《City of the City》Ep Intro

Based on the novel of the same name by Teng Xiaolan, winner of the Lu Xun Literature Award, it tells the story of two generations of financial people facing the financial crisis and constantly making choices between their career bottom line and monetary interests. It is presented with group portraits of senior executives and ordinary employees in the financial industry.The broad reality is represented as the main theme.

It's graduation season again in Shanghai's Lujiazui Financial City. Tao Wuji, a young man from a small town, was admitted to the Binjiang Branch of Shenmao Bank and started working as a teller at the lowest level. His girlfriend Tian Xiaohui, a Shanghai girl, entered a trust company under the introduction of her cousin..

The two agreed to develop their ambitions in the financial industry and strive to establish themselves in Shanghai and start a family as soon as possible.Tao Wuji was diligent and hard-working and stood out. He was favored by branch president Zhao Hui and audit director Miao Che and was carefully cultivated. He gradually found the meaning and direction of his work in the bank.

After Xiaohui entered Trust Capital, she struggled to survive. Step by step, she found that in this world of money, the two of them faced various challenges, choices, and tests.On the other side, Tao Wuji's spiritual mentor Zhao Hui made one mistake after another in the face of interests, temptations, and favors, and fell deeper and deeper into the quagmire.Miao Che, the head of the branch's audit department, is upright and resists pressure from all parties to investigate Zhao Hui, an old classmate and colleague.

Two generations of financial professionals, Wuji Xiaohui and Zhao Hui Miaoche, experience career choices and destiny ups and downs in the city. Faced with temptations and dilemmas, they need to make choices again and again. Should they follow the trend?Or should we not forget our original intention and start well and end well?

《City of the City》E1Plot

Episode 1

City of the City Episode 1 Plot Introduction: Dai Qiye died in a car accident

Tao Wuji is a junior teller at the Binjiang branch of Mao Bank. He works hard with his girlfriend Tian Xiaohui, hoping to get ahead in the financial industry and marry him.

At the bank's job mobilization meeting, Vice President Zhao Hui took the stage to speak about the importance of finance and the responsibilities of bankers. Tao Wuji listened carefully and was deeply moved.

After the mobilization meeting, Zhao Hui was approached by President Dai Qiye to talk. Zhao Hui learned that Jiaxiang Holding Group wanted to use bank money to bail out the market. He believed that the risks were too high and could lead to problems, so he persuaded Dai Qiye not to participate.

Faced with Zhao Hui's advice, Dai Qiye believed that Jiaxiang Group was a national industry and was now being suppressed by foreign capital. Regardless of the outcome, he decided to help Jiaxiang Group.

Dai Qiye made the call after Zhao Hui left.

In order to enter the property department, Tao Wuji originally wanted to fight for Dai Qiye, who had praised him, but he passed by Dai Qiye.

On the other side, Tian Xiaohui participated in a job interview but failed.

When Zhao Hui first entered the industry, Dai Qiye had been helping him, so he always regarded Dai Qiye as his master. After learning about the continuous decline in Jiaxiang's stock price, he immediately contacted Dai Qiye to remind him.Dai Qiye learned that Zhao Hui was sincere and was grateful for his concern, but he also believed that his friend Cao Jiaxiang could turn the tide.

Zhao Hui and Miao Che learned about the situation on the phone, and Miao Che persuaded Zhao Hui to persuade Dai Qiye to stay.

Afterwards, Zhao Hui contacted Dai Qiye again, and the two talked a lot about the five dangers of the financial industry.

When Dai Qiye was driving home at night, he got into a car accident because he was distracted by Jiaxiang's broadcast. The person and the car rolled off the highway bridge.

The next day, Xie Zhiyuan contacted Dai Qiye on the way to kindergarten with his wife Shen Jing, but no one answered.

In the bank bathroom, Tao Wuji met Zhao Hui by chance and expressed his feelings about the appointment. Suddenly someone came to tell Dai Qiye that he had a car accident.

Dai Qiye died in a car accident, and his wife Ouyang suffered a heart attack and was sent to the hospital in a coma. Faced with the Discipline Inspection Commission of the head office who came to understand the situation, he still believed in Dai Qiye.

Dai Qiye's students Zhao Hui and Xie Zhiyuan were saddened by Dai Qiye's accident. Tao Wuji brought flowers to the scene of Dai Qiye's accident to commemorate him.

《City of the City》E2Plot

Episode 2

City of the City Episode 2 Plot Introduction: Everyone mourns Dai Qiye

“Sunshine Project” stalled after Dai Qiye died in a car accident. Public opinion pointed out that Dai Qiye committed suicide out of fear of crime.Su Jianren, a student of Dai Qiye, was dissatisfied with everyone's wild speculations and slanders about Dai Qiye at the meeting. He quarreled with everyone. The situation got out of hand and the meeting ended hastily.

Zhao Hui's wife Li Ying died young, and he has been dependent on his daughter Zhao Rui. However, Zhao Rui suffers from eye disease, and his poor condition makes him even more troubled.

Xie Zhiyuan has been in a bad mood. Shen Jing noticed the situation and was worried that Xie Zhiyuan was involved, but Xie Zhiyuan denied it on the spot.

Shen Jing was absent from Dai Qiye's memorial service. Ouyang thanked everyone and talked to Dai Qiye's protégé after the memorial service, giving kind words to everyone and persuading him not to break the law or discipline.

After the funeral, Zhao Hui met Zhou Lin, who looked similar to Li Ying. Xie Zhiyuan wanted to help Zhao Hui build a bridge for the two to get acquainted, but Zhao Hui refused.

The four of Zhao Hui had dinner together. During this period, Zhao Hui remained unmoved by Xie Zhiyuan's various attempts to please him in order to get him to approve the work.

After the meal, Su Jianren and Xie Zhiyuan left together. The two arranged verbal arrangements between Zhao Hui and Miao Che in the car, during which Xie Zhiyuan continued to praise Su Jianren.

On the other side, Zhao Hui and Miao Che left in a car. Miao Che heard the drunken Zhao Hui mention Dai Qiye's death, suspected it was related to Jiaxiang, and promised to help find the time to investigate Dai Qiye.

At the same time, Cao Jiaxiang knelt down in his office and cried bitterly.

The bank issued a job appointment notice, and Cheng Jiayuan became one of the two places, which aroused everyone's doubts. Tao Wuji, who failed again, was disappointed and sent his friend to the public office. During the period, Cheng Jiayuan apologized, and Tao Wuji comforted him.

Cheng Jiayuan's resume did not impress Su Jianren, so Su Jianren handed it over to Lao Ma and then told Cheng Jiayuan to work hard to prove himself.

After learning that Tian Xiaohui had not found a job, Tian's mother took her to find relatives to help introduce jobs.

Tian Xiaohui was brought to meet her cousin Shen Jing, and the two hit it off. However, Tian's mother and Shen's mother had a conflict. Only then did Tian Xiaohui know her relationship with Shen Jing.

《City of the City》E3Plot

Episode 3

City of the City Episode 3 Plot Introduction: Tao Wuji is appreciated by Zhao Hui

Tao Wuji, Cheng Jiayuan and Hu Yue were colleagues and friends in the bank during the epidemic. Cheng Jiayuan's entry into the public office was arranged by his family. After he explained to Tao Wuji, he heard Tao Wuji ask about Dai Qiye and told him that the bank was investigating Dai Qiye.No loss to the bank was found.

But no matter what the outcome, Tao Wuji firmly believed that Dai Qiye was a good person, and he was also full of curiosity about Zhao Hui.Cheng Jiayuan said that Zhao Hui's ability is very famous in the domestic banking industry. He has successfully introduced dozens of large projects for Shenzhen Mao Bank. The most amazing thing is that he served as the branch manager at the age of 35 without any background.Vice President.

Shen Jing was unable to obtain information about Xie Zhiyuan from the president's secretary Amy, so she set her sights on Tian Xiaohui and introduced her to work at Yuanzhou Trust. She became her eyeliner in the company, keeping an eye on Xie Zhiyuan's every move for herself.A move.Under Shen Jing's arrangement, Tian Xiaohui came to Yuanzhou Trust to report, and happened to meet the president Xie Zhiyuan to hold a meeting with everyone.

Amy took Tian Xiaohui to visit the company, arranged a new job for her, and informed her of work matters.On the same day, Tian Xiaohui went to the branch to handle the salary card business and specifically chose Tao Wuji's window.Due to restrictions in public places, the two could not openly show their affection, so they took the opportunity of signing orders to convey their love words on paper.Hu Yue saw this scene and became jealous.

After Dai Qiye's accident, Gu Shen, vice president of Shenmao Bank's head office, was temporarily transferred to guide the work and suggested that Zhao Hui seize the opportunity to take over Dai Qiye's position.Zhao Hui was very grateful for Gu Shen's support and promised not to let him down.However, other branch heads were skeptical of the sunshine plan proposed by Zhao Hui. Zhao Hui felt that he was single and weak. Remembering Gu Shen's advice, he decided to set up his own management team and boldly recruit new people.

