《Breaking Bad Season 2》Ep Intro

In the abyss of the drug industry, Walter and Jesse thought they had found a reliable partner-Tuco.However, as the conflict with Tuco continues to escalate, they gradually realize the danger and bloodshed hidden behind this industry.Tuco's unexpected death not only caused them to lose their only shipping channel, but also put Walter into an unprecedented predicament.

The goods he hoarded became worthless, and Walter, whose sales were cut off, felt unprecedented pressure.At the same time, cracks began to appear in his relationship with his wife, Skyler.Skyler was fearful and uneasy about Walter's illegal business, while Walter was depressed because of business failures, and the quarrels between the two became more frequent.

Faced with the dilemma, Jesse decided to use his social circle to find new sales channels.Through his friends, he successfully sold part of the goods in a short period of time and gained a lot.However, the good times did not last long, and the ensuing accidents made Jesse realize that this approach was not a long-term solution.Every transaction is accompanied by unknown risks, and they may fall into a deeper crisis at any time.

Just as Walter and Jesse were struggling with business matters, Walter also had physical problems.He was diagnosed with cancer, which threw the entire family into even greater trouble.However, what is gratifying is that after a series of treatments and nursing care, Walter's condition showed signs of improvement.This change not only brought hope for his physical health, but also brought a new turning point in the relationship between him and Skylar.

At the same time, a new character also appeared in Jesse's life - Jane.Jane is Jesse's landlady, and the two gradually develop feelings for each other as they get along.However, Jane's past has become a hurdle in their relationship.It turns out that Jane was once a drug addict. She was once deeply trapped in the quagmire of drugs and could not extricate herself.Although she has now successfully recovered from her drug addiction, the experience still left a deep mark on her heart.

Jane's appearance makes Jesse begin to re-examine his life and choices.He began to wonder whether he should stay in the drug industry and take risks for money and profit.At the same time, he also began to pay attention to Jane's past and future, thinking about where the relationship between the two of them would go.

In the whirlpool of the drug industry, both Walter and Jesse faced tremendous challenges and dilemmas.They need to make a choice whether to continue on this path full of danger and uncertainty, or to find a new way out and start their lives over again.No matter what choice they make, it will require great effort and cost.

《Breaking Bad Season 2》E1Plot

Episode 1

In the endless desert, Walter and Jesse originally planned to leave this desolate land quietly, but fate seemed unwilling to let them escape easily.Tuco, the notorious killer, suddenly appeared in front of them and killed his men in cold blood, as if to declare to them his cruelty and ruthlessness.This scene made both Walter and Jesse feel frightened and filled with uneasiness and worry.

At the same time, another storm was quietly brewing.Mary kept calling Skyler's phone, hoping to get Skyler's forgiveness, but Skylar firmly rejected her request.Hank, as a witness to the chaos, goes to Skylar and tells her that Mary is receiving treatment.However, for Skyler, all this did not seem to alleviate her inner pain and confusion.

The fear in Walter's heart continued to escalate.He fears Tuco will find his home and pose a threat to his family.This worry kept him awake all night, and Skylar also noticed something was wrong with him, and his heart was filled with worry.Walt asked Jesse if he was the one who told Tuco his address, but Jesse firmly denied it.The two began to discuss how to deal with Tuco, a dangerous enemy.

Episode 1

Jesse proposed a plan to shoot Tuco directly, but Walter thought it was too risky, so he decided to take a safer approach-to poison him.However, just as they were discussing countermeasures, Walter learned from Hank that Tuco had killed someone again, which made him even more worried about the safety of his family, so he hurried home.

When Walter returned home, he found no one answered. He thought something had happened, and his heart was filled with panic.However, when he walked into the house, he found that his family was safe and sound. It turned out to be a false alarm.However, this false alarm made him realize more deeply the importance of his family to him.

Skylar felt very distressed when she saw Walter so nervous and exhausted.She tried to communicate with Walter, hoping that he would confess his thoughts and worries to her.However, at this critical moment, Walter received a call from Jesse.He hesitated and finally hung up the phone.

