《Trade War》Ep Intro

The Taiwanese drama - Trade War - is directed by director Hong Zipeng and produced by Gao Ruiyang. This drama is based on the story of the first-generation industrialist Lin Deng. It tells a human story full of love between men and women, brotherly feuding, and intrigue in shopping malls.

Starring Fu Mengbai, Shao Yuwei, Hayato Ichihara, Li Guoyi, Chie Tanaka, Zhou Xiaohan...etc.Based on the story of the first-generation industrialist Lin Deng (played by Fu Mengbai), it reveals the little-known inside story of business wars.His virtuous wife (played by Shao Yuwei) is a smart and reserved woman.A street boy (played by Li Guoyi) who was born in poverty, he did not hesitate to marry into a wealthy family (played by Zhou Xiaohan) in order to get high.The owner of a suit shop (played by Chie Tanaka) with excellent social skills makes these two men fall in love with her.

《Trade War》E1Plot

Episode 1: A bowl of noodles costs 200,000

Is it possible to buy two bags of rice for 100 yuan in an era when a bowl of noodles costs 200,000 yuan and money is worth less than materials?When Lin Deng (played by Fu Mengbai) proposed a deal to the big businessman Liu Shuishen (played by Zheng Jinyi), the other party was very unhappy, but he then gave information: the Kuomintang was about to retreat to Taiwan, and provided Liu Shuishen with excellent business opportunities, andAll this is just in exchange for two bags of rice so that the local folks have something to eat.Xueyu (played by Shao Yuwei) at home fed the villagers, but she watched her husband Lin Deng do good deeds until she had nothing to eat, which made her angry and funny.

Episode 1: A bowl of noodles costs 200,000

In 1953, when the Korean War came to an end, the Hsinchu Huang family, one of the five major families, had no eldest son, so they recruited Huang Hongda (played by Li Guoyi) to marry the family's rebellious daughter Huang Mingqiu (played by Zhou Xiaohan), asking him to revitalize the Huang family and marry General Ma Renfu.(played by Zhu Degang) built a good relationship and took the position of chairman when Hua Ni was privatized. At this time, Lin Deng, who was the chairman of the Provincial Cement Association, also tried to get close to General Ma to inquire about the privatization of Hua Ni., and after learning that the Huang family was going to entertain General Ma in a private room of the large restaurant, they booked a grand ceremony on the next floor, which impressed General Ma deeply.On that day, the plan worked. General Ma sent his goddaughter Masami (played by Chie Tanaka) to ask for a business card from him; but this plan caused Huang Hongda to be scolded by General Ma for not understanding the information about the banquet.The relationship seems to have ended since then.

The next day, General Ma went to Lin Deng to discuss, asking him to persuade the five major families to exchange land for Huani stocks, and promised not to treat them badly. The two parties negotiated terms, and the first task was to convince the Huang family, who was most familiar with General Ma.Unexpectedly, when Lin Deng visited Huang's house and saw Huang Hongda, he called out his other name, Kentaro. What kind of relationship did the two have?

《Trade War》E2Plot

Episode 2: Striving to become the general manager of Huani

It turns out that Kentaro and Lin Deng were childhood playmates, but now he is the representative of the Huang family in Hsinchu and only recognizes the name Huang Hongda.Although Huang Hongda stood on the opposite side of Lin Deng, after hearing General Ma's plan, he agreed to exchange the Huang family's land for Huani stock in order to gain the opportunity to become the general manager of Huani.

Episode 2: Striving to become the general manager of Huani

It is a pity that the Huang family only has 16 acres of land. For General Ma, who wants to build a large-scale construction, it is just trivial and not enough to call on other big families to join.Therefore, General Ma assigned Lin Deng and Huang Hongda to lobby the two most famous families among the five major families: the richest man Gao Wuye (played by Lin Zaipei) and Master Shanhua Zhuang (played by Xixiang).Whoever succeeds in getting them to publish in the newspaper and exchange government land for stocks will be the general manager of Huani.

