《Game of Thrones Season 5》Ep Intro

With the fall of Tywin Lannister, Game of Thrones is making waves again.The escape journey of Tyrion and Varys is not only a challenge to their personal destiny, but also a profound subversion of the entire power structure.After killing Tywin, the two had to find a new refuge, and going to Daenerys became the safest choice in their eyes.

As a descendant of the Targaryen family, Daenerys has a strong bloodline and potential. Her rise will undoubtedly have a huge impact on the existing power system.The addition of Tyrion and Varys not only provided her with intellectual support, but also enhanced her strength.Their goal is to help Daenerys ascend the Iron Throne and become the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.

Meanwhile, Prince Oberon's death sparks another storm of revenge.His mistress Ellaria is determined to avenge him and targets Princess Myrcella.This action is not only a challenge to power, but also a defense of family honor.In order to protect his nominal niece and actual daughter, Jaime secretly went to Dorne. This move will undoubtedly plunge him into a more complicated whirlpool of power.

With Sam's help, Jon Snow successfully became Commander of the Night's Watch.However, facing the menacing threat of the White Walkers, he made a surprising decision-to reconcile with the wildlings.This decision not only puzzled many brothers who fought alongside him, but also raised questions about his leadership ability.However, Jon knows very well that only by uniting all the forces that can be united can he resist the invasion of the White Walkers and defend the human world.

After Tommen succeeded to the throne, his wife Margaret remained by his side.This arrangement greatly displeased Queen Mother Cersei, whose thirst for power as the mother of the former king had never waned.However, what she didn't know was that her own doom was also approaching.The game of thrones never stops, each player is fighting for their own interests, and the final winner will depend on their wisdom, courage and luck.

《 Game of Thrones 》 Season 5 is full of twists and surprises.The power struggle, family feuds and revenge actions between various characters are intertwined to form a magnificent historical picture.We look forward to seeing more exciting plot and character development as the story progresses.

《Game of Thrones Season 5》E1Plot

War is coming

Game of Thrones once again takes place among the Seven Kingdoms, ending in tragedy with the death of Tywin Lannister.The once iron-fisted prime minister died at the hands of his own son Tyrion, and the whole country was immersed in sorrow.

Cersei, Tywin's daughter, after learning of her father's death, rushed to the body to pay a silent tribute.Her eyes flashed with anger and grief, and her unquenchable emotions exploded in front of James.She mentioned Tyrion, the brother who betrayed the family and family ties, and angrily expressed that she would catch him with her own hands and make him pay the due price.

However, Tyrion has escaped from danger with the help of Varys.He hid in the darkness and temporarily escaped the pursuit of his family.For Cersei, catching Tyrion has become an obsession in her heart. She dreams of finding him to relieve her hatred.

War is coming

Meanwhile, Daenerys is going through her own challenges.She moved into the pyramid and started a new life.However, the peaceful days did not last long.One day, an Unsullied named White Mouse came to the Meereen brothel.He took off his shirt and lay in bed with a prostitute, enjoying a brief moment of pleasure.However, the danger came quietly at this time.A mysterious man wearing a golden mask suddenly appeared. He cut the white mouse's throat, and the blood stained the sheets red.The white mouse lost too much blood and died on the bed.

After Daenerys learned of the death of the White Mouse, she decided to give him a grand burial.She felt sorry for the loss of life, and at the same time she was wary of unknown dangers.

On the other side, Pod has been following Brienne around.However, Brienne suddenly asked Pod to leave on his own.Pod looked confused, not knowing where to go.The conversation between the two was interrupted by a group of cavalry escorting a carriage passing by the roadside.Littlefinger in the car takes Sansa to an unknown destination. What will be their fate?

Varys takes Tyrion to a powerful friend.However, life on the run was not easy.Tyrion climbed out of the wooden box, exhausted.He poured a glass of wine but vomited it out due to an upset stomach.His body had reached its limit, but the faith in his heart kept him going.

Daenerys came to the dungeon to visit the little dragon she raised.Now, the little dragon has grown into a big dragon, showing its fierce look.Daenerys was frightened by the fire breathed by the dragon and fled back to the ground.She realizes that the creature she raised has become powerful and dangerous, and she must be more careful.