Later, Zhao Hui came to the front desk with a stack of documents in hand. On the pretext of calculating the financial reports of the company applying for the loan, he actually examined which talents were worthy of reuse.Most people either didn't see the problem after doing the calculations, or they saw the problem and didn't dare to question it. Only Tao Wuji dared to point out in public that a company increased sales revenue by falsely issuing value-added tax invoices, and he keenly discovered the problem of hidden liabilities.Then asked for further verification.

Sure enough, Tao Wuji's ability caught Zhao Hui's attention, and he called him into the office alone. After briefly asking about the situation, he directly explained the tasks to be assigned to him.Zhao Hui asked Tao Wuji to investigate the financial statements of the other five companies in the Sunshine Plan, including repayment capabilities, assets and liabilities, and operational management, and asked him to find out whether there were any problems without affecting his work and exposure.Fraudulent situation.

Tao Wuji was very happy to get Zhao Hui's respect, but he was also curious about why he chose him.Zhao Hui admitted that the relationship between various departments is complicated, so a new person without background and connections is needed to ensure fair verification.After understanding Zhao Hui's intention, Tao Wuji wanted to take out the recommendation slip, but hesitated and handed over his business card.

Tian Xiaohui thanked Shen Jing for introducing her to a job and bought a brand-name watch as a gift.However, Shen Jing bluntly asked her to pay attention to Xie Zhiyuan's dealings with Jiaxiang Industrial and help find out the identity of the owner of the long red hair. Both company employees and customers must report truthfully.

Originally Honda Xiaohui didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing, but Shen Jing promised that as long as she knew Xie Zhiyuan's movements, she could soon replace Secretary Dong's position.Tian Xiaohui is caught in a tangle between work and morality, and the rental landlord's weird operations also make her feel suffocated. She hopes to own her own house in Shanghai in the future.After careful consideration, Tian Xiaohui finally agreed to Shen Jing's conditions. While working diligently, she also began to pay attention to the female employees or customers around her.

When Zhao Hui passed by the office, he found that Tao Wuji was still working overtime to check information. After he discovered that there were problems with the companies under the Gosbul Group, he followed Zhao Hui's suggestion and entered the factory disguised as a worker to videotape and take photos.During this period, Tao Wuji was discovered, and he jumped into the river in desperation to save the evidence.His father came to Shanghai to visit Tao Wuji and brought large and small bags of specialties from his hometown. After Tao Wuji carried his father into the house, Tao's father complained a little about this rental house the size of a birdcage.

The teacher called Zhao Hui and told him that Zhao Rui was in a bad mood and left early after only one class.Zhao Hui knew that Zhao Rui would go to his friend Wu Xianlong's house every time he was in a bad mood. Sure enough, he saw his daughter and Wu Xianlong's son playing games together. The two were talking and laughing, but when he saw Zhao Hui, Zhao Rui's attitude immediately changed.Became indifferent.

《City of the City》E4Plot

Episode 4

City of the City Episode 4 Plot Introduction: Miao Che learns the truth about Dai Qiye’s car accident

Zhao Hui's daughter Zhao Rui was diagnosed with primary retinitis pigmentosa, which cannot be treated in China. Zhao Hui learned through Miao Che's ex-wife Ma Li that new American technology could treat Zhao Rui, but he could not bear the high cost and risk.

Wu Xianlong, the boss of Junlong Real Estate, persuaded Zhao Hui not to give up treatment because of money, and wanted to connect with Xie Zhiyuan through him to solve the company's capital turnover problem.Although Zhao Hui hesitated, he still agreed to help and personally called Xie Zhiyuan to arrange a meeting.In order to sell favors to Zhao Hui, Xie Zhiyuan readily cooperated with Wu Xianlong.

Early the next morning, Zhao Hui watched the video evidence that Tao Wuji secretly recorded and initially judged that Gauss Bull had committed fraud.However, Tao Wuji ignored the company’s background and upstream and downstream relationships during the investigation, which put them at risk of being rejected again based on the existing materials.

In order to obtain more evidence, Tao Wuji disguised himself as a hotel waiter and entered the private room, taking advantage of the opportunity of pouring water to film the conversation.Surprisingly, he discovered that Su Jianren was also involved.Fortunately, Tao Wuji was wearing a mask and was not recognized by Su Jianren.The next day, he skillfully avoided Su Jianren's alertness in the bank lobby and lied that he had accompanied Cheng Jiayuan to report to the department, thereby eliminating the other party's doubts.

Tao Wuji organized the photos and handed them to Zhao Hui, and revealed that Su Jianren attended the dinner.Zhao Hui asked Tao Wuji to delete the part of the video where Su Jianren appeared, which puzzled Tao Wuji. He said that he only wanted to promote the Sunshine Project and provide suitable loans to companies, rather than engage in the auditing industry.Even if such an illegal inspection is exposed, it is at best an insignificant warning, without any value or significance, and may even create enemies for itself.

In Zhao Hui's view, even if Tao Wuji wants to stick to his principles, he must at least wait until the right time.Zhao Hui hoped that Tao Wuji could deeply understand the rules inside, but Tao Wuji was greatly shocked by this incident and ran to the roof of the building alone in a daze, unable to calm down for a long time.It happened that Master Bai Yu came to the top floor. Tao Wuji saw her eyes were red and her wrist was injured. After questioning, he learned that she had suffered domestic violence. He wanted to get an explanation for her, but Bai Yu stopped him.

While Miao Che was busy with the divorce mess, he also had to investigate the truth about Dai Qiye's accident for Zhao Hui.It turns out that on the night of the incident, the share price of Jiaxiang Industrial fell to the bottom on the New York Stock Exchange. Three days ago, a billion in financial management funds flowed into the account of the BVI company in the name of the government industrial fund, and Cao Jiaxiang was working under Xie Zhiyuan and Dai Qiye.With the help of others, the funds were used to play games with overseas capital.

During that period, Jiaxiang Industrial encountered malicious short-selling overseas. In order to stabilize the stock price, it sought support from various sources to increase its holdings. Unfortunately, it encountered bloodthirsty international investment banks. A slight mistake may cause the equity to fall into the hands of overseas capital, endangering the entire industry.Industry market share.Since Cao Jiaxiang and Dai Qiye have had a profound friendship for more than 20 years, and they are high-quality private enterprises that Dai Qiye has always supported, at a critical moment, he would not hesitate to help despite serious violations.

However, a coup occurred in a small South American country that night, resulting in the inability to transport the mine resources that Jiaxiang Industry urgently needed. Short sellers on Wall Street took this opportunity to launch a massive attack, and everyone predicted that a stock crash was inevitable.It was precisely because Dai Qiye listened to the radio broadcast that he could not accept such a result, which eventually led to the car accident.

What is unexpected is that at the same time as Dai Qiye's accident, Cao Jiaxiang finally solved the transportation problem of raw materials in South America.Coupled with the last-ditch effort of that capital, the stock price unexpectedly experienced a shocking reversal.The short position was liquidated, Jiaxiang Company came back from the dead and became the king of the industry, and quickly and silently filled the bank's capital hole, all within a few minutes.

Miao Che lamented that fate played tricks on people and stopped Zhao Hui's urge to report Xie Zhiyuan. Once things got serious, Dai Qiye's death might become an indelible stain.Faced with the choice between justice and humanity, Zhao Hui fell into a dilemma. He looked at the young people chatting and laughing at the next table, and missed the lost youth and lost innocence with Miao Che.

Manager Wang took Tian Xiaohui to meet the client and was furious because she filled in the numbers on the contract without authorization.But later he found that the numbers she filled in were completely accurate, which made him change his mind about Tian Xiaohui.After Xie Zhiyuan learned that Manager Wang had promoted the cooperation, he arranged for him to take Zhou Lin to meet Su Jianren to discuss project approval.Originally, Su Jianren had many refusals, but as soon as he saw Zhou Lin, he immediately became proactive.

Cheng Jiayuan was filled with disdain when he saw Su Jianren's flattery, and deliberately knocked over the coffee and splashed it all over him, making Su Jianren furious.After get off work, Tao Wuji took Cheng Jiayuan home for dinner. Unexpectedly, his university senior brother Jiang Rui also came to Shanghai.Tao's father prepared the meal, and the four of them sat around the dining table and chatted.After drinking some wine, Cheng Jiayuan began to pour out his heart, revealing the father-son relationship between him and Su Jianren.However, Su Jianren fooled around all day long and was not responsible for his family and children, so his mother and Su Jianren divorced.

《City of the City》E5Plot

Episode 5

City of the City Episode 5 Synopsis: Zhou Lin moves next door to Zhao Hui to create a chance encounter

Zhao Hui came to Huci Hospital to visit Teacher Ouyang and found that Xie Zhiyuan was also in the ward.Ever since Zhao Hui found out about what Xie Zhiyuan had done, his attitude towards him had changed a lot, and he even spoke with a gun and a stick.Teacher Ouyang was pleased that Zhao Hui was a good child, and was even more sorry that Li Ying passed away early. He persuaded Zhao Hui that it was time to let go. Life is short and he should find a suitable partner to spend the rest of his life with.

