《Tang poetry stories》Ep Intro

《Tang poetry stories》 is a series of animated documentaries based on Tang poetry. It selects a dozen representative and influential masterpieces from more than a thousand poems written by many poets in the Tang Dynasty. Through the animation,The form presents the audience with the stories and historical background behind the poets of the Tang Dynasty and their works.

Each episode revolves around one or several Tang poems. Through vivid animation and narration, the poet's life, creative background, artistic conception of the poem, and the social style and natural landscape reflected are presented to the audience in a story-like way..For example, the audience can follow the animation to experience Li Bai's boldness and uninhibitedness, feel Du Fu's melancholy and frustration, experience Wang Wei's landscapes and pastoral, and Meng Haoran's reclusive feelings.

The animation not only focuses on restoring historical reality, but also skillfully incorporates modern interpretations, building a bridge between classical literature and modern audiences.In this way, not only children can learn the essence of Tang poetry in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, but also adult audiences can re-examine these ancient poems from a new perspective and appreciate the profound emotions and aesthetic value contained in Tang poetry.

《Tang poetry stories》with its unique creativity and educational significance, is not only a cultural inheritance, but also a visual and spiritual journey, allowing the audience to learn through appreciation and feel the charm of Tang Dynasty culture while learning.

《Tang poetry stories》E1Plot

Episode 1

《Tang poetry stories》The first episode is set in the Wu Zetian period of the Tang Dynasty. It is unfolded from the perspective of poet Chen Ziang, telling the story of poets and poetry in the context of that era.The plot begins in the turbulent years when Wu Zetian became emperor. The Khitan rebelled and war broke out. Chen Ziang, as a scholar, was involved in the whirlpool of the war.Not only was he a poet, he also took on the role of secretary to the army, bidding farewell to his friend Cui Rong, who went on the expedition with the army, and Du Shenyan expressed his expectations for the family's future.

In the plot, Chen Ziang's personal emotions are intertwined with the fate of the country. His dialogue with Du Shenyan outside Luoyang City reflects the poet's worries about the war and his persistence in personal ideals.Chen Ziang's poems are given profound meanings in the play, such as sea air intruding into the south and border wind sweeping across Peiping, showing his deep thinking about war and his expectations for generals.

At the same time, the scene in the play of a young peasant woman driving away orioles echoes the poetic meaning of "Spring Resentment", reflecting the direct impact of war on the lives of ordinary people and the poet's sympathy for the suffering of the people.

This episode shows the living conditions of poets in the Tang Dynasty and the emotional world behind their works through historical events and small fragments of poets' lives. It also paints a vivid picture of Tang Dynasty society for the audience, reflecting that Tang poetry is not onlyThe treasure of literature is also a reflection of the social style and humanistic spirit of that era.

《Tang poetry stories》E2Plot

Episode 2

《Tang poetry stories》The second episode focuses on the famous poet Wang Bo in the early Tang Dynasty, especially his famous poem《The Preface to the Pavilion of Prince Teng》and the stories behind it.

The plot is set in the period of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty. Wang Bo was talented, but his career was bumpy due to his straightforward personality.This episode begins with a chance meeting after Wang Bo was demoted. He was invited to attend a banquet held by Yan Boyu, the governor of Hongzhou, at the Tengwang Pavilion.

Yan Boyu intended to let his son-in-law show off his talents in front of guests, so he prepared a preface in advance.Wang Bo's improvisation exceeded everyone's expectations. With a splash of ink, he created the "Preface to Prince Teng's Pavilion" that has been passed down through the ages. Among them, "The setting clouds and the solitary owl fly together, and the autumn water forms the same color as the sky", which has become a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation.

This episode uses Wang Bo's experience to show his unruly personality and outstanding literary talent. It also reflects the competition and appreciation among literati in the Tang Dynasty, as well as their emotions about their personal destiny.

In the plot, Wang Bo's talent is in sharp contrast with his tragic fate. Although he has reached a peak in literature, his personal life is full of twists and turns, which makes - Preface to the Pavilion of Prince Teng - not only a literary work, but also Wang Bo'sExpression of personal emotions and outlook on life.

《Tang poetry stories》Through animation, this historical scene is vividly reproduced, allowing the audience to feel the charm of Tang Dynasty culture and the profound significance of Wang Bo's poems.

