《Bad Memory Eraser》Ep Intro

It tells the story of tennis player Li Jun who was seriously injured during a match and ended his life as a player. While undergoing brain surgery, he met psychiatrist Kyung Joo Yeon.After the operation, Li Jun mistook Qing Zhouyan as his first love, and the romance began with positive and crazy observation.

《Bad Memory Eraser》E1Plot

Episode 1

After a series of blows and self-doubts, Li Jun's nights became extremely long and heavy.He lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling, with complicated emotions surging in his heart.The contrast between the glory of the past and the loneliness of the present made him think about the value of his life and his future direction.

However, it was in this darkest moment that a ray of light quietly shone into his world.He recalled the mysterious girl. Her smile, her bravery and her helping hands in times of crisis were like a warm force, quietly warming his cold heart.Li Jun realized that maybe he was not alone. The innocence and beauty of his first love were still the most precious treasure deep in his heart.

Li Jun decided to stand up again.He no longer lets the shadow of the past cloud him, but chooses to face reality and actively find his own way out.He began to take the initiative to communicate with psychiatrist Jing Zhuyan, sharing his inner world and past experiences.With Jing Zhuyan's help, Li Jun gradually learned how to face his trauma, how to manage his emotions, and regained his confidence and enthusiasm for life.

At the same time, Li Jun also realized that he played an indispensable role in his younger brother Shen's career.Although he is an agent, he prefers to be Shen's strong support and spiritual mentor.He began to work harder to learn tennis knowledge and management skills to provide Shen with all-round support and help.

Over time, Li Jun gradually established his reputation and status in the tennis world.He is no longer just Shen's agent, but a well-respected professional.His transformation not only won the recognition and respect of those around him, but also allowed him to regain his confidence and self-esteem.

Although the mysterious girl has never been reunited so far, her image has been deeply imprinted in Li Jun's heart.He knows that no matter how the future changes, the emotion of first love will always be the warmth and strength in his heart.He looked forward to seeing her again one day, pouring out his heart to her, and thanking her for the help and courage she had given him.

In the end, Li Jun proved with his actions that even if fate was unfair to him, he could still find his own path with his own efforts and persistence.He is no longer the lonely man in the forgotten corner, but a strong man with dreams and pursuits.

《Bad Memory Eraser》E2Plot

Episode 2

The unfinished tennis match in Li Jun's life was not only a watershed in his career, but also the starting point of scars deep in his soul.His first love, the girl who desperately jumped into the water to find his lost glory, the emotional entanglement between the two was ruthlessly torn apart by fate at that decisive moment.What is particularly heartbreaking is that when Li Jun was isolated and longing for the warmth of family, his parents abandoned him at the crossroads of destiny, and he unexpectedly regained the medal carrying love and glory in the abyss of despair.However, the sudden death of his first love - the tragedy of impulsively jumping into a river - carved an eternal scar in his heart like a sharp knife, causing him to fall into a coma and hang on by a thread.

During the days when Li Jun was sleeping, his best friend Guofeng opened his heart to Zhu Yan and revealed his deep guilt.It turns out that it was Guofeng's impulse that involved Li Jun in that fate-changing party.As Guofeng's memories slowly unfolded, the truth of that night gradually became clear: Li Jun not only recovered the medal symbolizing glory, but also unexpectedly learned the fate of his first love - the girl with brown hair and a bow, who had transformed into a girl.Be the eternal pain in his heart.

On the other side, Zhu Yan deeply understood the complexity and depth of maternal love from the monologue of Li Jun's mother, Mrs. Li.As a former athlete, Mrs. Li set an example for her children with her perseverance and independence, but she also became estranged from Jian because of her excessive severity.She regretted her original choice and went to Australia with the letter, missing many moments on her journey to health.Now, she is eager to make amends and vows to seize this “rebirth” opportunity and become an indispensable support for Jianxin again.