Snow entered the cell to visit his friend King Red.Red once led the savage army to attack the Great Wall of the North, but it ended in failure.He is captured by Stannis and is about to be burned at the stake.Although Snow felt sorry for Red's death, he also understood that this was the cruel reality of war.He couldn't change Red's fate, he could only watch him disappear in the fire silently.

《Game of Thrones Season 5》E2Plot

House of Black and White

In the suburbs far away from the hustle and bustle, Arya came to the outside of the solemn church.Her heart was full of expectation and anxiety, because here, she hoped to find a place to stay and temporarily escape the disturbances of the outside world.However, the church door was coldly closed in front of her.An old man with a stern face and frosty eyes ignored the coin in Arya's hand - it was a token given by Jia Kun, symbolizing some unknown promise.

Arya's mood suddenly hit rock bottom.She came all the way here just to seek a little shelter, but she never expected to encounter such indifferent rejection.The coin in her hand seemed to have lost its original magic, and Arya threw it helplessly into the distant lake, letting it sink into the bottomless darkness.

At the same time, Pod followed Brienne to a lively inn.At the inn, Littlefinger and Sansa are also present.Brienne knows her mission - to protect Catelyn's children, and Sansa is her eldest daughter.She tried to persuade Littlefinger to allow her to take Sansa away, but was rebuffed.Not only that, Sansa herself also showed resistance to Brienne.

A conflict is inevitable.Under Littlefinger's command, the knights drew their swords and pointed them at Brienne.Faced with such a dangerous situation, Brienne decisively chose to retreat.She used her agility and wit to successfully escape from the inn.Pod had already prepared his horse outside the inn, and the two of them got on the horse and galloped away.

House of Black and White

However, the knights did not give up. They followed closely, chasing after him.In the chaos, Pod was unfortunately thrown to the river by the frightened horse.The two knights quickly chased after him, intending to kill Pod.At the critical moment, Brienne appeared in time. She brandished the weapon in her hand and bravely started a fierce battle with the knights.After a fierce battle, Brienne finally knocked down the two knights and saved Pod.

In the whirlpool of power, the little devil's escape life is full of hardships and challenges.Although he was once the prime minister of King's Landing and possessed extraordinary wisdom and leadership abilities, at this moment he could only hide and linger.Wallis spoke highly of him. He believed that the little devil's wisdom and courage were beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Meanwhile, Gray Worm and Darius are also busy dealing with the rebels.They successfully captured one of the rebels and escorted him to a cell to await execution.However, Missandre, a former slave, urged Daenerys to kill the rebel as a warning to others.But Daenerys did not make the decision lightly. She knew that the use of power required caution and wisdom.

Cersei and Jaime are also worried about various matters.The death of their eldest son Joffrey made them heartbroken, their younger son's marriage made them worried, and the safety of their younger daughter kept them awake at night.In Game of Thrones, everyone is fighting for their own interests, and Cersei and Jaime are no exception.

Bronn and his fiancée Loris are enjoying a rare quiet time at the seaside castle.However, the arrival of James broke this tranquility.He shows Bronn the paperwork authorizing Lolys' marriage to another lord, much to Bronn's anger and disappointment.Jaime took the opportunity to ask Bronn to go with him to the south to perform the mission, trying to resolve the conflict.

On the Great Wall, the savage attack was successfully repelled by the Night's Watch.However, the vigil commander died in the battle.With everyone's recommendation, Snow became the new supreme commander.He shoulders a heavy responsibility and is determined to protect the safety of this land and its people.

But things seem to be turning around for Arya.It turns out that the old man in the church is actually Jia Kun pretending to be a man.He tore off the mask from his face in front of Arya, revealing his true face.Under the guidance of Jia Kun, Arya was finally able to enter the church and start her new journey.

Elsewhere, Daenerys faces a more serious challenge.Missander executed the rebels privately, causing dissatisfaction and anger among the slaves.Daenerys had to take action to calm the storm.She coldly executed Missander in front of all the slaves in the city as a warning to others.However, this move failed to completely calm the emotions of the slaves, and they began to become suspicious and dissatisfied with Daenerys.

