lost. Bai Minghan asked her what happened to her on the way. Bai Hui firmly denied it, butBai Minghan was still worried and asked her to take leave and go home. Bai Hui used busy work as an excuse and promised to go home after get off work.Bai Hui received instructions from her superiors to go to the liaison station for an interview in the evening. She heard that Lu Cheng was going to the city hospital to pick up equipment, so she made an excuse to take his car to Xinhua Bookstore together.Lu Cheng drove Bai Hui to the bookstore and planned to pick her up after finishing her work, but Bai Hui declined politely. Lu Cheng reminded her not to forget to go to the movies together in the evening.

Bai Hui came to Miao Huilan's tailor shop. Liu Simao took her to see Xue Lang, tied her hands and feet, and gagged her mouth. When the customer came to pick up the clothes, Liu Simao pretended to be Miao Huilan.Brother, they covered up their whereabouts.Immediately afterwards, the staff from the jurisdiction came to check the fire safety. Liu Simao hurriedly hid Bai Hui under the table, and the staff left after completing the inspection.The more Bai Minghan thought about it, the more something was wrong. He came to the hospital to see Bai Hui, only to find out that she asked for leave at 4:30 and left. Bai Minghan was shocked.


Episode 27

Bai Minghan waited until dark, but Bai Hui had not returned home yet.He realized that Bai Hui might be in trouble, so he took two surgical instruments and prepared to go out.Lu Cheng and Bai Hui originally made an appointment to go see a movie together, but Bai Hui never showed up.Lu Cheng had no choice but to come to Bai's house to look for someone, but found that the door was locked and could only leave disappointed.

Xue Lang was worried that Bai Minghan would not help him, so he sent Liu Simao to lure Bai Hui to the tailor shop.Liu Simao tied up Bai Hui, then hid her under the table and asked his assistant to guard her while he quietly followed Bai Minghan.Bai Hui found tailor's scissors on the table. She hit the table with all her strength and the scissors fell to the ground.She tried to cut the rope with scissors, but suddenly the guy came over.Bai Hui pushed the guy away on the pretext of asking for a drink of water, and then continued to cut the rope with scissors.The man just wanted to receive his reward from Liu Simao and obeyed Bai Huiyan.Liu Simao followed Bai Minghan all the way and made sure that he went to see Xue Lang before returning to the tailor shop to look after Bai Hui.Bai Hui asked Liu Simao to untie the rope from her feet.

Liu Simao accidentally discovered that Bai Hui was actually a flying fox, so he started talking to her about Xue Lang asking Bai Minghan to come out.Bai Hui cut the rope while dealing with him.She put scissors against Liu Simao's neck and asked him to tell Xue Lang not to disturb Bai Minghan.Liu Simao took advantage of her and tried to attack Bai Hui, but was injured by her.Wei Tongbin and Luo Shanshan came back from their date and saw that Pang Hongmei was still working overtime to study how to buckle the rope.He casually mentioned that Bai Minghan came to the hospital twice to see Bai Hui, but Bai Hui asked for leave and went home at around four o'clock.

Pang Hongmei was worried that something would happen to Bai Hui, so she went to Bai's house without saying a word.Bai Minghan arrived at the agreed place, but did not see Snow Wolf.He shouted angrily, asking Xue Lang to release Bai Hui.However, Snow Wolf never showed up and had to leave in frustration.Bai Minghan went home sadly and saw Bai Hui at the door of his house.Bai Hui repeatedly explained that she was fine, but Bai Minghan clearly saw the marks on her wrists.Bai Hui makes excuses to cover up what happened in the past.

Episode 27

Pang Hongmei hurried to Bai's house. This was her second time here.She couldn't wait to know the whereabouts of Bai Minghan and Bai Hui.Bai Minghan lied that he was on a medical visit and was not at home.Bai Hui called Pang Hongmei into the room and lied that she and Lu Cheng had gone to watch a movie.Pang Hongmei didn't ask too many questions. Bai Minghan knew that Bai Hui was lying, but he didn't expose her face to face.He just reminded Bai Hui not to go out at night in the future.

Liu Simao came to see Bai Minghan early in the morning and lied that he accidentally dropped his hip.Bai Hui was getting ready to go to work, and the two happened to meet each other.Liu Simao was too frightened to speak out, so Bai Minghan helped him reattach his dislocated arm.Liu Simao left the Bai family in a hurry.

Pang Hongmei and Ding Jie came to Lu Cheng early in the morning to understand the situation.Bai Hui asked Lu Cheng to help him lie in advance.Lu Cheng concealed the fact that Bai Hui went to Xinhua Bookstore and lied that they went to see a movie.Although Lu Cheng and Bai Hui said the same thing, Pang Hongmei and Ding Jie still found it strange.They reported the incident to Chen Dongsheng.Lu Cheng lied in front of Pang Hongmei and others. The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he became, so he found Bai Hui and asked about the reason.Bai Hui invited him to the river and lied that she went to see the teacher at the orphanage last night. The teacher was wanted because his wife was sick and stole things from the government.Bai Hui gave him some money.Lu Cheng believed the lie and agreed to help Bai Hui keep the secret.

Lin Ranhai was about to leave for Hong Kong. Before leaving, Kou Xuesong gave him many instructions.Lin Ranhai immediately went to see Li Qiuchen and killed him on the spot.He forced the lawyer Li Qiuchen brought from Southeast Asia to work for him, and Lawyer Liu had no choice but to comply.

Luo Jiangning found two letters from Xu Wenzheng's family in the library.He believed that these letters would be helpful to Pang Hongmei in finding the truth about her father's murder, so he asked Luo Shanshan to hand the letters to Pang Hongmei.Pang Hongmei came to Bai Minghan to learn about Xu Wenzheng's situation. Bai Minghan admitted that he had treated Xu Wenzheng's father, but he did not know Xu Wenzheng's true identity.Pang Hongmei questioned Bai Minghan's lies. Bai Minghan denied going to Xiaohuilou, but the letter mentioned that he went to Xiaohuilou to treat a Communist Party member named Zhao.Bai Minghan couldn't deny this.Pang Hongmei asked him about the cause of death of her father Pang Shizhao, but Bai Minghan had no idea about it.


Episode 28

Pang Hongmei did not know that Bai Minghan had concealed the fact that Pang Shizhao was a Communist Party member lurking in the Kuomintang.Bai Minghan once treated Pang Shizhao and handed him a key before his death. The key pointed to where the evidence of Xue Lang's crime was stored.Bai Minghan found the key from the hole in the wall.

Lin Ranhai killed Li Qiuchen and pretended to be him and came to Lumen, hoping to see his cousin Li Peizhang as soon as possible.Zhang Yan arranged for Pang Hongmei to arrange this matter.When Bai Hui and Luo Shanshan came home from get off work, they saw Li Qiuchen who was accidentally injured while repairing his car, so they took him to Bozha, the factory hospital.After Chen Dongsheng confirmed Li Qiuchen's identity, he let them in.Pang Hongmei brought Li Peizhang to the hotel to find Li Qiuchen, but learned that he had gone to Dongfang Farm.Ge Yun personally sutured Li Qiuchen's wounds.

Pang Hongmei and Li Peizhang came to the hospital, and they finally reunited after a long separation.Ge Yun asked them to go to the conference room to reminisce about the past, while Pang Hongmei watched coldly from the side, carefully observing Li Qiuchen's every move.Li Peizhang took Li Qiuchen to visit the factory and introduced him to Ji Danyang.Li Qiuchen and Ji Danyang both studied abroad, so they had many common topics, and the more they talked, the happier they became.Pang Hongmei didn't notice anything unusual about Li Qiuchen, but she didn't dare to let down her guard at all.