《Bad Memory Eraser》E3Plot

Episode 3

In the shadow of the hospital, Lee Jun deftly weaves a web of care for Joo-yeon, even as she appears uncomfortable playing the role of his first love.Dr. Han saw this scene and felt relieved, because this not only meant that the experiment could continue to advance, but also carried his deep expectations for research.However, facing the continuous questioning from Li Jun's family, especially when she learned how her first love became the salvation of Li Jun's life, Zhu Yan's heart was filled with waves, as if she was burdened with an invisible weight of deception.In order to protect herself, she cleverly used the scandal with Dr. Taiwu as a shield, trying to build an insurmountable line of defense in Li Jun's heart.

But instead of calming the storm, this strategy aroused Li Jun's possessive desire.He revealed to his best friend Guo Feng that he had found his first love. Guo Feng recalled that Li Jun had been in despair because of that lost relationship and tried to persuade him to stay away from the emotional whirlpool.

At the same time, in the police station, Xin's testimony revealed Li Jun's secret that night.After he jumped into the river, Xin quickly called the police and bravely rescued him. However, the police detective's doubts followed him, expressing doubts about Xin's quick actions.At the critical moment, President Hong used his influence to calm the storm, but asked Xin to extend the contract in exchange.All this was recorded silently by bystanders.

In the hospital, Dr. Taiwu gave Joo-yeon an Eiffel Tower keychain as a symbol of friendship. Although she is allergic to the metal material, this gift is still regarded as a treasure by her.This scene was accidentally bumped into by Li Jun, which aroused the jealousy in his heart. In anger, he threw his slippers at Tai Wu to vent his dissatisfaction.

At the lunch table, Li Jun deliberately chose expensive dishes to show off, intending to provoke Tai Wu, and Tai Wu's indifferent attitude made him even more angry.When Joo-yeon encounters a minor accident, Lee Jun's quick reaction contrasts sharply with Tae-oh's calm withdrawal, causing him to question Joo-yeon's choice and begin to plot how to change her mind.

On the training ground, Ms. Li's strict requirements for the letter and President Hong's sudden visit intertwined to create a tense atmosphere.President Hong expresses dissatisfaction with Ms. Lee for not notifying the investigation in advance, and is furious with Shin's plan to mentor Guofeng's class.After the storm, Ms. Li and Xin worked together to resolve the tension within the family.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of a business dinner, Li Jun successfully broke into the brokerage company and won the attention of President Hong with the advantage of data analysis. The two parties reached a win-win cooperation.Li Jun's promise surprised President Hong, who mistakenly thought that he had lost his memory in the accident, while Li Jun was confused by his statement of “amnesia.

Back at the hospital, Li Jun appeared in a more friendly manner, but in fact he was secretly observing Tai Wu.He discovers that Taiwu's keychains are flooding in, and they turn out to be just bulk souvenirs from his trip to Paris. This discovery makes Li Jun's impression of Taiwu more complicated.

On the other side, Xin accidentally dropped the signed tennis ball due to an emergency meeting that interrupted his interaction with the children.When Zhu Yan was helping to pick up the ball, she accidentally dropped the keychain into Xin's backpack, adding a subtle connection to the relationship between the two.

At night, Li Jun witnessed the unusual intimacy between Tai Wu and Nurse Yu in the corner of the hospital. At the same time, he noticed that Zhu Yan fell asleep exhausted before studying the information.He tried to invite her to dinner, but was rejected for various reasons until he showed his ”Wish Coupon%.During dinner, the two had a profound conversation. Li Jun advised Zhu Yan to choose true love, while Zhu Yan reminded him not to be bound by the past.Li Jun fondly recalled the warmth of his first love. After hearing this, Zhu Yan felt guilty and returned home alone.

《Bad Memory Eraser》E4Plot

Episode 4

Dr. Taiwu's keen insight allowed him to detect the subtle atmosphere between Li Jun and Zhuyan.Zhu Yan seemed quite resistant to Li Jun's closeness, but Dr. Tai Wu intervened at the right time, like a solid line of defense, guarding her from intrusion.He sternly warned Li Jun that if he crosses the line again, he will have to report it to Dr. Han.Later, Joo-yeon tactfully lured Lee Jun away from the awkward atmosphere to maintain overall harmony.

