Episode 19: Mi Xiaoquan deserts in class

In a classroom filled with laughter and laughter, Li Li and Mi Xiaoquan, the deskmates, have long disliked each other.Mi Xiaoquan always felt that his deskmate Li Li was too picky and had to report to the teacher no matter whether it was trivial matters in study or life, which made him very dissatisfied.Li Li also became increasingly dissatisfied with Mi Xiaoquan. He felt that not only did he have poor grades, he often dragged the group back, and he was always clumsy and intolerable.

Episode 19: Mi Xiaoquan deserts in class

Finally one day, Mi Xiaoquan decided that he could not go on like this.He felt that he must settle things with Li Li today.Li Li was also bored, and the smell of gunpowder between the two became stronger and stronger.During a recess, the two quarreled over some trivial matters and exposed each other's shortcomings. The situation was very embarrassing for a time.

At this time, their squad leader Jiang Xiaoya and his friend Tietou also joined the discussion.Although Jiang Xiaoya is Mi Xiaoquan's good brother, he thinks that as the squad leader, it is not easy to be at the same table as Mi Xiaoquan.Tietou also agreed.These words made both Mi Xiaoquan and Li Li feel very frustrated.

So, the two decided to find new tablemates.However, none of them found their ideal candidate.Mi Xiaoquan went to find his friend Che Chi, but was politely rejected by him.Li Li also felt very disappointed. She did not feel that she could not find a suitable deskmate.

At this time, Jiang Xiaoya began to brainwash Mi Xiaoquan. He believed that the squad leader had good academic performance and knew Mi Xiaoquan's study situation, so it would be the best choice for the two of them to be seatmates.Mi Xiaoquan was inspired and decided to ask the monitor to change his deskmate.

The two promoted each other on the podium, hoping to successfully change their deskmates.However, when the students heard that they were asked to sit with the monitor, they expressed their unwillingness.This made Mi Xiaoquan feel very frustrated.In the end, they successfully changed their tablemates.

However, after changing their deskmates, both of them found that the new deskmate was not as suitable as the previous deskmate.Li Li felt that he and Che Chi had nothing in common when sitting together, while Mi Xiaoquan also felt that he and his new deskmate had different views.They began to miss their old classmates Li Li and Mi Xiaoquan.

After a class, Teacher Wei walked into the classroom and looked at the list in his hand with a complicated expression.He found that although the squad leader and Mi Xiaoquan were separated, he felt a little headache.He realized that maybe the previous arrangement had his reason.

Li Li and Mi Xiaoquan also realized this.They began to miss the days they spent together. Although they often quarreled, they also had many happy times.They began to regret not cherishing their time as tablemates and not getting along well.

During a break between classes, the two of them sat together inadvertently.Looking at each other's familiar face, both of them felt a little embarrassed, but also a little warm.They started talking about the days they spent together and how they felt now.They discovered that although there were many differences between them, there were also many similarities.

Finally, they decided to become roommates again.Although they know that there are still many problems between each other that need to be solved, they also believe that as long as they tolerate and understand each other, they will be able to get through this time and become better versions of themselves.



Total 26 Episodes Feb 12, 2024 C-Drama Comedy/Fam Actor: Hammerna Lisa Tsuruo Li Zhengyanqi Wang Zijian Huang Hongzheng Wu Yankun Chen Zhiyan Guo Hexuan