《Sisterhood》Ep Intro

The youngest daughter of the Fang family, Xiang Xiang, has just graduated from college and has just entered the society. Her elder sister, Fang Hong, believes that "an elder sister is like a mother" and regardless of Xiang's feelings, she enthusiastically intervenes in her sister's work and life.The two sisters with different personalities and concepts constantly have frictions and collisions, causing this originally harmonious and close family to be in the smoke of sisters' quarrels and fights all day long.Father Fang Ming is caught in a dilemma. He has lived for his daughter for most of his life. However, as his daughter becomes mature and independent, Fang Ming feels that he is less and less needed.So Fang Ming began to try to find a sense of existence in his daughter's mind.In this way, the Fang family grew up in this fierce and joyful "confrontation".In the end, the younger sister found her own direction in life; the middle-aged older sister resolved her career crisis, learned to face marriage problems calmly, and found the best parent-child relationship; the older father also found a new pursuit in life.


Episode 1

Apart from sharing her daily life with fans every day, Fang Ming, a homebody, has no other hobbies. Fang Ming couldn't bear to stay at home, so he began to persuade her to consider going out to work. For the bright and lively Xiang, she never considered going out to work.There is Fang Hong, a career-mad person. After witnessing Fang Hong's hard work, Fang Fang has distanced herself from her since she was a child. She must not become a "strong woman" who only has a career.

In addition to these, Fang Hong also has two children. The younger brother is addicted to playing games every day and his life is chaotic. The younger sister is doing Mathematical Olympiad questions every day to the point of becoming obsessive. The direction told Fang Ming these signs in an exaggerated manner. Fang Ming realized these other situations.Due to the seriousness, he immediately ignored the direction and went directly to Fang Hong's room.Fang Hong was still calling the company, and Fang Ming saw that one of the two children was playing games like crazy, and the other was calculating how many N squares there were after adding π to π.

Fang Ming wanted to persuade his eldest daughter to care about her children and not care about the peace and quiet at home. Once she became concerned, the family started to panic. Her brother started yelling loudly when she heard her mother wanted to check her homework, and her sister was at a loss when she heard that she needed to change to a non-Olympic math exercise book., in order to maintain a peaceful life, Fang Hong began to work in the company.At noon, Fang Ming had cooked the meal. Fang Hong hadn’t eaten with everyone in seven or eight years, so naturally she didn’t cook her meal. But just as she put the meal on the table, Fang Hong got out from under the table and started chattering.The table is super difficult to repair.Xiang Fang was surprised why Fang Hong came back at noon, but Fang Hong announced a shocking news: she was fired.

Because the boss felt that Fang Hong's zodiac sign conflicted with his, he directly issued a letter of dismissal.I thought Fang Hong could take good care of her children at home, but Xiang Fang was still busy looking for a job.Fang Ming was anxious, so he started to do some ideological work for the two sisters during his break, but the direction was not good enough. He was determined to stay at home and immerse himself in his own world. He looked down upon Fang Ming, who was busy doing pedicures all day, and did not want to do anything.I want to go out to work like Fang Hong.Seeing that his sister was difficult to correct, Fang Ming went to discuss it with Fang Hong. Fang Hong used the computer to submit her resume while perfunctoryly telling Fang Ming that she had to find a job as soon as possible.

At night, Fang Ming took out a photo of Fang Fang's mother and murmured that he must use all kinds of efforts to return his two daughters to a normal life. So Fang Ming came up with another way. First, he went to Fang Fang and offered conditions as long as Fang Fang could help him.By leaving Fang Hong at home, he would no longer care about Xiang Hong even if he lay in bed and couldn't get up.

There is also such a good thing. In order to lie in bed quietly in the future, Fang Xiang came up with a cruel trick to let Fang Hong and two children play poker. Fang Hong hated children playing cards the most, and was about to pick up a feather duster and hit her hard.After beating the two darlings, Fang Ming quickly pulled them away. When the plan failed, Fang Ming came up with a new plan. She took out a critical illness notice and told Fang Hong that Fang Ming was diagnosed with a terminal illness and his days were not long. Then Fang MingShe deliberately dressed herself up to look like someone with dementia and started all kinds of tricks, but it didn't work at all on the ice-snow and smart Fang Hong. She exposed Fang Ming in minutes and firmly believed that she would continue to look for a job.


Episode 2

In the blink of an eye, Fang Hong has been at home for a week since she quit her job. On this day, she solemnly announced that she would cook a sumptuous breakfast for everyone. However, it was already evening and Fang Fang hadn't waited for her sister to order the meal.Finally, I seemed to smell the smell of rice. Soon my nephew opened the door, and a thick smoke came in. Something big seemed to happen in the kitchen.

Finally, the smoke gradually dissipated, and the fireman's face in the living room was covered with darkness. His sister stood aside in embarrassment. Three bags of salt were used to cook the five fried dishes. The father wanted to comfort his eldest daughter, so he picked up a dish with dignity., after all, he still couldn't put it in his mouth, so he asked Fang Fang to taste it first. Fang Fang looked at the dark green vegetables, and felt a big shadow in his heart.Fang Hong felt that everyone's acting skills were so poor that she put a chopstick into her mouth. Tears burst out of her eyes. She apologized to everyone and then tried to feed the fried vegetables to the dog, but the dog was so frightened that he escaped and escaped..

Her sister was not good at cooking or washing clothes. Her sweater, which was obviously a good quality, was washed into midriff-baring clothing. Her younger brother's sweater was also washed into adult clothing, and several pieces of clothing were damaged in the wash. Fang Hong was deeply affected.It was very traumatic. Her father was worried that she was under pressure, so he discussed with his family how to help Xiang Fang build up his self-confidence without doing housework. Fang Xiang blurted out that only the boss of the company refused to work, so his father paid for the two present Fang Hong and Fang Hong at his own expense.The children gave out red envelopes so that they all recognized Fang Hong as everyone's boss.

In order to build momentum for the company, the father specially brought washed red long johns for his eldest daughter to cut the ribbon. The housekeeper who wanted to pursue a direction in the property management also packed up his outfit and started dancing the lion.Fang Hong was very satisfied and took up the important responsibility without humility.Since becoming the “big boss”, Fang Hong has discovered many problems. She first notified via WeChat that all staff's pocket money should be handed over and managed uniformly, and she also ordered that no red envelopes be given out privately in the future.

Xiang Xiang never had a precise schedule, but Fang Hong insisted on getting rid of this problem. Seeing that his father had just given out a red envelope, Xiang Xiang had no choice but to turn off the lights and lie down in bed to pretend to be dead.My father's alcohol was soon discovered by the eldest sister. In order to reduce his father's drinking, the eldest sister put his father's alcohol in a small watering bottle. When his father became addicted to alcohol, he sprayed it into his mouth.

Not only that, the eldest sister was also concerned about family expenses. When her father said that the average daily food for all family members was 150 yuan, the eldest sister immediately decided to spend 500 yuan a month. Not only that, but also proposed to save money, she started eating“Like jumping over a wall”, my father was so embarrassed that he had to jump out of the window.Xiang Xiang couldn't get takeout even if he wanted to. He had to report to his nephew and father and fill out various tedious forms. In the end, he didn't get any food. Xiang Xiang was so hungry that he almost collapsed.


Episode 3

Xiang Xiang carefully made up Fairy Zixia and broadcast a live broadcast of a Westward Journey episode. She envied the love between Fairy Zixia and Zhizunbao and did not want to marry the Bull Demon King in a hurry like Princess Iron Fan.The father began to worry about his daughter not getting married, and started all kinds of jokes to persuade her to go on a blind date. He also told his daughter to put the dating partner first in her life from now on.My sister is now the president of a dating website, and my father quickly asked his eldest daughter to worry more about Xiang's marriage.

The father and eldest sister finally left. Xiang Xiang was bored at home and thought that none of the singles nowadays are in love with being single, but they just haven't met the opportunity yet. As soon as he said these words, a delicate silhouette of a cool man appeared on the curtains. This personShe carefully opened the curtains, asked for directions, where was the door to her house, and climbed in through the window fearfully.Xiang Xiang shouted loudly, and the other party immediately announced his name. His name was Qin Xiaoxian, and he was a single. But because he was chased by fans and had nowhere to escape, he had to temporarily come to Xiang's house to take shelter.

In order to prove the truth of his words, Xiang Xiang asked him various professional questions, and the other party's answers were really flawless.It seemed that it was Qin Xiaoxian himself. Xiang Xiang was talking to him when he suddenly heard his father coming back. Xiang Xiang asked Qin Xiaoxian to quickly go back the way he came, but there were many reporters outside the window. Qin Xiaoxian still did not dare to go out and panicked., hiding in the wardrobe of the direction.

In the evening, my father came to visit and inadvertently mentioned the blind date again. He hoped that Xiang Xiang would find a boyfriend soon, instead of being like his colleague's daughter who didn't dare to say she had a boyfriend but kept him in the closet.As soon as she finished speaking, Xiang Xiang opened the closet to hang clothes and found a man in the closet. She turned pale with embarrassment. Fortunately, she had strong self-control and her father did not discover the flaw.