In order to ease the embarrassment, Zhu Yan proposed to have dinner with Dr. Tai Wu, but he unexpectedly declined on the grounds of work and asked her to take over Nurse Yu's job.Zhu Yan readily agreed, and Dr. Tai Wu hurriedly left, leaving Li Jun with an unhappy face, trying to stop him but to no avail.During the struggle, Zhu Yan accidentally scratched Li Jun's cheek, and the accident intensified the subtle tension between the two.

During her work break, Zhu Yan accidentally discovered the coffee left by Dr. Tai Wu. This attentiveness made her feel warmer and lifted her spirits.On the other side, Li Jun quietly returned home, and his frequent use of Xin's items aroused the latter's dissatisfaction.When talking about the lost wallet and mobile phone, Xin's reaction seemed quite suspicious, and he finally decided to let Guofeng take care of Li Jun.

At the same time, Se-yeon took on the responsibility of taking care of Joo-yeon's nephew. While drinking to soothe her sorrows, she tried to contact the letter but failed. However, she was accidentally attracted by the competition on TV and decided to go out and help her neighbors clean up the garbage.Her kindness.Joo-yeon returned and was dissatisfied with Se-yeon's complicated attitude. She fell asleep in exhaustion and missed Lee Jun's appointment, but she quickly went there after learning that he was at the tennis court.

On the other side, Mr. Hong put pressure on Xin, asking him to wear newly sponsored sneakers to compete, regardless of health risks, and even threatened to expose the results of the investigation.When he met Li Jun by chance, Mr. Hong tried to let Li Jun persuade Shi Wen to sign a contract through an exchange of interests. Although Li Jun was reluctant, he accepted the challenge for a certain purpose.

On the field, Li Jun was in poor condition, and the showdown with Shi Wen was one-sided.After the game, he witnessed Sae-yeon graffiti on the poster of the letter to vent her anger. Although he did not know each other, it was interrupted due to the intervention of security guards.

Later, when Li Jun was delivering meals to his colleagues in the hospital, he noticed Nurse Yu's Eiffel Tower necklace. The subsequent theft of Nurse Song's keychain unexpectedly revealed Li Jun's secret - he was actually a thief who gave the keychain toGot Zhu Yan.

Although Shin's semifinal match was strong, he was hampered by a foot injury.His mother's reproach and Mr. Hong's pressure made him exhausted physically and mentally.On the way to buy medicine, he ran into Zhu Yan, and the two started a conversation over an incident involving a broken egg. Zhu Yan encouraged him to face reality and get rid of the shackles of superstition.

Faced with the pressure of huge bets, Shin felt anxious. Although Zhu Yan could not directly relieve his burden, she encouraged him to focus on the game by accompanying him with delicious food.In the night, the two of them ran side by side, which was not only physical exercise, but also spiritual comfort.Joo-yeon gently wiped off Shin's sweat and cheered him on for the upcoming finals, and the two's emotions sublimated silently.

However, a bill notice about Li Jun's purchase of food broke the brief tranquility, and Xin angrily called Li Jun to question.During the call, Xin accidentally recalled the theft of Zhu Yan's keychain. When Li Jun suddenly appeared and tried to catch him, Xin blurted out and revealed the truth.It turned out that he mistakenly thought the keychain belonged to Nurse Song and took it back by force.After the argument, the two lay on the grass and recalled their carefree childhood. Li Jun expressed regrets about his tennis career, and Xin promised to help him realize his dream.The deep friendship and mutual respect between the two men was on full display in this moment.

In addition, Ms. Kyung was injured while looking for a part-time job because she was trying to avoid Joo-yeon's objections.Sa Yeon is confused by Joo Yeon's change and wonders why she has become so cold.Ms. Jing revealed the truth behind it: Zhu Yan's husband was killed due to overwork. She witnessed all this with her own eyes, so she was firmly opposed to Ms. Jing's involvement in similar work again.Joo-yeon's inner kindness and caring, despite her cold appearance, have never changed.