Huang Hongda first visited the Zhuang family's ancestral home in Shanhua, and performed a show - Red Maned Horse - Grand Descent - with Mr. Zhuang, who loves drama, which impressed him so much that he got the opportunity to have a breakfast meeting.During the meeting, Huang Hongda told everything in order to win Lin Deng, and expressed his willingness to give up the position and stock of Huani's general manager to Mr. Zhuang, which made him readily agree; Lin Deng went to Yamei's suit shop to visit Mr. Gao Wu.The two of them seemed to have some ambiguous feelings during the custom-made suit and measurement process.

After putting on a new suit and arriving at the Gao family's residence in Banqiao, Gao Wuye entertained Lin Deng with cigarettes and tea. If he didn't use them, there would be nothing to talk about, and he risked his life as he was asthmatic.After finishing the cigarette, Lin Deng had an asthma attack and was sent home for emergency treatment. Gao Wuye, who was hiding behind the scenes, appeared for this purpose. Firstly, he was moved by his behavior, but secondly, he did not want to go against the National Government.And agreed to exchange the Gao family's land for stocks.

Seeing the two major families agreeing one after another, General Ma was quite happy and praised Yamei for knowing how to read people, which made the plan work.General Ma thought that Lin Deng and Huang Hongda could compete with each other, so he planned to invite the two of them to a banquet and asked Yamei to make Huang Hongda jealous.What's General Ma's hidden plot in this situation?

《Trade War》E3Plot

Episode 3: Huang Hongda was picked up by Master Zhuang

At the banquet, General Ma greatly praised Lin Deng and Huang Hongda for successfully getting Mr. Gao Wu and Mr. Zhuang to exchange their land for Huani stocks.Immediately afterwards, General Ma promised Lin Deng the future general manager position of Huani, which made Huang Hongda very unhappy and questioned him, which resulted in a scolding.Lin Deng seems to have come out on top in this game of chess.

In 1954, a Hua Ni board meeting was held in Taipei's Zhongshan Building. Everyone was present to elect the chairman and general manager.Not surprisingly, the chairman of the board was Gao Bailu, who had given the most land and was also the largest shareholder; however, when selecting the general manager, Gao Wuye bluntly wanted to take over the position of general manager and appointed Huang Hongda as associate manager, while LinThe light showed nothing, leaving him and all the dealers confused.With resentment, Lin Deng ran to Yamei's suit shop to inquire about the truth behind it. It turned out that General Ma had already reached an agreement with Master Gao Wu and Master Zhuang.The condition that Mr. Gao Wu agreed to was to win the two positions of chairman and general manager. The condition of Mr. Zhuang was that Huang Hongda, who he was interested in, could have a good position.From beginning to end, Lin Deng and Huang Hongda were just insignificant pawns.

At the end of the meeting, neither Lin Deng nor Huang Hongda were satisfied with the result.Huang Hongda first went to a restaurant to drink and play with women. After getting drunk, he ran to Yamei's suit shop and tried to assault her, but was stopped by Lin Deng who was passing by.The two fought fiercely, using the kendo that Lin Deng taught Huang Hongda when he was a child.In the heavy rain, Huang Hongda, who was defeated in embarrassment, was picked up by Master Zhuang. He was taken with him during the light and dark meetings, and he even set up a trap to perform a fairy dance on Zhou Guohui, the director of the Materials Bureau, so that Huang Hongda could have a good bargaining chip to negotiate business with him.

China Cement, which had just been privatized, was full of problems. Cement production was unstable, and builders couldn't buy the goods and resorted to smuggling. However, the biggest problem was that General Ma personally visited China Cement and blamed all the past state-owned conditions on the chairman.Gao Wuye and Chang Dong Lin Deng asked them to make up for the shortage of 3,500 tons of military cement within a week.At this time, Lin Deng's wife Xueyu saw that her husband was becoming more and more detached from the family and his behavior became more and more strange, so she came to Yamei's suit shop and planned to have a good talk with her...