In the evening, Qin Xiaoxian was so hungry that he had to fumble around in the kitchen to find something to eat. It happened that his father was also hungry. He took out a few pieces of bread from the refrigerator and poured a glass of milk. When he turned to get the dumplings, he found thatThe bread and milk that had just been placed were gone. His father thought that his late wife had come back, so he looked around and found the tall Qin Xiaoxian.His father knocked Qin Xiaoxian unconscious with a stick. When he woke up, his father and sister were staring at him. The photos proved that this person was a famous disciple of Deyun in the cross talk world.

During the day, I was still urging my daughter to find a boyfriend quickly, but unexpectedly she found her at night. She was even quite satisfied with her appearance. Not only her looks, but her talent was also quite good.My father loves to listen to cross talk and has read all the disciples and works of Deyun Society. My father is very optimistic about the young man and hopes that his daughter can further interact with him.


Episode 4

Xiang Xiang couldn't wait to get rid of Qin Xiaoxian, but Qin Xiaoxian didn't want to leave just yet. When Xiang Xiang wanted to pull Qin Xiaoxian into the room, his sister immediately stopped him. His father quickly pulled his sister and told her not to cause trouble and give Xiang Xiang and QinIf Qin Xiaoxian and his daughter really develop, it would be good if Xiaoxian has more time.Qin Xiaoxian saw that Fang Xiang's notebook was still open and couldn't help but get closer. Unexpectedly, fans in the live broadcast room misunderstood that Qin Xiaoxian was Fang Xiang's boyfriend. Otherwise, why would he show up in a house so late? Fang Fang feltSomething was going to happen and he asked Qin Xiaoxian to leave quickly. Qin Xiaoxian felt that it was too late.

The extremely enthusiastic father pulled Qin Xiaoxian into his room and planned to make do with it for one night. That night, the two men drank first and then talked nonsense. After they realized that the sky was filled with cowhide, they fell asleep.Her sister asked Xiang Xiang to sleep in the same room with her, but she didn't expect that she wanted Xiang Xiang to announce to the public that she met Qin Xiaoxian through her sister's dating website.Xiang Xiang refused angrily. He was not sure about his relationship with Qin Xiaoxian at all.

The next day, You Xiaohao learned about Qin Xiaoxian's rumored girlfriend through the Internet. He ran to Xiang Xiang's house very early and held flowers in his hands, hoping that he would have a chance. Since meeting Xiang Xiang, You Xiaohao has been talking to Xiang Xiang every day.I am responsible for walking the dog, delivering food, or walking the dog. I really don’t want to have the duck snatched away by another unrelated person after doing so many free services.

Xiang Xiang really rejected You Xiaohao. You Xiaohao was dejected before leaving, like a resentful woman. In order to clarify their relationship with Xiang Xiang to the public, the two started a live broadcast. Xiang Xiang partnered with a cross talk actor for the first time.The cooperation was flawless and the understanding was extremely tacit. Qin Xiaoxian blurted out in excitement that it would be better to try to understand the mistake first, and asked him to stop directly.Now, not only has there been no clarification, but the rumor has become more real. Xiang Xiang is angry with Hou Hsiao-hsien but he is not sincere..

Finally, Qin Xiaoxian's agent arrived and was about to make a formal announcement to everyone. Suddenly, there were no reporters outside the room. The headline was no longer about Hou Hsiao-hsien's rumored girlfriend, but about another big melon being exposed.Of course, reporters did not give up any opportunity to detonate traffic, and ran to explore another big melon.Since there was no one outside the house to disturb them, Hou Hsiao-hsien had no excuse to stay, so he had no choice but to bid farewell in the direction.

Xiang Xiang regarded the feather duster in his hand as a gift and gave it to Hou Hsiao-hsien, asking him to pull one out whenever he missed it.After Qin Xiaoxian left, Xiang Fang suddenly felt empty. At that time, he felt that the boy was very annoying, and even wished he could be driven away early. But when he really left, he felt that it was a hard-won relationship, but in the end it was still too late., pieces of feathers fell one after another, and tears burst out from his eyes.


Episode 5

Lele was last in the exam again, and Fang Hong began to worry about his results. Although he was only third from the bottom, the prospects were not optimistic.While eating, Fang Ming advised Fang Hong not to be too nervous. Being a human being is like toenails, you can just trim them when they grow long.11 couldn't help but spur Lele, if he didn't study hard, he would have to trim people's toenails from now on. Fang Ming was innocently accused, so he had no choice but to persuade Lele to study harder, otherwise three generations of the whole family would be affected by him.

Fang Hong began to consider choosing a school for Lele. In order to allow her son to be admitted to a 985 college, Fang Hong decided to improve her son's English speaking ability. Only when he reaches the second level standard can he go to a bilingual school.So Fang Hong immediately decided that the whole family would talk in English at home from now on. Fang Hong's decision made Fang Ming and Xiang Xiang secretly complain. However, Fang Hong controlled the financial power. If he didn't listen to Fang Hong, Xiang Xiang would have to bear the responsibility for the whole family from now on.utility bills.

In order to continue to eat and drink for free, the direction is to rush the ducks and put them on the shelves.Fang Hong made a decision, and no one dared not listen. Fang Ming also spent all his life's savings in English. Those who knew it would use English, and those who didn't would use Chinese. They spoke in a mixture of English and Chinese. As expected, the whole family basicallyIt was possible to achieve barrier-free communication, but soon there was a new problem. Lele creatively used the mixed English and Chinese in the class. The whole class was proficient in it, so the class teacher called the parents again.

Fang Hong decided that the whole family would communicate in English from now on, and anyone who made a mistake would have to pay two hundred yuan.Fang Hong gave another order. For the sake of money, Xiang Xiang and Fang Ming continued to drive ducks to the shelves. If they could speak in English, they would use English. If they couldn't, they would use body language, or Morse code.Poor Lele couldn't speak English well and couldn't remember the words, but she could recite the Morse code by heart.

Xiang Xiang saw the seam on the back of Fang Hong's skirt early in the morning. She wanted to remind Fang Hong, but she didn't know how to say it in English. In desperation, she said two Chinese characters and was fined four hundred by Fang Hong. Xiang Xiang handed over in great frustration.fined.In the evening, Fang Hong came back in disgrace. During the meeting, the thread caught the chair and her skirt was in tatters, which was super embarrassing.For this reason, Fang Hong announced that from now on, everyone will speak Chinese normally.

Soon, Fang Hong announced that Lele had transferred to another school and had requirements for Chinese studies. For this reason, Fang Ming and Xiang Xiang racked their brains to create a Chinese studies environment at home. They even changed everyone's wardrobe and changed to wearing Hanfu every day.Fables and stories were played out in turn, Journey to the West, and waiting for the rabbit. Every scene and link was carefully arranged and designed with great effort. Lele finally had some enlightenment.


Episode 6

Children's Day is coming soon. Fang Ming wanted his daughters to relive the wonderful memories of Children's Day, so he took his two daughters to the zoo to see the gorillas. Fang Ming became childlike, picked up the gorilla's banana, and started to show his teeth and claws.He danced exaggeratedly in front of the gorilla. Unexpectedly, the gorilla was very anxious when he saw the bananas being robbed, and escaped directly. Fang Ming was so frightened that he quickly grabbed the banana basket and started running away with one hand holding the direction.At that time, the live broadcast was still on, and all netizens saw everything.

Back home, Fang Ming and Fang Fang were out of breath. Fang Ming also praised Fang Ming for running fast. Just as Fang Ming was about to talk about the glorious history of the past, the door opened and Fang Hong walked into the room with a pale face.Fang Mingzheng was surprised at the look on his eldest daughter's face. The eldest daughter angrily reminded him that he only remembered to pull in the direction of running in critical moments, but left her behind.After saying that, he ran back to the room sadly.Fang Ming knew that something was serious. When he was eating, he heard Fang Fang asking if the chicken drumsticks were salty, so he picked up a chicken leg and gave it to Fang Fang. He found that his eldest daughter was not happy, so he immediately gave Fang Hong the chicken drumstick in the steering wheel.The three of them pushed each other but refused to eat. As a result, the chicken legs fell to the ground and were eaten by the dog.

In the evening, Xiang Xiang went to Fang Hong's room to mediate, but saw that Fang Hong had already started practicing swimming and started reading the dictionary to prepare for a new surname.For several days in a row, the father and daughter were embarrassed to see each other. Seeing that the relationship between Fang Hong and Fang Ming was tense, Fang Xiang bought gifts and secretly gave them to Fang Hong and her father, hoping to ease their relationship.Fang Ming hid on the balcony to see Fang Hong and Fang Ming's reactions. Fang Ming thought Fang Ming was not at home and asked Fang Hong to play back the video of the orangutan's escape that day. As a result, Fang Ming screamed when he was frightened in the video.It was Fang Hong's name, which was enough to prove that Fang Ming cared about Fang Hong the most. Fang Ming said flatteringly that Fang Hong felt very happy and he forgave Fang Ming at that time.

Unexpectedly, Fang Ming was stimulated on the balcony. She walked out lonely, feeling very sad. She thought that Fang Ming had been leaning towards Fang Hong since she was a child, and her mood suddenly deteriorated. Fang Ming quickly comforted Fang Ming and put the chicken drumsticks on her during lunch.After pushing and pushing, in the end the dog was given away directly.In the evening, Fang Ming drank to drown his sorrows. He didn't know how to end it. He had two daughters and loved both of them. However, what happened at the zoo obviously affected the relationship between father and daughter.