《Tang poetry stories》E3Plot

Episode 3

《Tang poetry stories》The third episode focuses on the poet Wang Zhihuan of the Tang Dynasty, especially his masterpiece - Climbing the Stork Tower《.The plot is set in the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty. Wang Zhihuan appears as a minor local official. Although he has a low position, he has great ambitions and a deep love for poetry.

At the beginning of this episode, Wang Zhihuan was sent to work at the Stork Tower on the edge of the Yellow River. The scenery there is magnificent, but it is also an important border defense area, full of desolation and magnificence of the frontier fortress.

Wang Zhihuan was deeply moved by the scene in front of him when he climbed a tower and took a long view. The water of the Yellow River came up from the sky and rushed to the sea never to return. The mountains and rivers in the distance and the nearby pavilions formed a breathtaking picture.Inspired by such inspiration, he wrote “The sun fades behind the mountains and the Yellow River flows into the sea.If you want to see a thousand miles away, go to the next level.”'s eternal quatrains.

Through Wang Zhihuan's perspective, the plot shows his deep understanding of the natural landscape and his pursuit of the realm of life.

》Climbing the Stork Tower--not only depicts the magnificent natural scenery, but also embodies the poet's positive attitude towards life, constantly pursuing a higher realm.Through delicate emotional depictions and magnificent natural landscapes, this episode conveys the Tang Dynasty poets' profound understanding of nature and humanity, and how they integrated personal emotions into their poetry creations, making them a cultural heritage that has been passed down through the ages.

《Tang poetry stories》E4Plot

Episode 4

《Tang poetry stories》The fourth episode is based on Liu Changqing's - the owner of Furong Mountain who stayed in Furong Mountain during the snow - as the background, telling the poet's encounters during a winter trip.The plot is set on a snowy night. Liu Changqing went to Furong Mountain for official business or travel. Unfortunately, he encountered heavy snow and was unable to continue.

In such a predicament, Liu Changqing was lucky enough to meet a mountain master and was able to take shelter from the wind and snow in his simple residence.This night's experience made the poet deeply feel the warmth of human feelings and the harshness of nature.《Poetry of the Master of Furong Mountain who Stays in Furong Mountain during the Snow “ At dusk, the mountains are far away, the weather is cold and the white house is poor.Chaimen hears the barking of dogs, and returns home on a snowy night.” vividly depicts this scene, which not only shows the hardship of the journey, but also reflects the harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and between man and man.

Through this chance encounter, the plot reflects the living conditions of the literati in the Tang Dynasty and their sensitive capture of the natural environment, as well as their gratitude for the kindness of human nature in difficult times.This poem by Liu Changqing is not only a record of a trip, but also an expression of emotion, which reflects the poet's yearning for a simple life and his cherishment of warm human feelings.》Tang poetry stories--Through this episode, the audience is brought into a poetic winter night and feels the life philosophy and emotional world of the ancients.

《Tang poetry stories》E5Plot

Episode 5

《Tang poetry stories》The fifth episode tells in depth the life fragments of Tang Dynasty poet Meng Haoran, especially his deep friendship with his friend Wang Wei, as well as his failure in the imperial examination and his subsequent choice to retire.The plot begins with Meng Haoran going to Chang'an to take the imperial examination in his middle age, and depicts his experience of failing in the imperial examination despite his talent.

This episode particularly emphasizes the interaction between Meng Haoran and Wang Wei, showing their encounter in Chang'an and Wang Wei's attempt to help Meng Haoran gain the appreciation of the court.

In an unexpected meeting, Meng Haoran met Tang Xuanzong without proper identity. Due to his careless words, he failed to gain the emperor's favor, which became a turning point in his career.Meng Haoran's poem "Unable to understand the master's abandonment, often sick and old friends" reflects his feelings about this matter.

Subsequently, the plot turns to Meng Haoran's inner struggle and final choice when he decides to retire.He expressed his yearning for nature and cherishing friendship through poetry, as reflected in "Farewell to Wang Wei", which includes both his yearning for a life of seclusion and his reluctance to part with Wang Wei.

Meng Haoran's path to seclusion was not only the pursuit of personal ideals, but also a response to the social reality at that time.