《Game of Thrones Season 5》E3Plot

High Sparrow

The new character “High Sparrow” played by Jonathan Pryce has become a highlight of this episode.His appearance not only adds new variables to the plot, but also makes us full of expectations for the identity and purpose of this character.Every move and every word he says seems to have a deep meaning, and people can't help but want to explore the story behind it.

At the same time, Margaery Tyrell's third marriage also attracted widespread attention from the audience.Unlike her previous two marriages, this time she seemed to have found true happiness.Her new husband brings her satisfaction and joy, which heralds a new turn in her destiny.And this also means that there may be no more blood and killing at this wedding, bringing a rare sense of calm to this world full of wars and conspiracies.

However, not everyone enjoys such peace.In Winterfell, Ramsay's brutal rule made many nobles feel fear and despair.His bloodthirsty nature cost many people their lives, and those who were unwilling to surrender became the dead souls of his sword.Although the Bolton family was dissatisfied with Ramsay's behavior, they were unable to change this situation.Ramsay firmly believes that only through cruel rule can all people be suppressed. This extreme concept shrouds Winterfell in darkness.

High Sparrow

Sansa's fate also affects the hearts of countless viewers.She and Littlefinger traveled across mountains and rivers to the outside of Winterfell, only to see that their former home had been occupied by foreigners.She was unwilling to marry Ramsay, but under Littlefinger's persuasion, she had to accept this cruel reality.Her heart is full of struggle and helplessness, but she also understands that she must make sacrifices for the revenge of her family.

On the Great Wall, Snow also faces huge challenges as the commander-in-chief of the Night Watch.He tried to appoint the veteran Genos to rebuild the castle, but Janos' dissatisfaction got him into trouble.In the end, Snow had to take decisive action and kill Janos in public to maintain his authority and the discipline of the Night's Watch.

In another place far away from Winterfell, Brienne and Pod are monitoring Sansa's whereabouts.While they were resting in the mountains, Brienne decided to teach Pod how to sword and become a knight.This decision not only shows Brienne's bravery and determination, but also allows us to see her deep love for Pod.

In this episode, we also see a scene with Tyrion in a brothel.He is attracted to a prostitute but eventually changes his mind and leaves the hall.However, his whereabouts were discovered by Jorah Mormont and he was bound and taken away.This scene not only makes us worry about Tyrion's fate, but also makes us question Jorah Mormont's purpose.

《Game of Thrones Season 5》E4Plot

Son of the Banshee

The night was deep and dark, covering the vast sea like splashed ink.Jorah's figure loomed in the night. He decisively knocked out an innocent fisherman and seized his wooden boat.Then, he took Tyrion aboard the wooden boat, and the two of them sailed toward the vast sea under the cover of night.

At the same time, the atmosphere in King's Landing was extremely tense.A sudden riot broke the tranquility of the city, and many innocent clients were brutally murdered by a group of mysterious believers.Margaery's brother Loras was also abducted by the cultists, and her heart was filled with anxiety and panic.She eagerly told Tommen her plight, hoping that he could help find her brother.At her plea, Tommen decided to seek help from his mother, Cersei.However, Cersei reminds him that if he wants to save Loras, he must go to the church to find the leader.

However, the door of the church was closed, and the leader's men were determined not to let Tommen enter.Faced with this situation, Tommen's guards drew their swords and prepared to start a fierce fight with the cultists.However, after a brief deliberation, Tommen chose to lead the guards back the same way.He knew that the conflict at this moment would only make things more complicated and dangerous.

In the realm of Dorne, Bronn and Jaime also launched a thrilling rescue operation.When Jaime's daughter is taken hostage in Dorne, he is distraught and determined to rescue her personally.Bronn, as his right-hand man, followed him without hesitation.However, after they arrived on the land of Dorne, they were intercepted by several cavalry.