Li Jun's life has also ushered in a new chapter.After watching Shiwen's training, he came up with a new idea and decided to invite Shiwen to sign a contract. He resigned from Hong's company and founded his own company GOON.Faced with Mr. Hong's threat, Li Jun was well prepared and released the news of Shi Wen's injury in advance, successfully resolving the crisis.

As for the hospital, President Jin and the board of directors are full of expectations for the progress of the trial, but they know that obtaining full funding requires supporting documents from British doctors.Joo-yeon then realizes that she never got back the bag containing the important documents from Lee-jun.So, finding clues to the missing suitcase once again becomes key.Li Jun's forgetfulness, Xin's preparation and the presence of their parents in the audience together formed this warm and slightly nervous picture.Zhu Yan cleverly used Mrs. Li's trust to enter Li's house to search for the suitcase, but unexpectedly discovered Li Jun's family emotional world.Just as she was about to leave, Li Jun suddenly appeared, and the stories between the two intertwined again.

《Bad Memory Eraser》E5Plot

Episode 5

During the turmoil when Li Jun misunderstood that Zhu Yan had taken his suitcase, Zhu Yan quickly and sincerely clarified the fact. She explained that she was just trying to retrieve Li Jun's lost ID card to avoid unnecessary trouble for him.This careful act deeply moved Li Jun. The two worked together to retrieve the documents. They not only recovered the documents, but also deepened their friendship.

On the other side, when Dr. Han faced the pain caused by Li Jun's blisters, he showed his benevolent side as a doctor. He personally put a band-aid on him and stood firmly on his side, giving him unconditional support.Li Jun was deeply moved by this warmth, and the warm interaction between the two added a warm and bright color to the whole story.

At the same time, Xin's heart is experiencing a storm of misunderstandings.He mistakenly believed that Saiyan had special feelings for him, but Saiyan's real purpose was just to retrieve the bracelet left in the car.This misunderstanding not only annoyed Saiyan, but also caused Xin to notice that there were eyes peeping in the dark when he left, laying the groundwork for new suspense in the plot.

Zhu Yan felt guilty because of Li Jun's affectionate gaze, and she realized that she might have inadvertently hurt this innocent emotion.In order to express her apology, she tried to send flowers to Dr. Tai Wu, but she failed due to an accident, which only added a bit of embarrassment.The emergence of Guofeng brought a new turning point to Li Jun's plan. He revealed his plan to invite Chairman Won as an investor, which undoubtedly brought a strong boost to the project.

Se-yeon met the staff at the hospital to discuss dinner plans. She was dissatisfied with Joo-yeon's cold attitude and told her directly about the dinner.While shopping, Se-yeon insists that every encounter is worth cherishing, while Joo-yeon's hesitation makes Se-yeon mistakenly believe that she already has a partner.

In the hospital, Xin and Li Jun decided to stay in the same room because they failed to find Zhu Yan.The two recalled the warm days when Xin always loved to stick to Li Jun as children. Although they had different personalities as adults, their deep friendship remained unchanged.Li Jun's prank made Xin dumbfounded, but it also showed the relaxed and happy atmosphere between the two.

Sae-yeon chose couple costumes for Joo-yeon as a joke, but it actually revealed her concern for Joo-yeon's emotional life.Although Joo-yeon pretended to be angry, she planned to give the gift to Dr. Tae-oh. The subtle changes in her heart added more layers to the plot.

In court, Xin showed signs of fatigue due to exhaustion, and Ms. Li's care made him feel warmer.When she discovered the blood blisters on Xin's feet, she angrily accused Mr. Hong and the sponsors of being unfair, and resolutely tore up the contract to fight for Xin's rights.

Siwen missed the advertising opportunity due to injury and was depressed.Li Jun's encouragement was as warm as sunshine and helped her regain her confidence.However, the pressure of reality forced her to face her mother's urging - pay the down payment within ten days, otherwise the transaction would be cancelled.This dilemma leaves her future uncertain.