《Tang poetry stories》The fifth episode uses the story of Meng Haoran to explore the contradiction between the official career and ideals, personal emotions and social reality of the literati in the Tang Dynasty, and how they found spiritual solace in frustration, embodying the Tang DynastyThe poet's desire for freedom and spiritual independence.

《Tang poetry stories》E6Plot

Episode 6

《Tang poetry stories》The sixth episode focuses on Meng Haoran and Wang Wei, representatives of the landscape pastoral school, especially how they capture the beauty of nature through poetry and their philosophy of life.This episode uses works such as Meng Haoran's "Visiting the Old Friend's Village" and Wang Wei's "Mountain Residence in Autumn Ming" as clues to show the two poets' profound understanding of nature and their yearning for a secluded life.

The plot may start from Meng Haoran's trip to the countryside to visit a friend. Through the old friend's chicken millet in "Passing the Old Friend's Village", he invited me to Tian's house.The green trees border the village, and the green mountains and hills slope outside.“

It depicts a peaceful picture of pastoral life and reflects the poet's yearning for a simple life.At the same time, it will also show fragments of Wang Wei's life in Wangchuan Villa, through "Mountain Residence in Autumn Mist". After the new rain in the empty mountains, the weather comes late in autumn.The bright moon shines among the pines, and the clear spring flows over the rocks.” to express his pursuit of natural harmony and inner peace.

This episode not only tells the personal experiences of the two poets, but also explores the Tang Dynasty literati's aesthetic taste for nature and their thoughts of seclusion, and how they found the spiritual habitat among the mountains and rivers.

Through the form of animation, the audience can feel the beauty of the artistic conception of landscape poetry in the Tang Dynasty, and how the poet integrated personal emotions with the natural landscape to create masterpieces that have been passed down through the ages.《Tang poetry stories》The sixth episode conveys the Tang Dynasty poets' love for nature and pursuit of an ideal lifestyle through these vivid stories.

《Tang poetry stories》E7Plot

Episode 7

《Tang poetry stories》The seventh episode focuses on one of the representative works of frontier fortress poetry in the Tang Dynasty, such as Wang Zhihuan's - Liangzhou Ci - or Wang Changling's - Going Out of the Fortress -.The plot is set in the vast frontier, and through the perspective of a frontier garrison or general, it shows the hardships of frontier life and the heroic ambitions of the soldiers.

Taking "Out of the Fortress" as an example, the plot may describe a heroic soldier at the border under the moonlight, missing his hometown while adhering to his duty to defend the country.

“The bright moon of the Qin Dynasty was at the pass of the Han Dynasty, and the people of the long march of thousands of miles have not yet returned.”This poem may be used to describe the passage of time and the overlap of history, as well as the loyalty and sacrifice passed down from generation to generation by frontier warriors.Through the inner monologues of the soldiers, it shows their deep thinking about war and peace, as well as their deep nostalgia for their relatives far away.

《Tang poetry stories》Through such narratives, the seventh episode not only shows the majesty of frontier fortress poetry, but also reflects the true face of the Tang Dynasty's frontier policies and military life, as well as the poet's sympathy and concern for the fate of the country and the fate of the soldiers..

The animation will incorporate magnificent frontier fortress scenery and tense battle scenes, while interspersing the poet's creative moments of inspiration, allowing the audience to feel the emotional depth and historical background behind the frontier fortress poems.

《Tang poetry stories》E8Plot

Episode 8

《Tang poetry stories》The eighth episode focuses on the style of Li Bai, the poet of the Tang Dynasty, especially his extraordinary and free-spirited spirit.

This episode starts with Li Bai's famous poems - About to Drink Wine - or - Thoughts of a Quiet Night - to show his bold and unrestrained attitude towards life and his deep homesickness.

The plot depicts Li Bai's travels in Chang'an and how he, in a commoner's body, had the confidence and pride to go out laughing.If you don't see it, the water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky and rushes to the sea never to return.“ to reflect his feelings about the short life and his philosophy of carpe diem.

At the same time, the bright moonlight in front of the bed will also pass through - Jingye Si -, suspected to be frost on the ground.” to show his delicate homesickness and infinite reverie about the distant place.