Fang Ming was talking to the orangutan in his dreams. He didn't understand why the orangutan came out at that time to alienate the relationship between father and daughter. As he talked, he felt unhappy and started competing with the stars.In the morning, Fang Hong found that Fang Ming was missing and the room was full of alcohol. Seeing the note left by Fang Ming, Xiang Xiang and Fang Hong hurried to the zoo. Fang Ming's clothes were torn off one by one. It was obvious that something had just happened.After a fight and seeing a pair of daughters, Fang Ming said excitedly that he had just defeated the gorilla and would be his daughters' hero in the future.The two sisters were very moved and finally let go of their grudge.


Episode 7

The brother-in-law came home, and the whole family was spiritually liberated. Normally, the father would nag his sister, but now they had a new target to criticize, and both of them were much more relaxed. The father started drinking three kinds of wine in one go, and the little ones could also drink it at the same time.After visiting three kinds of cartoons, even Brady began to go on blind dates to find a wife.Fang Hong's father was very happy because as soon as his son-in-law came back, the burden on his shoulders was suddenly reduced by half. Someone was doing the mopping, grocery shopping, and even washing the dishes and cooking.

In the dead of night, Li Xiang looked at his watch and finally showed his tail. He and Fang Hong had just received their divorce certificate this afternoon. They had been acting at home for a day, and now they could finally relax.Li wanted to put on his clothes and was about to leave home. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and his son came in. He happily said that he had just written an essay - I love my family - and his family did not know the news of their divorce.After hearing that his son had written a composition, Li Xiang immediately returned to bed and asked him to read the composition carefully.

Unexpectedly, there was no father at all in his son's composition. The only sentence he wrote about his father was "My father is very busy".Finally, at midnight, thinking that no one would disturb him anymore, Li Xiang packed his suitcase and prepared to leave home.At this moment, Li Xiang's suitor Xiao Lang knocked on the door to deliver coffee. The boy was also very excited. Seeing his brother-in-law dragging his suitcase, he specifically advised his brother-in-law to smoke less. Li wanted to leave in a hurry and immediately helped Xiao Lang get the coffee.Go in, but Xiao Lang insists on giving it to Xiang Xiang himself.

They were grabbing and grabbing, and the coffee was spilled on the floor.After taking care of Xiaolang, Li Xiang finally dragged his suitcase and left. But just twenty minutes later, there was lightning and thunder outside, and it rained heavily. Huanhuan was scared and ran to her mother's bedroom to sleep. She couldn't find her father, so she immediatelyWhen asked where her father had gone, Fang Hong hesitated and had to say that her father had gone to the bathroom.Her daughter insisted on waiting for her father to come back, so Fang Hong immediately sent her husband a WeChat message asking him to come back quickly.

Li Xiang is a maniac who loves girls. When he heard that his daughter was looking for him in a hurry, he immediately ran home.Finally, their daughter was coaxed to sleep. Fang Hong and Li Xiang looked at each other, both of them speechless. They didn't know why they were like this. They really wanted to part ways. Li Xiang dragged his suitcase again and walked out of Fang Hong's bedroom.When he came to the living room, he saw his father-in-law drinking to soothe his sorrows. While drinking, he talked to his wife in the photo, recalling the first time the two met. Fang Ming said that the getting-together period between the two was not smooth at the beginning of their marriage.The ladle made a noise. Fang Hong's mother once had to go out with her luggage in the middle of the night. She said she had to work overtime, so she pulled the box over and tried to keep it.

At that time, Li Xiang was quietly picking up the box and preparing to run away. He happened to be grabbed by the drunk Fang Ming. Fang Ming looked at the photo of Fang Hong's mother and said where he was going, while Li Xiang cautiously said that he would work overtime.Fang Ming turned his head when he heard the sound and saw Li Xiang looking panicked. He immediately woke up from the alcohol.Li Xiang and Fang Hong met in college. When they were young, they met for the first time. It was so beautiful. One day was like three autumns after not seeing each other. Apart from going back to their respective dormitories to sleep, the rest of the time they wished they could be together 24 hours a day.But after running the love marathon and entering into marriage, I feel that there is no freedom in the life tied together, and I really want to get out of the siege of marriage and breathe some air.Li Xiang was very sad. He didn't feel relieved after getting the divorce certificate, nor did he feel the long-lost freedom.


Episode 8

Fang Ming asked Li Xiang why he ran away in the middle of the night. He came back once a month and left Fang Hong alone in the empty room if he didn't behave well.Li Xiang did not tell his father-in-law about the divorce, so he comforted him and just drank two glasses of wine with him. Unknowingly, he drank the entire bottle of wine. Seeing that his father-in-law was still not enjoying himself, Li Xiang confessed that in fact, this timeI brought a bottle of good wine home, but Fang Hong stopped me and hid it.Fang Ming immediately asked Li Xiang to bring out the good wine, and told Fang Hong that he asked for it.

Li wanted to go to the bathroom. When he came back, he saw that his father-in-law had fallen asleep, so he helped his father-in-law into the room.Zhixiang came out to use the bathroom. She saw her father was drunk and heard that he and Li Xiang drank together. She didn't see her brother-in-law. She was curious and immediately returned to her sister's room.Fang Hong thought that Li Xiang had left long ago, and deliberately folded the quilt on the bed to look like there was someone there. Xiang Xiang thought that her brother-in-law was already asleep. When she saw her sister sitting on the quilt, she was frightened and quickly reminded her sister——%Brother-in-lawHis head was flattened.

Fang Hong stood up immediately and called her sister to go to bed quickly.Fang Ming was really exhausted and wanted to lie down in bed and rest for a while. At this time, Fang Hong came back from the living room. She thought there was a thief in the bedroom, so she picked up the pillow and started beating Li Xiang. His eyes were covered with the quilt, and his nose was bleeding from the beating.When Fang Hong saw that the other party had stopped moving, she lifted up the quilt and found Li Xiang who was hopeless.Finally, Li Xiang packed his luggage and left. Before leaving, he thought that he would not see his son and daughter again for a long time, so he couldn't help but go back to his daughter's room. Her daughter fell asleep sweetly, looking like the time has passed.appearance.

Most of the quilt covering his son's body had been kicked away, and Li Xiang carefully covered him with the quilt again.Seeing these lovely children, I thought about how my wife had been taking care of the children all these years while I was away from home all year round.Naturally, I felt very guilty.Xiaolang made another coffee and went to deliver it to the direction. When he came to the door, he found that the door was unlocked and the suitcase was placed at the door with a piece of clothes on it. Xiaolang casually put the clothes on his shoulders and was about to go out to find Li Xiang.Suddenly, Fang Hong thought that Li Xiang was called to the balcony to chat. Only then did Xiaolang hear about the divorce between Fang Hong and Li Xiang.

He was like a big melon, because Fang Hong's back was turned to him, and Xiao Lang tiptoed out the door.Xiang Xiang heard about her sister's divorce from Xiao Lang. They often got together less and separated more often, but this time they actually got the divorce certificate. Xiang Xiang felt sad for her sister. The next day, when she saw Li Xiang dragging his suitcase to say goodbye to everyone, she felt...She was particularly sad and hugged Fang Hong after her brother-in-law left.When a pair of children saw their aunt hugging Fang Hong, they also hugged their mother one by one.

Fang Hong was very surprised by the sudden intimacy and asked them what was going on. Only Fang Ming knew the truth. Fang Ming was also puzzled. He just saw the children hugging each other and followed suit habitually.After Li Xiang's divorce, he was very disappointed when he left Fang Hong. In short, he got along very well with his family and had a pair of children whom he loved very much. He still felt that the original divorce was unreasonable. If God gave him another choice,Chances are, he can still live another five hundred years with Fang Hong.


Episode 9

Fang Ming entrusted his dance partner Ayu to help him talk about having a third child with Fang Hong. Now that the country has allowed three children, he felt that the relationship between Fang Hong and his son-in-law was a bit tense. He hoped that the third child could ease their relationship. Ayu was an open-minded person. She felt that the third child could not be born.Three children is the idea of ​​​​young people, and beating people cannot interfere with it. Besides, Fang Hong already has a pair of children. Seeing that Fang Ming really wants three children, Ayu came up with an idea to strengthen Fang Hong's concept. Over time,Fang Hong felt that three was an auspicious number, and maybe she thought that having three children was also a very auspicious symbol.

With Ayu's advice, Fang Ming immediately understood. First, he changed the house number of his house to “333”. Then he cooked three dishes and ate sugar triangles. For this reason, Fang Ming specially said that he dreamed of Fang Hong's mother., the other party hopes to have three children at 33.Fang Hong knew what her father was planning. After dinner, she immediately called her sister Fang Fang to the room and asked Fang Fang if she had ever told her father about her divorce. Fang Hong waved her hands repeatedly, but not only her, but even Xiaolang didn't say a word.