After leaving the hospital, Xie Zhiyuan was also chatting beside him that Zhao Hui should let go of Li Ying and start his life again.But Zhao Hui completely ignored Xie Zhiyuan's words and asked him why he gave Teacher Ouyang money, suspecting that he had bad intentions.Xie Zhiyuan got to know his beloved teacher and once again proposed to cooperate with Zhao Hui. As the president of his bank and the boss of his own trust company, there was no gold mountain that could not be conquered by joining forces.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Hui's anger suddenly broke out, and he scolded him for making money and hurting the teacher, eating people without spitting out their bones, and now he still had the nerve to pretend that Dai Bin was a good person.Although Xie Zhiyuan wanted to excuse himself, Zhao Hui turned around and left after scolding him, and the relationship between the two reached an irreparable point.

Zhou Lin saw this scene in the car and became increasingly curious about Zhao Hui.Xie Zhiyuan talked about Li Ying's story, and he believed that Zhao Hui had the best chance of being promoted to the president of the Hai Branch, so he wanted to use Zhou Lin's beauty trap to win over Zhao Hui.For this reason, Zhou Lin asked Xie Zhiyuan to rent a house for her opposite Zhao Hui's house. She had her own way to create opportunities for contact. Xie Zhiyuan promised that as long as Zhou Lin's plan was successful, she would be responsible for the mortgage in her hometown.

In the company, Amy became hostile towards Tian Xiaohui and revealed that she was here to keep an eye on Xie Zhiyuan for Shen Jing. She was also promised her position by Shen Jing. The implication was that she would follow her own path sooner or later.They will be replaced by new people in the future.Because of Amy's words, Tian Xiaohui was a little discouraged. Before, she was confident that she could take care of both ends, but now it seems that it is difficult to submit a petition or not.Tao Wuji comforted Tian Xiaohui that there was no need to feel wronged, but Xiaohui still hoped to make a lot of money in the business department of a trust company.

At the counter, Tao Wuji saw a grandmother standing in the lobby with a confused look, so he took the initiative to ask her what business she wanted to handle. He learned that she had forgotten to bring her ID card, and seeing that the grandmother was not in good condition, he decided to leave her phone number and address, and planned toHelp her apply for door-to-door processing.On the other hand, during the bank's senior management meeting, Song Xing, who is in charge of human resources at the head office, announced on the spot that the selection of leading financial talents has reached a critical moment, and those who can win the honor will represent the head office in this year's International Financial Investment and Wealth Management Forum.

Because the list will be announced soon, everyone is paying close attention to it. Song Xing attaches great importance to Zhao Hui and invites him to have a meal tomorrow.Before Su Jianren took Zhao Hui to the dinner, he reminded Zhao Hui not to screw up and revealed that President Song wanted to talk to him about Gauspur. Zhao Hui looked solemn after hearing this and immediately called Song Xing to handle the hospitalization procedures for his daughter.He excused himself from the meal.

As a result, Su Jianren hated Zhao Hui and was very dissatisfied with his high-handed attitude. If he really wanted to be spotless for the rest of his life, he would have to stay at the bottom and become Ah Q.The two people had completely different views and broke up after an argument.

Colleagues were all worried about performance issues. When they saw their supervisor Zhu Qiang, they were like a mouse seeing a cat. They all avoided him. Only Tao Wuji remained humble and treated him with a normal heart.Zhu Qiang pretended to be mysterious and shared the method of increasing his performance, saying that he could introduce him to rich friends. It would be no problem to buy 20 to 30 million at a time. He would deposit it before the time limit and the time point assessment would be completed.The money was transferred within three days, and he paid it three-and-a-half cents in interest.

Later, Tao Wuji came to the house to apply for a card for grandma, and recommended some financial products to her.As he was talking, he suddenly heard the noise outside. Tao Wuji and his grandma went out to take a look and found that it was the neighbor's grandma who wanted to buy some high-risk and high-return products, but was blocked by her son.Tao Wuji showed up and told them that these products were likely to be a hit, and persuaded them to look for banks if they really wanted to invest and manage money. Sure enough, both grandmothers chose to believe Tao Wuji.

Zhou Lin moved next door to Zhao Hui and found an opportunity to meet Zhao Rui. When she fell, she appeared, took the initiative to bandage her wound, and helped her upstairs.Zhao Rui noticed that Zhou Lin looked exactly like her mother and was very surprised. She waited until Zhao Hui came back to mention it to him.Zhao Hui washed the silk scarf and returned it to Zhou Lin, and Zhou Lin was confident that she could deal with the other party quickly.

His father was about to return to his hometown. Before leaving, he followed Tao Wuji to the Huangpu River to relax, and persuaded Tao Wuji to consider getting married as soon as possible.Tian Xiaohui went home with Wu Gui in her arms and almost had a misunderstanding when she found Tao's father who had just come out of the sanitary napkin.Tao Wuji received a text message from his girlfriend and rushed back in a hurry. Unexpectedly, his girlfriend and his father were talking and laughing, which finally made him relieved.

《City of the City》E6Plot

Episode 6

City of the City episode 6 plot preview: Zhou Lin rejects Su Jianren’s confession

Su Jianren asked Xie Zhiyuan to help make an appointment with Zhou Lin, so Xie Zhiyuan personally sent Zhou Lin to a high-end restaurant. Tian Xiaohui took a picture of the two walking together and sent it to Shen Jing.On the other side, Su Jianren confessed to Zhou Lin with a rose in hand, making it clear that he was sincere to her and hoped that Zhou Lin could accept it.However, Zhou Lin persuaded Su Jianren to calm down and stood up to leave. Before she could go out, she saw Shen Jing breaking in through the door.

Tao Wuji shared his work affairs with his girlfriend and said that he took her to Tianmu Securities Company to open an account today. Tianmu also asked when he and Tian Xiaohui would get married.But Tian Xiaohui's focus was not on getting married, but on getting angry and accusing him of not doing so. Her parents quarreled every day because of stock trading.

《City of the City》E7Plot

Episode 7

City of the City Episode 7 Plot Introduction: Tao Wuji joins the public service

Tao Wuji has been publicizing in the community to improve his performance, but it has no effect. His supervisor suggested buying deposits to make up for it. He believed that this method would only make people disappointed at work, so he immediately rejected it.

Because he had a conflict with someone from a scam company in the community, Tao Wuji was suddenly accused of hurting others.Tao Wuji explained the cause and effect to the police who came to understand the situation. The police insisted on transferring surveillance. Unexpectedly, after hearing the news, the uncles and aunts came to testify for Tao Wuji one after another to prove his innocence. Not only did they personally send banners, but they alsoYou need to apply for a large deposit certificate from him.

Zhao Hui was very pleased to learn about this and ordered his assistant to notify the personnel transfer as usual.At this time, the hospital called to inform them that there was a drug clinical trial, and Zhao Rui happened to be selected as a volunteer for the latest clinical plan. The treatment fee was exempted, and Zhao Hui only had to pay for his own accommodation and nursing expenses.Zhao Hui then signed a contract with Dr. Carl's assistant Kailin, promising to keep the matter confidential and return all the money raised to the accounts of Miao Che and Ma Li.

Before leaving get off work, the HR manager came to announce that because President Zhao personally called out Tao Wuji's achievements for the smooth progress of the Sunshine Project, he decided to transfer him to the corporate business department.After hearing this, everyone applauded and congratulated. Tao Wuji was filled with joy and told Tian Xiaohui the good news. The two planned to cook tonight to celebrate.

On the other hand, Tian Xiaohui received a call from Zemu Headhunting Company. The other party knew that she was looking for a job recently, so they recommended her to Junlong Real Estate.In addition, Tian Xiaohui found that the email from the headhunter actually contained a list of frequently asked questions for Junlong interviews. The more appropriate answers were listed below, which made her feel incredible.

The next morning, Tao Wuji came to the corporate business department to report. This made Cheng Jiayuan very happy and couldn't wait to ask him about Hu Yue. He obviously wanted to see her but didn't dare to ask her alone.Cheng Jiayuan mustered up the courage to go to Hu Yue during his lunch break and bought her a gold necklace hidden in the ice cream, but his colleagues discovered it before it reached Hu Yue's hands.Colleagues teased the two of them to be together, which made Hu Yue feel very embarrassed and immediately said that she already had someone she liked.

Soon the hospital arranged a basic physical examination for Zhao Rui, while Zhao Hui went to the nursing station to receive an invitation letter to apply for a medical visa. He unexpectedly learned that there was no clinical trial plan at all, and someone had already paid him 8 million for the initial operation fee., the payment voucher clearly states the payer He Xiaoshun.On the way back, Zhao Rui was still immersed in the joy just now, but the more she acted like this, the heavier Zhao Hui felt.

Honda Xiaohui originally thought that she joined Junlong Real Estate based on her strength, and even went out for a big meal with Tao Wuji. It was not until Shen Jing appeared that she realized that she got the job thanks to Shen Jing's help.As a result, Tian Xiaohui's joy disappeared and she wanted to know what Shen Jing's conditions were for helping her. Shen Jing said that sisters don't need to be so open-minded.