At this moment, Jesse drove his car to the door of Walter's house.Tuco hid in the car, pointed a gun at Walter, and threatened him to get into the car.Walter reluctantly got into the car, while Jesse drove them away from the house.Faced with this sudden change, both Walter and Skyler felt extremely shocked and helpless.

《Breaking Bad Season 2》E2Plot

Episode 2

In the calm office, Hank and his colleagues are analyzing Tuco's case in depth, trying to find clues to solve the case.However, during the case analysis process, they unexpectedly discovered that Walter disappeared yesterday.This sudden news made Hank feel nervous. He immediately put down the work at hand and went to Walter's home to learn about the situation.

Skylar, Walter's wife, was anxiously reporting the crime to the police, and her mood seemed a little agitated.After Hank arrived, he immediately comforted her and asked about the relevant circumstances before Walter disappeared.During the conversation, Hank was keenly aware of some unusual details, and he decided to investigate the matter in depth.

Episode 2

Soon after, they learn that Tuco has taken Walt and Jesse to the desert and thrown away their cell phones.Hank and Skyler quickly rushed to the desert, but Tuco and the two of them were nowhere to be seen.They can only look for clues everywhere, hoping to find traces of Walter and Jesse.

At the same time, Mary was also posting missing person notices everywhere, hoping to find Walter with the help of the crowd.Walter's son was printing missing persons notices at home, and the whole family was working hard to find Walter.

After some searching, Hank and Skyler finally found Tuco's hiding place.They find Walt and Jesse being taken to his father's residence by Tuco and searched.During the conversation, Tuco revealed that Gonzo betrayed him and gave the news to the DEA.He plans to move his hideout to Mexico, but Walter is unwilling to leave his family.

At this critical moment, Walt and Jesse began to discuss how to deal with Tuco.They poisoned Tuco while he was taking care of his father.However, all this was seen by Tuco's father.Walt and Jesse begin to fear for their lives.

After Tuco found out that they had lied to him, he was so angry that he wanted to kill Jesse.Walt pleads for Jesse, but Tuco has lost his mind.Just then, Jesse picked up a rock and fought back, successfully hitting Tuco.Hank also arrived in time and killed Tuco with his own hands.

《Breaking Bad Season 2》E3Plot

Episode 3

After experiencing a thrilling shooting incident, Walter discovered that the murderer of Tuco was actually Hank.This discovery made Walter nervous, and he knew that he was in danger.In order not to be tracked, Walter and Jesse decided to escape separately to confuse the pursuers.

Walter chose an extreme way to cover his whereabouts - stripping off his clothes in the supermarket and letting others take him to the hospital.This move not only allowed him to successfully escape possible tracking, but also gave him a temporary respite.Jesse chose to return home. Although he knew that this was not a long-term solution, home seemed to be the only safe haven in times of crisis.

Episode 3

In the hospital, Walter chose to lie when faced with the doctor's questioning.He knew that he had to stay calm and not let anyone discover any flaws.Jesse's situation was even worse. He was taken to the police station for drug abuse.Facing Hank's interrogation, Jesse was filled with fear, but he still firmly denied that he knew Tuco, let alone shot him.

Hank's suspicion of Jesse has not been eliminated. He brings Tuco's uncle to confront Jesse.However, to everyone's surprise, Tuco's uncle did not choose to expose Jesse, but chose to cover him.This move surprised Jesse and made him feel deeply grateful to Tuco's uncle.

Jesse came out of the police station and called Walter immediately.He told Walter about the situation outside, and the two decided to join forces again and continue their drug-making business.Walter recalled the money he had hidden at home, and immediately went home to transfer the money to prepare for future plans.

At this time, Hank became the DEA's hero because he successfully revealed the truth about Tuco's death.He received praise and gifts from everyone, but the doubts in his heart remained.He knows that Walt and Jesse are still on the run, and that the truth may be more complicated than it seems.

《Breaking Bad Season 2》E4Plot

Episode 4

On an ordinary morning, Walter got up early to prepare breakfast for his family. While he was frying eggs, he mentioned something that made him a little embarrassed - his second mobile phone.However, his wife Skyler didn't seem to appreciate it and was instead dissatisfied with him.This dissatisfaction seemed to have accumulated in Skyler's heart for a long time. In the end, she made an unexpected decision-to run away from home.