Fang Hong asked her to find a boyfriend quickly and have three children as soon as possible, so as to reduce her pressure.A few days later, Xiang Xiang went to find his father. He happened to overhear the conversation between Ayu and his father. Ayu said that he had been diagnosed at the hospital and that she was pregnant with three children. His father was very happy and said that he would definitely take responsibility. Xiang Xiang was dumbfounded., could it be that the two old men were planning to have three children.Fang Fang couldn't sit still. This melon was too big. She wanted to tell Fang Hong about it immediately.

When Fang Hong heard about what happened between her father and Ayu, she felt that something was strange. Besides, her father was so old, how could he have three children, but his sister swore that she heard it right.It seems that this matter is not that simple. Fang Hong gave Xiang a simple calculation. If the father is over 60 and wants to have three children, then the child will be over 80 after graduating from college and has no experience in raising children. In the end, he will have to pay for the child.superior.

Xiang Fang was frightened after hearing this. She didn't want to raise her younger siblings after raising her father. The two of them agreed to do some ideological work for their father and Ayu.Fang Hong recently mentioned the third child, which seriously affected the mood of the two children. When the brother heard that his sister had been sent to his hometown, he immediately felt that the mother might have given up hope on them, and he discussed with his friends what to do next.My friend advises me to take good care of my mother. Maybe my mother will realize that my son is still very sensible and there is no need to have a third child.

Fang Hong went to negotiate with her father. When she mentioned the third child, her father was very happy. Fang Hong began to relent, and finally supported her father. The father was very proud to hear that his eldest daughter agreed to the third child, and felt that his plan had succeeded.Fang Hong heard that her father was just grateful to the neighbors and said that she had the opportunity to express her gratitude and directly praised her father for his forward thinking. However, her father looked proud and asked Fang Hong to learn from him. Elderly people should not only be open-minded but also be good at learning.

Xiang Xiang went to chat with Ayu. Ayu said that she would raise the child and not let Fang Ming worry about it, but Fang Ming could come and meet him if he wanted. She also said that because the child had good genes, he was reluctant to abort it.Xiang Fang was stunned and left Ayu's house as if running away.In fact, the direction was wrong. It was Fang Ming who took Brady to Ayu's house to play, but Ayu's dog became pregnant with puppies. As a result, Fang Ming half-heard and thought it was Ayu who was pregnant.The misunderstanding has grown.


Episode 10

Lele wanted to make her mother happy. She not only washed a lot of clothes, but also cleaned her aunt's shoes. Recently, Lele has been very active, which made Xiang Xiang and Fang Hong very puzzled. Fang Hong thought that maybe Lele heard that her sister went to summer camp., feeling lonely and having a stress reaction. In order to reassure her son, Fang Hong decided to spend more time with Lele in the future.After finally having a rest day, Fang Hong took Lele out to play, but when they arrived at the outing, Lele refused to get out of the car, so she pushed the car with her bare hands to a place that had been a long time.

Fang Hong thought Lele might have a psychological problem and immediately found a psychiatrist for her child, hoping to help relieve Lele's condition.Xiang Xiang was upset and went to chat with Xiaolang. Xiaolang said that middle-aged and elderly people like to listen to doctors or health product salesmen. As long as they speak, people will believe anyone who says gold is black.Xiang Xiang immediately asked Xiao Lang if he knew anyone from the medical field. In order to show off, Xiao Lang immediately said he did.

After leaving, Xiaolang quickly called his actor friend and asked him to pretend to be a doctor to convince his father not to have three children.As a result, the actor came to Fang Hong's house and without any introduction, he thought that Lele sitting on the sofa was the person he wanted to persuade. He immediately started to use his words to persuade Lele not to have a third child, and then gave him a vision and hearing test.Fang Hong looked on and wondered, how could a psychiatrist say that they don't want three children through a vision test? Such inexplicable words.

After a while, Xiang Xiang came to the living room, saw the actor doctor, and greeted him immediately. Fang Hong finally became aware that this person had bad intentions and was not a doctor at all, but a big liar.After driving the actor doctor away, Lele was depressed, holding her mother's arm and saying that she did not want a third child. Fang Hong and Xiang Xiang began to comfort the injured Lele, and they also began to be blinded. At first, they stopped Fang Ming from having a third child, and laterHe also said that Lele didn’t like the third child. This logical relationship is somewhat confusing.

A few days later, Ayu ran into Fang Ming's house and excitedly announced that their golden retriever had finally given birth to five cubs. Fang Ming was very happy to hear this. Xiang Xiang and Fang Hong started to look at each other, and Fang Hong couldn't help but ask if he meant it.Did Aunt Ayu and Fang Ming have three children? Ayu directly asked Fang Ming why he made it out of nothing, and then pursued Fang Ming to teach him a lesson, not to ruin his reputation.

As a result, Fang Ming was tortured until his clothes were in rags, and Du Fang finally sat on the sofa panting. Fang Ming said helplessly that if something happened to his family, he must tell it to his face and be honest, otherwise it would really cause misunderstandings among many parties. Take what happened just now as an example.It was originally Brady who wanted to have a baby, but he half-listened to what he said and made so many mistakes.In the end, Fang Ming also wanted to understand that the arrival of a little life needs blessings and desires, rather than carrying the reasons for promoting the relationship between husband and wife. If this little life knows that his birth is just a bond to bond the relationship between husband and wife, I believe he will alsoVery disappointed.


Episode 11

Fang Ming's birthday is coming soon. He invited Ayu to his birthday party. He has been pursuing Ayu for a while these days. Fang Ming made no secret of his affection for her. When he heard that Ayu's son was at home recently, he immediately invited Ayu.Bring your son with you.Her father's birthday was coming soon, and Fang Hong quickly asked Li Xiang to rush home. The two had been divorced for more than a year, and her father still didn't know about the divorce of her daughter and son-in-law. Fang Hong told Li that she must behave well and not let her fatherWhen he became suspicious, Li Xiang immediately showed his courtesy, saying that he had regretted it when he went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to apply for divorce. He was just a tough talker and still hoped to remarry. However, Fang Hong refused and laid all the floors and announced a three-part agreement on the spot.

Shang Xiaolang used various solutions to pursue Fang Fang, and used all seventy-two talents. When he heard that Fang Fang had recently fallen in love with cross talk, he immediately learned a performance for Fang Fang to watch.Fang Fang reminded Shang Xiaolang that they have always been buddies and should not always think about boyfriends and girlfriends. Fang Fang recited to Shang Xiaolang a classic line from "Hedong Lion's Roar" on the spot. Fang Fang prepared this line for a long time.It was memorized perfectly, but Shang Xiaolang memorized it seamlessly on the spot and mastered it very well.

I was so impressed by the direction that I can never forget it.After dinner, Fang Ming, Xiang Xiang and Fang Hong were enjoying the breeze on the balcony. The three of them were lamenting their respective emotional problems. Xiang Xiang was suffering from being stalked by Shang Xiaolang, Fang Hong was suffering from not finding a good relationship, and Fang Ming was suffering from finding a good relationship in middle age.The difficulty of a wife.Fang Hong suggested that her father build a good relationship with Ayu's son, and maybe his son would agree to their marriage.

A few days later, Ayu's son came to Fang Ming's pedicure shop for a pedicure. Fang Ming naturally received him wholeheartedly, but Ayu's son was a boxer and had strong muscles all over his body. Fang Ming also designed Fang Ming to give him some strength.Ming was kicked to the ground twice by “stress reaction” and couldn't even find his glasses.Finally Ayu's son revealed that the purpose of coming back this time was to catch the old man who wanted to fall in love with his mother, and vowed to stay with him until the end.

Fang Ming was afraid of being targeted again, so he quickly claimed that he didn't know who was pursuing his mother.Finally, it was Fang Ming's birthday. Ayu brought his son to celebrate him. He had already told his son about himself and Fang Ming in advance. Ayu's son looked down on Fang Ming very much and always found faults with him. First, he practicedDuring the dance, Fang Ming was invited to compete in dance skills. During the dance, he picked up Fang Ming several times like a chicken and threw him around several times. Fang Ming was already middle-aged and almost vomited from being tossed.

Finally, when the meal was ready, Ayu’s son said he wanted to drink Coke, Sprite, bean juice and other drinks. Fortunately, Fang Ming had prepared these. Finally, Ayu thought of feeding the dog. Fang Ming was frightened and was alone with Ayu’sFang Ming complained secretly when his son was together.Ayu's son made it clear that he despised people who had pedicures. Fang Ming also made it clear that even if he no longer did pedicures in the future, he would continue to pursue Ayu passionately.The two men glared at each other, neither of them willing to compromise. Ayu's son pulled up his shirt again, revealing his well-developed and strong muscles. Fang Ming was like a deflated ball, and his eyes immediately dropped.


Episode 12

Shang Xiaolang pursued the direction fiercely, and all eyes were on her. When he saw other women, they all called her "old lady". Youkuang also had some interest in Shang Xiaolang. Seeing Shang Xiaolang being so obsessed with the direction, Youkuang was indignant.Xiang Xiang asked Shang Xiaolang to delete all the women in the photos on her mobile phone. Shang Xiaolang deleted the photos of her mother and grandma. This didn't work. Xiang Xiang asked her to uninstall the smart robot on her mobile phone.In the evening, Fang Ming and Fang Hong leaned on the balcony again and felt sorry for themselves. Fang Ming lamented that after being beaten for a day, he finally got the recognition just now. Fang Hong was very happy that he was finally recognized.