Zhao Hui found out that Wu Xianlong secretly paid the surgery fee, and took the initiative to contact the other party, insisting that he give him his bank account number.Wu Xianlong told him that he didn't have to be in such a hurry to repay it. He should just lend it to him and just pay the interest on the debt note first. He would help him regardless of whether he was the president or not.However, Zhao Hui emphasized that ever since he entered this industry, he has followed the golden mean in many things, just to balance various relationships, but he has never dared to go beyond collecting money. He has never done so in the past, and will never do so in the future.There will be.

Zhou Lin heard Zhao Hui's conversation from the balcony next door, and felt mixed emotions in her heart.When Zhao Hui came home that night, he found Zhou Lin helping his daughter make rice dumplings. This scene reminded him of his wife and he couldn't help but froze in place.Zhou Lin heard the voice and turned around to see Zhao Hui. She quickly stood up and left, but she had a small problem when putting on high heels. Seeing this, Zhao Hui stepped forward to help her put on the high heels, which made Zhao Rui unable to hide her smile.

Since being rejected by Hu Yue, Cheng Jiayuan has always been depressed.Su Jianren convened a meeting with everyone. At the meeting, he emphasized the importance of maintaining customers, distributed loans from technology companies in the Sunshine Plan, and told everyone to remember to invest less and follow the trend.Tao Wuji didn't agree with Su Jianren's words. He felt that these technology companies had difficult development but had a promising future, and they should pay more attention to them. Su Jianren asked him and Cheng Jiayuan to be responsible for all current projects.

Wu Xiaofei, the boss of Junlong Real Estate, had a quarrel with Director Chen over project funding. As a new employee, Tian Xiaohui could only minimize her presence, but she still attracted Wu Xiaofei's attention.At the same time, Shenmao Bank was involved in a bank card information leakage incident, causing hundreds of customers to lose tens of millions.

《City of the City》E8Plot

Episode 8

City of the City Episode 8 Plot Introduction: Bai Yu failed to commit suicide by jumping off a building

At Shenmao Bank, the police came to interview the counter employees for investigation. Since most of the customer information was leaked, Tao Wuji's master Bai Jue was at work, so Bai Jue became the biggest suspect.

Because Bai Yu was questioned and wanted to jump off the building due to the pressure, everyone rushed to the rooftop to persuade her to calm down.Tao Wuji used the excuse of delivering coffee to convey to Bai Yu that Zhu Qiang was the traitor. Bai Yu suddenly realized that he identified Zhu Qiang in public.However, Zhu Qiang argued so hard that Bai Yu was so excited that she almost fell off the building. At the critical moment, Tao Wuji rushed up to grab Bai Yu and finally rescued her.

Junlong Real Estate obtained a loan from Legg Mason Bank for its Swan Island project. According to the agreement, the funds needed to be earmarked for special use. Shen Jing revealed to Tian Xiaohui the inside information that Legg Mason Bank would conduct a surprise audit tomorrow.Tian Xiaohui immediately reported it to Wu Xiaofei. Although her words were dubious, Wu Xiaofei, just in case, informed the entire department to work overtime overnight to fill in the holes for misappropriated loans.

Miao Che and Zhao Hui then interviewed Tao Wuji in the conference room and asked him to tell him everything he knew.Tao Wuji knew that he could not hide it from Miao Che, so he had to deal with it honestly, revealing that Zhu Qiang had always been very strict with their counter discipline requirements, until Bai Yu was currently breastfeeding and would often go to the toilet, but instead of being serious about leaving the counter, Tao Wuji, and even actively work for Bai Yu, sometimes playing with things on Bai Yu's desk.

After get off work, Tao Wuji sent a message to his girlfriend and learned that she was very busy now, so he stopped disturbing her.Colleagues in the company worked all night long, and no one from Legg Mason showed up in the morning. They complained a lot about Tian Xiaohui. Even Director Chen publicly reprimanded her for seeking quick success and instant gain, and ordered her to resign voluntarily.

Tian Xiaohui felt aggrieved, packed her things and walked out of the company in tears. Unexpectedly, people from Legg Mason Bank showed up at the same time. Wu Xiaofei hurriedly caught up with Tian Xiaohui to persuade her to stay, and even invited everyone to dinner that night.Suddenly, Tian Xiaohui became a great benefactor in the company. Everyone had a changed view of her and no longer dared to despise her.

When Tao Wuji was eating at a street restaurant, he accidentally met Zhao Hui and started chatting with his tablemate.Zhao Hui learned that Su Jianren had given most of the customers involved in the Sunshine Project to Tao Wuji and Cheng Jiayuan, and told him that it was actually a good thing. If he could use this as a starting point to form an industry team in the public relations department as soon as possible, because theyThere is now a great need to promote industry finance.

In order to let Tao Wuji understand the meaning of industry finance, Zhao Hui gave a more detailed explanation. As long as he accumulates knowledge about related industries to avoid risks, he can then find the pain points of their development through understanding of this industry., in other words, discovering business opportunities.Tao Wuji was deeply inspired and was very happy that Zhao Hui could teach him so much. Tian Xiaohui never thought that a big bank president like him could be so approachable in an ordinary restaurant.

Soon the police found a large amount of customer information in Zhu Qiang's computer that would not be deleted in the future. Now Miao Che personally went to investigate his other violations, which meant that Tao Wuji's guess was correct and Bai Yu was indeed wronged.Su Jianren was not very optimistic about Tao Wuji and privately reminded Cheng Jiayuan not to follow Tao Wuji, but Cheng Jiayuan didn't care about his advice at all.The two of them went on a business trip to attend Dr. Xia's lecture. Although there were relatively few people, Tao Wuji thought that there were many industry leaders present.

《City of the City》E9Plot

Episode 9

City of the City episode 9 plot preview: Zhao Hui recognizes Zhou Lin as his wife

Regarding the application submitted by Tao Wuji, Su Jianren said that he could not approve it. Unless they could successfully recover the money from themselves, then there must be no problem, and the credit still belongs to him and Cheng Jiayuan.But Su Jianren reminded Tao Wuji that if there was a problem with the payment, he, the so-called financial expert, might be held responsible.

Zhao Hui has decided to sell the house because he needs to treat his daughter Zhao Rui.That night, Zhao Hui was very drunk. Zhao Rui had no choice but to ask Zhou Lin to help his father back to his room.Zhao Hui looked at Zhou Lin drunkenly, mistaking him for his wife Li Ying, and cried that the family house was about to be saved, which made Zhou Lin feel very distressed.

《City of the City》E10Plot

Episode 10

City of the City episode 10 plot preview: Zhao Hui comes to visit Wu Xianlong in the hospital

Tao Wuji and Cheng Jiayuan went to some companies to ask for accounts, but the other party refused to pay them, saying that they had used them to pay off debts and now they had no money at all.And Tao Wuji reminded the boss of the company that if anyone came to press for payment at this time, he had tens of millions of equity investments. According to the gambling terms in the agreement, these people could give up their equity and demand payment from him.If he really fails to pay, the defendant will probably go bankrupt when he goes to court.

Zhao Hui went to the hospital to visit Wu Xianlong in person. Unexpectedly, Wu Xianlong prepared a bank card and said that it was money for Zhao Rui's treatment.Zhao Hui refused to accept the card, but Wu Xianlong insisted on accepting it, saying that he was Zhao Rui's godfather and that he really hoped that his child could cure his eyes without any selfish motives.

《City of the City》E11Plot

Episode 11

City of the City Episode 11 Plot Preview: Zhao Hui’s white shirt is dusty

Zhou Lin still has to pay off the mortgage in her hometown, and she also wants to bring her son to live in Shanghai, so Xie Zhiyuan is obviously very aware of how stressful she is.Xie Zhiyuan used this as a lever and told Zhou Lin that as long as she could hold Zhao Hui firmly, these so-called pressures would not be a problem at all.

Su Jianren knew that Zhao Hui was an upright man and cherished his white shirt very much, but in his opinion, it had been more than 20 years since Zhao Hui graduated. How could this white shirt not be dusty, as long as it was generally lookable?.However, Zhao Hui took out the dirty clothes and washed and ironed them. Su Jianren hoped that Zhao Hui could face the dust on his shirt.After get off work, Zhao Hui gave Tao Wuji a ride. Tao Wuji said that his biggest dream was to become a banker like Zhao Hui.

《City of the City》E12Plot

Episode 12

City of the City Episode 12 Plot Preview: Tao Wuji seeks Zhao Hui’s apprenticeship

After much thought, Tao Wuji handed over the recommendation written by Dai Qiye to Zhao Hui. Dai Qiye thought that Tao Wuji was very similar to Zhao Hui back then, a young man with dreams and enterprising spirit.So Tao Wuji wanted to worship Zhao Hui as his master. Zhao Hui's mood was extremely complicated. He did see the shadow of his past in this young man. He was Zhao Hui's original intention.

Zhou Lin asked Zhao Hui how he viewed himself. Zhao Hui said that as a single mother, Zhou Lin did have many difficulties.Many unexplainable things emerged between the two of them. Zhou Lin took the initiative to break through the window paper, hugged and kissed him. Su Jianren happened to see this scene and was shocked.