At the same time, a farce was also going on at Jesse's house.Jesse's parents discovered the drug-making equipment he had hidden in the basement and kicked him out of the house in anger.In desperation, Jesse tried to ask Walter for help, hoping that he could give him half of the money, but Walter firmly refused.When Jesse was desperate, he could only call his friends, hoping that they could help him, but they were all rejected.Finally, he found the RV he had disposed of earlier and spent a long, cold night inside.

The next day, Jesse was discovered and kicked out of the RV.In anger, he drove away from the RV and rushed out, as if he wanted to escape from this world that made him despair.

Episode 4

On the other side, Skylar also left the door early.Walter was full of doubts and uneasiness. He chased Skyler out and asked Skyler what he wanted to do, but Skyler said nothing.Walter felt very frustrated and decided to accompany his son to practice driving to relieve the pressure in his heart.

On the way to practice driving, Walter always encouraged his son to drive with one foot, but his son insisted on using two feet because of his low self-esteem.In the end, due to the argument between the two, his son crashed the car onto the side of the road. Walter felt very frustrated and disappointed.

After returning home, Walter planned to have a good chat with Skylar to find out what she was angry about.However, when Skyler asked him what he had been doing recently, Walter chose to hide the truth.Skylar was so angry and disappointed that she decided to run away from home again.

At this moment, Jesse parked the RV in front of Walter's house.Walt rushes into the RV, furious at what Jesse has done.The two fought again over money, and the scene was very chaotic.In a heated argument, Jesse almost kills Walter.

《Breaking Bad Season 2》E5Plot

Episode 5

In days full of twists and turns, the former partners Walter and Jesse were once again bound together by the shackles of money.The three days Walter spent in the hospital not only consumed a lot of physical and mental energy, but also cost him a high price of up to 13,000 US dollars.Such expenses are undoubtedly a heavy burden for him and Skylar, forcing them to reconsider illegal ways of making money that were once abandoned.

Walter's physical condition worsened due to chemotherapy. He often vomited in the toilet and was exhausted.In the process, he unexpectedly discovered that Skyler started smoking, which undoubtedly made Walter even more worried.Skyler's physical condition was already not optimistic, and smoking would only make his health worse.

Episode 5

Meanwhile, Hank is excited about being promoted because of Tuco's case.However, this joy did not last long. He suddenly felt unwell in the elevator, which made his mood instantly hit the bottom.

On the other side, Jesse is also trying to cope with his own predicament.He returned to Bager's cousin's house, paid off all his previous debts, and parked the RV there.However, he did not have a stable place to live and had difficulty renting a house because of his lack of credit history.Fortunately, Jane is willing to rent the house to him, which also makes Jesse fond of her.

Walt and Jesse met again in the desert, and they decided to return to their old business of manufacturing and selling drugs to relieve economic pressure.However, the cooperation between the two did not go smoothly.Walt hopes Jesse can sell drugs for him, but Jesse refuses.He proposed to join Walter to replace Tuco as a drug dealer, but this proposal was rejected by Walter.

The relationship between the two became tense and they often quarreled over various things.Walt complains about being in debt, and Jesse resents his complaints.Their differences came to a head over the issue of dividends, and the two had a huge quarrel over it.

Meanwhile, Hank is going through his own troubles.He would often hear gunshots in his dreams, and would even wake up in his sleep and pull out a gun in response.However, this is all just his imagination.In order to get rid of these troubles, he threw Tuco's tooth jewelry into the river, hoping to get rid of the shadow of the past

《Breaking Bad Season 2》E6Plot

Episode 6

On the dark street, Jesse stood in front of Spooge's house, filled with tension and anxiety.There was a hint of determination in his eyes, which was the determination after following Walter's advice.He decided to go to Spooge to get back his previous drug money. This was his last hope and the key to getting out of trouble.