This episode not only tells the personal legend of Li Bai, but also explores how he used poetry to express his personal emotions and ideals in the context of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and how he became a "poetry immortal" praised by later generations.Through the form of animation, the audience can appreciate the romanticism in Li Bai's poetry and his spiritual pursuit that transcends the times.

《Tang poetry stories》The eighth episode conveys the Tang Dynasty poets' infinite yearning for freedom and beauty through the story of Li Bai, and how they found themselves and expressed their unique insights into the world in poetry.

《Tang poetry stories》E9Plot

Episode 9

《Tang poetry stories》The ninth episode may revolve around Zhang Ji's "Night Mooring at Maple Bridge". This poem depicts the scene of the poet mooring his boat by the Maple Bridge in Suzhou at night, expressing the loneliness and loneliness during the journey.Deep thoughts.The plot will unfold like this:

At night, when the moon was setting and the sky was covered with frost, Zhang Ji's boat docked under the Fengqiao, surrounded by the echo of the bells of Hanshan Temple.The picture is delicately depicted through animation: the moon is setting, the crows are crying, the sky is full of frost, Jiang Feng is fishing with fire, and Chou Mian is facing me.“'s poignant scene shows a picture of the Jiangnan water town at night in late autumn.,

Zhang Ji sat alone on the bow of the boat, facing the picturesque scenery, but his heart was filled with the traveler's melancholy and longing for home.

Through Zhang Ji's inner monologue, the audience can feel the poet's concern for the distance and his emotion about the passage of time.” Hanshan Temple outside Gusu City, the midnight bell rang for the passenger ship.%

This line of poetry will be used to emphasize the atmosphere of loneliness and tranquility, and how the sound of the bell penetrates the night, touching the poet's heartstrings and triggering contemplation on the meaning of life.

This episode not only tells a specific travel experience, but also deeply explores the emotional world of literati in the Tang Dynasty and how they found spiritual solace in the natural landscape.

《Tang poetry stories》The ninth episode conveys the poet's perception of the beauty of nature and his philosophy on the journey of life through the poetry of "Night Mooring at Maple Bridge", allowing the audience to experience the beauty and emotion of Tang poetry in the animation.depth.

《Tang poetry stories》E10Plot

Episode 10

《Tang poetry stories》The tenth episode may focus on Du Fu's life and creation, especially his period of displacement in his later years.The plot is set during Du Fu's arduous journey from Chengxian, Gansu to Sichuan, and his experience in establishing a thatched cottage in Chengdu.

The story begins when Du Fu was demoted because of his outspokenness, and his life was difficult. However, he did not give up his love for poetry and his concern for the people's sufferings.

In “youkeyoukezizimei, her white hair is messy and hangs down past her ears.”'s self-portrait shows his desolation and tenacity.As the plot develops, Du Fu, with the help of his friends, built a thatched cottage in Chengdu, and his life was temporarily stable. During this period, he created optimistic works such as - Jiangcun - and - Happy Rain on a Spring Night - which reflected his views onThe contentment of a simple life and the appreciation of the beauty of nature.

The good times did not last long, and after losing his support, Du Fu once again embarked on the road of wandering, and finally arrived in Hunan. During this period, he created "Climbing the Yueyang Tower" and other works that reflected the destiny of the country and the individual.

Through poems such as "Wu Chu is in the southeast, the universe floats day and night", he shows his broad mind and deep concern for the fate of the country.

This episode uses Du Fu's personal experience to show how he persisted in creating despite adversity, recorded the times with poetry, and expressed his deep emotions for the country and the people.《Tang poetry stories》The tenth episode uses Du Fu's story to emphasize the poet's perseverance in difficult situations, as well as the profound social significance and humanistic care contained in his works.

《Tang poetry stories》E11Plot

Episode 11

《Tang poetry stories》Episode 11 focuses on Wang Wei, a Tang Dynasty poet known as the “Poetry Buddha”, famous for his landscape and pastoral poems.This collection uses Wang Wei's life and masterpieces, such as - Lu Chai - and - Mountain Residence in Autumn Ming - to show his philosophy of life that transcends the secular world and pursues peace of mind.

The plot begins with Wang Wei's official career in Chang'an. Although he has achieved political achievements, he yearns for nature and seclusion in his heart.The scene switches to the scene where he lives in seclusion in Wangchuan Villa, where there are beautiful mountains and clear waters, far away from the hustle and bustle.“No one can be seen in the empty mountain, but people can hear their voices.”This poem describes the tranquility and harmony of his environment and reflects Wang Wei's deep understanding of the beauty of nature.