《City of the City》E13Plot

Episode 13

City of the City episode 13 plot preview: Cheng Jiayuan and Tao Wuji break up

Cheng Jiayuan never gave up on Hu Yue, thinking that he could impress him as long as he was sincere, until he found out that the person Hu Yue had always liked was Tao Wuji, and his heart sank to the bottom.That night, Cheng Jiayuan took the initiative to come to Tao Wuji and asked him if he had known about Hu Yue's feelings. Before Tao Wuji could explain this, he mocked himself for being treated as a fool by him.

Miao Che believed in Zhao Hui's character, but he always felt that there was something wrong with the donation. On the surface, it seemed normal, but he still hoped that Zhao Hui would be more vigilant and not let others take advantage of the loophole. The tree wants to be quiet but the wind continues.Li Sen talked to Su Jianren alone and said that Zhao Hui had been the branch president for a long time and he could replace him at any time if he wanted.

《City of the City》E14Plot

Episode 14

City of the City episode 14 plot preview: Su Jianren wants to compete for branch president

Su Jianren, instigated by Li Sen, decided to compete with Zhao Hui for the position of president of Binjiang Branch.After Xie Zhiyuan and Wu Xianlong learned about it, they both wanted to know Zhao Hui's views on this matter and were worried that he would give up Binjiang Bank on his own initiative.But Zhao Hui looked confident, saying that he would never lose to Su Jianren.Zhao Hui did not see his daughter when he returned home that day, and no one answered his phone calls. He was very worried.

In order to make Tian Xiaohui loyal to him, Wu Xiaofei was willing to bribe her with inducements and told her that if she wanted to survive in this world, she would have to compete with various forces. If she wanted to go further, it would be impossible.Always be a bystander.So for Tian Xiaohui, this mission is the first step into entering an inner circle.

《City of the City》E15Plot

Episode 15

City of the City episode 15 plot preview: Miao Che’s audit team settles in the branch

Tian Xiaohui took the initiative to call Tao Wuji. While the two were talking on the phone, Hu Yue's voice suddenly came, which shocked Tian Xiaohui.Under Tian Xiaohui's questioning, Tao Wuji said that Tian Xiaohui was also sent to do the task of benefiting farmers, but Tian Xiaohui was very unhappy and thought that there were hundreds of people in the bank, so why were they alone together?

According to the opinions issued by the head office, the special audit team of the East China Audit Department where Miao Che works will be stationed in Binjiang Branch from now on. He hopes that everyone can actively cooperate with the audit work.Afterwards, Miao Che told Zhao Hui that all the projects he had handled in the past two years were key targets for his review, so he wanted to know if he had anything to say to him. Zhao Hui responded that he had no reason to be free.

《City of the City》E16Plot

Episode 16

City of the City episode 16 plot preview: Zhao Hui was anonymously reported for accepting bribes

The investigation team received a report about Zhao Hui's acceptance of bribes. It contained photos of Zhao Hui and Zhou Lin having a date and dinner. It was clearly visible that he was wearing a Rolex diving watch worth more than 400,000 yuan on his wrist.Not only that, they also received an anonymous letter reporting that Zhao Hui had used overseas charity platforms to accept high bribes many times to treat his daughter.

Li Sen promised Su Jianren that as long as Zhao Hui left, he would be given the position of branch president within six months at most.However, Su Jianren was not very interested in this. He felt that Zhao Hui was his old classmate after all, and Li Sen's behavior was a bit too extreme.Tao Wuji publicly expressed his support for Zhao Hui in the cafeteria and has always regarded him as his role model.

《City of the City》E17Plot

Episode 17

City of the City Episode 17 Plot Preview: Zhao Hui goes undercover to report Su Jianren

Zhao Hui stated in front of the disciplinary inspection team that he never knew who took the photo, and that he had refused many substandard loan requests over the years and had received many threats.In order to clear his suspicions, Zhao Hui directly dragged Tao Wuji into the water, pointing out that Tao Wuji had recently discovered that Gospur Company was connected with Su Jianren in order to defraud the loan, and handed over the previously suppressed evidence to the disciplinary inspection team.

As a result, the disciplinary inspection team began to investigate Su Jianren and found that he had many problems.Cheng Jiayuan misunderstood that Tao Wuji deliberately reported his father, and angrily ran to him to settle the score, beating Tao Wuji in public in the cafeteria.Colleagues all stepped forward to dissuade him, but Zhao Hui left the cafeteria calmly. When he returned home, he found that Zhou Lin had packed her things and was about to leave.

《City of the City》E18Plot

Episode 18

City of the City episode 18 plot preview: Su Jianren wants to take Zhou Lin abroad

Zhao Hui told Tao Wuji that in his eyes, he was a particularly calm child, so he hoped that he would study hard so that no matter which department he went to in the future, he would be able to check it first and become a truly outstanding banker..That night, Wu Xiaofei was going to take Tian Xiaohui out, but just when Tian Xiaohui wanted to confess something to him, Tao Wuji suddenly appeared.Tao Wuji saw Wu Xiaofei putting his hand on his girlfriend's shoulder, acting intimately, and felt a surge of anger in his heart.

Now that Zhou Lin has moved next door to Zhao Hui's house, and Su Jianren has also lost his job, he took the initiative to find Zhou Lin and said that they could not defeat those people. Instead of staying here, they would go abroad with him and live a life that they could not envy..However, Zhou Lin did not agree and politely rejected Su Jianren.

《City of the City》E19Plot

Episode 19

City of the City Episode 19 Plot Preview: Zhao Hui and others try to figure out Xie’s thoughts

Xie Zhiyuan held a celebration banquet with great fanfare and invited Wu Xianlong and Zhao Hui, but the banquet was delayed, just waiting for one person to appear.Then Zhou Lin appeared in front of everyone, which surprised Zhao Hui.Zhao Hui and Wu Xianlong discussed Xie Zhiyuan's purpose for hosting the banquet in the bathroom, indicating that he had a new project in hand and was eager to make a lot of money. Wu Xianlong asked Zhao Hui how he planned to deal with it.

Shen Jing said that she really didn't expect that Tian Xiaohui and Wu Xiaofei would really become a golden partner. Tian Xiaohui asked Shen Jing not to tell Tao Wuji these things because he didn't know anything.However, Shen Jing felt that Wu Xiaofei was more capable than Tao Wuji. Not only was he handsome, but he was also outstanding among the rich second generation, so she persuaded Tian Xiaohui to consider him.

《City of the City》E20Plot

Episode 20

City of the City episode 20 plot preview: Miao Che admonishes Zhao Hui

Miao Che and Zhao Hui were drinking and chatting. They really couldn't figure out why God always favored Zhao Hui at every critical moment. Was he too partial to him?Zhao Hui asked Miao Che if he was really unhappy with God's favoritism towards him, but Miao Che told Zhao Hui that if he was lucky every time, he would be sincerely happy for him, but it was obvious that part of it was man-made.I feel scared.

Tao Wuji wanted to explain to Miao Che, but Miao Che told him that if he wanted to survive in an environment, being on guard was a compulsory course, and he also knew that the other party was the culprit.Zhao Hui came to Wu Xianlong and said that the matter handled by the two of them and Xie Zhiyuan had actually touched his professional bottom line.

《City of the City》E21Plot

Episode 21

City of the City episode 21 plot preview: Tao Wuji learns experience in the audit department

The seniors in the audit department told Tao Wuji that the problems faced by this department were a thousand times more severe and complex than those he faced in the public affairs department. In short, as a newcomer, he should remember one sentence: trouble comes from the mouth, think twice before you act, and never speak before you speak.Say it all, say half and keep half.Miao Che said that auditing means that the stricter and more thorough the investigation, the more annoying people will be. His impassioned speech may seem glorious on the surface, but he may encounter endless troubles afterwards and even be kicked out of the audit department.

Zhao Hui directly rejected the project submitted by Xie Zhiyuan. Xie Zhiyuan took the initiative to come to Zhao Hui and remind him not to treat his own people like this.Xie Zhiyuan asked Zhao Hui again whether he would approve the project, but Zhao Hui refused.That night, Zhao Hui went home and was attacked by a masked man.

《City of the City》E22Plot

Episode 22

City of the City episode 22 plot preview: Xie Zhiyuan causes a car accident for Miao Che

Zhao Hui and Xie Zhiyuan deliberately put on a show in front of the secretary, and even used themselves as bait to fish.Xie Zhiyuan deliberately quarreled with Zhao Hui in the office, and said that what made him angry was that he burned bridges by crossing rivers and burning bridges with his words. If it weren't for him, how could he be sitting in this position.After the secretary brought the tea, he hurriedly left, fearing that he would hear more negative words.

On the way home that night, Miao Che called Zhao Hui while driving and told him not to do risky things, to be steady, and to come to him if he needed help.However, not long after, news came that Miao Che had a car accident. Zhao Hui ran to question Xie Zhiyuan angrily, and Xie Zhiyuan admitted that he did it.

《City of the City》E23Plot

Episode 23

City of the City episode 23 plot preview: Zhao Hui enters the game with his own body

Xie Zhiyuan thought that if he had the evidence of Zhao Hui's bribery, he could control him to do things for him and required him to sign the project within two weeks.As everyone knows, Zhao Hui entered the situation in order to ruin Xie Zhiyuan's reputation and never make a comeback. He handed over two problematic projects to Tao Wuji for investigation and told him not to make it public. If he found anything strange,Wherever possible, just report to Miao Che in time.