When Lee Jun went to the racetrack to find investors, Joo-yeon accompanied him as a medical guardian.She was deeply attracted by the charm of the racecourse and revealed to Li Jun her first date with Dr. Taiwu.Li Jun successfully predicted the outcome of the game with his keen insight and won the attention of investors, but he deliberately set up obstacles to leave suspense for subsequent meetings.

Zhu Yan was surprised that Li Jun did not personally place bets to obtain funds, but she also deeply understood Li Jun's professional ethics as an athlete and respect for sportsmanship.This persistence made Zhu Yan admire Li Jun's character even more.

Subsequently, Zhu Yan tried to contact Dr. Tai Wu but received no response.Just as Li Jun invited her to dinner, Dr. Tai Wu suddenly summoned her to the conference room to conduct tests on the neurosurgery paper.Zhuyan arranged the conference room to be warm and romantic at Saeyeon's suggestion, but after the test, Dr. Taiwu left directly to meet with Nurse Yu.Joo-yeon overhears their conversation and learns of their secret relationship, feeling filled with disappointment and heartbreak.As she silently tidied up the room, luckily Dr. Taiwu and Nurse Yu left quickly to avoid further embarrassment.

Through plot review, we learn that the day Dr. Tae Oh returned from the United States marked the beginning of his relationship with Zhou Yeon.This confirmed the authenticity of Zhou Yan's previous statement about dating him, which made people admire Zhou Yan's honesty and persistence.

Jiang Jian's intervention made the situation more complicated. He encouraged Zhou Yan to question Dr. Taiwu, but Zhou Yan lost control and became angry with him.When Jiang Jian reluctantly left, Zhou Yan burst into tears and wrote a letter in time to send her home and considerately bought coffee. Although she was on a diet, she still hoped that food could make Zhou Yan feel better.Zhou Yan found Sai Yan's bracelet in Xin's car and returned it to Xin personally.

On the other hand, Jiang Jian warned Dr. Taiwu to stay away from Zhou Yan.He then went through the discharge procedures, a move that angered Dr. King.Dr. Tae-oh tries to put the blame on Joo-yeon but Dr. Kim proposes that she be removed from the paper.At the critical moment, Dr. Han stood up to defend Zhou Yan and emphasized that this was her research result.However, Dr. Jin questioned the value of Zhou Yan's psychiatric research on the grounds of the objectivity of neurosurgery papers.

《Bad Memory Eraser》E6Plot

Episode 6

As night falls, Zhuyan encounters Saeyeon who is addicted to the haze of alcohol.Saiyan confided her heart in a drunken state, mentioning the bracelet that broke and made her wish come true, her words were full of desire for a miracle.After Zhu Yan heard this, she felt mixed emotions in her heart. She knew very well the cruelty of reality and the elusiveness of dreams. She tried to use her own experience to persuade Sai Yan, but she was also secretly sad about her own powerlessness in her heart.The emotions between the two were like a flame ignited by alcohol, intensifying, and finally fell into sleep together. In the shadow of Jiang Jian's office, they forgot the fatigue of the return journey.

On the other side, in the hospital, Dr. Han's birthday came quietly, but no one knew it.Nurse Song’s unexpected visit brings him warmth and comfort with a bowl of homemade kimchi.The words of care about his family made Dr. Han mistakenly think that it was a special expression of emotion. This misunderstanding was like a ray of sunshine in winter, which briefly illuminated his heart.

Se-yeon suddenly woke up from her dream and fled the scene in a hurry, leaving Joo-yeon to face the coming storm alone.Jiang Jian tried to drive Zhu Yan away on the grounds that investors were visiting, but she insisted on her opinion and asked to see him.In the end, the two parties reached an agreement, and Jiang Jian handed over the room key to Zhu Yan and extended the bet until the national team's game was settled.

On the way home, Joo-yeon and Sae-yeon meet unexpectedly. Sae-yeon lets Joo-yeon enter the house first in a playful way, while she smiles in the face of her mother, Ms. Jing's scolding and broomstick.