Fang Ming responded sadly, and the other party said that he had strong ability to resist being hit.When Li Xiang heard that his father-in-law was in trouble, he immediately stepped forward and promised that he would help his father-in-law to get Ayu's son to agree to their relationship.Fang Ming was very happy to see Li Xiang was ready to give it a try. He was really a son-in-law, and he had someone to support him this time.In the end, Fang Ming took Li Xiang to look for Gang Gang. Li Xiang only glanced at Gang Gang, and suddenly he was like a deflated balloon. He wanted to discuss it but Gang Gang rejected him. Li Xiang had no choice but to start a fight.Withdrew.

Fang Ming reminded him not to run away before the battle, but Li Xiang couldn't bear it, so he had to say that Fang Ming always talked about a son-in-law, but every time there was a problem between Fang Hong and him, Fang Ming always paid attention to half of it and left it alone.Next, Fang Ming also fought back. Li Xiang only blamed others and did not think that every quarrel was related to his fault. The two began to undermine each other. Just after hearing their unscrupulous remarks, he immediately said that he was determined not to hand over his mother.People like them.

This time it was Shang Xiaolang's turn to show off his skills. Shang Xiaolang wanted to chat with Fang Fang to seek peace, but Fang Fang disagreed. In order to get the beauty's recognition earlier, Shang Xiaolang strode to the foot wash shop to argue with him about the appointment he had just made.Fang Ming received a call from Shang Xiaolang and heard that Shang Xiaolang asked him to go to the shop to collect the corpses. Fang Ming thought that Shang Xiaolang had just subdued him, but who knew that the foot washing shop was full of messes and all the vases on display had beenSmashing it to pieces, Shang Xiaolang said that he defeated just now with his momentum, because just now he was stunned when he saw him smashing the vase.

Neither Shang Xiaolang nor Li Xiang reached an agreement with Gang Gang, and even Fang Ming's foot washing shop was smashed. Fang Hong took the direction to find Gang Gang to argue, but she was still a woman, and Gang Ming was beaten hard by two women.After cleaning up a meal, he immediately gave in. He raised his hands and surrendered, saying that he had reflected on himself the last time he came back from the foot washing shop. Indeed, his mother was very happy when talking about Fang Ming. He loved his mother deeply and naturally wanted to fulfill her.of happiness.

Fang Ming was very happy when he finally agreed to date Fang Ming and his mother.When he got up in the morning, Fang Ming specially put on a tie and a suit, and was going to see Ayu. Li Xiang also brought a recording puppet to Fang Ming as a confession gift. He accidentally pressed the play button, and Li Xiang happened to be playing in it.Fang Ming was shocked when he told Fang Hong about the divorce. His daughter was divorced.All the happiness was swept away. Fang Hong's son and daughter persuaded grandpa not to be sad.

They had known for a long time that their parents were divorced. Fang Ming sat on the chair gloomily. Xiang Ming told his father that one rainy night half a year ago, everyone in the family knew about his sister's divorce. Only Fang Ming did not find out because he was drinking that day.Fang Ming felt very guilty and immediately decided to quit drinking in the future. He did not want to go to Ayu that day. The family sat together to eat cakes, light candles and make wishes. It was a done deal. Now both children are healthy and still around. Fang Ming also graduallyRelieved, Xiang Xiang laughed at himself that now the whole family is single.


Episode 13

Fang Hong received a call from her first love boyfriend, who had been abroad for many years. Now that he knew that Fang Hong was single, he made a special effort to get in touch with her. The two had many beautiful memories together, and Fang Hong readily agreed to go on the date.A friend who works in a cafe called Fang Fang and heard that her sister was dating her boyfriend in a cafe. She immediately rushed over excitedly and invited the man named “yusheng” to her home for dinner. Everything was going well and Yusheng was very attracted to him.OK, I want to pursue Fang Hong again.

The food was ready, and Fang Xiang excitedly announced that it was time to eat. At this moment, the doorbell rang, and Fang Xiang went to open the door. He was secretly surprised when he saw Li Xiang coming. Fang Hong was also surprised and made no preparation at all.After finally inviting her sister's suitor to her home, Fang Fang said there was no problem. She quietly told Li Xiang that it was her boyfriend who came today, and deceived Yu Sheng that Li Xiang was Fang Fang's boyfriend.

At first, the two men sat together and ate together without incident. As the chat escalated, Yu Sheng and Li Xiang became very active in chatting and added each other on WeChat. Fang Hong tried his best to control the overall situation, but after all, the anger could not be contained in the paper. Yu Sheng finallyKnowing that Li Xiang was Fang Hong's ex-husband, since they were divorced, both of them were free. Yu Sheng solemnly said that both he and Li Xiang had the right to pursue Fang Hong.

After all, Li Xiang wanted to remarry Fang Hong. He found out that his ex-wife had a new suitor, and it seemed that all the conditions were very good. Li Xiang was very worried and tried every means to expel Yu Sheng.In order to win over the hearts of his father-in-law and the whole family, he finally took the initiative to cook. He cooked braised pork for the first time in his life. He was looking forward to seeing his ex-wife being moved by his performance. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Yu Sheng took Fang Hong and the whole family.We went to have a seafood dinner together and everyone was very satisfied.Thinking that the other party's family was well off and he would definitely not know how to wash clothes, Li Xiang took advantage of everyone's absence to wash all the family's clothes by hand. He originally wanted to impress his family, but who knew that for the rest of the day, everyone in Fang Hong's family had one?New clothes, Li Xiang's good wishes were finally shattered.

For the rest of his life, he would always take the whole family to go shopping for dinner and buy clothes. This was simply impossible for Li Xiang.For this reason, he went to his ex-father-in-law for help, and even specially charged up a VIP card worth 200 yuan. Fang Ming had always felt that Li Xiang was stingy, but this time he still witnessed his stingy behavior, so he encouraged Li Xiang to find a way to find a solution.Li Xiang gave Xiang Xiang a lot of lollipops to please her to help him change his sister's mind. Xiang Xiang also insisted on being on Yu Sheng's side. A few lollipops couldn't buy her off.

Li Xiang bribed his daughter and son with the lollipops that Xiang did not want, and even took them to the park to play. The children wanted to ride a white horse, and Li Xiang agreed casually, no problem. As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Sheng rode the horse to pick up the two.Children, seeing such a handsome white horse, the two children excitedly held Yu Sheng's hand. Now Li Xiang lost all hope.


Episode 14

Xiang Fang bought two figures, each of which costs RMB 8,000. Moreover, they are ugly, unrefined, and have no value. They are just toys. Fang Xiang said that she likes this ugly monster very much and plans to sell the remaining six.I bought all the figures.This whole package costs 64,000. Fang Ming smacked his lips after hearing this. Fang Hong questioned her sister's way of spending money and asked her to pay the household utility bills and rent. Fang Fang was unconvinced and said that now she has achieved financial independence.I had wanted to move out for a long time, but my sister and father were telling me what to do all day long at home. I was so angry that I immediately packed my luggage and moved out.

Fang Ming was very anxious. Fang Hong knew that her sister was just angry and would come back soon.Sure enough, a month later, Fang Fang was unable to make ends meet. She called her previous video promoter. She hadn’t received any advertisements for a long time and had no source of income at all. The video website promoter also blamed Fang Fang for poor theme orientation of his videos. His children watched it.The direction of the video makes me want to run away from home.The landlady came to press for the rent on time, and there was no room for bargaining. The rent had to be collected the next day or the house would be taken away. Fang Xiang was very sad and began to think about how to get the rent. Suddenly she thought of the figure she had just purchased.Eight thousand yuan might be able to help her tide over the difficulties, but since the handicraft was at home, she had no choice but to sneak home.


Episode 15

Fortunately, there was no one at home, and Brady was taken care of. Xiang Xiang got the figure and found that there was only one hand left in the box. It was over. I don’t know who ransacked the house. Xiang Xiang was about to search in other houses. At this moment, his fatherAfter returning home, she hurried to the balcony and happened to see a “Spider-Man”. She said all her good things, but Spider-Man's equipment could only accommodate one person, so she had to hide in the living room and think of another way.Soon her sister also came to the living room, and she overheard the conversation between her sister and her father. The father missed his little daughter very much, but Fang Hong persuaded her father to be more open-minded and let her sister go out to experience, otherwise she would never know how happy this family was.There is no direction in the house, and my father also feels that no one disturbs his sleep. The house is much quieter, and no one is filming videos every day and midnight. It seems that his blood pressure has also dropped.


Episode 16

Thinking of this, my father started to cook a big meal to celebrate.Finally, when her father and sister finished eating, Xiang Xiang walked out quietly and started looking for her own handicrafts. When she saw that there was a plate of dishes left on the table, which she loved to eat, she sat down and started eating with relish.After a long time, his belly was finally full, and Xiang started to feel thirsty again, so he opened the refrigerator to get a drink. At this time, his sister came to the restaurant, and Xiang had nowhere to escape, so he had to hide in the refrigerator.