Walter, his friend and companion, stood by his side, gun in hand.He knocked hard on Spooge's door, but he received only silence.Jesse could no longer suppress his inner anxiety. He pushed open the door and broke into the house.However, the house was empty except for Spooge's son, sitting alone in the corner.

Jesse tries to get some clues from Spooge's son, but the kid obviously doesn't know anything about it.His eyes were full of fear and helplessness, which made Jesse feel distressed.He turned around and left helplessly, but his heart was filled with disappointment and anger.

Meanwhile, Skylar received a call from Elliot's wife at home.He warmly invited her to his home for a chat, and his heart was full of gratitude.He thought the Elliots helped Walter pay for the chemotherapy, but when he learned the truth, his mood instantly hit the bottom.He couldn't accept this cruel reality, let alone how Walter could hide it from him.

When Walter was in class at school, he accidentally discovered an insulting note posted on his car.His anger and humiliation welled up, but he had nowhere to vent them.He knew it was all because of his former enemy, but he couldn't find evidence to prove his innocence.

Jesse was waiting for Spooge's return at his home, and the anxiety and tension in his heart had reached its peak.Suddenly, Spooge and his accomplices return, and their appearance makes Jesse's heart beat faster.He quickly pulled out a gun and threatened the two men to hand over the drug money.However, Spooge claimed he had stolen an ATM and could withdraw money simply by opening it.

After Walter learned all this, his heart was filled with anger and helplessness.He knew it was all because of his former enemy, but he couldn't find evidence to prove his innocence.He returned home and found Elliot's wife's car parked at the door.He felt uneasy, fearing that his lie would be exposed.

Episode 6

Fortunately, Elliot's wife did not expose his lie.Walter wanted to explain it all to her, but he didn't know where to start.He could only bear the inner torment and pain silently.

Jesse, forced by Spooge, tried to open the ATM and take out money.However, he was attacked by Spooge and knocked unconscious.When he woke up, he found that Spooge was accidentally killed by an ATM machine, and the scene was chaotic.He was filled with panic and uneasiness, but he knew that the most important thing at this time was to leave the scene.

Walter returned home, heavy and depressed.He knew that his lies could no longer continue, but he could not face this cruel reality.Skylar told him that Elliot's wife had called and claimed to cut off his treatment support, which made him feel even more desperate and helpless.

However, Walter did not give up.He falsely claimed that the Elliotts were unable to continue supporting his treatment because of their bankruptcy.He tried to use this lie to hide the truth about his situation, but he knew it was only a temporary solution.

Jesse left the scene filled with regret and self-blame.He knew it was all caused by him following Walter's advice.He deeply realized his mistake and decided not to get involved in such dangerous things in the future.

《Breaking Bad Season 2》E7Plot

Episode 7

In this complicated world, everyone is running for their own lives, and in this intertwined world full of challenges and opportunities, Jesse, Walter, Hank and Skylar each play different roles and experience different experiences.story.

Jesse has always been a controversial figure, and his whereabouts have always been unpredictable.Walt was very dissatisfied with this because he needed Jesse's help to achieve his goals.However, Jesse never answered Walt's calls, which troubled Walt very much.Finally, Walt found Jesse and asked him why he hadn't answered the phone.Jesse explained the situation to Walter, but Walter blamed Jesse for letting Spooge's wife kill Spooge.This accusation made Jesse feel very helpless, but he could not change Walter's mind.

Episode 7

Meanwhile, Hank faces his own challenges.He was transferred to a new workplace, but because he didn't understand Spanish, everyone ostracized him.This made Hank feel very lonely and helpless, but he did not give up, but worked hard to adapt to the new environment.During a mission, he was ridiculed for not knowing Spanish, but he did not back down and fought back bravely.

On the other hand, Skylar is also working hard for his own life.She went back to her old company to apply for a job, but her chances were slim.However, when she sees Ted, the company's boss, she decides to explain to him the purpose of her visit.After hearing Skylar's explanation, Ted offered her a spot, which made her very happy.However, when she told Walter the news, he was shocked and did not want Skyler to go to work while pregnant.