Through Wang Wei's interactions with friends, such as his meeting with Meng Haoran, the friendship and common literary pursuits among literati in the Tang Dynasty are explored.They enjoyed the scenery and recited poems together, showing the elegant life of literati in the Tang Dynasty.“The bright moon shines among the pines, and the clear spring rocks flow upstream.”Such verses not only depict the beauty of nature, but also reflect Wang Wei's inner peace and detachment.

This episode may also touch on how Wang Wei's Buddhist beliefs influenced his poetry creation, and how he sought spiritual relief in poetry and painting.“Walking to a waterless place, sit and watch the clouds rise.”This is not only a depiction of the natural landscape, but also a reflection of Wang Wei's philosophy of life, which is to be content with the situation and follow nature.

《Tang poetry stories》Episode 11 conveys the theme of Tang Dynasty literati's pursuit of spiritual freedom and inner peace through Wang Wei's story, and how they find the true meaning of life in nature and art.

《Tang poetry stories》E12Plot

Episode 12

《Tang poetry stories》Episode 12 focuses on Jia Dao's story titled Li Ning's Residence in Seclusion, showing the creative process of this bitter poet and his unique poetry style through delicate narrative.The plot may revolve around Jia Dao's interaction with his friend Li Ning, and how he was inspired to compose this famous poem during a trip to visit Li Ning's secluded place.

The story begins with Jia Dao riding a thin horse through the quiet mountains and forests to Li Ning's remote and peaceful residence.The scenery along the way inspired his poetry, but he fell into deep thinking in the elaboration of the poems, especially the words "knock“" in "Tori Sui Pond Tree, Monk Knocking on the Door under the Moon", which reflects his understanding of words.Consideration and ”kuyin% characteristics.

In Li Ning's secluded residence, the two may have an in-depth conversation about poetry and hermit life. Li Ning's lifestyle has a subtle influence on Jia Dao's poetic style.On the way home, Jia Dao recited it repeatedly and finally finalized it, condensing the feelings of this visit into poetry.《titled Li Ning's seclusion》not only depicts the quiet beauty of Li Ning's residence, but also reflects Jia Dao's yearning for a simple life and his persistence in crafting poems.

Through Jia Dao's creative process, this collection shows the Tang Dynasty poets' ultimate pursuit of the art of poetry, and how they found inspiration in ordinary life and captured the beauty of the moment with words.Jia Dao's "Thinking" story has become a model for later generations of literati to pursue perfect expression, reflecting the emphasis on details and the deep exploration of artistic conception in the creation of Tang poetry.

《Tang poetry stories》E13Plot

Episode 13

《Tang poetry stories》The detailed plot introduction of episode 13 is not directly provided in the reference content found.However, based on the title and description of the reference content, it can be speculated that this episode may focus on the works or career of a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty. For example, “Jiangzhou Sima” may refer to Bai Juyi, who lived in Jiangzhou (now Jiujiang, Jiangxi)experiences, or explore other representative poets and their poems.

For example, the mention of Shi Hao Li“ is reminiscent of Du Fu's poem of the same name, which tells the story of the suffering of ordinary people during the Anshi Rebellion.

If episode 13 is about ”Shihao Li%, then the plot may revolve around how Du Fu reflects the profound impact of war on the people at the bottom of society through this poem, through the depiction of Shihao Village at night, showing an old woman being drafted into the armyThe tragedy reflects the poet's criticism of the war and his sympathy for the suffering of the people.

《Tang poetry stories》E14Plot

Episode 14

Referring to the style and period of Tang poetry, this episode might feature Du Fu's "Spring Hope", Wang Wei's landscape pastoral poems, or Li Bai's bold works.The plot may revolve around the poet's emotional expression in specific situations, such as concern for the country and the people during war, leisurely mood in the natural landscape, or the pursuit of friendship and ideals.

Specific to the theme of %Visiting a Fisherman's House at Night, if the 14th episode takes this as the focus and depicts the interaction between the poet and the fishermen, it will reflect a certain aspect of the society in the Tang Dynasty and show the poet's compassion and profound understanding of ordinary life through the life of the fisherman's family.understand.