Son of the Banshee

Facing the threat of the cavalry, Bronn was not afraid. He quickly stuck his sword on the sand, pulled out the dagger from his waist and threw it at a cavalryman.The dagger struck the cavalryman with such accuracy that he fell from his horse.Bronn took the opportunity to attack several other horsemen, showing his bravery and cunning.And James also showed his fighting skills. Although he only had one arm, he still struggled tenaciously with a cavalryman with sound limbs.With his life hanging by a thread, he stretched out his prosthetic hand and grasped the cavalry's sword, successfully turning the tide of the battle.

Elsewhere, Melisandre tries to have a relationship with Snow.However, Snow could not forget his dead lover, and he firmly refused Melisandre's temptation.His heart was filled with nostalgia for the past and confusion about the future.

Sansa came to the tunnel to worship her relatives who had died many years ago.Her heart was filled with longing for her family and uncertainty about the future.Littlefinger also came to the tunnel, and he chatted with Sansa about the current situation.They all knew that Stannis would most likely attack Winterfell, which was held by Bolton's father.Littlefinger hopes that the Boltons will be defeated, because only in this way can Stannis hand over the management of Winterfell to Sansa.

Tyrion's fate lies in Jorah's hands.Jorah plans to take Tyrion back to Daenerys to resurrect him, even though he has been exiled by Daenerys.However, Tyrion persuades Jorah to give up the idea, believing that Jorah has lost his chance of gaining Daenerys' forgiveness.

At the same time, the kingdom ruled by Daenerys also fell into chaos.Many killers wearing golden masks appeared in the city, and they mercilessly killed the Unsullied and innocent people.Gray Worm led his men to a house and started a thrilling bloody battle with dozens of masked killers.However, the battle was extremely brutal. All of Gray Worm's men were killed and he himself was seriously injured.Fortunately, Barristan arrived in time. He helped Gray Worm kill all the Masked Killers, but he was also dying.

《Game of Thrones Season 5》E5Plot

annihilate childishness

The sky of Meereen City was shrouded in the smoke of the riots, and Gray Worm, the leader of the Unsullied, was attacked unprepared and his life hung on a thread.Barristan, a loyal warrior, rushed into the chaotic city alone after learning the news, trying to support the troubled Unsullied team.After a fierce battle, Gray Worm was seriously injured, but luckily escaped, but Barristan fell to the masked man's blade forever.

This riot made Daenerys full of hatred for the slave owners of Meereen.She decided to seek justice for the dead Unsullied, so she escorted several slave owners to the basement where the flying dragon was imprisoned.The basement was dark and depressing, and Feilong's eyes shone coldly in the darkness.One slave owner was swallowed up by the flames spouted by the flying dragon in fear, while the rest stood aside with pale faces, watching in horror as the two flying dragons devoured the unfortunate slave owner.

At the same time, Sansa's fate also took a turn.She came to the kennel and unexpectedly met her former acquaintance Xion.However, at this time, Theon had become a slave driven by Ramsay. He respectfully poured wine and food for Ramsay without daring to resist at all.While Ramsay's family is having dinner with Sansa, Bolton announces the shocking news that his wife Varda is pregnant with a child, who is likely to be a boy.Sansa glanced at Ramsay with mixed feelings in her heart.As the illegitimate son of Bolton, although Ramsay has become an official member of the Bolton family, he is still worried that his status will be replaced by his half-brother.

annihilate childishness

As night fell, Bolton told Ramsay about the past when he met and had a relationship with Ramsay's mother.After hearing this past incident, Ramsay remained silent, while Bolton hoped that Ramsay could lead the army to fight and maintain the family's power.

On the other side of the Wall, Snow visits Tormund, who is under house arrest.Tormund, the deputy of the Savage King known as “Giant Bane”, was persuaded by Snow to return to the wildling territory and led his people to move to the Great Wall.Snow knows very well that if the White Walkers attack the mainland, the wildling tribe will bear the brunt.He reminded Tormund that for the safety of his people, he should move his residence.Tormund finally accepts Snow's proposal, and Snow plans to borrow a ship from Stannis to send Tormund away.

Gray Worm wakes up from his coma, and Missandei sits by his bedside to keep him company.Gray Worm looked guilty, brooding over the previous attack.Daenerys, on the other hand, visits a slave master who kneels before her in his cell.Daenerys is thinking about how to use this political marriage to achieve her own ends.