In this world full of challenges and opportunities, everyone is working hard for their own lives.Jesse and Walt worked hard to expand their territory, while Hank and Skylar also showed determination and courage in the face of their own challenges.Although their lives were full of uncertainties and challenges, they did not give up, but moved forward courageously and worked hard for their dreams and future.

While Jesse was watching TV at home, Jane returned home.Their meeting seemed destined, and Jane's appearance brought new color to Jesse's life.The interactions between them are full of fun and warmth, and you can't help but feel happy for them.The relationship between Walter and Skyler is also quietly changing, and their worries and concerns are silently expressing their love for each other.

《Breaking Bad Season 2》E8Plot

Episode 8

Jesse's friend Bager has always been an important role in his life.However, Bager was caught by the police on suspicion of drug trafficking, which shocked Jesse and his friends.Bager's imprisonment not only shocked their circle of friends, but also made them reflect on their past actions.

After Bager's arrest, Jesse and Jane spend a brief moment of intimacy.However, Jane's departure left Jesse with a sense of emptiness and uneasiness.Meanwhile, Skylar continues to live his office life, while Walter receives a call from Mary and learns about Hank's explosion.

Walter felt deep sympathy for Hank's experience, and he decided to go and comfort his injured friend.During the contact, Walter discovered that Hank had suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and his mental state was very fragile.Walt tries to get close to Hank, hoping to help him come out of the shadows.At the same time, he also encouraged Hank to cheer up and seek revenge on those who hurt him.

Episode 8

With Walt's encouragement, Hank began to try to regain his strength.He is determined to find those drug dealers and seek justice for what happened to him.And Walt and Jesse are also working hard to find a solution to Bager's problem.They knew Bager's imprisonment could implicate them, so they had to take action to protect themselves.

Faced with the high legal fees, Walter and Jesse felt helpless.They are unwilling to deal with lawyers, but they have to seek legal means to solve the problem.In the end, Walter had to bite the bullet and go to see lawyer Saul.During the conversation with Saul, they tried to keep Bager silent and not tell the DEA their secrets.However, Saul firmly rejected their request and said he would not accept any form of bribe.

Faced with Saul's rejection, Walter and Jesse felt very frustrated.After discussing it, they decided to take extreme measures, kidnapping Saul and threatening him.Under threat, Saul proposed a compromise plan: let Bager confess another drug dealer, Heinsberg, and then Saul would arrange for a fake Heinsberg to be imprisoned to plead guilty.Although this plan seems feasible, it is full of risks and uncertainties.

While Bager was preparing to deliver the goods to the fake Heinsberg, something unexpected happened.Jesse and Walt, who were watching from the sidelines, were nervous, worried that their plan would be exposed.Fortunately, Walter successfully resolved the crisis with his wit and calmness.

During these tense and chaotic days, Jesse and Jane's relationship also changed.Jesse bought a new bed. Jane found out about it and took the initiative to enter Jesse's room, and the two had an intimate relationship again.However, their relationship seems to have become more complicated and nuanced.

Just when Walter and Jesse thought everything was about to return to calm, lawyer Saul suddenly appeared in their lives.He approached Walter and made an unexpected suggestion: If Walter wanted to make his business bigger and stronger, hiring a lawyer was unavoidable.Saul offered to join forces with Walter to face future challenges together.

《Breaking Bad Season 2》E9Plot

Episode 9

In the corridor of the hospital, Walter and Skyler quietly waited for the results of the examination.Walter’s face was pale, and his heart was very heavy.After a CT examination not long ago, he felt that his condition seemed to be getting worse.Skylar tried to remain calm, but her heart was filled with worry.She tried to distract Walter from thinking about the test, but Walter couldn't let go.

Walter decided to leave the hospital temporarily and visit his mother.He knew that his mother had always been worried about his physical condition, and he didn't want her to worry about him anymore.Although Skyler was a little reluctant to leave Walter, he still respected his decision and sent him to the airport personally.

However, Walter didn't actually go to the airport.He found an excuse to leave Skyler, and then met up with his partner Jesse to make drugs together on the weekend.Walter urgently needs money to pay for his medical expenses. At the same time, he also hopes to use this method to divert his attention and temporarily forget the suffering of the disease.