Bai Hui came to the office to measure Han Yundong's blood pressure, and Lu Cheng happened to come to deliver documents to Han Yundong.Han Yundong left in a hurry after receiving a call from the workshop director.Lu Cheng invited Bai Hui to watch a movie together. Bai Hui readily agreed and encouraged Lu Cheng to work hard, believing that he would become the director of the factory sooner or later.Bai Hui accidentally saw a piece of titanium stone placed on Han Yundong's table. Out of curiosity, she picked it up and looked at it.Lu Cheng approached Bai Hui, and their shadows were projected on the titanium stone.Bai Hui asked Lu Cheng to keep the stone well, and Lu Cheng gave it to Bai Hui on the spot as a souvenir.

Episode 28

Lu Cheng came to the expert group in the name of soliciting everyone's opinions on the factory office work, but Li Peizhang and others were not interested.Lu Cheng secretly took away a piece of titanium stone when they were not prepared.Li Qiuchen visited around Lumen and took a lot of photos. Pang Hongmei followed him secretly, but was discovered by Li Qiuchen.Li Qiuchen took a photo of Pang Hongmei and invited her to have dinner with her in the evening, but Pang Hongmei politely declined.

Then, Li Qiuchen came to the tailor shop to make joints, and Miao Huilan took him into the secret room.Li Qiuchen affirmed Miao Huilan's latent work and asked her to deliver a gift to Feihu and an important task to Feihu.Chu Huaiqiu approached Han Yundong and Zhang Yan to discuss setting up a base for survival experiments and showed them the drawings.However, Zhang Yan was worried about leaking secrets and did not allow Lu Cheng to record.Xue Lang called Kou Xuesong and reported to him Li Qiuchen's situation. Kou Xuesong asked him to follow Li Qiuchen's orders.

Li Qiuchen went to Bai Minghan to seek medical advice, and Bai Hui took him home.Li Qiuchen used code words to communicate with Bai Minghan, but Bai Minghan pretended not to understand.Li Qiuchen thanked Bai Minghan for treating his father and tried to show his kindness to Bai Minghan, but Bai Minghan did not appreciate it, so Li Qiuchen had to leave in frustration.Bai Minghan reminded Bai Hui to stay away from Li Qiuchen, but Bai Hui was unconvinced and insisted that Li Qiuchen was a patriotic overseas Chinese.Bai Minghan resolutely did not allow her to have any contact with Li Qiuchen.Wu Rui suddenly had a nosebleed while working in the workshop. The workers rushed him to the hospital, and Bai Hui helped him treat the wound.After get off work, Bai Hui went straight to the tailor shop, and Miao Huilan took out the items that Li Qiuchen gave her.


Episode 29

Bai Hui made a dress for Bai Minghan, and Miao Huilan hid the miniature camera in the dress and gave it to her.When Bai Hui met Bai Minghan, she quickly hid the camera in her pocket, then took out her clothes for Bai Minghan to try on.

Chu Huaiqiu gave the expert team members a detailed division of labor to prepare for the survival experiment, and everyone began their preparations.Director Zhao held a mobilization meeting and called on the workers to work overtime to complete the task.

Lu Cheng often came to the hospital to see Bai Hui when he was free. Bai Hui asked him about the progress of the water droplet project, and Lu Cheng reported to her truthfully.Li Qiuchen took pictures everywhere whenever he had time, and Ding Jie followed him closely. Li Qiuchen discovered Ding Jie and skillfully got rid of the pursuit.Bai Hui met someone at the designated place, but she didn't expect that the other party turned out to be Li Qiuchen. Li Qiuchen asked her to persuade Bai Minghan to come out. Bai Hui promised that she could complete the task without Bai Minghan's intervention. Li Qiuchen asked her to get the final assembly drawings of the closed experimental cabin. Bai HuishenKnowing how difficult this task was, she still reluctantly agreed to it in order to repay Kou Xuesong for saving her life.

Bai Minghan asked his old friend Lao Fu to help find a wine cellar. Lao Fu was grateful for his life-saving grace and promised to do his best to help.Bai Hui suddenly came to Lu Cheng for help and lied that she was being hunted by the teacher at the orphanage. She gave the titanium alloy to the teacher. Unexpectedly, the teacher was a spy and had sent the stone to Taiwan. Bai Hui asked Lu Cheng to take pictures of the closed experiment.He asked for the final assembly drawings of the cabin and promised to leave with him once the work was done.After careful consideration, Lu Cheng decided to take the risk to help Bai Hui.

Pang Hongmei practiced hard for a long time and finally learned how to insert the wire rope. She asked Yang Deshan for advice, and Yang Deshan personally taught her the different insertion methods in the north and south. Chen Dongsheng asked Ding Jie to check with the workers in the north.Pang Hongmei accidentally pricked her hand while demonstrating the wire rope insertion method. She went to the hospital to bandage it. Bai Hui personally helped her treat the wound. Ding Jie hurriedly came to Pang Hongmei to report something. Fang Kai of the carpentry team was suspected of something serious. Bai HuiIt can be heard clearly outside the door.

Episode 29

Han Yundong transformed the idle air-raid shelter in the factory into a laboratory. He Xiwen went in and tested the air concentration and humidity in the cave, and the results fully met the test requirements.Chu Huaiqiu was very happy. He, Zhang Yan and others came to inspect the air raid shelter and decided to build a closed experimental cabin here.

There was a malfunction in the equipment in the workshop. Director Zhao immediately came to check the situation after learning about it, but Wu Rui took the opportunity to steal the drawings in Director Zhao's bag.Ding Jie discovered that someone might leak information about Beifangjie, so Chen Dongsheng sent someone to check the list of people one by one.

Lu Cheng went through a fierce ideological struggle and could not make up his mind.So he came to Bai Hui for help, and Bai Hui gave him an ultimatum: If he couldn't get the drawings, the consequences would be disastrous.

Niu Peixian found something wrong with the drawings Director Zhao brought, so he went to Han Yundong to check.Lu Cheng insisted that he distributed the drawings according to the numbers, and Han Yundong had to take out the general drawing from the safe and check it carefully.

Pang Hongmei came to the woodworking workshop to find Fang Kai and learned that he was taking care of his wife who had just given birth at home, so she asked for the address of Fang Kai's home.When Pang Hongmei was patrolling the factory, she suddenly noticed someone flashing past the door of the woodworking warehouse. She hurriedly chased after him, but the person had disappeared without a trace.

After Pang Hongmei entered the woodworking warehouse, the door was suddenly locked.She shouted for help, but the wood chips suddenly caught fire and the fire spread quickly.Pang Hongmei banged on the door desperately, but could not open it, and the fire gradually spread around her.She could only cover her mouth and nose with her clothes.

Other workers saw the thick smoke and hurriedly called for help to put out the fire.Niu Peixian hurriedly went to put out the fire, while Han Yundong put the drawings back in the safe and left in a hurry, accidentally dropping the safe key on the ground.

Lu Cheng picked up the key and opened the safe, using the miniature camera given by Bai Hui to take pictures of the drawings.Ji Danyang received the news and came to the scene. He poured himself wet and rushed into the sea of ​​​​fire to rescue the unconscious Pang Hongmei.When Bai Hui came to the warehouse, she saw this scene from a distance.

After everyone's unremitting efforts, the fire was finally put out.Han Yundong hurried back to the office, and Lu Cheng was so frightened that he hid quickly.Han Yundong saw the safe key on the ground, picked it up and left.

The medical staff tried their best to save her, and Pang Hongmei finally regained consciousness.She saw Ji Danyang's black and gray face and couldn't help but make fun of him.Ji Danyang felt distressed and pitied Pang Hongmei.


Episode 30

Chen Dongsheng sent people to conduct key inspections of the expert building, riveting and welding workshop, oil depot and other places, but no abnormality was found.He immediately ordered the scene of the accident to be cordoned off.In the woodworking warehouse, officers discovered an improvised explosive device made from a cracker barrel.Chen Dongsheng asked people to take the residue of the device for testing, and the results confirmed that the residue was the material left after the burning of white phosphorus.