However, the more Tao Wuji checked, the more shocked he became because the information involved his girlfriend Tian Xiaohui.Tao Wuji privately asked Tian Xiaohui about the situation. At first, Tian Xiaohui was a little cryptic and unwilling to confess, but later she simply told everything she had done and what she knew, causing Tao Wuji's small spiritual world to completely collapse.

《City of the City》E24Plot

Episode 24

City of the City episode 24 plot preview: Tian Xiaohui chooses to break up

It seems that the four apprentices under Dai Qiye are the best brothers and have a heart-to-heart relationship with each other. However, in fact, in compliance with the original agreement and industry codes, the only people who are impartial are Miao Che and Zhao Hui.Both Xie Zhiyuan and Su Jianren are greedy for money. They only care about their own interests. They take advantage of the evil and do anything to make money.Now that Xie Zhiyuan got the punishment he deserved, Zhao Hui finally breathed a sigh of relief. He confessed in front of Tao Wuji and Miao Che that he had never been so happy as he is now.

Zhao Rui returned from abroad, and her eyes have returned to normal. She likes to look at the night scene outside the window, and also wants to see Aunt Zhou Lin. She hopes that her father can let go of the past and find his own happiness.Tao Wuji still wanted to retain his relationship with Tian Xiaohui, but Tian Xiaohui believed that everything had happened and there was no way they could go back to the past.

《City of the City》E25Plot

Episode 25

City of the City episode 25 plot preview: Wu Xiaofei confesses to Tian Xiaohui

Wu Xianlong met with Zhao Hui in private and reminded Zhao Hui to be prepared, because the Discipline Inspection Commission had visited Xie Zhiyuan in the prison in the past two days, and it was estimated that he would interview Su Jianren and Zhou Lin soon. Obviously he was worried about these two people.Will betray Zhao Hui at a critical moment.Xie Zhiyuan is now in prison and cannot be controlled, but Su Jianren hates Zhao Hui deeply. Wu Xianlong guesses that he will definitely blame Zhao Hui for everything and has to be on guard. As for whether Zhou Lin is reliable, Wu Xianlong also depends on Zhao Hui.meaning.At the same time, Zhou Lin hid in the corner and heard the conversation between the two.

Wu Xiaofei angrily scolded Tian Xiaohui at the meeting to explain to him why this contract was completely different from the contract he gave.After the meeting, Wu Xiaofei asked everyone to go out, and he took the initiative to approach Tian Xiaohui and expressed that on Valentine's Day night, he really liked Tian Xiaohui and wanted to be with her.

《City of the City》E26Plot

Episode 26

City of the City episode 26 plot preview: Zhao Hui is under investigation

Shen Jing took the initiative to call Su Jianren and revealed to him that Zhao Hui was under investigation. She said that the information obtained by the Discipline Inspection Commission this time was detailed and the evidence was sufficient. There was also the unexplained surgery fee for his daughter. I was afraid it would be difficult for him to explain clearly.Therefore, the Discipline Inspection Commission will soon interview Su Jianren. Shen Jing hinted that Su Jianren should know what to say next. Su Jianren immediately understood what Shen Jing meant and asked her to relax.

Now Zhao Hui does not make any excuses for himself and follows the bank's decision. At the same time, the head office also issued a notice asking Zhao Hui to put down the work at hand and cooperate with the Discipline Inspection Commission in the investigation.Su Jianren then took the initiative to come to the Discipline Inspection Commission and expressed that he wanted to report some situations to them.

《City of the City》E27Plot

Episode 27

City of the City Episode 27 Synopsis: Su Jianren bumps into Zhou Lin and Zhao Hui kissing

Under Shen Jing's arrangement, Tian Xiaohui successfully entered the Shengyuan Fund.Shen Jing went to visit Xie Zhiyuan in prison and told him about Su Jianren's responsibility to protect Zhao Hui. She thought Su Jianren would give him a strong dose of medicine, but she didn't know that he was actually a love-minded man who didn't want beauty but only wanted the country.Xie Zhiyuan had no other choice in this situation, while Shen Jing watched Zhou Lin's every move for him.

Miao Che suspected that Xie Zhiyuan could not suddenly be kind enough to protect Zhao Hui, and someone must have done something to prevent it.Although there is no clear evidence at present, Zhao Hui felt that what Miao Che said was reasonable, so he took the initiative to call Wu Xianlong to trick him. Wu Xianlong had something to hide, which made him feel that Wu Xianlong wanted to continue to tie him up.

As the wedding day approached, Su Jianren accompanied Zhou Lin to choose a wedding venue, renovate the house, and happily prepare to marry the bride.Then Su Jianren came to Zhao Hui's office in person and sent him a wedding invitation, deliberately irritating him and making Zhao Hui feel heavy. He went home in silence at night. The invitation fell out of his briefcase and was discovered by Zhao Rui.

For this reason, Su Jianren felt proud and couldn't wait to reveal to Zhou Lin that he did this just to test Zhao Hui. If Zhao Hui did not attend the wedding, it would mean that he was obsessed with Zhou Lin and he would have to be more careful in the future.While talking, Zhou Lin received a blessing text message from Zhao Hui.

Zhao Rui watched Zhao Hui sitting lonely on the balcony, took a photo and posted it on Moments. Sure enough, Zhou Lin felt bad after seeing it.That night, Su Jianren asked Zhou Lin to pick out a wedding dress, but Zhou Lin lied that there was a problem at Xuanxuan's school and she wanted to rush over to check it out. In fact, she came to visit Zhao Hui next door on the pretext of picking up a wind chime.

Zhao Hui plucked up the courage to ask Zhou Lin why she wanted to marry Su Jianren. Zhou Lin said that Su Jianren was sincere to him, rich and sincere, and he was a person worth trusting.On the other hand, Zhao Hui has always been avoiding relationships. In Zhou Lin's view, he is avoiding himself. He feels that he is a stain, and he will not give up his position as president because of himself.

At the same time, Su Jianren received a call from a stranger, who told Su Jianren to go next door to Zhao Hui's house immediately and see Zhou Lin's surprise tonight.Zhou Lin was still questioning Zhao Hui, but she didn't expect that Zhao Hui had already come to him. The two kissed passionately, which happened to be seen by Su Jianren.

Su Jianren was shocked and angry, and walked back in despair, but as soon as he left, Zhou Lin pushed Zhao Hui away and told him that it was too late and that she would marry Su Jianren soon.Watching Zhou Lin leave in a hurry, Zhao Hui picked up the wind chime without saying a word, sat in front of the window again and looked outside.Zhao Rui couldn't find the words to comfort Zhao Hui, but Zhao Hui said that they had returned to the right track and returned to a life without any accidents.

Su Jianren still had the last glimmer of hope and personally called Zhou Lin to ask why she didn't come to try on the wedding dress that day.Zhou Lin still lied about something being delayed at school, which made Su Jianren completely disheartened. She hung up the phone calmly, with new plans in mind.

At this time, Wu Xianlong was chatting with Zhao Hui and handed a large project to him for approval.Because Wu Xianlong was a life-saving benefactor to Zhao Hui, and Wu Xianlong helped a lot, Zhao Hui accepted the project out of consideration for his kindness.On the other side, Tao Wuji revealed to Miao Che that he did not want to return to the public affairs department. Miao Che knew that Tao Wuji also wanted to track down Zhao Hui and reminded him that doing so would be ungrateful.

Tao Wuji felt that he had no guilt and was just doing a fair thing. Unfortunately, the case was over, but Miao Che hinted that he could still restart the case if he had evidence. Since the laws and regulations set a limit for them, they wouldYou must follow this line and believe that supervision has a discerning eye.However, Tao Wuji looked at Miao Che with a blank expression. Before he could say anything, Miao Che asked him to clean up and follow him to Pingzhou to check the accounts the day after tomorrow.

《City of the City》E28Plot

Episode 28

City of the City episode 28 plot preview: Zhao Hui confesses to Zhou Lin

After Su Jianren answered the phone, he immediately ran to the house next door to Zhao Hui's house. He was completely disappointed when he saw Zhao Hui and Zhou Lin kissing each other.On the wedding day, Su Jianren did not show up, but left Zhou Lin alone at the wedding venue.On the phone, Su Jianren angrily accused Zhou Lin and Zhao Hui of being disconnected. One was Pan Jinlian and the other was Ximen Qing. The two of them treated themselves as fools.

Zhao Hui came to Zhou Lin's house while drunk, begging Zhou Lin to forgive him and take the initiative to admit that he had indeed fallen in love with her.Wang Lei revealed to Tao Wuji that the branch's Discipline Inspection Committee had received an anonymous report letter, saying that someone within the Binjiang branch had illegally matched external funds, and this department involved the public relations department, and the amount was very large.Zhao Hui told Tao Wuji that the financial market department needed to add a manager position, so he recommended Tao Wuji.