《Trade War》E4Plot

Episode 4: Secretly promise not to let him do anything wrong

When his deeds were revealed, Director Zhou of the Bureau of Materials became the scapegoat. He was forced by Huang Hongda and Master Zhuang to sign a confession and then hanged himself. His wife was taken to Shanhua Zhuang's house to work as a maid, and his daughter was sold to Zuiyuelou Restaurant in Taichung.At this time, Takeda Liaoping (played by Hayato Ichihara), who was having an affair with Huang Hongda's wife Huang Mingqiu, obtained the certificate and was sent by Huang Hongda to manage the Hua Mud Pipe Warehouse.Even if he is dissatisfied, this is the only position he can live openly and openly. As soon as he arrives at the warehouse, he puts on a high profile and tells all the workers that they will definitely be prosperous and prosperous in the future if they follow him.

Mr. Fukuyama was brought to Lin Deng's house for confrontation. Lin Deng produced evidence that he knew where the gold was hidden, and said that he would not be prosecuted, but that he should go back to Japan obediently and not take away any cement, gold, or Yamei.General Ma was also very unhappy about the cement black market incident. He invited Huang Hongda, Master Zhuang, Lin Deng, and Master Gao to have a drink at Ma's house, warning everyone to put aside their prejudices and do things well without tit-for-tat.Later, during the construction of the Dajian Reservoir on the Zhongheng Highway, General Ma specially summoned Huang Hongda to warn him privately, not to forget that he was a member of the Huang family. He had an ear to ear with Chiang Kai-shek. They knew who was causing trouble and had to be strategic in everything they did., secretly allowing him to act so recklessly.

《Trade War》E5Plot

Episode 5: Once again, all dealers in Taiwan are plunged into chaos

Episode 5: Once again, all dealers in Taiwan are plunged into chaos

At the breakfast table of Lin Deng's house, Yamei, who was still injured, was also eating together. Xueyu was still dissatisfied with the relationship between her and her husband, but since it was difficult to interfere, it was better to be more familiar with Yamei than her husband, so she proposedShe wants to make suits with Yamei, but Yamei is also unable to do business due to her injury, so she agrees to Xueyu's request to teach her how to make suits and teach her business skills.

The camera came to the warehouse. Xu Zai (played by Liao Qinliang) from Xu Construction came to ask for cement. He said that the money was paid and the application was passed. Why was the cement not shipped? Takeda Liaohei still looked like a gangster., saying that he would not ship the goods because he did not pay the fee. Xu Zai was so angry that he ran to complain to Lin Deng.After learning about this, Lin Deng came to the warehouse to inspect, and was furious when he saw all the workers acting wildly.Takeda Liaohei said calmly that Lin Deng could not touch him. He was the person sent by Huang Hongda. After speaking, he burned all the information recording cement transaction records and explained how to get 60,000 tons of cement out of these eight warehouses.Huo, there is no written record now, only his head remembers it, so Lin Deng doesn't know how to deal with him for a while.Hua Ni's inability to produce cement once again plunged all dealers in Taiwan into chaos...

《Trade War》E6Plot

Episode 6: These manufacturers of Lin Deng Tube

The angry manufacturer smashed the glass on the first floor of Huani, while Lin Deng upstairs found Huang Hongda to argue in Gao Wuye's office.Huang Hongda said easily that the overcharged fees were just overtime pay for employees. It was normal for some manufacturers to give more money in red envelopes in order to ship goods earlier. Lin Deng was asked not to make a fuss.Even Gao Wuye has no intention of pursuing the case, as long as Lin Deng takes good care of these manufacturers.The cement that cost 35 yuan now has a 20 yuan fee added. The manufacturers complained to Lin Deng again and again, and the business was losing money.

Episode 6: These manufacturers of Lin Deng Tube

Takeda Liaohei, who had made a lot of money, came to the suit store with his men to harass Yamei, asking her to make a suit for him with more expensive fabrics.Originally, Masami wanted to refuse, but Yutsutama randomly took a piece of fabric and lied that it was the most expensive and rarest fabric in the store. Takeda Liaohei was very happy to hear this and asked for this piece of cloth to be made into a suit.The arrogant Takeda Liaohei summoned all the cement manufacturers and asked them to vote for him in the next provincial cement association chairman election. If they voted for him, they would only be charged 4.5 yuan in future fees; if they did not vote for him, they would only be charged 4.5 yuan.Next month's fee will be 25 yuan, and will increase by 5 yuan every month.In order to survive, all manufacturers had no choice but to abandon their lanterns and join Takeda Liaohei's command.