《Tang poetry stories》E15Plot

Episode 15

Through animation, it tells how these poets expressed their criticism of social injustice and sympathy for the lives of ordinary people through their works, such as Bai Juyi's - Pipa Xing - or New Yuefu Poems.

The Rise of New Yuefu: Introducing how poets such as Yuan Zhen and Bai Juyi advocated New Yuefu and the impact of this poetry form on the society at that time.

Reflection of social reality: through specific poems, such as Dong Fuxing, which describes the life of the people during the war, showing the poet's criticism of the war and the atrocities of the government and soldiers.

The interweaving of emotion and history: Through poems such as "Wife's Resentment", it shows the profound impact of war on family and personal destiny, and reflects the poet's deep concern for individual destiny.

Artistic techniques: Show how the New Yuefu poems use vivid metaphors and scene descriptions, such as “日 candle” metaphors, to enhance the expressiveness and appeal of the poems.

《Tang poetry stories》E16Plot

Episode 16

According to the characteristics of the -Tang poetry stories- series, each episode usually focuses on the works of famous poets of the Tang Dynasty and the stories behind them.With this in mind, Episode 16 tells the career of an important poet or a certain famous Tang poem, such as Du Fu's - Wen Guanjun Conquers Henan and Hebei -, Li Bai's late works, or other poets such as Wang Zhihuan, Meng Haoran, etc.People's stories.

If we take Du Fu's "Wen Guanjun took over Henan and Hebei" as an example, the plot may describe Du Fu's heartfelt joy and hope for the future of the country after learning that the Anshi Rebellion has subsided and the Tang Dynasty army has recovered the lost territory.

This poem reflects Du Fu's deep concern for the fate of the country and the release of personal emotions. The animation may show Du Fu's excitement when he heard the good news through vivid pictures, as well as his yearning for a peaceful life.

《Tang poetry stories》E17Plot

Episode 17

Episode 17 tells a famous poem by poets such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Wang Wei, etc., or explores a specific poetry theme, such as hermit culture, frontier poetry style, love and friendship, etc.

Taking Li Bai as an example, this episode may revolve around his "going to drink", showing Li Bai's bold and unrestrained character and his deep feelings about the short life, depicting the banquet scene in the poem through animation, and Li Bai's borrowed words.Drink to express your feelings and pursue a free and uninhibited attitude towards life.

Regarding landscapes and pastoral areas, one might talk about the poems of Meng Haoran or Wang Wei, showing how they found their spiritual destination in nature.

《Tang poetry stories》E18Plot

Episode 18

In Episode 18 - Tang poetry stories - we travel through the tunnel of time and return to the late Tang Dynasty, focusing on a talented poet - Du Mu.His poems are like his times, containing both profound historical sentiments and thoughts on personal destiny.This collection selects two representative works of Du Mu's - Qingming - and - Bo Qinhuai - to vividly display the artistic conception in the poems through animation.

In the poem - Qingming - we seem to be in a drizzly Qingming season, with pedestrians in a hurry and our hearts filled with longing for our deceased relatives.Du Mu uses concise brushstrokes to outline a poignant and true picture, which triggers our thinking and cherishing of life.

In "Mooring at Qinhuai", we followed the poet's strokes and came to the prosperous Qinhuai River. The boats moored at night and the lights in the distance all revealed a different kind of style.Du Mu expressed his feelings about historical changes in his poems, and also expressed his inner emotions.

《Tang poetry stories》E19Plot

Episode 19

Episode 19 selects a representative work of a Tang Dynasty poet and uses animation to show the artistic conception and creative background of his poetry.​

Considering that the 《Tang poetry stories》 series usually selects representative and influential poems, this episode may involve Li Bai's bold works, Du Fu's melancholy thoughts, Wang Wei's landscapes and pastoral, or Bai Juyi's popular poems.Easy to understand poetry.For example, focusing on frontier poems, one might tell poems by Cen Shen or Wang Changling, describing the magnificence of the frontier and the bravery of the warriors;

Exploring the feelings of literati will reveal the literary achievements of Han Yu or Liu Zongyuan.