《City of the City》E29Plot

Episode 29

City of the City episode 29 plot preview: Xie Zhiyuan suspects that Su Jianren has a trump card

During this period of time, Su Jianren was very abiding by his duties. His daily life was between two o'clock and one line. He spent most of his time at home. It was so quiet that Xie Zhiyuan felt puzzled. Based on his understanding of Su Jianren, it was impossible for him to let him go so easily.Zhao Hui.Xie Zhiyuan asked Shen Jing to look for Su Jianren again to see if he had any other trump cards. After all, the enemy of his enemy was his friend.

Su Jianren saw Wu Xianlong through the monitor and heard his conversation with Zhao Hui.Zhao Hui said that the evaluation of Lone Star's 1.1 billion loan had been raised during the initial evaluation. However, Wu Xianlong did not use it for the project. Instead, it was transferred to the parent company to buy land, which made him very embarrassed. If once he was investigatedIt will make them unable to stand up again.

《City of the City》E30Plot

Episode 30

City of the City Episode 30 Plot Preview: Tao Wuji personally investigates Junlong Group

Wu Xianlong found Su Jianren in private and warned him that he had no backer and that without the support of his former president's father, he would not even be able to protect his family.Therefore, Wu Xianlong asked Su Jianren to pay attention. If he had an accident and became permanently disabled, it would be far more terrible than death. If he wanted to avoid this disaster, he should stop paying attention to Zhao Hui.

Tao Wuji always felt that Su Jianren had evidence that could threaten Zhao Hui, so he hoped that Miao Che would authorize him to investigate the loan usage and financial statements of Longxing Group, as well as the financial statements of Junlong Group over the years.Zhao Hui revealed to Tao Wuji that he had an application for fund product sales cooperation on his desk, so he wanted to ask whether he and Tian Xiaohui would get back together. Tao Wuji instantly understood what Zhao Hui meant.

《City of the City》E31Plot

Episode 31

City of the City episode 31 plot preview: Zhao Hui witnesses Su Jianren being hit

That night, Zhao Hui witnessed a car slam into Su Jianren, and he was shocked and hurriedly dialed the emergency number and shouted murder.Su Jianren was then sent to the hospital for rescue. Zhao Hui angrily reprimanded Wu Xiaofei for not settling the matter, but for making the matter more serious. He was disappointed with the actions of Wu Xianlong and his son.

Tao Wuji and Miao Che both knew that this was not a simple traffic accident, so Miao Che applied to Gu Shen to investigate the 1.1 billion loan from Binjiang Branch to Longxing.Shen Jing did not expect that they would be so cruel, but she was not sure enough to prove that it was them.Wu Xianlong knew that as long as Miao Che was involved, it would be difficult to calm down, so he could only rely on gambling at the moment.

《City of the City》E32Plot

Episode 32

City of the City Episode 32 Plot Preview: Su Jianren dies after ineffective rescue efforts

Su Jianren died due to ineffective rescue efforts. Everyone took care of his funeral, and Teacher Ouyang and others came to express their condolences in person.After attending the funeral, Teacher Ouyang talked to Zhao Hui and Miao Che and said that among the students of their generation, he valued Zhao Hui, Miao Che, Su Jianren and Xie Zhiyuan the most, but now one has entered and the other has not.No, she couldn't imagine the future of Zhao Hui and Miao Che.

When the two of them had dinner in a restaurant that night, Miao Che told Zhao Hui that many disasters start from a small mistake. In order to cover up this mistake, another mistake has to be made, one after another, and then it snowballs into bigger and bigger mistakes.Zhao Hui called Cheng Jiayuan to the office alone and deliberately revealed Su Jianren's last words, which made Cheng Jiayuan burst into tears.

《City of the City》E33Plot

Episode 33

City of the City Episode 33 Plot Preview: Tao Wuji knows about loan sharking in private

Shen Jing came to visit the prison again and revealed to Xie Zhiyuan that Su Jianren had met her before her death. She knew a lot of unknown things and decided to use the clues she had this time to win everything they lost.return.Tao Wuji came to Qianda Asset Management Company to investigate. The person in charge reminded Tao Wuji that the direction of the investigation had deviated, because loan sharks would not kill people when they were full.

The person in charge said that loan sharking has always been about borrowing money, not borrowing money, and borrowing short-term loans, not long-term loans. The situation of the Su family has been clearly understood by them for a long time. No amount of threats from loan sharks is too much, but they will never take advantage of it.own piggy bank.Zhao Hui asked Tao Wuji if he felt there was a problem. Although Tao Wuji emphasized that the audit department never looked at evidence, he was sure that even if there was a problem, it would be fine.

《City of the City》E34Plot

Episode 34

City of the City Episode 34 Plot Preview: Zhao Hui recommends Tao Wuji to the Approval Department

The Human Resources Department suddenly sent a notice that Tao Wuji was transferred from the headquarters to the Credit Approval Department for business review.Wang Lei said that when the head office wanted people, they didn't have time to submit the list, but the transfer order came directly. Apparently, a leader in the bank directly recommended Tao Wuji, and Tao Wuji suspected that this matter had something to do with Zhao Hui.

Zhao Hui met Wu Xianlong alone and said bluntly that he signed the loans for Lung Star and Dongyuan, and he really shouldn't use Lung Star's money to acquire land.But the problem is that the money has been taken away from the land, and Wu Xianlong has no way to recover it. He can only find a way to remedy it with Zhao Hui.Not long after, Shen Jing came to see her in person and played the recording of her conversation with Su Jianren.

《City of the City》E35Plot

Episode 35

City of the City episode 35 plot preview: Miao Che leaves the audit department

Miao Che's character has always been stubborn and determined, with an almost stubborn insistence on justice and principles.It was his persistence that gradually turned into a threat to Zhao Hui.Miao Che was originally involved in the investigation of the photos, and Zhao Hui expressed his intention to resign to Gu Shen at this time. This step directly brought the dispute between him and Miao Che to the table, making people mistakenly think that Miao Che's doubts wereOut of personal grudges, not official business.

In the end, Miao Che was forced to leave the audit department. Before leaving, he had a meal with Tao Wuji, which made him realize the hard power behind Zhao Hui: Wu Xianlong's existence should not be underestimated.Soon Tao Wuji discovered that his senior brother Jiang Rui was actually the spy planted by the Wu family, and angrily asked him why he did this, and the two people turned against each other.

《City of the City》E36Plot

Episode 36

City of the City episode 36 plot preview: Zhao Hui and Wu Xianlong break up

Since Miao Che left, Tao Wuji felt that he had lost his backbone, and he suffered many hardships and setbacks during the investigation.Now that Tao Wuji couldn't get his ex-girlfriend back, and the case couldn't be investigated, he was in a state of numbness and could only run to Miao Che to enlighten him.Miao Che told Tao Wuji that if the investigation could not be carried out, he should wait for a while. As long as he knew that the huge 1.1 billion loan to fill the gap did not come out of thin air, there must be support and sources behind it.

Wu Xianlong told Shen Jing that in business, if you have money, everyone will make money together. If you don't have money, you can live alone, but don't hurt your old friends by mistake. Although Wu Xianlong can get Zhao Hui's money, he needs Shen Jing's method of making money.Zhao Hui had a fateful relationship with Wu Xianlong, but after these things, he was disappointed with Wu Xianlong and said that he could ignore the 500 million, but he would have nothing to do with it from now on.

《City of the City》E37Plot

Episode 37

City of the City Episode 37 Synopsis: Tian Xiaohui manipulates the stock market to make profits

Early in the morning, Tao Wuji went to the director with documents and made two applications: first, to strengthen the post-loan management of Dongyuan Real Estate and its affiliated company Junlong Group, and submitted two supplementary materials; second, in view of their victoryThe agency sales bank and custodian bank of Yuan Huaming No. 3 Fund are recommended to strictly monitor the flow of raised funds and notify relevant investors when necessary.

After hearing Tao Wuji's application, the director looked embarrassed and reminded him that he should focus on the overall situation. Considering that Shenmao Bank stood out in the fierce competition, it is not appropriate to have any disturbance at this stage.Before the director could finish what he said, Tao Wuji took out his resignation letter from his arms and handed it to the director, which surprised him.

The director persuaded Tao Wuji not to follow Miao Che's old path, lest he end up like Miao Che.But Tao Wuji has made up his mind. If he succeeds, he will be worthy of himself. If he fails, he will be worthy of himself.Because of Tao Wuji's firm attitude, the director promised to transfer these information to Gu Shen and returned his resignation letter.

Tian Xiaohui kept an eye on the stock market and urged Wu Xiaofei to buy at a price of four and a half yuan, and then sell 6,000 shares in batches after the limit was reached.This operation made Wu Xiaofei a huge profit of 80 million, and the 200,000 invested by Tian's mother also increased to 450,000. Thanks to Xia Ning for recommending this monster stock to him, Wu Xianlong was also very satisfied with this cooperation.

However, Tao Wuji saw through Shengyuan Fund's behavior of manipulating stock prices. He approached Tian Xiaohui and warned her that such operations would eventually cause the stock price to collapse and harm innocent investors.Tian Xiaohui disagrees, believing that the market is willing to fight or endure.The two men's differences of opinion led to their complete break.