Episode 9

On the weekends, Walt and Jesse make drugs in the desert.They produced a total of 40 pounds of the drug, which they were very satisfied with.However, when preparing to leave, Jesse forgot to take out the keys to the RV, causing the RV to run out of power.Walter felt very helpless and angry about Jesse's carelessness, but they had to face this reality.

In the desert, Walt and Jesse try to generate electricity, but it explodes.Jesse poured out all the water to put out the fire, which made their situation even more difficult.Walter felt so desperate that he began to doubt whether his decision was the right one.However, with Jesse's encouragement, he decided not to give up and used his knowledge of chemistry to recreate a battery.

After some hard work, Walt and Jesse finally succeeded in generating electricity.They left the desert with a load of drugs, and Jesse dropped Walter at the airport.Walter returned to the hospital, waiting for the test results with the Skylar family.When the doctor announced that Walter's treatment had worked, everyone was excited.Walter also felt a little relieved, but he did not forget his recent coughing up blood.The doctor told him that further examination was needed, which made Walter's heart heavy again.

《Breaking Bad Season 2》E10Plot

Episode 10

Walter's condition finally improved significantly. This news was like the warm wind of spring, blowing away the gloom that had enveloped his family and friends.After a long period of recuperation, Walter was eager to return to a normal pace of life, so he planned to return to work.However, his friend Skylar knew that his body still needed further recovery, so he urged him to rest at home so that his body could fully recover.

To celebrate Walter's improvement, Skyler decided to hold a small party for him on Sunday to thank friends and relatives for their care and support.Although Walter felt a little bored at home, he still followed Skyler's advice and chose to rest at home.During this period, he called his friend Jesse, and the two met to share the good news.Jesse was overjoyed when he heard the news that Walter's condition was improving, and they had an in-depth discussion about future plans.

Episode 10

The day of the party arrived as scheduled, and Skyler warmly entertained the guests and thanked them for their continued support and encouragement.At the party, Skyler made a special mention of the Elliotts, who were unable to attend, and expressed his gratitude to them.However, this move angered Walter, who believed that Skylar placed too much emphasis on the help of others and ignored his own efforts in recovery.Walter, who was out of control, got drunk at the party and had a fierce argument with his friend Hank. The scene was very embarrassing for a time.Skylar was very angry about this, and she believed that Walter should cherish this opportunity for recovery instead of letting his emotions control his behavior.

Meanwhile, Jesse is living his own life.In the morning, he got up to prepare breakfast for Jane, and the relationship between the two gradually heated up in daily moments.However, when Walter sobered up, he sincerely apologized to Skyler for his gaffe.The water pipe at home suddenly leaked, and Walter had to put aside his worries temporarily and start repairing it.

Skyler was in the office, listening to the apology message left by Walter, while handling his daily work.Her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden visit from Tate, who gave Skylar warm comfort after learning that Walter had lung cancer.When Jesse was getting along with Jane, he was angry because Jane didn't introduce him to his father. Jane explained that she did this to protect Jesse.However, Jesse felt that Jane did not include him in her future plans, and ran away from home in anger.

《Breaking Bad Season 2》E11Plot

Episode 11

The world of drugs is never calm, it is full of unknowns and dangers.Walter and Jesse, the once-famous drug dealer partnership, have recently encountered unprecedented difficulties.One of their men was shot dead and the others quit, bringing their drug business to a standstill.

Faced with this situation, Walter and Jesse found their old friend Saul for help.Saul, as an experienced drug dealer, knew the stakes.He suggested that the pair find a new drug dealer to take their place and continue their drug business.

However, this decision upset Jesse.He was tired of this kind of life, and this incident made him even more tired.Jane, as his partner, tried her best to comfort him and try to calm him down.With Jane's comfort, Jesse finally revealed all about his drug production and trafficking. He hoped that Jane could stay away from it all and stop interfering in his affairs.