Chen Dongsheng analyzed that the enemy's target was not Pang Hongmei, but the overall design of the sealed cabin.There are two copies of this drawing, one in the hands of Han Yundong and Chu Huaiqiu.Chen Dongsheng made sure that the drawings in Chu Huaiqiu's hand had not been taken away.He suddenly remembered that Han Yundong hurriedly returned to the office before the fire treatment was completed, so he took Ding Jie to find Han Yundong.

Han Yundong opened the safe and took out the general plan to show Chen Dongsheng.Han Yundong mentioned that Niu Peixian brought the drawings to check with the general drawing. After hearing the news, Lu Cheng rushed to confirm this situation.When Ji Danyang came to visit Pang Hongmei, Chen Dongsheng came to the ward with the detonating device to ask Ji Danyang for help.Pang Hongmei was far away from the man. She only saw his back and could not deduce who the man was.

Ji Danyang made a rough calculation and found that it would take up to five hours for the device to reach detonation conditions.Chen Dongsheng sent people to investigate the people entering and leaving the woodworking warehouse during this time, as well as the owner of the cracker barrel.The more Lu Cheng thought about it, the more frightened he became. He always felt that the fire in the woodworking warehouse was man-made to cooperate with him in secretly photographing the master plan of the sealed cabin.Bai Hui came to him to ask for the blueprints. Lu Cheng suspected that she was a spy, and he was worried that the matter would be irreversible if exposed.Bai Hui forced Lu Cheng to hand over the camera and promised to take him to Hong Kong after the incident was successful.Lu Cheng knew there was no turning back, and after careful consideration, he handed the camera to Bai Hui.

After Pang Hongmei's injury improved slightly, she was anxious to be discharged from the hospital and return to work.Ji Danyang came to see her with fruits and advised her to have a good rest for a few days.Bai Hui also advised her to stay for a few more days.Pang Hongmei couldn't stay any longer. Bai Hui noticed Ji Danyang's haggard face and advised him not to work too hard.Ji Danyang casually mentioned that the members of the expert team were busy with the sealed cabin survival experiment, which aroused Bai Hui's curiosity.She asked about the details, and Ji Danyang only revealed that Chu Huaiqiu was looking for a test site. Bai Hui kept all this information in her heart.

After get off work, Bai Hui passed by the contact station and saw a code with a mission hanging on it.She placed the information and the film of the drawings about the survival experiment that the expert team was going to conduct at the designated location, and then left in a hurry.Immediately afterwards, Miao Huilan took the film and hid it in the cloth and gave it to Li Qiuchen.Li Qiuchen asked Miao Huilan to notify Lumen's agents to investigate the test site.

Episode 30

Li Qiuchen approached Bai Minghan for acupuncture treatment. He wanted to take the opportunity to persuade Bai Minghan to come out of the mountain, but Bai Minghan firmly refused.Li Qiuchen threatened to tell Bai Hui that Bai Minghan suspected that they had used Bai Hui to lead her on the wrong path.He took advantage of the opportunity of acupuncture to teach Li Qiuchen a harsh lesson.Li Qiuchen gritted his teeth angrily and threatened to hand over Bai Minghan's information to the Communist Party and destroy Bai Hui's future.Bai Minghan insisted that Xue Lang come to him in person, otherwise they would completely destroy the situation.

Li Qiuchen promised to arrange for them to meet as soon as possible.Lu Cheng felt uneasy every day. He was worried that the matter would be exposed and wanted to escape with Bai Hui.Bai Hui tried her best to comfort him and told him to wait until things in Hong Kong were arranged and they could leave.Pang Hongmei came to Bai Hui to understand the situation. She saw Lu Cheng and Bai Hui entangled from a distance, and Lu Cheng left in a hurry.Bai Hui insisted that Lu Cheng had been pestering her, and Pang Hongmei advised her to cut off contact decisively.Bai Minghan found Xue Lang at the agreed location, but Xue Lang refused to show up and only talked to him on the phone.Bai Minghan was about to leave angrily, but Miao Huilan suddenly stopped him and asked him to find a way to poison Chu Huaiqiu.Wang Fengshan wanted to take Niu Peixian as his teacher, but he was worried that Niu Peixian would not accept him as his disciple.

So he asked Wu Rui to help introduce him. He was eager to please Wu Rui and was curious about his relationship with Niu Peixian.Wu Rui admitted that it was Huang Jiqing, chairman of the shipyard union, who introduced him to Niu Peixian. He also suggested that Wang Fengshan find senior leaders in the factory to introduce him.These things were all arranged by Pang Hongmei. She asked Wang Fengshan to find Wu Rui to inquire about information, and learned that the relationship between Wu Rui and Huang Jiqing, a big spy, was unusual.Miao Huilan claimed to be Snow Wolf and ordered Bai Minghan to return to the team. Bai Minghan did not allow anyone to approach Bai Hui.Miao Huilan was full of promise, and she gave Bai Minghan a task.Lu Cheng would look for Bai Hui whenever he had free time. Bai Hui was worried that it would arouse the suspicion of the police and reminded him not to come again.Lu Cheng revealed that the police were investigating the Cracker Barrel incident.

Wu Rui came to Bai Hui to treat nosebleeds. Bai Hui told him about the situation and gave him a sum of money as preparation for transfer at any time.Wu Rui thanked Kou Xuesong for the arrangement. He and Bai Hui were both students in the spy youth class.Pang Hongmei quickly found out that the cracker barrel belonged to Wang Qingchao. Wang Qingchao recalled that when he, Wu Rui and others used a filter to catch shrimps to make shrimp paste, he suspected that Wu Rui had stolen the cracker barrel.Pang Hongmei asked Wang Fengshan to find out from Wu Rui that Huang Jiqing was a spy. Chen Dongsheng decided to go to Niu Peixian in person to learn about Wu Rui's situation.

Chen Dongsheng sent someone to call Niu Peixian away, and Wu Rui immediately became alert.Niu Peixian admitted that Huang Jiqing introduced Wu Rui as his apprentice, but he did not expect that Huang Jiqing was a big spy.Niu Peixian remembered that on the day the woodworking warehouse caught fire, Wu Rui had been out for a few hours. He also reprimanded Wu Rui in front of him and accused him of burning the stolen Yang Deshan gloves while grilling fish.Chen Dongsheng asked Niu Pei to test Wu Rui first.Niu Peixian praised Wu Rui for the delicious grilled fish and asked about the gloves. Wu Rui realized that something was wrong, pushed Niu Peixian away and ran away.Pang Hongmei arrived in time to arrest Wu Rui, but Wu Rui fled in panic.


Episode 31

When Bai Hui took Han Yundong's blood pressure, she happened to see He Xiwen and took the initiative to say hello.At the same time, Wu Rui was being chased by Pang Hongmei and Chen Dongsheng. In desperation, he took He Xiwen hostage and threatened her with a dagger.After receiving the news, Niu Peixian rushed to persuade Wu Rui, but Wu Rui was in a desperate situation and ignored any persuasion.Chen Dongsheng suggested that he put down his weapons and seek leniency.In order to prevent Wu Rui from surrendering, Bai Hui gradually approached him and hinted at him.

However, in anger, Wu Rui stabbed Bai Hui, and Pang Hongmei then shot Wu Rui to death.Ji Danyang came to visit the injured Bai Hui and expressed his concern to her.Pang Hongmei regretted not catching Wu Rui's accomplice, but Chen Dongsheng persuaded her not to worry, and Pang Hongmei decided to meet Li Qiuchen.Li Qiuchen came to the library to read, and Pang Hongmei watched him from a distance. Bai Hui also came to meet Li Qiuchen secretly, but unexpectedly found that Pang Hongmei was spying on them, so she hurriedly hid aside.Li Qiuchen came out of the library, followed closely by Pang Hongmei. Bai Hui suddenly stopped Pang Hongmei and claimed to be delivering medicine to the patient for Bai Minghan.Pang Hongmei had no choice but to stop and chat with her, while Li Qiuchen took the opportunity to slip away.Li Qiuchen went to Miao Huilan's tailor shop and learned that agent Wu Rui was dead.

