Set in Hashima, Nagasaki Prefecture and modern Tokyo in 1955, when the coal industry was developing rapidly, it tells a grand story of love, friendship and family destiny spanning 70 years.
From a macro perspective, it tells the story of Japan's changes from the post-war revival period to a period of rapid economic growth, and from a micro perspective, it shows family bonds, various human conditions, youth and love over the past seventy years.
At the same time, it is clearly pointed out that modern Japan has everything at first glance, but it is an era when young people have no dreams and looks for hope leading to the present from the past.
It is a TV series directed by Ayuko Tsukahara, Ryosuke Fukuda, Keishi Hayashi, and Ryosuke Fukawa, written by Akiko Nogi, and starring Ryunosuke Kamiki.
Letting Ryunosuke Kamiki star in the play was a unanimous decision made by the crew during discussions.
On July 13, 2024, the drama team announced the starring candidates and creative team, and it is scheduled to premiere on the “Sunday Theater” section of TBS TV station in October of the same year.
《Diamonds sleeping in the sea》Episode 9 plot introduction
Dec 17, 2024《Diamonds sleeping in the sea》Episode 8 plot introduction
Dec 10, 2024《Diamonds sleeping in the sea》Episode 6 plot introduction
Dec 05, 2024《Diamonds sleeping in the sea》Episode 7 plot introduction
Dec 05, 2024《Diamonds sleeping in the sea》Episode 5 plot introduction
Nov 28, 2024《Diamonds sleeping in the sea》Episode 4 plot introduction
Nov 22, 2024《Diamonds sleeping in the sea》Episode 3 plot introduction
Nov 19, 2024《Diamonds sleeping in the sea》Episode 2 plot introduction
Nov 11, 2024《Diamonds sleeping in the sea》Episode 1 plot introduction
Oct 21, 2024