However, Jane did not leave.When she was about to leave, she suddenly turned back to find Jesse and expressed her willingness to face all this with him.On the other side, Walter was waiting for Jesse's arrival at a fast food restaurant. Both of them were very excited, and a big quarrel was inevitable.

Episode 11

At the same time, Skyler was in the hospital for a prenatal check-up. She and Walter saw the baby's ultrasound image together. The joy of that moment made them temporarily forget the troubles outside.However, when Skylar was celebrating Ted's birthday in the office, she flirted with Ted in public, which made Walter's mood more complicated.

However, a bigger crisis is yet to come.Saul called Walter to inform Walter that the new drug dealer was not willing to take over their business.This news made Walter very angry, and he began to look for a new solution.In the fast food restaurant, he suddenly realized that the owner of the fast food restaurant might be the drug dealer they needed.Walt immediately asked him to cooperate, but the drug dealer was very dissatisfied with Jesse's lazy attitude.

On the other hand, Skyler discovered many loopholes in the company's accounting books, and she advised Tate not to evade taxes.However, Tate had his own frustrations and did not want Skyler to report.Skylar said he was unwilling to stay, which made Ted feel helpless.

While Jesse was depressed at home, Jane brought drugs to share with him in order to comfort him.The two were so excited at home that they temporarily forgot about the crisis outside.However, they all know that all this is just a temporary escape, and the real problems still need to be faced.

While invigilating the exam at school, Walter suddenly received a call from Gus, who expressed his willingness to buy all his goods for $12,000.Walt immediately called Jesse to tell him the good news.However, at this time, Jesse and Jane were in an inextricable state at home, and they seemed to have been completely swallowed up by the world of drugs.

Skyler is already in the hospital expecting to give birth, and Walter must choose between taking care of the family and dealing with the drug business.He finally chose to take all the drugs away and rush to the hospital to be with Skyler.At this moment, he may have realized that the world of drugs cannot bring him real happiness. What he needs is the warmth and tranquility of his family.

《Breaking Bad Season 2》E12Plot

Episode 12

Walter hurried to the hospital with great joy.He held his daughter tightly, his heart filled with the excitement and happiness of becoming a father for the first time.However, when Ted drove Skylar to the hospital, Walter's joy was broken by a trace of doubt.He observed the interaction between the two and suspected that they might have an extraordinary relationship.

However, the pressure of life did not give Walter much time to delve into these trivial matters.He hurried home and carefully hid all the money while sorting out the items he needed to take to the hospital.He knew that the money was a life-saving straw for his family and a guarantee for the cost of the surgery he was about to face.

At this time, Jane suddenly received a call from her father and she needed to go out immediately.When Jesse woke up, he was surprised to find that all the drugs were gone.Anger and panic surged through him, and he began looking for clues to find out who had stolen his drugs.

Episode 12

Although Skyler was physically exhausted after giving birth, her heart was full of determination.She wants to return to work as soon as possible because she knows that Walter is about to face a major surgery and the financial pressure on the family will be even greater.However, Walter was annoyed by his inability to take care of his family and insisted that he would take care of the money problem.

However, things developed beyond Walter's expectation.Jesse finds him and angrily accuses him of stealing his drugs.He asked Walt to give him the dividends he deserved, but Walt firmly refused to give the money to Jesse, who was still taking drugs.The quarrel between the two became more intense, and Walter's home seemed to be at the center of a storm.

Meanwhile, Walter's son set up an online donation box in the hope of raising money for his father's surgery.However, Walter resolutely refused to accept charity from others.He believed this was a violation of his dignity.Skyler was very angry about this. She felt that Walter was wasting his son's kindness by doing this.

In this chaotic moment, Saul made a suggestion that seemed feasible.He suggested that Walter launder the drug money first and then use it.This can not only avoid being traced, but also solve Walter's urgent need.After hearing this, Walter felt a little shaken.He mentioned the website his son was building, and Saul suggested he could use his son's account to launder money.

However, this plan failed to calm the turmoil at home.Jane's father discovered that Jesse and Jane were taking drugs. He was so angry that he wanted to call the police.In order to calm her father's anger, Jane temporarily agreed to go to a rehabilitation center.But she called Walter immediately after leaving and threatened him to give Jesse the money.Walter was shocked and had to succumb to Jane's threat.