In the lost ancient city, Jorah and Tyrion are experiencing another test.They passed the ancient city in a wooden boat, but were attacked by a group of people suffering from Gray Lin disease.Jorah fought hard and eventually killed the attackers, but he also contracted Gray Lin Disease.

《Game of Thrones Season 5》E6Plot


In Game of Thrones, every character is like a chess piece on a chessboard, pushed towards an unknown future by the hand of fate.Sansa, once the Princess of Winterfell, is now forced to marry the cruel Ramsay.Arya, a girl who longs to become a Faceless Man, constantly challenges her limits under Jia Kun's strict training.Jorah and Tyrion encountered an unexpected crisis during their journey.

Sansa's marriage was undoubtedly a tragedy.She was forced to leave Winterfell, away from her former home and relatives, and became Ramsay's wife.Her heart was filled with fear and unwillingness, but she could not escape this cruel fate.Theon, as Sansa's former companion, was also forced to watch this scene, and his heart was also filled with pain and helplessness.

Meanwhile, Arya is experiencing a different kind of challenge.She wanted to become the Faceless One, but Jia Kun thought she wasn't ready yet.Jia Kun's training is strict and cruel. Arya not only has to scrub the body of the dead, but also faces Jia Kun's various tests.She was tired of this repetitive work, but she also understood that only by passing these tests could she become a true Faceless Man.


The encounter between Jorah and Tyrion is even more thrilling.They are attacked by a gang of black men on the beach, Jorah is tied up, and Tyrion is deemed useless due to his small stature.The black leader even planned to cut off Tyrion's reproductive organs and sell them to merchants.However, Tyrion's resourcefulness saved his life. He successfully persuaded the black leader and temporarily saved his life.

The fate of these characters seems to be controlled by an invisible force, and they are unable to choose their own path.However, they have not completely given up on resistance and change.Although Sansa was forced to marry Ramsay, she did not give up her desire for freedom and happiness; although Arya was tired of training, she still insisted on pursuing her dreams; Jorah and Tyrion were in crisisdemonstrated their courage and wisdom.

The choices and efforts of these characters allow us to see that in Game of Thrones, no matter how cruel fate is, it cannot completely deprive people of their dignity and ability to choose freely.Their story is a profound exploration and reflection on fate and human nature.

《Game of Thrones Season 5》E7Plot


After Sansa got married, she suffered psychological and physical torture from Ramsay every night, and almost lost hope in life.In such a desperate situation, she tried to find a chance of survival and persuade her former captive Theon to rebel.Sansa gives Theon a candle as a code to contact the family's cronies, hoping that someone will come to rescue her.However, Theon did not follow Sansa's instructions and instead reported Sansa's rebellion plan to Ramsay.This betrayal made Sansa's situation even more dangerous. In order to punish her, Ramsay killed a maid of Sansa's family as a warning to others.

At the same time, outside the desperate Great Wall, an unknown journey is unfolding.Snow, the commander of the Night Watch, led several wildlings to leave the Great Wall and head to the distant wildling territory.They have to travel through ice and snow, facing unknown dangers and difficulties.Whether the savages who drink blood and hair can reach an agreement with Snow depends on God's favor.

In the direction of Winterfell, Stannis's army is moving towards its goal.Heavy snow blocked the marching road, and some mercenaries chose to retreat out of fear and greed.Stannis decided to make a desperate move and attack Winterfell as planned.His determination and courage are admirable, but also worrying about his future.


In Game of Thrones, there are no permanent enemies and no permanent friends.Jorah and Tyrion were sold as slaves, but their fate changed due to an unexpected fight.Tyrion used his actions to prove his worth, won the recognition of the nobles, and gained his freedom.

And in the world of the Night Watch, a funeral is taking place.The learned Maester Ramon has passed away, and his passing is regretted by all.However, his spirit will always live in the hearts of everyone, inspiring those who watch the night to move on.