At the investment meeting, the investor's interest suddenly turned to the field of drama, and conditions were thrown out: If Jiang Jian could successfully recruit Xin as a coach, he would consider investing.Chairman Hong was shocked when he received intimate photos of Se-yeon and Shin. These photos were a warning from Se-yeon's father to prevent the further development of their relationship.However, Xin firmly stated that no matter how obstructed by the outside world, he would never give up his care and support for Sa Yeon.

《Bad Memory Eraser》E7Plot

Episode 7

The seventh episode begins with a subtle awkward atmosphere between Kang Gun, Shin and Joo Yeon.Shin deliberately kept a distance from Zhu Yan, even pretending not to know her, and when he witnessed Jiang Jian's care for Zhu Yan, he couldn't help but show a trace of jealousy in his eyes.After the two left, Zhu Yan eagerly explained to Xin and hoped that their lunch appointment would still be valid, but Xin's coldness made her feel helpless.

Xin's heart was touched by the power of love. He transformed the painful memory of Jiang Jian's drowning incident into a fond memory of the past. This sadness made him cherish the friendship and love in front of him even more.At the same time, Jiang Jian was also flooded with memories deep in his heart. He recalled that Dr. Tai Wu had revealed that he and Zhu Yan had a discordant relationship before the accident, which made him feel a little confused about the current situation.

On the other side, Jiang Jian was enjoying his alone time in the apartment, wandering around naked inadvertently, but he did not expect that Zhu Yan would suddenly return to study Shi Wen's case information.An awkward atmosphere instantly filled the air. Zhu Yan also discovered the charger Jiang Jian bought for her mobile phone, but Jiang Jian cleverly blamed it on the landlord and tried to change the subject.He played Shiwen's practice video, but it failed to relieve his embarrassment. Instead, he became irritated by Zhuyan's comments.The next day, Jiang Jian did not prepare breakfast for Zhu Yan on the grounds of keeping a distance, and the relationship between the two seemed to be cast yet another shadow.

Meanwhile, Xin is severely scolded by Mrs. Lee for returning home drunk.She believed that if Shin wanted to live a normal life, he would have to give up tennis.Mr. Li tried to calm her down, sharing the sacrifices his family had made for the letter.Xin escaped from the scene with the help of Mr. Li, but he was secretly glad in his heart, because he knew that this would be an opportunity for him to reconnect with Jiang Jian.

Se-yeon was in financial trouble. She begged her father for financial support, but was told that she was not allowed to work.She had no choice but to promise her father that she would go home after finding the person.Seeing this, Shengxian felt pity and handed her his piggy bank.Sae-yeon tries to use the money to book a taxi, but unexpectedly finds Shin waiting morosely nearby, apparently secretly paying attention to Joo-yeon.Se-yeon takes advantage of this with a threatening letter, forcing him to drive her to a village to find the mysterious man.However, her efforts were not rewarded and out of frustration, she chose to vent her feelings by throwing the letter into the water.Not to be outdone, Xin drove off alone in retaliation, leaving Se Yan alone.

In the hospital, Zhu Yan waited expectantly for Xin to have lunch, but he never showed up.The disappointed Zhu Yan instead joined Jiang Jian and Shi Wen, who were making final preparations for Shi Wen's upcoming national team competition.Although Shi Wen is still hostile to Zhu Yan, Zhu Yan firmly believes that he can convince her the next day.While waiting, Zhu Yan received a patient, but was absent-minded during the treatment.

At this time, Se Yeon's phone call interrupted Joo Yeon's thoughts.Zhu Yan agreed to pick her up without hesitation, and Jiang Jian offered to drive her there.On the way, Kang Gun is curious about the close relationship between Joo Yeon and Sa Yeon, and Joo Yeon shows him Sa Yeon's bracelet and reveals that she owes her a wish.Halfway through, they encountered a dead animal, and Jiang Jian got out of the car and buried it, showing his gentle side.

Meanwhile, Shin suddenly returns and picks up Se-yeon.Sa-yeon tells Joo-yeon that she no longer needs help and reveals that the mysterious man was her first love.At this time, Jiang Jian also learned about the tragedy of her father as an emotional psychiatrist in his conversation with Zhu Yan, and her vow not to be too close to the patient.However, during a recent treatment, Joo-yeon saw her exhausted look in the patient's sunglasses, which prompted her to reflect on her attitude.