He decided to meet Pang Hongmei to eliminate her doubts about him.Miao Huilan advised him to give up this idea as soon as possible, but Li Qiuchen wanted to give it a try.Pang Hongmei lost pursuit of Li Qiuchen. She stood by the Lu River, recalling everything that had happened recently, and felt that Bai Hui was very suspicious.At this time, Bai Minghan happened to pass by, and Pang Hongmei curiously asked him about Bai Hui's delivery of medicine.Bai Minghan explained that he was very busy, so he asked Bai Hui to help deliver medicine to Lao Fu.The police officers separately investigated the people around Wu Rui, but did not find anyone suspicious.

Chen Dongsheng heard that Wu Rui had been suffering from nosebleeds recently and sought treatment from Bai Hui every time, so he discussed a plan with Pang Hongmei to test Bai Hui.Lu Cheng came to Bai Hui's home, curiously asked whether Wu Rui had anything to do with her, and persuaded Bai Hui to surrender.However, Bai Hui firmly refused and promised to go to Hong Kong after the teacher made arrangements.Bai Hui took the opportunity to ask Lu Cheng about the location of the sealed test cabin, and lied that she planned to leave during the sealed test.Lu Cheng revealed that the location was in the back mountain.

Episode 31

Ge Yun informed Bai Hui to go to the expert building to give Chu Huaiqiu a massage.Bai Hui arrived on time. Chen Dongsheng called to take Chu Huaiqiu away. Pang Hongmei and Ding Jie secretly observed Bai Hui's every move.After Bai Hui tidied up the room, she stood in front of the window and admired the scenery.Pang Hongmei couldn't see any problem, but still had doubts about her.Whether it was Zhang Ashui's death or Wu Rui's arrest, Bai Hui was present at the scene.In addition, when Pang Hongmei was following Li Qiuchen, Bai Hui appeared again to distract her attention.

Li Peizhang came to convey the news about Li Qiuchen, and Li Qiuchen invited Pang Hongmei to climb Dongshan Mountain together.Pang Hongmei was suspicious, but at the same time she also wanted to know Li Qiuchen's true purpose, so she agreed to the invitation.Pang Hongmei kept her appointment on time, and she and Li Qiuchen climbed Dongshan together.Li Qiuchen shouted to the sky to show his appreciation for Pang Hongmei, but he also saw that she had a crush on Ji Danyang.Li Qiuchen enthusiastically wanted to take a photo with Pang Hongmei, but Pang Hongmei didn't like it.Li Qiuchen donated the Dahua Copper Mine to the country free of charge, and Pang Hongmei attended the donation ceremony.

Chen Dongsheng obtained a group photo of the Nanshan Youth Class from the Provincial Public Security Department, which is an agent training class organized by Kou Xuesong.There are thirteen students in total, only numbers but no names.Li Guangming, Qianqian and Wu Rui are all students in this class, and Pang Hongmei has also seen this photo.After the unremitting efforts of the expert team, the sealed laboratory in the air-raid shelter was finally completed.Zhang Yan and Han Yundong came to visit. Li Peizhang was bitten by an unknown insect. Bai Hui recognized the poisonous insect and treated it.

Ge Yun suggested that the test chamber be disinfected and dewormed, and that medical staff be dispatched to accompany it.Chu Huaiqiu agreed to this suggestion.Ge Yun personally led the team to disinfect the test cabin, and Bai Hui and Luo Shanshan also went together.Bai Hui told Miao Huilan the location of the test cabin, and Miao Huilan and Li Qiuchen discussed deploying it in the back mountain.Bai Minghan sent a letter to Pang Hongmei and attached the key that Pang Shizhao gave him before his death.


Episode 32

Before liberation, the Kuomintang set up a radio training class in Shiqiao Village.However, when the Kuomintang collapsed, they blew up the place.Five years ago, a fire broke out in Shiqiao Village, and the entire village was burned into ruins.Now, Zhang Yan led the police to the ruins, and Lao Jiang discovered a new set of footprints.Pang Hongmei followed the footprints and entered an abandoned building.There was a locked secret room inside, and Pang Hongmei used the key to open the door of the secret room.

There is a song - Mulan Ci - engraved on the wall. Pang Hongmei clearly remembers that her father often recited it to her when she was a child, hoping that she could become a hero like Mulan.The police officers carefully searched the secret room and found a music sheet, some anatomy tools, and a group photo of Pang Hongmei and Pang Shizhao.Pang Hongmei looked at these things and recalled the past events, and she shed tears sadly.Pang Hongmei searched hard for nine years and finally found the relics of her father Pang Shizhao.Pang Shizhao was unfortunately killed while trying to save his comrades who were imprisoned in Xiaohuilou.

Zhang Yan advised her to refrain from mourning. Pang Hongmei stood on the tower recalling the past. At this time, Ji Danyang came to her side in the rain to accompany her.Li Qiuchen personally went to the mine to take charge and called on the workers to work in three shifts so that more copper mines could be dug out to support the country's construction.The mine is very close to the Xiaohoushan air-raid shelter, so Zhang Yan sent police officers to patrol day and night and did not allow anyone to get close to the experimental base.The sealed survival experiment was about to begin. Xia Yutian sent Ge Yun to lead the team to the experimental base, and Bai Hui and Luo Shanshan also went to participate.Chen Dongsheng made a detailed division of labor for each police officer, and he, Ding Jie and Pang Hongmei were responsible for the safety protection work in the factory.Chu Huaiqiu announced the list of participants in the trial.

Episode 32

Lu Cheng hoped to take Bai Hui away during the sealing test, but he did not expect Bai Hui to also join the medical team.Bai Hui advised him to wait patiently for twenty days. Lu Cheng lived in fear every day and couldn't bear it.Bai Hui told him to take good care of himself and wait for her return.Ge Yun saw this scene from a distance and shook his head.Knowing that Bai Hui would stay in a sealed cabin with the test personnel for twenty days, Bai Minghan advised her not to participate, but Bai Hui insisted on going, so Bai Minghan had to give up.

Li Qiuchen asked Liu Simao to find a few people who dared to take risks, and told them the time when workers bombed the mountain every day, and planned to blow up the test cabin during the chaos.The survival experiment has officially begun, and the expert team members, medical team, and police officers are all ready to devote themselves to this test.Chu Huaiqiu, Zhang Yan and Han Yundong paid close attention to their every move outside the cabin.Liu Simao found the famous tomb robber Li Dazhuang and lied that the Kuomintang had hidden a batch of gold and silver treasures in the back mountain when they escaped, and bribed him to find them at a high price.Li Dazhuang brought two companions, Mo Zi and Lao Zhuo, to help.

Bai Hui sent vitamins to Ji Danyang, and Pang Hongmei secretly took the medicine.Luo Shanshan came over to measure Chu Huaiqiu's blood pressure. Wei Tongbin carefully checked the blood pressure monitor she carried before allowing her to enter the test chamber.Liu Simao, Li Dazhuang and his party found the cave where the treasure was hidden. After determining the location, they started digging for treasure.Unknowingly, three days have passed. The experts in the test cabin are recording data step by step and conducting physical fitness tests. The medical team is conducting physical examinations on time.