In this world full of variables and dangers, everyone is fighting for survival and power.Whether it's Sansa's desperate struggle, Snow's unknown journey, or Stannis' desperate move, they are all part of this power game.In this game, only the strong can survive, and the weak can only become victims.

《Game of Thrones Season 5》E8Plot


In the far north, the severe cold of winter is like an invisible sword, hanging above the head of every life.The army of White Walkers, like ghosts in the darkness, silently destroyed the Queen's Hall in Meereen City, the territory of the wildlings, bringing death and destruction.At this time of life and death, Tyrion's wisdom and Daenerys's determination have become the hope of survival.

Tyrion, a counselor with keen insight and profound wisdom, is willing to provide Daenerys with strategies to stabilize the country.On his advice, Daenerys made the difficult decision to expel Jorah, who was infected with greyscale.Jorah, this once loyal guard, although his heart was full of confusion and pain, he still chose to return to the arena, submit to the slave master, and continue to be loyal to his queen in another way.

Meanwhile, Arya is also undergoing a profound transformation.Under Jia Kun's training, she put aside the hatred and pain of the past, changed her face, and lived in the world with a new identity - “Lana”.From then on, there was no Arya in the world. Instead, there was a little girl who made a living by selling seashells.Her transformation is not only a change in appearance, but also a rebirth of her inner world.


However, the situation in the north has not become clearer.In Winterfell, Bolton and the bastard Ramsay are plotting against Stannis.The young Ramsay wants to lead the elite on a surprise attack, while the experienced Bolton pursues a strategy of using defense as offense.In this game of power, everyone is fighting for their own interests, but no one can predict the final result.

And outside the whirlpool of power, the army of White Walkers is still raging.The encounter between the Night Watch soldiers Ollie and Sam highlights the cruelty of this disaster.They try hard to survive, but have to face the threat of death.Snow's alliance with the savage tribe is also particularly crucial in this disaster.However, the estrangement and contradiction between the two parties make this alliance full of variables.

In the end, the wildling territory was destroyed by the attack of the White Walker army.Although Snow and the few savages who were willing to move had a chance to escape, what they left behind was endless sorrow and despair.But the alien army is still continuing their journey, and their goal is the entire continent.

《Game of Thrones Season 5》E9Plot

A Dance with Dragons

The night Stannis sacrificed his daughter Daenerys in the arena during a snowstorm seemed to herald the coming doom.A fierce battle was brewing silently, and the chilling atmosphere of the snowy night and the firelight in the tent intertwined into a thrilling picture.

Ramsay, the cunning tactician, led his death squads, like ghosts in the night, quietly approaching the enemy camp.Fire shot into the sky, reflecting their cold and determined faces.Stannis hurriedly went into battle and tried to save the defeat, but Ramsay had already succeeded and escaped.That night, Stannis not only lost food and fodder, but also lost control of the situation.

At the same time, the wildling territory is being ravaged by the White Walker army.Snow, the young leader, shoulders the important task of saving tens of thousands of homeless savages.He led them through the wind and snow to reach the Great Wall of Despair.However, not all Night Watchmen welcome these wildlings, and even Ollie, who is closest to Snow, has a grudge.Only Sam, this loyal friend, always stayed by Snow's side.

In the whirlpool of power, Prince Daolang's family also suffered heavy losses.His brother, the Red Viper, died under Cersei's power, leaving behind a devastated family.The Red Viper's wife was full of hostility towards Jaime, but Prince Doran had to continue to bow to the Jaime family.Jaime's daughter Myssai is about to return to King's Landing with Prince Doran's son Trystane. This political marriage may bring short-term peace to both parties.

A Dance with Dragons

In this turbulent world, Arya is living with a new identity.She sells shells in a harbor town, trying to integrate into this unfamiliar environment.However, a psychopathic knight caught her attention.Accompanied by two companions, the knight actually entered a brothel and prostituted a young girl.A chill flashed across Arya's eyes, and she knew that the world was not always full of sunshine.

Stannis's situation becomes increasingly difficult.He sent his confidant Davos to the Great Wall to ask for help from Snow, but the cold weather and previous losses made the army difficult to move.In desperation, Stannis took Melisandre's advice and sacrificed his daughter Shireen.This innocent little girl became a victim of war in the raging fire. Her wailing echoed in the wind and snow, as if she was indicting the cruelty of the world.