《Tang poetry stories》E20Plot

Episode 20

In the twentieth episode of "Rhyme of the Tang Dynasty", the content focuses on the late Tang Dynasty, telling the background of no great poets appearing in the Tang Dynasty after Du Mu and Li Shangyin, as well as the historical environment of social unrest and frequent peasant riots at that time.During this period, some poets, such as Pi Rixiu, Lu Guimeng and Luo Yin, although their influence was limited, their essays sharply criticized reality, and their poems reflected profound insights into social injustice, such as Cao Ye's "Official Hamster"Satire on corrupt officials.

Therefore, if episode 20 of 《Tang poetry stories》 follows a similar theme, it may show the works and era background of these late Tang poets through animation, emphasizing their unique contributions to literature and their reflection of social reality.The intertwining of history and reality, as well as the poet's emotions about the rise and fall of the past, may be explored through specific poems, such as Pi Rixiu's - Bianhe Nostalgia - or Lu Guimeng's - Wu Gong Nostalgia -.

《Tang poetry stories》E21Plot

Episode 21

《Tang poetry stories》Episode 21 is an animation series based on Tang poetry, focusing on the representative works of a famous poet, such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Wang Wei, etc., showing the poet's creation through vivid pictures and plotsThe inspiration and social scene at that time allow the audience to appreciate the charm of Tang poetry and the profoundness of Tang Dynasty culture while appreciating the story.

For example, this episode is about Li Bai's "Silent Night Thoughts". It will depict Li Bai being alone in a foreign land on a bright moonlit night, missing his hometown. Through animation, it will show the bright moonlight in front of the bed in the poem, which is suspected to be on the ground.frost.

The artistic conception of looking up at the bright moon and looking down at hometown allows the audience to feel the poet's deep nostalgia and perception of the natural beauty.

《Tang poetry stories》E22Plot

Episode 22

This episode continues an in-depth look at the lives of famous Tang Dynasty poets and their classic works.

Referring to the rich content of Tang poetry, Episode 22 focuses on a specific poet, such as Bai Juyi, Du Mu or Li Shangyin, telling the story behind his creation through animation, showing the poet's thoughts, emotions and the social environment at that time.

For example, this episode is about Bai Juyi - the charcoal seller. It will tell a profound story about social injustice and the hard life of the people at the bottom. Through the experience of the charcoal seller, it reflects the poet's sympathy for the suffering of the people and his understanding of reality.criticism.The animation will use poetic images and plots to help the audience understand the social significance and literary value of the poem.

《Tang poetry stories》E23Plot

Episode 23

Focusing on Du Fu, it will tell the creative background of "Spring Hope", show Du Fu's concern for the country and the people during the Anshi Rebellion, and depict the desolate scene after the war and the poet's desire for peace through animation.

The plot revolves around how Du Fu expressed his deep concern for the country and people through poetry in difficult times, and how his personal destiny collided with the current of the times.

Through delicate pictures, the animation will show the profound meaning contained in the poem "The country is broken by mountains and rivers, and the city is springy with deep vegetation", allowing the audience to feel the intertwining of historical depth and personal emotions in Du Fu's poems.

《Tang poetry stories》E24Plot

Episode 24

In Episode 24, we will embark on a journey of poetry and painting that spans thousands of years, and appreciate the unique charm of three great poets of the Tang Dynasty - Wang Wei's pastoral poems of landscapes, Du Mu's historical and lyrical poems, and Han Yu's prose poems.Through the magical art form of animation, we will delve into the artistic conception of the poem and explore the poet's emotional world.

We will focus on the poem "Mountain Dwelling in Autumn Ming" by Wang Wei.As the animation unfolds, a tranquil and far-reaching landscape painting slowly unfolds.The audience seems to be in the freshness of autumn after the new rain in the empty mountains, feeling the tranquility and leisure away from the hustle and bustle.The clear springs in the mountains gurgled and the fallen leaves danced in the wind. Every detail revealed the poet's detachment and leisure.

Then, you will follow Du Mu's brushstrokes, travel through the tunnel of time and space, and return to that historical era of rapid changes.The animation is based on Du Mu's epic poem, and presents those heroes and historical events in vivid pictures.

The audience will witness Du Mu's Dongfeng's unwillingness to get along with Zhou Lang, and Tongquechun's deep love for Er Qiao, and feel his deep emotion for history and admiration for heroes.