The mouse was accidentally bitten by a poisonous spider. Li Dazhuang rushed to treat his wound, but the poison was too deep. Liu Simao helped him go to Bai Minghan for medical treatment.Bai Minghan quickly detoxified the mouse.Director Guo Feng personally led the personnel to continuously detect radio signals. The detection vehicle shuttled through the streets and alleys. The police officers quickly determined the signal range of the enemy radio station, and Lao Jiang immediately reported to Zhang Yan.


Episode 33

Ji Danyang knew the importance of this survival laboratory. He stayed outside the experimental cabin and never left.Bai Hui asked him curiously if he would leave after completing the water drop project.Pang Hongmei hurried over to interrupt their conversation.Bai Hui asked Pang Hongmei to convey her safety to Bai Minghan.Pang Hongmei went to the riverside to find Bai Minghan and reminded Bai Hui to be careful of poisonous spiders.She mentioned in passing that someone was bitten by a poisonous spider in the back mountain cave.After hearing this, Pang Hongmei became alert and went to the south slope of Xiaohou Mountain to investigate alone, but found nothing unusual.

She went back to report to Chen Dongsheng.Liu Simao saw clearly from the sidelines, so he immediately went back to report the news.Luquan County was worried that Pang Hongmei would find Liu Simao and others digging a cave in the back mountain.Ding Jie saw a letter addressed to Wu Rui at the gate of the factory hospital. He took it back and gave it to Chen Dongsheng.Chen Dongsheng could tell at a glance that the address was fake.Pang Hongmei opened the envelope and found a small handful of white phosphorus and a secret letter inside, asking Wu Rui to escape immediately after completing the mission.Chen Dongsheng believed that this was deliberately arranged by the enemy.The experimenters successfully passed the first stage of the test, which was followed by thirty hours of high-temperature and high-humidity training.After Chu Huaiqiu recovered, he came back to take charge of the overall situation.Ji Danyang was worried that the experimenters' bodies would not be able to bear it, but the experiment had to be completed.

As the temperature and humidity in the test chamber increased, some people developed symptoms of nausea and vomiting, and Ji Danyang asked the medical insurance team to enter.Pang Hongmei came to Bai Minghan for help with Wu Rui's letter.Knowing that the house number was no longer used, Pang Hongmei and Ding Jie found it according to the address, and Bai Minghan followed them quietly.Li Qiuchen found out that Pang Hongmei had come to Sesame Lane and deliberately threw the coat out as a smoke screen.When Pang Hongmei approached, Li Qiuchen raised the burning gasoline bottle and threw it at her.Bai Minghan knocked down the bamboo pole behind him to attract Pang Hongmei's attention, and then the clothes were ignited by gasoline, causing a fire in an instant.Pang Hongmei survived.

Episode 33

Ding Jie brought back the unburned clothes, and Pang Hongmei noticed that the buttons were sewn in a special way.Then, Ding Jie witnessed Bai Minghan step forward to save Pang Hongmei.Pang Hongmei speculated that the attack was related to her trip to Houshan.After Li Qiuchen took a few pills, he quickly sweated a lot.He insisted on going to the Instrument Factory Hospital for treatment.After Pang Hongmei learned about this, she immediately went to visit Li Qiuchen and advised him to pay attention to his health and not to overwork himself.Twelve hours later, Chu Huaiqiu conducted a noise test on the experimental cabin, and the experimenters were tortured.

He Xiwen encouraged everyone to persevere to the end, while Bai Hui gave Chu Huaiqiu medicine regularly.However, Chu Huaiqiu fainted just after taking the medicine.He Yun arranged for someone to take him to the hospital.Chu Huaiqiu decided to let He Yun take full responsibility for the next experiment.Xia Yutian discovered that Chu Huaiqiu was infected with severe malaria, and he discussed with Zhang Yan to seek help from Bai Minghan.Pang Hongmei felt something was wrong because after Li Qiuchen fell ill and was hospitalized, Chu Huaiqiu also got malaria.Chen Dongsheng sent Wei Tongbin to investigate the matter.Li Dazhuang and others dug for a long time, but did not find any gold or silver treasure.

Liu Simao believed that the time was ripe and suggested using explosives, especially in synchronization with the copper miners.Gong Jie and He Xiwen could not bear the extreme challenge. Their physical strength gradually failed, and they eventually fainted and had to withdraw from the experiment.Ji Danyang was very anxious, and Bai Hui and Luo Shanshan volunteered to take their place to continue the experiment.Ji Danyang felt that it was not appropriate, but could not think of a better way, so he could only let them enter the test chamber.Bai Minghan was ordered to diagnose and treat Chu Huaiqiu, and learned about his diet and medication in detail, and also took out his own specially made pills.

Pang Hongmei was worried about this, so Bai Minghan took one pill himself and then gave it to Chu Huaiqiu.Li Qiuchen paid close attention to Bai Minghan's actions and wanted to use his hand to get rid of Chu Huaiqiu.Bai Minghan gave Chu Huaiqiu treatment for his symptoms and suggested that he find a safe place to recuperate.Pang Hongmei heard Bai Minghan's hint and suspected that someone in the hospital was unfavorable to Chu Huaiqiu.As soon as Bai Minghan came back from the hospital, Miao Huilan came to him and reminded him to get rid of Chu Huaiqiu as soon as possible, otherwise his and Bai Hui's lives would be threatened.Bai Minghan insisted on seeing Xue Lang before making a decision.


Episode 34

Li Dazhuang detonated explosives and blew open the cave entrance.Ji Danyang felt the earthquake and immediately asked the staff to check the equipment to confirm that everything was normal.Chen Dongsheng suspected that the copper miners were blowing up the mountain.Bai Hui previously asked to enter the experimental cabin to participate in the experiment because Wu Rui hid a bottle of powder in the cabin before he died, and Bai Hui took it away unprepared.Suddenly, the red light in the test cabin flashed and an alarm sounded, a fire broke out in the living cabin, and the levels of carbon dioxide and toxic gases surged.Everyone covered their mouths and noses and put out the fire.

Ji Danyang was worried that they were poisoned, so he ordered everyone to evacuate to the transition cabin first, and then opened the hatch to stop the test.However, He Xiwen was unwilling to give up and insisted on continuing the experiment after the concentration in the cabin dropped. Ji Danyang had no choice but to compromise.Han Yundong reported the fire in the test cabin to Chu Huaiqiu. Chu Huaiqiu felt it was abnormal because they had repeatedly calculated the data before and there should be no fire.The air filtering equipment in the cabin was started and the toxic gases were quickly filtered out. Ji Danyang informed the experimenters to return to the living cabin.

Li Qiuchen paid close attention to every move in Chu Huaiqiu's ward. The medical staff who came in and out of the ward every day made him discover that the infusion drugs had never been replaced. He began to suspect that Chu Huaiqiu had been transferred and asked Zhang Ling to help him discharge from the hospital.Pang Hongmei asked Ge Yun that the antihypertensive drugs Chu Huaiqiu was taking were provided by Luo Shanshan.At this time, a loud noise came from the back mountain, interrupting Pang Hongmei's thoughts.She learned that the noise was from the Dahua Copper Mine exploding the mountain, so she went to the cave to investigate.Just in time, Ji Danyang also came to the cave to check the situation. He found a vortex on the surface of the cave and suspected that it was connected to other caves.Li Dazhuang took out the treasure map and found that the treasure location was behind the concrete wall, so he decided to blow up the concrete wall.Chen Dongsheng, Pang Hongmei and others carefully inspected the cave and found a local guide.The experiment entered a critical stage, He Xiwen had hallucinations in front of her eyes, and Bai Hui helped her massage to relieve the pain.

Episode 34

When Liu Simao came to deliver food to Li Dazhuang and others, he saw Pang Hongmei and Chen Dongsheng searching in the mountains from a distance, and he was so frightened that he hid immediately.Chen Dongsheng found many messy footprints, and they found a cave along the footprints.Liu Simao felt that the situation was not good, so he hurried back and reported the news.Pang Hongmei, Chen Dongsheng and others came to the cave and saw that Li Dazhuang had lit the bomb. They quickly put out the fire and caught Li Dazhuang and others on the spot.

