
《Dark Matter Season 1》Ep Intro

《Copy of Life》Regarded as one of the best science fiction novels of the decade, the story focuses on the unchosen path in life.

The series revolves around Jason Dessen (Joel Edgerton), a physicist, professor, and family man.One night, while walking home from the streets of Chicago, Jason was kidnapped and entered another version of his life.Faced with the diverse lives he may experience, he tries to return to his original reality, and the strange thing quickly turns into a nightmare.

In this maze of realities, Jason embarks on a harrowing journey to return to his true family and save them from his most terrifying and invincible enemy.

《Dark Matter Season 1》E1Plot

Episode 1

Jason stepped into a dark building, surrounded by haze.His eyes slowly moved up, and he walked out of a strange black cube.

Episode 1

Jason is a man with a warm family, a virtuous wife Daniela and a smart teenage son Charlie.

Jason also has a close friend, Ryan.During a drive to school, Lane called Jason to share the Pavia Prize, a scientific distinction he had just won.This not only means that Lane will receive a million-dollar bonus, but also an opportunity for him to open his own research fund.

As a physics teacher at Lakemont Middle School, Jason discusses the profound subject of Schrödinger's cat with students in class.However, the ringing of the bell interrupted his unfinished words.

Jason's life seemed to change in some way, especially after he returned home and started writing a diary, recording the important moments of each day.Meanwhile, his wife, Daniela, is not only an art connoisseur but is also passionate about fitness.She discusses dinner with Jason and eventually convinces him to meet Ryan.Ryan happened to be at a bar in town called the Country Pub that Jason frequented.

The pair drank scotch at the bar until the early hours, and the conversation always revolved around science.Ryan offers Jason a tempting opportunity to work on a massive project worth hundreds of millions of dollars.However, considering that San Francisco, where the project was located, was far away from his hometown of Chicago, Jason declined.

Jason felt confused and disillusioned on his way home when he unexpectedly bumped into a masked man.The man held Jason at gunpoint, forced him into his car and drove to an isolated location.The masked man knew all about Jason's personal affairs and even mentioned his friend Ryan.

After being taken to a secluded area, Jason was forced to strip naked and his belongings were searched one by one, including his precious wedding ring.The masked man handed Jason a flashlight and ordered him to walk into the depths of an abandoned warehouse.After being sedated, Jason was forced to put on his clothes and then passed out.

When Jason woke up again, he found himself facing a masked man.The man holds a mysterious box in his hand, called the “Possibility” Box.When the man opens the box, it emits an ominous glow.He asks Jason if he feels happy, which is a puzzling question.

Jason eventually wakes up and finds himself in front of a group of doctors.They, from a company called Velocity, cut off his torn clothes, sprayed him with disinfectant and eventually placed him in a brand new room.This room is filled with clean clothes and a double bed, which seems to indicate that Jason is about to start a new life.

However, Jason's world has been turned upside down.A knock on the door broke the silence, and a new figure walked into the room.The woman, named Amanda, hugged Jason warmly and asked how he was doing.She was a stranger to Jason, but the news she brought brought him some comfort.It turned out that he had passed quarantine and inspection of all biological material.

However, questions arise one after another.Jason struggled to understand what was going on.He was brought to a man named Layton.Layton revealed that Jason is actually the chief scientific officer and co-founder of Velocity.He was responsible for all affairs of the company, but had been missing for 14 months.

When Jason mentioned Ryan Holder's name, both Layton and Amanda's expressions became extremely serious.Their relationship seems to hold a dark secret that Jason is eager to solve.

On the way back to his room, Jason decisively seized the opportunity to escape.He nimbly climbed up the outer wall, successfully hailed a taxi, and sped home.Clutching in his hand was a small plastic bag containing all the items in his room: keys, a mysterious box, and other personal items.Jason was anxious and quickly opened the door with the key.

However, what greeted him was not the wife Daniela he was expecting, but Amanda.So, what about the masked man?He actually returned home, and he was Jason himself.But this Jason is different from the previous Jason in that he has no scar on his nose.He walked over to Daniela and the two started talking, seemingly familiar with each other.

At the same time, Jason was panicked by this sudden change.In this reality, he becomes the winner of the Pavia Prize, living with Amanda instead of Daniela.He tried to clear his mind, but everything seemed so confusing.

While Jason is in trouble, Amanda calmly points out that in this reality, he doesn't have a wife.This was a whole new world, one he had never imagined.Unable to accept all this, Jason rushed out the door and fled this strange home.