The weather has cooled down, and his father has come back to get his coat. Without the interruption of his little daughter, Fang Ming feels very lonely at home. There is no one to blame and complain about, but now he is much less happy.My niece moved into the direction room excitedly, but after a few days, she began to miss her aunt desperately and decided to move out of her room.Everyone in the family was missing Fang Fang, but Fang Fang began to try his best to find various parts of the handicraft in every corner of the house in order to pay the rent. When they were collected, they could be sold to pay the rent.


Episode 17

Lele has always had a heroic dream, especially the great hero Guo Jing. Recently, the director asked him to shoot an advertisement for a pedicure shop, and Shen Jing couldn't extricate himself from the heroic dream. It was not just him, but also the two children around him, Da Zhuang and Er.Hu was also influenced by it and kept studying the specialties and martial arts of each hero in the play - The Eight Parts of the Dragon.Although Fang Hong thinks Lele is too addicted, as long as she doesn't play mobile games, it is still a way of entertainment.In the morning, Fang Hong was going on a business trip. Lele put on a disguise and insisted on going on the business trip with her mother. She also volunteered to be a bodyguard. Lele wore a black hat and a mask, wrapping himself tightly for fear of others recognizing him.

Fang Hong was confused, but the flight was about to arrive, so she didn't bother to ask Lele and left in a hurry.After his mother left, Lele was uneasy in his room. He didn't know whether he should tell his family what happened a few days ago. He even decided by drawing lots, and finally decided to tell his grandfather.At the dinner table, just as he was about to speak, his aunt happily rushed over to announce the big news - the incident about Lele, Da Zhuang and Er Hu's rescue had been posted online, and now the whole world knew that the three of them were heroes.Lele took a mouthful of rice with a guilty conscience. When she heard that her aunt said that she would film an interview for the three of them to help others, Lele was embarrassed and secretly happy.

Da Zhuang and Er Hu came to Lele's house and asked what to do next. Those netizens only filmed the clip of them rescuing the old man, not the clip of them pushing the old man into the river. Now they are being promoted everywhere as heroes who save people., they don’t know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.Fang Ming heard that his son was rated as a “saving little hero” by all netizens. As the little hero's grandfather, he was also very proud. He was afraid that people wouldn't know, so he went to the neighbors to spread the word. Do you know who the little hero who saved people was?Who, Lele was also encouraged by this atmosphere. The former hero dreamed that he was particularly useful now. Lele was constantly on the phone every day, and people kept asking him to help with various things, such as setting up sewers, picking up children from school, and helping old ladies on horses.Crossing the road, Lele never tired of these things, and even her sister Huanhuan was infected. She helped others silently every day without leaving her name.When Lele heard his sister tell him about the good things he did today, he angrily accused her of doing good deeds without asking for anything in return, otherwise he would not be a good boy.

One day, the police uncle knocked on Lele's door. Lele was shocked when he saw the policeman. The other party brought a lot of fruits. This time he came specifically to thank Lele. The one who fell into the water was his second uncle. Lele turned around.Worrying turned into joy, after the police uncle exchanged greetings and praised him, he asked Lele if he had seen anyone else at the rescue scene. The second uncle said that someone pushed him down when he fell into the water, and he seemed to have heard the other person's mouth.Called “Jianlong Wugui”, Lele immediately lowered his head, not daring to look into the eyes of the policeman for fear of being caught.Xiang Xiang also responded to the curiosity of netizens' little hero during the live broadcast. Recently, because of Lele's glorious deeds, she was connected to several advertisements. Her nephew brought her not only surprises but also endless advertisements and traffic.But Lele began to feel uneasy. Every day when he went to bed, he would dream of someone pointing fingers at him and calling him a fake little hero who saved people. This feeling was too bad.


Episode 18

Lele confessed the entire process of rescuing people to her grandfather and aunt. Xiang Fang was surprised to hear this. She had just received a lot of advertisements. Once it was revealed that Lele's rescue was fake, she would be sued by the sponsors and face a lot of lawsuits.Compensation, even if you lose your entire family, you may not be able to afford it.When Shang Xiaolang heard these things, he patted his chest and took the matter on himself, saying that current endorsements and advertisements are always asking for compensation, but if the character collapses, the contract will be automatically terminated and there is no need to take responsibility.

Lele thought this was a good idea. It was not long before the character collapsed and he did something bad. Then he smashed the glass and knocked down the wall that had just been built in the property.These were all pranks. Lele returned home tired and excited, and asked if anyone at home had come to complain.Grandpa took two banners and murmured that the house where the glass was broken happened to have forgotten all the gas, and no one in the family was poisoned, which meant that Lele's actions saved the whole family. The wall of the community property collapsed, and it was found that there was a lot of gas hidden inside.Money, and later eight corrupt officials were found in the property management.These are all feats, and Lele's title as a little hero has been completely confirmed.

Lele was so frightened that she spread out on the sofa and kept lamenting that it was so difficult to be a bad person now.I thought that by doing more bad things, the contract would be terminated. Who knew that the sponsor was very happy to see Lele’s traffic increasing, and immediately ran to Fang Ming’s house to renew the contract. He was going to let Lele help with morePublic welfare activities such as holding a commendation meeting.Fang Ming and Xiang Xiang were thinking about taking back the old contract, and at all costs, Shang Xiaolang also joined the fire-fighting team.In order to get the sponsor to bring the old contract, Fang Ming and Xiang Xiang tried every means. They first used a honey trap to stun the sponsor and then wait for an opportunity to steal the documents, but the sponsor's mother showed up as promised. Fang Ming tried his best toIt’s impossible to use old age dances that haven’t been performed for decades.

Shang Xiaolang also took the risk. In order to make great achievements and catch up, he drank a lot of wine and asked his sponsor to promise not to renew Lele's contract after drinking. However, after a busy period of work, he finally found that the recorder was not turned on.Fang Hong received a call from her family and rushed over quickly. She told the sponsor the cause and effect of the matter, but the sponsor now doesn't care whether people are saved by Lele. What he wants is traffic and more people behind the scenes.It was about economic benefits. Before leaving, the sponsor told Fang Hong that if she continued to act like this, she would pay liquidated damages.Fang Hong returned home and talked about the matter. The whole family took out their savings. Huanhuan donated all his hard-earned pocket money. Fang Ming also donated 10,000 yuan. Now that things have happened, Fang HongHong would rather compensate a sum of money than let young Lele bear the cross forever.

Finally, when the commendation meeting was held, Lele took the microphone and mustered up the courage to tell the truth about what happened that day. It turned out that the little hero who saved the old man from falling into the water was fake. It was not only the three of them who saved the old man, but also the three of them who saved the old man.Those who push it down can be regarded as outweighing their merits and demerits.Fang Hong praised Lele for daring to do what he did, as a man must have shoulders.At this time, the sponsor asked them to make compensation. The man who fell into the water also came in the audience. He walked to Lele and stroked Lele’s head so that he didn’t have to worry or make compensation to the sponsor. As he said that, he took outThe business card turned out to be the developer of the community where Xiang Xiang lived. Now the sponsor was completely intimidated.The old man who fell into the water suggested that the three children take a group photo with him. Facing the camera, they shouted the slogan "Submit the dragon without regrets" together.


Episode 19

Fang Hong hates Wang Yi, the company's archrival. This time, the team she is responsible for is developing a small game. She is motivated to surpass Wang Yi. However, because the assistant around her has resigned, and the time has come to hand in the task, Fang Hong is anxious.Calling the person in charge of the company, she urgently needed an assistant. Xiang Xiang heard that the game her sister was developing was what she liked, so she tried to find a way for her sister to use her as an assistant, so that she could play games and earn more.Some silver coins.

After being stalked by her younger sister, Fang Hong finally agreed to let her be her assistant, but there were three clauses in the agreement. No matter what, Fang Hong could not call her sister in the company. This sister relationship was not good in the company. Since her sister had to work, she wanted to polish it.She improves some work abilities.Xiang Xiang came to the company and found that the colleagues around him called Sister Fang Hong, but she was the only one who couldn't.Xiang Fang asked Fang Hong to explain the reason, and Fang Hong said that the leader's orders must be obeyed.

The colleagues around her told her to be careful at work, not to be too lazy, and that it was best to only know how to work and not do anything else, because her colleagues did not know her relationship with Fang Hong and spoke uncontrollably, saying that Fang HongHe is a complete workaholic. He usually does things vigorously and resolutely without caring about everyone's emotions. He also said that Fang Hong's family is the most unlucky.After all, she is a family member, so hearing others say this about her sister makes her feel uncomfortable. Although she always despises her sister at home, when outsiders say something wrong about her, she becomes very disgusted.Colleagues thought that Fang was new and treated her like an intern, ordering milk tea and coffee. Moreover, each of the more than a dozen employees had different requirements, some requested fruity flavor, and some specifically asked not to add sugar., Xiang Xiang’s little brain is very useful. She brought a lot of coffee and specially added sugar packets. You can add as much sugar as you need.