Lin Deng was discouraged by the repeated blows. He came to Yamei's suit shop late at night drunk, vomited all over the floor, fell next to the sofa, and apologized frequently, saying that he was sorry for everyone.Xueyu arrived immediately after receiving the news that her husband had collapsed in the suit shop. She saw her husband leaning in Yamei's arms in depression. This time she wanted to endure the pain and hoped that Yamei would take Lin Deng in tonight.But Yamei said that it was impossible for her and Lin Deng to have a continuation. She could take Lin Deng in, but Xueyu also had to stay. She was the first thing Lin Deng saw when he woke up.The next day, Lin Deng woke up in Xue Yu's arms, and the two of them went to buy soy milk and fried dough sticks for breakfast.However, the owner of the breakfast shop told them that the shop would close next month because the crazy price increase of cement made it impossible to build his house, so he had to turn to doing rough work on the Zhongheng Highway. Although it was dangerous, it paid a lot more money.

Hearing what the breakfast shop owner said, Lin Deng was very unhappy and wanted to solve the problem at hand.At this time, Xueyu said that she had an idea and went to the warehouse with Lin Deng to check it out.Sure enough, as Xueyu expected, her mahjong skills came in handy during this period. Bags of cement were placed according to certain rules, just like the marks on the mahjong table. All she had to do was confirm with a few of the manufacturers.With time and quantity, we can decipher the mark placed by Takeda Ryohei!

《Trade War》E7Plot

Episode 7: Manufacturer’s lynching revenge

After learning that his suit was of inferior quality, Takeda Ryohei went to Masami's suit shop to make a fuss and asked her to use her own body to apologize to him later.Fortunately, Takeda Ryohei's retribution came soon. After the layout of the cement in the warehouse was cracked by Lin Deng and Xue Yu, his advantage was no longer there and he was directly fired by Huani. The younger brother and the manufacturers he used to exploit were directly fired.The lynching retaliated and severely injured him.

Episode 7: Manufacturer’s lynching revenge

The scarred Takeda Liaohei fell into Huang Mingqiu's arms and was treated carefully. Seeing his wife wholeheartedly taking care of others, Huang Hongda felt very uncomfortable. The memories of being bullied by Takeda Liaohei in the past also emerged at the same time. His rational line was broken.Taking out her most precious sword - Lin Deng gave it to him, with Kentaro's sword engraved on it - and killed Takeda Ryohei.Witnessing the death of his lover, Huang Mingqiu collapsed and decided to jump off the building and rush to hell together.Master Zhuang, who witnessed everything happening downstairs in the hotel, decided to wipe out the farce and took Huang Hongda away with him.

Seeing all the troubles happening, Lin Deng made up his mind to become the chairman of Shang Shang Hua Cement and rectify the internal atmosphere and system, so as to stabilize the supply of cement and stabilize the lives of local residents.And Yamei, who recovered from the chaos, decided to close the suit shop, leave Taipei, and live in other cities.On the eve of leaving, she made one last suit for Lin Deng, hoping that he could achieve his ideal and become the chairman of Huani.

In order to successfully become the chairman, one month before the board of directors, Lin Deng and the labor union contacted all small shareholders across Taiwan and persuaded them to sign power of attorney and vote for Lin Deng to serve as chairman.On the day of the board meeting, the plan went smoothly, and Lin Deng's votes far exceeded those of Master Gao Wu and Master Zhuang.However, just when everyone thought Lin Deng was stable as chairman, soldiers appeared and took him to the president of the country.In the end, the state intervened, pulling down Lin Deng and letting Gao Wuye continue to serve as chairman.

Although he failed to become the chairman, Lin Deng still won 70% of the shares, which was still a big step towards success for the labor union and small shareholders everywhere.When Lin Deng walked out of the venue, everyone applauded him.Finally, in history, Lin Deng served as the managing director for 30 years, and in 1898, he became the vice chairman of Cement.

Trade War

Trade War

Total 7 Episodes Feb 17, 2024 C-Drama Rom Actor: Zhou Xiaohan Li Guoyi Shao Yuwei Fu Mengbai