This drama is adapted from the manga of the same name and tells the story of the 34-year-old protagonist Shukunokura Yan, whose hobby is camping and he is a pure solo camper who camps alone.No need for a car, just transfer to a tram, and finally take a bus into the mountains. I love nature, fire, wood, water, and earth, and I also love my lonely lifestyle.What!I unexpectedly met Shizuku Kusano, a 20-year-old girl, and the two fell into the dilemma of single camping...
Kukura Yan's hobby is camping.Instead of using a car, he took trams and buses into the mountains alone.This is the relaxation and solitude that no one will disturb, the most authentic “solo camping”.
He expertly set up the tent, prepared branches for firewood, and made full use of his favorite camping equipment to start a fire.As the sun gradually set in the west, Shunokura Yan was walking while enjoying the joy of loneliness. Suddenly a strange woman appeared in front of him.
Kusano Shizuku went camping alone for the first time in her life.Shizuku didn't even bring a tent, but she wanted to make beer can roast chicken.Shunokura Yan originally wanted to stay alone, but when he saw the delicious-looking dishes in front of him, he couldn't help it...