Li Dazhuang confessed everything. Pang Hongmei and Chen Dongsheng guessed that Liu Simao was the mastermind behind the scenes, so they sent people to search his home.At Liu Simao's house, they found a music score. Pang Hongmei was puzzled because Bai Hui also had a similar music score at her home.Chen Dongsheng discovered that the sewing method of Liu Simao's clothes buttons was exactly the same as that of Li Qiuchen, so he sent someone to investigate the matter.The test was about to end in four days. Pang Hongmei came to the test cabin. Suddenly the red light in the cabin came on. He Xiwen discovered a mercury leak.She forced the other experimenters out of the chamber and was left alone to clean up the mercury leak.Ji Danyang asked He Xiwen to evacuate immediately, but He Xiwen was determined not to give up the experiment, so she stayed in the cabin.

Ji Danyang wanted to go in to clean up the mercury, but Pang Hongmei offered to go in. She asked He Xiwen to leave the cabin and began to gradually clean up the mercury on the ground.All the staff put on gas masks and entered the cabin. They replaced Pang Hongmei. She was unconscious due to silver mercury poisoning.Everyone raced against time to finally clean up all the mercury, and Ji Danyang immediately turned on the air filtration system.Chen Dongsheng wanted to question Luo Shanshan and asked someone to search her. It turned out that she had a wrench in her pocket.Luo Shanshan knew nothing about the wrench, and Chen Dongsheng asked the police to take her back.Bai Minghan came to see Pang Hongmei. Fortunately, Pang Hongmei was sent to the doctor in time and will recover soon.Bai Minghan was very surprised to learn that a mercury leak occurred in the cabin.

On the way, Bai Minghan met Ge Yun and learned that Bai Hui took the initiative to enter the cabin to undergo the experiment.Bai Minghan asked about Chu Huaiqiu's condition by the way. He reminded Ge Yun that Chu Huaiqiu's malaria might be man-made, but Ge Yun promised that such a thing would not happen, and it was not convenient for Bai Minghan to say more.The air in the cabin was quickly filtered and the experiment continued. Ji Danyang was deeply moved by their selfless spirit.Ding Jie investigated tailor shops across the city and finally discovered Miao Huilan's shop.He was about to go in to understand the situation when he suddenly saw Bai Minghan entering the tailor shop.Bai Minghan had already guessed that Miao Huilan and others had done something in the experimental cabin, which almost resulted in Bai Hui being poisoned to death.


Episode 35

Miao Huilan didn't care about Bai Hui's life or death, she only cared about whether Bai Minghan poisoned Chu Huaiqiu.Bai Minghan grabbed Miao Huilan's neck tightly and forced her to reveal Xue Lang's identity.However, Miao Huilan refused to say anything.Bai Minghan warned her to tell Xue Lang not to hurt Bai Hui again, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.Ding Jie saw Bai Minghan walking out of the tailor shop and hurried back to report to Liu Simao.

Liu Simao quietly entered the back door and informed Miao Huilan to evacuate.Pang Hongmei kept vomiting due to poisoning. Zhang Yan personally gave her medicine and advised her to calm down and recuperate.Miao Huilan burned the important documents. Just as she was about to leave, Liu Simao suddenly appeared and killed her with a knife.Ding Jie led the police to rush there, but Miao Huilan was already dead.

Chen Dongsheng reported the matter to Zhang Yan, and they immediately went to the tailor shop and found the film with the overall picture of the experiment in Miao Huilan's bag.Chen Dongsheng suggested stopping the test immediately. However, there was only one day left before the end of the test, and Zhang Yan was unwilling to fail.Lao Jiang found a radio and a map of Xiaohoushan in Miao Huilan's tailor shop. This was the radio that the rover had been tracking, but the codebook was missing.Pang Hongmei learned that Bai Minghan had just arrived and guessed that he knew more things.The sealed cabin survival test was finally completed successfully. Everyone present was extremely excited. Ji Danyang thanked everyone for their dedication and hard work.

Li Peizhang and others walked out of the test chamber, feeling prouder than ever.Ji Danyang found that He Xiwen had not come out, so he quickly entered the cabin to search. He Xiwen collapsed after trying to collect the last data.Chen Dongsheng told Pang Hongmei what happened in the past two days, and Pang Hongmei decided to investigate Bai Minghan personally.Niu Peixian found a small bottle containing white phosphorus and a wrench in a secret compartment in the cabin, confirming that Wu Rui had hidden it in advance.Chen Dongsheng suspected that Bai Hui was involved in the matter, but lacked conclusive evidence.

Episode 35

Pang Hongmei approached Bai Minghan and wanted to know about Miao Huilan's situation.However, Bai Minghan had no idea that Miao Huilan had been killed.He lied and claimed that he asked Miao Huilan to make clothes.Pang Hongmei took out a key and guessed that it was sent to her by Bai Minghan.Bai Minghan denied this.Pang Hongmei found her father's remains through this key, but Bai Minghan still denied that he sent her the key.

Chen Dongsheng discovered that Li Peizhang had prepared a total of seventeen pieces of titanium stone with different contents, and each piece was numbered.Suddenly, he found that a piece was missing.After Ding Jie reported to Chen Dongsheng, the two of them hurried to the expert building to understand the situation.Li Peizhang gave Han Yundong some titanium stones without numbers. They immediately looked for Han Yundong, but they did not expect that the titanium stones with numbers were actually in his place.

Chen Dongsheng speculated that someone took Han Yundong's titanium stone and secretly replaced it with Li Peizhang's titanium stone.Han Yundong suspected that Lu Cheng had carried out such an act of substituting one of the most powerful people in the world. However, Lu Cheng denied it and insisted that the agents framed him.Han Yundong asked him to surrender to the expert group and strive for leniency, but Lu Cheng still refused to admit it.

Ji Danyang came to the hospital to visit Pang Hongmei and looked at her with admiration because of the mercury leakage incident.Zhang Yan sent someone to investigate Miao Huilan and found that she often sent herbal medicine to Bai Minghan.Therefore, Zhang Yan asked Chen Dongsheng to investigate Bai Minghan and eliminate Luo Shanshan's suspicion.She hoped that Luo Shanshan would return to the factory hospital to work in order to bring out the mastermind behind the scenes.

Pang Hongmei asked Ji Danyang about the mercury leak, but Bai Hui hid outside the door and eavesdropped.Lu Cheng approached Bai Hui and asked her if she was a spy.What he didn't expect was that Bai Hui kept taking advantage of him.Lu Cheng persuaded Bai Hui to surrender with him, but Bai Hui slapped him hard and forcibly drove him away.Ge Yun stood at the window and witnessed all this.


Episode 36

Luo Shanshan returned to work in the hospital. Bai Hui showed hypocritical concern and advised her not to care about other people's rumors.Lu Cheng was influenced by Bai Hui and stole the experimental master plan, but Bai Hui suddenly denied it afterwards and turned to Lu Cheng.Lu Cheng regretted so much that he wrote a report letter overnight, exposing all his crimes.

This was what Bai Hui was worried about, so she secretly broke into Lu Cheng's home that night.At breakfast, Bai Minghan mentioned that Bai Hui had been missing for four years. He didn't know what pain she had gone through. Bai Minghan tried his best to find Bai Hui, but found that Bai Hui had changed. He felt guilty about himself and regretted not taking good care of herself.Take care of Bai Hui.Bai Minghan suspected that Bai Hui was hiding something, but Bai Hui firmly denied it.Bai Minghan took out a staff book from Bai Hui's room, told her clearly that it was a bad book, and advised her to turn around and make the best of it.Bai Hui used various excuses to defend herself, and Bai Minghan ordered her to return the book to the library.Bai Hui saw a code with a mission hanging on the contact station. She followed the instructions and went to the designated location and took the information.