In the distant city of Meereen, a grand slave duel is taking place.Daenerys arrives at the arena with her titular husband and Tyrion.The audience cheered for the wonderful duel, but amidst the cheers, a crisis was quietly approaching.The rebels wearing golden masks suddenly appeared, and the place fell into chaos.Daenerys and her husband were separated in the chaos, and Jorah stepped forward at the critical moment to escort Daenerys out of danger.

Just when her life was hanging by a thread, Daenerys's dragon Brother Zhu fell from the sky, spewing fire and burned many resisters to death.In front of everyone's attention, Daenerys got on Zhuo Ge's back and rode away in the wind.This night, whether it was Stannis's sacrifice, Jon Snow's plight, or Daenerys' thrilling escape, they all became indelible chapters in A Song of Ice and Fire.

《Game of Thrones Season 5》E10Plot

mother's mercy

In a cold and cruel world, heroism and tragedy are intertwined, and the wheel of fate crushes every character mercilessly.Stannis, the once ambitious king, now leads a tired army on the journey to Winterfell. He has only one goal - to fight Ramsay to the death.

The army led by Stannis fought bravely on the battlefield. He took the lead and charged at the enemy brandishing his sword.However, in the process of killing the enemy, he was unfortunately injured and fell to the ground, his blood staining the snow beneath him.At this moment, Brienne suddenly appeared, with the flames of revenge flashing in her eyes. In the name of Lenny's revenge, she raised the sword in her hand, ready to end Stannis's life.

At the same time, Jaime's daughter Myssela and Prince Doran's son Trystane are returning to King's Landing by ship.James was full of contradictions in his heart. He wanted to tell Missai the truth about his life experience, but Missai calmly told him that she already knew everything.Not only did she not resent James for this, but she was happy that she was his daughter.However, just as she and James hugged each other tightly, blood suddenly flowed from her nose. It turned out that she had been poisoned for a long time. At this moment, the poison took effect. She fell into James' arms and closed her eyes forever.

mother's mercy

In another corner, Arya used amazing wisdom and courage to disguise herself as a prostitute. She skillfully approached a knight and tore off his mask in his surprised eyes, coldly ending his life.However, when she returned to the church to return the mask of disguise, she was accused by Jia Kun and another faceless man.They believe that Arya should not take innocent lives.In order to repay Arya for the mistake she made, Jia Kun resolutely drank the poison. This scene made Arya extremely sad.However, what is even more shocking is that another Faceless Man turns into Jaqen's face, making Arya realize the true identity and power of the Faceless Men.

Sansa plans to escape from Winterfell, but her whereabouts are discovered by Ramsay's lover Miranda.At the critical moment, Xion took decisive action and killed Miranda.However, at this moment, Ramsay returned victorious, and Theon and Sansa had to join hands and jump off the wall of Winterfell to escape Ramsay's pursuit.

Daenerys longs to return to Meereen, but her dragon, Drogo, is injured and refuses to move.In the process of searching for food, Daenerys unfortunately encountered the siege of the khalasar nomadic tribe, and her situation was precarious.

In the center of power, Cersei had no choice but to confess her sins to the Archbishop.However, the archbishop nun punished her in a cruel way - cutting her hair short, stripping off her coat, and letting her be paraded in the street.This is undoubtedly a huge humiliation for Cersei, who was once aloof.

Snow got into trouble in the Night's Watch because of the wildling problem, and his disagreements with the Night's Watch led to tragedy.He was betrayed and stabbed to death by the Night's Watch, with the final stabbing being carried out by Ollie, a teenager whose family had been killed by wildlings.Jon's eyes stared lifelessly into the sky, his blood soaking the snow beneath him, his death a victim of the Night's Watch's internal strife.

Game of Thrones Season 5

Game of Thrones Season 5

Total 10 Episodes Apr 12, 2015 Us Plot Actor: Stephen Dillane Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Peter Dinklage Lena Headey Sophie Turner Maisie Williams emilia clarke Kit Harington