Cut to masked Jason's perspective, he manages to find Daniela and takes her upstairs.The two began to kiss passionately, as if they were leaving all their doubts and confusion behind.However, Daniela noticed the bandage on Jason's arm and curiously asked what it was about.

“If you told me, you wouldn't believe it, ”The masked Jason replied mysteriously, leaving a suspense.

《Dark Matter Season 1》E2Plot

Episode 2

Jason is sitting quietly in a country pub. Ironically, the Animals' classic song "We Gotta Get Out of This Place" is playing, which coincides with Jason's current predicament.However, the bartender was clearly not impressed by the strange guest, and as things took a turn for the worse, Jason was eventually forced to leave the bar.

Episode 2

Confused, Jason headed to the emergency room, convinced that something was wrong with him.That morning, Jason, wearing a mask, parted ways with Daniela and began trying to adapt to a new kitchen and lifestyle.He turned around to get a cup of coffee to calm down, but it was clear that this Jason had his own troubles.

After some examination, Jason learned that his CT scan results were normal.However, there was some unknown substance in his body, which was a psychoactive compound.This finally solves the mystery of why he was injected in the first episode.

What confused Jason even more was that he discovered that there was no person named Daniela Dessen in this world.After some investigation, Jason discovered that Daniela had never been married, but was a high-profile artist who was having her own solo exhibition.In order not to be discovered by Amanda and others, Jason managed to obtain the address of the exhibition and sneaked out quietly disguised as a doctor.

At the same time, Layton and Amanda were looking for Jason, but he unexpectedly showed up at the gallery opening.Surprisingly, Daniela's artwork features Jason as a theme.When their eyes met in the crowd, Jason stepped forward and hugged Daniela without hesitation.She was surprised by this because she had never heard the name Charlie, or even Ryan appearing here.Apparently, Lane was behind Jason's creation of Speed, the company that played a key role in Jason's capture in the previous episode.

As night fell, after the gallery exhibition ended, Jason sat around with Ryan and Daniela and discussed the hypothetical differences in his life.At this time, Jason suddenly appeared in another time and space and started a profound conversation with her about choices.

“Our choices shape the world,” Jason said to Daniella, and it was clear that the choice he regretted most was not being with her.This reveal not only explains everything that happened to the other Jason, but ties the events together into a complete story.

Although Jason frankly shared his real-life experience and everything he encountered, Ryan thought it was just a ridiculous delusion and eventually left angrily.When Jason tried to prove to him that he had achieved great success in that world, Ryan angrily cursed him.

Early the next morning, Jason called Amanda's phone and told her that he was in poor condition and was preparing to go to a mental hospital for treatment.After telling her the address, he watched her leave... and then quietly sneaked into the house with Daniela.

Everything seems to be changing quietly, including the photo of the waterfall, which seems to have become the biggest breakthrough here.We even get to see two different versions of Jason react very differently when faced with the photo, which definitely adds more complexity to the story.

At the same time, in another time and space, Jason, wearing a mask, arrived late for his lecture and behaved completely differently than usual.He successfully attracted the children's attention and began his lesson.Even though he's getting used to this new way of life, the advice he gives Charlie about women is very different from the way Jason encouraged him at the beginning of the last chapter.

This radically different attitude is just one of many new quirks that Daniela and others are discovering.Amazingly, even if he misused his toothbrush that night, it didn't arouse anyone's suspicion.

Wearing a mask, Jason called Ryan the next morning and told him that he had crossed a line and would not accept the job.After hanging up the phone, Jason's destination turns out to be a mysterious storage facility that contains the mask he used against the other Jason, along with a bunch of other trinkets and tools.

As the story develops, our vision switches back and forth between two time and spaces.Our Jason begins to understand what Jason is doing while wearing the mask.It's him who created that mysterious box that can travel between realities, the one we saw at the beginning of the first episode.The masked Jason was so frustrated with his choices that he jumped into our Jason universe and essentially hijacked his life.

As night falls, Daniela sits down with our Jason to discuss their relationship—or, more accurately, a relationship in another world.The atmosphere becomes increasingly ambiguous when the topic touches on sex.It's like two strangers discovering each other, but unfortunately, the doorbell rings at the most critical moment.

When Jason opened the door, everything descended into chaos.Amanda's goons show up at the door and she walks in without hesitation, shooting Daniela and using a stun gun to knock Jason to the ground, knocking him into a coma.

《Dark Matter Season 1》E3Plot

Episode 3

From the moment Amanda received that phone call, her world was rocked by the news of what had happened to Daniela.After realizing the seriousness of the situation, she couldn't help but curse in anger.