After the experiment, there were no more explosions in the Dahua Copper Mine, and it was also discovered that Li Qiuchen was a frequent customer of Miao Huilan's tailor shop.Chen Dongsheng was suspicious of Li Qiuchen, and Zhang Yan asked Lao Jiang to investigate Li Qiuchen's details.Lu Cheng did not show up at work for a long time. Han Yundong sent someone to find him, only to find that he had died.Chen Dongsheng, Pang Hongmei and others came to Lu Cheng's home to investigate and found a suicide note on the table, suspecting that he committed suicide because of emotional problems.At the door of Lu Cheng's house, the police found a high-heeled shoe print.Pang Hongmei approached Bai Hui to learn about the situation. Bai Hui claimed that she went home after get off work last night and had never been to Lu Cheng's home.She admitted that Lu Cheng had always had a crush on her, but they had a quarrel yesterday.

Bai Hui did not believe that Lu Cheng would commit suicide. She accidentally saw a bottle of poison in Ge Yun's bag and suspected that Ge Yun had killed Lu Cheng.She approached Ge Yun for questioning and revealed that Ge Yun was the latent spy Xue Lang.Ge Yun falsified Gong Jie's physical examination report in order to give her a chance to enter the laboratory.Ge Yun refused to admit it, but Bai Hui refused to carry out the task given to her by Xue Lang.In the end, Ge Yun admitted that she had killed Lu Cheng and burned the report letter written by Lu Cheng before Bai Hui.Bai Hui reluctantly agreed to carry out the next task, and after completion, she would leave Lumen with Bai Minghan.After some thinking, Ge Yun reluctantly agreed.

Episode 36

Bai Minghan asked Lao Fu to help investigate Miao Huilan's background, and at the same time mentioned Pang Shizhao's instructions before his death, which made him feel very sorry.Lao Fu persuaded him with friendly words.

At the door of Lu Cheng's house, there was a pair of size 36 shoe prints on the ground. However, Bai Hui was wearing size 38 shoes, and the clue was disconnected again.Pang Hongmei suddenly thought that the staff in her father's belongings was exactly the same as the one in Bai Hui's home, so she quickly went to the library to look for relevant information.Bai Hui and Luo Shanshan collided unexpectedly, causing the potion in Luo Shanshan's hand to spill on Bai Hui. Ge Yun wanted to see Bai Hui, so Luo Shanshan took off her white coat and put it on Bai Hui, and then helped her wash the dirty white coat., found a staff in his pocket.

Bai Hui came back in a hurry. After seeing the staff soaked in potion, she saw Luo Shanshan throw it into the trash can before leaving with confidence.Pang Hongmei found the musical score in the library and suspected that the agents used it to pass on information. She and Lao Jiang looked for clues from it.Wei Tongbin came to apologize to Luo Shanshan because he was ordered to conduct routine questioning on Luo Shanshan.Luo Shanshan asked him to deliver a letter to Pang Hongmei. Inside the letter was the staff.Ge Yun and Pang Hongmei came to measure Chu Huaiqiu's blood pressure, revealed the news of Lu Cheng's death, and asked Chu Huaiqiu to visit the sad Han Yundong in the hospital. Chu Huaiqiu readily agreed.

Bai Hui lied that she forgot her medical records in Chu Huaiqiu's office, hurried back to get them, and secretly opened Chu Huaiqiu's filing cabinet to steal the information.Pang Hongmei and Lao Jiang finally discovered that the staff was the code book of Morse code, and they found clues related to Snow Wolf.Li Qiuchen came to the riverside to consult Bai Minghan, urging him to poison Chu Huaiqiu as soon as possible, but Bai Minghan made various excuses to delay.Li Qiuchen revealed that Bai Hui had taken Bai Minghan's pills and told him to go to Santiao Gorge to meet Bai Hui this afternoon.


Episode 37

Bai Hui followed Ge Yun's order and stole the data from Chu Huaiqiu's office.Ge Yun instructed her to take these materials back to Taiwan and give them to Kou Xuesong.Bai Hui decided to take Bai Minghan and leave together.Before leaving, Ge Yun gave her a bottle of barbiturate, the drug that poisoned Lu Cheng.

In order to deceive Ji Danyang's trust, Bai Hui lied that He Xiwen had a physical problem, successfully brought Ji Danyang out, and took the opportunity to inject him with an anesthetic.Ding Jie has been following Li Qiuchen, and Li Qiuchen left in a hurry after seeing Bai Minghan.Ding Jie stopped Li Qiuchen in an alley and tried to take him back for investigation.However, Li Qiuchen resisted desperately and escaped while Ding Jie was not paying attention.

Lao Jiang investigated and found that Miao Huilan once worked as a servant in a family named Zhou.The young lady of this family later disappeared, and it was said that this young lady was good at medicine and loved music.Zhang Yan suspected that the lady named Zhou was the lurking Snow Wolf.Forensic doctors found barbiturates in Lu Cheng's blood, so Zhang Yan sent people to follow up on this clue.

Pang Hongmei, Ding Jie and Chen Dongsheng discovered based on the staff code that the earthworm was Wu Rui and the flying fox was Bai Hui.The police also found a report letter written by Lu Cheng before his death.Chen Dongsheng went to the hospital to arrest Bai Hui in person, but learned from Ge Yun that Bai Hui had committed suicide.Zhang Ling escorted Bai Hui back to the factory hospital in an ambulance.

Pang Hongmei realized that the situation was not good and immediately went to the expert building to find Chu Huaiqiu.She discovered that Chu Huaiqiu's camera carrying all the data of the Water Drop Project had been subcontracted.Zhang Ling escorted Bai Hui and the unconscious Ji Danyang to Taiwan in an ambulance.On the way, Liu Simao blocked their way while repairing the car, and Bai Hu used poison to kill Zhang Ling.Ji Danyang finally regained consciousness, and Bai Hui wanted to take him to Taiwan, but Ji Danyang refused.Bai Hui admitted that she had tampered with Ji Danyang's calculation paper, causing it to produce wrong calculation results.Ji Danyang was furious after learning the truth.

Zhang Yan sent Pang Hongmei to take people to Bai's house to arrest Bai Hui, but found that there was no one at home.There is a box on the table, which contains Bai Minghan's identity information.Pang Hongmei found a note in the box that said “Santiao Gorge”. She knew this was the clue left by Bai Minghan, and immediately led people to Santiao Gorge.

Episode 37

When Bai Minghan came to Santiao Gorge, Bai Hui had been waiting for a long time.She told Bai Minghan that she was taking him to Taiwan, and admitted that she was the only surviving student in the Nanshan Youth Class.This made Bai Minghan realize that Kou Xuesong had taken Bai Hui away, so he admitted that Kou Xuesong was the real culprit who killed Bai Hui's father.However, Bai Hui did not believe it because Kou Xuesong once told her that her father was killed by the Communist Party.Bai Minghan briefly described what happened, but Bai Hui had already made up her mind to go to Taiwan to find Kou Xuesong to find out.

Bai Minghan advised her to turn back and not take risks, but Bai Hui didn't listen.This angered Bai Minghan, and he slapped Bai Hui on the face.In order to force Bai Minghan to death, Bai Hui took out the poison pills made by Bai Minghan himself.Liu Simao came with Ji Danyang in custody. Bai Minghan persuaded Bai Hui to take Ji Danyang back to Lumen, but Bai Hui was angry and wanted to die with them.Li Qiuchen arrived later and admitted that he was Lin Ranhai and the commander-in-chief of this operation.He had already been killed by Li Qiuchen.Zhang Yan found a letter in the box left by Bai Minghan, which was left by Pang Shizhao to Bai Minghan.At that time, Pang Shizhao asked Bai Minghan to report the news and rescue the arrested persons detained in Xiaohuilou.However, the letter was not sent because Pang Shizhao was killed before that.