Eventually, Walter ran into Jane's father in a bar, and the two had a deep conversation.Walter tries to explain his situation, but Jane's father is disappointed and angry at his behavior.On the way to Jesse's house, Walter found Jane dead from a drug overdose.His heart was filled with grief and anger, and he knew that all this chaos and pain was because they could not escape the temptation and shackles of drugs.

《Breaking Bad Season 2》E13Plot

Episode 13

Jesse wakes up from his sleep, only to find that his friend Jane has closed her eyes forever due to a drug overdose.He couldn't suppress the grief in his heart and cried bitterly, but he was helpless.Faced with this sudden tragedy, he urgently needed help and comfort.

Walt, a friend of Jesse's, is at home taking care of the children.After receiving Jesse's call, he immediately dropped what he was doing and started looking for a solution.He knew that Jane's death was not only a problem for Jesse alone, but also a cancer problem in their circle and even society - drugs.Walter decisively called Saul and asked for his help.

Saul was an influential figure, and he quickly sent someone to deal with the drugs in the room, while also sparing Jesse some possible trouble.However, regarding Jane's death, they all know that this is just the beginning, and the real challenge is yet to come.

Walter tried to distract himself with busy chores, but his son was immersed in his own fundraising website and seemed oblivious to the tragedy.Jane's father, who was originally going to take Jane to a rehabilitation center, saw an ambulance at the door of his home and discovered his daughter's cold body.He was heartbroken and could not accept this cruel reality.

Episode 13

Walt called Jesse and tried to comfort him, but Jesse didn't answer the phone.His mind was severely damaged and he could not extricate himself.Hank, on the other hand, was also busy raising funds at his workplace. People donated money one after another, trying to use this method to resist the fear and uneasiness in his heart.

Jane's death was like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples.Walter knew he had to take action to help those harmed by drugs and change the situation.He found Jesse, but Jesse had fallen into deep despair.

Jane's father began to pack up his daughter's belongings, and every item made him feel heartbroken.Walter cared for his daughter at home and tried to keep her away from the shadow of this tragedy.However, his son is still obsessed with his fundraising website, as if the world has nothing to do with him.

Skyler was also involved in the controversy. He received a call from Mary and learned that one of her friends was going to interview Walter's son.It made him uneasy and he knew the family was already under too much stress.

Gus's visit brought a new impact to the family.He came to visit the DEA and also donated money to Walter's fundraiser.However, his presence did not seem to bring much comfort to the family.

Walt tries his best to help Jesse out of the shadows, sending him to a spa.However, Jesse still couldn't get rid of the pain and helplessness in his heart.Walter returned home only to find that the interview team had arrived at his home.He drove them away angrily, knowing that the family had endured too much exposure and interruption.

Walter, who was preparing for surgery in the hospital, faced a life challenge.Skylar and his son accompanied him, their eyes full of worry and uneasiness.The operation went very smoothly, but Walter's physical condition was still worrying.

After the surgery, Walter went to the doctor with Skylar.Doctors told them that Walter needed to rest before he could recover.However, when Walter and Skyler returned home, Skyler was packing his belongings and preparing to leave.He bluntly stated that he had discovered Walter's series of lies and could no longer believe him.Walter wanted to explain, but Skylar was losing patience.

Jane's father was haunted by the death of his daughter. He made a mistake while commanding the plane to fly, causing the two planes to collide in the air.This tragedy has aroused widespread concern in society, and people have begun to reflect on the harm of drugs to individuals and society.

Walter was drinking alone by his swimming pool, his heart full of pain and helplessness.Suddenly, a loud noise broke the quiet night, and pieces of the plane fell into the swimming pool.He looked at the fragments with mixed feelings in his heart.He knew that all of this was the consequences of drugs and was an inescapable reality in their circle.

Breaking Bad Season 2

Breaking Bad Season 2

Total 13 Episodes Mar 08, 2009 Us Crime Actor: bessie brandt Aaron Paul Anna Gunn Bryan Cranston