Xiang Fang obviously came to work because of the new game, but many employees in the company didn't know about the game “Wedding Dress” and thought there was something wrong with Xiang Fang.Xiang Xiang was unwilling to give up and asked many people, from the department head to the aunt who cleaned the bathroom, but they didn't know.Unknowingly, Wang Yi was asked about it. Wang Yi quickly came to Fang Hong and was disgusted. Seeing that the newly recruited assistant was so silly and sweet, he thought Fang Hong had any special abilities.

She was used to calling her sister the leader in the company, but when she got home, she couldn't change her direction. Fang Hong smiled and comforted her that work and life should be separated, while asking her to finish the tasks assigned during the day.Hearing that her sister wanted to check her homework, Fang Hong showed her her notebook. After working hard all day, Fang Hong saw that her sister had only written the words “PPT”. She immediately got angry and told her not to work hard today.I will try to find a job tomorrow.Fang Ming interceded with Fang Hong and asked her not to be so strict with her sister, but she still had to pay attention to work matters. Fang Ming was also very troubled. His two daughters were particularly difficult to deal with. One was too motivated and busy with work every day.One is just muddle along, muddle along every day. It would be nice if the two daughters could be even.

Seeing her sister confused all day long, Fang Hong was also helpless. With so many employees under her, she could see everyone's problems. Since it was work, she should have a work attitude.Fang Hong still wants to help her sister grow up as quickly as possible so that she can support herself in the future.


Episode 20

Xiang Fang pays close attention to the progress of the game. When he has nothing to do, he will ask the technical staff who develop the game about the game's clearance content and work progress. In the evening, he will tell his fan base and post about the day's work content and growth insights.In the office, Fang Hong was especially strict with Fang Hong. As long as Fang Hong wanted to pick up his cell phone and run away, Fang Hong would always catch him.There is nothing she can do about having such a sister. Who made her like playing games so much? Every time when the employees of the company get off work, they will report their work progress to Fang Hong. When she sees that other colleagues have been successfully inspected by her sister, the directionShe reported her work anxiously, and Fang Hong immediately accused her of what she had done.

Not to be outdone, the two even started to use violence, and the company employees immediately pulled them away.Fang Hong was sure that her sister was going to find fault with her, but it was her sister anyway. If she was not convinced, she would do it. When she was at work, she heard that her sister had laid off another employee, and the other person resigned suddenly, so Fang Hong kept that employee.The task is given to the direction.

Fang Fang was not a weakling. She immediately hugged her colleagues. She lamented that she, an assistant intern, had done so many things without getting a cent in salary. The capitalists' minds were simply too greedy. They were obviously just consuming hair and drinking blood.ah.Fang Xiang forgot his identity and immediately encouraged his colleagues to oppose the endless exploitation. He even cooperated inside and outside, vowing to seek justice for his colleagues.

Xiang Fang quietly went to his father's pedicure shop and told him to pay attention to his eldest daughter. Everyone in the company was dissatisfied with his sister and was discussing a general strike. Fang Ming could not let his daughter face the upcoming crisis, so heWith two pieces of land around me, I took the initiative to go to my eldest daughter’s company to provide benefits to employees.Fang Ming said that the company leaders sympathized with their hard work and asked him to take care of each of them. Every employee in the company enjoyed the treatment of a masseur. Fang Ming thought that his little tricks would not be discovered, but there were also other spies who secretly took care of them.Tell the chairman what happened recently.

The chairman was very angry when he saw that people in Fang Hong's department were so lax, and immediately criticized Fang Hong for his lack of discipline.When she got home, Fang Hong angrily told her father that she didn't want to make progress in the company, and even led other colleagues to fish during work hours. As a result, the leader punished them for working overtime in the company, and even assigned many tasks that were not part of their group..Fang Hong reminded Xiang Xiang that he had only been in the company for two days and everything he saw was an illusion. Many things were unclear and he acted impulsively, which would lead to losses sooner or later.

Xiang Fang didn't want to work anymore, but she didn't have money if she didn't work. She asked Fang Ming if he could support her in the future. Fang Ming shook his head and replied: "That's a good idea".Employees are so smart that they are in danger of being fired over time. After Fang Hong's encouragement, the employees realized their mistakes and immediately expressed their determination to study hard and fulfill their mission.Within this scope of endeavor, the direction also began to work well.

Finally, the plans of the two groups were submitted to the leaders for review. Fang Fang was surprised to hear that the plans of Wang Yi and his group were exactly the same as his own. It was obvious that Wang Yi was plagiarizing them.The leader finally decided to adopt Wang Yi's plan. The director started to criticize them and accused them of plagiarism. Wang Yi calmly stood up and said with a smile that he was very grateful to Fang Hong's sister. The idea and plan for the game had been publicly announced in the live broadcast room.And that big rocket was a gift from Wang Yi in order to steal the plan.

Fang Ming was stunned. The gains of the entire team's hard work and overtime work were ruined because of her negligence. She was very sorry. Fang Hong asked her sister to apologize to every employee, and asked her sister to tell her about the hardships and efforts behind each member of the work team..Fang Fang knew that he was wrong, but it was difficult to recover. Fang Hong announced that Fang Fang had been fired by the company.


Episode 21

Xiang Xiang went to work with Wang Yi. Wang Yi didn't believe it at first, but Xiang Xiang's preparations were perfect. She first exposed her sister's growth history and social science scandal, and then stole her family's household registration book.After he came out and repeatedly declared that he wanted to break up with his sister Fang Hong, he tore up the household registration booklet with his sister's name on it.Wang Yi was surprised by Xiang Xiang's act of annihilating her relatives, and finally agreed to let her stay and work. In order to show his loyalty, Xiang Xiang announced on the spot that his name would be Wang Er“ from now on.

When Xiang Xiang left the office, he overheard that Wang Yi didn't care whether she was an undercover agent or not. As long as he could make Fang Hong unhappy, he would be happy.After Fang Hong was expelled from her sister, she was very angry. When she returned home, she and her sister looked at each other at the dinner table. Neither of them liked each other. Then she implicitly accused the other party of cheating and wasting the sister's affection.Both sisters were unconvinced and vented their anger on the chopsticks by breaking them one after another. Fang Ming saw that they were like this and there was nothing he could do.

In the days that followed, Fang Xiang tried his best to flatter Wang Yi. When he saw Wang Yi's cervical spine hurting, he immediately ran over to give him a massage. When he found that Wang was thirsty, he quickly poured water. The secretary next to Wang Yi couldn't stand it., immediately put the straw into the tea cup. Mr. Wang liked to drink water in this style. He kept the direction in mind. When he poured water for Wang Yi for the second time, he brewed a whole bucket of thirst-quenching and delicious tea, and even made a sound.The name you call ”rules the world%.Wang Yi's flattery was very effective, and during this period he kept hearing Fang Hong and Fang Fang openly arguing, and he felt even more proud, and couldn't help but regard Fang Fang as one of his own.

Wang Yi likes to do anything that makes his competitors uncomfortable.Fang Ming just felt that there was a conflict between the two sisters, but neither sister said why, so he pretended to be a water deliveryman and sneaked into Fang Hong's company. It happened that someone from the company was out after delivering water and met Fang Ming. He thought he was a colleague.He immediately pulled him out and said there was no need to send him away any more.Working as a water deliveryman was exhausting his waist, so Fang Ming thought of being a cleaner, which was safer. Unexpectedly, the toilet in the company was clogged that day. Poor Fang Ming poked more than a dozen toilets and was too tired to stand up.When he got home, Fang Ming asked his sister Fang Hong to sit down and asked what happened, but Fang Hong didn't answer.

Fang Hong approached Wang Yi to discuss asking him to fire him. Wang Yi refused directly, but would reconsider as long as Fang Hong could transfer the latest planning project to him.Wang Yi's ugly face made Fang Hong extremely indignant, but she could never give up the hard work of the entire team to the villain. Fang Hong left Wang Yi's office angrily.Seeing that his sisters were so indifferent, Fang Ming wanted to hold a family gathering to relieve the embarrassment. However, the family gathering was not successful. The two sisters refused to give in to each other and directly started to pinch each other. As a result, the family gathering ended unhappy, leaving Fang Ming behind.Ming was alone holding a photo of his wife, feeling sad.


Episode 22

Xiang Xiang invited his colleague to have dinner with him. Seeing that his colleague was already tipsy, Xiang Xiang deliberately asked her if she knew about Wang Yi's shortcomings. After fawning over her for so many days, the colleague accepted the order and went to Xiaolang's coffee shop to drink coffee for free., I went to % on the water side and took my relatives to take turns for physical therapy, but still did not provide any valuable information to the direction.Xiao Lang and Fang Ming ran to Fang Fang and complained. Xiao Lang said that all the coffee beans in the coffee shop had been eaten by Fang Fang’s colleagues. Fang Ming also lamented that his hands were cramping, and then gave him a long consumption list.Xiang Xiang was reimbursed. When he saw so much money, Xiang Xiang was also dumbfounded.

Xiang Fang pointed out to her father that she and her sister had been fighting openly and covertly during this period, but it was actually a misunderstanding. She only wanted to work at Wang Yi's place because she wanted to be an undercover agent. After Wang Yi stole the plot last time, she has been worried about him., decided to fight Wang Yi before telling her sister.In order to help with the direction, Fang Ming took Xiaolang and took a voice recorder to Wang Yi, claiming that there was a big project that needed Wang Yi to plan, and he deliberately recorded Wang Yi taking kickbacks.