The match day finally arrived and everyone gathered at the sports center.Guofeng was officially appointed as the national team coach, while Shin deliberately ignored Zhuyeon's existence.Ms. Cha puts tremendous pressure on Joo-yeon to perform well.However, before the game was about to start, Shi Wen suddenly fainted.Kang Gun and Joo Yeon rushed her to the hospital, only to find out that this was just a pretense she was pretending to escape the pressure.

With the encouragement of Zhu Yan and Jiang Jian, Shi Wen finally mustered up the courage to face the competition.Jiang Jian even cleverly arranged for her to partner up with Xin in doubles to make up for their respective shortcomings and ensure victory.While waiting for the result of the competition, Zhu Yan made a prayer bracelet for Sa Yan, but Jiang Jian mistakenly thought it was a gift to himself and kept reminding Zhu Yan not to fall in love with him.During the bickering between the two, Zhu Yan accidentally found the receipt for the mobile phone charger, when Shi Eun and Xin walked in and announced the good news that they had won the competition.Shi Eun also added that if Kang Gun wants to hire Joo Yeon as his assistant, he has every right to make the decision.Jiang Jian readily agreed to the proposal after teasing Zhu Yan, and Zhu Yan was very excited.

《Bad Memory Eraser》E8Plot

Episode 8

As night falls, the plot of episode eight reaches a new climax in emotional waves.With deep doubts about the past accident, Jiang Jian stepped onto the bridge full of memories, trying to find the truth of that night in the blurred vision and chaotic memory.Xin, on the other hand, was anxiously searching for diaries at home that might reveal secrets, but unexpectedly discovered that the most important clue had fallen into Zhu Yan's hands. All this seemed to be a clever arrangement of fate.

While Zhu Yan was trying to keep a distance from Jiang Jian, an accident gave Jiang Jian the opportunity to protect her. The interaction between the two invisibly narrowed the distance between them.Jiang Jian's protection of Zhu Yan is not only his personal concern for her, but also his persistence in a certain emotion deep in his heart.And when he faced the questioning of his parents, his firm denial was not only a compromise with reality, but also a silent support for his younger brother Xin.

The appearance of the letter added an air of uncertainty to the night.His care for Zhuyan, although subtle but sincere, was interrupted by Jiang Jian's timely arrival.Seeing Jiang Jian carrying Zhu Yan away, Xin's heart was filled with jealousy and helplessness. He knew that he could not replace Jiang Jian's position in Zhu Yan's heart, but he could not give up his feelings for her.

At the same time, changes in the workplace are also quietly taking place.Director Hong's anger towards Xin reached its peak, and he used the photos in his hand to try to reveal Xin's true face.This photo is not only a major threat to Xin, but also a test of the brotherhood between Jiang Jian and Xin.Faced with such a dilemma, Xin chose to stand with Jiang Jian. He tore up the contract extension with Director Hong and signed a contract with Jiang Jian instead. This move not only demonstrated his determination, but also made him leave Zhuyan even more.One step closer.

However, the revelation of the truth always comes with risks.With an in-depth investigation into Jiang Jian's past emotional diary, Zhu Yan and Xin gradually discovered the deep emotions hidden in the diary.These emotions not only involve Jiang Jian's love for his family, but also his unspoken affection for Zhu Yan.These discoveries gave them a better understanding of Jiang Jian's inner world and made them aware of the importance of protecting his smile.

In this episode, each character is struggling with their own goals and emotions.Jiang Jian keeps moving forward on the road to find the truth, Xin is wavering between protecting his younger brother and pursuing love, and Zhu Yan is looking for his own position between understanding and being understood.Their stories are like intertwined threads, weaving together a picture full of emotions and challenges.As the plot develops, the audience will see more secrets and emotions about them unfold.

Bad Memory Eraser

Bad Memory Eraser

Aug 02, 2024 Korean Urban/Rom