Episode 3

Meanwhile, Jason awakens from his slumber and finds himself back at speed.There he met Layton, who calmly admitted to him that he had to bear the consequences of what had happened.“You're back, but we're not ready yet.”Leiden's words revealed a hint of nervousness. He believed that Jason was a potential danger, which was why he was currently restrained.

In another scene, Detective Mason visits Layton's office.There is a rather weird painting hanging on the wall, which may be familiar to people who like memes, but whether this painting has any other meaning remains to be explored further.Mason's visit was mainly to discuss matters about Jason.When the conversation turned to art exhibitions and Jason's recent whereabouts, Layton was clearly caught off guard.

However, all this turmoil also puts Amanda in a dilemma, and she is forced to weave lies to cope with the situation.She warned Layton not to trust the emotionally unstable woman Dawn.The two had a heated argument over how Jason managed to use the mysterious box to return to the real world.They knew the value of the box, after all they had invested millions of dollars in developing it.

In order to uncover the truth, Layton determined to face Jason again and released his restraints.He mentioned the box and why they had been trying to protect it.Faced with Layton's questioning, Jason suppressed his inner turmoil, looked directly into Layton's eyes, and successfully persuaded him to show the box.

The box was placed in a prominent location in the laboratory, surrounded by scientific researchers.Jason learns a startling fact: He is the only person who has ever entered the box and returned successfully.Prior to this, three people had tried but failed to survive.Jason personally checked the video data and saw the moment when he entered the box and closed the door, as well as the last video they had - the scene of Jason struggling to climb out of the machine.All of this implies that our Jason may not be who we know him, which also explains the confusion in everyone's hearts.

In fact, Amanda had spoken to Jason privately that night, and he had admitted certain things.However, at this moment, Lane is brought in and Layton decides to interrogate Jason more harshly.He is convinced that Jason is not the real Jason, but an imposter.After Jason's cover is blown, he angrily storms across the table and slaps Layton hard across the face.Unfortunately, Dawn bursts into the scene and nearly stabs Jason until Layton intervenes in time.

After all the chaos died down, Jason was asked to explain how the box worked.However, he knew nothing about it, which made Layton doubt his story.Eventually, Layton decided to lock our Jason in his room, and Ryan happened to be there.

Apparently, masked Jason had asked Ryan to create a drug that would alter brain chemistry.Although Lane was taking a chance, he believes the drug was inspired by a phenomenon called decoherence.The box's role as a mysterious portal, coupled with this special drug, may explain how it works.This also provides more explanation for the little box in the warehouse where the masked Jason is.

On the other side of the real world, Jason, wearing a mask, had dinner with Daniela.He seemed flustered when Daniela mentioned the dinner party that he had completely forgotten about.Of course, he forgot about the dinner because he wasn't really Jason.He smiled and brushed it off, and the two of them continued to toast and drink.

For Jason, the world is full of strangeness and confusion.He uses social media to piece together the missing pieces of memory, trying to remember the key details of the dinner and grappling with the challenges at hand.However, Ryan's appearance made him feel a little uneasy.Although Jason tried to cover up his discomfort with an understatement of apology, Ryan was keenly aware of his strangeness, especially when he complimented Jason on how good he looked.

That night, Daniela questioned Jason's change in behavior.She showed no signs of complaint, as the change itself was positive for her, however, she did sense that something unusual was going on.To calm her concerns, Jason cleverly changed the subject and mentioned a series of events outside the bar, although he deliberately omitted the details of the kidnapping.He weaved a moving story about his near-death experience, claiming that at that critical moment, he deeply realized the preciousness of life and the pain of losing her.

At the same time, Jason, wearing a mask, continued to immerse himself in research in the office. He did his best to imitate the real Jason to ensure that he could better integrate into this new life.However, no matter how hard he tries, there are always nuances and contradictions that cannot be completely concealed.

As the plot of this episode gradually reaches its climax, the camera cuts to our Jason again.Amanda rescued him from his predicament and decided to take on the responsibility of caring for him.The two walked hand in hand towards the mysterious box, and when Dawn tried to prevent them from entering, they took decisive action and smashed her fingers.Then, they hugged each other tightly, the pill box in Jason's hand was ready, and the two injected each other with drugs, preparing to embark on an unknown journey.

When they woke up from the coma, they found themselves in a strange and endless world.This world is full of unknowns and dangers, but it also contains endless possibilities and hopes.

Dark Matter Season 1

Dark Matter Season 1

Total 9 Episodes May 08, 2024 Us Comedy/Plot