When he got home, Xiang Xiang was very moved when he heard the recording. As long as the news is released publicly at tomorrow's company meeting, Wang Yi's position will be completely lost.Dreams are always beautiful. When Xiang Xiang played the recording at the meeting, Wang stood up calmly. He had already expected that Xiang Xiang had this skill and had already reported it to the general manager the night before.As a result, the next day, Wang Yi deliberately added fuel to the fire and claimed that Fang Hong's family was plotting to frame him, and he was so convincing that the general manager punished Fang Hong to go back and reflect for a week. Fang Xiang was also fired.I felt very uncomfortable.

Fang Hong apologized to her sister. It seemed that she had misunderstood her. She comforted Fang Xiang not to worry about it. They still had a plan to turn around. As long as the plan was done well, they would be able to win back the praise of the general manager and still have a foothold in the future.land.Xiang Xiang and Fang Ming worked together to help Fang Hong. Through the joint efforts of all colleagues, they finally worked all night to perfect the plan. Fang Hong was confident and presented the results to Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang was a little dissatisfied, and Wang Yi also deliberately said noCreative, not scary enough.

Xiang Xiang was discouraged, and Fang Hong told her that life was not all about making money, and doing things well was also worth trying.Although she was half-informed, Fang Fang was not a big-hearted person, nor could she be as open-minded as her sister. The plan was about to be accepted again. Fang Fang knew that Wang Yi would definitely resort to the despicable method of stealing again.So he quietly took Xiaolang and a few friends and hid in the office waiting for Wang Yi.

Late at night, Wang Yizhen ran to the company, planning to steal Fang Hong's plan, but when he walked into Fang Hong's office, he was almost frightened to death. The office window was bright during the day, but at night it became very weird and full of magic.The ghostly scream made Wang faint and never dared to steal anything again.Xiang Fang made a video of Wang Yi's immersive experience and put it online. Since then, Wang Yi's reputation has been ruined. The leader of the entire planning activity has asked Fang Hong to do it again. Wang Yi's flattery no longer works, and the leader has lost touch with him.Patiently, he was directly demoted to the cleaning position and cleaned Fang Hong's office every day.

In the workplace, no matter how good the planning is, you still need a certain degree of professional ethics and work ability. Otherwise, no matter how good you are in flattering, there will still be a day when the ship capsizes. Fang Hong works conscientiously on weekdays, does not make small moves secretly, and spends his timeIf you put your energy and energy into doing things, you will naturally be valued by your leaders, and you will be more focused and efficient at work.


Episode 23

After Xiang Xiang finished her live broadcast late at night, she casually opened a script. The content described in it was exactly the same as what happened in reality. She had just read that her father would go to her room to bring some refreshments, and Fang Ming knocked on the door. He was worried that his daughter would be malnourished after staying up late.Fang Ming immediately made pig brain and vermicelli soup to replenish her brains and vermicelli, and finally asked Fang Xiang to help him mend his socks.The direction is very strange. According to the content of the script, it also says that Li Xiang came to their house, gave flowers, and was beaten violently.

Xiang Xiang thought it was unlikely because his sister was allergic to flowers, but just after reading these words, Li Xiang brought plum blossoms to visit Fang Hong, and Xiang Xiang asked him where the flowers were.Li Xiang happily took out the artificial flowers, but was really beaten up by Fang Hong.Xiang Fang showed the script to everyone. Fang Ming and Fang Hong looked at each other in confusion. Is there such a coincidence in the world?The script said that Xiao Lang would come to their house, but a minute later, Xiao Lang's voice came from the door. Xiao Lang came to their house with a smile and said hello, saying that he ran into Fang Ming's foot washing shop and the door was not closed, so he came to remind them to remember to lock the door.Door.

Fang Hong and Fang Ming agreed that Fang Fang was lying. This was not the first time Xiao Lang had played a double act with Fang Fang. Everyone did not believe Fang Fang's script and began to wash and sleep normally.The director was caught up in a huge bizarre story. She sat on the sofa and thought about the stories that had happened these days and the contents of the script.Just five minutes later, their father and sister came out of the bedroom. They thought they had a good sleep and were refreshed. The direction reminded them that it was still 7:20 in the evening. They thought it was early morning due to the time and space shift, and the direction pointed out that it was still early morning.Most people's houses have solid suspended ceilings, but the roof of their house is hollow.

Everyone seems to be in a nightmare. Everyone does not agree that their characters are exactly the same as what happened in the script. They want to resist. They usually stand talking and walking, but now they crawl on purpose. They have to work hard for all unreasonable things.To adapt, because their lives cannot be arranged by others.The direction arranged for Fang Ming to be a baby waiting to be fed, and for himself and his sister Fang Hong to be a pair of little brothers, and then for Huanlei Lele to be their parents. After arranging the roles, everyone felt that they could adapt at first, and as life went on normally, they felt completely confused.

Lele got the phone and immediately bought herself gaming equipment. Fang Ming wanted to eat rice but had to accept milk from a bottle. It really couldn't satisfy his hunger, so Fang Ming had to pour liquor into the bottle.The direction of this all looks so great that no screenwriter would be able to write it like this.But this chaotic life hadn't lasted even a day before Fang Xiang couldn't stand it anymore.

Late at night, Xiang Xiang sat in her room and looked at the surrounding furnishings again. She was usually very familiar with these things, but now she felt that they were all fake and unfamiliar. As if she had been summoned, she couldn't help but go out and found thatThe entire room is set up with a steel frame structure and plaster decoration. Many places are artificially decorated to facilitate shooting.Fang Fang also saw the director and cameraman sitting next to the monitor. It was all so bizarre. Fang Fang asked the director what they were doing. After the director shouted “card”, he saw Fang Fang's state and thought she was not in the show.


Episode 24

Fang Hong greeted Fang Fang with a smile and called her by her nickname, “Yangti'er”. Since it was really a sitcom, Fang Fang thought about using this filming opportunity to rewrite her destiny. She went to the director to discuss how to make everyone'sThe ending was very satisfactory. The director said it was impossible at first, but when he heard that Fang Fang was going to stop the show, because the investors had named Fang Fang to play the female lead, once the show stopped, all future fees would be cancelled. The director immediately said that we could discuss it again.

When he woke up, Fang Ming stood proudly in front of his daughter. He was wearing a full bodysuit on a hot day. He happily announced that after just one night's sleep, his pedicure shop was listed on the market, and RMB was rolling in. Anyway, their family was now rich..Huanhuan and Lele put on their doctorate hats and went to announce that they had been admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University. As they said that, Huanhuan and Lele began to be fascinated by esoteric physical concepts and chemical formulas. They also said that they didn’t know what was going on. All the knowledgeThey keep stuffing it into their heads, making it difficult to refuse.

Fang Hong and Li Xiang sang "Made in Heaven" on the balcony. The two had already gone to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get their marriage certificate and officially reunited. At this time, Li Xiang fed cake to Fang Hong's mouth, looking very intimate.Xiang Xiang excitedly announced to everyone that their mother was back.Fang Hong was really surprised. She followed Fang Ming into the house and saw Aunt Ling.Xiang Fang quickly reminded his father that that was not her mother, but Aunt Ling with whom she often danced square dances. Fang Ming could no longer tell clearly. Anyway, it would be nice to have a wife.

Shang Xiaolang also came to the house to send invitations. He had found a girl who was several years older than him and was getting married now, and Shang Xiaolang seemed not to remember that he had pursued her.Xiang Fang feels that this is not what he wants, and the best destination should not be like this.She wanted the director to change the script, so she tried her best to explain to the director that it was Fang Fang who changed the script, not her. The director was very surprised by Fang Fang's recent abnormal behavior. He thought Fang Fang and Yang Ti were not the same person.

Yang Ti looked at Fang Fang, who was both strange and familiar. She walked outside alone for a long time. Fang Fang said that if the director decided to change the script and disagreed, she could stop the performance, but Fang Fang knew that she had lived in this home for many years and did not want to do it again.Leave your former home.After much thought, she felt that this sitcom was good and she was willing to continue acting.Life finally returned to normal. Fang Ming came to his daughter's room and said that the foot washing shop was not on the market and that he was deceived by a charlatan. Now the family still has enough food and clothing and no longer has a mink coat; Fang Hong also announced that she still felt that she and LiThinking that they could not live in harmony, they went through the divorce procedures again; Shang Xiaolang also regretted how he called Sister Fian from the coffee shop. He quickly ran to explain to the direction, saying that the one he loved most was always her; HuanhuanheleLe still failed the geometry test, but said they would continue to work hard.

Everything is developing according to a good trend. Xiang Xiang told fans in the live broadcast room: If life deceives you, don't be sad and don't be impatient, because sad stories will always pass.She decided to give her father a hand cream, and she often gave massages to others to make a living. Now she also wanted to be her father's little cotton-padded jacket. Her sister seemed to have everything, so she decided to press the button when she heard her nagging in the future.Be patient, stop talking back to your sister, and stay together as a family. This is the happiest life.



Total 24 Episodes Dec 23, 2022 C-Drama Comedy/Fam Actor: Fan Ming Liu Yan Yang Chaoyue