《Tang poetry stories》E25Plot

Episode 25

In the 24th episode of 《Tang poetry stories》, we step into the most glorious cultural feast of the Tang Dynasty, focusing on a poet who is famous throughout the ages-Li Bai.This episode takes Li Bai's "About to Drink" as its theme. Through the unique art form of animation, it shows Li Bai's unrestrained and timely life attitude.

The animation begins at a grand banquet.Li Bai in the picture is wearing a brocade robe, holding a wine glass, and looks calm.The guests at the banquet either recited poems or drank wine, and the atmosphere was warm and cheerful.Li Bai stood among the crowd, his eyes were deep and bright, as if he could see everything in the world.

As the banquet progressed, Li Bai began to recite "The wine will be served" loudly.His voice was loud and passionate, and every word was full of power.When the poem "If you don't see it, the water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky and rushes to the sea and never returns" is heard, the water of the Yellow River in the animation is surging and rushing, symbolizing the shortness and impermanence of life.And when the poem "You don't see the mirror in the high hall is sad and gray, the morning is like blue silk and turns into snow at dusk" appears, the scene switches to the bright mirror in the high hall, reflecting Li Bai's gradually graying hair, making people sigh at the ruthlessness of time.

During the recitation, Li Bai raised his glass and drank deeply, with a smile of satisfaction and joy on his face.He used his actions to interpret the philosophy that if you want to be successful in life, you must have all the fun, and don't let the golden bottle empty of the moon.Through brightly colored images and vivid dialogues, the animation vividly displays Li Bai's heroic ambitions and carpe diem attitude towards life.

In addition to showing the artistic conception of "about to drink wine", the animation also deeply explores Li Bai's personality charm.He is uninhibited and talented, exuding unique charm both in poetry creation and in life.While enjoying the animation, the audience can also feel Li Bai's personality and spiritual outlook that transcend the times.

At the end of the animation, the poetic aftertaste of - about to drink wine - still remains.The audience seemed to still be able to hear Li Bai's heroic singing voice echoing in their ears and see his heroic appearance at the banquet.This episode not only allowed the audience to appreciate the poetic beauty of "Jianjinjiu", but also gave them a deeper understanding of Li Bai, the great poet.

《Tang poetry stories》E26Plot

Episode 26

As the final chapter of the whole series of "Tang poetry stories", the 26th episode focuses on He Zhizhang's "Returning Hometown Puppet Book". This poem is not only an affectionate review of He Zhizhang's personal career, but also an affectionate review of the entire Tang Dynasty.A symbolic summary of the relationship between the glory of poetry and the era of the poet.

The animation opens with soft tones and a melodious soundtrack, slowly revealing a peaceful rural scene.He Zhizhang in the picture has gray hair. He is standing at the entrance of the village, staring deeply into the distance.At this time, he had resigned and returned to his hometown. Years of wandering and vicissitudes of life had left deep marks on his face.

As the animation progressed, He Zhizhang began to recite the book "Returning to Hometown".His voice was deep and emotional, and every word was filled with deep affection for his hometown.In the picture, he sometimes recalls the scene when he left home when he was young, and sometimes laments the vicissitudes brought about by the changes of time.When the son returned home from home and the poem "The local pronunciation has not changed, the hair on the temples has declined" sounded, the animation used the method of contrast to show He Zhizhang's transformation from youth to old age, as well as his consistent deep love for his hometown.

During the recitation, He Zhizhang met the children in the village.They gathered around him curiously and asked in childish voices: “Grandpa, where are you from?”Facing the children's innocent eyes and questions, He Zhizhang couldn't help but feel deeply.He smiled and replied: “I come from afar, but my heart always belongs here.”At this moment, the animation vividly expresses He Zhizhang's deep affection for his hometown and his emotion about the passage of time through warm scenes and sincere dialogue.

While showing He Zhizhang's personal emotions, the animation also does not forget to review the glory of poetry in the entire Tang Dynasty.By interspersing poems and story fragments from other Tang Dynasty poets, the animation brings the audience into a rich and colorful world of poetry.While appreciating He Zhizhang's "Returning to His Hometown", the audience can also feel the diversity and unique charm of Tang Dynasty poetry.

Tang poetry stories

Tang poetry stories

Total 26 Episodes Jan 01, 2003 C-Drama Docu/Hist