Love in the ordinary

《Love in the ordinary》

Love in the ordinary
  • Reg:
  • No. Ep:
    Total 30 Episodes
  • Ep Duration:
  • Premiere:
    Aug 17, 2024
  • Genre:
  • Plat:
  • Update:
    VIP members are updated at 24:00 every day, and non-members are updated at 24:00 the next day.
  • Synopsis:
    Qu Xiaohe, who retired from the national sports team and returned to his hometown, accidentally witnessed a serious pollution accident in his fiancé Wan Jiaming's factory. As a re ...

《Love in the ordinary》 Summ

Qu Xiaohe, who retired from the national sports team and returned to his hometown, accidentally witnessed a serious pollution accident in his fiancé Wan Jiaming's factory. As a result, he was involved in a conflict with his husband's Wancheng Group. His marriage was frustrated, and a children's clothing expo followed.Suspension, exposure of counterfeit brands and black-hearted cotton, fire in “Three-in-One Factory” and other emergencies made her see clearly the crisis hidden behind the prosperity of Zhinu Town. With the support of Ling Huayu, Xia Zhengyang and others, sheHe gave up his personal interests and stayed in Zhinu Town to become the deputy mayor responsible for grassroots governance.

During the eight-year difficult years, she endured the heavy pressure and frame-ups set by the mayor Zheng Liangqi and the double-faced man Xu Kang, and persisted in taking root in the grassroots community. Together with a group of like-minded people such as Wang Shuwen and Qi Meili, she has sinceStarting from the most ordinary little things, she created a safe and beautiful home for the people, and helped tens of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises embark on a new path of Phoenix Nirvana. Her love with Wan Jiaming was also amidst the ups and downs of life.Withstood the test.

《Love in the ordinary》Stills

《Love in the ordinary》Ep Summ

《Love in the ordinary》Related Info

《The Wind Rises in South Taihu Lake》 is a TV series based on the development achievements and social governance experience of Zhili Town’s reform and opening up. It was launched in Zhili Town on June 16, 2020.

《Love in the ordinary》 is a large-scale TV series with realistic themes that reflects the transformation of grassroots society from chaos to governance under the guidance of party building work. It artistically demonstrates the strong sense of responsibility and professionalism of outstanding grassroots party members and cadres and their ordinary love for the people.

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