Bai Minghan turned out to be the Kuomintang agent Ghost Owl, but he had been helping the Communist Party.Pang Hongmei and Ding Jie went to Santiao Gorge and followed the marks left by Bai Minghan to look for them.Zhang Yan sent people to look for Ji Danyang and Chu Huaiqiu's cameras, because Chu Huaiqiu was going to Beijing to report work tomorrow.Zhang Yan vowed to get the camera back tomorrow.Li Qiuchen took Bai Hui, Bai Minghan, Ji Danyang and Liu Simao to a cave, where the responding agent Mu Sen was waiting.However, Mu Sen was rude to Bai Minghan and Ji Danyang, and Bai Hui gave him a severe lesson.

Mu Sen and Li Qiuchen discussed going to the ferry at four o'clock tomorrow, but Mu Sen was worried that too many people would reveal their identity, so he suggested killing Ji Danyang and Bai Minghan.Ji Danyang persuaded Bai Hui to return the camera, but Bai Hui had no way out.She has experienced a life that Ji Danyang could not imagine. She just wants to end everything as soon as possible and take Ji Danyang and Bai Minghan to Taiwan to start a new life.Bai Minghan noticed Mu Sen and Li Qiuchen's plan to silence them when they boarded the ship, so he told Liu Simao about it, but Liu Simao didn't believe it at all.Bai Minghan remembered that there was only one small boat at Taohua Ferry, which could only accommodate four or five people at most.


Episode 38

Bai Minghan gave Liu Simao a cold-dispelling pill and took one himself.Lao Yu asked Bai Minghan to give him another one, and Bai Minghan gave one to Ji Danyang.Ji Danyang asked Bai Minghan to persuade Bai Hui, but Bai Minghan was powerless.Bai Hui blamed Bai Minghan for hiding that he was a ghost owl. Bai Minghan had to admit that everything he did was for Bai Hui and did not allow Bai Hui to take Ji Danyang away.Bai Hui could no longer look back. Bai Minghan felt very heartbroken and force-fed Bai Hui a pill, and then gave Ji Danyang another pill.

Bai Minghan continued to brainwash Liu Simao, asking him to steal the camera from Bai Hui and return to Taiwan to claim credit, otherwise they would be silenced.Mu Sen asked Liu Simao to stay overnight, and Bai Minghan offered to accompany him, but Li Qiuchen firmly disagreed and asked Bai Minghan to sit and warm himself by the fire.Suddenly, Lao Yu had unbearable abdominal pain and suspected that Bai Minghan's medicine was poisonous. Bai Minghan took the opportunity to pick up a stone and throw it at Li Qiuchen. After learning about it, Mu Sen wanted to kill Bai Minghan. Liu Simao had a fierce fight with him, and Lao Yu hugged him tightly.Bai Minghan held on to his legs, Bai Hui shot and wounded Lao Yu, Mu Sen drew his gun and killed Liu Simao, and he and Bai Hui pointed guns at each other.

Bai Minghan persuaded Bai Hui to recognize the situation and pointed out that the boat at Taohua Ferry could only accommodate four people. Mu Sen and Li Qiuchen would kill them. The two confessed to this and forced Bai Hui to hand over the camera. Li Qiuchen was also worried about being tracked by the police.It was decided that they should retreat from the cave.Pang Hongmei followed the marks left by Bai Minghan, but found that there was no one in the cave.Li Qiuchen rushed to the ferry with Bai Hui, Mu Sen, Ji Danyang and Bai Minghan. Bai Minghan wanted to cover Ji Danyang's escape, while Ji Danyang wanted to leave with the camera. Li Qiuchen decided to separate from Bai Hui and rush to the ferry, but Bai Minghan wanted to leave with the camera.Hui firmly disagreed, so Li Qiuchen had to give up.

Mu Sen and Li Qiuchen discussed killing Bai Hui and Bai Minghan, and then took Ji Danyang to Taiwan.Bai Minghan took away Bai Hui's camera, and Mu Sen shot Bai Minghan. Bai Minghan turned around and stabbed Mu Sen's body with a scalpel, and then rolled down the cliff together.Bai Hui was so heartbroken that she pulled out her pistol and shot Mu Sen's body.

Episode 38

Ji Danyang persuaded Bai Hui to look back, pointing out that the Panshi plan had failed, but Li Qiuchen discovered that the camera had been destroyed and realized that their plan had failed.He threatened Ji Danyang with a gun, but Bai Hui insisted that the Panshi Project had not failed because all the data existed in Ji Danyang's mind.Ji Danyang was determined not to follow Bai Hui. Bai Hui threatened to shoot, but he was determined not to bow his head.Pang Hongmei found Bai Minghan who had rolled down the cliff. Although he was dying, he handed the camera to Pang Hongmei and told her the secrets that had been buried in her heart for many years.

Bai Minghan said that Pang Shizhao guided him to join the revolution. When Pang Shizhao died, he vowed to avenge him.With his last breath, he told Pang Hongmei, Li Qiuchen and others' escape route, and then passed away.Pang Hongmei asked Bai Hui to take the camera to meet Chen Dongsheng, while she hurried to the ferry and reported Li Qiuchen's escape direction to Chen Dongsheng.When she went down the mountain with her camera, she was shot and killed by Ge Yun and the camera was taken away.Li Qiuchen, Ji Danyang and Bai Hui soon arrived at the ferry. Li Qiuchen went to find a boat. Ji Danyang once again persuaded Bai Hui to turn back, but Bai Hui ignored it.Pang Hongmei arrived in time to stop Bai Hui. Li Qiuchen drew a gun and threatened Pang Hongmei. Ji Danyang struggled to break free to protect Pang Hongmei, but was held hostage by Li Qiuchen. Bai Hui took out the film and threatened Li Qiuchen to let Ji Danyang go. Li Qiuchen threatened to kill Ji Danyang, forcing Bai Hui toHui handed over the film.

Bai Hui threw the film to Li Qiuchen, but Ji Danyang grabbed it.Li Qiuchen wanted to shoot Ji Danyang, but was shot dead by Pang Hongmei.Ji Danyang approached Pang Hongmei step by step. Bai Hui fired a warning shot and forced Ji Danyang to hand over the film. Pang Hongmei vowed to protect Ji Danyang with her life, just like she did in Hong Kong.Ji Danyang exposed the film and threw it on the ground. Bai Hui gritted her teeth in anger. She shot at Ji Danyang. Pang Hongmei pushed Ji Danyang away, but was hit in the arm by a bullet.Pang Hongmei shot Bai Hui to death.Lao Jiang found out that the Miss Zhou family was Ge Yun. Ge Yun was a latent agent of the spy chief Xue Lang, and he immediately reported it to Zhang Yan.Ge Yun carried the medicine box to the expert building. Chen Dongsheng and the police officers had been waiting for a long time. Only then did Ge Yun learn that Chu Huaiqiu had gone to Beijing with the data.

After Pang Hongmei arrived, Ge Yun realized that the overall situation had been decided and detonated the explosive hidden in the consultation box. Fortunately, the police officers discovered it in time and there were no casualties. They successfully captured Ge Yun.Kou Xuesong was completely disappointed when he learned that Panshi's plan failed.In December 1970, my country's first independently developed nuclear submarine was successfully launched; on August 1, 1974, my country's first submarine - Long March 1 - was officially included in the navy's battle order; in September 1988, China The Navy's submarine-launched underwater launch vehicle experiment was a complete success.



Total 38 Episodes Dec 12, 2023 C-Drama Urban/Crime Actor: Ding Yongdai Suga Renzi Liu Xueyi Peng Xiaoran