Zhao Hui had a serious conversation with Shen Jing, warning her not to be too greedy.Shen Jing believes that cooperation is mutually beneficial and win-win. She revealed that Huaming No. 3 has entered the top three in the quarterly rankings of private equity funds and planned to launch Huaming No. 4, which required Zhao Hui to sign again, but was rejected by Zhao Hui.

The whole family went to the countryside to relax on the weekend, but Zhao Hui was worried and planned to arrange for Zhou Lin and Zhao Rui to go abroad.Zhou Lin asked Zhao Hui in what capacity he took care of Zhao Rui, hinting that the two could get married as soon as possible. After hearing this, Zhao Hui just smiled and did not respond.

Previously, Tao Wuji applied to strengthen post-loan management of Junlong Group subsidiaries and related financing platforms. The head office confirmed that the misappropriation of loans was true and included the relevant companies in the list of high-risk customers.Tao Wuji was relieved when he learned about it and asked the director about Zhao Hui's situation.The director revealed that Zhao Hui had taken the initiative to conduct a personal review and assumed full responsibility. It is expected that the head office will demote him.

Because Zhao Hui bought time by taking the initiative to review and tried to counter Shen Jing and Wu Xianlong, so he cleared away his interest relationship with Junlong Group, so even the punishment would not be too serious.Zhao Hui hoped that Gu Shen would apply for him to postpone the announcement of the punishment. It would be best to wait until the bidding for the satellite hall project was completed. Gu Shen agreed to this request.

Soon the plan of the Satellite Office was successfully reviewed and approved, which made Zhao Hui very happy and privately praised Cheng Jiayuan for withstanding the pressure.At this time, Cheng Jiayuan received a call from Captain Feng and rushed to the criminal police team. The police found that Su Jianren had purchased a pinhole camera online. Cheng Jiayuan suspected that Su Jianren's purpose was to monitor Zhao Hui.The two went to question Jiang Rui, but Jiang Rui denied it.

Shen Jing went to prison to visit Xie Zhiyuan and revealed to him that Zhao Hui was investigating Yao Xing. The only way was to grasp the affairs of Zhou Lin and Yao Xing as a means of counterattack.Xie Zhiyuan told Shen Jing that he had a folder, hoping it would be useful to Shen Jing.On the other side, Zhou Lin was deeply touched when she saw Zhao Rui's entry painting - Father's Wings - and decided to give Zhao Hui a surprise.

After Tian Xiaohui attended the supervisory committee meeting, she returned to Shengyuan Fund with a lot of worries.Director Wang announced the performance of the past two months. With the support of Shen Jing, Tian Xiaohui became the monthly champion of Shengyuan Fund Securities Department, with a separate office and secretary.Shen Jing continued to encourage her to seize the opportunity.

《City of the City》E38Plot

Episode 38

City of the City Episode 38 Synopsis: Zhou Lin confesses the unbearable past to Zhao Hui

Although the regulatory committee is only conducting routine operations, Tian Xiaohui noticed that their review and approval of materials is more stringent than before, and the monitoring and analysis of data by relevant departments are becoming more and more precise, which makes her worried that Shengyuan Fund may have been playing around with the edges.It will attract the other person's attention.

Shen Jing told Tian Xiaohui that the cruelty of this industry is far beyond imagination. Now Huaming No. 3 has opened up the situation for them. As long as Hua Ming No. 4 can reach a higher level, they will be favored by the strongest capital, so there is no need toRelying on anyone can attract a lot of money and take the opportunity to reach the top of the industry.

Zhao Hui took Cheng Jiayuan to attend the working meeting of the Satellite Hall syndicated loan preparatory group. Cheng Jiayuan revealed the progress of the police investigation to Zhao Hui before going on stage and tried to learn more from Zhao Hui, but Zhao Hui showed no knowledge.Shen Jing gave Zhao Hui a bouquet of flowers, and the card said “Waiting for good news”.When Zhao Hui saw this, he suppressed his anger and went out and smashed the flowers in the corridor. Zhou Lin saw this scene and combined with the documents in Zhao Hui's briefcase, she understood everything instantly.

Because Shen Jing pressed Zhao Hui step by step, Zhou Lin couldn't bear it and took the initiative to reveal her unbearable past.Back then, Zhou Lin got help from Xie Zhiyuan, relying on her beauty to wander among men to seek benefits for Xie Zhiyuan. At first, it was just some ordinary dinners, but later she was arranged to accompany a bank manager named Yao, and waited until she woke up.Knowing he was drugged.

After that, President Yao approved Xie Zhiyuan's trust product worth hundreds of millions. Zhou Lin gave up on herself because of this. She originally planned to rot in her stomach for the rest of her life, but now she exposed her scars to protect Zhao Hui and ensure that Shen Jing would no longerThere is something to threaten Zhao Hui.Zhao Hui was upset, and Shen Jing also broke down and cried after returning home.

Later, Zhao Hui took the initiative to meet with Shen Jing for a showdown.Shen Jing was shocked that Zhou Lin would do this for Zhao Hui, which meant that her carefully planned situation was about to collapse.Soon, Shen Jing received a call from President Yao and learned that the relevant departments of the Securities Regulatory Bureau were paying close attention to Shengyuan Fund. President Yao guessed that they might have obtained some evidence and reminded Shen Jing that it was best to prepare early.

Shen Jing told Tian Xiaohui to sell Nanqing Building Materials stocks tonight, and if anyone asked, she would say it was a market shock to attract them to continue investing.Sure enough, everyone began to panic when they discovered that the stock line was falling. Tian Xiaohui followed Shen Jing's words to comfort Wu Xiaofei and promised to pull the stock price back tomorrow.

The next day, Zhao Hui went to find Zhou Lin again, only to find that she had left without saying goodbye.Zhao Hui sat sadly on a park bench, drunk.The next morning, when the cleaning staff came to clean up the garbage, Zhao Hui suddenly woke up and hugged the slippers Zhou Lin had bought for him.Tian Xiaohui ate breakfast thoughtfully, but her mother did not notice anything unusual and planned to watch the market with Xia Ning.

Shen Jing came to the company and instructed Tian Xiaohui to first send out a wave of good news to attract retail investors to enter the market, and then find the right time to carry out a fatal blow.Tian Xiaohui manipulated the direction of the stock market throughout the entire process, and everyone's emotions fluctuated between ups and downs. Until the last moment, everyone lost all their money.

During this period, Tian Xiaohui and others refused to answer the phone, so Wu Xiaofei went to find her in person, but she still explained that the limit was only due to a crash, and that she could recover the losses by raising the price again. She also suggested that Wu Xiaofei take advantage of the low price to buy more, and Wu Xiaofei believed it.On the other hand, Tian Xiaohui's mother lost all her family property and committed suicide at home. Fortunately, her neighbors discovered her in time and sent her to the hospital.Tian Xiaohui rushed over after learning about it, and was helpless and could only call Tao Wuji.When Wu Xianlong learned that the stock market had cost them more than 40 million, he was so angry that he fainted to the ground.

《City of the City》E39Plot

Episode 39

City of the City episode 39 plot preview: Zhao Hui and Tao Wuji break up

In the end, Tian's mother was rescued and cried to her daughter that she bought Nanqing stocks and lost all her family property.Tian Xiaohui suddenly woke up and told Tao Wuji everything she was involved in, while Miao Che received a call from the Discipline Inspection Commission at the airport and gave up reuniting with his family and rushed back to the bank.The director of the Discipline Inspection Commission affirmed the work of Miao Che and Tao Wuji and said that the bank's anti-corruption work would be stepped up and would never be tolerated.

Because the stock price plummeted, Wu Xianlong couldn't bear it and was admitted to the hospital for rescue. Wu Xiaofei hurriedly called Zhao Hui to tell him the whole story.Zhao Hui called Tao Wuji into the office alone and said that he had a report letter here, reporting that he had covered up the conversation with Cheng Jiayuan, a public servant, for personal gain, and then privately asked for customer information from acquaintances of Hongen Bank.

《City of the City》E40Plot

Episode 40

City of the City Episode 40 Finale Plot Preview: Shen Jing and others are arrested one after another

Zhao Hui personally sent his daughter to the airport, saying that they really wanted to separate this time and hoped that her daughter could be a good person.As the Discipline Inspection Commission officially settled in, Zhao Hui asked Gu Shen about the situation, but Gu Shen was unwilling to reveal too much.Based on the information provided by Tian Xiaohui, the regulatory authorities launched an investigation into the stock price manipulation of Shengyuan Fund and took Shen Jing away.

Jiang Rui was kidnapped by Wu Xiaofei, and Tao Wuji and Cheng Jiayuan rushed to rescue him.Wu Xiaofei was angry with Tao Wuji and the others because of his father's death, and decided to deal with them personally.The police arrived at the critical moment, and Shenmao Bank successfully took the lead in the airport satellite hall project. Zhao Hui accepted the warm congratulations from the outside world, but his heart was filled with despair.

City of the City

City of the City

Total 40 Episodes Apr 09, 2024 C-Drama Urban Actor: Yu Hewei Bai Yufan