

Who is Feike?
  • Reg:
  • No. Ep:
    Total 10 Episodes
  • Ep Duration:
  • Premiere:
    May 06, 2024
  • Genre:
  • Plat:
  • Actor:
  • Update:
    At 18:00 on May 6th, Youku members will be updated with 3 episodes for the first time, for 4 consecutive days, and then 1 episode will be updated from Monday to Thursday; SVIP can watch the feature film 6 hours in advance on each update day
  • Synopsis:
    Female reporter He Shan was invited to attend Fe Ke's memorial service, and five strangers were also invited. They all had an unknown past with Fe Ke, but they discovered that the ...

《Regeneration》 Summ

Female reporter He Shan was invited to attend Fe Ke's memorial service, and five strangers were also invited. They all had an unknown past with Fe Ke, but they discovered that the Fe Ke they knew was not the same person.Who is Feike?Everyone started looking back and gradually revealed the truth about Feike.


《Regeneration》Character Info


《Regeneration》Ep Summ


At 18:00 on May 6th, Youku members will be updated with 3 episodes for the first time, for 4 consecutive days, and then 1 episode will be updated from Monday to Thursday; SVIP can watch the feature film 6 hours in advance on each update day

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